Today we explain the differences between a custom home and a spec home – and what that means to your buying process. Check out today’s video to learn the pros, the cons, and why you may or may not want one.
Good morning morning peeps Diane and Randall bro here hello hello hello we are here to share with you uh some of our some information about what a speck home is yes a lot of people don’t seem to understand the concept Speck home yeah so Speck home is short for speculative yep right so the uh it’s not speculative on the buyer part it’s speculative on the Builder part so this is a home they don’t have a buyer for they uh design the home they build the home in anticipation of finding a buyer while it’s under construction while it’s under construction so a lot of this is a lot of the parts of the home are predetermined yes the paint color the exterior the elevation of the home the interior I like Speck homes because sometimes they add a little bit more extra yes it’s not necessarily A stripped home actually sometimes they add in some some pretty good extras that if you were to build it yourself you might cost you more money yeah um so they kind of are betting uh that you know they start construction they are floating alone while they’re building yes so they’re going to make it special and nice to attract that buyer to come in and snatch it a lot of the a lot of the money or the the the the cost associated with building a home is driv driv by the custom process so people come in and they want to change things and those things need to be redesigned redrawn um and you know you need to get the change of materials you got to find suppliers you know all that takes time and effort and money and but if they do a speck home they they don’t have to go through all that that’s right they call the shots they usually get an interior designer to come design something beautiful have a beautiful color scheme it all Blends together and then they can just spit it out they just follow the the the program and get it out and give you a quality home yes with a lot of nice extras yes so but you should know that with a spec home you cannot make a lot of changes yes most Builders are like we will not pro quote right so you’re getting a lot of house for a good price uh your home’s going to have broad appeal a lot of times when people build custom homes they think they know better than the builders and they make changes and when it comes time to sell sometimes it’s it’s harder because the home does not have broad appeal right it’s so specific to that owner back homes will always have broad appeal correct the the choices that they make will have broad appeal yes uh and Builders they kind of know what they’re doing because if they screw up they lose money so they learn pretty fast yeah so you get a lot for your money the quidd pro quo is that you can’t make a lot of changes you really can and we know from building our own home uh yeah I was like do you think maybe we could move this window no uh can we do this no no no because it just uh loses time in the build sometimes they can’t find whatever you might want to change um again you lose more time which is money to them you know because they’re still paying on this loan while they’re building and they’re like we can’t find this item you want yes so you know know when you sign on a spec it’s a spec for a reason yeah you cannot do a lot you cannot make a spec home a custom home um some Builders may work a little bit with you if if you come in yeah if you come in early in the building process they might let you pick a different color or you know things like that but for the most part they don’t even like to do that because if you fall through for whatever reason that’s you can’t buy then they’re going to have to sell a home and you you’ve picked out the color right so a lot of may not attract the other which may not attract a lot of people so a lot of times in spec homes you know we’re going to put in Builder grade carpet can I change the floor no can you just leave the carpet out no we’re going to put the carpet in and you’re immediately going to have to tear it out and put the floor down that’s the process that’s the spec home and a lot of Builders will hold you to that yes it it’s kind of it doesn’t seem to make sense but the reason why it does is because you’re not costing them money you’re not costing them time they’re able and in in exchange for that they they kind of give you a barn yeah you do you get more of a loaded home I think yeah so when you’re considering a spec home the the pluses are you know not a lot of problem or decision makings that you have to make it’s made for you um so if you like the product and you like what they have it’s like this is awesome great maybe some things may not be your cup of tea maybe they’ll work with you a little bit but you should know you’re probably going have to get exactly what they offer you because that is what a home is get out of their way let them finish the home and then make whatever changes after your closes that’s right that’s our advice to you and bu but you can get something really beautiful with really beautiful one of the things we wanted to clarify