Month: March 2022
Music of Esteban
One of the things that surprised us most about Prescott was the quality of music here, and coming from New Orleans, our standards are pretty high. Of special note is the world-renowned classical guitarist Esteban, who is a local resident and performs locally at the historic Elks Theater. In this episode we recall his most recent appearance and what he has coming up.Video Transcript
hello hello peeps every time you say that it’s right in my ear hello peeps she’s the pickle lady i’m her sidekick we are in prescott arizona we sell real estate among other things we’re bringing you up what it was doing i think restaurants we do a lot of restaurants for you yeah but i don’t get it cuz i don’t get paid for that i don’t get paid for that that’s just pure joy for me yeah sharing every now and then we get a free drink that’s about it not really not really because we don’t do it in a location we should get a lot more than what we do i’ll tell you that much yeah but i i i’m gonna let that go because we just have so much fun talking about uh things here in prescott but here we’re not going to talk about things to eat on this episode we’re going to talk about things to listen to things to listen to something you should know here in prescott great great music scene an amazing music scene oh yeah and coming from new orleans we were like oh sure i’m saying a lot yeah that’s it a lot we’re from new orleans and you’re messed with the music that’s saying a lot we’re pretty impressed because we you know our our bar was pretty high i’m not sure let’s see and we went a couple of times i’m like wow that’s good a lot of good great local talent uh regional town we also get people coming up from phoenix yep all the time you know the the phoenix symphony comes up here and plays in the square they also play at yavapai community college we have a lot of local bands that play all the time on whiskey row that are phenomenal and then there are a lot of great cover bands who also come in play and we go see them at the elks theater one of them it’s not a band it’s one person yeah we’re we’re going to go see the carole king carol king tapestry tapestries the cover band yeah my personal favorite is actually a local resident by the name of esteban i love him i love him so i love him too yeah a world renowned uh guitar player and classically trained right classically trained by segovia segovia a lot of people kind of consider him to be the heir to segovia unbelievable what this guy can do with a guitar and he lives here in prescott so he has retired here yeah he plays only regionally now uh you know california arizona probably vegas yeah uh but he does a hand like two or three four uh concerts a year here right here at the right here else theater in prescott that’s right and we love it we always go one year we went for mother’s day and brought randall’s mom yeah and for me and we went and he plays with his daughter teresa yes who is an amazing violin amazing amazing and he has a great drummer yeah a great drummer the guy’s phenomenal uh at the last concert i think he did a couple of drum solos yeah had me just blown away and his daughter’s an amazing improvisation on a violin oh i don’t know that there’s a lot of people doing that no i mean you know theresa joy is her name so we go and as soon as he starts playing i always start to tear up just it’s just it’s just beautiful to hear a classical guitarist just very moving it’s just it’s just beautiful yeah and he last time we went he played 90 minutes straight because he also talks a lot about his personal life and how he got uh on this path and his journey and that’s that’s a lot of fun yeah very inspirational very inspirational and you know he talks about uh you know his life as a musician and tells stories and he tells him well is always funny he’s always funny so we highly if you’re a musical person uh you’ll love it here you’ll love it it’s a huge variety i think he mentioned in the concert that his son is going to be um i don’t know how permanent or how often that’s going to be that’s right the basis yeah but yes it basis and so uh i look forward to seeing that yeah so he’s going to do another concert april you’re thinking about visiting and you’re here april 9th make sure you check him out yeah grab a ticket just one it’s a wonderful evening and then go have a nice dinner yeah it was really we did it for valentine’s he is a treasure and he like the rest of us here have totally embraced life here in prescott and what prescott represents and uh enough that he retired here yeah that’s right so we take that as a big shot in the arm so thank you esteban and thank you for all your beautiful concerts absolutely they touch our heart all the time we love it yeah he did uh he did a rendition of norwegian wood which is the beatles song that uh they have the sitar that george harrison so he kind of did this sitar thing which i mean no offense to george harrison but oh my god it was amazing it was always a guitar like how did you do that i think it was making sounds he didn’t think a guitar could do but yeah it was uh it was amazing that’s what that’s what that sounds a little weird excuse me that kind of twangy sound that sits do i don’t know how he managed to do that it was cool it was cool anyway so if you’re coming here no you’ll have a lot of entertainment you’ll love it here okay thanks and if you need to find out more information you can reach us at or our website pickle411.com is the place to start whether you’re a buyer seller somewhere in between lots of free information informative about real estate about prescott about life about wisdom some wisdom someone’s the best of we the closest we can get to where’s a little bit of work a little bit all right thanks for listening have a great day bye
