New Paperwork Requirements

Real estate runs on paperwork, and if you've bought or sold any recently, you may have been struck by just how much there is.  Well, the Prescott real estate association (PAAR), keepers of the local MLS, have just come down with new rules that could lead to fines if some of that paperwork isn't completed quickly enough.  Find out about these latest gotchas and what we think about them in this episode.
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Picking the Right Lender

You may have heard that weirdness prevails in the real estate market these days, and nowhere is that more true than with lenders.  In short, lenders are struggling right now... big time.  In this episode, we discuss some of the major lender fumbles we've seen recently and how you can avoid the nightmare scenarios that have become all too commonplace in real estate transactions because of them.
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Non-Buying Trips

If you have never been to Prescott or haven't made up your mind yet where you want to end up, then scheduling a non-buying trip to tour the city and see representative homes in the area is a great idea - and we'd be glad to help you with that.  Just make sure we know what kind of trip you're on, because buying and non-buying trips are very different animals - which we discuss in this episode.
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Solstice Ridge

What's the name of the town that has an ancient sacred gathering place with petroglyphs and precise alignments for the summer and winter solstices?  Well, if you said "Prescott, AZ," then go to the head of the class, my friend - because inside the subdivision of Prescott Lakes there is a spot called Solstice Ridge you just have to see.

Our episode on Petroglyphs: Click Here