is that in a lot of people’s mind a speck home is stripped no usually it’s the opposite usually the speck homes are dulled up yeah they add some kind models us up yeah to entice you yeah all right so that is our tidbit on Speck hom so if you’re thinking about it know that you know you pretty much have to go with the product they have selected unless you get before they’ve even poured a slab then maybe you might have some different colors to pick from you know but most of the time it’s like here’s your four colors that’s it what do you want that’s right so keep that in mind because you don’t want to be disappointed will try really hard to make everybody happy the buyers and the we want everybody happy and enjoy their new home so just go with the process and try not to fight it too much it’ll you know help you with a a better stress level definitely yeah definitely so anyway that’s our Spiel on Speck homes they can be amazing you can get a lot of stuff uh for a great price yep and uh it takes out like I said a lot of the decision making and pulling your out so it’s kind of nice yep all right so that’s our deal oncc Speck homes specom that’s our tip of the day that’s our tip of the day if you’re into tips the place to go is pickle that is our free information site whether you’re a buyer seller somewhere between there’ll be something there waiting for you that will Amaze Astound entertain inform yep all those things overwhelm all of it all right Kajol Kajol that’s a good word that’s a I don’t even know what that means I like that word convinc yeah alred alred Alfred all right friends we hope to hear from you soon and H make sure you visit Prescot we’d love to see you absolutely bye bye
Being from The South (TM), good chicken – be it fingers, fried, or atop a waffle – is crucial. Check out today’s video to find out what’s hot, what’s not, and which chicks we are eagerly awaiting here in Prescott.
hello hello hello hello peeps I’m just chuckling at this latest topic that Mr bro has decided we’re g to talk about uh this man comes up with crazy ideas uh today this is Diana Randall bro by Rand bro Prescot Arizona we’re real estate agents talking about real estate and life here in Prescot Arizona that’s right we’re your friendly husband and wife team yes so today we have a very important topic to discuss the state of chicken state of chicken state of chicken chickens and we’re very excited here going on chicken some folks who come here to Prescot and they think it’s little cowboy town we don’t have a whole lot here to offer yeah well that was well it was true when we first moved here so we moved from uh the Texas area Texas people love chicken fingers they’re into chicken fingers some of the best chicken fingers you’ll get are going to be in Houston God I was just looking for chicken fingers we get to preset the only chicken that was available was Kentucky Fried chicken Y which which is good I like I like Kentucky you know you can you can make it work yeah and then uh or you could get chicken fingers from fries the fries grocery store which is your you like those actually I thought that their chicken fingers were the best in town at that time at that time it’s grocery store chicken I mean it was nothing to shout shout about but they were good you get a good sauce or whatever but now the world has gotten much better so since we’ve been here we did a video on it yep we got a Popeye’s now we have two popey yes now we have two Popeyes one in Prescot Valley and one in Prescot now being from New Orleans she and I both remember you know the spicy spicy delicious wheny the cartoon popey used to be in the commercials popey spicy delicious chicken yeah yeah so honestly the thing about Popeye’s Chicken is it’s not about the chicken I’m just going to be honest it’s not about the chicken it’s really about the sides red beans and rice cage and rice which is not available here I know uh onion rings not available here chicken levers not available here yeah yeah a lot of the really good sides now the biscuits are delicious always will be the french fries are good french fries are very good green pretty good the crust the crust of the chicken is pretty good yeah but uh can’t go wrong yeah some sides missing so we were a little disappointed but we still hit Popeyes up from time to time the chicken fingers are okay but then we got uh Yummy Cookies cockies oh yeah cockies we talked about cockies earlier so we talked about cockies good stuff good stuff now cockies has been I might want to get that today let’s get that today yeah that’s what I’m saying let’s get that for Lun we’re on we’re on for cockies yeah so here’s the here’s the cockies arc so cocky first came out and it was wonderful we were I was anxious you know cocky chicken I was like oh my God I can’t wait for this place to open they opened up in what was a Burger King probably the worst Burger King I’ve ever been that wasy bad so that was definitely a step in the right direction we go there the chicken fingers are intense yep they also have really wonderful southern fried catfish yep just really excited about all those things yeah Mexican Corn’s really good we told a whole bunch of people about