Month: December 2021
Why Color Can Cost You Big Money
Often the things that make a house a home are the very things that will cost you plenty when it's time to sell. This is particularly true when it come to color choices. In our continuing series on home staging, we offer our tips on paints, finishes, and color choices. Check it out!Video Transcript
well good morning friends hello brandon diane bro here your prescott pickle team we are indeed i am the prescott pickle lady um when you come in you’ll see why i’ll bring you some of my cajun pickles they are fabulous yeah the pickle lady often wears uh green but not during our wine downs i can’t can’t wear green i love green i know green is my lucky color i have green eyes they get really green when i wear green i have my lucky green jade earrings i’m all about green all about green well we’re here now let’s talk about color so we’re doing staging tips for our sellers out there uh as i said in a previous wine down uh professional staging isn’t that big of a deal and prescott not a lot that go not a lot of that going on uh yourself we trust you guys yeah no that’s the way it’s good it’s done by the sellers and done by the agents it’s not done by professionals but just because it’s not done by professionals does not mean it’s not important it’s violated and it’s vitally important and it’s very necessary now and one of the important factors in staging your home is color color color color we’re going to talk about some colors some things that you need to keep in mind about colors in a home right uh one of them so if one of the i think we’ve talked about this before if you’ve got weird colors yeah you need to paint yes if you’ve got like yeah uh bright aqua yeah yeah peach peach is so dated yeah peaches love is so dated yeah um seafoam green is so dated and a lot of the painting techniques are dated the faux finishes and stuff like that a lot of that is really kind of passe people really get turned off when they see it it’s kind of like popcorn ceilings you just can’t sell anything with a popcorn ceiling now there are certain colors where that is the case um i would i would i always tell people avoid just white uh it’s too strong it’s too stark people go to white because they think it is uh safe right um but it can be too bright and too jarring yeah particularly if you don’t have a lot of too sterile too sterile particularly if you’re not gonna have a lot of pictures on the wall yeah if you just show a home that’s empty with white walls it really cheapens it quite a bit so be careful like when we say hey these peach walls you really should paint go with a nice neutral gray or a nice neutral soft white or soft cream yeah or like a taupe very soft completely neutral nothing jarring nothing startling nothing um for instance we had a house in baton rouge way back in the day and our daughter’s playroom we we did this whole all four walls were beach scenes and sea creatures and murals and we had a great time we also did it in texas in their house too um but as soon as we went on the market nobody had to tell us we immediately covered it up and painted and did all it was kind of sad yeah we did take some movies of it and some pictures so the kids could look back and realize what amazing talented parents they had yeah because we need to you know constantly put that in front of that like send them the evidence yeah not many parents paint their walls like this for their kids yeah but your parents did yeah you had a blue a killer whale yeah we had a killer yeah yeah and jellyfish and we allowed that to happen but anyway that’s just a shout out to the kids and all you parents out there who did the same thing you know you know what we’re talking about kids rooms are always suspect so if you’re yes if your daughter just loved hot pink and her whole room is hot pink including the trim you’re gonna have to paint that absolutely you know uh little boys like uh you know crazy dark colors sometimes black walls yeah they’ll be terrible get rid of that space scene or whatever and or whatever it is uh crazy purples we’ve seen some crazy purples it’s got to go yellow it’s got to go don’t push the envelope with colors if you have something that’s pushing an envelope you really should paint them and you know it may cost you maybe a thousand dollars to repaint all that yeah it’s worth it you will reap that in in the price of your home you will regain all of that and more and again if you leave it and it remains in place your house will probably sit on the market yeah and the longer it sits on the market you’re going to have to drop the price drop the price so that little bit of investment ahead of time will actually get you more money even if it doesn’t so so i’ve told the horror story before there was a home beautiful home uh the walls were a mint green that’s not that offensive no not about uh but everyone took in it was like this doesn’t match any of my stuff uh in the end long story short i think that color ended up costing them at least fifty thousand dollars they had to keep it was they ended up having it anyway yeah they should have painted it in the beginning and you’d be done and they would have been done right away and they would have gotten more money for the home it’s not just oh i can’t sell my home so i have to lower the price right if you have two people who are interested in your home then they