Month: November 2021
Triple Creek
As fall takes hold, we've got the perfect venue for you that boasts a fabulous outdoor space overlooking a lush green space. Add fabulous specialty drinks and a short walk to the all the new downtown action spots... it's a must-try. So check it out!
Crazy for Pickle Ball
As athletes grow older, they look for sports that are less demanding on the joints and more social. For Baby Boomers, more and more that's Pickle Ball. In the episode we discuss this new craze, the facilities available in Prescott, and how Prescottonians are getting out of the house and into the kitchen.Video Transcript
hello hello hello the beeps randall and diane bro here choose fickle lady in prescott arizona we’re your fellow helpful realtors eager to help you find a place here or eager we’re here to serve what can i say what can i say i like it yeah so we’re here to talk about something that is huge here and it may be huge where you are i’m not sure um but you know this is a big retirement town so a lot of folks come and now they can have the time of their lives no more work schedule no more commuting uh everybody’s worked hard and they’re like we are here to partay yeah so they’re looking for things to do and socialize and share time together and the thing that’s kind of taken off is pickleball pickleball well i i think pickleball has taken over the whole nation yeah it’s become very popular it’s a lot easier on the joints and and you know so um as we age you know it’s not quite so hard but you can still be active but without damaging yourself as we have done yeah and also too if you if you’re playing i have found that if you’re playing pickleball and the other players are much better than you you can still kind of have a game yes whereas if you’re playing tennis and the other person’s really good i mean it’s not going to be fun yeah it’s not fun so it’s it’s very social and very social and uh so a lot of people pick it up they have women’s pickleball they have men’s they have um men and women mixed doubles i knew there was a phrase for you i just was like yeah pickleball singles well i like it as as it’s also true in tennis uh when you play doubles it’s a lot easier yes you might have to cover half the court so we have the balls the same way i played singles once or twice a lot harder doubles is a lot more fun but we have a lot of friends who have picked up pickleball they love it they’ve like oh my gosh it’s become quite the social event for them and so in particular like we live in prescott lakes uh they have six or seven pickleball courts that’s how big it’s gotten and they keep adding more courts and so a lot of people here have joined the pickleball club and so they meet and they have all the way from the very beginners to advanced so don’t feel intimidated if you move here uh everybody’s super welcoming happy to teach you and you can as you grow you can bump up uh so it’s as competitive or as relaxed and fun as you want to make it absolutely so we tried a couple of times we’re just too busy and we’re not retired that and it’s hard for us not to curse it’s hard yeah i wasn’t gonna say it but they do have some nice rules everybody’s uh very uh gentlemanly and ladylike and i missed a couple of times and i said the s word you know and um so yeah that was very hard for me um but i would i would train myself if i had more time i would learn how to control that but so even if you don’t live in prescott lakes they have public pickleball courts uh off of willow uh creek and that off of that street they have public courts and lots of people join there so even if you’re not a resident of prescott lakes there’s plenty of other opportunity for you to play pickleball and those things are big too rumor is rumor is we had an old sears that closed in the shopping center and we have heard i think it’s pretty definite they are gonna they they’re working on converting the whole interior into indoor pickleball courts yeah which i think is pretty cool that’s like yeah that’s like yeah yeah the the [Music] shopping center thing is is in decline has been for at least you know they’re dying on the vine and it’s sad you know to see especially around christmas time you know shopping centers were such an important part of christmas and now they’re kind of dying on the vines so yeah i was wondering i wish someone would come up with a new use for these spaces and yeah a place where the community can come together and when i heard the pickleball i think it’s brilliant oh my god that’s brilliant because then if it’s too hot in the summer you can be inside if it gets chilly willy in the winter i mean i think that’s ideal yeah you do the food court thing and it’ll be open to the public and everything else so anyway if you are a huge pickleball player or you’re thinking about picking it up uh prescott is the town for pickleball it is huge and people just have so much fun meeting other couples other people and then you develop other friendships so it’s a great way to meet people so we highly recommend prescott for pickleball there you go yeah and even at prescott lakes they hire the national pickleball coach yeah there’s a national pickleball coach and he came to prescott lakes to give personalized instruction and uh classes yeah so it’s uh it’s a big deal here so anyway if you’re thinking about it or if you are already a devotee of pickleball this is the town for you yeah and the people could not be more fun oh yeah it’s nice it’s nice so that’s our tip of the day about pickleball if you want to learn more about pickleball more about prescott more about real estate there’s a place to go that is pickle 411.com that is our information center whether you’re a buyer seller somewhere in between lots of free useful and highly entertaining information that you should check out because you should it’s all free you should it’s free get on that right now no charges to you yeah our wealth of information just flows just flows yeah and we like to share it with you okay you guys have a great day and we’ll see you next time take care bye
Coolest Music Venue
Honky tonkin' is something that's better when a) it doesn't end with a "g" and b) you share it with friends. If you find your group's grown pretty big now that you've rolled up more friends you've found along the way, here's a great spot to end the night.
