Month: September 2022
Good Neighboring
If you're coming from a big city with all its big city ways, you may have developed some survival skills that won't serve you so well in a sweet little town like Prescott. In this episode, we discuss what neighbors are like here and how you can best become a welcomed part of the community.Video Transcript
hello hello hello hello hello hello hello peeps I felt a song coming up yeah I was thinking Age of Aquarius kind of somebody here is teaching himself the piano so yeah all night long I hear the 80s Aquarius over and over and over it’s been great there is aligning with Mars that’s what they say this is Diana Randall bro here in Prescott I am your local pickle lady I always have pickles on me so in fact yesterday I’d say this I was at the gas station and three guys came up to the van I have to be honest I was a little alarmed at first I was like hey can I I was they just showed up and they’re like do you have pickles and I relaxed and I said I sure do and they’re like do you really I said I sure do so if you see me in my van which has pickles emblazoned all over it I always carry pickles with me and I’m happy to share them with anybody even at the gas station she produces about five gallons of pickles a month that’s right and we actually one of the things on the calendar every month is the recycle production restock the cars with Pickles that’s right so anyway happy to share but uh and that’s that’s just all in as we call in a size this is an assignment that’s what we call it in the biz In The Biz this is inside yeah but anyway uh so uh this is Randall and Diane bro here your local agents uh Elena she’s speculating and I am also the pickle lady I I wear both hats and I enjoy wearing both hats uh so we wanted to talk today a little bit something about something called good names good neighboring something important you need to understand about the city of Prescott yes is that city of Prescott is a small neighborly Town yes and the whole idea I remember years ago there was a insurance company and their slogan was like a good neighbor State Farm is there a State Farm full yeah State Farm yeah okay uh there was a company there was a company name which is a great whoever did that advertising great slogan great slogan yes the only problem is people have lost the concept of a good neighbor yeah so they had to change their they had to change their marketing because nobody knows what that means I know well I hope it’s still alive and well it’s still are very much alive and well in Prescott and so I kind of wanted to give everybody a little education when you’re moving here and particularly if you’re coming from a big city or a big metropolitan area you’re used to get congestion and traffic and your walls are up in Europe you’re always on the defense and you’re you know there isn’t um that one-on-one contact because you’re afraid somebody might you know jump you or something yeah yeah when you move to Prescott leave all of that behind in the big city don’t need to do that here um if you have a problem with a neighbor here you don’t need to immediately go to homeco or your HOA company yeah you don’t need to immediately or call the cops or anything like that we are a sweet still laid-back yeah gentle little town you know people you can nicely go knock on the door and say hey can I talk to you about something yeah and um everybody here is pretty chill yeah uh provided you don’t go in with guns blazing and your calm cool and collected most people here are very receptive and kind and say oh my goodness thank you for sharing this with me I didn’t know and I’m going to work with you on whatever the issue may be well it has a little warning here too if you do go in guns blazing and call the police or oh yeah your HOA or whatever for being a good neighbor your your well is going to get poisoned like we again we are a small town yes and word spreads fast yes so if you do something like you move in and three weeks later you’re reporting somebody if you’re brand new head out yeah and that’s it then you’re the difficult that’s your brand that’s right so here’s the thing when you move when you do that usually when you move in neighborhoods here people have been here a number of years so we all have established relationships we’re all neighborly if you’re the new kid on the Block and you’re only here two or three weeks and you’re already starting to complain about somebody and Reporting them or calling the police it’s not going to be good for you you’re going to be labeled that new difficult neighbor who came from the big city yeah you don’t want that reputation you don’t want it and you don’t need it chances are you’re going to come here you’re not knowing anyone that’s right I want to develop some friends not a good person not a good first step so to all of our folks moving from big cities from all over Washington California uh Oregon we’ve got people from New Jersey you know what we’re chill here it’s chill why you want to be here that’s why you came here yeah yeah so we just want to give you a little public service uh information so that you you get started on the right foot absolutely take that first right step uh no need to do all that and of course we certainly don’t want to talk about suing and all that oh no we don’t do that here we’re chill uh Prescott’s Uber chilled yeah yeah nice small town friendly people will respectfully listen um and try to help