Just when you thought the traffic couldn’t get any calmer, the Germans put us in a coma.
If you are used to long, tortuous, bumper-to-bumper traffic jams and insanely aggressive motorists who threaten your life at every turn, wait until you drive around Prescott. It’s calm, sane, and beautiful.
And just when you thought it couldn’t get any more peaceful, the Germans engineer something just a little bit crazy.
hello hello peeps hey guys what’s up buttercup what’s up buttercup what’s up buttercup right now we are standing by this sign that says traffic calming so we are an area of traffic calming traffic traffic calming so you can see the traffic that’s kind of coming by people should be very very calm yeah traffic calming is uh an engineering oh that’s right i’m diane randall bro yeah we are the local prescott pickle peeps she’s the prescott pickle lady also also uh hopefully one of your favorite realtors here yeah happy to serve you realtors in prescott arizona home of at least some traffic calming that’s right okay so traffic what is traffic economy so traffic calming is like an engineering thing that the germans started and it’s like a literal translation of the german like traffic called mexico i i don’t know the german but but it literally translates as traffic calming and the idea is to design the streets themselves like the way the lanes are laid out and everything so that people people are calm people drive calm they’re not crazy lunatics driving faster yeah but here’s the funny thing let’s be honest all of prescott is traffic calming that’s the point here traffic is very common yeah traffic is very calm here in prescott we just think this sign is kind of um hilarious because all yeah evidently some some politician was very concerned that we needed some traffic calming and this i guess this was the only place i’ve seen this yeah i think they had to stop because people were going into a coma so yeah the point if you get any calmer driving here there’d be a lot more car accidents yeah for smaller older generations so let’s be honest they drive a little bit they drive slow they do they’re a little more cautious yeah they are but the most exciting thing is no heavy-duty um traffic uh we don’t get a lot of drugs we don’t get road rage yeah no roadways that was ridiculous but anyway a very big truck here comes some more traffic sorry okay yeah sorry for the traffic noise there are no rush hours here yeah you know if you want to get to uh prescott to go down to pv it’s really going to take you about 12 minutes guys you know unlike la where our daughters live oh my gosh you you want to go someplace 10 minutes away it could take you 30 to 40 minutes yeah traffic yeah it does not happen here it’s it’s calm it’s lovely but not only that it not only is the traffic slow and you know not high uh a high multitudes of cars everywhere jamming up the the lanes it is um beautiful yeah yeah you drive around it puts you in a good mood like you know even if i have to wait for this light i’ll just stare at this i’ll just stare at this mountain until the light turns green exactly so you know you’re driving okay so might maybe there’s a little build up of traffic but you’re surrounded by beautiful beautiful scenery yeah so you don’t care and you don’t have people constantly blowing the horn at you unless you fall asleep unless you pause it and flipping you off and you know it’s a very polite town yeah it is oh and also the other thing i love pedestrians everybody stops they’re so kind yeah there’s none of this crazy oh my gosh i’ve got to get some place right now yeah get out of my way everybody i’m going to hit that pedestrian because i’ve got to get to some place on time it doesn’t happen here you’re safe this is all love and peace it is that’s why we have a traffic calm traffic calming yeah yeah so be careful as you drive through here because you may find some people pull over the side of the road and actually fall asleep exactly it’s very namaste namaste so don’t worry about rush hour here don’t worry about i’ve got to get someplace and i’ve got to you know time it out i have an hour to get there on time you don’t have to worry about all that time is real here it’s real time yeah live in the moment live in the moment that’s what i can calm down your traffic and stare at the mountain fell on you what fell on me some tree i don’t know but it wasn’t a bird all right so that is all we just wanted to give you a heads up so yeah absolutely traffic wherever you may live think wow think about traffic calming in prescott and just enjoying beautiful scenery and driving peacefully absolutely you know worrying about anything where can they find your pickle lady you can find me at 713-302-1964 or prescottpicklady.com online we’d love to show you around here comes another car yeah throw me something mister anyway we’d love to show you around so you can see firsthand how lovely it really is here yeah all right have it until next time
hello hello hello hey peeps this is diane and randall brown we are your press get pickled presents really getting to me yes yes yes yes it is a tongue twister it is we’re still impressed here we’re not in italy we are not italy looks like we are it looks like we are we’re not in one of our favorite restaurants here in prescott something that we recommend to a lot of our clients coming through one of our favorite places and it’s called limoncello the owner is mateo and he is so italian that we cannot pronounce his last name so mateo right is the owner here and he has uh he’s given us a couple drinks cheers cheers um it’s here in the they call it the old firehouse station right off the square but it’s divine divine divine very authentic italian authentic that’s what i was about to say we’ve gotten a responses back from uh people who know who have said this is very very authentic italian food right here at fresco exactly they’re actually a whole bunch of italian restaurants here and they’re all really good we’ve got some really really good ones but uh limoncello is one of our favorites just for like their pizzas are divine for their lemon juice oh yeah this is my favorite thing i am drinking a limoncello martini and mateo makes his own so his lemon drops are made with his limoncello liqueur and they’re a little girly looking because they’re pink but it is delicious they’re good i’ve had one they are really good so what are we talking about today i’m doing uh kind of the the clear thing here i’m not but it’s okay it’s all good it’s all good it’s all good in the hood as i like to say okay so what are we gonna talk about moving into a town that’s not stagnant yes yes okay that’s where we’re going here’s a little known fact that maybe you guys don’t know about us but we are originally from new orleans yes and in the 70s and maybe the early 80s new orleans kind of was a dying town it was it was stagnant yeah um it has since bounded back now we’re here so we’re here we haven’t lived there in quite some time but now they are heavy into filming and hollywood’s going to new orleans so that’s good but the weird thing growing up it was not that way it was not but everywhere you look people would tell you what used to be there like you’d see a building with the windows broken out and they would tell you oh that used to be this or it used to be that and uh it was it was not it was not good you know but we’re not here to