cockies and then they went and then they changed the recipe yeah so all our friends were mad at us I don’t know what they were going through or whatever long story short they’re back they’re back they are back so we call this cocky Redux and uh we can we can definitely recommend cockies again they’re backed in fighting form yep fighting cockies got it so cockies is good good stuff uh new place just open Chicken and Waffles chicken and waffles so we’ll talk briefly about chicken and waffles good stuff good chicken not so much on the waffles well it just depends you know they’re they’re working at some Kings but still pretty good uh we need to go back and revisit revisit but there’s certainly an alternative lots of people Square by them yeah I’m not a big chicken and waffles guy I just like the chicken waffles is kind of weird and to me the waffles weren’t anything to speak of but I they’ve got some really good chicken fingers I had like an Indian dish like the kind of Curry like uh which was really good but just their basic uh chicken fingers very very good so uh but we’re also we’re excited super excited super excited because out in PV we are getting a Raising Canes Raising Canes which is fast food I started in Louisiana born in Baton Rouge Louisiana y our kids used to hit us up for raising can ra yeah they’re down in Phoenix we have we’ve had some of it there but they are excellent yep so the state of chicken state of chicken in the city of we got it people we can offer all kinds we got the chicken we got the chicken yeah so anyway we’re just excited we get into that you know let’s go let’s go hit that for a good lunch or something yeah so we just wanted to share with you some Local Chicken Places of the local chicken places that you perhaps could enjoy as well absolutely all right so if you I’m getting kind of hungry but uh if you want to bite grab one of these places one of we also have Chick-fil-A don’t forget oh yeah Chick-fil-A the infamous Chick-fil-A my also second you know one of my other favorites can’t go wrong there either yeah you never go wrong never chuit the chicken biscuits chicken biscuits we call it a chuit that’s your tip for today if you’re into tips the place to go is pick that is our free information site whether you’re a buyer seller or somewhere in between there’s something there waiting for you that will Amaze Astound educate entertain um plagiarize no won’t plagi it’ll be good stuff it’ll do all those things and it’s absolutely free that’s right everything’s free so we hope to hear from you soon give us a call we’d love to show you where some of these chicken places are yep not a problem all right have a wonderful day thank you for listening bye bye
Just when you thought you knew everything about staging, we’re back with another batch of tips on how to show your home to its best advantage (and help it sell FAST). What do tchotchkes and bathtubs have in common? Tune in to today’s episode to find out!
bour Mami oh you’re so French correct yes you’re the do they say pickle in French I don’t know I don’t know youell yes you Bell youell Dian and Randle bro here coming to you live from the beautiful beautiful mountain town of Prescot Arizona AR it’s the most unique little town in all of Arizona we can vouch for it yes it is we’ve been here seven years we love it okay so last time we did uh staging a staging game staging game number one we’ve had so much fun we decided to do it again I got staging game number number two number on my handy D we got it let’s do it uh so first up so so just so you know how the game works I’ve got a list of things that you may consider doing before you put your home on the market and we’re going to pontificate on whether we think that’s a good idea or not okay first thing up is D personaliz personalization dep personalization 100% yes yes uh people come in they want to see their they want to they want to Envision themselves in the home so uh take down a lot of you know family pictures pictures yeah they want to Envision their family there they don’t want to get distracted by your family yes take down and put away your mom and dad’s ashes yeah that’s pretty person crazy we seen them we’ve seen them on lot of houses there they are and that wigs people out that wigs people out and then it opens the discussion did that person die here are they is are they a ghost are they still in this house yes um well they will they say will they repeat anything I say through a seance you know yeah put put Mom and dad your spouses your your cat your dog all their any ashes of any living creature hide put away take away in terms of pictures um if some are okay some are okay so here’s here’s the a rule of thumb if it would be easy for someone to put themselves in the picture and the picture is about what you’re doing for example okay you take a picture of you and your spouse in front of one of the rock formations in Sedona cool that’d be okay that’s cool because it’s like here we are we’re in Sedona sedona’s close enjoying their Liv you could be here you know that’s easy uh a picture of your dead husband in his military uniform not a good idea okay that’s you know and then the and then the folded