What can you buy in the $600,000s?
This home sold for $625,000.
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Month: November 2023
Horrifying Home Styles
If you're trying to sell a house, it's a good idea to know the factors that affect the desirability of your home. From carpeting around the toilet to dated faux finishes, there are some things buyers can't unsee. Tune in as we share the styling details you want to avoid...lest they send buyers running away in horror.Video Transcript
good afternoon peeps friends and family and assorted others sorted others you’re welcome enemies yeah y’all can all watch yeah we do get some interesting emails from we do this is just for fun people don’t don’t be so serious relax it’s just for fun I don’t need negative emails uh well speaking of negative this episode is about horrify home Styles horrifying home Styles horrifying scary we should have done this for we should have done this for Halloween Halloween oh we’re recording this just a few days but that’s okay but that’s okay Rand and Dian bro here your local lady presc Arizona your local presc realtor team that’s right here in presc happy to uh help you out as you as you journey into our little town and try to find your next place so if you are this is primarily for sellers because buyers will know horrifying home Styles when they see them you may be a seller you may have inherited a home that has horrifying Styles in it now when you put these horrifying Styles in you know I’m sure it was the cats meow sure but we thought we’d mention just a few things that have been singled out either by us or experts uh as things you just you just can’t do so things that also make us laugh out loud so one of the things that really so saw this article article horrifying home Styles we had one we had we had a we have a horrifying home style in our home yes and that is the horrifying home style is bench seating at a dining room table I don’t see anything wrong with it I love it but hey evidentally it was a very trendy thing when we bought our dining room table that’s right it’s on the way way out it is on the way out something you might want to think about replacing as a practical standpoint if you are the middle person on the on in the bench you’re kind of screwed like if you have to go to the bathroom you got to it’s like sitting in the middle seat in an airline you it’s like you got to you got to get everyone up to to get out I agree but our friends are fun and it’s even more fun after several cocktails to see him try to wiggle out of try wiggle out yeah so that’s kind of part of the fun but apparently that’s dated evidently that’s horrifying that was that I didn’t think that was that horrifying I don’t think it was that yeah I cuz I own it yeah you know I have that so that’s kind of py I wouldn’t even blink at that but the other good one that we love is and we’ve come across it now several times saloon doors saloon doors into the bathroom yeah why yeah yeah saloon doors in a bathroom not saloon doors in the potty room yeah for your potty it’s just saloon doors that’s Salon doors I don’t know people well that’s not very effective if you know what I mean who side Cowboy I’m coming in I don’t know what the idea is I don’t know I mean you swing those doors open there’s no privacy because they don’t really cover anything uh it doesn’t cover anything and then there saloon doors just into the bathroom in general and it’s like wow saloon doors yeah we don’t have saloon doors no we don’t at least we don’t tell anybody Our Salon doors I don’t when we play Cowboy and make her go to the oh God yeah Sal doors listen saloon doors are a joke if you want to put saloon doors on your bar or your man cave is kind of something fun uh that’s fun and that’s fine we have restaurants downtown you know our town kind of has a little Western theme and they do the saloon doors but uh into the master bathroom not so much that’s a not not a western experience the other thing in bathrooms is all white whes white white white walls white counters white it’s too much yes it’s too much Hospital aren’t even all white anymore people will say oh it’s all white it looks like a hospital when’s the last time you saw an all-white hospital they don’t do it anymore they don’t cuz no one likes it looks clinical no one it looks yeah it does that’s a good word clinical and God forbid the splattering alone of any anything any any major event shows everything you might be having yes could be bad you want she that you don’t want to share that you don’t want to have carpeting carpeting in the bathroom carpeting in the bathroom that is horrifying particularly around the toilet oh every time and I’ve been in some beautiful homes with that carpeting all the way up to the potty and I think all the way up to the pot Yakama gross disgusting uh same thing splatter splatter I don’t want to even know what has been splattered on that carpeting yeah you you don’t put carpeting on a toilet seat you don’t put a carpeting around the toilet seed you don’t want anything absorbent other than toilet paper near your toilet it’s just none of none of that is good that is horrifying none of that is good peach peach walls peach peach Mau mauve mauve walls yeah peach peach is uh you know I I if you’re if you like Peach go a little darker for apricot or terracotta or up a lot yeah mix it up a little bit more the peach it was just overdone it looks very country in a bad the worst possible way uh yeah Peach and it looks very Grandma it screens old person lives here old person has lived here and our old person has died here yeah yeah yeah that is true that um and Mau walls and seafoam green carpeting all of that Let It Go Let It Go obviously popcorn sealings we talked about popcorn sealings in our ASB bestus uh