compete with one another on price you get more money if your weird color only makes one go away it’s going to cost you money even if the home sells right away it can still cost you money that’s right and the other thing is people people were like well they can paint it themselves and they can pick whatever they want people just don’t have the imagination the vision and also they think to themselves i want to be move-in ready i don’t i don’t want to come in and have to hire painters have to find a painter i want to be able to move right in and unpack my stuff hang my stuff on the walls if they have to wait for a painter and it might take two or three weeks to get the whole house painted it’s a turn off they may walk away from a perfectly great house just because they’re not interested or they find one that they don’t have to do that and that’s a deciding factor right yeah so i know when we moved in our home i painted it from top to bottom and it was about a three week process because i had a small team yes and um so yeah if you want to live with your painter and get to be really good friends yeah you know and that’s okay um but it’s you’re really better off just doing a a minimal touch-up painting yeah and and adjusting the color it will save you a lot of time and money in the long run time on market and more money absolutely absolutely so another another seller tip if you’re looking for seller tips or just information about real estate or just prescott in general whether you’re a buyer seller or somewhere in between go to pickle411.com correct that is our information center everything there is free and highly highly entertaining and insightful it can be it’s very insightful too and anyway if you’re making uh thank thinking of making a trip to prescott give us a call we’d love to show you around our great town and show you some interesting properties some good places absolutely all right take care and have a good day bye
Park Street Deli
One of our favorite spots in town covers a lot of different categories, and it's a good choice in every one of them. Whether you are looking for a quick bite, a fine bottle, or a good smoke, this might be your place.Video Transcript
hello hey peeps hello we’re rapidly approaching the christmas season here which is why we’re uh dressed in red that’s right we’re festive yeah this is my winter holiday season uniform that’s right i swear to god yep that’s his uniform i’ll see that until april this season for dressing like perry come on yeah no one here well maybe some people know who perry promotes most people don’t yeah i think it was one of the egyptian pharaohs the young folks won’t know but anyway i digress yeah we are here today i am dianne and randall bro yep she’s a bigger lady arizona correct we are the pickle team together yeah pickle team we are here to help you find a home if you’re traveling near or far happy to find that perfect place in our lovely little town or if you’re ready to list we absolutely would love to help you on that yeah venture we also have a lot of people following us that just sort of live here yeah kind of get the inside scoop of what’s going on town as well i want to hear what’s going on yeah what’s going on so today we wanted to talk about park street delhi street deli especially with the holidays coming up if you are local here you know or maybe you don’t know but that is the place to go for any kind of fine wines good liquors nice tequilas yeah it’s just to be clear it’s uh it is a deli you can go there and eat and they do have good food but it’s primarily a liquor store but it’s also a bar and a restaurant it’s got a few things going on there’s a place to sit outside they also sell cigars there’s there’s a cigar patio room yeah and is there an inside smoking room i think i know there’s an outdoor space where you can smoke cigars either that you buy or bring right um so there’s a lot going on at park street uh but the name is park street delhi that’s right and we love to go there and grab a sandwich uh we like to eat outside if you got a nice you know as he said a nice little patio and then of course mr bro cannot leave without buying a little bottle of something something something yeah great selection great selection of wine great selection of liquors scotches rums tequilas it’s they do a great job they do an amazing job so we just want to give a little shout out to park delhi thank you for the service you provide uh if you’re getting ready for the holidays or you’re here in town visiting yeah make sure you stop by there grab and grab a little bite to eat yeah and get a little something something for the holidays so i usually get to i like the gyro sandwich is one of my favorites there they do have really good pizzas probably a number of goodies yeah they do yeah they have good pizza yeah with salads oddly enough a good beer selection so yeah we highly recommend it yeah we were there not too long ago with one of our clients yep so i’ll share the pictures from that pictures that you have for that we’ll share from that we had a nice time yeah far straight down it’s just a nice relaxed venue you don’t have to get all dressed up just just go chill just kind of knock in chill have a glass of wine have a beer so i’m not sure if that’s a restaurant review or not we we do restaurants all the time here kind of a restaurant kind of a liquor store we’re not quite sure what you would special purpose but uh that’s the kind of information we have on our site if you’re looking for more information the place to go is pickle411.com lots of information about real estate whether you’re buying selling someplace in between or if you’re just about town need uh ideas about good restaurants and things to do and who knows what there’s just so much free information so much stuff that we just vomit out all the time vomiting out vomit there’s vomit everywhere to help everyone out there who might be watching we thank you for watching yeah and we hope you get something uh something new to learn every time you click into one of these videos all right thanks everyone and have a wonderful day give us a call if you need any help at 713-302-1964
