Month: October 2022
Outlaw Donuts
Here's another restaurant review we've been meaning to do for some time: Our favorite donut shop of all time. In this episode, we talk about Outlaw Donuts - so good, it verges on illegal.Video Transcript
very nimbly making my way down there all right is that Nimble that’s as Nimble as I get hello hello hello Randall and Diane bro here on a beautiful fall afternoon yes it is we are loving life life is good hope it’s good for you as well we’re having fun to meet with you and talk about various topics various topics real estate plus life is General life in general life impressive life in general so this is one of our favorite uh little restaurants that we go to yeah restaurants are you changing your I think there’s a little girl trying to are you are you changed yeah I you going through beavers I think so changing somehow people always like our restaurant reviews so this is a restaurant review we’ve been talking about doing this for a long time yes been a big fan actually we just never kind of got around to it so we love it they’re amazing yeah um and it’s all about you try to guess you won’t guess outlawed Donuts Outlaw Donuts so the alcohol is like a western kind of a western thing you have guns all over wanted posters and that kind of thing but uh yeah you don’t have to dress up as Cowboys don’t get in there but uh evidently the guy who owns it it was like a pastry chef yeah he’s an amazing Chef the most amazing donuts yeah whenever the kids come in town they always have to hit Outlaw Donuts uh we’ll eat a couple of donuts and then we immediately have to take another nap because yeah they are so delicious and Rich it’s like the perfect nap food they probably they have like glazed donuts sort of regular Donuts you’re going to go and get a dozen donuts I’m sure they’re good but the kind of donuts that we buy we they have specialty donors yeah so you don’t buy a dozen of those no no you would die no so we love the delicious chocolate covered donut with and without with and without coconut coconut I like it without nothing like it though with a I mean little donut with a cup of coffee uh ready for a nice little nap after that it’s wonderful because their cake Donuts are good they’ve got a lot of uh you know like uh specialty specialty Donuts I know they’re bacon covered yeah maple glazed bacon covered uh sort of a um it’s not shaped like a donut it’s more shaped like a hot dog bun kind of like an eclair yeah they have what else what else do we love uh Apple Critters bear claws bear claws as big as his head and that’s a big head that’s a big head yeah that’s a big claw not a big Club but he has a big head there’s claws about a bit as big as my head [Music] do you like the Apple yeah the apple fritters are my favorite I I believe they have other kinds of fertiles uh apples are apples my favorite but uh they do have others a lot of different kinds of cake Donuts I’m a big fan of cake Donuts just plain glazed is amazing uh but I think they also have like blueberry you name it they have it they also have um breakfast burritos burritos yeah breakfast um they have a lot of nice little extra burrito uh breakfast type foods I should say yeah besides just donuts so it’s really like um uh Gourmet Donuts okay Gourmet Donuts yeah uh the other good thing is I mean so Saturday Sunday I mean they might have a line you know out the door that’s how good they are uh the exciting thing is they also have a food truck so for our folks who live down in Prescott Valley you don’t have to drive all the way in to go to the storefront they will have the same stuff at their food truck right on glassford Hill yeah right right at glassford Hill okay across 69 from Glasper Hill big panel truck kind of hard yeah and it will say Outlaw donuts and then the good thing is that we’re super psyched they’re also taking over the space next to their store Friday yeah uh I can’t think of the can’t think of the name of the stream it’s right around the corner from uh the square yeah just a couple of blocks yeah uh they’ve got a new storefront that they are developing and they’re going to have a new Little Deli so I can’t wait to see what that’s going to be all about because deli’s half as good as the donuts right oh yeah yeah so it’s a special treat when the kids come in from out of town we always make an Outlaw Run yeah everybody’s we don’t plan much of anything for them don’t plan much about it it’s going to be a chill it’s gonna be a chill day that’s well worth it but it is so worth it yeah so that is our little plugs and now we love you guys and uh we look forward to the next visit when we get some uh some more of those Bavarian cream filled donuts and when you take your first bite of that Bavarian green donut you think of pickling think of us we sent you yeah we sent you your way and for all you people who do they get any any plug let me tell you let me plug this out goodness of our hearts all of these restaurants come on we don’t get any Kickbacks for this folks this is the joy of talking about a good feeling good people we know that’s right and it uh fills our heart with love to share all the good stuff and all the great little restaurants here in our lovely Town yeah because around my heart’s all I’ve been very clean it is uh we’re having a little blockage no so far so good though everything in moderation everything in moderation so please if you’re in town or if you’ve just moved here you must you must go to Outlaw Donuts it will not be something you’ll regret you know lots of really great restaurant tips are on our website you can find it at pickle411 come lots of information about Prescott the things to do and Prescott the things to eat and presently Prescott real estate yeah just anything you think of it’s there it’s free it’s waiting for you that’s right you will be check us out just a stop give us a call we’d like to give you a personal tour and show you what life is all about here and our lovely bergberg how you like that did you remember that I know I know yeah sure okay have a great day bye
Falling into Halloween
For those of you still fighting this year's heat, turn down the thermostat, wrap yourself in a warm, comfy robe, and share our little kickoff celebration for fall in Prescott and all the fun rituals of Halloween in our little town.Video Transcript