video popcorn sealings are a no no yep um what else uh some of these swag light fixtures yeah that just scream again grandma lived here grandma recently died here yeah be real careful with faux finishes oh yes we went into a beautiful beautiful million dooll home giant pillars which that was okay but then they did a faux finish that I don’t even think the Romans or or the the Greeks had painted cuz you know the Greeks did paint very garish yeah they did originally they did did you know that yes they did I did so but we don’t need to duplicate it now in the 2000s no no and so don’t do faux finishes everyone knows those everyone knows those columns are not real marble even though you tried to make it marble yeah it’s not you’re not fooling anybody they they do have some Modern faux finishes that don’t look dated but if your faux finish is more than a if you do a faux finish it’s going to age quickly yes you know you know you probably don’t want to keep your faux finished for more than about three or five years because they age very they’re very trendy and they age very quickly yes yes so you know things like that columns are kind of dated columns are dated are very dated so when you’re getting ready to sell maybe have someone come out and see you know how about if I put like a beautiful wooden column you know like more rustic or something anything but how about U fake crysanthemum oh yeah I have to take a deep breath all the silk flowers the silk it has to go by byebye horrifying uh plant shelves uh with covered with silk on top not good yeah so so not to be uh not to be insensitive but just to kind of state it for what it is chances are if you’re incet and you’re a seller you are of a certain age if you are a buyer you are of a certain age but not as old as the first uncertain age so your sellers you know they have faux finishes that have been around a while or whatever you need to understand that younger people come in even though they’re not really young anymore they’re younger than you are and they have a different sense of what style is and they will be horrified by the thing horrify is a good word because we’ve had people like they can’t see past it they can’t get P at all you’re right and not only that curtains no one uses curtains anymore yeah so you go in a house with the heavy drapes and the what do you call them the pleat at the top at the top it just screams or what do they call it pooling at the bottom what do they call pudd puddling pudd anything called puddling I like puddling though I have to say I’m not opposed to puddling I was okay with it until I heard it was called puddling and then I’m back to the I’m back to the carpet and the bathroom we could never do puddling because we have cats and dogs that would sleep on it and decide that’s a good spot to yeah take a Le yeah all of these things that we’re mentioning they’re things that are relatively easy and cheap to fix absolutely so then you know just by adjusting those few little things helps you get top dollar and sell quicker and S quicker um people look at something and you know especially if it’s in a higher price point and they think well gez I’m spending over a million dollars and I got to come in here and gut it I got to repaint it I got to scrape popcorn just do it now do it ahead of time people will put an offer in right away and you’ll get top dollar and and the sellers will say you know yeah but buyers can see past it they can’t no they can’t they just they can’t they can’t it is so horrifying they run screaming from your house even my people who say oh I can see past anything they they’re they can’t they’re in the middle of it and they’re like I just don’t When Buyers come in we show them a lot of homes and uh there are a lot of good homes here so you’re kind of you’re competing with other good homes and the one that they’re going to buy is the one that’s going to touch their heart yep and no one’s going to you’re not going to touch anyone’s heart with carpet in the bathroom it’s not going to touch anyone’s heart it’s it’s just not it’s not going to be it’s not going to touch their soul it’s not going to touch their soul yeah so fix that stuff fix it yeah but anyway so that’s uh some some of the horrifying home Styles we wanted to share with you so that’s our tip of the day if you like tips and place to goes pickle 411.com that is our free information site whether you’re a buyer seller or somewhere in between there’s something waiting for you that will Amaze to stound inform and entertain you and it’s only $10 no it’s free it’s absolutely a subscription no subscription that’s a joke no subscription no subscription it’s all free people it’s all free it’s all the best deal you ever get in real estate you’re welcome is our information site pickle 411.com who else is telling you about these horrifying home Styles you’re not going to get anywhere else we going to give it to you stra lady brings it to you that’s right all right friends hope to see you soon give us a call happy to take you around and tour you of our lovely city and check out some good homes we’d love to work with you give us a call have a great day bye bye
Healthcare – Up Close & Personal
What do YOU consider the most important aspect of healthcare? Choice of providers? Variety of services? Nurse attractiveness? Randal and Diane discuss these and many other elements of the healthcare situation in Prescott, and share some *very* personal details along the way.Video Transcript