up flag because he died in service but you know most people do not object to that because they’re very patriotic but some people it’s uncomfortable they’re like oh this person was you know maybe died in service or just Mak it it it adds a a downer you know you have death to look forward to and you know that’s only happened a couple of times and you know we we understand and we honor we honor those people but of course not when you’re staging at home not a good well you know people will see it and they’re like did that person die in the line of duty it opens up another discussion focus them on the house suddenly we’re answering questions about a dead husband instead of you know the counter or a dead wife or dead wife yeah dead wife the same way sure so yeah watch things like that they things like that doesn’t bother me but other people kind of watch religious stuff particularly if it’s kind of heavy if you have a lot of like a cross collection you know some people are not uh religious some people aren’t Christian you know it’s going to make them not connect with the house it’s not like they will complain about it but they oh there’s something about this house I don’t like you’re absolutely right that might be it it’s not that they’re opposed to it but they just they just maybe won’t connect so think about depersonalization always a good idea here’s one that should be a little more what I’m G to depersonalize you yeah that’s say yeah yeah how do we do that I’m very personal I’m unique how can I do that I am one of a kind they broke the mold I gotta look that up next up an extra laundry room oh extra laundry room oh yeah I have this in my own life and uh I’m going to correct this uh single level homes you just have one laundry room no problem it’s on the main level everybody loves it it’s all great uh however if you live in a home like we do where we live on Main level but we also have a lower level it’s kind of cool to have maybe a stackable upstairs and then another laundry room down stairs because nobody likes schlepping up and down the stairs and I can speak person uh on that and so my goal I think that’s a goal for me for 2024 is I’m going to get a stackable in my master closet yes I know right do it that’s a great answer um you have a twostory home yep and the laundry room is not on the main level definitely if you have a place to put it if you can uh the place to put extra laundry rooms is in the master closet yes that’s a new trend yep uh it’s wonderful to have it makes it very easy to throw Dirty Laundry into the the LA the the washing machine and then when you’re finish you’re already in the closet that is a big feature people like that people love it it’s a real ding if you don’t if you only have one laundry room and it’s downstairs it’s downstairs in particular because that precludes you from using the magic words tell me what the magic word is main level level living yes so for instance I cannot claim my home as having main LEL living level living I’m gonna get ding ding ding um because some people God forbid what if you need to have a hip replaced or a knee replaced you don’t want to go down those stairs you’re not going to be able to so but you still want to have one downstairs like when we have company it’s great to do all the sheets and the bed covers when company leaves I don’t want to go upstairs to do it either yeah so consider really consider doing it on both levels that’s our goal for 2024 I’ll let you know at the end of 2024 if that happened so if you have a single story home you should be hearing no you should not don’t don’t bother adding an extra laundry in your master closet if you have a single story home no two stories think about it two story if if it’s not on the the main level then yes yes uh next up replacing the tub with the shower yeah this is is a good one especially I would especially in Prescot because uh we don’t have a lot of young families they don’t need a tub um and so I would get rid of those little you know those load of the ground tubs they’re useless anyway it’s not like a good soaking tub pull that sucker out and make it a nice spacious walk-in shower everybody loves it huge selling feature in especially in the you know Hall bathroom um we’re finding more and more people even in the master want a shower they do not want a tub yeah so I in particular in the hall bathrooms I would really consider that because they’re kind of useless those little tubs yeah yeah one caveat might be uh if you’re removing the tub from your master bathro uh and you don’t have a tub in any other bathroom you might hesitate on doing that that’s only because someone buys your home and they have grandchildren yeah it’s good to have a tub for little kids maybe I’ve heard that from buyers problem not mine well that’s your seller I mean I mean that’s your buyer so you’re trying to sell to them I don’t know if if that means removing the removing tubs completely from your home you might want to rethink that but maybe I don’t know yeah but definitely most people are looking for showers and tubs are kind of dying if you’re GNA have a tub if it’s shallow do a Soaker people do like soakers yes if you’re going to keep