It’s exciting when you put your house on the market and get an offer right away. But if it’s not quite your asking price, should you take it…or wait for something better to come along? Join us to learn the best strategies for both buyers and sellers.
good morning morning peeps good morning good morning good morning good you musical theater there we go she’s pickle lady her sidekick skunk Pig we uh realtor here in Prescot Arizona and we’re coming at you live that’s right well that’s recording but we’re recorded it live yeah yeah alive now we’re not dead so not yet I would not make a good video yeah that could be interesting could be on one of those crime shows the case of the Miss Missing realtor so this is this is they get rid of you right away there you go they’d take me but they’d leave him yeah I think they would this is uh this is a video primarily for sellers primarily for sellers so uh you put your home on the market you price it kind of where you think it should be maybe a little higher than what you think it ought to be uh give you a wiggle room I’ve heard the the wiggle room a lot wiggle wiggle and then you get your first offer and the offer is not what you think it ought to be right most people think um we’re back in covid times when things were booming and then you’d get 10 offers and you were coming in way over price that’s over okay so you have to adjust your expectation yes we’re kind of back to the old-fashioned days again where maybe you might get one or two offers um but people are really not coming in over uh and some aren’t even coming ask if the house is brand new on the market uh they might come in and ask because they know you’ve barely been on the market and they want to wrap it up if it’s been on the market much longer than that um they might want to nip a little bit and then you as the seller will say well I don’t want a nip I want I want what happened in Co Let It Go yes let it go let it go that’s a song any I know that I know that so one of the uh one of the old adages of real estate and maybe you’ve heard this is that usually your first offer is your best offer yep which sounds counterintuitive uh and people have heard it but most people don’t believe it so we thought we’d talk about why that is yeah why first is probably going to be your best especially if your first offer is Cash yeah honestly Take the Money and Run yes do not quibble and go back and forth um you irritate you know the especially if you’re the buyer if you keep trying to go back and forth and renegotiate after a while the seller shuts down and says never mind so go in with your best and final the best that you can and if you want to nip them a little bit that’s fine but if it’s cash and you’re the seller you really should grab that yes seller I mean if you get an offer that’s all cash and maybe it isn’t coming in at 500,000 that you wanted but it’s coming in at 480 you’re quibbling at that point grab it um particularly now that now that our price points are getting higher and higher you know it’s it’s if you’re selling a home for $250,000 $20,000 is a lot if you’re selling a home for one and a half million $20,000 in the scheme of things is not so much let that go let that go and just especially cash is King as we all know you’ll have a faster close it’s not subject to appraisal um it it it just is a much simpler faster process so if you pass on that and say no you know uh I wanted 20,000 more you may sit in the market another four or five weeks of Hell of showing your house and keeping it clean till that next buyer comes along so if it’s within reason I would never say if they come in 100,000 less oh yeah no absolutely not I mean what’s fair is fair yes but you know yeah well the thing is too you think okay well if I turn this offer down they’re going to think about it a few days and they’re going to come back to me no they’re going to go look at other homes they will because they’ll be irritated and they’re like I gave you a great offer and it was all cash really or you know we have a good loan and we’re just we’re putting down a huge down payment this is a good offer um it kind of turns people off very rarely will they come back and circle back so our deal is if we think it’s a really fair and decent price and within reason and reasonable yes just take it and and I I mean I’ve sold many houses of my own it’s torture you know that it’s torture when you’re out there trying to sell a house and keep it clean and leave and and people know that yeah and people know that and so if you get a really reasonable good offer I I you know we always say think about this hard don’t just shoot it down and and here’s the other thing this is the reason why your first offer is usually your best first first of all particularly in presc first of all in Prescot now that CO’s over it is very rare for us to have a bidding war buyers for the most part are coming in from out of town they’re