Month: May 2022
Kudos to Yavapai County
Do you get hives at the thought of dealing with local government agencies in your area? Well, in Prescott you may find things are different... and better. And if you get close enough, you may smell a skunk pig.Video Transcript
what up what up what up what’s going on folks randall and diane brew here located in the heart of prescott lakes the very heart the very heart you are the heart that’s really but i am glad to be here uh this evening to talk to you about the county county kudos yavapai county so yamaha is one of those words that people don’t know how to pronounce true so we should probably start there i agree yeah so the word is pronoun my understanding of the word is the way that it’s pronounced is yavapai as in do you have a pie yes do you have a pie you have a pie you have a pie sure do and the answer is javelina you will see a lot of them here in prescott they are an interesting little critter yeah but uh yeah that’s his favorite joke he loves to tell him it never lands you know well i should say it lands with a phone yeah yeah i enjoy the thud that’s why i keep going there do you know what happened is a skunk fig oh is that well i mean it does yeah what do you does it you say about clothes i’ve never been close enough to smell well i’ve yeah they they are not a pretty critter i’ll say that they’re not yeah i could see where that would that’s an accurate description pungent pigs uh did we introduce ourselves i don’t know doing i don’t know she’s pickling i am diane and this is randall bro i am the pickle lady located here in prescott arizona we’re a real estate agent correct and we talk about real estate and prescott a whole bunch of other stuff lots of stuff lots of stuff foolishness foolishness mostly but today we’re here tonight a lot of fun yamapai county so prescott is in yeah those of you in louisiana that’s what other people call back a parish correct so uh we had a client who did a project and somewhere along the lines somebody lost uh the paper trail with permits yep yep so they finished out their their uh construction project it expanded the square footage with that which they’ve been enjoying for over 10 years and they would sell their home and the county has the very old square footage way back when so yeah we kind of had to kind of had to straighten that before so when that happens it’s easy peasy you call the county and you just say hey we need to revisit this um but what we were super impressed with was they were like the next day hey we’re coming out to re-measure and update the county records and we’re like really already yeah absolutely yes now if you’re from an area of the world like i am where the performance of the local government agencies are less than stellar then you know what i’m thinking so there there could be a permit issue which is a function of prescott valley city city of prescott valley and that affects the square footage square footage comes on under under the domain of yavapai county county city so now you’re dealing with government employees from two different entities uh it could get dicey yeah i’m like oh this could get crazy this could be a six-month event yeah but what we found was no oh my god it was so simple they were amazing i explained it once and they got it right away he came the next day the very next day i called and i said um i explained the situation about square footage and he’s and i i i think it was a lady she says um well you’re in luck uh we are in the process now of going through the valuation the assessment evaluation process and so if you fill out the following two forms yeah she did it better than i could so uh she said the deadline is tomorrow get the forms done and get them into us tomorrow don’t mail them drop them off and she explained where yeah uh we can get somebody out right away because we’re in the middle of that process and i’m thinking sure sure right right the next day the gentleman came uh he called the name before he showed up the next day he was super nice of course i gave him a jar of pickles yeah yeah that always helps it always helps smooth pickles even everybody out it really is a magical event when you stand out jiggles that’s your gift to the world it is amazing how many people really love people but anyway maybe that was the secret and you know the pv people that are prescribing people uh completely understanding too everyone immediately got that there are two entities involved and we’re going to have to kind of do this together no problem i was just astounded at how well and and how competent they were how easily they understood what was a pretty weird situation and uh uh very polite and efficient and i’m like oh my god it’s like a well-oiled machine something we’re not used to from where we came from so we thoroughly appreciated it so i appreciate it to the county hats off to you you have a pie you have a pie we thank you uh for your prompt response your professionalism