Author: Pickle Lady's Helper
Prescott (Granite Dells Estates) Home Sold for $735,000
What can you buy in the $700,000s?
This home sold for $735,000.
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Event Calendar – November 2023
Paint Viagra
We recently had to dispose of a number of cans of paint for a client, and discovered that you can't just throw it in the trash, or dump it down the drain - it has to be "hard" first. Today we're sharing the special ingredient to make that so.Video Transcript
hello hello hello this is Diane and Randall bro here coming to you this afternoon from Prescott Arizona Arizona we are your local husband and wife team here happy to help you whether you’re buying or selling and something very interesting that we just learned and we were kind of laughing about it we want to share with you I don’t know if anybody knows about it it’s called Paint Viagra it’s a it’s a very important thing that every person should know yes also called paint hardener I think that’s the brand name paint that’s our paint Viagra now that’s don’t go into Home Depot and ask for pain there really is no such thing it’s not even a blue it’s not even a blue pill you know this is like this powder no how do you know I know because I I did the paint no I’m talking about the blue pill the blue pill and the red pill I don’t know what the red pill there’s a red pill and The Matrix which is probably Viagra and the red pill so the page Viagra that we’re talking about every now and then this is something in Prescott I learned you can’t just take your paint your old paint and bring it over to the dump it has to be hardened in the can and you really can’t just throw it away no no you cannot they’ll come and find you and everything else so I’m like okay well how does one do that and the reason why we had to figure this out is a lot of times when we’re uh either with a listing agent selling agent we sell a home they have all this paint has been uh collected they’re like help us get rid of it yeah sometimes you’ve got colors that are three you know three colors uh out of date you know they take them off that beautiful moth Peach yeah Peach is another one nobody wants that they’re like but how do I throw it away and we’re like well we’ll take care of it for you so we go to take care of it then we realize yeah what do we do with that yeah we had a client we were representing the buyer and he said can you get rid of all that paint and uh the seller was always long gone and you know listing ages anyway didn’t take care of it so and I said sure we before we even really kind of knew how to do right and that’s when we found out the dog said no unless it’s it’s hardened anyway there’s such a product at Home Depot Lowe’s called painting partner and it’s a powder you go and you get it and you pour you dump this into your gallon of paint yeah give it a little mix and give it a little mix and it will literally Harden it and dry it out in no time flat it’s you know it’s it’s actually pretty amazing then you can just put the lid on and go dump it at the dump or in your garbage can as long as it’s solid and it’s no longer liquid then they’ll accept it so we were all excited about this product um we got rid of like 12 cans of paint everything on the paint hardener because I know you bought way more than we needed and we ended up bringing I think I don’t know but I I over bought it because I wanted to make sure I had enough and turned a lot of it it’s not that expensive yeah I think we ended up paying maybe 30. yeah it’s really not a bunch of I was like over a dozen cans it’s amazing yeah so if anybody out there is facing a similar situation Shin like oh my gosh my dump only accepts paint cans once a year and you don’t want to wait a year go get yourself some paint Viagra slash hardener it’s great and be careful what you dip in there I mean it’s really just for paint okay that’s all it’s for not to be used internally or any other way or any other way don’t dip anything in there yeah you’re not supposed to no it’s not for that not for that it is truly just for paint okay so this is not medical advice so I don’t know if anybody else out there knew that it was news to us and we thought wow this is great and we thought we’d share with all of our clients you know especially like some of our sellers are like I don’t know how to get rid of all this paint we give them this advice they Harden their paint they throw it out that made me laugh anyway Harden your paint yeah yeah um older paint yes the harder it is to make it hard you need to use more I have heard that I I have heard that yeah I have heard that that is a problem yeah just buy a double pack so anyway it is just for paint only so we’re going to put that little uh yeah so that’s your uh that’s your tip of the day if you’re into tips the place to go is that is our free information site whether you’re a buyer seller or somewhere in between there’s something waiting especially for you that will Amaze this down entertain and inform there you go and it’s all at a very reasonable price that’s right Free People free it’s free free so look us up if you’re coming acrylic we’d love to take you around and show you what it’s all about here all right friends have a great rest of your day bye
Your House’s Name
When serious buyers tour a dozen houses in one day, it's easy for them to forget which one is which. In this episode we share a secret about how they cope with this and how to use it to make your house stand out from the crowd.Video Transcript
Diane and Randall bro here your local Prescott area real estate agent wife combo uh so far so good we’re marginally French correct he’s Cajun French 100 I am not but that’s okay um so we’re here to talk to you about something that’s kind of fun we love it we do it all the time you can’t help but not do it when you see so many houses when you take buyers out it’s hard to remember each and every house so you start to nickname the houses yeah so you could say the Moosehead house yeah the house has a Moosehead a Moosehead house yeah or crazy paint color the greenhouse The Pink House the uh the many cats house yeah sometimes there’s a lot of cats in there there’s a lot of cats cat memorabilia that’s right and you have to do this because I you know particularly if somebody is as we say in the shoot like they they have to find a house and they want to find the house as soon as possible we’ll show our 12 homes we might show Ted homes in one day your eyes will be crossing my eyes start to Nicknaming Your Home cross and you really have difficulty remembering wait what house was that so if we nickname it it comes back yeah so something fun that we like to tell our listeners is think of something positive about your home that we can nickname your home so we should say oh my gosh I had the greatest Jewel ever yeah it’s just like a little Jewel a little a little jewelry box it’s a jewel you know and then you know try Positivity to do something like a jewelry box or something put something out uh positive mind you we don’t want to have the stinky house yes the kitty cat smell house yeah yeah we’re looking for a positive positive it was pretty bad so think of something cute you know or put a decorative item out that that other buyers coming in will instantly identify and remember and be like you know that house that had that cute um Standing Out puppy dog pillow great yeah I know exactly which one you’re talking about so uh think of something positive and fun that people will see and say and remember later because it’s very important it is you know believe it or not and sellers don’t realize buyers realize because they’re experiencing it sellers don’t think of their house you know they tend to think of their house in isolation not part of a buyer tour of 12 other homes that’s right so that’s what you’re competing with and uh usually the buyers who are on who are seeing the most homes those are the ones who are definitely going to buy yeah so this is important along those lines as Clever Marketing well a very clever marketing attack just a little something do something really cute really uh special that sets your house apart from the others that people will remember yes like if you have beautiful flowers have a lot of flowers throughout the house if you have a beautiful garden you don’t have things oh remember that flower house believe me it works and people will remember and you know people are people aren’t always clever Marketing Ideas um so don’t be afraid to be obvious so let’s say you decide you’re going to leave a plate of cookies from time to time we’ll have a plate of cookies very nice I love that and everybody remembers remember the cookies that house the cookie house the cookie house so if you’re if you’re gonna do that and I’m just using this as an example you’re going to do cookies uh leave a note it’s always nice when we walk in and a seller has left the note for buyers please have some cookies or some cookies or water and say welcome to the cookie house yeah and then people will call you the cookie house so tell them what to call your home yeah and make it something good positive and um and it’s something kind Conclusion of fun yeah absolutely something fun and positive because positive we don’t want to call you the stinky house like I said or the poop house or the beige house you know beige house yes we want to something special so think about that if you’re getting ready to list your home if you list with us well we’ll tell you the same thing we’ll make it happen so just something fun we wanted to share with you we thought it would be kind of interesting something different um so tonight when you’re going to sleep think of a cute game for your house what are you going to be what is your house going to be what are people going to call you what are people going to call your house that’s our tip of the day if you like tips the place to go is whether you are a buyer seller or somewhere in between there’s something there waiting especially for you that will Amaze Astound entertain and inform you and it’s only a hundred dollars no no absolutely free absolutely well hell I wish if you want to send us a hundred dollars you can no you don’t have to no Wind Down you don’t you don’t know it’s all free we’re happy to offer our our infinite amounts of wisdom wisdom and Shenanigans Shenanigans wisdom and shenanigans that’s it okay folks this is Diane Randall bro your local Prescott area real estate agents here to help you whether you’re buying or selling so look us up give us a call and let us make it happen for you bye bye
3% Interest?