you out and make adjustments if they need to for whatever you’re having an issue with hopefully a good tip a good tip so just want to let you know leave your big city ways we had to do it too we came from a big city and we really relax don’t flip people off right yes it’s chill it’s chill it’s a lovely little town lovely little town keep it copacetic if you want more tips the the if you’re looking for other tips place together411.com that is our free information center whether you are a buyer seller somewhere in between months of free and wonderful information there waiting for you about real estate about Prescott about life life philosophy how to be a good neighbor how to be a good neighbor yeah all those things it’s all there try to be chill all right thanks folks thanks for listening to this public service announcement we certainly appreciate it and I hope you have a beautiful day take care bye
Renting First
Moving to a new town for a new life is a big, bold move. Lots of our clients consider renting first... kind of like putting a toe in the water before diving in. In this episode, we explore this option and share lots of good tips and some pitfalls to avoid.Video Transcript
hello hello hello beeps this is Diane bro your fellow pickle lady and this is my pickle peep Randall bro Mr sidekick Mr sidekick pickle ladies sidekick uh love to meet all kinds of new folks and make your dreams come true that’s right so what we get a lot of questions about is I’ve sold my house I’m not sure where I want to go maybe I’ll rent first and that is that can be a very sensible logical step to take uh but I must let you know if that’s what you have in your pocket you think I’m just going to rent first and then I’ll find uh you should know right now Rancho properties are pretty hard to find yes in Prescott um just to give you a heads up uh they are a lot of them are already taken up we’ve got a lot of new building going on so there are a lot of homes that are being rented out for up to two years now the speculating has inside scoop on some places uh but just as a general warning it’s hard to find good rentals it’s very hard to find a good rental yeah and the thing to remember is um there are very few that will allow you to go month to month yeah it’s gonna I know one person which I’m happy to share when you call me um but for the most part they want a minimum six month lease yeah if not most of them want a year yeah so keep that in mind if you think I’ll just rent a place for three months and then I’ll find my dream home and buy that may not work out for you that’s right because most of them are not month to month and most of the these may not be where you want to stay that’s right um although there are some great rental properties out there you should be aware it’s a little harder to find a great outstanding rental that you would want to live in that will only give you six months most of them uh one at least a year so keep that in mind it’s a little bit harder to find because we have had a lot of new construction so people have grabbed up those great rentals and they’re staying put while their homes are being finished you might have better luck with Airbnb yes and kind of the fault the ultimate fallback is just to run a sweep yes you can go like to a residency yeah like a Residence Inn something like that again if you can find availability uh you can get a better deal if you rent a month at a time yes uh in terms of finding a new home it’s not going to take you six months to find no if you are ready to buy uh you know a couple of months tops and you you’ll probably be ready to go uh yeah it’s it’s hard to find rentals a lot of people have the same idea yep if you haven’t really decided that Prescott is your city then uh yeah you don’t want to commit to six months you know you want it’s a lot plus it’s two moves yeah who wants to move and put everything in storage here and then pay for all the storage and then have another move and hire people to move you into your home so lots of things to think about when it comes to renting a little harder to find the logistics of it all the move of it all it can add a lot of extra expense yeah so things to all keep in mind I am very happy to share a number of rental companies that I can refer you to that perhaps they can help you find that place if that’s really what you want to do happy to do that and um so just keep that in mind though a little bit harder to find there is a lot of extra expense to moves yeah when we moved here we thought about renting and I thought oh dear God I can’t do another move yeah let me just find my place and move right in and jump in and just um you know start my life yeah so that’s what we did yeah I would recommend a one-two punch and that’s what we did your first bunch is come here and spend some time here yep uh I would say a week you know uh usually I mean we people come in for tours and by the end of the day like this place is amazing so it’s not going to take you that long to make yourself decision not at all um so that’s your first punch once you know that you want to move to press it the next time you come if you’re ready to buy a call the pickle lady we will get you an amazing property and we’ll we’ll be able to make that happen to you so you have a nice smooth and easy transaction use it easy yeah don’t absolutely don’t do too much yeah but if you really want to I’ll try to help you and provide some names and hopefully you can find a great job yeah absolutely depends on availability all right just wanted to let you know rentals are not a dime a dozen here no so keep that in mind um because I don’t want you to be caught like I thought I could just rent and then you find out otherwise it’s a little harder that’s right so I want to give you that want to set your expectations okay all right so if you need any help from us feel free to contact us at uh you can find us at pickle411.com that is our information center all free all wonderful information all things real estate all things Prescott whether it’s buying selling homes or just having fun in a good cocktail there you go that’s a place to go that’s what we’re all about okay hope to hear from you soon thank you for listening and take care have a fantastic day bye bye