um your whatever your effectiveness effectiveness how expedient i mean how many other words can we say i don’t know i don’t know i need a thesaurus we need a thesaurus my my thesaurus is terrible and it is also terrible also a very old i think we gave a very old joke yes i think we gave some good words yeah you did better than i did so if you were in a similar situation we have contacts now and uh we’ll make it happen for you and get everything cleared up uh for you to go in the market without any worries or any hassles as you get under contract and rest are sure that you are supported by government agencies that are on the ball true true truth true true true yes so anyway uh if you two are in a similar situation have no fears yeah we can always figure it out we can always figure it out and make it well at a time correct we’ll swallow it so it’s gonna work we’ll make it happen for you okay so uh anyway if you are looking to buy or to list your property have no fears the pickle lady and her sidekick javelina javelina yeah skunk pig right here i’m your skunk i’m your side that’s not big don’t say that yeah i smell better [Music] marginally marginally marginally better but anyway we are here to help you uh on every step of the way so please feel free to call us at 713-302-1964 [Music] or go to our information site pickle411.com lots of free information whether you’re a buy or seller somewhere in between the information you need is probably sitting there waiting for you it’s right there folks smelling much better than us true true so anyway we look forward to hearing from you and we hope this little bit of info helped you absolutely so please take care and have a lovely evening bye you
Cocky’s Chicken & Brew
Don't mean to brag, but when you are the first point of expansion for a restaurant with chicken fingers that are this good... well, you get a little cocky. Add some Southern-style catfish and a cold Kilt Lifter, and life just gets better.Video Transcript
you’re the pickle lady prescott arizona
i am the pickle lady you’re not quite
sitting here with piglets oh here i
thought you said we are the pickle lady
no we’re not the pickle nevermind i’ve
been known to dress up as the pickle
lady but not in public
i have a pair of green pumps all right
okay let’s stop no stop
starting over let’s not do the visual of
we may lose followers
here to talk about another restaurant
maybe not as traditional as some of the
other restaurants that we uh
that we have talked about before but it
was rapidly became one of our very
favorites we’re so excited we’re so
excited we as i say we are the number
two franchise in the country
it started in omaha nebraska number two
prosecute arizona and it’s called
cheese chicken
actually it’s called cocky’s chicken and
bruise chicken and brew okay so yeah
this is um we’re always on the look up
the bros are always looking
for the latest the best chicken fingers
we can find love chicken fingers
prescott really yeah the best chicken
fingers i could find was the grocery
stores yes but this my friends oh we’re
so excited oh my god and as you know
people who’ve worked with me that’s my
my key phrase i’m so excited yeah that’s
right i really do get excited yeah um so
randall’s like he kept circling around
uh i think there’s going to be a new
place coming up
right after 69 it’s up on the hill
right in front of home depot and we had
to every time we took a drive with our
can we drive by that restaurant i want
to see what’s coming
anyway they are open much to our delight
it is a cocky’s chicken
chicken and brewery
and it is probably the best chicken
fingers we’ve ever had
fried catfish you can also get roasted
chicken yeah you can they have what they
call bone in chicken
we just go right for them yeah i guess
that’s just regular chicken we go right
for the chicken tea the chicken tenders
catfish the cat they have a southern
style uh catfish which is the uh
uh cornmeal
yeah just like in the south and it
is delicious it’s just absolutely
delicious so coffees the chicken tenders
you can get some great french fries you
can get some onion rings with it but
they oh fried okra but they also have a
special sauce that is divine
sauce is really good
but they also have several other yeah
the other one i really liked was uh
mango habanero oh yeah that was good
cheers to mango habanero that was good
that was good stuff good stuff yeah so
it’s for the salad
chicken what they call uh onion petals
onion kettles yeah onion petals they
have okra
uh mac and cheese
the science are very good coleslaw yeah
you name it
and and they have it in there
in fact they have a bar you can go in
and just drink if you want you can go
through the drive-through as well
um whatever we like to we’ve done both
we’ve enjoyed both
the juiciest chicken tenders you ever
want to have so they they have a chicken
deluxe sandwich
he is still talking about this yet to
try but it sounds delicious so they put
their chicken tenders on a hamburger bun