If you're waiting for the days of 3% interest to return before you buy a house... we have some news for you. Tune in today to find out what you can expect, and how you can make the best decision possible.Video Transcript
good morning good morning good morning and hello hello hello to all beeps peeps of that’s right to all of our fellow pickle peeps out there happy to join you this morning and talk about the interest rates it makes you sad it makes me sad um sure do miss the dates uh you know when we had lower interest rates one more time we have any two and a half to 3 and half% it was a beautiful thing was a beautiful an unusual thing um honestly it was like getting free money it’s really not the most sound thing for E economy yeah and so we all got very very spoiled by that and we loved it but it’s really not the norm yeah um we did get used to it and we were adjusted to it but if you recall from the 70s and ‘ 8s interest rates used to be like 13 14% so we just were blessed for a little while there but it’s really not the norm no not at all and and and some would argue not even healthy to have a not really healthy for the the in terms of predicting where uh interest rates are going people will talk about the fed or they’ll talk about the inflation these are all things that people you know spend a whole lot more time studying that and actually get paid to do it uh we don’t do that uh but you know all those things are um uncertain one thing that you can hang your hat on is demographics demographics are unchangeable so we had Baby Boomers and then we had the what was it Gen X and then Gen Y is essentially uh the Millennials yeah the so we’ll talk about those three baby boomers are huge you know we had a bunch of baby boomers Gen X was the baby bust yep and in Millennials they call the echoboom yes so here’s what you need to know uh when people reach a certain age they start investing you know they’re kind of past raising the kids and all that and they’re reaching the maximum of their income potential they start investing money that is the supply of money oh is it yeah that’s that’s where investment dollars come from it comes from people investing right never knew and you got to have money to do that and Baby Boomers during the time we had very they had lots of money cuz most of them had not retired yet M okay mhm the people who were using the money those are people who are doing things like buying homes starter homes cars raising children education those were the Gen xers or the baby Busters okay that’s me that’s you yeah she’s a baby buster I’m a baby bu yeah I’m the youngest I’m in the the cohort the youngest of the uh the Baby Bloomers yeah yeah so what we had was we had a bunch of people supplying money and very few people demanding money so interest rates went down yes it’s it’s just that simple I mean all the other you know factors and everything it came down to demographics y yeah so that’s why it was so it’s so unusual to get demographic shifts historically unless you have you know a plague or something uh well we kind of did yeah we kind of did we kind of did we didn’t that was not a plague plagues kill you know third a third of the population had nothing like that but anyway well not good was not good but it it did not affect the interest rate No it sure right all right so moving forward what we have is the Gen xers the baby Busters are now entering the phase where they can invest and the Millennials the the echo Boomers they’re going to start borrowing so what that means is you’re going to have very high demand and very low Supply meanwhile the Baby Boomers they’re all probably let a three4 of us have reached 65 now something like that so most the rest are dead dead or retired you know but for the purpose of this conversation they’re not investing money they they if they invest their money they put it in very safe stuff you know T bills or something like something very conservative because they have a nest preserve it MH so we’re going into a phase now where you can anticipate very low Supply and very very high demand of money and that my friends means interest rates are going to stay hot yeah which is kind of a bummer yeah it’s a bummer and you’re going to have some movement you know short-term things are going to move the rate around but I think the days of 2 and a half% mortgage rates I don’t it’s going to be a long time till it comes back yeah I just don’t see how that’s going to happen but historically even 7% is still a good rate a good rate uh you know as I said when you compared earlier we had aunts and uncles that had had 16% interest rates so and again even don’t let it scare you even at 7% because hopefully with time things the rates will drop you can always refinance it’s not like you were tied to this for the rest of your life with this huge Rock tied around your neck yes not really I’m sure with time things will adjust refinance at that point yeah if you have to borrow let’s just say the g rate now is about 7 and a half I think let’s say you borrow at 7 and a half uh one of three things is going to happen the interest rate is going to stay the same well you you got the going rate interest rates are going to go up thank God you got the rate interest rates are going to go down you refinance yep you know but uh the idea that in you know 3 months it’s going to go down to 3% no get past it get on with your life none of us are young anymore you need to move on some of us are young young at heart yeah be young at heart and move on with your life don’t don’t let the the interest rates drive your life cuz you could sit there waiting for I mean don’t play that game just just grab Life by the horns get out there and do it don’t let this all don’t try to play The Guessing Game I’ll wait a year or two it it it may be worse so now is the time be decisive just accept it move forward get there and start your new chapter yeah absolutely don’t play that waiting game you’ll drive yourself crazy I’m already crazy with you know um this one I don’t need to worry about the rest of that baby buster can you believe that she Buster I believe it that’s our tip of the day if you like tips the place to goes pickle that’s our free information site whether you are buyer seller somewhere in between there’s something there waiting especially for you that will Astound Amaze inform and entertain you silly and it’s all free it’s all free it’s all we don’t charge anything for charge anything we just share our wisdom yeah less than going to a pay toilet you know you go to our free information I’ve never gone to a pay toilet Remember You The Quarters oh you’re you’re a baby buster remember that yeah little quarter and you go in that’s I never heard of such a thing why is that any worse than a bathroom you just there’s a little quarter you put in that’s ridiculous used to do that used to have you used to have these metal things they called them coins [Laughter] and it was almost like a credit card oh yeah yeah I have a vague recollection anyway give us a call Diana Randle bro here your local Friendly competent smart hardworking agents we’d love to help you absolutely take care have a great day bye bye
Event Calendar – October 2023
Chances are you do not have enough insurance in place for a disaster like a house fire, flood, storm, etc. How do we know this? Watch our latest video to find out.Video Transcript
oh my God oh my God that was a lot that was very aggressive too aggressive too aggressive I’m still a lion hmm okay Diane and Randall bro here are coming to you from Prescott Arizona our lovely little Hometown I said I know what is wrong with us today what is in this stuff I’m really tired I’m really tired sorry everyone here with a uh a little warning for people yeah a neighbor of ours told us yeah within Insurance something never really thought about um so homes have appreciated a lot since covid uh we had back to pack 30 appreciation for the two covid years and uh so that means people here and people around the nation now own homes that were worth a whole lot more than they did before that’s right yay for them yeah and so it’s very important to re-examine and talk to your insurance agent about the value of your home and more importantly the replacement cost of your house yes with these new appreciated values what used to be maybe I’m just making this up 400 000 to rebuild your home if it burned down yeah could now be 800 800 000. so it’s very important um with this appreciation recheck all of your values because if your house burns down or gets flooded or this that the other is completely destroyed you’re not gonna get it you’re not going to be able to yeah replace the home and rebuild in in the fashion that you had so I I think he cited a statistic I think it was like two-thirds of