the the the tub do a nice Soaker tub not those little bitty yeah people who do hot tubs now so so tub is important okay next up Landscape oh hands down without a doubt uh we bought our house it was not landscaped nicely as soon as I landscaped it beautifully everybody thought we were putting it on the market I’m like no I’m not stop saying that we’re staying put we’re not selling um it I cannot tell you the thousands of dollars of uh money you’ll get extra for doing that Landscaping yeah the backyard yeah you might be able a lot of new homes don’t have Landscaping in the backyard you might be able to get away with that if you’re your backyard’s not landscape just make make sure it’s functional yes but in terms of the front yard in particular if you have things that are overgrown get rid of them oh it’s a beautiful old tree but it’s overgrown kill it y okay just kill it uh we had a client they bought the house is beautiful such great curb appeal uh you know but you would never have they had enormous bushes that were over 20 years old covered the whole house so they bought the house they had the vision to see past that they have slowly but surely pulled out every one of these enormous bushes and now everybody’s like I had no idea what a beautiful home this is didn’t even know you had a front porch had the home sat on the market for a long long time probably sold yep $80,000 lower than it should have something like that it guess yeah it’s it’s uh we’re talking about because curb appeal is everything hug and when people say curb appeal you think oh that’s people driving by and seeing your home it’s more than that when you put your home on MLS the the it’s called the hero picture the main picture of your home that everyone is going to see first is going to be the front of the home it has to be it can’t be anything else it’s got to be the front of your home yep so if you’re not able to take a pict sure your front of the front of your home that attracts interest not going to work that’s the first thing it’s it’s like taking a good shot on your on your dating website you know what I mean gotta look good yes gotta look good all right we might play this again I to come up so I like this game I have to come up with some more of these all right this is our last one last one for game number two removing chachkies oh yeah I I mean I’m guilty of this myself um a lot of people over the years mom and dad died you inherit their yard Ro collection they God forbid your precious moments collection yes those red glasses from the red depressing glass uh your you know and too much of chatskis just shuts people down yes uh we went to see a beautiful home recently love the home it was so chalk block full of chatskis not one square inch was open we could not get our buyers P we couldn’t the buyers were like my God there’s so beautiful home because we we we showed it before these the the the current owners bought it so we were very familiar with the home we knew was a magnificent home we could not get by it was stuffed with so it was stuffed with house plants it was stuffed with I can’t even uh Crocs uh old statues from the 50s I mean every every square inch I think Chach chachki is like a polish term and it means remove okay anything you can call chachki is kind of Kit I guess that’s yish K it’s something cheap just it’s GNA cheapap in the home so anything that you can call a chachki is probably something you you’re GNA want to remove anything that you could call a collection yes remove it yep because people get transfixed buyers get transfixed with your collections and again and they want to talk about the collections yeah I’ve done it myself I’ve gone in and like suddenly I’m just staring at the wall looking at a collection of this or collection of that uh uh sports memorabilia any of that stuff it’s going to detract from the house remove it remove it that’s it other than that we have no opinion we have no opinion I mean but listen folks you should know we are just as guilty of all these things oh yeah yeah yeah as other people so I get it uh you know there’s a lot of sentimental attachment to things and your home and I get it but basically it look needs to look like nobody lives here yeah we don’t live here we’ve never Hotel think Hotel unfortunately you just kind of have to start shifting and adjusting things so absolutely people get that feeling that’s our tips a lot those are our tips for today cheers that was a lot we covered a lot there okay do you want more tips if you’re not exhausted from tips already go to pickle that’s our information site whether you’re a buyer seller or somewhere in between there’s something there waiting for you that will Amaze Astound inform educate entertain and persuade I don’t know what else I could do to you yeah and it’s all free it’s all free it won’t bankrupt you and we’re happy to share happy to share yes okay my friends I hope to hear from you soon and have a lovely day bye bye
Most savvy home sellers have heard of staging – little things you can do to make your home more appealing to potential buyers. Check out today’s video where we play a game to teach which are worth it, and where they’re most important.