hello hello hello my fellow pickle peeps hello peeps we’re so excited why are we excited Randall we’re excited because Summer is dying yes it’s actually it’s gone to rest we’re actually in Fall happy fall y’all be fall y’all happy fall y’all my favorite phrase summers are not really that bad here no not not at all so much better than where we used to live but you know fall and winter I love so much more so yes every time it’s and this this summer was actually uh we had a great amazing season yeah I named the best August of my life it was nice and rainy and cool that’s a big comment the best August of your life well I’m August they’re probably the worst month of the year when you’re living in I think it was the best because that’s my birthday well yeah yeah it starts off the thing it goes downhill from that I checked but I’m not but anyway birthday treat there is that what we’re talking about I don’t know but yeah so now we’re at fall and we’re gonna pass that up completely we’re going to talk about fall so we just got back from La Quinta California yes we’ll have more to say about that in a future episode but yeah suffice to say like he took California right outside Palm Springs still super hot and we were kind of melting beautiful beautiful but can’t do the heat anymore people can’t do the heat we’re so glad to get back and fall was falling fall is falling we had a great time yeah and uh you know we’re very happy uh to be back we’ve decorated for our favorite holiday [Music] so although Halloween is not celebrated uh as it is in most of your neighborhoods probably where the kids come to your door yeah we don’t have trick-or-treating our neighborhoods here we do not uh Prescott is very unique they have everyone gather all the children in town uh go to Mount Vernon and they have special all the homes there the historical homes decorate for Halloween and all the kiddos the streets blocked off lit up the police are there they go from house to house there only on Mount Vernon it’s really interesting it’s really cool they’re very old tradition started back in the old west when they used to round the children up to sacrifice them on Mount Vernon but now they don’t now don’t even say that yeah so somebody out there is going to think that’s true yeah that is not true we are a retirement town so when you do see a child it is a little it’s a good luck yeah it’s good luck you need to try to catch them rub their head yeah rub they’re building something so you get some of that you can thank you they’ll tell you where their pot of gold is that’s right so it’s always special yeah Halloween is lovely yeah they do they uh they block off about three three blocks of Mount Vernon which is the old historical City yep kind of the centerpiece and all the old homes or at least most of them are decorated to the nines the fun people the fun people of which we have great friends yes shout out to Kathy and Harvey yep always have the best Halloween party ever the best Halloween decorations live music so if you are here for Halloween come down Mount Vernon we’ll be there at our friend’s house enjoying all the spectacular events that they hold on that day unclear what we’re going to it’s a good time that’ll be fun good times so and we hand out candy to everyone about 3 000 kids will dress straight up and down Mount Vernon not to be missed so also if you’re new to the area and maybe you don’t want to go out on Halloween itself because it all you know traffic and kids and this that and the other always just walk down there a week before it’s a beautiful walk it’s lovely and you can see all the decorations without all the crowds that’s right I’ll leave it up to you absolutely beautiful you will miss a good party and fun and music and you might see us waving at you thinking about coming to Prescott is a good time absolutely so always fall into Halloween here in Prescott not to be missed and very very unique absolutely and we thoroughly enjoy it every year another good tip if you like tips the place to go is pickle411.com there you’ll find our free information site yes all kinds of wonderful information where to get the best treats on Halloween and restaurants and just all kinds of stuff all right all free and good stuff for you all good stuff fun stuff fun stuff we try to bring it all to you people yes we do and share the wealth of knowledge that we have about life here in Prescott that’s right so we hope you appreciate it and uh if you’re here for Halloween come on by and wave pass by at our little party we’re not sure what our costumes will be at but we’ll be there having fun so cheers to you wherever you are and uh Happy fall wherever you are enjoy the Beautiful the beautiful weather that comes our way Come fall season come fall season that’s right camel can’t fall is falling can’t beat it and press it I’ll tell you that much it’s our favorite cheers and I hope to hear from you soon take care
Magic of Photography
In real estate, the definition of a good photographer is someone who can make something look better than it is. Whether it's the agent's photo on a for-sale sign or the shag carpet in the bonus room, what you see may not be what you get. And as a seller, if you think your home can compete these days without decent photography, guess again! In this episode, we share our thoughts on the magic of real estate photography and the first impressions it makes in the marketplace.Video Transcript