Simplifying to Sell
Real estate has gotten kind of spiritual. Life coaches and spiritual healers will tell you that the first and most important step in selling your property is to create a canvas that allows your buyers to paint a picture of their new lives inside your home. Deep, right? While all that may make sense to sellers drinking mushroom tea, you may be looking for some more specific steps - a little less spiritual and a little more concrete. Well, in this Wine Down, we bring this concept straight down to earth (where most homes are sold anyway). Come check it out!Video Transcript
hello hello hello hello beats randall and i am bro here your local prescott pickle team that’s us i am the pickle lady uh happy to join you today and uh we want to talk a little bit about something that i think everybody should learn when they’re about to list their home and uh you know just listen to the advice of your agent and one of the main things we’d love to talk about when you are ready to go live and we’re getting ready to take pictures and video of your home you want it to be shown in the best possible light possible mm-hmm i said that this might be possible best possible light as possible forget about that yeah only one possibility just take one of those possibles ignore all that but yeah possible ignore the extra possibility if it’s possible if it’s possible ignore the extra possible that’s right so this is yeah seller tips staging tips so in this town uh professional staging is relatively unusual in some markets it is a matter of course that sellers will pay a professional stager they’ll come in and stage the home for the most part that doesn’t happen in prescott usually yeah there’s some uh you know usually staging you’ll see if the home is empty right and uh they don’t think it shows well empty they may put a few things in absolutely uh but state professional staging is not that big a deal in prescott but that does not mean that staging isn’t important it’s super important but it’s up to you to get it done that you are my agent right so the most important thing is i’m sure most of you have heard this if you’ve sold a home before declutter declutter declutter yep declutter i’m famous for this i have a stack where my mail goes i have a stack for here stack for there yeah i have my books tucked you know irregularly that’s a good word they’re regular books yeah in the in the in my bookcase and things like that and you get little pigeonholes like yes you stuff stuff in the in the space between the book and the top of the bookshelf just as a temporary holding spot and three years later that paper is still there well we’re not here to talk about the issues you have with you no i’m not trying to i i’m i’m assuming that i feel like he’s he’s addressing that to me because that is what i am famous i am uh we see that in homes that we are listing we see that in homes that we were taking our buyers through it’s like you know they really should spend a couple of minutes to stage the home better right and the decluttering is just sort of a base you know you you you get used to seeing that paper in the pigeon hole or whatever it is you don’t even see it anymore and after a while you stop seeing you don’t see it but other people other people will yeah and then they’re like oh that was you know and and they get not fixated but that’s all they see yeah and they don’t see the other good qualities of your home yes and so anyway it’s very important to get rid of the stacks of magazines you may have okay national geographic oh my gosh my parents must have had 150 right i have never had a buyer ask them you think you can get them to uh give me those copies of national do you think that’s not gonna happen just letting go interested in your national geographic that’s right yeah and and you know people need to understand that a home purchase is in large part an emotional decision absolutely investors maybe not so much they’re looking at the numbers and that kind of stuff but typically uh buyers either fall in love with your house or they don’t right and they don’t always know why they fall in love or why they don’t fall in love and honestly you know some clutter on top of the books in the bookshelf might be enough that that little you know brains and synapse or whatever shut it down just doesn’t fire and the home doesn’t really connect they won’t connect with them and they don’t even know why yeah uh they couldn’t even explain it so absolutely it’s not like we’re being irrational oh they can see past the papers like honestly we’re here to tell you but they won’t they most of them can’t they just they just