New Year’s Eve is a time of celebration – kicking off the new year with a bang! In this week’s episode we dish on the hottest place to celebrate NYE in Prescott. We also want to say thank you to all our pickleheads out there for making 2024 so awesome. Here’s to an amazing 2025!
bonjour bonjour bour you’re also very French I am French today and French today I decided to switch it up yeah um happy New Year y’all happy New Years this is Randall and Diane bro coming to you from the beautiful Arizona Christmas City Prescot Arizona she’s the presc pickle lady I am and we are so happy to be here and wish you a happy happy New Year 2025 I can’t believe it that is wow yeah crazy the 21st century is almost a quarter over that’s crazy I know that’s just crazy so uh we wish everyone just the happiest of upcoming years may you all find happiness and (00:46) peace and good health yeah and let us help you find a good home yeahoo there you go New Year’s resolution is to make new start so uh new start and what better way to do that come start here with us in our great little town yeah great little town so one thing we love about Prescot is their celebration for of New Year’s and it’s kind of fun when we first moved here everybody’s like you got to get to the square you got to get to the Town Square we’re GNA have you got to watch the boot drop the boot drop yeah and what does that mean a boot drops yeah so instead of the ball like in in (01:21) Time Square we have a cowboy boot get it because we’re a little western town so the boot drops it’s at Jersey Lily mhm and uh the first time we went we were like wow why is the boot dropping at 10 p.m. this is the beautiful thing about preset they have two boot droppings so for the early birds who want to get in and get out and they’re cold they go and they watch the boot drop at 10 because technically it’s the new year on the east coast and then for the uh Stronger W people who can make it younger yeah yeah younger and warm more warmly dressed yes so they will hang out (02:02) and they drop it again at midnight yeah so they’ll stand around waiting for the other shoe to drop I say that joke every year every year never get old it’s really fun and well first of all pres get’s just an amazingly friendly and warm uh Town it is uh everybody Embraces each other they love each other we have a lot of fun um everybody’s super duper friendly so especially around the square as the boot drops it’s it’s a lot of hugging and happiness and and uh wishes for a happy new year (02:37) and it’s it’s just lovely very very nice very nice little spirited town so and then of course you can you know while you’re waiting for the boot to drop you can go down Whiskey Row and enjoy all kinds of live music and just really uh welcome the New Year in with a bang yes so the other good thing is so that’s fun downtown there’s all kinds of events all over town we go to Prescot lakes and they have a great big giant party you can buy tickets to there’s all kinds of lovely restaurants that (03:10) you can make reservations so we got a lot of fun stuff we do it’s a it’s a great great time yeah so we just want some cities you know in some of the bigger cities New Year’s Eve is kind of a crazy night I know a lot of people that are you know their fear is it won’t be safe you know presc is a safe town it’s a wonderful place to celebrate the holidays and the new year and very very safe place yes that is very true it’s very safe nobody will be pickpocketing you or anything else you might get a a random hug from a stranger maybe a kiss I don’t know but um for the most part (03:51) it’s just a kick-ass time it is that’s all I can say it is that’s all I can say so but uh Randall and I would also like to spend this moment to wish you all a very happy New Year to those of you who we’ve met this past year we just hope your 2025 is off to a good start we’re so happy you’re here in Prescot and we hope to see you at one of these events yeah and to those of you thinking about preset and you know we wish you all a very happy New Year and we thank you for being in our life (04:22) absolutely so cheers to that cheers to that happy 2025 everybody hope to see you soon bye bye bye