good morning hello peeps Jesus little energetic today that’s too much five but down I think he’s just happy Rand and Dian bro here my shoulders are bowed oh my God Rand and Dian bro here coming to you from Prescot Arizona she’s pickle lady I am the pickle lady we are the husband and wife um real estate team uh happy to help you find a new place here uh make a new start here in Prescot and one of the biggest questions we always get from people coming in from out of town is Healthcare Healthcare Healthcare yeah so we decided to report to you live from the front lines front lines the very they’re very trenches our very own experience so you’re going to follow us as we go in with Randall to have a colonoscopy yeah that’s right it’s amazing what I do for my clients yeah I I really didn’t need it I just did it so that I could tell you about it no that’s not true I have had h i I can’t tell you how many colonoscopies I’ve had yes I it started we got a little issue yeah it started when I was about 12 yeah it’s so I my family has a history of the kind of cancers that you know lead to colon cancer so by the I I was in my 30s I think and I st no not that’s it no but anyway first one so and that is a legitimate concern people coming here yeah and we just want you to know uh both of us um our own personal experiences and some of our experiences of some friends who are a little bit older um health care is evolving and growing here um uh as the town is growing so is the health care um they’re making some changes uh Dignity Health Care came in and brought over bought out I should say the yapay regional hospital yeah they are actively working on getting doctors on hand you know enticing younger doctors to come and stay um we’re working on it it’s a process and that’s true in most areas of the country most areas of the after Co you know providers it’s it’s getting harder and harder and U you know the money’s not as good as it used to be and blah blah blah it’s it’s hard and our little town is uh doing its best just like a lot of other areas uh the interesting thing about a colonoscopy is I mean from the standpoint of evaluating Health Care is that I know this procedure really well I’ve done it a lot I did it uh before dignity this is the first time I had it done after dignity yes so this allows me to kind of compare the two uh this is a procedure that you schedule so there’s no excuse you know if you in a car AC accident or you know in something unforeseen and you’re in the emergency room well you’re kind of at the you’re subject to whatever is happening at the time colonoscopy it’s routine it is scheduled so it should feel routine having done it a couple of thousand times I can tell you A lot of times it’s not routine I have found myself waiting in rooms that have millions of dollars of equipment waiting for oh we don’t have this piece we don’t have this nurse we don’t have blah blah blah blah blah if you do a routine procedure it should feel routine like they have complete Command of the situation they’ve got their system down they have their system down and let me tell you this was the best I think I’ve ever had yeah in terms of just having their act together yep it ran smooth just very smooth he literally was in and out no pun intended he no sooner was was back there then he was back out they had it very systematized we were very pleased with the service the hospital even sent him a real a little note a little note how many times you get that you have a procedure done thank you and uh everyone signed it so you had the the the welcoming nurse I don’t know what they call her but she was very nice her name’s Jenna the anesthesiologist yeah uh signed this he was very nice uh the GI the uh the PN I’m not even sure what a PN was and then the recovery nurse so yeah we were very impressed uh with the systems that they had in place in and out no problem and so we just wanted to share with you our own personal experiences I know there’s a lot of hesitation like it’s a small town are we going to be taken care of the answer is yes yes um we uh there’s also a great Breast Care Center here that a lot of people go to we get you know 3D mammograms and Cutting Edge stuff there I’ve been been very satisfied with that we’ve had several friends with heart conditions that have been happy with their cardiologists here um and the good thing about living in presc is we’re only an hour and a half away from some of the most Cutting Edge research hospitals in the United States we’ve got the Mayo Clinic the American Cancer Centers Anderson MD Anderson has now opened a branch here in Phoenix so you know if any anything God forbid major really happens you need the best of care you we’ve got it like you know an hour and a half away um so it’s all doable and we’ve had unfortunately a lot of friends who had to go down there they just plan their schedules they go down sometimes they spend the night and come right back up so it’s all doable don’t let the health care scare you away we are up and coming we’re growing um and right down at down the hill as they say is the big the big guns if you need it and we lived in we lived right outside of Houston uh for 17 years and the same was true then yeah uh you know if I had developed cancer I would have been at MD Anderson and which was about an hour and half an half drive yeah so it’s about the same you know so don’t let it scare you we just kind of wanted to share with you our own personal experiences one more getting back to the whole routine thing okay this is something I have experienced a a lot of times and I was delighted to to see that they didn’t do this so you wait for your procedure you wait you wait you wait they put you in an operating room that’s that’s uh not being used and stash you away you get the same questions asked a thousand times and then they don’t remember the answers uh none of that none of that and the thing especially that annoys me is you wait you wait you wait and then you are out cuz you know they put you under general anesthesia and then somebody is waking you up cuz they need the bed they’re