bacon and cheese on it
yeah i can’t imagine that he cannot wait
to try we just get the regular chicken
tenders but
this is how you know when you’re getting
excited wow it’s like our first date i
can’t wait to meet her it’s more about
wow those chickens
are so nice well i just got to tell you
before we moved to prescott we lived in
an air there was a place called
tailgaters and they had the most
delicious chicken fingers at least
but i think this beats them they do
they absolutely do i agree so i have
missed them for a while i’ve been
waiting for a place to open and made
uh chicken fingers and you know
something again so i mean is he looking
to fall in love again no
now it’s all about a good chicken gender
you know in the olden days it was all
my heart is pitter-pattering i can’t
wait to see her i can’t wait to see him
you know no not so much now it’s about a
good chicken yeah you know she doesn’t
complain when i bring home some chicken
tenders for her
she’s very excited about that
very excited
so there you go
so you know
this chicken tunas are really good
yeah it’s good stuff
it’s good stuff i have
chicken so as i i was wondering about
the whole bar thing we were in the
restaurant oh by the way it used to be a
burger king
the worst burger king i’ve ever been to
in my life such a trader it is uh so
don’t let that throw you yeah
when you go it’s a great you know they
have a window you can get your cocky’s
chicken to go that’s fine
but inside is it’s nice yeah it’s not
bad at all so for all of you locals
please make sure you hit
cocky’s chicken yeah
for those of you who are coming here we
can refer you to some good uh we don’t
oh i said it again yeah you did and so
that’s the place to go
we love it in fact it’s so good i’m like
you know what i think once a week i
wouldn’t have a cheat day
and i’m going to cocky’s chicken cocky’s
i was in the restaurant and i saw uh the
local brew that’s really popular here is
kilt lifter it’s a scottish ale mm-hmm
and go get some cocky’s chicken and some
dope lifter yeah yeah
you know it’s weird to see a franchise
like that you know with with a liquor
but they make it work
and i appreciate that yeah absolutely
i’m all for it
okay all right my friends so if you need
to reach randall and i please call me at
or real estate or any number of things
the place to go for that is
prescott not the president is the
pickle 401
he usually gets the down payment yeah
information center somebody’s right on
the ball or buying selling or somewhere
in between that is your site for free
information that will set your heart a
flutter almost as much set you free my
friends it will set you free there’s
nothing a good chicken tender
will write your world that’s all i’m
saying i think it was just punchy
because it’s cocky’s chicken
we’re tired it’s been a long day
um and we love our chicken tenders from
cockies so cockneys i hope you hear us
we’re here for you
yeah i need to get a i need to get a
chicken tender that yogurt
still makes me laugh
The Return of the Elks Theater
After two long years, the historic Elks Theater - a Prescott treasure - opens its "big" doors once again with a rockin' cover band. If you want to feel the earth... move... under your feet, this is the place.Video Transcript
hello and good morning hello peeps this is randall and diambro your husband and wife team real estate team here in prescott arizona lovely prescott arizona i am also the pickle lady you can’t [Music] i know and you’re going to have a hole through oh okay i’m learning the green screen technology it’s very high tech you’d be surprised how high-tech green screen really is now i’m going to keep the yelling pickle myself it’s a lot of rules and regulations at any time it’s really hard for me because i’m more of a spontaneous performer oh you got that yodeling pickle nailed though yeah i do i’m a spontaneous performer and so it’s really hard for me to follow direction anyway speaking of performances is that a transition or what that’s a great transition yeah good job here to talk about the elks theater the alex is back baby we are having the time of our lives the elk theater is a lovely very old-fashioned theater historic historic beautiful right near the square of downtown prescott and for the past two years because of covet no shows nothing it’s been very very sad yeah um but recently they reopened to the mass crowd and we were so excited to be one of the first ones to attend uh cover band called tapestry uh that covers carol king and we had the time of our lives it was amazing and so the the old-fashioned theater opened up every city it was sold out folks sold out shows so that was so the elks theater has uh well i’ve been to two venues i think there might be others there’s a there’s what they call the crystal room which is on the third floor and that’s relatively small it’s like a small bank smaller more intimate more intimate yeah a more intimate music experience so they’ve they’ve