Month: September 2021
WZ Asian Bistro
Here's a great new spot out in Prescott Valley you have to try. Although the exact name remains somewhat elusive, it's quickly becoming the new Prescott nexus for all things Asian and delicious. Check it out.Video Transcript
hello folks hello peeps this is diane and randall bro here you are the pick lady that’s right i am the pickle lady you are correct and uh we discovered thank you we discovered a great new place we’re so excited yes um sometimes in prescott it might be a little hard to find some good asian food correct lots of thai we need lots of people yeah we’re going to do an episode on thai food yeah uh smatterings of chinese yeah uh a couple of sushis but uh this is asian asian bistro and it it does all those it’s amazing it’s in prescott valley and it’s a combination of both so you can get amazing chinese food and amazing sushi sushi and it’s all contained under one roof you’ve got your your sake hot or cold whatever you want that’s right and it’s yummy it’s very yummy and it’s uh it’s not not just the asian bistro it’s like w z or ws or something whatever those letters are no one ever remembers that yeah that’s what everyone seems to be calling it oh the asian beast is red probably should have looked good lost before we started talking about it we’ll put it up we’ll we’ll uh we’ll have him edit in yeah you’ll see the official name of it it’s on 69. it can’t be beat though can’t be beat yeah the decor is really cool it’s super cool very charming yeah nice or not tiki but just sort of it’s kind of like authentic japanese yeah and they also have some japanese stuff in there too but you know you go in and it’s kind of set up like i don’t know what you call those houses and but anyway yeah a little yeah yeah with lots of plain wood right right it was super cool great experience great good time with jeannie weenie shout out to jean shout out to jeannie weeney our friend got the uh chinese and i think i got sushi you did yeah sushi was good times left over yeah tons left over but the chinese food was good very yeah it was very enjoyable so we wanted to pass that out to everybody out there if you’re looking for a new place to try asian bistro hit it it’s fantastic yeah good stuff lots of asian things happen yeah very good all right we hope maybe we’ll see you there one day absolutely if you need any help with any real estate needs listing or buying feel free to give us a call at 713-302-1964 or you can find us online at pickle411.com you’re buy or sell sellers somewhere in between lots of free and useful information absolutely we are here to help you on the next step absolutely all right friends have a wonderful day bye
Animals at Your Service
Exotic pets can be all fun and games... unless you run afoul of the latest real estate laws on what's allowed and what's required of buyers, sellers, and their agents. In this episode the Pickle Lady reveals all the latest updates, so you can be sure to not step in that.Video Transcript
what’s up hello peeps this is diane and
randall bro here she used pickle lady
we’re in prescott arizona yes the lovely
brisket arizona talking about life and
real estate life in real estate and with
our little pickle mugs
that’s right coffee mug waiting for it
looks like a little monsoon might be
coming in
again which would be so nice
great monsoon season this year
so today we kind of went to talk about
something uh service animal
rules service animal rules yeah and this
is very interesting
there are service animals which you just
think would be a dog correct
um but you were wrong it’s dogs as well
as miniature that’s right miniature
horses miniature horses so when it’s
what constitutes a service animal does
it have to just give you emotional no no
no no those are two different things
okay there are service animals and those
are highly highly trained
animals uh it could be dogs or your
miniature pony if that’s what you have
uh which apparently they’re supposed to
be super super smart and they’re just as
trainable as a dog and they are house
they are everything but anyway a service
animal really serves its owner these are
people that it will help guide them it
can sense if a seizure is coming on it
can sense if um you’re about to faint
whatever and they will if you do fall
they will go and seek help
um they guide you they lead you uh
they’re they’re totally there to serve
their owner who whatever in whatever
capacity they may need see i don’t need
one of those
i keep you just in case you know i need
any help i i am i am the servant she is
so uh when it comes to
looking for homes uh and you bring your
if you have a service animal your animal
or your miniature horse has to be
allowed it has to be allowed it has to
be allowed 100 when you’re going into a
um that is permissible the difference
what you were talking about emotional
support animals that’s a little
um they are those are more varied it can
even be a ferret it can be a little pot
belly pig it can be a cat
some people have snakes i can’t imagine
that being emotionally supportive but
hey i’m no offense to you people who
love snakes and lizards and all that
good stuff
um but uh
those critters
those uh you have to have a certificate
that it’s an emotional support animal
and if you wanted to rent or rent a
place they have to allow those animals
into your into the rental into the
rental that’s you you know you’re
allowed to do that
