Paint is Your Friend

Most sellers don’t want to hear it… but when it comes to maximizing the selling price of your home, your best friend is just a bucket away: It’s paint! In this episode the Pickle Lady shares some horror stories of selling disasters that could have been covered up with an quick and easy coat or two.

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Virtual Revolution

The pandemic has given rise to a new way of doing real estate – a virtual revolution; and, as always, the Pickle Lady is at the front of the charge. In this episode we explore the what, the why, and the how of real estate’s latest innovations.

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Outlook 2020

Things have been good here in Prescott, but people are apprehensive. After the big melt down of 2008, they are waiting for the shoe to drop. In this episode, the Pickle Lady shares some thoughts on what makes this build up different and why Prescott has plenty of reason to remain optimistic.

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Hear the Pickle Lady confess just how unfaithful she can be and the secret behind her wild popularity with sellers (besides the pickles)… plus join us for a spectacular open house with a view to die for.

See the

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Shenanigans Revealed

The Pickle Lady gets feisty as she discusses how to look out for yourself against the naughty.

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Real Estate Voodoo

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The Good Seller

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