been having uh performances there for a while uh it was completely shut down four times and they started doing the crystal room i guess you know there was a limit on the number of people like that i i don’t know uh but you know it became a regular thing the crystal room yeah um it wasn’t until tapestry yeah that they opened the big theater now the big theater is big it’s big uh they opened the whole thing and i think it was it was backed i mean people it was packed we were so excited to rejoin the the wonderful world that was oh yeah before covid and um what was really great was uh when you go to see a show at the elks they kind of have little mini dance floors so couples can get up and dance as the cover bands play and i don’t know who that couple was but you were amazing it just made my heart just so full um i was just so happy to see this couple i mean they were amazing they were good right they were part of the show i thought so too i mean i don’t know who they were but they were amazing they were just a regular couple here to see the show they’ve got to dance and be like moving dancing i mean who doesn’t love her okay i mean my kids grew up on listening to um yeah beautiful beautiful yeah cheers to that i listened to it it’s a great song by the way if anybody hasn’t heard that listen to beautiful if it’s been a while i know but it might be a while listen to it it’s a great pick me up and set your day on the right track but anyway yeah okay okay don’t you’re on the back don’t don’t sing i’m just yeah don’t think don’t sing i’m not gonna sing okay anyway um so they had a a a really lovely couple who got up and they sang i mean they didn’t sing they danced and it was lovely and it was like oh my gosh now i remember what it was like yeah several years ago pre-coveted how uh the music scene was when you go to see a concert at the elks so we are like blacked out with performances for everything we’re like okay we are uh out there we’re going we’re going to an eagles cover band yeah we go to jazz night where they have different it’s just been great it’s been wonderful and a lot to look forward to got a pile of tickets over there all the things it’s amazing so it’s it’s good to know that in prescott the music scene here is amazing yeah it’s amazing it’s amazing and the theater scene as well yeah um for such a small town they have an amazing art scene yeah they really do and so for those of you who are thinking about moving here and you’re like well what do they have here we have a lot i mean we’re from new orleans and we’re used to jazz music you know in the french quarter and i have to say we have not been disappointed here in our little channel that’s right that’s really exciting too about the elks is before they just did the big room or at least i had only been in in the big theater area but people got used to going to the smaller venues so now they book events that are more appropriate for the smaller room they’ll book there and performances that are made for a bigger space downstairs so that they put a jazz series in and it’s been very well entered attended and oh my god it’s been so amazing amazing uh it’s just astounding yeah so it’s a wonderful close-up venue uh so we’ve been doing the jazz series it’s perfect for jazz uh really looking forward to the one next month they’re going to do um the latin the latin style so i’m really looking forward to that so i mean it just it really opened things up a lot so good so if you’re thinking about prescott and wondering what are we all about is this just a little bitty town no you’d be surprised we have some sophisticated entertainment here folks that’s right it’s not all about yielding pickles we don’t have a real problem you know we could play that for you all day long upstairs um but we’ve got some good here can i say that i’ll believe you you’ve been believed i can’t take her anywhere well you know there’s some coffee and you never know what she’s gonna say that’s right anyway we hope to see you at the elks theater get your season passes of all the entertainment that’s coming and uh have a lovely time if you want more information about what’s going on in prescott performances restaurants real estate pickles whatever the place for you is pickle 411.com that is our free information site whether you’re a buyer seller somewhere in between that is the place for you lots of free information that will astound and entertain you and your family for generations okay that’s a big that’s a big order but big promise big delivery you know what i’m saying we’ll try you gotta go on that’s a big uh that’s a big hole but we’ll try yeah anyway we hope to hear from you soon if you need to buy or sell a home give us a call we’re here on call ready to help you cheers take care bye
Moving Sale
Prescott Lakes – Astoria Neighborhood
Some great stuff our sellers want to sell. Stop by to check it out…
Saturday, May 14th 2022 – 9am to 4pm
2219 Calgary Drive
Fretting a Crash?