America American money owners so are you out underinsured have we done this no we haven’t done this so you see we haven’t even do what we do do what we say that’s right yeah don’t do what we do we will we’re in the process we do have to do this for sure do this for sure but it was an eye-opener when he said that and nobody wants to find out the hard way when you’re in the middle of a terrible crisis yeah and so if uh you know it might get pricey insurance is particularly pricey in a number of areas around the country uh to reduce the uh the premium if you just you know up the value of the uh the benefit uh your premiums are going to go way up one way to battle that is to up your deductible uh you’re much better off you know uh in ensuring your home for the full value and raise the deductible five thousand ten thousand dollars then to continue to pay the lower premiums and have a value Gap so that’s right so you might want to put out a little bit more uh in your um in your kitty in your kit you know because teapot that’s still going to be a lot cheaper than having to find an extra 300 400 Grand to rebuild um so anyway keep all of that in mind so just something we thought was very interesting and something it is on our to-do list maybe one day it is if it’s on the to-do list we’re gonna get there don’t follow our example at all but we do want to share this because we thought wow what a great Point yeah we’re so glad he shared that with us and so we thought this is something our clients and folks out there need to know yeah absolutely call your agent have them look at your policy yeah look at where you’re valued now and make any necessary adjustments and if you’re having trouble figuring out what the value should be I mean your insurance insurance agent might be able to do that but then again that’s kind of given your insurance agent efficient license I don’t know what my home’s value how much rooms are two billion dollars so uh anyway if you if you uh if you want an unbiased valuation in your home just uh hit us up and I’ll do that we’ll try to help you out okay so that is a very important tip from Diana Randall bro coming to you your favorite Realtors local Realtors you are our favorite real tires that’s right we are your friends that’s right Some People Like Us kind of like a pug yeah just don’t give up and we can be in a choir taste that’s why I get it that’s fine I don’t need to win them all you know what I mean I just need to name racing tens that’s right so anyway give us a call we’d be happy to help you find a home answer a lot of questions help you as you think about make possibly moving to a new area we did it we’re here Seven Years love it no looking back that’s right happy to guide you refer you to some good insurance companies as well so uh if you need any other information you can go to that’s our free information site whether you’re a buyer seller or somewhere in between there is something there waiting for you that will Amaze astound and inform you and tickle your funny book maybe or whatever whatever you want tickled I guess we’ll take away okay that’s yeah whatever will make you laugh how about that okay yeah it’s all getting weird now but anyway so we’d love to hear from you we’d love to help you in your next steps and share more helpful tips with you absolutely so give us a call we’re at 713-302-1964 take care and have a great rest of your day bye bye
Heat Emergency
Arizona's governor recently placed the entire state under a heat emergency. Watch this week to find out what that means and, more importantly, why this and other news items you might see, simply don't apply to Prescott.Video Transcript
hello hello hello hello happy to be coming to you live live recording this live Diane and Randall bro here in lovely mountain town at Prescott Arizona that’s us that’s right Mountainous Landscape you think mountain town you don’t think of Arizona but here we are yeah we are mountain town it is a lovely Mountain Town kind of like Flagstaff not quite as high as Flagstaff um but nothing like you ever thought you’d see in Arizona that’s right people think Arizona is a desert the whole state is a desert about half of it is really pretty mountainous and yes not so much no I guess they call us a high desert not cinnamon desert right right High Desert good low desert bad yeah so we’re here in the high desert we have four seasons um the governor recently declared a heat emergency in all of Arizona all of Arizona it really didn’t apply to us no I don’t know why she did that yeah at the time Heat Emergency of the heat emergency I think our high that day was 85. it was so when you hear this very alarming temperatures Etc yes it does exist down in Phoenix or down the hill as we say when you live up in Prescott I’m going down the hill down the hill which means or the Valley Phoenix they did have a heat emergency they were having quite intense temperatures yeah they broke records I guess that was for July yeah uh so they broke some records and they did they had some very treacherous um scary stuff scary stuff going on not here though it did not apply to us well it applied to us because the governor said it did but right but yeah technically not really so our temperatures may get perhaps in July in the high 90s yeah which we kind of look for because then that sets the monsoon pattern and creates the rains which we really love and want which we’re getting so right now Four Seasons so we can tolerate a few days of a little high 90 Heat so as long as it can bring on the montoons and when they come in the temperatures drop to the 70s it’s completely delightful yeah so uh when you hear these enormous High temps down in the valley it really is not us really don’t be scared by that yeah and it’s going to be piercing sometimes like you’ll be in Prescott watching the weather and you’re watching weather in Phoenix you know yes that is a good point yeah there’s something you should know we don’t have a local TV station here so all of our news that we see is coming from Phoenix so sometimes you’ll be sitting down there and listening to oh my gosh yeah yeah what’s going on did you hear that happen it’s not here it’s in Phoenix you have to kind of take it with it yeah same thing with crime same thing with crime yeah yeah my mother doesn’t seem to get that she watches the news oh I heard there was a murder right downtown like then in Phoenix keep that in mind if you’re watching the local news the quote local news it’s really Phoenix news so when they’re talking about those temperatures and things like that it’s really not Prescott proper yeah that’s right so when you hear heat emergency don’t equate it with Prescott even if the governor says it’s the whole state she’s a liar she’s a liar that’s a little strong I don’t think she thinks much about uh areas outside of Phoenix that’s a joke that’s a joke relax relax I’m not calling the governor a liar that’s the joke it’s just a joke I’m getting a little Punchy it’s been a long day it’s been a long week so anyway Local News we just don’t want you to get thrown by that and think that that applies to Prescott yeah it really doesn’t we have not been on any heat advisories heat warnings we haven’t been on any water restrictions none of that happens that stuff applies here okay so our Summer’s kind of over we’re in the month yes we’re already I’ve been walking in the morning it’s already getting a little nip in the end you can kind of see fall is on the way and here it is the end of August so it’s uh delightful yeah absolutely it’s very nice so when you hear heat emergency heat advisory water restrictions etc etc does not apply to fee uh that’s right so she’s alive you’re a liar I am a liar so anyway we just wanted to share that with you um in case you had any concerns uh don’t Transition to Fall be yeah so if you need any information about life in Prescott that’s our tip just try and take it straight tip of the day if you like tips we got plenty for you you go to our free information site there you’ll find all kinds of delightful informative and entertaining things to astound and bewilder you and it’s all absolutely free absolutely free um you should check it out yeah we’re happy to help you where your favorite Visiting Prescott Realtors here in Prescott happy to help you and find that new place and start a new life every time you say that I feel like I should be dangling a watch well I mean that’s part of the deal I’ve learned that yeah trying to hypnotize you people see if you can see all the subliminal things that’s it you’re a fisherman there you go all right so that’s it good to see you and we hope to hear from you soon come make a visit we’d love to show you around Diana Randall bro here coming to you from Prescott Arizona bye
Yappy Hour