good afternoon hello peeps Randall and Diane bro here we’re so happy to spend a few minutes with you and talk about uh real estate and life and life we always throw in little asides yeah we got a little sides here and there throw little things in yeah sides so today we’re going to talk about staging staging so we thought we’d play a a little game called the staging game staging game so on my trusty Dusty uh little pickle card here I’ve got a list of things that you might consider doing in anticipation of putting your home on the market okay so the question is would it make sense to do that or not should you bother doing that to put your home on the market 100% yes you don’t know what they are yet oh Well I can tell you any staging is a good thing any stage is a good thing but always all right first one number one repairs yes why do you think think repairs out well people if they see something that’s damaged or you know not working it gives them concern they’re like is this house in good operating order what am I buying I don’t want to take this on if I’ve got a ton of Repairs repairs to do yeah so we recently got a lovely listing here in Prescot lakes and love these folks shout out to them you know who you are yep on Solstice yep the mcclures lovely lovely folks and we recommended always always have your home pre-inspected before you go live on the market just in case you find something you didn’t even know you had wrong you know it’s always good to find out before not when you’re under contract and they agreed they did it they had a few cracked tiles on the roof immediately fixed it beautiful beautiful so now when I show their home I can tell everybody this home was pre-inspected there were a few little things that they had to repair they’ve already taken care of it gives a high yeah it gives people a high level of confidence that this home has been well taken care of and that they are buying something they can move in without having a lot of repairs later on down the road highly advis repair repair repair repair repair repair so so a couple things here first of all you may have repairs to make that you don’t know about that’s why you do a pre-inspection if your home is over four or five years Pre-Inspection do a pre-inspection yep and take care of it all excellent selling feature uh people love the confidence of you know we’ve had this inspected we’ve already done everything they love that you’re good to go you got we have a clear report if you have less than a few years you know you may not want to spend the money on the pre-inspection I think it’s still a good idea it’s not that much three or $400 it’s not a big investment it’s not a big investment really uh puts a feather in your cap in terms of selling the home if you have repairs that are visible we once went to a home yeah there was a wire hanging from the ceiling of the master bedroom yes yeah yeah with nothing else no light fixture no wire wires yeah anything like that oh God it dists people yeah they’re like what’s wrong is that is that safe is that is that a Live Wire yeah I actually found a problem with the home without even having an inspected you should probably have that repaired before you call your agent so if you got you know ripped carpeting or you know a lot of broken tiles and you’re flooring just address it yeah address it because people will tag you for that it will also not help you in terms of getting top dollar yeah you know people will be like well you know I need new carpeting it’s gross you’ve got broken tile so I’m gonna ding you for five grand yep so you know all things to keep in mind yep what’s our next one paint oh well we cannot ever say enough about pain I keep saying it paint paint paint pain if you have and your agent should be able to tell you this if you have a relatively contemporary color then you don’t need to and it’s recent I it looks good you don’t have to paint but if you have faux finishes oh yeah if you have anything that’s Peach yes if you know anything like that that people might think is weird mint green mint green Paint yeah paint it just do it it’s cheap it’s easy fast gives a whole new look and it also makes your house look super clean again um I know I have dogs so you know they hit the wall and you have marks and things like that so absolutely that’s the easiest cheapest thing you can do yeah and if even if your pain is up to speed yeah uh any dings on the wall paint them if you’ve taken don’t leave picture picture hooks on the wall yes if you’re taking all your pictures down take them down seal the holes seal it and lightly touch up yep these are this going to be harder okay uh oh okay what about adding a fireplace uh well I I’m a mix bag on that and I’ll tell you it’s an