Video Transcript
well good morning mr bro good morning
diana randall bro here she’s thick lady
we’re in prescott arizona i am a pickle
lady we are located in gorgeous gorgeous
prescott that’s good
enjoying what happy fall y’all happy
fall y’all fall is here
fell it fell it’s falling no it hasn’t
fallen but it has arrived
and it’s been beautiful a little nip in
the morning feels really good yeah we’re
kind of down to
like in the 40s and in the daytime we’re
hitting 70 or 72
beautiful blue skies i mean
you just can’t argue with it it’s nice
it’s been great it’s nice it’s great to
take our peeps out on tours yeah and uh
everyone’s just raving about the weather
so anyway we’re happy falls here yeah
absolutely and we’re really happy to
talk about
montezuma’s tavern montezuma’s tavern so
first uh yeah first a word about
montezuma so evidently the guy they
named prescott after and
why he pronounces that that way is a
whole other story we’ll tell that some
other time but anyway he was a historian
and he uh wrote about how the local
people in the prescott area
were all related to the aztecs which
would include montezuma
and historical figures like cortez
completely and utterly wrong just
totally wrong absolutely wrong no no
relation whatsoever he tried i guess he
tried he tried he thought he was making
the right connection yeah so montezuma’s
tavern is on montezuma amongst them
which is a big street here right right
close to cortez yeah right around the
the square yeah yeah so all around the
square you’ll find cortez martizuma
what’s the other streets no one knows we
don’t know but anyway yeah a lot of the
india uh uh aztec names you’ll find red
white square street’s uh named and
that’s why yeah we’re not stupid we’re
just historically that’s right so all
right dr bro yeah there you go with your
people will argue about whether it is
part of whiskey row or not
whiskey row is clearly it starts with st
michael’s bistro
uh it’s it’s one block long and it
fronts uh across the street from the
courthouse correct uh but for years
they’ve been trying to get people to
start thinking about this the next just
cross that little side street and
there’s a whole nother whole little
block yeah of really beautiful buildings
and uh
some good restaurants down there too
yeah of which one of these is
montezuma’s tavern
so uh we went there we had some good
friends don and jan shout out to you don
and jan yeah uh they’re in florida right
we hate when they go back to florida but
yeah we were out with a bunch of friends
uh doing music and we went in the
monsoons tavern and there and there they
were they were back in town back in
business they are they love whiskey row
and all the music and for all of you
people who are uh love live music and
your live music aficionados
whiskey row is the place to go yeah
montezuma’s tavern set we’ve got a
really nice venue
uh you go inside and there’s an internal
so you’re actually sitting outside it’s
really quite pleasant very nice and uh
it have music there a really neat
looking bar cool yeah a good selection
of drinks and everything so we stumbled
in there with some other friends and we
found our old friends and we all joined
up at a big table and had a great
evening enjoying the the stars and uh
listening to some live music and a
little bit of dancing
and good drinks
so montezuma’s tavern is a great little
place to kind of duck in
and enjoy that live music yeah and you
know they have some crowds but it’s not
you know it’s all fun it’s not like the
crush of humanity yeah which we hate
yeah you know the older you get can’t
take that crush of humanity
this is just right yeah
this is called haunted kitchen or
something that chronicles the building
has several establishments in it there’s
another bar upstairs we’ll talk about
some other time yeah uh there’s a
restaurant you can order in food but
montezuma’s tavern is about drinking and
music and live music
under the stars
in a really cute courtyard that kind of
reminds me a little bit of a new orleans
of course yeah it has a has a pat
o’brien’s kind of feeling it does i
think that’s why we connected with yeah
yeah but anyway so if you’re a
honky-tonk kind of person and you just
kind of like to walk around the square
and uh hear some live music montezuma’s
tavern is the place for you you may see
us there with don and jan yeah when they
come back
we’ll have a good time we’ll give you
some pickles yeah we’ll give you some
pickles if if i have them usually
they’re in my car
i don’t necessarily carry them in my
purse everywhere i go
yeah i mean maybe i should because you
pickle slipper yeah
but uh anyway we’d love to see you there
maybe one day and say a quick hello and
we can all have fun absolutely so that
is our little spot on montezuma’s tavern
yeah always some good information
available on our website to find that
you go to
pickle411.com whether you’re a buyer
seller somewhere in between that’s right
lots of free and useful information
including restaurant reviews and uh
reviews of places like montezuma
montezuma we’d like to give all of our
little listeners out there a little
of what life is like here and our lovely
little town a lovely fall town our