People worry that what goes up must come down, and nothing has gone up more than real estate in recent years. Are we overdue a crash? In this episode, we share our thoughts on the crash potential for Prescott-area real estate.Video Transcript
hello hello hello hello peeps good afternoon and this is randall and diane bro here in the lovely town of prescott arizona prescott arizona with vic lady yes here’s my little pickle somebody uh suggested this to us of course i immediately went on and bought it i love it and also yodles i won’t hit that yodel this time yeah yeah i’ll just let you see my pickle yeah um but anyway uh we are here where we uh wanted to chat with you about fretting a crash yeah so we’ve been having a lot of people asking us about the ever increasing home prices not just here and prescript across the country and whether we are due some catastrophic crash as we had back in the late 2000s and the answer to that at least as far as prescott is concerned is we don’t see where that would come from so the the crash in 2008 depending on where you were maybe it was a different time a lot of that was driven by people who had financing that no one should have ever given them that’s right no money down for an eight hundred thousand dollars probably not a good idea yeah so people were buying extra homes on credit and flipping them there’s a lot of stuff that was going on the the short answer on that score is that is not happening it really you know a lot of our clients are retired yep and when you retire this market in particular yeah you know they have a lot of money but not necessarily a lot of income sometimes they struggle to qualify because of things like debt ratios or income ratios right you know the the the ratios and the finances are are not and you know what they don’t weigh that uh they gotta jump those hurdles uh clearly it’s a good loan but they follow the regulations getting financing even when the interest rates are really low you think they’re begging for business guess what if you can’t make the ratio you will not get a loan it ain’t gonna happen it ain’t gonna happen it ain’t gonna happen yeah so yeah we’re not worried about a crash per se and particularly in the press kit market yeah because most of our buyers are cash buyers yes they’re retired um they’re either paying cash or they’re putting substantial amounts down for a down payment and so you know the creeping interest rates it doesn’t bother them so much because they pretty much have a pretty low mortgage yes um so if we’re kind of a unique market here yeah you may have seen there was an article i believe it was in fortune one of those magazines they listed a number of cities around the country we were one of them prescott arizona makes it makes it into this magazine as as one of the towns that is destined uh destined for a price adjustment and the reason they give is that the i’m sorry sorry are you okay um can i help you out yeah give me a hundred real quick real quick let me get that given that uh the reason they give for that is the if you look at the price of homes and divide that by the average income in the town that number is extremely high which would indicate that people are not making enough money to afford the homes there and so that that affects a lot of towns here’s the thing in prescott a lot of people are retired correct they don’t show a lot of income they have a lot of money yes so when you look at that ratio it’s going to be yeah oh you know your your uh uh property value to income is off the chart yeah he’s got four million dollars in the bank right it’s not going anywhere so we say nay to that yeah because just because we are a very unique market yeah they they ran the numbers they picked the top 10 15 cities in the country that popped at the top and they wrote an article about it um obviously they’ve never been to prescott i can’t see why that’s an issue here i don’t know of anyone i can’t think of anyone offhand who’s even close to you know oh it’s going to be difficult for them to maintain the payment on their homes these guys came here to retire and they’re having a great time and they’re going to be here for a while they’re not worried about making their house note yeah because number one either they pay cash yeah or number two they’ve had such a huge down payment their house note is negligible yeah so for us i always keep in mind the prescott market is quite unique yeah um our median age here is 55 and older so these are people who are not moving here for the industry for the jobs to start a new career this is a career test yeah and all of our friends god bless you we hope we can join you one day everybody’s having the time of their lives that’s right uh they’re golfing they’re jeeping they’re you know uh hiking they’re having a fabulous time they’re not really worried about income so when you hear these stories um don’t fret so much about prescott in itself uh this is a huge retirement town i have people who call me and say i’m looking for a 55 plus neighborhood and i’m like can i be honest all of prescott is basically 55 plus yeah it’s it’s it’s essentially a retirement community yeah i mean you don’t need to be in a particular neighborhood um most of our neighbors are retired um we’re kind of one of the few that are not but um don’t fret the crash crash here in prescott yeah i feel like it’s gonna be okay yeah i you know i i struggled to see what would what would do it yeah uh what drives a lot of our home sales here and the home value prices are people coming from other states