Colt BBQ
This time we celebrate great BBQ and a great extension of Prescott's traditional nightlife scene, Whiskey Row. Come check out the local Colt BBQ chain in our latest restaurant review... and always take the rich option whenever possible.Video Transcript
thank you for all your support it means the world to us every time you watch every time you watch we get that one click and we love it yeah yeah that’s our that’s our fan base another restaurant today we’re picking up colts colts yeah you know we’ve gotten a lot of feedback from people who say yeah honestly one of our favorites is when you guys talk about restaurants and i’m like wow well we are foodies um we do go out and socialize a lot we have a lot of fun doing it yes we do and so we are happy to share our restaurant videos with you [Music] which means my many friends many friends there you go hopefully so uh yeah so today we’re talking about colts colts is kind of a local chain they have a number of locations i think they started in cottonwood or something i think there’s been a location in prescott valley now for a few years yeah and uh we just i don’t know i make really good ribs yes so we don’t there’s a pretty good yeah so we don’t go out for barbecue all that much usually when we’re in the mood for barbecue i make i make ribs um so we’ve been hitting the barbecue scene some friends called us they wanted to go and we did and it was amazing it was a really good it was amazing um fantastic barbecue but what we’re most excited is colts has now come right into the heart of prescott yes they are yes they are they’re right past uh whiskey road well i they’re clowning they’re still on biscuit that’s right so the whole thing about whiskey row is uh no no one’s quite sure if it’s one block or two yes uh there’s one block that has always been whiskey row and there’s always been a second block where you know we’re we’re a risky road too but it really hasn’t caught on we’re hoping that colts makes kind of tips the scale tips the scale uh and bringing it to that second block so that whiskey row becomes a two black entity it needs to be a two block so much fun such a good time yeah but uh colts is right there on the corner of montezuma and montezuma and goodwood [Music] delicious delicious turkey sausage yeah brisket their brisket is different it’s amazing ribs they have a selection of barbecue sauces oh yeah that’s what i love about them yeah there’s like an apricot sauce that’s really good the traditionals are really good different amounts of heat depending on what you’re looking for bring the heat now bring the heat i like the heat yeah i like a few of them so i like to kind of mix it up a little bit the brisket is outstanding the brisket is and you need to die yeah you have an option of either lean or rich oh yeah yeah what do you think that’s what i have yet to try the lean so for those of you who are being good yeah i don’t know why you may go to colts if you’re going to be good but we know somebody maybe somebody’s forcing you to go to colts and you really want a healthy option so get the lean brisket don’t we go all yeah we do we do so that uh yeah the sausage was good the ribs were good yeah all of it uh the bar is really good they’ve got a number of their own um creations yep um i can’t remember did i have i had a huckleberry huckleberry’s huckleberry something yeah i don’t recall too much because i had several of them uh some kind of bourbon with uh maple or something in there i forget i don’t know it was all good it was good it was all good yeah their their cocktails are really good so if you’re coming here for a visit or if you’re living here uh make sure you try colts either in cottonwood prescott valley or right here on whiskey road it’s a good time and it’s it’s got a nice little atmosphere too yeah yeah we enjoyed the line so shout out to colts we love you and we love that huckleberry oh yeah it’s good good good stuff so give us a call or look us up at pickle411.com are all kinds of restaurant reviews on uh you’ll find there yeah that’s our thing that’s a thing and lots of uh but if you’re looking for events if you’re looking for information about real estate uh it’s all there it’s all free and it’s all we covered them phenomenal we covered all people who do it or just they’re just yeah sometimes you know sometimes people don’t connect with us i’m okay with that most of the time that we have a ball we do we like sharing all of our knowledge that’s right with you yeah about life here that’s euphemism knowledge i’m not sure it’s all just knowledge not not exactly but we try it’s malarkey we try all right nice seeing you today and have a great rest of your day bye