it’s like they don’t have the imagination so it’s very important um when we say declutter we don’t mean to be insulting to you or this that and the other we’re just telling you we’ve been in homes and the ones that are decluttered they’re so they sell quick they sell fast just say bye bye bye yeah you know if you haven’t used it in two years get rid of it and it doesn’t bring you joy is that lady says that japanese lady who yeah i can’t think of her name condo yeah it’s actually she’s she’s she’s on the money which is absolutely if you haven’t used it in two years it’s never going to happen get rid of it and make your house look good just but if you’re a child of the depression you just can’t throw things away that’s fine too get some storage get some storage and get it in storage correct pull it out yeah roll it out it’s got to go go down yeah one of the things you need to be aware of is that in large part people coming to prescott are looking to retire they are typically coming from homes that are much bigger than the homes that they will be buying so if your home feels like it’s not all that spacious uh it’s gonna be a stumbling point for them they’re trying to fit their 3 000 square foot life into 1700 square feet you want to make your 1700 square feet or whatever it is look as big and spacious absolutely and then they can envision wow maybe i could take my china hutch and put this here yeah um that’s that which leads us to our second point if you’ve got a ton of furniture jammed in there pull some pieces up if you’ve got two end tables and a sofa table and a coffee table and huge sofas pull some of that stuff up pull it out it’s too much people think oh gosh i would never fit in here i can’t bring my stuff that is yeah and people don’t think about that they’ll have a small uh a small living area and his and hers big fat lazy boy chairs or something and they just put them side by side in front of their 50 000 square inch tv uh you know and that’s how you want to live that’s fine but those big chairs take up a lot of room and and you come in you say well this room only holds two chairs yeah yeah you know and they can’t they can’t envision for themselves so it’s always good to de-furnish yeah pull out some of the bigger pieces um and just go put them in storage uh just present it as open and as spacious as possible so that people can envision their pieces of furniture in there yes and if it’s too much furniture i’ve seen it time and time again because i take hundreds of buyers out a year if they go in a house that is heavily furnished with big big pieces big king-size bed four dressers it shuts them off they’re like uh yeah i can’t i can’t no this is not for me it’s too small the reality is it’s really not too small you just may have a little bit too much furniture more than once we have been out with buyers looking at homes and we show two homes that have the same floor plan yes and they will talk about how one of them is so much more spacious than the other same square footage you understand those homes are exactly the same they have but they can’t they they can’t that’s not that’s not the impression it was so much darker and it was just because there was too much furniture in the room that’s a really good point a lot of furniture too will also make a house seem much darker than it really is if you’ve got a lot of big pieces especially if it’s dark wood or this that in the other yeah it does tend to darken the home even if you’ve got your curtains open and blinds up so again just take some advice and just say okay i will remove some of these pieces and i’ll go put it in storage it will just save you some time and time on the market yeah because we’re always like let’s wrap it up let’s get this sold for you so you don’t have to have the torture of visits and showings and it can be hard to do that so we want to make it as easy and stress-free as possible so listen to mom and dad when we say please declutter and please remove some of this bigger furniture it’s not meant to be not an insult but it’s not meant to yeah it’s just to allow you to sell your home more easily and for more money you can get an extra buyer uh interested in your home uh that could mean tens of thousand dollars absolutely time on market is time that you might lose some money absolutely the more time you’re on that market the price could you know be affected yeah absolutely all right keep that in mind and uh we hope to see you soon i’d love to take you out and show you some declutter defurnished homes yeah that’s right i’d love to do that if we have somebody out there thinking about listing we’d love to come talk to you in person and help you in those steps to get ready to get on the market if you’re just looking for more information at this point whether you’re a buyer seller somewhere in between check out pickle411.com that is our information center everyone everything there is uh free and it’s also highly entertaining it can be finally i watch it all the time you watch yourself all the time absolutely good for you me and john travolta he takes me up in that plane of bits all over gosh okay well good for you i’m glad you enjoy watching it
Prescott Lock & Safe
Most responsive and helpful in town
Prescott by the Numbers – November 2020
Prices tumbled in November, especially in Prescott Valley. See our video summary for an explanation of where that leaves us.