When we heard about Yappy Hour, we thought "oh, this will be cute!" But when we went to check it out, we never expected what we found. Watch this week to see why this event is way more exciting than it sounds.Video Transcript
little peeps hello Diane and Randall bro here coming to you from Prescott Arizona we are your local Friendly uh Realtors just loaded with knowledge expertise fun I really like to think so at least a fun day the fun bit Yeah I do bring a lot of Comedy yeah we try we try to make it fun yeah we’re here to talk about something that just happened here in Prescott Lakes where we live which is a great community a huge neighborhood we love it they had something called yappy hour and uh we they anybody who lived in Prescott Lakes could bring their dogs right uh to the greens where did we go yeah with the uh driving range driving range and so I’m like that’ll be cute and then you could make a donation to the local vendor yeah well to the animal shelters and bring donations there with bones for the dogs but what was shocking was so I’m thinking okay that’ll be cute oh oh my gosh it was like a real event [Music] a great table set up they had a uh they had a beverages alcohol they had food they had all these different vendors for dogs and cat I mean all this great stuff and you could bring your dog it was a beautiful day walk your dog on the green meet other dogs meet other people it’s a great idea first of all so much fun Prescott is a huge and you don’t necessarily meet other people with their dogs if you’re walking you see the dogs you know who owns them uh so this this was an opportunity for all the dog owners to kind of show up and it was hilarious because some of the you know people would know your dog oh I know your dogs you know what are their names and I walk by them all the time your dog said the ones that bark at it yeah you’re the dogs are the ones that Barker we got them yeah those are right not the best title we wanted to have yeah they’re puppies they’re puppies yeah we’re trying but we had the best time and so hats off to Prescott Lakes yes for having such a great event yes and there was a general manager of that cabin was his idea it was and what a great benefit great idea it was a great benefit went over huge everybody had a great time and puppies got to meet each other and everybody got to chit chat and what’s not to love and a beautiful sunny day it was a beautiful to be surrounded by lots of cute puppies and dogs and yeah I mean we just had the best time and our dogs were very well behaved yes our dogs were not the worst no they weren’t I was and I was very happy about that I was very happy about that yes so anyway we just wanted to share that that if you moved to Prescott Lakes like we live they have a lot of different events like this this was the first time they did yappy hour happy hour but uh we’re gonna do it again because they’re gonna do it again over so well it was special everyone was so happy about it so yeah that’s just one of the many events that Prescott Lakes will put on besides their music that they have and and Fun Stuff they’re always doing something cooking uh classes it goes on and on and on so this one was so unique we thought we’d mention we had to share a happy hour just something it just it was a great idea never heard of it before that’s right what a what a great event and what a great fundraiser yeah I mean it was really nice to help out the animal shelter so not a bad thing absolutely so if you move here to Prescott and you are a dog lover you might consider Prescott lake so you too can come join us at yappy hour yeah it’s not that town loves dogs here yes we had I think we had another video that talks about places you can restaurants you can go that welcome puppies yeah yeah it’s great yeah all right my friends I think that is it for today I think so anything else about yappy hours no that’s it for happy hour that’s it oh and yappy hour they also had music playing too so it was a lot of fun yeah some of the dog stands some of the dogs were dancing yeah it was great I made a couple little introductions so look like little love stories happening matchmaking yeah yeah it’s all good so yeah that’s it for yappy hour see you later and we hope to see you soon and uh give us a call if you’re coming to Prescott I’d love to help you bye
StefNrock Rocks!
We've mentioned how great the Prescott music scene is, but today we'll introduce you to one of the reasons why - Stefnrock! Find out why this duo is so fantastic, and how you can check them out as well.Video Transcript
good morning and hello hello hello peeps I am Diane bro the local pickle lady ask a pickle lady Prescott pickle lady like it says in the cup just like it says in the cup yeah there it is this is uh my sidekick Randall bro we are local Realtors here in Prescott always happy to come chat with you about all multitudes of multitudes of things some interesting some boring I don’t know we like to cover things real estate we also like to cover things about just living in Prescott and the fun things they are hard to do and that’s what we’re here today to talk about we want to talk about one of the local bands and one of those love them one of our earlier videos we talked about the local or Regional bands that kind of develop a local following yep uh and today we wanted to talk about one of those so the name of the group is steppen Rock Stefan Rock Stefan Rock if you’re listening you can thank me later yeah yeah you’re welcome I’m doing a little place that’s right great great music they play all kinds from the 70s the 80s night I mean they go on and on they’re great uh everything this is a this is a couple yep and we’ve seen him two or three times now but we kept hearing that it’s Stefan Rock Stefan Rock so you need to go you need to go you need to go you need to go so I guess it was Memorial day we were over at haciampa the uh yeah which is in Hacienda uh and joining some friends there and uh they had a band so we’re sitting there eating and we’re listening to music and we’re thinking wow this is really good they are really good they are really good A lot of my favorite songs yeah and really well yeah yeah oh my God so at some point I said you know I need to go find out the name of this band that’s right so I walk across the courtyard and stuff and run Stefan Rock so were they the ones who started in Vegas and yes there’s so much competition yeah they were in Vegas and you know there’s a lot of things going on in Vegas and nobody is there all the time uh well I mean they have locals that live in Vegas but for the most part people who are going to the shows are not from the town so it’s hard to develop a local following there um so I guess they struggled eventually they ended up in Prescott and uh they started playing Regional I don’t know if they live in Prescott I don’t know but they got the following they got a following you everybody loves them and someone was talking uh talking to them and they were saying now that we live here our calendar is completely full they’re booked completely focused and we’re excited about them yeah they hear them they want to hear them again we have any number of musical venues that you can go see them so you can pretty much go see them every day if you wanted to once they’re playing almost everything they float around and they go from place to place they are amazing they are amazing so uh sometimes they’ll play at a venue they might play at the park and people will come and we we bring our our chairs our lawn chairs we can go sit out and listen to live music and so the other day we did that we went to see somebody and um anyway everybody brings their lawn chairs and we sit in a circle and we have a glass of wine this that and the other and Randall’s like we should bring extra chairs because more people came walking by throughout and they’re like oh we want to join you can we yeah if you’re going to an outdoor venue bring a few extra chairs because more more than not you’re gonna see some friends there who weren’t planning on this sitting down and listening to music but they want to join yeah and then in that fun you know so I sat on the grass for a little while to one of my or one of our friends coughed up an extra Chariot in his car and I was very happy so a little tip there if you remember when these uh outdoor venues bring some extra chairs because you’re going to run across somebody yes it might be me yeah yeah we might join you okay you never know never know so we love our music scene here love it love it love it great bands and Stefan rock is one of them one of the best so we hope to see you one day at a stuff and rock show Absolutely and we’ll have a good time yes okay that’s it for today bye bye
Event Calendar – September 2023
Newcomer Nervousness?