The Fast Cash Option
Selling a home can be grueling, particularly when it requires significant cleanup and prep... or when you're facing very difficult circumstances. If the idea of bypassing all that with a quick cash offer in hand sounds attractive to you, then you need to check out Express Offers - a new seller program we introduce in this episode.Video Transcript
hello hello hello my friends hello peeps this is randall and diambro here in the lovely town of prescott arizona just good arizona with the prescott pickle that’s right we are very excited to share something new that has come through our brokerage and that is express offers express offers so a lot of there are companies out there that will uh pay you cash for your home you know we buy ugly homes i mean we’ve seen all these kinds of things uh we have a program like that we can offer you money for your home uh it functions as kind of a last resort if you will or our worst possible case or if you’ve got to get out fast something happens you’re like i really don’t have time to market this i need to sell quickly yeah so so these are investors that are investing in homes uh they are either looking to hold in rent or they’re looking to renovate and flip uh and so depending on the kind of situation you’re in you might want to consider something like this absolutely it’s an amazing program it’s a great program easy to use yeah easy to use you can always get uh get an offer and if it’s not to your liking then you can go the traditional route and use us though or anybody else for that matter the list journal in a more traditional way that’s right but if you’re looking for something quick and easy uh it’s pretty good the if your home is completely you know kind of up to date and ready to rent uh probably a little closer to market value than if it’s a flip situation uh if you are if you want to redo your own home and then sell it i mean essentially you’ve gone into the flipping business right professional flippers can do it cheaper and easier you may be surprised at how uh good offers the the quality offers that they can give you so there’s something to think about before you dive in and start your and in particular if you’re really kind of in a time crunch yeah because we understand life happens yeah things happen and um you’ve got to get a skedaddle out of town yeah or something dramatic has happened financially and you’re health-wise yeah health-wise uh if you are uh if your parents have been in the home for 40 000 years right gee you know we’re gonna have to sell mom’s home and i don’t know been there and done that yeah a lot a lot what are we gonna do with this yeah so yes you’re going to get less than market value because it is an investor and they are looking to make a profit by giving you more convenience but maybe less than you think and a whole lot easier because uh having done it uh it’s or you’ve done it more than me but um it’s it’s it’s not a good time people it is a lot it’s not a lot of fun yeah so you have to consider yeah yeah been there done that i wish maybe we would have had at that time access to express offers yeah that would have been so that would have been amazing certainly something to consider absolutely so i mean consider this among you know a whole battery of different options we’ll be glad to learn more about your particular situation and help you explore what options make the most sense for you but it is nice that we have you know an extra bullet in the chamber if you will another tool in the tool bag i like the first thing’s a little violent yeah i don’t know yeah i mean coming after that one thing yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we don’t want to talk about anything because that could possibly be in the chamber all the bullets in the chamber are the same tools i like the tool yes i like that better we’re just kind of in kind of crazy crazy times crazy time you never want to assume yeah that’s right that anything is is or is not in the chamber [Laughter] as we’ve been taught in gun gun safety yes every gun is loaded every gun yeah you should always just safety tip always safe always uh i’ll say that all guns and you know what express offers is also listed it’s also loaded it’s ready to never assume that your toolbox is full because if you take the toolbox uh chances are you won’t have the tool that you need that yeah yeah i guess i don’t know but anyway we just wanted to share that with you because we think it’s an exciting new program with our brokerage and we are happy to share it with you yeah we’ll be glad to run some nights absolutely and help you uh if you’re in a bind or just you know don’t even want to put it on the market and show it a ton of times this is something another option so give us a call or look us up yeah you can find more information at pickle411.com that is our information site whether you are buy or seller somewhere in between you will find something there that is informative and entertaining and worthy of an oscar absolutely worthy of an oscar we’re here to help people that’s what we’re all about customer service bar none that’s us that’s all i have to say that’s why i’m tired all the time have a great day thank you for listening take care bye