investment you might have to pay about five grand I this is my opinion um if I had a lot of money and I didn’t really care maybe I would consider hiring somebody to come install a fireplace you should know most homes you don’t have to go through the roof and punch a hole or anything you can vent it out through sidew wall so don’t get wigged out by that um but I would also consider just saying I’ll give you a fireplace um allowance allowance thank you I couldn’t dat word we’ve done that in the past uh we did a fireplace allowance and then I did um a a virtual uh virtual stadi picture where we added a fireplace so you can see what it looked like um that worked reasonably well but a lot of people they’re they home alert fireplace they looking for fireplace they specifically are requiring it they’re requesting it in their searches Fireplaces they want to only homes with fireplaces so something to consider especially in Prescot we’re a little mountain town people enjoy their fireplace love fireplace um it wouldn’t stop me from buying a home but I we’ve had buyers that did not buy because there was no fire and even though we say look you can add it it just seems to overwhelm them so um think if you got yeah if you got a huge wall that when you don’t have a fireplace might be a good idea you’re looking at $5,000 as just sort of an entrylevel fireplace if your home is in Phoenix no if your home is in Las Vegas on half the year it’s 120 degrees all right so people aren’t going to be looking for firls but we have four seasons here and there’s nothing more fun than sitting with you know your wife and the dogs and coffee fireplace depends on your wife I guess depends on the day it depends on the day but uh yeah that that’s a that’s part of prescot’s charm part of the charm sit in front of a warm fireplace when it’s snowing outside it’s lovely so yeah I’m I’m kind of sometimes I think yeah just add it sometimes I say just offer an allowance to make it happen yep but that’s my two cents on that two cents next next one granite countertops or Gran countertops it doesn’t have to be Granite the uh what is it quartz is really so upgrading the countertops what do you think yeah I think that’s a good one um we bought our house and immediately upgraded imately upgraded um and so had it been upgraded I would have appreciated that a whole lot more yeah um so yeah it certainly W especially if you have verica countertops or coron nobody wants that it screams dated dated dated my house your no the house it’s old so if you upgrade and you know you know you can get a reasonable s it’s not like you have to get you know the most Expensive Fossils expensive with fossils in it or something like that we don’t need to have a Bill Gates type of gr here you can just get some nice and people just think wow okay this is current this is current now if the homes in your neighborhood uh generally don’t have Granite uh you might be able to get away with it but it would give you an advantage here’s the thing about granite countertops a lot of agent and people in general use the countertops as an indicator of the upgrades of the whole home true so you could have everything upgraded if you’ve got formica they’re going to think of your home as not being updated right and that’s true yeah very dated and that’s true in the bathrooms too so if you get the counter marble in in the bathrooms I agree that’s a big indicator that people use you know because people don’t they’re not in the business they’re not in construction they don’t know what upgrades look like but they know what Countertops countertops look like yeah so a lot of people use that as a proxy if you’re spending seven or 800,000 you don’t want to see cultured marble count tops in the bathroom especially in the master y so just do it yep it’ll help you get top dollar yep okay this one’s harder uh oh lighting lighting uh well depends if you have a really dated like brass light fixture please get rid of it it it screams old I’m dated anything that’s you know not a current light fixture most people now want caned lights if you have them um change out the thing so it’s the the closed so the bulb isn’t hanging out you know that will be a little update up cans you can get cans now that led and you can dial we did a a video on this you can dial in the color of the light how bright it is yes we did one thing that people like a lot uh is bright yeah now there was a time people wanted cozy you they wanted it dark you know that’s when they had popcorn ceilings and all the rest and all of that will come back eventually people Popcorn Back start putting popcorn back on the ceilings probably before we die but um right now hopefully they want bright they want bright so some of the