When you’re selling something, it’s a good idea to make it as easy as possible for buyers to buy – especially for big-ticket items like real estate. You’d be astonished how often sellers’ agents violate this basic, commonsense rule, creating outrageous roadblocks for potential buyers for your home.
Here are some easy tips to keep your agent from doing this to you.
hello hello hello peeps
this is all of our little fellow pickle
peeps out there um we hope that you are
having an amazing day
we sure are we’re having a good day i
think we’re having a pretty good yeah
we’re having a very good season
off to a very good start randall bro
realtors in
prescott arizona and so something we
talking about listings we want to talk
um this is kind of out there for our
people who are considering selling
and are starting to think about well i
think i might want to go on the market
something to think about that we’re
running across right now in this crazy
intense on fire uh
market is uh because i handle a lot of
this is something to keep in mind when
you’re getting ready to list
try to make your home make the showings
as easy as possible
um encourage your agent we always do
this go
on you know make sure your agent is
registered on showing time
so they can easily make appointments
yeah it’s easy
um don’t do crazy times don’t you know
uh or three hours in advance right don’t
do three hours in advance
invite the bullet here’s the thing yes
it is difficult to bring
people in to see homes into prescott yes
most of the buyers are coming from out
of town people like us have to reach out
find them convince them to come and
visit this town right
and before we even have a chance to sell
your home
so by the time we are scheduling a
showing of your home
we’ve already like done a lot of heavy
lifting for you right
so the last thing you want to do is to
make it hard for people like us to bring
our buyers because you can undermine
you know if you’re trying to get a uh
you know a good price for your home
you’re trying
what you need is a lot of showings and
the easiest way to get a lot of showings
is to make showings easy correct just
bite the bullet because what’s gonna
happen is the market’s moving so fast
just accept i’m gonna have two maybe
three days of hell
yeah of constant showings but for
instance i’ve had several clients come
in ready to go and i’m like oh this is a
great listing let’s go look at it and
they’re like
we won’t start any showings until i’ll
just make up a date
until thursday well it’s monday and then
you don’t find that out until you call
right so you go to call and it’s like i
want to start on a certain day that’s
fine put it in mls put it well in
advance so everyone knows
right don’t wait until someone’s calling
you with the buyer to schedule the
oh we’re not going to show until
thursday we decided we’re going to wait
until thursday and then we’re going to
have it
or you know some of the uh some of the
some of them are like it’s uh
uh we’re gonna have one day of showing
and we are only gonna have appointments
ten and two okay well my people are
going to be here that day
they’re gonna be the next day and
there’s no way to get back in
so as you as a potential seller
think about making your home easily
easy for the buyer’s agent to make an
appointment for you
just be welcoming let it go fast this
market’s so
fast moving yeah your house is going to
sell in one or two years
it will and but if you make the showings
difficult you get
fewer showings you’re gonna have fewer
options you’re gonna end up with less
one key too is to make sure your listing
agent understands at least the basics
of real estate technology um so diane
mentioned before there’s showing time
yes which is an online app that agents
use to schedule showings for your home
and if you know how to set it up right
it kind of takes care of everything for
it’s great it’s great for all parties
involved it’s great for the agents
involved it’s great for
the the seller so they know they can
even be contacted when you’ve left so
they know when to come home
yeah it’s an amazing thing so make sure
you tell your i want showing time
i want to be i’m showing you if you
don’t do showing time then you need to
figure out how to do showing time
because it’s going to make a difference
in selling
your own it absolutely is so you know
and you shouldn’t have to email to make
an appointment you shouldn’t have to
call and then you call them
you have to call one and they say oh you
know what actually this is the wrong
number to call you need to call this
and then listen
this market we don’t have time for that
i don’t have time for that make it
simple make it easy make it yeah as
worry-free as possible for all parties
yeah if it were a slow moving market
everyone would have time to work out all
these kinks for the one showing that
you’re getting
when you’re getting lots of showings
it’s going to run like a well-oiled
machine or it’s going to crash
now the pickle lady brigade as your
listing agent we have all those things
in place absolutely
we’ve got it simple we’ve got it fast
you won’t have to worry about that
but i just wanted to kind of pass this
tip on to those of you who are thinking
call us we’d love to help you list we
will have
all of these things in effect and and
ready to go
uh so when you’re ready to go on the
market your appointments will be super
yeah and it’ll be handled you know
stress-free worry-free as best as we
possibly can
so these are just some little tips when
you’re thinking say hey
i want to be on showing time and only
showing time yeah
you know i want to i want to get this
thing done and
limit your uh your showings to specific
target days
and just bite the bullet on those things
get up early stay out late