lovely fall town it’s even better now
that fall is here you cannot beat fall
yeah in prescott i defy anybody too most
places fall is the best season i think
yeah but this is lovely here it’s really
lovely it’s especially lovely it is so
we have a good time yeah so hope to see
you hope you come visit soon we’d love
to take you around show you some new
show you uh around our town and if you
have a home you’re thinking about
selling give us a call give us a call
Pool Service
Lou’s Pool Service – (928) 300-6310
Hauled Water
Moving to a mountain town may bring to mind images of rugged outdoor living in remote forests... eating wild nuts and berries with the other animals. Well, dreams of getting away and off the grid are possible, but you'll need water. Here's how that works.Video Transcript
well good afternoon hello peeps this is diane and randall bro yes i am the pickle lady here in prescott and this is my sidekick here he always makes sure the car is stocked with pickles that’s right because everywhere i go somebody’s like could i have some could i have something so uh he’s my little stock boy yeah and uh making sure he’s stuck in the van with pictures right he makes sure the inventory is up he’s like uh are we down on pickles time for you to get i’m gonna do production she that she’s i do all the production production i just stock the heat stocks and make sure hey i think you need to make some more yeah i’m like okay let me get right on that right on there but anyway pickle lady pickle lady that’s what that’s all about so if i see you or if you come visit you too because we’ll get some pickles but we’re here to talk about something interesting i had never heard of i’m from the deep south yeah it’s called hauled water yeah that’s how we call it that’s how we say h-a-u-l-e-d it’s like called gas except it’s water right exactly so halt water i’m like so i heard this term but it wasn’t i say hall they said hurled girls i can’t even say we’re not allowed to say that people in arizona have an accent because we’re not from here right yeah we’re the ones with i can’t do it it was like um anyway so somebody was saying i need to get um some hold the hold hold water and hold and hold hold on and i said i don’t don’t know what that they were like don’t you have the number and i’m like i don’t what is that could you say it again and they kept saying it the way they were hauled her and i said i’m so sorry i don’t know what that means and then i said could you spell it and then i said oh hold hard okay i got it i got it and so what that is is sometimes in some areas here because where we live we grew up in the suburbs and everybody was on city water and water whatever and things like that yeah it came from the tap um so here uh especially in some more remote areas up the mountains and everything you don’t you either have to have a private well or a shared well there’s no city you know they can’t get the the water to you i mean up a mountain so they’ll have uh wells and sometimes even that is not enough and the well may run low so in addition to that they will get hauled water ordered and that comes in giant what is it like two or five hundred gallons yeah i know more than that that yeah i think it tanks like two thousand gallons or something and so they’ll bring this giant plastic container that will sit on your property and that can be used for additional things or emptied into that well and that’s another way to get that water there yeah so it’s literally driven in a truck yeah and driven into the actual they literally call it yeah so if you have a well particularly if your well doesn’t produce that that much water quickly you know the the quantity is not good you’ll have a storage tank you get a storage tank so the well is constantly pumping water into the storage tank and you draw the water from the storage tank uh if you consume the water faster than your well as pumping into the storage tank well you’re going to have to top it off or eventually you’re going to run out and that’s hot water that’s what they do they’ll they’ll come out and they pour the water into your storage tank and uh i i it’s like i don’t know three or four hundred dollars to have the water hold out right and uh we looked at one house and particularly had two storage tanks so you’re looking at you know about 700 bucks to uh to fill up and uh the people who were selling the house there were just two people living there and i mean this part time yeah it was a weekend getaway yeah cabin but it so that was sufficient yeah for two people it worked fine the well produced enough that if there’s a shortfall there it’s not much so you might have to haul the water out once or twice a year yeah uh but our buyers wanted to use the property for an airbnb and that’s when four people come in like they will burn they would run through that water fast so a lot of times people will call us and they’re like i want a cabin in the woods and i want that these are things to think about um because it isn’t going to be on city water yeah and you will have to make sure your well doesn’t go dry and you need to consider if you want to use it as an airbnb that you have a very good