Corvettes vs. Driveways
If you have a Corvette or other type of car that rides low to the ground, then you'll want to tune in for our latest Wine Down episode. Here's the rub: Prescott is a town with terrain, so low-riding vehicles can bottom out easily here - especially in driveways that are steep or have not been properly graded. In this episode we reveal our very own Cajun-style invention you can use to check to make sure you can get the Corvette in the garage without scraping. And like all good DIY tools, it's cheap to make and easy to use. You can find our episode on Bridjits here... https://prescottpicklelady.com/vehicles/ More info on the Bridjit device... https://www.bridjit.com/Video Transcript
good morning good morning peeps
randall and diane bro here he’s breast
piccolating i am i am the gherkin
sidekick he is the gherkin sidekick yes
i just jarred another five gallons
another five gallons doing our part in
production yeah
so if you give me a call or we see you
i’m happy to bring you a jar of my
famous cajun that’s right logistics
problems do not hold back never the
pickle production that is correct always
in production
and always excited to share yes um my
pickles with everybody but anyway
uh we are i digress we are here to talk
today about something called driveways
and corvettes driveways and corvettes
well what i’ve noticed yeah how about
lately everywhere in prescott i see
people driving corvette after corvette
yeah lots of corvettes here it’s a big
cars of all types are big here vintage
cars and
they have uh uh we’ll have shows with mg
and but it seems the corvettes are kind
of uh taking center stage
yeah vintage corvettes brand new
corvettes um the new ones have beautiful
colors yeah beautiful so shout out to
mr goodman and to the lucex who are also
fellow uh friends and clients yep who
corvettes yeah corvettes here’s the
thing about corvettes they ride low to
the ground
super super low to the ground
not the only cars that ride low to the
ground no they’re producers also ride
low to the ground priuses uh any number
of so the hot rod cars you know
testosterone and all that stuff that
they ride low to the ground
which helps you i guess with the air
flow when you are i get it i mean i get
the design yeah um the design doesn’t
always work for us as realtors that’s
right yeah the problem is we are a
mountain town so we do have terrain
they have any number of areas around
town you’re driving your corvette you’re
going to bottom out yep
and sometimes when you don’t expect it
and i hate the sound of that we have a
sedan uh we also have the pickle van the
pickle band rides low the scene does not
ride very high yeah uh from time to time
you know we get a bit of a scrape if you
have a car that’s really low you’re
gonna be scraping a lot so be careful
with that
and in particular be careful about your
right way yes so but the pickle lady
team yeah
we’ve come up with a solution yeah we
did yeah so a lot of times kind of thing
right people will come in and they’re
like oh my gosh i love this house i love
everything about it the driveway is not
going to work for my corvette we just
had this with a really super nice climb
so i was out i came home and like where
are you because we were getting ready to
go meet them
and randall says well i’m i’m over here
at lowe’s i’m like what are you doing we
need to be gone
and he came back and he actually devised
this tool that helps us measure
yes um the the the how low the car is
the clearance on the driveway so just
it’s very science
you think it would be easy you know it’s
not about the front of the car it’s
really not about the back of the car
it’s really about the middle of the car
so what happens is you have you have
like a little hump
in your driveway you know because it’s
it’s you’re going up terrain or whatever
and you have like a little hump if the
front tires go down
faster than the back tires are going up
uh you may scrape in the middle
so i made a little device where it uses
yardsticks and uh it’s pretty much it
you know it’s orange and engaging
it’s our own invention nobody tried to
patent this that’s right
i think i’m gonna make one instead of
instead of rope i might do one with uh
with some kind of wood to get but the
idea is
you uh you measure the clearance of the
tires and how far apart the tires are
and the yardsticks kind of show you they
represent the tires and if the rope is
touching your driveway then you’re
probably going to scrape
and it’s not an exact thing but barring
you know actually bringing the car in
and trying it out it’ll give you a good
idea um i don’t know why they don’t use
a device like that to actually pave what
else did your driveways what else did