Moving to a new town can be nerve-racking, especially if you don't have any friends or family there to ease the transition. Watch this week to find out why starting a new chapter in Prescott is easier than almost anywhere else.Video Transcript
hello hello peeps and hello and hello Diane and Randall bro cheers to you well all right we will okay here in Prescott Arizona coming to you live when you see it it won’t be live that’s right but it was live when we did it at this present moment it’s live we’re not computer generated no we’re this is no AI involved here uh we are no I at all pretty much yes yeah hardly any real human flesh here we’d look a lot better yeah that’s right sure I think my AI will look better yes here to talk about newcomers newcomers so that’s one of the things that you need to know about city of Prescott so there was a indigenous population of Prescott uh probably up until you know 2008 I guess was the big financial crash and that was pretty much the town the people have kind of been here a long long time and then right about the time that we start we came here I guess which was 2016 or something like that um then nuke it became more of a retirement Town that’s right and now this town is being kind of taken over by the newcomers newcomers so if you’re not summer that’s maybe not such a great thing I you know but uh if you are a newcomer it’s a great thing it’s a great thing because honestly everybody’s in the same boat yeah um most people come here they don’t have friends they don’t have family they don’t have children here they’re just coming to enjoy their golden years and our beautiful you know tail and and so you come here and and uh we’re all in the same boat so it’s very easy and I also have found it’s a super super friendly Town yes so you could sit at a restaurant and at a table and then just chat with somebody across the way they’re all in the same boat yes so they’re like hey how are you when did you move here that’s true true the people who are native here too absolutely everybody here it’s a very welcoming friendly town and depending on what neighborhood you go into uh you know most of them have things structured for you to meet other people as well especially like Prescott Lakes yes where we live huge social amenities uh clubs within the club hiking club book club uh you know social events so if you don’t get out if you don’t join those things well you know yeah yeah that’s on you and you want to meet people you’re not meeting people it’s because you’re staying in your house that’s right and you’re spending all your time looking at your phone or something like that that’s right we have so much going on in this town you don’t even have to live in Prescott Lakes which is lovely to meet people but uh even anywhere there’s so many activities there’s music scene is big big pickleballs art galleries yeah I mean they’ve got so many things going on they always have events going that you can go and meet other people and we’ve made a lot of friends that way as well so uh you know don’t be afraid like I don’t know a soul there neither did we neither do we another thing that’s really nice about a town of newcomers too is that it’s very Cosmopolitan we have people here from all over the country with all kinds of experiences uh most of them are very accomplished you know that there were a lot and they’re look going into their golden years so that they tend to be very accomplished and educated and just interesting Folk that’s right uh with interesting hobbies and some of the best people I’ve met I’ve met here and impressed as a newcomer as a newcomer as a newcomer so please don’t be afraid to make a new start in a town where you don’t know anybody believe me you can do it well yeah it’s pretty much you know I mean you’ll make it here in Prescott yeah you will everybody’s super great super welcoming so don’t be afraid yeah that’s right get over here and meet some new people that’s right and start your new chapter if you’re shy you give me another shot to you that’s great that’s good there’s a group for that too I’m sure yeah that’s our tip for the day if you’re into tips we got plenty for you you need to go to that is our free information site whether you are a buyer or seller somewhere in between there’s something waiting for you that will educate uh inform and Astound you and it’ll only cost you ten dollars no that’s not true it’s absolutely free absolutely free it’s a lots lots there lots of things to do things to say that’s why my wife yes yes true true so get here and be new and come meet us that’s right we’d love to meet new people yes okay take care bye
Buying Sight Unseen
Once upon a time it was unheard of to buy a house sight unseen. Covid changed all that. Watch this video to learn about the great process we use to make sure our buyers get the house they want and sellers can trust them to follow through.Video Transcript
good after oops I jumped ahead sorry gotta move fast yeah I can’t I got a Sprint he has to Sprint yeah with the pickle lady good afternoon this is Diane and Randall bro coming to you from Prescott Arizona our favorite little mountain town that we retired to about seven years ago no we’re not retired by work well true we moved here we moved here yeah we retired from Paris I guess I think it’s just wishful thinking yeah I think you’re right we retired from Parenthood we didn’t do that we had been empty nested so we started a whole new chapter chapter and here we are here we are in Prescott Arizona and loving every minute of it that’s right now one of the things we wanted to talk about today is sight unseen yeah so this is when people put an offer on a home that they have not physically seen and this is uh controversial a lot of sellers don’t like it with good reason yes uh it’s not it’s not it’s not a rule that’s etched in stone though so that’s why we wanted to talk about it yeah so a lot of folks are out of state and they see a house they identify a house on MLS they’re like oh my gosh this house looks really interesting and they give us a call what are your thoughts and what we always do is we say you know what let us go preview it for you we will do a walk through video that makes you feel like you’re standing right next to me walking through the house just like if you had an appointment you were local then we send it to them we edit it we Randall sets it to music he he does a voice over and we send it to you at that point if you still are really interested then we suggest let’s put an offer in and you get down here as fast as you can so you can see it in person so most of the times people love the video they’re like wow I think only one time somebody said no I changed my mind most of the time we have sold many many houses site unseen in person um particularly if people have already been to Prescott and we coach people on oh actually yeah we know that if you haven’t been here you really don’t know the neighborhoods you want to make an offer based on a video we’re going to try to dissuade you yeah but if you know the neighborhood you’ve been here you’ve selected you know I want this neighborhood in Prescott Lakes I want to view you know I want to be in a gay I want to be a gay community you know and you’ve seen all these things before uh you know with our video it’s kind of like having been there absolutely um but a lot of I can’t say a lot because uh it used to be in during covid uh they would say if they haven’t physically been in the house we’re not going to take the offer and in part that was just because every home was getting like 30 offers so you’re trying to come up with any excuse at all to cut people out now it’s more of a buyer’s market and seller agents have learned well you know maybe we should we should think about this um once you go under contract with the house the first thing that happens is the inspection period inspection period is 10 days so all you as seller you’re on the hook for setting for 10 days the worst that can happen is you go 10 days and then they say no I really don’t want the house and then you don’t get the earnest money I guess during covet people were being very aggressive I heard a story someone had never been to Prescott before put an offer in a house site unseen and they went under contract the inspection period starts and then she finds out that it snows here yeah oh I yeah so I understand from the seller Sellers and seller seller agents listing agents point of view you know you have to be responsible about that and we are quite responsible we communicate very much everything all that Prescott what it’s about what the town is like with the weather is like we’re very communicative so if you get a sight unseen offer from us yeah it’s going to be a good one people are completely educated about what they’re getting into then they have 10 days they hurry up and get down here they look at it and then usually I mean I’ve never had I think I had one person back out usually we go to you know people like I do love it which is you know make it happen people who you know they they come they see the house they’re in the house they love the house they put the camp in their tent in the house and stay there for three days and then during the inspection period you know they still bail out it’s it happens there’s a certain percent for whatever reason whether it’s buyers cold feed or a loan issue or it doesn’t inspect out well there are any number of reasons why something could fall out that’s right uh our percentage of people who do sight unseen offers that fall out is about the same as our buyers who uh who have been in the homes and that’s just because we are very uh responsible what’s the word I’m looking forward we we understand we try really hard not to bring people’s bad offers that’s not good for that’s right you it’s not good for your seller it’s not good for us and in the end it’s not good for our powers that’s right so if you’re thinking I’m out of town how am I supposed to do this if I see a house I’m going to miss out on it we’ll help you through that process yes we will we will completely educate you we will video for you we’ll talk to you we’ll go through each stage of it and then you know we’ll try to write up a contract so you can get down here and it won’t be sold from underneath you so uh we work really hard to make that happen for you so don’t think how will I ever achieve this it’s doable it’s certainly doable uh one thing you can do if you’re on our website you can look around for property videos uh and you can kind of see the style of videos that we do and I mean we walk through the home with the camera it’s like walking through the camera slow yeah and you know people really feel like they they have seen them I agree yeah all right so that’s it so if you’re thinking how will I achieve this and I’m long distance well it could happen Captain we’ve done this before we know what we’re doing we know what we’re doing we know we know a few tricks of the trade we’re gonna make it happen and try to make it uh as stress-free as possible for you okay so that’s our deal with side unseen don’t be afraid of sight unseen yes whether you’re a buyer or your seller excited insane particularly if it comes from the pickle lady that’s right yeah we’re gonna try hard we will okay my friends that is our tip for the day and we sure hope you’re having a beautiful day out there take care bye
