Ever wonder what it would be like to start over? What if you retired to a place where people know you for you, and not for your past? A community where you can have peace! Find out in today’s episode why we call Prescott the witness protection program.
good morning morning top of the morning to all of our friends and family out there yes I’m Randall with the Pres pickle lady Diane bro that’s me um we are your local Friendly husband and wife Team Real Estate team with exp realy and we’re happy to uh join you again and kind of give you some something that we found since we’ve moved here yeah it just goes toward the kind of folks that you meet here that’s right so we were talking with a good friend of our shout out to Bob Bob Karen yeah Charlie Kathy friends fun to travel with traveling friends for fun fun traveling (00:41) friends fun traveling friends just good friends in general um anyway they also mov to Prescot as we did we all kind of came about the same time uh we all came here no friends no family they have become our substitute family that’s right and support system that’s right and they are great uh just very relaxed people love you guys peace out so one of the terms that Bob threw out which I thought was hysterical and sort of summarizes the whole thing is he said uh preset is a bit like a witness protection program right so when you come here nobody knows who you are and nobody kind of (01:21) really wants to know your background no uh so it’s almost like everyone in town is a a witness being protected yes uh in particular if you spend time on the golf course nobody wants to hear what a no big time surgeon you were you were CEO of that or founder of this or any of that kind of stuff most people uh including our our uh fun traveling friends are all very accomplished people and people just H you they’re retired and that phase is over and nobody R it’s very very refreshing yeah very refeshing we live in Prescot Lakes uh we’re surrounded by a lot of golfers retired Folk (02:00) unfortunately we are not but we get to spend quality time with them and have a good time uh sometimes we get to travel with them and one thing that has struck both of us is that these folks have been at the top they are you know top CEOs they are like he said Top Doctors top the tops in their profession they have come here for Peace Quiet relaxation and they come here and retire and they don’t want to talk about that stuff anymore and what we find so nice and so refreshing there are no games here people don’t want to it’s not bragging on the golf course like there’s (02:37) no Keeping Up With A Jones no keeping up with the Joneses everybody’s chill they’re like you know what been there done that we’re just delighted to be here we have good health we’re living in a beautiful beautiful town and this is what we work for all of our lives and so it’s kind of like you know nobody ask what did you do what were you are you important nobody cares nobody cares yeah what they really want to know is do you want a glass of wine yeah which club do you want which club do you want um what and then it’s it always strikes me as we do get to know people (03:12) uh more intimately it’s like oh wow yeah really it’s not uncommon at all you’re having a having a conversation with somebody and you and for whatever reason something they did comes up and you’re like oh my god wow you’re like wow this person was a big deal big deal and uh you know and everyone SE you know nobody’s flaunting wealth or anything else unassuming it’s very unassuming and that’s is pres most of the guys we know are in presc legs presc Lakes is that way there may be some other I I mean we can’t speak for the whole town there may be (03:43) some other areas or some certain people that are snoody uh most people that we have coming in are looking for the opposite and if that’s the case if that’s how you describe yourself then you’re going to have a lot to choose from right so it’s important to know that when you come here just relax relx yeah you worked hard you deserve a good life and Prescot will give that to you you don’t need to keep playing the games and you know talking about work I mean I mean we have to because we’re still working and thank you to our friends who listen to us because sometimes (04:18) they’re like okay kind of like therapists yeah they’re are therapists but they also give us a lot of good Insight having been there done that so we value that very much but for the most part it is truly just beautiful re retirement you can enjoy you know the spoils of your you know labors labors and uh this is your time come here have fun there’s no games here just chill have fun meet some great people play some good golf pickle ball yeah um exercise have some great glasses of wine at the club or wherever um and we love that so it’s kind of like when you come here (04:56) park that prior life put that over here yeah and end enter joyfully gleefully happily yeah you don’t have to talk your way into the door into the witness protection program you’ll love it you’ll love it it’s so freeing and liberating and uh so we have learned a lot from our friends uh Bob and Charlie Kathy and Karen thank you for sharing and giving us hope for when we get there that’s right one day uh we too can have all the fun that they’re having and uh just enjoy life so when you’re thinking about a retirement place and you want to just come someplace and be chill (05:36) this is the place for you in particular Prescot Lakes we have found lovely lovely lovely people very accomplished folks but no need to talk about it they don’t need to brag they’re cool they’re calm cool and collected collected they’re comfortable with where they are and they’re enjoying everything they’ve worked so hard for over the years so if you’re thinking about a nice town where you can just chill and maybe you want to join the witness protection program here we are and we’re happy to take you around and find that perfect place and introduce you int oh (06:11) I lost my word introduce you to some great friends absolutely so anyway we hope that you will contact us soon we’d love to take you around and uh show you some beautiful homes and neighborhoods and you can reach us at Mr bro pickle 411. (06:29) com is the best place to go that’s our free information site whether you are a buyer seller or somewhere in between there’ll be something there waiting for you that will Fascinate entertain and inform you all uh all for 20 bucks no no it’s free it’s all free it’s all free free all free free free free so we hope to hear from you soon and we’d love to uh introduce you to the lifestyle here you’re going to love it no regrets have a great rest of you