The Point
If you want to open a cool and popular bar, the thing to do these days is hide it as best you can - like the old speakeasies. One particularly cool speakeasy-style bar in Prescott is called The Point. In this episode, we give you some tips on finding this not-to-be-missed night spot, what you will find there, and some suggestions on what to order.Video Transcript
hello hello peeps hello hello hello lady here diane bro i’m randall bro we’re realtors in prescott arizona coming at you live well right now we’re live recorded live we’re alive as we speak and we are alive and breathing yes that’s good that’s a good thing anything off right is a good day that’s right if you wake up and you’re breathing it’s looking good folks looking good looking good so we’re here to share one of our favorite nighttime spots with you although i think they open at four o’clock yeah and it’s called the point called the point the point it is probably the best bar in the city oh they make great cocktails yeah i mean in terms of just the mixology thing yes uh the bartenders bartenders there are probably the most advanced they are i mean there might be a couple of other places that are just as good but i mean certainly one of the best they are cool they’re sharp um they have all kinds of specialty cocktails all those cool smoked drinks oh yeah they do all this they do it i mean they are mixology at its finest yes is that the point now the thing about this place is that they don’t let the entryway fool you it’s very uh speak easy very it’s kind of obscure it’s kind of like where’s the entrance yeah it’s kind and then you kind of go down yeah so you go into this little you know you go down the stairs and there it goes and they let you in and it’s not just like right off the main drag and you just walk in through the front door it’s a little hidden yeah and um but it’s lovely you get in there it’s nice and cool which is what we like it feels good down there yeah and they have live music and some dancing great seating areas right great seating areas uh i like to go i mean the live music is great uh but i i you know when i go to bars i kind of like to talk and uh we went there one time and when there’s no band they you can sit on the stage itself which is a cool little nook yes very nice it’s all very cave-like and sort of dark yeah it’s like a chest it feels like a speaker really really cool one of my favorite places uh i like the sucker punch yeah uh is one of my favorite has a little spice to it which is really kind of cool uh there’s a martini what’s the martha basil martini i think that you had i think so a lot of their own creations and all really really good if you have something else that you want they will know how to make it and it will probably be one of the best you’ve ever had we’ve gone to several birthday parties there they have nice tables that you can sit at and they have some appetizers a little something that’s right they do some finger foods good stuff good stuff uh so our daughter just came in shout out to cecily and max and her boyfriend yeah and we had a great time we went there and had a lovely uh just have a cup of cocktails listen to some music chit chat caught up with them they loved it too yeah and they’re true hipsters i mean they’re true they’re from l.a so yeah yeah you can impress the youngest yeah you’re on to something good yeah so shout out to the point uh is it on your happy hour um i’m not sure i’m not sure we have a happy hour list yeah i think they might be on there i’m not sure if they’re not if not just pay full price absolutely it’s all it’s worth it it’s worth it so mr bro here has done a great happy hour list yeah we had an earlier wind down about that uh if you can’t find it just search the site and you’ll find happy hours our happy hour schedule all the happy hours that are happening day by day throughout the week um so very cool good times good times so anyway shout out to the point if you’re looking to be cool hip and happening good place to go it’s the place for you now a lot of places like it you can find out about all of them on our free information site pickle411.com whether you’re a buyer seller somewhere between just looking for a good cocktail that is the place to go all things real estate all things prescott all things life in general a lot of wonderful information i think you’ll enjoy all yeah cheers to that yes okay we hope you guys have a great day out there take care and hope to hear from you soon bye
Prescott by the Numbers – August 2022
From the front lines of Prescott-area real estate. See our video summary of the latest market results.