not they’re not here if you’re in a place like Phoenix and all the buyers are already in Phoenix they’re there they can fight with one another generally you know you deal with one buyer at a time as they come in town so the the bidding war thing has gotten very over so you know swallow that and digest that that’s an important piece of information the other is uh there are people out there they refuse to pay list price they’re going to nip you either a little bit or a lot they’re not going to be this just against their religion okay so think about these people for a minute if you have been on the market for one day how much are they going to nip you not much CU you just went on the market it’s a new home it’s still got a lot of showings and you’re not tired of selling yet you’ve been on the home you’ve been on the market for 90 days now they’re going to nip you harder they are that’s why the because they know you’re tired they know you’re tired they know you’re worn out that’s why y That’s why because the the chances are the buyers are not looking at the home as a seller they’re looking at as a buyer they don’t want to pay list they want to pay something less and the longer you’ve been on the market the more they’re going to nip you yeah so look long and hard at that first offer because there’s a lot of information there that is somebody who’s nipping you but the people in the future are probably going to nip you more even more even more because they know you’re you’re desperate not that you’re desperate but you might be I’ve got to move my I’m trying to buy this other house this one has to sell yes and it just creates so much more anxiety and uh fear and Desperation you don’t need all that you don’t need all that so now we’re not talking about lowball offers absolutely not that’s a different animal don’t even do that we don’t deal a lot with investors but typically when we do they they have a tendency the lowball which is really frustrating for everyone um we’re not really talking about that we’re talking about people who are making what they think is a a fair offer for home pretty close to Market yeah that might be coming in 10 or 15,000 and less it’s a respectable off respectable off um I think lowball people who deliberately lowball it’s a lack of respect and and I kind of steer away from that because it’s you know let’s not insult people I mean unless the home’s been on for a year oh yeah you know and it’s obviously there’s some issues okay that’s a different story but uh yeah the investors are you want to create goodwi and Good Karma with this future business transaction and if you come in rude and you lowball and you this and you that and you keep going back and forth and Dickering it shuts people down yeah so for buyers uh I’ll share with you my my U my um negotiating secret as buyer you want to look for the O screw it price okay that’s that’s going to be the best price you can get a home is the O screw it price yes so here’s here’s the way that works so um if you price a home respectively but kind of on the low side chances are the seller is going to counter if they counter they’re going to count counter pretty close to list price okay the best first offer you can make is what I call the O screw it price you give the seller the price not really happy with the price but it’s close enough is it really worth countering I don’t know I screw it I’ll just take it I’ll just take it that’s the the best possible price you can get we love that that little psychological we find try to find that sweet spot that people are like go a little lower than that they’re going to counter you end up paying more yeah so the best possible first offer is the O grw price that’s right so yeah that’s our yeah that’s a good tip whole bunch of tips buch we gave a whole bunch yeah if you like tips the place to go is pickle that’s our free information site whether you’re a buyer seller somewhere in between there something waiting for you that will Amaze Astound inform entertain and just overwhelm you with our generosity because it’s all free well and sometimes anger you yeah I love those angry emails angry emails angry emails yeah we get some of those it really starts my day off great people we tell it like it is if you’re not happy with that don’t shoot the messenger don’t shoot the messenger we’re just telling it as best we are truthsayers yeah truthsayers soothsayers yeah although I can say sooth soothsayers sooth I can say it but I’m not a soothsayer I’m a truthsayer or truthsayers truth truth soothsayers TR all right I give up okay hope to see you soon come visit us uh give us a call we’ll take you around we’ll have a grand old time have a great rest of your day bye bye
How do you like your light? Bright white, or more of a warm, glowy feeling? This video will clue you in on how the latest innovations in lighting can help your home suit your needs now, and appeal to buyers later.
