Month: September 2023
Chances are you do not have enough insurance in place for a disaster like a house fire, flood, storm, etc. How do we know this? Watch our latest video to find out.Video Transcript
oh my God oh my God that was a lot that was very aggressive too aggressive too aggressive I’m still a lion hmm okay Diane and Randall bro here are coming to you from Prescott Arizona our lovely little Hometown I said I know what is wrong with us today what is in this stuff I’m really tired I’m really tired sorry everyone here with a uh a little warning for people yeah a neighbor of ours told us yeah within Insurance something never really thought about um so homes have appreciated a lot since covid uh we had back to pack 30 appreciation for the two covid years and uh so that means people here and people around the nation now own homes that were worth a whole lot more than they did before that’s right yay for them yeah and so it’s very important to re-examine and talk to your insurance agent about the value of your home and more importantly the replacement cost of your house yes with these new appreciated values what used to be maybe I’m just making this up 400 000 to rebuild your home if it burned down yeah could now be 800 800 000. so it’s very important um with this appreciation recheck all of your values because if your house burns down or gets flooded or this that the other is completely destroyed you’re not gonna get it you’re not going to be able to yeah replace the home and rebuild in in the fashion that you had so I I think he cited a statistic I think it was like two-thirds of America American money owners so are you out underinsured have we done this no we haven’t done this so you see we haven’t even do what we do do what we say that’s right yeah don’t do what we do we will we’re in the process we do have to do this for sure do this for sure but it was an eye-opener when he said that and nobody wants to find out the hard way when you’re in the middle of a terrible crisis yeah and so if uh you know it might get pricey insurance is particularly pricey in a number of areas around the country uh to reduce the uh the premium if you just you know up the value of the uh the benefit uh your premiums are going to go way up one way to battle that is to up your deductible uh you’re much better off you know uh in ensuring your home for the full value and raise the deductible five thousand ten thousand dollars then to continue to pay the lower premiums and have a value Gap so that’s right so you might want to put out a little bit more uh in your um in your kitty in your kit you know because teapot that’s still going to be a lot cheaper than having to find an extra 300 400 Grand to rebuild um so anyway keep all of that in mind so just something we thought was very interesting and something it is on our to-do list maybe one day it is if it’s on the to-do list we’re gonna get there don’t follow our example at all but we do want to share this because we thought wow what a great Point yeah we’re so glad he shared that with us and so we thought this is something our clients and folks out there need to know yeah absolutely call your agent have them look at your policy yeah look at where you’re valued now and make any necessary adjustments and if you’re having trouble figuring out what the value should be I mean your insurance insurance agent might be able to do that but then again that’s kind of given your insurance agent efficient license I don’t know what my home’s value how much rooms are two billion dollars so uh anyway if you if you uh if you want an unbiased valuation in your home just uh hit us up and I’ll do that we’ll try to help you out okay so that is a very important tip from Diana Randall bro coming to you your favorite Realtors local Realtors you are our favorite real tires that’s right we are your friends that’s right Some People Like Us kind of like a pug yeah just don’t give up and we can be in a choir taste that’s why I get it that’s fine I don’t need to win them all you know what I mean I just need to name racing tens that’s right so anyway give us a call we’d be happy to help you find a home answer a lot of questions help you as you think about make possibly moving to a new area we did it we’re here Seven Years love it no looking back that’s right happy to guide you refer you to some good insurance companies as well so uh if you need any other information you can go to medical411.com that’s our free information site whether you’re a buyer seller or somewhere in between there is something there waiting for you that will Amaze astound and inform you and tickle your funny book maybe or whatever whatever you want tickled I guess we’ll take away okay that’s yeah whatever will make you laugh how about that okay yeah it’s all getting weird now but anyway so we’d love to hear from you we’d love to help you in your next steps and share more helpful tips with you absolutely so give us a call we’re at 713-302-1964 take care and have a great rest of your day bye bye
Heat Emergency
Arizona's governor recently placed the entire state under a heat emergency. Watch this week to find out what that means and, more importantly, why this and other news items you might see, simply don't apply to Prescott.Video Transcript
hello hello hello hello happy to be coming to you live live recording this live Diane and Randall bro here in lovely mountain town at Prescott Arizona that’s us that’s right Mountainous Landscape you think mountain town you don’t think of Arizona but here we are yeah we are mountain town it is a lovely Mountain Town kind of like Flagstaff not quite as high as Flagstaff um but nothing like you ever thought you’d see in Arizona that’s right people think Arizona is a desert the whole state is a desert about half of it is really pretty mountainous and yes not so much no I guess they call us a high desert not cinnamon desert right right High Desert good low desert bad yeah so we’re here in the high desert we have four seasons um the governor recently declared a heat emergency in all of Arizona all of Arizona it really didn’t apply to us no I don’t know why she did that yeah at the time Heat Emergency of the heat emergency I think our high that day was 85. it was so when you hear this very alarming temperatures Etc yes it does exist down in Phoenix or down the hill as we say when you live up in Prescott I’m going down the hill down the