hello hello hello hello hello peeps how’s it going out there here with pickle lady Diane bro realtor yep I’m psychic skunk Pig Randall you’re supporting her in any way that I can sometimes it depends on the day it depends on what she needs help with correct yeah true uh we are here today to talk about the magic of Photography magic or real estate photography real estate Photography in general I think all of us are familiar with filters lighting Etc what you see folks is not always what you get uh as you you know not that I’ve been on those dating websites but if you are sometimes you meet up and you’re like really yeah or my favorite is just look at a real realtor’s uh business cards yeah the business card they’re the sales signs yeah yeah those photographers magic they work their magic fading and switching total baby switch and the same thing when you are selling your home selling your home if you do not have a great photographer or great pictures it’s doing a huge disservice yes it’s not representing your home in its best light no pun intended uh so you have to be really careful you have to make sure you’ve got great photos of your home represented in its best all of the best features yes sunlight sunsets backyards drone shots yes you know uh aerial shots yes you really need to have somebody the pictures selling your house is a process and one of the very first steps is enticing someone into being interested in your home and that’s what the photography does if you have bad photography they’re going to fly right through it just cancel the listing and you know what else it’s not going to happen fellow agents who are house hunting for you will be like ah this one hasn’t looked so good and they’ll pass on it yeah um that is your first first impression both to yourself as well as to fellow Realtors who were looking for their buyers and stuff so always make sure uh let’s review the photos with your listing agent make sure to say can I see them first before uh make sure it’s up to your standards make sure it shows all of the best features of your home only you know what’s the best feature you live in it that’s right you know a photographer may come in and not know at four o’clock the sunset or five is amazing yeah um so make sure you fully communicate with the photographer so we can get the best shots possible and review say may I see them before you go live yes you should you should take a look look at them just make sure that if you were a buyer these pictures would make you want to would this draw you in would you be like wow that kitchen’s beautiful I’ve got to see that house yeah just just a a point that’s important I think it’s the photography in your MLS listing is not there to give you a tour of the home it doesn’t necessarily have to be comprehensive the function of the photos is to make people interested in the house and want to see it draw you in to draw you in that looks interest you’re looking for that that’s it you don’t have to have a picture of the toilet they know you have a toilet I I can’t say hi to MLS how many pictures of toilets and especially a toilet with the seat up oh my God yeah please now I have never seen a buyer see a picture of a toilet I gotta go see that one that is I’ve never made one of those crazy Japanese boys absolutely you have a standard even if it’s a high toilet you know those toilets that powder your bottom and everything else hell yeah I’m all about it [Music] so you know try to get someone who will represent your home and and it’s in its best light and for the buyer’s side you need to understand that a lot of times pictures are not what the home doesn’t look the way the pictures do yeah and that can be a positive thing or negative thing sometimes you see uh pictures they look wonderful hey kudos to the photographer right uh but you need to get somebody in there to see it in person and give you feedback so a lot of times absolutely the homes don’t come out uh are not as good as that you would think there are a couple of photographers who are Michael very good yeah they are amazing magic they’re Wizards and and vice versa so we’ve seen a lot of MLS listings where obviously the real estate agent just pulled out a phone and snapped a few yeah a few pictures that are not well lit they haven’t been photoshopped and make them nice and bright uh they just don’t look good yep and uh we’ll go see those too yeah and if we find a home that is really beautiful and the photography is not good on it guess what we tell our buyers move fast move fast coming low and let’s get this under contract before everyone else figures out sometimes it’s just not represented and that’s a boon to you so we love to go preview first and uh like I said so always be opened and don’t sometimes you see a house here like this is it I love everything about it I love the look of this house I love this and then we go see it you need to trust that we’re going to tell you the truth yeah those were amazing photos but you don’t want to be you don’t want to do it and we’ll do a walk through video too really hard to figure a walk through video yeah you do a walk-through video and you like what you see that you’re you’re basically seeing what you say as you walked in the hallway yeah some people are like no but I really really like it I’m like that’s fine let’s go through it you need to see it in person to get a better understanding perhaps since on a busy road perhaps it’s uh backs up to something you may not want to live or look and you don’t see it in the photos so keep your mind open don’t get your heart set on but that is the perfect house based on the pictures yeah it looks like hell and the pickle lady says no this is a good one yeah watch the walk-through video watch it you’re gonna love it so that’s our little tip for you people out there who are thinking about listing uh hopefully if you list with us we will share all the photos and let you see but always ask whoever you’re working with may I see first what’s happening and if you’re not happy demand better pictures that’s right because that can be how quick or how long your house takes to sell that’s right very important and if you’re a buyer know that some of these pictures it’s a lot of magic involved and I don’t want to don’t don’t set your heart on one home just based on the photos that’s right right all right so that is our topic of the day tip of the day you want more tips and place to go is pickle411.com that is our free information site whether you are a buyer seller is somewhere in between there’s something there that’s free and waiting for you and it will astound and rock your world perhaps perhaps if you have a boring life maybe yeah it’ll be at least one thing there really something that that you’ll be like it was helpful that would be something yes all right so we look forward to hearing from you take care and have an amazing day bye
Prescott by the Numbers – September 2022
Some weird things happening in Prescott this month! From the front lines of Prescott-area real estate. See our video summary of the latest market results.
