Going Stale

We all want to sell our homes for the highest possible price, right? Sometimes, though, reality gets in the way. In this week’s episode you’ll get our pricing strategy advice to help you prevent your home from going stale in the market…and a few laughs!

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Window Film

Tired of seeing your next door neighbor’s bathroom through your window? We have the solution for you in this week’s episode. We give you tips for maintaining your privacy while keeping that natural light shining through your window. 

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Estimating Home Values

Ever see a neighbor’s house selling for a great price and wonder if you could get a similar amount? Join us this week to find out what factors have the biggest impact on your home’s value, and enable you to get top dollar.

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Secret Tunnels

Speakeasies…ever heard of them? No need for a secret password to learn about these hot gems opening in Prescott’s historic secret tunnels – we’ll tell you all about them! Join us on this week’s episode and learn where you can get your new favorite speak easy libation, listen to live music, and maybe see some… ghosts?! 

If you’re interested in learning more about the history of Prescott’s underground tunnels check out this book!