trying to get rid of it they hustle you out they hustle you out roll up they did not hustle me out they waited until I just kind of came to and then the nurse in the recovery room comes over and she just says you okay how you doing you know how you feeling you want some water you know and then you know 10 15 minutes later they they uh they brought me the transport to get out and it was very the door yeah and one other thing I should mention maybe I shouldn’t mention it with my wife in a room but I have to say this oh I have to say this the nurses that work in GI are gorgeous I I thought I was being punked oh all these beautiful women are there to you know help me have a scope I’m like oh my God how embarrassing for you yeah it’s like obviously I couldn’t make a move you know what I’m saying I felt very vulnerable yeah all these young things just beautiful I don’t know why beautiful girls going to that kind of work but there you go I need to cut that yeah no that’s staying in so shout out to the beautiful nurses that do GI over at they have never recovered they’re still talking about this experience yeah they’re still talking about me I’m still talking about them I think I’ve got a note I’ve got a note know I I that’s not for real I don’t get your hopes up I don’t think they were that impress although you know the recovery nurse and her name is uh oh gosh her name’s Sarah she seemed very impressed that I had no pups you know men my age that’s a that’s a big selling point no I have no pup so this one’s pup free ladies po free po free he’s available up free P up free he’s available in your life yeah grab him ladies there you go so that’s our report from the front lines of healthcare it’s amazing what we do for you people that’s our tip of the day if you want more tips place to go pickle 411.com that is our free information site whether you’re a buyer seller somewhere in between or just looking for a colonoscopy the place to go is pickle 411.com everything is free it is informative it is entertaining and it will delight and Astound you there you go so go there should go there hope to see you soon give us a call if you need to come here if you need help with the colonoscopy we’ll hook you up yeah I we’re not going to do it no we won’t do it we won’t do it we won’t personally do it yeah we we’re not good enough looking at apparently you got to be you know yeah you got to be really hot yeah it’s the latest latest thing okay the Kardashians do that oh Lord start I know this one well I hope you you you landed at the end of this you might have given up by now yeah you should okay have a great day and we hope to hear from you and uh would’ love to help you find a home when you’re ready willing and able here we are give us a call bye bye
Prescott (Granite Dells Estates) Home Sold for $735,000
What can you buy in the $700,000s?
This home sold for $735,000.
See more at https://VirtuOpen.com
Social Security & Military Benefit Taxes
We checked with the accountant on this one: Both are NOT taxed in AZ. The military pension must be from uniformed services to be exempt.
Happy National Pickle Day!

Unsui Japanese Restaurant
If you've never tried authentic Japanese cuisine, you need to check out this week's video. We'll give you the lowdown on a fantastic new spot in town, and as a bonus, you get to hear Randal try to pronounce udon.Video Transcript
hello hello hello peeps Rand and Dian bro here coming to you live from the beautiful city of Prescot Arizona with the presc pickle lady that’s right I just had to change I had on a beautiful green dress that looked exactly like this yeah and in case you guys don’t know the behind us is probably a restaurant or something that’s really a green screen we’re doing the so the Only Why Wearing Green Is Forbidden Rule here is you can’t wear green and you know my my wife the pickle lady is not a rule follower I’m not a rule follower so she had to I had a great green dress it really made my eyes pop yeah wow it would make uh little holes in your body I think I know so all I would have been in this video would be a floating head floating head yeah the rest of me would have disappeared disappeared so we’re back we’re back live I went and changed into the right color yes I always forget that um but happy fall y’all happy fall y’all Happy fall M we’re so excited cheers to fall right it’s finally cooling down here we’re at the leaves are changing yeah beautiful um you can feel the nip in the air it’s delightful yeah so today we’re excited to come talk to you about our new uh a new fall F fall F fall like that yeah I didn’t know where you were going there I felt you I you were falling I was like no I’m not falling yeah new Japanese restaurant which open where there used to be an old Japanese restaurant I think there might have been a Japanese restaurant before that maybe I had never been inside the place uh we had some friends that wanted to go there uh so we met them there and it was delightful it was it was delicious beautiful inside mhm very Japanese which I guess is why they keep opening Japanese restaurants there so you’ll remember there was a sushi man and I forget what it was before what’s the name of it I now it’s called un Su I think you’ll see the you’ll see the sign behind us we want to give him a shout out because uh one of the owners there is somebody near and dear to our heart that we used to know from Prescot Lakes from the club shout out to Erica yes ero that’s what I said Oh I thought you said Erica no ero yeah she’s delightful and she is one of the co-owners yeah and um we were just so tickled to find her over there and beautiful venue and hopefully if things keep going well they’re GNA have a nice um what do you call that uh Grill yes Habachi Habachi yeah so which I’m really excited