Terrain Troubles
If you grew up in the flatlands of the South, as we did, you'll need to learn a few tricks to be able to competently handle the elevation changes you'll find in Prescott. Listen in and learn how Randal literally drives Diane crazy.Video Transcript
hello hello hello you gotta move fast when you’re with pickle lady well listen we got a schedule we’re doing 10 of these today she is a task master we’re shooting 10 of these today so it’s like look let’s go boom boom boom that’s the magic of Television well I guess it’s not really television what is it I don’t know what this is it’s crazy today we’re talking about terrain Terrain this is something Randall does that Downshifting absolutely drops me insane it’s a new thing he does when we’re going down a hill he likes to shift and nothing I don’t know why I’m gonna be honest the crap out of it well that’s reason number one let me do it Flat Terrain Diane and I are both from New Orleans and we’ve spent a lot of our lives in Houston if you’ve ever spent any time there once you get past the heat of the humidity and the mosquitoes the next thing you notice is that everything is flat flat flat flat super flat so the Hill Skills first time we had just moved here and there’s a pretty big hill right outside our subdivision it leads down to a stoplight the first time I went down that Hill the light turned red and by the time I got to the end of the hill I could not stop I never drove anywhere where there were Hills particularly going downhill and I have none of those or at that time had none of those skills uh so I I get down to then I break and he was screeching yeah screeching through the six-way stop or whatever it is blowing screaming vocally as well and Screech yes not just the tires yeah not just the tires everybody sounded like a little girl yeah just a little bit yeah so I had to learn how to drive where Braking is Good there’s terrain and uh so the next thing I have to break going downhill and then after a year and a half and I needed to get new brake pads I learned to Downshifting is Better downshift so uh for those of you who have lived places where they’re Hills you know what I’m talking about if you’re if you drive an 18-wheel uh wheeler you know what I’m talking about you know when you’re going downhill instead of breaking the whole time you want to downshift and that keeps the car from getting too fast and it keeps you from wearing out your brakes yes it does but it’s also highly annoying yeah which is another benefit yeah oh God we need to get somewhere yeah anyway that’s another story for another day so that’s strange part part of the thing about terrain is you need to learn how to drive where there’s terrain if you’re not used to it it’s it’s a thing so you know it’s a skill that you need to pick up yeah but All-Wheel Drive another thing you should realize too uh when you move here don’t think you have to have an all-terrain vehicle it’s helpful a lot of people we have a high percentage of Subarus you’ll see them everywhere yes and they are great uh in the winter when we have a little bit of snow and a little bit of ice but even if you don’t have an all-terrain we don’t yes the snow it’s not a problem it’s not you don’t need it’s not that severe no Snow Skills snow tires no chains on your tires nothing like that nothing four-wheel drive is helpful it’s not necessary so when it first starts the snow um you know if you’re going up up a hill and you don’t have four-wheel drive you there are times you won’t make it don’t try to just go really fast and make it to the top because if you don’t make it you’re going to slide back down and hit the cars behind you which is pretty interesting yeah so if you if it begins to snow uh and we don’t get enough snow for this really to matter particularly if you’re retired uh if your car doesn’t have four-wheel drive you might want to just wait until everything’s plowed and all that stuff yeah that’s what we do yeah and I mean we are from the Deep South we have never been in Hills we have never been in any kind of winter weather we do just fine we do just fine we do yeah you do need all-terrain uh Well-Maintained Roads vehicles to drive in New Orleans and that’s just because they don’t spend any money on the roads we just did a uh a wind down on road construction yes they’re very although they just did all the road construction asphalt is wonderful uh so you really don’t need all-terrain vehicles for the roads in town if you get off the beaten Off the Beaten Path path you know if you want to go uh down some of the like Senator Highway leads down yeah some of the more remote areas yes you will yeah and that’s fine people do it people Jeep a lot yeah a lot of people yeah but you don’t need that around town just regular driving around no you might have trouble with low clearance vehicles uh and we did a a video before on driveways sometimes yeah it’s kind of hard to get up the curb or it’s not graded right uh and if you have uh like a Prius or something like that you might need a little more clearance yeah but uh but it’s all good it’s yeah it’s nothing like nothing to be scary nothing to be scared yeah Terrain Geekery I have a uh I just bought uh three 3D maps that show terrain on the map and uh he’s such a nerd yeah and I had to go have him framed yeah she did so every day he looks at all the terrains it’s a weirdo I’m in love with Torino the first time we went to uh we went to Denver we were with some friends and I made them pull over so I could throw a rock over the cliff then just watch it yeah wow that’s amazing gravity is a wonderful it’s been a long 37 years yeah you know if you know what I mean yeah [Laughter] so that’s terrible that’s our terrain lesson for you you’re coming to Prescott you should be aware Wind Down so that’s it and we hope that you guys have a good evening yep all right take care bye
Prescott Overpopulation
If you investigate Prescott via social media, you might have heard some folks saying it's getting overpopulated or overcrowded. But is it really? We'll give you the scoop on the different opinions, and help you understand whether Prescott is the right retirement town for you.Video Transcript
Introduction good morning hello peeps hope everybody’s day is off to a great start ours is I think so we are here uh this is Randall and Diane bro here in Prescott Arizona coming to you this morning to talk about something a lot of people are getting concerned about called overpopulation Prescott Overpopulation? population here in Prescott now I have to say you know maybe 20 years ago Prescott might have been 30 000 people yeah who knows who knows you should know when you hear overpopulation we don’t want people to think there’s millions of people here in Prescott that is just not the case we have about 54 000 people in Prescott proper yeah and another 53 54 whereabouts in Prescott Valley so between the two towns you’re talking about 100 000. there you go for the most part I mean people in Prescott do go out to PV to shop we do that people in Prescott Valley will come in for entertainment but people don’t it’s not like you’re commuting back and forth every day you know and in the morning in the afternoon so have we been just discovered yes are people moving here yes but you should know this is a Retirement Town retirement town we don’t have I mean there are people here who work but this isn’t like a big bustling town like Chicago or L.A where people are commuting daily for their jobs yeah or Orange County yeah I think a lot of people are comparing like this is going to be the next Orange County it’s not we don’t have the industry we don’t have the room to have the industry maybe out in Prescott Valley one day but impress No Commute Headaches your proper it’s pretty much done and so you know people who retire here um they’re not on the roads they’re not on the road at 7 A.M trying to get in in line to commute to work so you know has traffic increased a little bit a little but my God it’s still nothing like the big cities no it’s not like you have an hour and a half commute to get to your grocery store or something like that it’s just it’s just not yeah I I don’t get it I mean I don’t find it that way if you’re looking for a town that has no more than thirty thousand people then you know this train has passed that’s right uh you know I’ll tell you my take on kind of what’s going on I’m the one who does most of our marketing so I have my nose in social media there is yeah more than more than particular lady does and uh yeah my hands and pickles yeah she has her hands making pickles that’s Local Sentiment right yeah they have local people here who do not want the town to change a lot of people don’t want their Hometown to change you have people here who don’t want the town to change and there are some of those that will actually go on social media and actively comment to try to discourage people from coming here and one of the things they talk about is overpopulation it’s just not so it’s just not so unfortunately when a place is attractive and you live in a free country people will go there and if you live in a place that’s not so