um but it’s not mandated so
it’s just kind of interesting that
you know
they can let you bring them in
um you have to be very careful as long
as they are not a threat okay as long as
they’re not uh danger a danger to other
you know other people surrounding
like a snake
so it’s just kind of interesting yeah
service animals really just do more
performing for their so if you are a
and someone requests is showing yeah
your agent is obligated to let their
service animal through now can you ask
i assume you can ask for documentation
no uh service animals will have it on
there should have it on their collar and
everything emotional support no they’re
not gonna you don’t have to so you don’t
have to let an emotional support animal
in but you do have to let the service
out yes you have to you have to obey
so it’s just something kind of
interesting a little
differentiation um
but we all love our pets all of our pets
so uh just to be clear
if you are
a seller and your listing age you are
the listing agent
uh refuses to let the service
miniature pony
into your house um you could get sued
you could get in trouble for that
yeah get in trouble with license trouble
and stuff like that because it’s not an
option this is not an option that is
it’s not an option um for people who
want to rent though you do have to
accept your emotional support animals as
well as long as they’re not aggressive
threatening or anything else and uh
you’re not even required if you’re
renting and you have an emotional
support animal you will not have to pay
the extra pet deposit
oh yeah
so just make sure that’s deposited from
yeah service animal
or the emotional support both
both yeah so just be sure that your
emotional support animal is is sweet and
taming yeah
and you’ll be good to go
and so yeah if you want to anybody out
there who has a service dog or a service
pony we would love to help you
we would love it i’d love to see you get
your service pony into your show
absolutely yeah i don’t know if i have a
place to put a service pony in the van
but uh we’ll try we’ll try to figure it
out absolutely
so new rules times are changing
just wanted to share that with all of
you guys
so lots of information if you’re looking
for yeah they look for more information
a great place to look including i guess
service animals and the rules and
everything pickle 411.com is our online
connection to you whether you’re a buyer
seller somewhere in between or you can
call the pickle lady hotline at
you got it
give us a call we’ll be happy to help
you we take all pets that’s right all
service animals all emotional we’re here
for you the pickle lady also gives
emotional support during the buying and
selling process
yes that’s why she’s alive i could be
like your own personal sometimes
emotional support and i’m happy to do
absolutely i don’t even need a
certificate yeah i’m okay i’ll i’ll i’ll
try to fill that capacity in whatever
way i can
i’m getting one of those pigs oh
yeah i like a little pig too that’d be
i always wonder what but then you gotta
be careful because sometimes they’re not
so miniature they end up tricking you
yeah and then they get to be 400 pounds
and you’re like what has happened
yeah you could have a couch on uh
yeah yeah which is
suckling pig suckling pig
barbecued over a fire pit
it’s a louisiana thing folks
Event Calendar – September 2021
Prescott by the Numbers – August 2020
In this month’s Prescott Home Value Report Summary Video, we discuss how the Prescott market is beginning to moderate – even as prices continue to rise… Crazy!
Click Here –> Get Latest Pickle Reports
To get the Full Home Value Report,
the Latest Home Comps, and
Top 100 Subdivision Snapshots,
Click Here –> Get Latest Pickle Reports
Real Estate Twilight Zone
We've been getting lots of questions about homes in Prescott that are "Active with Contingency." It's a state of nature that can only be found within the confines of the Prescott-area MLS. In this episode, we explain this eerie twilight state and how it came to be.Video Transcript
good afternoon my little fellow pickle
peeps out there hello peeps cheers to
can you see my lady yeah we got our
green screen ready coffee mugs now yes
won’t bore holes into us anymore that’s
right although i’m wearing green stripes
i think you’ll be okay
we’ll see we’ll see we’ll see
today we wanted to talk about something
that we get a lot of phone calls about
and it is
i think this house is still available it
says active with contingency
with contingency it’s really kind of the
bane of our existence it really is all
right so so just to be clear there’s no
such thing
as active with a contingency that does
not exist that’s like saying
dead and breathing
that’s a contradiction of terms you
can’t have a contingency
unless there’s a contract right and if
there’s a contract it’s not active it’s
not active
um so in the olden days this used to
just be called plano pending
and everybody knew what that meant it’s
under contract and sometimes they put in
there uh we are taking backups but
essentially was a done deal yeah now
they’ve changed it you know we can still
use pending occasionally but it’s a cash
deal and they know it’s going forward
yeah so just to be clear what this is
about is a complete screw-up
uh on our uh a local association
they redesigned the menu pull down
i have been doing computer programming
since i was in eighth grade
and i have never seen menus so poorly