hill which means or the Valley Phoenix they did have a heat emergency they were having quite intense temperatures yeah they broke records I guess that was for July yeah uh so they broke some records and they did they had some very treacherous um scary stuff scary stuff going on not here though it did not apply to us well it applied to us because the governor said it did but right but yeah technically not really so our temperatures may get perhaps in July in the high 90s yeah which we kind of look for because then that sets the monsoon pattern and creates the rains which we really love and want which we’re getting so right now Four Seasons so we can tolerate a few days of a little high 90 Heat so as long as it can bring on the montoons and when they come in the temperatures drop to the 70s it’s completely delightful yeah so uh when you hear these enormous High temps down in the valley it really is not us really don’t be scared by that yeah and it’s going to be piercing sometimes like you’ll be in Prescott watching the weather and you’re watching weather in Phoenix you know yes that is a good point yeah there’s something you should know we don’t have a local TV station here so all of our news that we see is coming from Phoenix so sometimes you’ll be sitting down there and listening to oh my gosh yeah yeah what’s going on did you hear that happen it’s not here it’s in Phoenix you have to kind of take it with it yeah same thing with crime same thing with crime yeah yeah my mother doesn’t seem to get that she watches the news oh I heard there was a murder right downtown like then in Phoenix keep that in mind if you’re watching the local news the quote local news it’s really Phoenix news so when they’re talking about those temperatures and things like that it’s really not Prescott proper yeah that’s right so when you hear heat emergency don’t equate it with Prescott even if the governor says it’s the whole state she’s a liar she’s a liar that’s a little strong I don’t think she thinks much about uh areas outside of Phoenix that’s a joke that’s a joke relax relax I’m not calling the governor a liar that’s the joke it’s just a joke I’m getting a little Punchy it’s been a long day it’s been a long week so anyway Local News we just don’t want you to get thrown by that and think that that applies to Prescott yeah it really doesn’t we have not been on any heat advisories heat warnings we haven’t been on any water restrictions none of that happens that stuff applies here okay so our Summer’s kind of over we’re in the month yes we’re already I’ve been walking in the morning it’s already getting a little nip in the end you can kind of see fall is on the way and here it is the end of August so it’s uh delightful yeah absolutely it’s very nice so when you hear heat emergency heat advisory water restrictions etc etc does not apply to fee uh that’s right so she’s alive you’re a liar I am a liar so anyway we just wanted to share that with you um in case you had any concerns uh don’t Transition to Fall be yeah so if you need any information about life in Prescott that’s our tip just try and take it straight tip of the day if you like tips we got plenty for you you go to our free information site pickle411.com there you’ll find all kinds of delightful informative and entertaining things to astound and bewilder you and it’s all absolutely free absolutely free um you should check it out yeah we’re happy to help you where your favorite Visiting Prescott Realtors here in Prescott happy to help you and find that new place and start a new life every time you say that I feel like I should be dangling a watch well I mean that’s part of the deal I’ve learned that yeah trying to hypnotize you people see if you can see all the subliminal things that’s it you’re a fisherman there you go all right so that’s it good to see you and we hope to hear from you soon come make a visit we’d love to show you around Diana Randall bro here coming to you from Prescott Arizona bye
Yappy Hour
When we heard about Yappy Hour, we thought "oh, this will be cute!" But when we went to check it out, we never expected what we found. Watch this week to see why this event is way more exciting than it sounds.Video Transcript
little peeps hello Diane and Randall bro here coming to you from Prescott Arizona we are your local Friendly uh Realtors just loaded with knowledge expertise fun I really like to think so at least a fun day the fun bit Yeah I do bring a lot of Comedy yeah we try we try to make it fun yeah we’re here to talk about something that just happened here in Prescott Lakes where we live which is a great community a huge neighborhood we love it they had something called yappy hour and uh we they anybody who lived in Prescott Lakes could bring their dogs right uh to the greens where did we go yeah with the uh driving range driving range and so I’m like that’ll be cute and then you could make a donation to the local vendor yeah well to the animal shelters and bring donations there with bones for the dogs but what was shocking was so I’m thinking okay that’ll be cute oh oh my gosh it was like a real event [Music] a great table set up they had a uh they had a beverages alcohol they had food they had all these different vendors for dogs and cat I mean all this great stuff and you could bring your dog it was a beautiful day walk your dog on the green meet other dogs meet other people it’s a great idea first of all so much fun Prescott is a huge and you don’t necessarily meet other people with their dogs if you’re walking you see the dogs you know who owns them uh so this this was an opportunity for all the dog owners to kind of show up and it was hilarious because some of the you know people would know your dog oh I know your dogs you know what are their names and I walk by them all the time your dog said the ones that bark at it yeah you’re the dogs are the ones that Barker we got them yeah those are right not the best title we wanted to have yeah they’re puppies they’re puppies yeah we’re trying but we had the best time and so hats off to Prescott Lakes yes for having such a great event yes and there was a general manager of that cabin was his idea it was and what a great benefit great idea it was a great benefit went over huge everybody had a great time and puppies got to meet each other and everybody got to chit chat and what’s not to love and a beautiful sunny day it was a beautiful to