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Antelope Hills
In this episode, we discuss one of Prescott's older subdivisions which is catching a lot of new attention lately. It combines two great public golf courses, a relaxing clubhouse to meet friends, easy access to downtown, and a fascinating parade of private planes. You too can live the life of John Travolta... maybe. Come check it out!Video Transcript
good morning good morning good morning
to you
absolutely yeah there you go how are you
we’re the red couple yeah we are in red
we’re the red couple i think i like it
sorry yeah this red a little better this
has what you call a blue undertone
um this color red blue undertone yes
which is better for me than that color
i don’t see there’s no well no blue
under there
i don’t see that at all
how are you peeps welcome to this monday
morning’s episode of wine down wine down
with pickle ladies basket pickle lady
that’s correct that is me i am diane bro
i’m here with my better half
randall bro
and uh we are so excited because uh
christmas is on its way on its way and
uh we’re here right now yeah yeah starts
my highest
high 50s now i guess yeah yeah and the
lows are getting chilly willy yeah
snuggle time snuggle time turn the
fireplace on
so today we wanted to talk about a
pretty cool new look not new i should
say it’s an older subdivision called
antelope hills
um it has a great public golf course
it’s located kind of close to the
very convenient yeah up and coming well
i mean again
it has been there a while it’s been
there quite a while uh it used to be way
out and i guess maybe the middle of
nowhere close to the airport back in the
day back in the day but that little area
which is uh 89 and 89a
is really up and coming granite dells is
close by there uh dorne has some
communities right there
and old antelope hill has been there a
while suddenly coming back coming back
to life yeah people are discovering it
people are buying and and
updating and making the houses great
and it’s very charming kind of a little
pocket area
it’s really cool especially for you
people who might be pilots and you have
your own private plane you can park
right there um and you’d be right there
to take off
from your home or if you just don’t want
to be like me you just sit and watch the
private plane some people love to watch
the planes come and then you get to it’s
you know mesmerized you get to be there
for their show and everything yeah
there’s an air show which is on every
right there that’s right well we always
we i think we did uh we may have done a
wind down on the um
what’s the little diner in the airport
i think we i think we did susie’s before
so we like to go there
a great cheeseburger place and watch the
planes take off and you know if you’re
here with your grandkids and you want to
have you know and you decide to buy out
an antelope hills then you and your kids
go watch yeah you know and the grandkids
and your own family
randall finds it very relaxing i do i
find it very very relaxing it’s very so
there’s there’s actually two public uh
golf courses there
yes i think yeah i think it’s like a
north course in the south of course i i
don’t know very popular very very very
nice course and there’s also a little
clubhouse associated with the uh with
golf course right a great bar as some
snack bar food
so we were there with uh with our
friends and having a good time so it’s
really great um after a round of golf
depending if you’re in a good mood or a
sad mood you can go right up to that bar
and have some drinks
celebrate or drown your uh ground you
saw right that’s right yeah you can have
a good time yeah so we had good some
good cocktails they had a a a hard
arnold arnold palmer yeah uh which was
good i had something i forget but it was
an interesting
uh drink very reasonably priced
everything there is reasonably priced
it’s a nice little area to get together
so you can get a really nice house um uh
and maybe fix it up at a fairly decent
and then there’s some that are already
fixed up that it’s it’s just a deal i
mean and it’s just a
lovely lovely area
to rediscover
and it’s something we’ve rediscovered we
have some good friends
shout out to jan and don
shout out to you
they are closing tomorrow
on their house
um it’s really cute it backs up to the
golf course a lot of homes in there back
up to the golf course
and it’s really nice yeah and um so
anyway they are moving in they’re very
excited and they’re already planning
their first big party yeah
yeah and then they’re looking forward to
have hosting an um
air show party yeah and we can all sit