designed and create more confusion
than these it is confusing it’s um i
think they had the best of intentions
they did they did but it doesn’t
translate well yeah so let’s talk a
little bit about what the reality is
like what what are the different
of a contract in real estate so
it’s not complicated either it’s active
on the market right or for sale yeah for
or it’s pending which means there’s
contract yeah that’s right it’s either
active or compended or pending right and
that’s kind of it
uh so it used to be you had active you
had pending and you had pending taking
meaning we already have an offer but if
you want to put in a backup offer you
can do that yeah and everyone understood
that it was pretty simple it was pretty
uh there is another another shade of
this and that is uh
pending but there’s a buyer contingency
so if there’s a buyer contingency and
you have
say a cash offer or an offer without a
contingency that’s right uh you can
knock out that’s right the offer that’s
there you you can approach the seller
and the seller has the option of uh
telling the current buyer with the
contingency look you either either have
to get rid of the contingency or you’re
out and you can take your owner’s money
that’s correct so i guess what par was
trying to do
was to let people see if if there was a
contingency if there was any opening
yeah that you might wiggle in yeah and
so really all they had to do was add
pending with contingency yeah uh and
instead they created active with
contingency which as i said is a
contradiction in terms
and instead of just putting it all on
one drop down menu they’re two drop down
yes uh so you have to check the other
one i it’s it’s oh my god it’s um it’s
pretty bad
so active with contingency essentially
means pending yeah
and and actually it means it needs a
little more than that right now very few
people are taking contingencies so if
you if you see active with contingency
essentially that means pending with a
right you can’t you can’t take a backup
and you can’t set it in mls so if you
want to you’re the listing agent and you
want to accept backups you have to call
it active with contingency and there’s a
separate field i forgot what the
separate field is and it will say take
it back up so take them back up the only
way you can say pending and sometimes
thinking back up is using this crazy
active brand and sometimes it will
indicate uh buyer contingency which you
kind of gives you to go ahead like hey
if you guys have cash we might be able
to wiggle in here which is that’s kind
of nice to know yeah
so if you consider think about
active with contingency just translate
that in your mind it means
pending taking backup essentially and
you can check the other field to see if
there’s a contingency involved right now
they’re they’re basically they’re really
aren’t yeah
no one’s accepting contingencies
um especially buyers contingencies
absolutely not you know what i mean it’s
just it’s too hot of a market friends
there’s something something about
having something in print
on a website though
that people think it’s real yeah whether
it’s zillow or it’s this active with
with contingent well it says active with
contingency well let me explain with
that but it says i know so don’t get
confused although it is confusing it’s
very good um just take it to me it’s
pretty much pending and
that door is closed yeah
yeah well unless you want to put in a
backup offer yeah you can always do a
backup offer and of course if you are
cash and it has a uh it does have a
condition you know yeah then you might
be able to then you might be in there
but that happens very few and far
between yeah and when you see the you
know hundreds of
pending uh
contracts uh uh transactions
that all say active with contingency
what is going on in prescott yes what’s
going on is they have people in charge
of menu design that really just kind of
don’t know
and uh you know it’s everything here is
pretty much sold sold sold so yeah
so if you get in here and you want to
put an offer in make sure your house
number one is at the very least on the
market number two it’s even better if
you have a contract on it with a firm
close of escrow and number three the
best of the best would be if you’re
already sold and closed and you’re ready
to move forward then you get in here you
see something get that offer in toronto
yeah pronto because time is a wasting
something to be said for for backup
offers too although it’s gotten better
uh when the market really started
getting crazy we saw a lot of
transactions falling out
and the the number of transactions that
are falling out of uh out of escrow is
still higher than it normally was right
but it’s it’s it’s lowered quite a bit
but still you know backup offer might be
a good idea
so don’t let that throw you we will find
you one we will hunt down one that
doesn’t say active with contingency
that’s right that’s just plain old
active no active and ready to go and
we’ll make it happen for you as
hopefully as quick as we can
so uh anyway come on in come visit us
uh you can reach us at
at an 713-302-1964 we’ll spend a great
day going all around town looking at
some great properties and hopefully
we’ll write a contract for you on an
active property on an active property
you can also find information at
that’s right our website whether you buy
or seller somewhere in between all kinds
of free information
very useful yeah check out pickle411.