and that’s you know fill the day with
jones and get it over with
and we appreciate that it is it really
is we really made every effort to show
up on time
um but you know it’s easier than you
yes to get people and you have buyers
that show up late and
you know if we could if we only brought
buyers out that are
punctual and you know all these things
we would have maybe one buyer a year
buyers it’s difficult sometimes things
people are driving in flat tire that
throws off the pace of all the other
they’re not familiar with the city and
which is why
you know you should have showing time in
effect because
then if something should happen the
agent can quickly get on and say
i either need to cancel or reschedule
when we’re driving
it’s hard to i gotta look up that phone
number i gotta
so these are things to keep in mind of
course i would call uh we would love to
help you list
again you won’t have these issues but if
you’re looking at other agents or
thinking about it these are things that
you should
educate yourself about so you are ready
and uh willing able to show that home
in a timely and easy fashion absolutely
so that is all we just wanted to share
that with you it’s just one of the
things we’re sharing that’s one of the
things we’re sharing we share a lot
if you want more you can find it at
and it’ll take you whether you’re buy or
sell or somewhere in between lots of
free tips
uh tools information ratings
about the city about the real estate
market you name it
just about anything you can we try to
cover a lot we try to cover a lot
so if you’re thinking about listing your
home give us a call
we’ve got everything systematized we’re
ready to go
get your home sold for you in this hot
hot market
okay that is our tip for the day have a
fabulous day
and uh we look forward to hearing from
you that is all folks
good morning folks good morning
this is randall and diane bro here your
friendly uh part of your friendly
pickle lady brigade and we’re here on
this beautiful
monday morning you’ll see this probably
on a tuesday but
we’re filming on a monday morning it’s a
gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous spring day so
i decided to put it on my mom
very springy scarf yeah yeah and
um talk about it so probably
little bits of her might disappear is it
that i i think it’s good
i think it’s pretty much greens yeah i’m
not allowed to wear anything green
because i fade into the green screen
green screen yeah well you can’t see the
green screen you won’t see that but
i’ll show them the green screen i can
show you the green screen
it’s hard to find something not i know i
don’t know it’s very hard i don’t want
to be in black
that’s depressing that’s depressing i
like to be colorful
particularly in springtime particularly
in the springtime
which we want to talk about yeah uh
there is nothing like springtime in
prescott yes
it is
well the first thing is there is a
spring where
from there is no spring current goes
directly from winter
into the thick of of summer and it’s you
know 90 degrees the next day
right you never see spring again that’s
right uh spring’s not like that here
not here in fact you will have these you
know it kind of lulls you into this
false sense of oh the sun is out and i’m
gonna get my shorts
i’m gonna get my shorts out and then our
very white legs come out which is
highly alarming yeah that’s kind of
scary and you and you’re starting to
kind of let your guard down but
spring here kind of will zap you will
have a couple more days of winter
in the middle of nowhere in the middle
of nowhere um and then you’re like oops
gotta go get my sweater again
yeah they said don’t plant until the
middle of may yeah we never plant
anything until after mother’s day
no baby plants because every now and
then we get a little surprise
light light snowfall and you’re like
what is this yeah it’s just
it’s the reverse of of autumn right so
that’s right and autumn you have a
little bit some days where oh it’s a
little cooler it’s a little cooler and
then it’s warm again
it’s the same way here we were over at a
friend’s house last night
and a shout out to bob and karen and
happy birthday bob
happy birthday bob and uh we had a fire
pit you know
been sitting out on a fire pit and we’re
hearing down in phoenix you know it’s
almost touching the three digits and uh
texas and louisiana oh it’s in the 90s
already we have a fire pit going not
here we’re still
and it was not we had a little nip in
the air it was very nice
so not only was there a nip in the air
but we had some nips as well
and we took a little nap we took a few
naps we took a few naps around
the fire pit which was very nice but
what i really wanted to talk about was
how stunningly beautiful um
spring is here not only are is the
delightful but all of the trees all of a
sudden and it really seems like
it starts blooming and blossoming so um
the bradford pears are to die for
gorgeous red bud which is my
all-time favorite um red buds just don’t
grow that well in the south but here
they are
stunning vibrant vibrant i hope you got
some pictures oh absolutely i got
some pictures of the bradford pears
repairs red buds
pears are the ones with all the white
white blossoms
and uh i may have some i haven’t had a
chance to shoot them yet but uh you also
paint blossoms these are the uh red leaf
that’s his favorite very favorite i mean
the pink blossoms are beautiful and then
once the blossoms are gone the
leaves themselves are like this leathery
kind of deep red purple
it’s gorgeous that’s something to know
here too a lot of people don’t know
um fruit trees are abundant here
and they grow very very well so a lot of
people with cherry trees
apricots plum lemons not so much
interesting the citrus don’t do so well