good people will leave you can always vote with your feet that’s one of the freedoms here and uh you know if if people don’t want other people to move here they need to buy the whole town if they don’t own all the property and you know what as much as they complain they always sell to the highest bidder which is usually someone from out of town Change & Adaptation anyway and as we know when you’re married a long time as we have been yes uh things change yes and you have to adapt to stay married yeah God knows I’ve learned that that’s right yeah that’s that’s right you have to add that so it’s the same thing when you live in a town that has been discovered and things that people are moving in you just kind of have to adapt it’s changing and sometimes it changes for the better um it has changed for the better since we have been here we have been here at this point about seven years and when we first got here it was a little there wasn’t a lot going on now there are more good restaurants more things to do it’s more lively um I like it better and I like it more Amenities & Options every day yes um you know I honestly wouldn’t be interested in moving to a town particularly for retirement with a population of less than 50 40 000 I mean you know you’re going to have one Diner where you’re gonna have to eat all the time that you go to a place that’s that small we’re kind of becoming hip and happiness we’ve got some great art galleries more and more people are coming with you know with their own music more music it’s lovely it’s lovely so you know we just don’t want you to think oh my gosh if I move there is it going to be like I’m in Orange County it really isn’t it you know uh it might take you 15 minutes to get down the road but it’s still better than an hour and a Social Media vs. Reality half yeah so uh anyway so how about that throw you yeah if you haven’t figured it out yet you can’t trust everything you see on social media that’s right you just can’t you just can’t these are opinions we’re chill people some people aren’t quite as chill some are very chill everyone has an opinion A lot of them stink uh you know um it’s it’s just it’s just the way of life some people honestly have opinions that others might think are erroneous a lot of people you know they have opinions with a 10 intent they’re trying to make you they’re trying to uh just wait it’s a switch for their own purposes that’s right so you should be aware keep in mind this is not like um high-tech industry here or research hospitals here or anything this is kind of just like a really nice little retirement town so if you’re worried about commuting and traveling and this that and the other hmm nobody’s getting up here you know unless it’s to go to the golf course at seven a.m but yeah they’re not going they’re not driving to work that’s right the the city of Self-Limiting Population Prescott regularly gets ranked as one of the best places to retire it is never ranked as one of the best places to look for a job yes it’s a retirement town and you can only drive so much population into a town that doesn’t have a lot of jobs to offer that’s awesome so anyway that is our thing we don’t want you to be wow now the town’s just getting too big I don’t even want to look at it that’s not so don’t let that scare you that’s just crazy it’s great here we love life here it’s all good in the hood as I like to say good in the hood okay so that is our little Spiel today on talking about overpopulation um just not a problem yeah so in in our opinion oh and by the way the people who live here they’re not having a lot of children there kind of past that age unless they would be like Saint Elizabeth and something miraculous yeah it would be a miracle yeah so for my Catholics out there you know who’s saying yeah that’s right that’s exactly right you’ll be okay all right my friends so that is it for today we just wanted to kind of talk about that a little bit because we hear about that oh that it’s getting too big it’s getting too big yeah people come in and ask us yeah and they look around like what are they talking about yes so Wind Down that is our tip for the day if you want more tips the place to get them is that is our free information site that’s it whether you are a buyer seller somewhere in between there’s something there waiting for you that will inform entertain and Astound you and it’s hopefully absolutely fruit that’s right absolutely absolutely free absolutely not even a token amount not even just free not even a fruit we don’t even get a free meal for this no not even we just can’t tell you how much promotion we do yeah I know nothing it’s true but it’s okay we enjoy doing it and we like to share our wealth of knowledge with all of you out there most of what we call knowledge rest of your okay bye
Whiskey River Tavern
It took us a while to get around to checking out this place out, but wow... an instant favorite! Watch now to see what makes Whiskey River Tavern so special.Video Transcript
hello my fellow pickle friends hello peeps this is Diana Randall bro here your friendly local Realtors here in Prescott Arizona um we are so excited to share with you a new place we just discovered and just love it I know some of you locals probably already know about and you’re like what’s wrong with you you’re behind the tons we we uh we’re always working so but we recently went to Whiskey River Tavern Whiskey River Town it’s not in the first block of Whiskey Row but it’s the second block yeah so fantastic yeah it’s I think they finally gotten this got this thing nailed so this uh this venue is as as the piccolator said it’s it’s not in the block that is traditionally thought of as whiskey roads in the next block and uh I think we may have talked about this particular building under a different name it has changed hands a number of times uh and it’s such a cool venue uh we’ve just been waiting for someone to really get it I I think the people owned it before were poised to do well and covid got them yes uh but now they’re Under New Management new Arrangement and I I it’s great it’s a great it’s like an outdoor Courtyard it kind of reminds me a little bit of New Orleans it was is where we’re from an outdoor kind of Courtyard and lots of seating um trees and you look up and there’s the sky and they’ve got a great bar and great dancing and they always have live music yes so when we went the other night it was hit squad 17. hit squad 17. so that’s fabulous mostly uh pop music yeah all decades oh we had the best time just outstanding they were outstanding everybody was dancing and the weather was perfect it was so nice and the atmosphere really good um what do you call it really good and just just a fun fun time yes and uh even if you don’t dance you can just sit and watch and enjoy the music and good beers good liquor and it’s just great yeah really good venue and kind of it does have a very New Orleans feel reminds me of Pat O’Brien yes yes now they do have a beautiful bar that’s inside and a seating area and all of that and you walk through that to get to the Courtyard the courtyard is the music venue so that’s where most of the action is but I guess on days when it’s really cold maybe or rainy or something go inside you go inside beautiful bar uh they do a great job uh the menu is mostly Pub Fair but it’s good food they take care of you they bring the food out quickly it was all really delicious yeah I think I had the poppers were really good we had a few other things so good music always have different bands that are coming to play it’s just a fun time to meet with your friends sit down enjoy nice weather and uh just uh have a have a glass of wine and listen to some good music so just to let you know we have I would say at least a half dozen look Regional local bands that have a reputation really good they have a following yeah they do so you know the one group they used to play in Vegas and you know they were competing with everybody in Vegas they moved to Prescott now their calendar is full every year they’re uh taken off and and that happens to Regional bands we we’ve got these they’re all great musicians uh and they’ve really develop a local following and people follow them from venue to venue all week long yeah and uh hit squad is one of those they they played in the uh Square recently a free concert they were so good and they worked the crowd so much oh yeah everyone was so excited and dancing yeah it was a good time so uh yeah so local bands and in particular you gotta hit Whiskey River Tavern gotta get it I love that venue they’re so nice it is his favorite venue yeah okay so we hope one day to see you at Whiskey River Tavern you can raise a toast there’s a toast to us yeah or the band or wherever you want yeah do whatever you want we don’t care that’s our latest tip well we have lots of restaurants and bars and things to do uh things about real estate things about life if you’re looking for more of that the place to go it’s that is our free information site whether you are a buyer seller or somewhere in between there is information for there for you that will amaze raised astound and entertain you and it is all absolutely free okay we don’t get anything for them put your credit card we don’t get anything else no there’s no PayPal no PayPal all free oh all completely we just like to share our over abundance of information that’s right so there you go you’re welcome yeah to those of you watching you’re welcome you’re welcome have a great rest of your day bye
Event Calendar – August 2023
Whiskey Row Brew Fest
Early summer weather in Prescott is perfect for outdoor events. One of our favorites is the annual Brew Fest. Catch up on all the details of this newly revived celebration of beer, food, and fun.Video Transcript