411.com cheers to that
okay everyone out there have a great
rest of your day
and uh i hope to see you soon bye
peeps out there hello peeps cheers to
can you see my lady yeah we got our
green screen ready coffee mugs now yes
won’t bore holes into us anymore that’s
right although i’m wearing green stripes
i think you’ll be okay
we’ll see we’ll see we’ll see
today we wanted to talk about something
that we get a lot of phone calls about
and it is
i think this house is still available it
says active with contingency
with contingency it’s really kind of the
bane of our existence it really is all
right so so just to be clear there’s no
such thing
as active with a contingency that does
not exist that’s like saying
dead and breathing
that’s a contradiction of terms you
can’t have a contingency
unless there’s a contract right and if
there’s a contract it’s not active it’s
not active
um so in the olden days this used to
just be called plano pending
and everybody knew what that meant it’s
under contract and sometimes they put in
there uh we are taking backups but
essentially was a done deal yeah now
they’ve changed it you know we can still
use pending occasionally but it’s a cash
deal and they know it’s going forward
yeah so just to be clear what this is
about is a complete screw-up
uh on our uh a local association
they redesigned the menu pull down
i have been doing computer programming
since i was in eighth grade
and i have never seen menus so poorly
designed and create more confusion
than these it is confusing it’s um i
think they had the best of intentions
they did they did but it doesn’t
translate well yeah so let’s talk a
little bit about what the reality is
like what what are the different
of a contract in real estate so
it’s not complicated either it’s active
on the market right or for sale yeah for
or it’s pending which means there’s
contract yeah that’s right it’s either
active or compended or pending right and
that’s kind of it
uh so it used to be you had active you
had pending and you had pending taking
meaning we already have an offer but if
you want to put in a backup offer you
can do that yeah and everyone understood
that it was pretty simple it was pretty
uh there is another another shade of
this and that is uh
pending but there’s a buyer contingency
so if there’s a buyer contingency and
you have
say a cash offer or an offer without a
contingency that’s right uh you can
knock out that’s right the offer that’s
there you you can approach the seller
and the seller has the option of uh
telling the current buyer with the
contingency look you either either have
to get rid of the contingency or you’re
out and you can take your owner’s money
that’s correct so i guess what par was
trying to do
was to let people see if if there was a
contingency if there was any opening
yeah that you might wiggle in yeah and
so really all they had to do was add
pending with contingency yeah uh and
instead they created active with
contingency which as i said is a
contradiction in terms
and instead of just putting it all on
one drop down menu they’re two drop down
yes uh so you have to check the other
one i it’s it’s oh my god it’s um it’s
pretty bad
so active with contingency essentially
means pending yeah
and and actually it means it needs a
little more than that right now very few
people are taking contingencies so if
you if you see active with contingency
essentially that means pending with a
right you can’t you can’t take a backup
and you can’t set it in mls so if you
want to you’re the listing agent and you
want to accept backups you have to call
it active with contingency and there’s a
separate field i forgot what the
separate field is and it will say take
it back up so take them back up the only
way you can say pending and sometimes
thinking back up is using this crazy
active brand and sometimes it will
indicate uh buyer contingency which you
kind of gives you to go ahead like hey
if you guys have cash we might be able
to wiggle in here which is that’s kind
of nice to know yeah
so if you consider think about
active with contingency just translate
that in your mind it means
pending taking backup essentially and
you can check the other field to see if
there’s a contingency involved right now
they’re they’re basically they’re really
aren’t yeah
no one’s accepting contingencies
um especially buyers contingencies
absolutely not you know what i mean it’s
just it’s too hot of a market friends
there’s something something about
having something in print
on a website though
that people think it’s real yeah whether
it’s zillow or it’s this active with
with contingent well it says active with
contingency well let me explain with
that but it says i know so don’t get
confused although it is confusing it’s
very good um just take it to me it’s
pretty much pending and
that door is closed yeah
yeah well unless you want to put in a
backup offer yeah you can always do a
backup offer and of course if you are
cash and it has a uh it does have a
condition you know yeah then you might
be able to then you might be in there
but that happens very few and far
between yeah and when you see the you
know hundreds of
pending uh
contracts uh uh transactions
that all say active with contingency
what is going on in prescott yes what’s
going on is they have people in charge
of menu design that really just kind of
don’t know
and uh you know it’s everything here is
pretty much sold sold sold so yeah
so if you get in here and you want to
put an offer in make sure your house
number one is at the very least on the
market number two it’s even better if
you have a contract on it with a firm
close of escrow and number three the
best of the best would be if you’re
already sold and closed and you’re ready
to move forward then you get in here you
see something get that offer in toronto
yeah pronto because time is a wasting
something to be said for for backup
offers too although it’s gotten better
uh when the market really started
getting crazy we saw a lot of
transactions falling out
and the the number of transactions that
are falling out of uh out of escrow is
still higher than it normally was right
but it’s it’s it’s lowered quite a bit
but still you know backup offer might be
a good idea
so don’t let that throw you we will find
you one we will hunt down one that
doesn’t say active with contingency
that’s right that’s just plain old
active no active and ready to go and
we’ll make it happen for you as
hopefully as quick as we can
so uh anyway come on in come visit us
uh you can reach us at
at an 713-302-1964 we’ll spend a great
day going all around town looking at
some great properties and hopefully
we’ll write a contract for you on an
active property on an active property
you can also find information at
that’s right our website whether you buy
or seller somewhere in between all kinds
of free information
very useful yeah check out pickle411.
411.com cheers to that
okay everyone out there have a great
rest of your day
and uh i hope to see you soon bye