you bring oh we also did uh the other
issue was the the slope of the driveway
may be of concern for the the pods the
storage units the storage containers
so we had to we had to measure the pitch
to see if they were going to allow the
client to put the storage unit in the
driveway or it was going to be too
angling that’s right so here’s the thing
you think we’re just here writing up a
and chit chatting as we do with this on
these little videos we actually are full
service yeah uh we’re out there
measuring we’re coming up with new
measurements uh measurement uh equipment
we’re inventing a group correct we we
are we’re double time here
we’re like you know what we’re going to
figure out about this corvette for sure
before you make a decision the other
thing we love to talk about and we have
it in our own house is something called
a bridget
oh yeah the bridge shout out to the
bridgette the bridgette company yeah i
think we did it
we did a video i think on bridget’s
so in our particular little babies
subdivision or neighborhood of uh
prescott lakes called creekside they did
a really horrible job on the curbs the
curbs are too high yeah so in effect it
you have a speed bump going into your
home driveway okay so most of the
neighbors here have this device called a
which is made out of the same kind of
rubber that make tires it’s amazing so
shout out to the bridge the bridging
company so that’s a tip for you guys
yeah definitely if you are having a
hard uh you know jump up over a curve
into your garage
look at the bridge of the company yeah
i’ll put it if i find that our old wine
down on the bridgette i’ll put to think
on it it’s it’s supersize so between the
bridget and our measurement tools
and uh knowledge and know-how yeah we
will make sure that car is gonna work
it’s gonna fit yeah yeah because a lot
of times homes here are built into
terrain we don’t have super flat
necessarily driveways
and uh it’s important to understand that
when you’re coming here
um either get rid of those cars or
we’re gonna try to figure it out and
make it we’re trying to make it work
don’t be disappointed if not listen buy
a new car and get a higher higher
clearance because you’re going to you’re
going to want that
we’re going to run into it time and time
again here unfortunately just because of
the nature of the terrain if you’re
you’re a collector or you know you have
a a really beautiful car and that’s kind
of what you’re in you may want to
consider some sort of alternative
storage you know a garage or something
where you can store it might you might
do better than keeping it in your own
but the main point of this particular
video though was just to talk about how
we’re full service
um we have a measurement uh equipment
now in place
to help you really determine with pretty
much 95 accuracy i would say well i mean
you’re going to really tell you you just
you know if it says you’re you’re not
going to scrape you probably want to try
the car
you know i mean the ultimate test is the
car itself
um but if it tells you you’re gonna
scrape and you’re probably gonna scroll
i mean it’s it in the end it’s
yardsticks and it’s rogue it’s yardstick
you know and i’m not an engineer now you
know but i mean we will try to help you
do your due diligence for it and show
you what’s going on but the good thing
is is that uh you know if you’re coming
in from out of state you may not have
that car with you right we try to in the
interim give you some idea of whether or
not it’s going to work yeah
so that is our tip of the day yeah it is
important here
so cheers to you for coming up with that
little system we love it
we love it and we love it
so give us a call if you have any
questions or if you’d like to see a home
or list a home we’re at 713-302-1964
yeah if you’re just looking for
information place for that is
that is our information site whether you
are buy or sellers somewhere in between
all kinds of information about prescott
and uh real estate and life and
restaurants and all kinds of things that
are going on you never know what will
pop in our little in our little p brains
and out of cons trying to make it
informative and entertaining try we try
that’s what we do okay
well good luck to you if you’re out
there looking
call us we’re happy to help you
and have a great rest of your day
absolutely bye
Stonework / Pavers
Autumn Blaze Construction: 928-710-4210
Automobile / Car Mechanic
Biel Auto Service: (928) 445-8798
Window Blinds
Blind Brothers: 928-445-4670
Coming Soon: Coming Soon
We've always been one tool short. All over the country, sellers have used a "coming soon" status to let buyers know their homes are going up for sale. But not in Prescott. The local Realtor association has always deemed it a big no-no; that's changing. In this episode, we talk about the policy change and what it will mean to buyers and sellers in the area.Video Transcript