hello hello hello hello peeps it’s your little local preset pickle lady team that’s us I’m part of the team he’s the other part of the team she’s pickle lady I’m part of the team that’s right yes randn Dian bro here and our little local Hamlet yes that’s a cute word Hamlet I like Hamlet it’s like a small ham I like that I know yeah today we’re going to talk about I love ham ham is good today we want to talk about a little tip for well buyers and sell I guess and that’s to do with lighting first of all if you are selling your home and you are a fan of blue hogen lights bright white you need to change that it’s too much too much well you know and people go in and it kind of feels a little sterile and it kind of feels industrial industrial and and you know I guess it’s all personal preference so hey we’re not here to tell you what to do but for us for instance our whole house had like 40 um canned lights throughout the entire house and we had the oldfashioned kind where you screw in the um flood lights so we had some that were bright white and we had some that were warm and some and it looked terrible none of it looked uniform yeah the thing about the the lights they don’t all burn out at the same time so you go to the store and you replace one and over time you end up with just a random combination of different kinds of and it looks terrible ter I was so excited this is my tip of the day if you’re in Costco they sell packs of four all inclusive one unit with the lens over it no light bulb anymore it’s really cool it’s all LED lights four in a pack for $20 and then we had our electrician come and he replaced all the old ones but here’s the cool thing that we were so excited about is I was like I just can’t have that bright blue I just I hate it he goes no no no no no look and in the lights you can now pick the the varying degrees of light you want do you want the Warm Glow do you want the bright white do you want in between so you can adjust all of this people yeah that’s right yeah in the future You’ be able to turn on your blue H hallogen light and then when you want to sell your house you can make it warmer yeah so if you like the bright white hey go for it for it have that bright white the whole time you live there when you go to sell put it on uh the warmer glow um people want to look in the mirror and say damn I look good yeah you know but if if it’s that bright white sometimes you look a little washed out so it just makes the house warmer and the paint looks nicer and this that and the other but it it’s nice now that you have an option so it’s a very cheap and reasonable thing to do to kind of update your house from those old yucky can lights and flood lights get these yeah and it looks so good and even in the front of your home we had a neighbor in our old neighbor neighborhood she had that hallogen thing oh my God it looked like she had she was running some kind of utility uh it was just horrible a beautiful home nice and quaint and then she puts this H blue H hallogen light in oh God I mean the whole neighborhood was lit up yeah so they I’ll tell you a secret they sold their home and they moved so the the movers moved they left and the uh the new owners weren’t in yet and I may have gone across the street and traded out the the light honestly it lit up our whole living area from across the street thank you new owners by the way no no charge no charge yeah yeah it’s that bad some people just are not sensitive to that but most people are that’s a big deal well especially people like this one people like me yeah yeah he’s I hate I hate that stuff yeah it’s a it’s fun it’s fun to live with him yeah I’m always right always right right about the light but you know if you do the LED thing you know you don’t have to make a choice you can have your cake and then eat it too that’s right so if you know you’re kind of looking to do something just a simple little reasonable cheap thing to kind of update your home that’s one thing to do replace those canned lights with these all-in-one units it’s amazing yes and well worth it at the very least use warm lights on the front porch and in the entryway the very least yes so you don’t have to good first impression that’s right as you pull up to a house with a hall it looks it looks industrial it does not look oh my gosh yeah okay there it is someone’s got a little It’s My Thing a little thing I’m in there about lights lights and pens that’s our tip of the day if you like tips the place to go is pickle that’s our free information site whether you’re a buyer seller or somewhere in between there’s something there for you that will Amaze Astound delight and inform and largely entertained and The Price is Right is absolutely free absolutely free like we don’t ask you for anything like nothing that might not encourage them that might be like why is it free I don’t want free yeah where’s the value there’s plenty of value why are these people doing this for free our contribution to society we don’t know why we do this for in these in these dark times when our society is declining we’re there providing free entertaining information to help prop up all of our all of our society all of the society that’s a lot wow one of the pillars of society really is pickle do tell yeah I did not know that yeah MH we’re keeping the Huns [Laughter] away okay my friends we hope to see jeez we hope to hear and see from you soon um we’d love to take you around show you our lovely town and look at some great houses and and invite you to move here and become an official prescon prescan with the rest of us all right friends good to see you have a great rest of your day bye bye
Folks coming from places with tent cities or aggressive panhandlers often want to know: what's the situation here for the unhoused population? Today's discussion will enlighten you on the circumstances and services surrounding the issue of homelessness in Prescott.