but all the others do amazingly well and
then you get to have
springs bountiful gift
well yeah harvest but you know their
gift in this
in spring all these blossoms start
coming in
and it’s just gorgeous and a lot of
people will trim their trees so it
actually looks like little snowballs
they don’t come snowballs here probably
snow cones
for all of you others not from louisiana
in louisiana we call them snowballs
every part of the country calls it
something different snow cone for use
for you people forget for use i know
where are you from i don’t know what’s
happening here
this is something we’ve discussed at
length you know but it just makes sense
yeah absolutely anyway not so much use
well we might get some comments yeah
let me tell you why she’s wrong
but anyway so spring is absolutely
stunning here you can’t miss it so if
you move here
remember always remember if you want to
plant some fruit trees they will do very
well here
then you will get to enjoy all the
blossoms in the springtime
number two roses grow very well
roses while we’re talking about spring
and flowers and blooming and
you know plant where your bloom moon
where you plant
bloom we’ve had this discussion this
discussion i know i still don’t have it
so i think our earlier
seat iec earlier wind down where i
talked about that phrase still don’t
have it where you’re playing bloom where
you’re planning
after i looked it up i still don’t have
that’s bad the mind is a terrible thing
to waste sometimes
it just goes mine is sometimes a
terrible thing anyway
yeah the anyway roses are beautiful here
as well
they’re very hardy um they love the
climate here
and beautiful stunning roses such as
bloom bloom bloom
all summer long so if you are a rose
aficionado if you are fruit tree
this is the place for you um if you just
like great weather
yes and you’ve never really experienced
the joy of spring
yes um i’m talking mostly from people
from the south springs
underrated yeah well rightly so in the
south i i get it in the north
you know winter’s finally over and
people get excited about spring but
uh in the south people dread the spring
because it means
i mean you go from 60 which is winter
to 90. like overnight and then it just
trudges along until november
so this has been a new experience for us
uh we thoroughly love our spring here
and we wanted to share that with you and
we hope you love all the pictures of uh
the trees that we’ve taken around here
absolutely it’s good stuff people
if you need information about real
estate the best place to find it
is pickle411.com we have all kinds of
information for both buyers sellers
or and everyone in between if you’re
thinking about
prescott lots of information about what
goes on here what you can do here what
you can eat here
um a wealth of information pickle411.com
we live to serve yeah we do sometimes
it depends if i get really tired then i
have to crash yeah i can’t
it’s hard it’s hard hard to keep that
energy going
but uh we do have fun and we’d love to
help you
in your next steps in buying or selling
absolutely so check us out
and have a wonderful beautiful spring
day bye
When it’s comfort food you’re looking for, there’s no better place around than Prescott’s family-owned diner located right in the crook of where Highways 89 and 69 meet – Prescott Junction. Cheeseburgers, meat loaf, home-made pies… with friendly service and 50’s music. Join us as we celebrate the re-opening of their famous breakfast bar, an extravagant spread featuring, among so many other things, the ever-elusive fried meat sticks – which you really don’t want to miss.
hello hello hello folks
hello peeps cheers to you
this is diana randall bro here right in
the lovely
hubbub in the middle of prescott
arizona yes we are and we’re happy to be
here this this afternoon
absolutely um it’s uh spring has from
spring is fun
we’re excited got our second shot today
second shot today
it was awesome i tell you they have like
a well-oiled machine
so everybody here is getting vaccinated
left and right
systems are in place it’s easy for you
to get vaccinated
and with that opens up us going to all
of our favorite restaurants oh
and our favorite restaurants becoming
our favorite restaurants again because
correct a lot of them change quite a bit
yeah covet has unfortunately closed some
down uh there are several though who are
still going strong
and we applaud you for that absolutely
for hanging in there and making it
happen and
so uh one of those we want to talk about
is our favorite our daughter’s favorite
as well so whenever they come to visit
we call it pj’s the actual name is
prescott johnson basket
junction it’s a great great little diner
family-owned yes local family um
it’s great it’s like a mom and pop uh
little diner
delicious food right absolutely
delicious it’s like
home style cooking meatloaf is good
diner yeah stuff they even play the
old-fashioned music play old-fashioned
music when you sit in your face yeah
your little booth
oh narcotide
it is really a trip back but uh the
thing that was really cool about the
endicovid is the breakfast buffet
and pjs has reopened as of i think last
yes so we hit it we were like about two
or three days after they opened it when
i saw
they had the the breakfast bar baby your
little eyes
lit up oh man he was the first one
running up there to get they make these
delicious chicken we called meat sticks
meat sticks he was all about that
chicken fried steak
correct my daughter was with us so she
got to come back to the
breakfast bar she was in for easter she
was just tickled pink
um it’s uh very reuniting when the whole
family can join and hit the breakfast
ball get the meat sticks
so it’s called press conjunction because
it sits at the junction of highway 69
and highway 89.