producing well yeah that you won’t have to rely on halt water because that could get costly for you yeah well if you’re if the place that you’re again running with the with the uh scenario that you want to do in airbnb uh you don’t want to buy a big house because lots of people will go in there and use that water water yeah but if a small place that might work it might work you know if it’s just you you know you and your spouse and every now and then you have the kids in for a holiday you’re probably going to have to top up the tanks for the holiday uh but that might be doable you know it really depends on how much your wells producing how big your storage tanks are uh and how many people are going to be there so i put together like a little spreadsheet so yeah we as your agent if you’re interested in that we we’ve kind of learned some information yeah we now have a spreadsheet so when we look at how many gallons per minute is that well producing and we can tell you that’s going to be a problem or that’s great yeah you’re you’re done how many people yeah so it’s something as a realtor here in prescott you kind of have to be educated on um it’s kind of unusual we weren’t used to it coming from suburban areas and now we know what hauled water means even when they pronounce it a weird way now we get it so every day as i say living and learning or as my daughter sings that song all the time living and learning every day she says that every day yep she well it’s her song it’s her song it’s not not a not a popular one but not like a jay-z no no jay-z so yeah so that was something that we learned and are are now quite educated yeah so if you are coming here yeah and if you’re looking for some place remote particularly up the mountain uh you might be looking at hot water yep and uh and we can help you make a good decision there it’s it’s not necessarily a deal killer depends on um you know what you’re trying to do what you’re trying to accomplish so that is our little chapter on hold [Music] but i got it now so anyway i hope that this is a little tip for you if you’re thinking about living remotely things to keep in mind and to ponder upon yeah there are a lot of pieces and parts and if you want to learn more the place to go is pickle411.com our hub of free information whether you’re a buyer seller somewhere in between lots of useful and highly entertaining information you need to know if you’re considering either buying or selling a home particularly here in prescott some people may argue with that about being entertaining but some people may not agree but hey we try hard i was entertained we entertain ourselves myself we entertain ourselves living and learning all day long living sometimes i’m learning lessons i don’t want to learn yeah there’s a lot of that yeah but that’s life yeah those are the ones we have to share that’s right i don’t know why that’s hilarious but it is it just makes more poor things more things more people yeah i heard water
Event Calendar – November 2021
Prescott by the Numbers – October 2020
Just when you thought Prescott area home prices would flatten out – 30% appreciation is back. See why we still think the market is moderating.
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Golf Course Adventure
Golf has a lot going for it: beautiful grounds, the great outdoors, easy transportation... The golf itself can sometimes be the worst part of the whole experience. Well, as it turns out, you can enjoy all these things without actually swinging a club. Check out our recent golf course adventure.Video Transcript
that’s getting close getting close in he’s getting very close i’d like to get close to the leg as close as possible moving in sometimes it’s not well received moving in taking my opportunity to strike i need my space sometimes yeah it has been 35 years sometimes i’m like whoa and we haven’t filmed all of that no yeah there’s parts of it just parts of it yeah sometimes the girl needs her space trying to shake him it just won’t happen but anyway okay we forgot to introduce ourselves yeah you should do that this is diana randall bro she is the pickle lady you’re a brisket pickle lady here in prescott arizona you’re happy friendly helpful we are your happy friendly helpful realtors um we love nothing we love better than to bring people to our town and share with them the joy of what it is to live here it’s an amazing amazing town we’d love to show it off we’d like to talk about it we’d like to share we’ve been here five years we’d like to share our experiences and uh so that’s what we’re here well to some extent we can’t share experiences that you like to hear about now one in particular is golfing yeah i do not golf why why do you think they don’t want to hear that what why do you think they would not like to hear about golf they would oh they would but i can’t i can’t tell them much about the goal i mean i can tell them about the course we are not called but we’re not golfers not at all we thought we would we had an opportunity to participate in an event at the prescott lakes country club and uh and kind of get an inside view of what it’s like to be a golfer there is a golf cart parade