good afternoon oh peeps right in my ear peep get away Diana R bro she’s the preset pickle lady we’re Realtors here in preset Arizona coming at you with more stuff more stuffs more stuff some of our big questions we get from clients who come in and we help them uh find a home is they have a lot of questions about Healthcare which we address a few episodes back and also homelessness homelessness which is a very unfortunate thing especially since coid has happened I I think a lot of people who were already kind of on the poverty line lost their jobs during coid and cannot get kind of back on their feet they’ve lost their Apartments so um people are very concerned yeah a lot of areas there really is no plan no uh so so the homeless populations are growing more and more uh in some communities it’s gotten to the point where it has become uh a safety issue and a health issue and and a health issue uh so a lot of people come to preset and that’s uh depending on where they’re coming from if they come from a place where there’s a lot of homelessness and the issues that come with that that’s one of the questions they ask us and they’re very concerned um and cuz they don’t want to jump out of the frying pan and to the fire um they want to make sure that our town has that situation under control and we do we have a lot of services um we try to really help people reach out to them um get them safely off the street and into some housing um we try very very hard yes so you will not find a lot of tent cities along the streets or or in major roads or uh in Parks or anything like that uh I’m sure there are some areas but they try very hard to reach folks and get them the help that they need so if you’re thinking about coming here and you’re like am I just going to be having the same experience um where there’s so many people who need help yeah um not so much here not so much yeah we do try very hard uh there is a little bit more than uh homeless as I said because we’re kind of coming out of coid and people are trying to get their footing again yeah and so there is a lot of services here it’s very important to our town to reach those folks and try to help them so if that is a major concern for you um our town is pretty Progressive yeah um I am not going to tell you you’ll never see a homeless person or an unhoused I should say um unhoused is the proper term and and so please forgive me if I’m saying the wrong thing but um we try to really address that and and help those folks and get them into some services so the the homeless community that we have here you all communities have their own cultures and their own Norms uh in a lot of areas in a lot of communities the homeless people are very uh militant you know they are cost people uh they go out of their way to create nuisances um those of you who lived in those kinds of cities you know what I’m talking about our homeless people here are not like that maybe it’s because our community tries so hard to give them Services uh but I have not really experienced that at all no no nothing aggressive um so we uh try to show compassion and kindness and care and uh I know the town is always thinking of other options that they can do what buildings can they buy what’s something that we can do to house the unhoused and um it’s important to people here yeah so anyway we just kind of wanted to elay some of your fears about that yeah and uh let you know that Prescot is a loving town here and we have a lot of compassion especially for um some of the unhoused veterans yes um which there are quite a few and so yeah they’re over represented a lot of end up for one reason or another end up homeless that’s very important to us here to try to reach those people and and really help them and help them get uh get some get back on their on their feet yes so that is our little story today about the uh definitely a frequently Asked question so we it is so we thought it was important to talk about that and uh let you know what it’s like here in our town absolutely okay so thank you for listening and we hope this kind of answers some of your questions about that and we hope to see you soon uh the square is getting already lit up for the holidays for Christmas this is the time the weather’s beautiful come see us all right we’d love to help you when your next steps here take care bye
Today we're doing a braindump of everything you need to know about fireplaces in the Prescott market. Inside or outside, wood-burning or gas, we share how you can light a fire in the hearts of your buyers or sellers...even if a house has no fireplace at all.
good morning good morning hello hello hello hello peeps Diane and Randall bro here your local uh real estate team husband and wife team musical theater uh I if you come on a tour with me sometimes you’ll see as I get tired especially I start singing along delious I get Delirious so that’s all part of the treatment when you come on part of the experience part of the experience uh I’m not a good singer but it does make fun like hello let’s go to the next neighborhood and then I realize everyone’s looking at me what’s wrong with her but it keeps me going keeps the energy going so that’s song in your heart all right today we’re here to talk about fireplaces fireplaces all for them yes so first of all fireplace is a cool thing to have in presc yep uh particularly during the winter you know and during the it’s just so nice and cozy and everything else so uh people ask us a lot about fireplaces though we thought we’ just sort of unload everything we know about fireplac fireplaces so yeah one key thing is um a lot of times people opt not to put one in especially if they’re building because you know it saves some money and this that and the other but I will say for resale in particular in Prescot yes uh you really should it’s a good investment spend that money get that fireplace in creates a focal point for your grave room that’s right and I have had new numerous people come in they absolutely we’ve had many many houses some without a fireplace and they’re like we absolutely love everything about this house but no fireplace no fireplace so a couple of things about that number one it’s very easy to install a fireplace yes you do not have to cut through your roof and make a chimney and all that you can actually make them now you can vent them out through a wall onto your porch very simple very easy very safe so very safe and if we our fireplace does that both of them we have two we have one upstairs one downstairs they both vent out they do no big deal and so if you are to identify a home and you want one we’ve got some good