Common AZ Real Estate Forms

An Overview For Buyers

Warning:  Buyers are always ultimately responsible for their own due diligence.  Buyers should not use this video as a substitute for thoroughly reading the documents on their own.
Video #1 gives an overview of the most common Arizona real estate forms and how they apply in most buyer  purchases.  We will be glad to go through any or all of your documents with you in greater detail.  In particular, we will go through any aspects of your transaction which are less common and not covered in the video.  Please let us know if there is anything of concern to you or that you feel you do not understand.

See  Video #2 below for instructions on e-signing documents.

(1) Common Buyer Forms

Click the gray line segments to skip to different sections of the video.

(2) How to E-Sign a Document

the "Prescott Pickle Lady"
Pickle Lady
Diane Breaux
(928) 955-8528
Pickle Lady
Diane Breaux
(928) 955-8528
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