Cheers Cheers hello folks and welcome to the Randall and Diane bro pickle lady show it’s a pickle lady hour pickle lady hour that’s not really an hour eight minutes eight minutes 30 eight minute show pickled eight minutes of the piccoloo show that’s us we’re Punchy because today we’re going to talk about something that was kind of fun a lot of fun a lot of fun a lot of yeah Brew Fest is back yeah so Brew Fest is Back we went to the Brew Fest uh they have a brew fest it’s in June in uh in Prescott they hold it at I guess it’s a middle school football field they hold it on yeah they used to do hot air balloons they didn’t have Hunter balloons but they did have a live band they had a Features live band and that was fun and they must have had at least 25 booths oh 28 probably double that more than that yeah and so you buy your tickets and you go it’s in the evening so the weather’s perfect oh it was beautiful it was so nice and you just go and you can go from Booth to booth and just try all these different local uh local boys pretty local we’re sort of regional oh yeah Regional yeah some of them are for like uh Southern California which isn’t that far away from us uh pretty much anyone in Arizona is going to be there some amazing beers we’ve got some amazing beers amazing wineries here too believe it or not the best of show in my humble Best of Show opinion was a and I put it I’ll have to I’ll have to look them up but uh they did a uh Bourbon Barrel Scottish ale they were from Lexington oh is that what you bought uh Kentucky yeah so we had a good time and then you bring your chair and you can sit down and listen to music yeah yeah so um anyway COVID Hiatus it’s been a great time thing uh we used to go to it and then covid you know put a kibosh on it I think this was the first one since covet no did they do it last year they might have done it live we didn’t do we didn’t go last year but it’s coming back it’s coming back stronger than ever great time so if you’re thinking about moving to Prescott or you’re new to Prescott are you looking always coming in June ask us about Brew Fest and uh we’ll hook Randal’s Chatty you up somebody’s chitter chattering today that’s very you’re very chatting when we’re talking about beer man we’re very adamant beer and dogs beer and dogs I won’t say another word yeah you carry trying to get a word in Edgewater hey you go ahead anyway so if you’re here mid-june always try to make it around the Brew Fest it’s a lovely time right yeah I think we had some clients that met us there no doesn’t it I remember we were supposed to I remember if they showed up or not I think they did they might have yeah we had a good time so it’s uh we always Prescott Events have lovely events here in town all the time and now that covet is lifted we’re opening back up again and just having all of our events are starting up again it’s it’s just great it is it’s great absolutely wonderful so we hope maybe next year in June we’ll see you at the bridge that’s right particularly our our Better than Southern AZ listeners in Southern Arizona yeah yeah it’s it’s already hot down there in June uh if you’re looking for an escape in June that’s a good time to come up it’s lovely evening evening weather here in summertime 70s it was perfect it was perfect perfect so anyway we hope next year maybe in June we’ll run across here yeah yeah yeah you see us come over and uh you know we’ll uh we’ll uh share a beer with you Wind Down absolutely so just wanted to share about Brew Fest and what a good time it is and how much we enjoy it every year yeah so hope to see you soon and uh we’ll have a beer like you yeah absolutely cheers cheers bye
Solar Snags
Here in sunny Prescott, solar energy might seem like a no-brainer. But if you're considering installing a solar rig on your home, you'll want to check out this video to make sure you understand all the pros and cons - especially how it can affect the sale of your home.Video Transcript
good afternoon good afternoon folks hi hi hello hello Bonjour you know all those things that’s right multilingual there you go she’s the pickle lady I am this is a pickle that’s right Diane and Randall bro here coming to you uh your local Friendly helpful Realtors here in Prescott Arizona and we are here to talk about sometimes it’s the bane of my existence it makes me take a deep breath yeah so we’re here to talk today about solar solar can be a four-letter word yeah in my world all right so first off solar is available here uh some of the newer construction homes come with solar uh for the most part when people come from Why So Little? other areas where there’s a lot of solid they’re surprised there isn’t more of it there isn’t more of it right they’re like how come most of the houses here don’t have them well here’s the thing um our utilities are quite inexpensive yeah uh our electric bills are not super high like in some other areas of the country and people are getting these Sky High you know 900 electric bills it just doesn’t happen here so the financial component of solar is not that compelling here the people they do solar It’s Green, But… they’re for the most part it’s to be green uh absolutely most people here who do it now Phoenix absolutely they meet solar they’re running that AC constantly we don’t have a three-digit temperatures so we don’t have to run our AC we’re not running at 105 like it is down in the valley yeah that’s right um it’s very temperate temperatures here especially during summer it’s just not that bad we might get in the 90s you know and then you know uh it cools down to the 70s so we’re not really hitting that AC so hard that solar would be a positive thing we have the sun form but it the energy that it produces is a war as much as that’s right energy produced in other areas and Owned vs. Not so now I love own sonar I will say that ohm solar if you want to put solar on and you really want to help the environment and I appreciate that and I honor that I think that’s a beautiful thing and you pay it off I love it even more but if you put solar on and you take a sixty thousand dollar loan to have uh solar installed uh you should know most people who buy your in the future who might want to buy your home are not interested in assuming that loan yes most people are like I don’t want to pay how much did you pay it down ten thousand yes I don’t want to buy a 50 000 solar system I don’t want to take over this lease and I don’t want to pay it off so you’ve had sellers in their 80s and they they take out you know a 30-year yeah you know lease on solar it’s like what do you thinking and that’s not yeah well somebody is somebody’s not you know yeah they’re doing a sell job yeah and so it’s very important and so it can be a real deterrent to potential When it’s a Deterrent buyers yeah so what’s your name yeah unless you can find a buyer first of all you to find a buyer is willing to do it you’ve cut your buyers at least in half yes uh because they’re going to have to take over the lease and a lot of them they worry about you know the roof Other Worries and was it installed properly that’s right you know is it going to be damaged if they remove it and so you’ve got it opens up a whole can of worms it does um particularly if it’s leased and they don’t want to take over the lease you have to remove it it it can be a real nightmare if it sleeps we have yet to work with a lease company that makes that process fast easy yeah it’s a pretty it’s a grueling process a grueling process so if you are thinking Pay it Off about doing solar at least here in Prescott yeah pay it off pay it off because yeah yeah you’re probably going to end up having to pay it off when you go to sell yes anyway just the buyers that’s true most of the buyers will say okay I’m interested but I don’t want to take this on they have to pay it off yeah so be prepared if you were thinking about putting solar on your house here in Prescott uh there’s a lot of pros and cons Pros and Cons so the pros are I mean if you get it and you pay it off then you have you know what 60 dollar bills or less way less that can be a great thing that’s it can be yeah it can be a very good thing now some of the buildings of Mandalay in particular I know they’re doing solar in a lot of their new homes and you know that’s part of the deal it’s part of the package and it’s owned you know you’re not you’re not uh leasing it separately so you’re not going to have that same the same number of issues but our advice When it’s a Benefit is if you’re thinking about doing solar make sure you pay it off and then enjoy all the perks and the Beautiful benefits of uh owning your own solar and then if you ever have to sell your home it’s a real positive for incoming buyers yes they don’t want to lease it though they don’t want to lose it but you’re going to get all your money back but that’s when we’ll go for a premium if it does have solar absolutely and we’re saying this is and it’s owed yeah and it’s on this is 2023 uh solar technology is improving all the time that’s right you know they may come up with something that changes the whole aspect the the costs and all this so this may change but as of now given the technology that’s in place if it’s a new home and Retrofitting they’re incorporating solar as part of the package that’s okay that that’s a pretty good deal but if you have a home and you’re thinking about retrofitting I would I would discourage that yeah just just looking at this from the point of view of a realtor right it makes your home harder and trying to resell yeah for sure for sure so that’s our little tit solar yeah not again solar I think solar is amazing yeah I think solar is great and by the Diane Beats Lease Companies way if if you do have a home that is leased it has lease on solar there is no one better on the planet than bulldogging the the lease companies to get them to do the thing in the pickle lady we just released her to you know release the dogs and uh let’s slip the dogs of war or whatever it is because she goes after him and she is Relentless yeah they hate me but uh it’s not a pleasant it’s not a pleasant uh yeah happening for anyone so no so keep that in mind solar can be a very positive thing if it’s owned otherwise I don’t know yeah so that’s our tip of Wind Down the day yes do you want more tips we have plenty for you and a place to go is pickle four one there’s a free information site whether you’re a buyer seller or somewhere in between there is something waiting for you that will inform astound and entertain you and it’s all absolutely free that’s right she likes much feel so silly all right everyone out there hope you’re having a great day and we hope you uh this was informative for you about solar absolutely we’re here to serve take care bye