so it’s called prescott junction great
breakfast buffet
great staff everybody’s super friendly
great pies
i order all my pies from them for
uh and they’re always delicious coconut
yours is the french silk right i think
it’s the other one the chocolate
chocolate silk chocolate cream i don’t
know they’re all good the boston cream
is good
they have rhubarb yeah i like it he
likes that
yeah yeah he’s one of the weirdos that
you know but there are others to select
from normal folk out there
but the other good thing about uh
prescott junction is
they do have some wine and i think maybe
but i’ve had beer there before you’ve
had a beer i couldn’t remember
but they have really good uh like their
dinners are delicious uh
i love their pot roast i love their
meatloaf i love their cajun pasta
because you know we are from cajun land
randall loves their burger he gets
that’s double
that’s my usual yeah usually it’s all
there and it’s not breakfast time
yeah i’ll get a double cheeseburger
sometimes he still gets the burgers 10
30 it’s like
he calls it it’s time for me to have a
morning birthday my breakfast burger
breakfast burger
that’s it so i think i want a breakfast
then he eats that and he comes home goes
back to sleep
takes a nap but anyway we love
prescott junction prescott junction made
it through the covid
of this past year uh i don’t think they
missed a beat
i don’t think they did i mean they were
going to take out people are lining up
absolutely it’s an institution we’ve
talked about a lot of different
restaurants and i guess we
we we tend to focus on the ones that are
sort of fancy
or noteworthy but i mean the one we
probably go to more than any other is
pjs are oppressed we that’s just our
little nickname within our face yeah
don’t look up pj
look at prescott junction it’s lovely so
if you want a good mom and pop
family diner experience
it’s a place to go and they also honor
their patriots there so
anyone who has been a vet a lot of times
they meet there
and uh someone will pick up the whole
time more times than not people yeah
it’s a really nice nice place
so we wanted to give a plug to prescott
junction that’s good
you probably don’t even know we’re
giving a plug we get plugs
all over the place we should yeah we
have a lot of plugs yeah
we like to spread the love people don’t
even know we’re spreading love
but we like to do it and we enjoy it and
i think
all family-owned restaurant businesses
deserve that little extra plug
no extra family i’m all about small
all about it how about you oh yeah
you yeah i think you’re just you got the
meat sticks yeah
he’s all about the meat sticks and they
make a taco thing you like on there too
oh yeah
when the breakfast is over they have a
taco bar and taco bars
and a salad bar um also also pretty good
but anyway excited to say everything’s
really starting to open up again
it’s been really nice it’s been nice to
get back to them it has been starting to
get back to normal
so if you guys are coming in to visit
and you’re like hey you know what i just
kind of want
like a good home-cooked meal we highly
recommend prescott junction
very reasonable and when you move here
always order your pies from them they
are delicious
very very delicious very good so that is
our little plug for today
on prescott junction if you need
information the best place to find it is
whether you’re a buyer seller somewhere
in between lots of free information
including restaurant recommendations
absolutely among many other things that
we’re that’s right
always plugging always plugging plugging
we’re plugging away and we also make
we are here for you to serve you help
you find your way help you navigate this
crazy insane market and the breakfast
and help you uh find some good breakfast
i’ll show you the meat sticks
what should i sticks are awesome it kind
of reminds me of high school again when
eat you know because we used to have
those those were good nothing beats
nothing from high school or the rules
the rules
oh yeah good stuff i didn’t go to the
same school you did so i know you didn’t
but yeah our roles were disgusting
really yeah ours were good they made it
themselves you can’t buy something
i remember uh our high school capture
with great fondness
i love their pizza their rolls and their
meat sticks yeah
but anyway i digress going back
Identifying where the sun rises and sets isn’t just for constructing megalithic structures in bronze age agricultural societies any more.
Sun exposure can greatly impact the living experience you have in your home and its value in the marketplace. Is there a precise way to track the sun’s path in the sky across the seasons of the year?
Well, ask a nerdy question, get a nerdy answer in this week’s episode. (Always be careful what you ask for.)