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Moving Sales
Need to adjust to your new downsized lifestyle? Or maybe you've got some special items that just won't make the transition, and you'd like to see them find a good home. One great option is holding a moving sale. In this episode, we discuss how we can help you with that.Video Transcript
hello hello hello this is Diane and Randall bro Randall who said it best Diane and Randall bro you don’t know my name yet I said Randall it just came out weird about it I like the way that came out but anyway that’s right very sexy yeah my former life has come out I am reincarnated reincarnated that’s what the fortune teller said I believe it I don’t know why I just believe it there are days here to talk about moving sales today this is my new favorite thing we love doing this something as a full service concierge yes real estate team yes that we provide and we love doing it it’s a great time yeah when you sell your house it’s not just about selling your house obviously you go to a realtor to help you sell your house but selling your house is just part of a process they got a lot of stuff that has to happen yep all part of that and one of them besides crying as you’re packing up yeah all the packing and everything is you may have some things that you want to donate you may have some things you want to sell yes so a lot of our sellers they like to have a moving sale they like to see some of their favorite pieces go to people they know in the neighborhood or just just somebody nice so moving sales is something to make a little extra money you just make sure that some of those special things that you’re not going to have room for anymore go to someone I mean as you know when you move especially if you’ve been somewhere a while you are probably downsizing and you need to divest divest the best of your belongings what do you do what do you do so we as part of our service we like to help you uh set up a moving sale yes so we will come over we like to work on the porch or wherever your garage uh help you the day of the sale we will promote it on all of our websites we will promote it to you directly to Realtors we will uh put it on all the signage uh we will promote the hell out of it yeah we do we do and uh arrange for so we started doing this a while it’s just so so successful so much fun and uh our sellers really appreciated the neighbors really appreciate it yes yeah it’s just a very positive experience so it’s become just part of our stick now it is just a matter of course we ask people do you want a moving sale we’re help we we bring our own we have large conference tables yeah that we bring over we share with you we help you set it up uh when it’s all said and done we uh try to help if you’re ready to load it up and go donate it for anything you’re not taking with you that maybe hasn’t sold I mean we do it all we’ve even had to rent a U-Haul truck for some some yeah and uh load it up and take it over to Goodwill yeah we did some some things that we were left with we brought over a lot of people yeah so we listen people what basically what we’re saying is this is full service this is full service we don’t just put a sign in your yard and say see ya and we’ll let you know when you get a contract yeah there’s a lot we know we get that and we’re going to help you with everything we possibly and it’s really just speaking from our own experience when we moved from Texas oh my gosh we had so much stuff we didn’t even know where to start and what to do and how to handle it and so a lot of our what we offer to our clients is just from our own personal experience and so we find the moving sales very effective of course I always have my pickles that I hand out yep and you never know who might come to your moving sale right and a lot of people come from Vehicles well they do but you know I didn’t end up buying something so it’s that’s fine then they end up you know either buying your stuff or they’re like uh you know maybe they might even be interested in your house you never know another quid pro quo here is that the pick lady and I have first dibs on your stuff yes thank you we basically purchases we get some good swag some good stuff lovely lovely and we’re like yeah can we could I buy this instead sure so yeah it’s a lot of fun and you know we just kind of sit on the porch and you really get to become good friends with your sellers and we it’s just a good find something good bonding so anyway if you are looking about listing look thinking about listing or selling uh keep that in mind we’re happy to help you with everything sale or whatever help you may need I mean we are truly Hands-On so moving sales is a good tip well if you’re looking for other good tips place to go is pickle411.com our free information site uh in particular you might want to check out if you’re a seller you might want to check out our seller’s Corner which is all the stuff that we have that’s specifically for sellers so I hope to hear from you soon and uh always stop by our moving sale I’ll have pickles for you for you all right take care have a wonderful evening bye