that’s that’s always fun they haven’t opened up the Habachi yet so I think they’re kind of easing into it so this is a true Family Restaurant this is a Japanese family that owns it you know in Texas all the sushi chefs are all Hispanic but this this is this is the woman’s name’s ero she’s Japanese this is authentic stuff uh you know to me Japanese food is all about sushi and sashimi and rice and all of that right uh and they do have that and they that one of one of our friends got the sushi it looked amazing beautiful very well presented and he said it was absolutely uh amazing uh but they had so many interesting things that I had never explored before Ramen bow yeah and rice bows undone noodles or unone I don’t know how to pronounce any of this stuff but it was all good you don’t have to pronounce it to eat it it’s that’s right yeah so they had a wide variety it’s not simply just Sushi and I kind of like the decor I thought it was very comfy and and we went with our friend who is from China and she said this is authentic oh yeah this is the real thing no additives here okay you’re not going to get MSG or anything like that this is real authentic Japanese so you think of Japanese like with sushi and all that it’s it’s U it’s not Savory right so if you’re in the mood for something that’s going to stick to your ribs and kind of savory you generally you don’t want to go to a Japanese restaurant and get sushi at least I don’t but this stuff is completely different the the Japanese Curry that I have is Absol cry Japanese Curry absolutely delicious with the special noodles and everything thing wasn’t too Curry a lot of times in in uh Indian restaurants Curry just kind of hit you on top of the head it was uh more subtle than that and much more Savory it would really hit the spot delicious really good grub I mean and uh yeah we came home and took a nap it was that good very filling delicious so if you are living here in Prescot now or thinking about coming to visit and you want some good authentic Japanese we cannot say enough good things about it in ero and her family yeah and what a beautiful job they’re doing and we wish them so much success yeah and uh we’ll be back yeah absolutely and you know you got to shout out to to Prescot here I have lived in all kinds of cities big cities small cities everything in between I’ve been all over the country doing business and stuff and I always hit up Japanese restaurants because my wife doesn’t like sushi and so I’ve been a lot of Japanese restaurants and I’ve never seen anything like this very authentic and the idea that a little town like presc would be the one that has the authentic Japanese food that’s a that’s a feather in our cap it is but it is far for course is it not it is it absolutely people think we’re just a little bitty old town with but we we we we got some good stuff here yeah we don’t just serve you chili here like the old west got some very exotic CH big beans big beans over a campfire that’s right I don’t want you to think that at all we got we got that from time to time we do but there is some good eats here so we’re so happy to share with you unui um if I’m saying it right please forgive me if I’m not but we’re going to it’s spelled U NS UI yeah on Iron Springs right next to the um intersection with Gil Gardner so if you if you have not been there please go now they U uh Family Restaurant getting themselves established and uh they’re very very good very good and they’re doing quite well I mean it was hopping in there so absolutely was we were just tickled and delighted to find a a new find a new restaurant here in Prescot and to our friends hanken zingle shout out to you you’re always on the trend uh they’re always saying we found a new place and they invite us so thanks for sharing friends l s l guys She Got That Beef thing on top of the oh that would look like the bomb that was good we got we had all all kinds of things to try to go you got to go back definitely got to go back got to go back so if you’re here and you’re living here check it out if you’re visiting go visit it go hop in Uber go out there and check it out it’s good stuff absolutely you you’ll be happy that you you did so I guess that’s it for today that’s our that’s our tip of the day if you’re into tips the place to go is pickle 411.com that is our free information site whether you are a buyer seller or somewhere in between there’ll be something there for you that will Amaze astound and inform you yeah and it’s F too most of entertaining we think it’s good we think it’s sometimes yeah sometimes our kids give us the thumbs up but not all the time but we think it’s good we try we try we old folk we old F we’re trying to be cutting edge getting my uh numbers up yeah have any way up now numbers what followers I have no idea I don’t even know what followers are come on they’re just creepy people that follow no it isn’t don’t like followers we don’t know how to do it we don’t know we’ll figure it out one day we just do this for fun yeah we just swipe right we just keep swiping that’s right help you folks coming here in town so anyway give us a call if you’re looking to make a change and looking to make a move Rand and Diane we’re here to help you this is find the perfect house we are the people help you that’s right how about that that sounds good right off the cuff right off the cuff right here this cuff right here just right off yeah that CU okay yeah there it is all right I’m going to get something off my cuff all right I’ll think about it next one all right bye okay have a great day and we hope to see you soon and enjoy some good sushi at unui
Prescott by the Numbers – October 2023
Once again, the Prescott-area real estate market is doing pretty much what we’ve been saying it would do. Life’s good!