folks that can come and install one for you and it goes anywhere from five maybe to 10,000 depending on your selections and what you pick and and the stone the ston work is the most expensive thing because it’s labor intensive the rest of it’s really no big deal yeah so some people here do beautiful stone just to The Mantel some people do it all the way up to the ceiling um they do river rock they do slay I mean they you name it they do it it’s beautiful um and now they have the new ones um everything here will be gas run to you will not find any wood burning fireplaces very inside very few homes will have it um it’s kind of become uh a fire thing a fire hazard things so people don’t like smoke in their homes so so it’s a you know there’s this ongoing evolution of fireplaces so it used to be if someone had a fireplace in the home and they Fire Hazards burned wood and and there’s something to be said for a wood fire but there’s something to be said against it Cinders and smoke in your home and everything so for the most part there are no fire places with wood inside uh they do have wood burning stoves pellet stoves things like very popular here and that will heat up your whole house they will it’s amazing mhm the first thing they did when there was the conversion over uh away from real wood into gas is you had these ceramic logs so ceramic logs were the first thing you had had to make it look like it was a real fire and and there was real wood and real Cinders and everything and there’s still a lot of those around uh but now it’s like people have kind of separated the idea of a fireplace and wood in their mind so a lot of the fireplaces we’re seeing now are are the modern type with the White Rock way more contemporary um and they’ll be instead of the big square with a fan to push the heat out they’ll be more rectangular narrow um some of them will have you know you’ve seen it the glass rock and different color rocks and you can change the color of the flame and so and uh some people here have kind of a dated fireplace they call the fireplace company and update that so that too is an option if you are not a fan of the heavy River Rock and you want to have something a little more contemporary the key of the fireplace I think in terms of the type of fireplace you want is it depends on the kind of home you want if you have a contemporary home you probably want to go for the newer contemporary fireplaces we just uh we just met with a a lady who’s selling a French provincial home mm and her fireplace is gas but it it looks like a traditional wood beautiful that goes well you know you put a contemporary fireplace in that that would look sort of goofy right so yeah you you want to kind of lean into whatever the overall style of the home is absolutely so if you’re coming here and your heart is set on a fireplace you find a house that I just love everything but it’s minus the fireplace don’t let that throw you we can that’s we can fix that we can fix that if there’s a fireplace That’s Heavy brass from s you know with the 1776 with the the eagle remember we all know what that is we all remember you know yeah again fireplace can come in and upgrade you in no time flat and make it more current so if you’re thinking also about building a house just add the fireplace add the fireplace if you are a seller particularly if you have one of those homes that doesn’t Scream by Me By Me by me put in a fireplace they’re not expensive you would be surprised at how important fireplace places are to our buyers here we hear in this town we hear it most of the buyers that they mention I want a fireplace it’s as important as backsplash uh uh marble tops three car G three car garages I mean it is a very important feature so if you don’t have one I would think seriously well either put it in or offer it as or offer as an option as an option say hey give fireplace allowance fireplace allowance and what we do is uh we’ll have a a fireplace virtually installed uh you know doing the Photoshop thing to give people an idea what it might look like and that’s a that actually works really well it does then they can see the vision then they can see the vision and and that’s good for them yeah so in terms of outdoor fireplaces in some areas they really don’t want you to use wood although some people do uh but even outside outside the uh um fireplaces and what do you call them little fire pits fire pits yeah a lot of those are gas as well and a lot of them are moving away from the wood look and more just rock just anything that will hold the Heat and radiate it uh just nice and clean easy to light easy to turn off no fuss no mus yep uh so that’s easy peasy easy peasy yeah and we love it yeah we love our fireplace uh I don’t even run the Heat or sometimes during the winter I just put my fireplace on I get cozy yeah and uh it’s it’s delightful especially when it starts to snow right yeah that’s right couple of tips um so if your fireplace so most people are familiar with the fireplace there’s like a little grade under it you open up the grade and that’s where you the the pilot light and all that stuff is that is p um that is the older the older versions uh now they have automatic sparkers yeah uh if you have a fireplace you you’re looking at a home or your building a home uh or you just bought a home and you can’t open the gr chances are it is an auto sparker um when you are lighting it for the first time it takes longer than you think to light like maybe up to a minute so uh so don’t think your fireplace is perfect it doesn’t work it doesn’t work yeah don’t so we have gone over to many a house three or four times I’ve my fireplace doesn’t work my fireplace doesn’t work and I go is like where’s the switch there it is and I turn it on and they’ll say see it doesn’t work and I say just wait just wait just wait yop so particularly if it hasn’t been used in a while so which is pretty cool to have an automatic igniter because in the olden days you’d have to get the fire stick you know and so it’s it’s all good stuff people it’s all good stuff yeah the fireplaces are improving just like everything else okay so that is our information on fireplaces that’s your tip of the day if you like tips place to go is that is our free information site whether you are a buyer seller or somewhere in between there is something waiting there for you that will Astound Delight inform and entertain you and it’s absolutely free it’s absolutely free so thought we’d do a little talk about fireplac the the cold weather’s coming cold weathers are coming all right hope you get to snuggle soon all right have a great day bye bye