in their backyard and watch the air show
uh it’s it’s really it’s exciting
it’s a very relaxed way of life
not a long a lot of homes uh come up for
sale there it’s not a huge community and
the people there tend to stay
but if you have interest we can put a
look out uh out there for you absolutely
uh but even if you don’t live in that
area just uh hitting up the golf course
and taking advantage of the clubhouse
it’s a great place to meet people right
uh it accommodates large groups easily
it’s just a great place to hang out
maybe smoke a cigar that’s right
so whether you want to visit for the
public golf
golf course and go golfing or you might
be interested in buying a house no
cookie cutter out there it’s all
different houses very unique
it’s uh kind of fun to go out there
and uh then you can sit out there and
have your own party and watch your own
air show that’s right that’s what we’re
gonna do you can’t wait you know or make
yeah especially if you have your own
plane lots of people who live out there
have their own plane they just go with
the hop skip and jump
and then they can fly out of there and
that’s pretty cool yeah well why don’t
you take off it’s pretty cool it’s like
you could be the next john travolta
that’s what he does you know john
yes he’s a he is a
world-class pilot and he lives right by
his uh plane
so he can just walk out the door hop on
his plane take off yeah
so there you have it great
john travolta
but i’ve always inspired if any of our
people out there have their own plane
that’s what they can do they can do what
john travolta does well that’s cool it’s
possible i don’t have to wear those
disco clothes no you don’t but you know
you wouldn’t think that would be
possible here in prescott but i’m
letting you know yeah it is
whatever he’s not with the times
not at all
never pretended to be okay
so anyway if you’re coming in and uh if
you’re interested in antelope hills
give us a shout out we’d love to show
you some houses out there if there’s any
available because it is kind of smaller
inventory let’s take it out there take a
look at it yeah it’s a fun place at the
very least go out there grab a
cheeseburger or have a good breakfast at
suzie’s at suzie’s
club for the club antelope hills club or
antelope hills no watch the planes a
good time so that is all
all right hope to see you out at
antelope hills love to take you out
if not
till the next time have a great day
to you
absolutely yeah there you go how are you
we’re the red couple yeah we are in red
we’re the red couple i think i like it
sorry yeah this red a little better this
has what you call a blue undertone
um this color red blue undertone yes
which is better for me than that color
i don’t see there’s no well no blue
under there
i don’t see that at all
how are you peeps welcome to this monday
morning’s episode of wine down wine down
with pickle ladies basket pickle lady
that’s correct that is me i am diane bro
i’m here with my better half
randall bro
and uh we are so excited because uh
christmas is on its way on its way and
uh we’re here right now yeah yeah starts
my highest
high 50s now i guess yeah yeah and the
lows are getting chilly willy yeah
snuggle time snuggle time turn the
fireplace on
so today we wanted to talk about a
pretty cool new look not new i should
say it’s an older subdivision called
antelope hills
um it has a great public golf course
it’s located kind of close to the
very convenient yeah up and coming well
i mean again
it has been there a while it’s been
there quite a while uh it used to be way
out and i guess maybe the middle of
nowhere close to the airport back in the
day back in the day but that little area
which is uh 89 and 89a
is really up and coming granite dells is
close by there uh dorne has some
communities right there
and old antelope hill has been there a
while suddenly coming back coming back
to life yeah people are discovering it
people are buying and and
updating and making the houses great
and it’s very charming kind of a little
pocket area
it’s really cool especially for you
people who might be pilots and you have
your own private plane you can park
right there um and you’d be right there
to take off
from your home or if you just don’t want
to be like me you just sit and watch the
private plane some people love to watch
the planes come and then you get to it’s
you know mesmerized you get to be there
for their show and everything yeah
there’s an air show which is on every
right there that’s right well we always
we i think we did uh we may have done a
wind down on the um
what’s the little diner in the airport