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New Cool HQ
We've just selected a new venue to serve as our new headquarters, and it could not be cooler. Check out our latest digs and get the backstory on the coolest conference room in town.Video Transcript
hello hello hello hello peeps bonjour hi hi hi what’s happening getting a little punchy you’re getting a little punchy diane bro randall bro we’re both career twisted realtors in uh prescott arizona correct coming at you our latest find them good morning good morning we are with exp realty which we’re really proud to be a part of yeah it’s a new and progressive fast-paced brokerage it is a national firm it’s not independently owned and as a result we do not have a brick and mortar building yeah yeah exp not yeah it does not invest in brick and mortar nope uh it’s all technology it’s all virtual it’s all very fast moving uh you know people are concerned the real estate market goes up and down guess what when you don’t own a whole lot of uh brick and mortar you don’t have mortgages you don’t have leases uh you can weather storms a lot better so it’s a great business model whether you’re doing well you’re not doing well but it does mean that we don’t have a conference room right which is okay because sometimes we couldn’t access conference rooms yeah we had access our old brokers we did have access to a conference when it was available and scheduling the conference room was always an ordeal so this is nice what we do now is either we meet you uh where you’re staying or our new favorite place and this is what we wanted to announce is we like to meet at the lobby of the hacienda inn yes which is a very historic older building built in the early 1900s very art deco very charming a lot of history it’s it’s it’s just a cool place it’s a really cool place right in the heart right in the heart of the city right by the square and they’ve got a great little coffee shop so we get a cup of coffee we sit down and we meet and we chat and it’s just lovely sometimes we even get our own little private room it just depends yeah yeah if we have to write up an offer with you or something like that that’s right we have private little nooks where you can close the door that’s right so if you call us to meet typically we’ll say hey we’ll meet you at the hussey and we’ll have a great time uh we love to go to dinner there as well they have a great crunch and a great bar too beautiful bar yeah they have uh live music it’s a great menu it’s a great venue it’s a great introduction you’ve never been a prescott before it’s a great introduction to the city so if you call us and we say hey we’re going to meet you at the hacienda inn that is why my friends that’s why that’s our new headquarters our new headquarters but we also had the time of our life there in fact we’re going to have a surprise birthday dinner there so i want to give a shout out to the hacienda because they’re just awesome yeah a beautiful place beautiful people who run it lovely lovely restaurant lovely bar great eating place and so if you hear from us this is why we go to the hacienda it’s our it’s our new little place our new spot we’d love to give you a little taste of the history there a little feel of being near the square and what that’s all about yeah and then we head out from there to go on our home tour so i shared a few uh shots of the lobby one of my favorite things is they have an old switchboard yeah and an old piano they get some great what was the deal somebody rode their horse all the way up the stairs yeah yeah there’s a there’s a legend there’s a lot of people ask about it riding a horse up the stairs correct and there’s some ghosts yeah some ghosts i haven’t seen any ghosts yet myself we as a matter of fact stayed at the hacienda inn the first time we came in when we were deciding to move here yeah great great place to stay as well a great courtyard too yeah so shout out to the hacienda inn and uh we can’t wait to meet you and have our own personal meeting at the hacienda bay inn that’s it else theater yeah yeah which is our second favorite place second favorite you go there for live music good stuff yeah lots of good stuff and you can find about all of it at our free information center that is pickle411.com whether you are a buyer seller somewhere between there’s information there for you and it’s all free and it’s all just really high quality just give us a call give us a call we’ll fill you in on even more all right hope to hear from you soon have a lovely evening take care bye