be surrounded by lots of cute puppies and dogs and yeah I mean we just had the best time and our dogs were very well behaved yes our dogs were not the worst no they weren’t I was and I was very happy about that I was very happy about that yes so anyway we just wanted to share that that if you moved to Prescott Lakes like we live they have a lot of different events like this this was the first time they did yappy hour happy hour but uh we’re gonna do it again because they’re gonna do it again over so well it was special everyone was so happy about it so yeah that’s just one of the many events that Prescott Lakes will put on besides their music that they have and and Fun Stuff they’re always doing something cooking uh classes it goes on and on and on so this one was so unique we thought we’d mention we had to share a happy hour just something it just it was a great idea never heard of it before that’s right what a what a great event and what a great fundraiser yeah I mean it was really nice to help out the animal shelter so not a bad thing absolutely so if you move here to Prescott and you are a dog lover you might consider Prescott lake so you too can come join us at yappy hour yeah it’s not that town loves dogs here yes we had I think we had another video that talks about places you can restaurants you can go that welcome puppies yeah yeah it’s great yeah all right my friends I think that is it for today I think so anything else about yappy hours no that’s it for happy hour that’s it oh and yappy hour they also had music playing too so it was a lot of fun yeah some of the dog stands some of the dogs were dancing yeah it was great I made a couple little introductions so look like little love stories happening matchmaking yeah yeah it’s all good so yeah that’s it for yappy hour see you later and we hope to see you soon and uh give us a call if you’re coming to Prescott I’d love to help you bye
Prescott by the Numbers – August 2023
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StefNrock Rocks!
We've mentioned how great the Prescott music scene is, but today we'll introduce you to one of the reasons why - Stefnrock! Find out why this duo is so fantastic, and how you can check them out as well.Video Transcript
good morning and hello hello hello peeps I am Diane bro the local pickle lady ask a pickle lady Prescott pickle lady like it says in the cup just like it says in the cup yeah there it is this is uh my sidekick Randall bro we are local Realtors here in Prescott always happy to come chat with you about all multitudes of multitudes of things some interesting some boring I don’t know we like to cover things real estate we also like to cover things about just living in Prescott and the fun things they are hard to do and that’s what we’re here today to talk about we want to talk about one of the local bands and one of those love them one of our earlier videos we talked about the local or Regional bands that kind of develop a local following yep uh and today we wanted to talk about one of those so the name of the group is steppen Rock Stefan Rock Stefan Rock if you’re listening you can thank me later yeah yeah you’re welcome I’m doing a little place that’s right great great music they play all kinds from the 70s the 80s night I mean they go on and on they’re great uh everything this is a this is a couple yep and we’ve seen him two or three times now but we kept hearing that it’s Stefan Rock Stefan Rock so you need to go you need to go you need to go you need to go so I guess it was Memorial day we were over at haciampa the uh yeah which is in Hacienda uh and joining some friends there and uh they had a band so we’re sitting there eating and we’re listening to music and we’re thinking wow this is really good they are really good they are really good A lot of my favorite songs yeah and really well yeah yeah oh my God so at some point I said you know I need to go find out the name of this band that’s right so I walk across the courtyard and stuff and run Stefan Rock so were they the ones who started in Vegas and yes there’s so much competition yeah they were in Vegas and you know there’s a lot of things going on in Vegas and nobody is there all the time uh well I mean they have locals that live in Vegas but for the most part people who are going to the shows are not from the town so it’s hard to develop a local following there um so I guess they struggled eventually they ended up in Prescott and uh they started playing Regional I don’t know if they live in Prescott I don’t know but they got the following they got a following you everybody loves them and someone was talking uh talking to them and they were saying now that we live here our calendar is completely full they’re booked completely focused and we’re excited about them yeah they hear them they want to hear them again we have any number of musical venues that you can go see them so you can pretty much go see them every day if you wanted to once they’re playing almost everything they float around and they go from place to place they are amazing they are amazing so uh sometimes they’ll play at a venue they might play at the park and people will come and we we bring our our chairs our lawn chairs we can go sit out and listen to live music and so the other day we did that we went to see somebody and um anyway everybody brings their lawn chairs and we sit in a circle and we have a glass of wine this that and the other and Randall’s like we should bring extra chairs because more people came walking by throughout and they’re like oh we want to join you can we yeah if you’re going to an outdoor venue bring a few extra chairs because more more than not you’re gonna see some friends there who weren’t planning on this sitting down and listening to music but they want to join yeah and then in that fun you know so I sat on the grass for a little while to one of my or one of our friends coughed up an extra Chariot in his car and I was very happy so a little tip there if you remember when these uh outdoor venues bring some extra chairs because you’re going to run across somebody yes it might be me yeah yeah we might join you okay you never know never know so we love our music scene here love it love it love it great bands and Stefan rock is one of them one of the best so we hope to see you one day at a stuff and rock show Absolutely and we’ll have a good time yes okay that’s it for today bye bye