i think we i think we did susie’s before
so we like to go there
a great cheeseburger place and watch the
planes take off and you know if you’re
here with your grandkids and you want to
have you know and you decide to buy out
an antelope hills then you and your kids
go watch yeah you know and the grandkids
and your own family
randall finds it very relaxing i do i
find it very very relaxing it’s very so
there’s there’s actually two public uh
golf courses there
yes i think yeah i think it’s like a
north course in the south of course i i
don’t know very popular very very very
nice course and there’s also a little
clubhouse associated with the uh with
golf course right a great bar as some
snack bar food
so we were there with uh with our
friends and having a good time so it’s
really great um after a round of golf
depending if you’re in a good mood or a
sad mood you can go right up to that bar
and have some drinks
celebrate or drown your uh ground you
saw right that’s right yeah you can have
a good time yeah so we had good some
good cocktails they had a a a hard
arnold arnold palmer yeah uh which was
good i had something i forget but it was
an interesting
uh drink very reasonably priced
everything there is reasonably priced
it’s a nice little area to get together
so you can get a really nice house um uh
and maybe fix it up at a fairly decent
and then there’s some that are already
fixed up that it’s it’s just a deal i
mean and it’s just a
lovely lovely area
to rediscover
and it’s something we’ve rediscovered we
have some good friends
shout out to jan and don
shout out to you
they are closing tomorrow
on their house
um it’s really cute it backs up to the
golf course a lot of homes in there back
up to the golf course
and it’s really nice yeah and um so
anyway they are moving in they’re very
excited and they’re already planning
their first big party yeah
yeah and then they’re looking forward to
have hosting an um
air show party yeah and we can all sit
in their backyard and watch the air show
uh it’s it’s really it’s exciting
it’s a very relaxed way of life
not a long a lot of homes uh come up for
sale there it’s not a huge community and
the people there tend to stay
but if you have interest we can put a
look out uh out there for you absolutely
uh but even if you don’t live in that
area just uh hitting up the golf course
and taking advantage of the clubhouse
it’s a great place to meet people right
uh it accommodates large groups easily
it’s just a great place to hang out
maybe smoke a cigar that’s right
so whether you want to visit for the
public golf
golf course and go golfing or you might
be interested in buying a house no
cookie cutter out there it’s all
different houses very unique
it’s uh kind of fun to go out there
and uh then you can sit out there and
have your own party and watch your own
air show that’s right that’s what we’re
gonna do you can’t wait you know or make
yeah especially if you have your own
plane lots of people who live out there
have their own plane they just go with
the hop skip and jump
and then they can fly out of there and
that’s pretty cool yeah well why don’t
you take off it’s pretty cool it’s like
you could be the next john travolta
that’s what he does you know john
yes he’s a he is a
world-class pilot and he lives right by
his uh plane
so he can just walk out the door hop on
his plane take off yeah
so there you have it great
john travolta
but i’ve always inspired if any of our
people out there have their own plane
that’s what they can do they can do what
john travolta does well that’s cool it’s
possible i don’t have to wear those
disco clothes no you don’t but you know
you wouldn’t think that would be
possible here in prescott but i’m
letting you know yeah it is
whatever he’s not with the times
not at all
never pretended to be okay
so anyway if you’re coming in and uh if
you’re interested in antelope hills
give us a shout out we’d love to show
you some houses out there if there’s any
available because it is kind of smaller
inventory let’s take it out there take a
look at it yeah it’s a fun place at the
very least go out there grab a
cheeseburger or have a good breakfast at
suzie’s at suzie’s
club for the club antelope hills club or
antelope hills no watch the planes a
good time so that is all
all right hope to see you out at
antelope hills love to take you out
if not
till the next time have a great day
Restaurant List – December 2021
Here is a list of Prescott-area restaurants from our friends at Lawyers Title. Thought we would share…
Prescott Restaurants – December 2021
Look around on our site for videos covering most of these.