mostly along the west coast uh that relocate here because it’s more affordable uh it’s a nice place you don’t have to go someplace where it’s a skabillion degrees uh and in 157 humidity or you know mesquite we don’t have any of that right you know it’s a very nice place so people can come here um the cost of living is low we talk in some of our other videos we talk about the arbitrage where you can sell your home where you are now typically some place like california and you can buy a home equivalent and bank a fair amount of money if the prices in california go down they may go down here too as long as we have a a as long as we’re less than california it would still make sense uh to make that move and i i i just i don’t see how um i don’t see how we end up with a bubble i really don’t i i don’t think price prices can’t keep going up the way they have i understand that we all do i think things are going to flatten out i think things are going to moderate i just don’t see a bubble that there’s something artificial that’s been holding this up all along and it’s just gonna crash i think maybe we undervalued real estate after the crash in 2008 for too long and uh and we had a big you know upward correction and and kobe pushed to store that i don’t know i i was surprised to see the prices go up as fast as they did but uh i don’t see them i i don’t see what would is their bubble to pop i don’t know i don’t know at least you know prescott is a very unique market and um we’re kind of a special little bubble here so you can’t really compare us to the other national markets yeah you know that’s my opinion yeah um and we’re small too we’re not a big player it’s not like we need millions of people moving here to get this right i mean do we have a crystal ball no no but i do have a crystal ball but i but i can’t use it to predict the future i’ve tried i just can’t okay so anyway we just thought we’d share this little two-bit uh two cents of information and uh just our personal opinion of course it is an opinion it’s not fact that’s right it’s not scientific but we just thought we’d give our little two cents of info on how we think things are going we are a very special market here so anyway if you’re thinking about buying or selling give us a call or you can go to our information site that’s pickle411.com whether you’re a buyer seller somewhere in between there’s information that’s waiting for you absolutely we’re here toll free it’s all free it’s all free all free people you don’t have to pay anything it’s free no subscription yeah all right just a final note if you are on the verge of retirement and thinking of retirement don’t put off retirement too long don’t do that don’t do that don’t wait don’t wait until you’re too old we have met so many people here who were like wow i should have done this years ago i’m loving my life here and we love it through extension we’re not quite retired but we are having fun anyway so give us a call diane and randall bro with our famous pickle whatever it is [Music] oh [Music] a lot of people anyway
Prescott by the Numbers – April 2022
From the front lines of Prescott-area real estate. See our video summary of the latest market results.
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To get the Full Home Value Report,
the Latest Home Comps, and
Top 100 Subdivision Snapshots,
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Fires & Fire Prevention
Been hearing about fires around Prescott? In this episode, we cover current fires and firefighting in general... plus a yodeling pickle. No kidding!Video Transcript
Here's a link to the Wine Down on Prescott's Various Terrains...
hello folks this is diane randall bro she is the pickle lady i am prescott arizona someone informed us of this new little gift so of course we immediately went out and ordered it share it with you yes you know everyone loves to share pickle paraphernalia this one really tickled us yeah here you go [Music] because everyone everyone should have in their possession a yodel pickle it’s of the utmost importance this is why they hate capitalism i mean i don’t know why hey we were the first ones to buy it we were like oh hell yes let us order this i think i was one of the original investors so we wanted to share with you our yodeling pickles i am the pickle lady here in prescott arizona that is indeed she does not yodel neither i don’t yodel no but i do enjoy a good yodeling pickle as everyone up unfortunately the pickle is green which is the same color as chris there you go maybe you can see it now yeah but uh we cracked up laughing and immediately placed an order uh for the yodeling pickle that’s who we are here you go pickles hi today we’re here to talk about some fire yes i’m sure you’ve heard about it yeah we’ve been we’ve been getting calls people want to know so uh there is a fire yes uh i don’t know if technically it’s in prescott or not prescott is a big incorporated area it includes some areas kind of over the mountain that are really very remote and very woodsy have essentially mountain cabins out there it’s pretty remote yeah it’s pretty remote i i don’t i don’t know honestly if it’s it’s part of the incorporated area or not they say it’s in the area of prescott i don’t know it’s ian prescott but on the news it makes it sound like we’re like it’s just it’s it’s engulfing pressing it proper and we just wanted to share with you that’s not necessarily so yeah um there are some great summer and you know little cabins up in the bradfords yes yes and so those are we are feeling it