there’s a golf cart parade and we’ve never been because we don’t golf we’ve never been able to see the whole you know all 18 holes so we thought hey let’s do this this would be fun so we decked out the the what do you call it golf cart thank you yeah we decked out the golf cart and of course green balloons and green streamers yeah because you know we’re sticking with the pickle thing yeah it’s very important to represent even on the golf golf course of course yeah yeah and it was uh it was a little windy so i think we lost super windy lots of balloon or two super windy but and a little chilly willy because that was fun but it was so we got on we hopped on our cart we drove around i mean we had the time of our lives we had a great time almost convinced us to become golfers yeah we just don’t have the time well about being on the golf course is everything except for the golf itself yeah you know it’s your outside gorgeous a beautiful day yeah we had great company we’re having fun with everyone around us and uh and it was obviously green because we’re on the greens and uh it was just a beautiful day to spend outside in nature and it was i tell you kudos to prescott lakes country club what a golf course what a golf course that’s quite expansive yeah i was like wow yeah it’s amazing to me yeah it took so long just to drive the cart around 18 holes 18 holes we had a good time without even stopping the putt or anything i mean we’re out there no no cutting simply driving simply driving but what was really cute was there a lot of homes that are built around the golf course and and they had their own parties and they were out on the deck and they were waving to the cards as they go you know and uh so it was quite the event yeah um and then we ended up back at the club and they had a lovely spread for us they absolutely did really get some kind of that bacon thing listen if anybody moves to prescott lakes yeah give us a call you gotta have their bacon and at their brunch yeah it’s like this thick cut oh my god it’s to die for and then they make um great um bloody mary’s yes and they stick that anyway stick the bacon in the blade we’re we’re heading off course here but it was good stuff it was awesome and so uh we had a lovely time and big tables and we all sat around with everybody who participated in the parade and it was just a nice way to to meet other people and chit-chat and have fun so i highly recommend it if you move to prescott lakes i’m not sure if uh capitol canyon does something similar which is another call of course yeah i don’t know if they do something yeah i don’t know maybe other clubs take their goals but prescott lakes can sure put on a good golf cart it was a lot of fun we had a lovely time so anyway if you move here and if you are a golfer you will be mightily impressed with the prescott lakes golf course that we don’t golf we thought it was beautiful and we do ride the cart we yeah we have a good time and we decorate the car we give you green balloons yeah prescott lakes country club gives a good golf cart parade we rate it a 10 out of 10. yeah that cart parade that was pretty cool and that was our first time traveling our first time doing that so we almost convinced us to maybe pick up the the old uh you know the golfing the golf the links the links is that what they call it yeah okay i know i don’t even know the words yeah but we have a lot of friends we have a lot of friends who golf here they love it and it’s a great social thing for for ladies and gentlemen which we are neither so that’s one thing about golf they do have really cool words they do have words like mulligan yeah and slicing yeah yeah approaching and yeah chipping on shipping off yeah what do you call it when somebody’s bumping into you ahead of time right chipping in chipping in yeah you’re chipping on randall has a lot of issues with chipping in yeah i get chipped on he gets chipped on a lot and uh that turns him off yeah so anyway i just like to ride the cart that’s not like normal no one was hitting into us that’s all i want to do it was it was cool so we wanted to share that with you we’ll have some pictures behind us as well that you can giggle about and uh we had a good time i wore green to represent right because i am the pickled lady but anyway uh so if you are thinking about moving here please give us a call if you’re thinking about listing give us a call the pickle lady and this guy we are ready to help you uh in your next steps uh you can find more information about us at pickle411.com right lots of free information lots of free buyers somewhere in between all free all useful just fascinating just faster goods just amazing prospecting mind blown mind-blowing the stuff that we offer you people is unbelievable unbelievable we try really hard we try hard to come up with some good stuff but i think it is important all joking aside it is important uh we try to give you a real taste of what it’s like here so i hope you enjoy we have fun making them and we have fun seeing people as we’re filming watching us and interrupting us it’s always a good time so that is all for today and we hope to hear from you soon cheers cheers bye