homes like we’ve seen homes where they added a cover on the back porch and it made the home dark yes the the interior the interior got dark be aware of that yeah so if you need to brighten it up with some cans do that get some new ceiling fans with a nice lighting kit none of that brass and little flowery looking you know that’s all dated get current fans current light fixtures and upgrade your can l yep absolutely none of that will hurt you ever ever and if your house is dark turn on the light when you’re having a show for every single show Absolutely you want to come in when she and I are showing homes that’s my job he’s the light guy yeah I’m the light guy so I will run through the house and I’ll quickly turn on any lights that I think need to be on and I’ll shut them all down before we leave yep uh most agents won’t do that so if you’re home particularly if your home is dark uh turn on the lights it’s a pain in the butt light up yeah now if your home is bright you know don’t turn them on and sometimes that actually plays in your favor because it’s it’s so bright and they don’t even have the lights on but if you don’t have that turn on lights okay all right final one final one I got a bunch of others we’ll do another game okay yeah final one okay tearing down the furniture yes yes and I actually had this happen to us in our in our house in Texas yeah we went out and Showroom on the floor the showroom uh the sofa and the love seat looked fine we got it home huge tremendous yeah it it dwarfed the room yes it fit it fit fine but it it was just too tall too big it was like the whole room was just sofa yeah so always uh it’s better to remove some furniture if you’ve got a lot of pieces if you have a lot of end tape sofa table this that this table that table the in the hallways pull it out you want spacious clear clean areas yes particularly if your square footage is below say 2,000 square fet that’s right it’s you get down to 1,500 and you got a lot of furniture yeah yeah you need to pull furniture out to make that sucker look as big as possible yeah some people have a huge master I’m sorry primary bedroom suite um with huge dresser and mirror and then another chest on chest and then GI and then the room just you know you just have a little room in front of the bed to walk pull some of that out and put it in storage um it just will show more spacious it looks cleaner it looks uh great to walk in you feel like oh yeah this is a nice siiz room this is lovely so it never will hurt to kind of purge some of the furniture even we did it in Texas just go put it in storage for a month or two till you sell it’s well worth it yes look especially in hallways entranceways foyers uh anywhere where people are walking through a room pull it out pull it out pull it out that’s what she said and yeah that is what she said so I can’t take her anywhere one thing also one piece of furniture that will always be suspect in my mind is anything called the hutch hutches are tend to be Generation To Generation Big Y they tend to be passed down from generation to generation and people keep them because they feel they have to yep they take up a lot of space uh and you get used to seeing it you don’t realize how big it is usually you should remove the Hut yeah people come in and they’re like well there really isn’t a lot of room in in these spaces um it seems crowded yeah and that is the wrong impression that is and they’re not going to buy they’re not going to buy can tell them oh but this piece is really big they’re not going to buy they can’t see it they can’t see they can’t see it yeah all right so I think that was a fun game I think we did Gooding game number one staging game number one we actually agreed on pretty much we did we’re winners ding ding ding ding ding ding so those I like this game no rules no rules I like that yeah you can even make uh offhand you know dirty jokes that’s right pardon me if that offends anybody offend you I’m sorry we’ll pair down it’s just funny yeah I mean you know all right so that is our our staging tips of the day if you like tips place to go is pickle that is our free information site whether you’re a buyer seller somewhere in between there’ll be something there waiting for you that will Amaze Astound delight and form and Entertain You did I say entertain educate educate educate educate yeah yes overwhel go overwhelm yes yeah it’s a lot disparage dispar we don’t dispar it’s all free too it’s all free we don’t even charge you for this that’s all good we’re happy yeah all right my friends we hope to hear from you soon please look out uh and check us out and give us a call we’re happy to help you on your search here in Prescot take care and have a wonderful afternoon bye bye