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A Shocking Problem
Coming from the sweaty South, we love the cool, dry summers in Prescott. But low humidity does have one effect you might not expect - static electricity. Watch today to discover how we deal with this potentially shocking issue.Video Transcript
hello folks hello peeps hello and hello and hello yeah it’s us this is Diana Randall bro here coming to you from Prescot Arizona we are your local Friendly helpful husband and wife real estate team um we work hard for you and we’re here to talk to you give you a good Public Service Announcement Public Service Announcement about static electricity static electricity so as you may know uh it the uh humidity is low here which is really nice it makes for uh nicer Summers makes for nicer Winters uh you know you’re not constantly sweating I I really have come to embrace low humidity in fact last year we went back to Louisiana where we’re from and she and I both were like oh my God I’m wet you it was just horrible the downside there is a down low humidity is static electric static electricity so for all of you coming here God forbid if you have Pacemaker a Pac maker no I’m kidding or any kind of any kind of Health qu you might you might recharge yourself a little more than you think no I’m kidding it doesn’t do that that’s a joke that’s a joke that’s a joke but uh because it is dry here sometimes you’ll be walking with your shoes on carpet or something you get a little static going and then you touch something and it will wake the hell out of you well if you’re not used to it so we’ve been been here now for what seven years or something and I get shock I still get shocked all the time but you get used to it you know the first time sound it makes a loud sign sometimes you even see a spark you know if it’s kind of dark you’ll see a spark and uh it takes a little getting used to at the beginning it was a little unnerving like why why is there so much stat why I never had I haven’t ever had this much static before it’s just the weather here just the dryness the low humidity it’s the perfect St it scares you more than anything else it’s not really uh painful but if you’re not expecting it it’s it’s like someone saying boo you know you seem like geez I’m shocking myself left and right I’m shocking myself left and right you’ll get used to it welcome to preset yeah it’s part of the deal it’s an Electrifying Town electrifying Town town in more ways than one yeah so when you come here and you get a little jump every now and then it’s a little extra something put your little pep in your step yeah makes you feel alive it’s good and some people here need to have a little static yeah if yeah yeah that’s true if you uh well I guess I was going to say if you’re working with a computer they used to tell you you know try to ground yourself but now most most of the time if you’re working with a mouse that doesn’t have a cord you’re okay yeah if you have like a laptop you might want to ground yourself ground yourself ground yourself be grounded you’re going to get a little Get grounded and nipped nip a little a little static you want to nip your computer we’ve never that’s never happened to us no but uh I would imagine that’s really the only the only thing I can think of that might be significant because of static electricity so when you move here you might be like wow I’m just getting shocked left and right it’s normal yeah um it’s par for course here don’t be alarmed um just count it as a little blessing when you’re tired you know wake you up a little bit wake you up a little bit and it always makes me laugh because he jumps and makes a sound and nothing makes me laugh more than when people get hurt I don’t know why it it’s always hits me harder I don’t know why I guess I’m a drier person than you are I don’t know but I always seem to get shocked and she always seems to be the one laughing yes it is it it it can be kind of funny so that’s just a very important PSA a little PSA we thought we’d share with you don’t get don’t be upset it’s an electrifying Town electrifying town it’s part of life here so if you need Buying Or Selling Home any help buying or selling a home please call us we are happy to help you happy to show you you around and you can reach us at well you can reach us on our website we have a free information site available at pickle 411.com whether you a buyer seller somewhere in between there’s something there waiting for you that will Amaze a stound electrify electrify yes good form I like how you you know tie that work that in would that clever yes you Loop that back that was good that is a loop back that was a loop back good job good job good job there it is all right cheers to you cheers to me all right have a wonderful rest of your day nice to see you bye Wind Down bye