talk about new orleans really we’re here um a lot of people are like oh you know so many people are moving here that’s outstanding for all of us yeah we never want a town to go stagnant and with all these new people coming in our little town is just it’s developing it’s it’s getting some a new vibe a new energy values are going up and up yeah how can you possibly object to that right because when people move in we all benefit from that that’s right we get more services we get more jobs and more restaurants restaurants like limoncellos exactly so we get a new buy we get a new energy everyone’s property values go up can’t complain with that can’t complain so coming to prescott we’re not a stagnant place we are growing and we are excited yeah glad to be part of something that people want to be a part of absolutely so anyway that’s preschool that’s personal and limoncellos with your limoncello martini which i think is just wonderful yeah somewhere they can find you my door you can find me you can call me at 713-302-1964 or prescottpicklady.com come over here come visit us at prescott we’d like to show you what our new town is all about we’ll share some some we’ll we’ll share some limoncello with you come feel the new energy the new vibe our little town is just it’s just lovely you’ll love it we’ll have a good time and you’ll see this is not a stagnant place this is a cool place good good place to be a part of great place to be a part of all right cheers to you next time next time have a wonderful day bye
hello hello pete hey peeps this is diana randall bro we are out today first of all we both got brand new coats new coats good time to buy new coats hope you like them yeah um but we are here yeah we did this is the time yeah absolutely good one but anyway i digress yes you do we are here in the in front of the courthouse coming at you godzilla that’s right i don’t know we’re here in front of the courthouse today in the square right smack dab in the middle of downtown prescott which i love on this beautiful crisp february day and our new coats um and i thought it would be apropos to film in front of the courthouse because what i’d really like to talk about is um some ethical things yeah yeah uh talk about ethics i am kind of mad um i’m venting please be aware when you’re looking for an agent whether it’s a listing agent a selling agent any kind kind of check out who they are what they’re about yeah just because somebody has signage or you see a lot of homes listed and you see signs all over the place with their names on it does not necessarily mean yeah that um these are people that are looking out for your best interest or spend a lot of time that do their due diligence they are uh they just because they they they have a lot of people doesn’t mean they’re spending a lot of time in fact some of the agents that have lots and lots of signs they don’t have enough time to spend with any one of those one of those uh buyers or sellers that’s right so you know it’s important even though you may see a lot of name recognition name recognition does not always equate to good job done an agent who’s really looking out for your best interest an agent who’s really investing themselves in the most important purchase of your life yeah some of them you know hey it’s just all about the bottom line hey yeah is that foundation have a big leak underneath it yeah it has if we were agents that were that way we would be telling you the same thing at this point we’re not saying this is easy it isn’t easy we would like you to believe that we are different but if we weren’t we’d be saying the same thing we know it’s hard so how does someone what are some of the clues that you would give them to you know to look between the the uh the bull here you need to look at somebody who actually spends one-on-one quality time with you that’s good he sits down and says let’s let’s go over everything that you’re looking for let’s go you know if you’re about to buy a house yeah let’s sit down and go through the disclosure yeah uh oh this is a red flag susie q uh oh this is not good no bueno you know you don’t want somebody who’s like yeah yeah yeah yeah looks good looks good to me let’s sign off so i get my commission check no sometimes no matter the price of the house it takes a while agents who don’t spend time with you do whatever it is whatever the step is if they’re not willing to spend the time with you you want to move on absolutely and one clue too like right off the bat if you meet an agent let’s say you see a sign or a business card or advertisement somewhere and you meet them and they don’t look anything like the picture that you saw that’s probably that’s it that’s your first line number one right i think that’s right that is your first clue if you get somebody who’s like you know got a uh glamour shot from your 19. my real estate agent looks like kim kardashian and then you meet them and they really look like joan rivers that’s your first clue i like joan root i love jonathan yeah i love your hair so yeah that’s that’s so bad yeah because she she was a cool chick she was but that’s probably your first clue somebody who can’t even be you know really kind of honest and upfront on their own business card you might not want to deal with it so i guess my point is as we’re standing in front of the courthouse try to find some people that you feel have some ethics have some morals and have some time and have some time they’re not interested in just let me get as many houses listed as possible so i can get these commission checks and it doesn’t matter if the foundation shifted on a house who cares yeah i still got my commission check that’s who you don’t want we may or may not just be involved in something i don’t know if you can pick up on that yeah i don’t know if you can pick up yeah but maybe so you know it’s just important everybody you know in all walks of life you’ve got good people you’ve got bad people but you know try to do some due diligence and and hook up with good people i think we’re good people we will invest our time be good people be a good buyer be a good seller be ethical be ethical on all parts come on we are happy to be here we are happy to spend the time we will spend a lot of time with you yeah absolutely make sure that it’s done right and um we’re just up front yeah we’re good we keep it real okay and we look pretty much the way you know i photoshopped all these videos no we don’t we’re actually that’s why my hair looks like this yeah yeah yikes it’s starting to snow what you see is what you get what you see is what you get but that’s why today we thought let’s talk about ethics let’s talk about finding you the right ethical kind of real estate agent so you don’t have a nightmare later she just she’s good yeah i try to i try to she gives me a lot of trouble but yeah well you know he can get on my nerves sometimes so that’s why we’re here in front of the courthouse in the square we are not drinking we are good people you should be too yes yeah and uh we would love to help you and find something delightful and good shape with no worries so the whole process will be relatively worry-free for you absolutely um all right wrap it up my hand’s shaking yeah i know it’s getting cold yeah all right well have a wonderful reach us at 713-302-1964 or online at prescottpicklelady.com that’s correct good to see you and stay warm out there