for people there i don’t mean to minimize that absolutely and those particular areas are are typically where the fires you know because it is heavily wooded and so it’s very easy for a spark from lightning or etcetera to kind of create a fire situation um but for those of us in more of the city part of prescription not so much to worry about we’re not on the evacuation uh unfortunately those areas that are more in the wooded remote areas yeah they are asked to evacuate um but we don’t want you to think that if you for instance if you’re in prescott lakes um we’re not under evacuation order yeah we we have a uh we have a wind down video somewhere i’ll put a link to it where we talk about how uh prescott has a lot of very different terrain so the simple answer is the southwest section of our town is very wooded it’s very mountainous it’s what you typically think of when you think of a mountain town lots of pine trees that kind of thing beautiful yeah it is beautiful it’s a beautiful area as you go south east uh the terrain starts to flatten out the trees begin to thin out and so finally you get out to areas that are bordering on prescott valley that are really essentially prairie lake uh and so the fires there are a completely different animal a lot easier to deal with you don’t have to rain uh much of the city is kind of that way and like prescott lakes is kind of that way it would be hard to set prescott lakes on fire yes and and the great thing is is that our fire department here is is very much um they’re on top of it they’re ahead of the game um they go out and do a lot of preventative fire prevention tactics so we are never in tremendous threat our fire department is very proactive very proud about fire safety and um they’ll even have some prescribed burns so that things don’t get out of hand and don’t get too crazy um we’re on top of it yeah and the fire effort comes out of the city of prescott the uh the the firefighters themselves are based here uh in our regional airport uh is where all of the fire aircraft uh take off from uh so you know we’re hearing chinook helicopters and yeah and all these these fire planes and we salute them i mean we watch them from our deck and we watch them take off and we’re like god bless them god bless all the firefighters out there absolutely uh fighting to uh keep everything at bay yes and keep everything under control without a great loss of property or you know yeah yeah absolutely so the the firefighters are working actually two fires right now there’s one south of prescott and there’s another one in the vicinity of vicinity vicinity infinity flagstaff that’s right uh close to the peaks so uh which is about a hundred miles away i mean so yes i think these guys do anything in that blank in that radius comes out of prescott so you hear the word prescott in combination with fire in arizona all the time doesn’t mean we’re always burning right and i mean these guys are top-notch uh they are on it we are ready we are prepared uh we are prepared before the event even happens and that’s what i love about being prescott uh being in prescott how progressive it is how proactive they are they’re on it so we don’t ever want anyone to fear um loss of you know that you’ll lose property or et cetera yeah yeah there are very few areas where you can’t get fire insurance most areas of prescott um it’s not required no in fact you should know that when you buy a home here i i don’t think yet i’ve run across any contract that required fire insurance or flood insurance for that matter or earthquake correct yeah cheers yeah all of these so we’re pretty um although you may hear these events uh we’re pretty safe and secure um insurance companies if they think you need fire they’ll let you know i’ve yet to run across any that required insurance flood or earthquake yes so uh when you hear these things on the news it is um it sounds pretty scary it is pretty scary it is pretty intimidating um but for the most part the city proper we’re pretty secure yeah yeah so we don’t want you to worry that uh you’ll hear a fire alarm and have to head out in the middle of the night um it doesn’t happen too often unless you’re in more of the remote areas outside in the in the more forested areas yeah that’s exciting anyway we just want to share that and for our folks who are in those areas you know of course our thoughts are always with you and we know you’re in good hands so uh our fire department’s on it yeah so we wanted to share this uh topic with you about fires because as we’re entering into fire season i know this is a big concern for a lot of people especially those coming from california and uh we just want to give you our little two cents on that so if you were looking for any additional information from the pickle lady team yeah the place to go is pickle411.com that is our information center whether you’re a buyer seller somewhere in between that’s the place for you go there and get lots of information about fires and yielding pickles just a plethora whatever you may need we have pickled plethora we have a pickled plethora of information free information there you go all my nuts we don’t even charge no charge it’s all good call it free that’s right yeah that’s exactly right i just wanted to give you a little update and share our pickle okay oh my gosh it goes on a little long sorry about that that is a yelling it is a yodeling uh fool on this pickle so everyone should have a yodeling pickle that’s what i say yeah but uh anyway yeah we can’t it does make me laugh every day