hello hello hello hey peeps welcome back to the preschool pickle lady talk show yeah right we like to call it the wine gum or the wine down because you know we’re winding down we’re not drinking wine yeah [Music] just coffee it’s coffee strong coffee yeah but we are excited to be here today absolutely i am diane and this is randall bro she’s the prescott pickle lady we’re realtors here in prescott arizona that is correct and now we’re excited to be here today because something is changing with the prescott area real estate it’s changing now yep and we’re ver we are super excited something that needed to happen for a long time we are now allowed as realtors to start advertising a little bit ahead of time about coming soon coming soon homes that are about to come in the market yeah so i i don’t know why they’re changing now they were so anti coming soon for so long you can’t do it coming soon you can do coming soon we’ll beat you with a stick well i don’t think they were quite that dramatic but they work for me they knew i was gonna be the i was gonna be the one i don’t know i i i it was it was uh it was a strong position that they were taking uh in most areas of the country they do do come soon your house is about to go on the market in about a week you can start marketing and putting a sign out there that says coming soon and everything else but we were not allowed until march 1st march 1st 2022 march 1st we can start doing that so when you list a home it’s a process you know the seller says okay go and at that point things start happening so you’ve got to get a post in place you got to get your sign in place you got to get the mls uh form written up you got pictures taken before you do the pictures you got to stage the house or do any kind of cleanup and it’s a process and usually it takes a week sometimes two to kind you like to do a drone too yeah we do a drone yeah so we’ve got a lot of moving parts that need to come into play before it can actually hit mls and uh traditionally during that time we would be calling our buyers and telling them it’s coming but that’s really all we could do we couldn’t do any more than that that’s right but now we’re super exciting fast we do have a coming soon yeah we do we have a coming soon and it’s going to be a great house out in prescott valley valley yeah four bedrooms yeah two baths big yard no waitre all newly redone all new completely renovated completely renovated really really nice very conveniently located uh yeah you need to call us so uh we still can’t even do coming soon for this one because we don’t even have one picture uh no but we are in the process we may end up doing uh you know a week in advance coming soon or something like that uh the renovation still isn’t completely done uh but we’re excited about that that gives us an opportunity to have other agents uh beginning to think about the home before it actually hits the market people coming in town uh can plan around better you know that’s what i want to see uh so once we get the front of the home shot you know just the the basic exterior and uh you know we’ll we’ll put it coming soon up on that that’s right yeah and in the meantime you know don’t be afraid to just calm wah it’s a reference to uh when harry mentioned good job i was wondering if you would remember give me a call you know because it’s a great it’s a great family house for starting you know if you’re just starting out it’s going to be a great rental yeah um but i help a little bit with the very low inventories that we’ve been having for buyers uh you know they help out the buyers a little bit when they can kind of see some things that are coming so we’re excited about the new policy very excited aggressive about trying out some some new tactics using it so that’s right so we wanted to share that with you um some of my past clients and you know maybe future clients when we’re talking about a listing i would always be like i can’t put a sign up yet i just can’t yeah um and we never could understand it and we agree with you yeah um we didn’t understand either but now we can um effective march 1st and we are fully ready to take advantage oh yeah yeah absolutely very psyched so if you are interested in listing your home anytime in the near future and you’re excited about coming soon give us a call we’re happy to help you with your listing um we’re happy to get you started um look out for us in in this house in pv right oh yeah pv is what we call it here the locals from prescott valley um give us a call at 713-302-1964 we’ll give you more details yeah if you’re looking for good information a place to start is pickle411.com that is our informational site we call it the prescott relocation center in particular if you’re a buyer or seller lots of information for you if you’re buy or sellers somewhere in between lots of information about prescott what’s going on about real estate just life in general and life in general that’s what we’re gonna go for that’s what we’re all about life in general teaching you educating you specific things about life in general well sometimes yes sometimes it’s just malarkey yeah foolishness and malarkey yeah it just depends on how the mood hits us whatever i like we don’t like to be too serious no we want to do a good job for you but also at the same time keep it light easy and breezy breezy that’s right