If you want to avoid losing time on the market with a home that won’t sell due to the price not reflecting the market, then tune into this week’s episode! We have ways to help everyone avoid getting screwed (by the market)!
hello hello hello hello peeps we’re so excited to be here today absolutely coming to you from our wonderful quaint little town Prescot Arizona she’s presc pickle lady that’s me I’m her sidekick s girkin that’s right this is Diane and Randall bro uh so we wanted to talk to you about it’s kind of a kind of a disappointing thing that happens occasionally yeah it’s happened two or three times now it is a shall we say pattern or dynamic between listing agents and their clients the sellers we’ve seen this this same pattern of of (00:42) uh Behavior or whatever before and we just want to call it out make people consciously aware of it because I think a lot of people do this to their listing agents without really thinking it through and they don’t think things through so the the most important thing is if you’ve only been in the market with an agent for maybe two months and uh you haven’t quite gotten your offer and we talk about price well maybe we need to readjust price maybe what is your bottom line and if you stick firm to that bottom line um it makes it very (01:11) difficult particularly if you get a good cash offer to meet those requirements and make it happen so what happens is you get frustrated we get frustrated and then all of a sudden well we’re just going to move it on to somebody else we’re going to list with somebody else because we’ll we’ll get it you know we’ll make it happen so the unfortunate thing about that is you lose time on Market because then the new agent has to come in has to retake all of the pictures has to start the whole process all over again so you’re going to lose (01:40) about a month of Market time all because in essence you don’t want to admit that you were wrong about the price so this latest time we had a couple they wanted to sell their home for 1.1 million that was kind of their Break Even uh honestly the market would not support that we told them that we said you probably should yeah you probably should be selling more like a million maybe a million 50 but we are willing to do what you want at least temporarily and here’s part of the con you know the seller will say we’re in no (02:15) hurry yes uh we have plenty of money we’re willing to stick it out to get top dollar yep and then okay I you know I’ve met very few sellers who’ve told me otherwise we’re we’re ready there is no such thing as a patient seller you get into the situation and it’s annoying and you want it to be over as a very stressful time when you’re listen and I think everyone thinks my house is fantastic and it’s going to sell within a day it’s not covid times anymore folks yeah um there aren’t the biddy Moors anymore it and we don’t we don’t want to (02:50) be right no okay we would love to be able to wave our hands and change the situation for you we’re just telling you it is we have no vested interest in it being the way it is it’s just the way it is yeah and sometimes we had videos on this before sometimes you can find stupid money in the short term and we’re perfectly willing to try that for a few weeks and see if we can do that for you uh but you know in this particular case uh we actually got an offer around a million which is where we thought it a little bit over sellers refused to (03:27) accept it uh waited all of like three weeks uh this was like during the Christmas season where there are no showings anyway and call to tell us that well you’ve been fired we found another agent that we think can help us and then we found out well we’re going to list with her for million doll actually yes so had they accepted the first offer we were trying valiantly to they said millionar was there bottom line period end of sentence bottom line okay fine we made this deal happen for a million that offer decided it’s still a little too (04:04) much uh we want to walk too many upgrades for this house we’re walking okay well now they did not like the answer so they went on with this other agent who listed below a million yeah and they lost a month on the market and lost good quality times now here’s the thing all basically because they didn’t want to admit oh I was wrong well any but if they had just said look let’s just go a little under a million we would have been done in at by Thanksgiving oh yeah it would have been closed it would have been finished it (04:38) would have been um but they were determined to make that million doll Mark now they’re listed below a million so they’ll never get it they’ll never get it after commissions and after everything else they’re really going to be clearing you know scraping so the thing is trust your agents hang in there with your agents well first of all know you can trust absolutely and then trust them yes yeah so we’re happy if you want to try for a top dollar fine let’s try it let’s try it we’ll try it for a couple of weeks if we’re not getting there (05:11) we’ll lower the price where we thought it should have been you know in the first place we’re always willing to give you some leeway give you some opportunity but after a while we you know we need to just kind of reflect the market and move where we need to go and then close so if these you know people had just hung in there and said you know what it’s okay let’s just close it under a million will be done they would have been done months ago now it’s still on the market still on the market still hasn’t sold yeah as I said before we (05:42) have no particular vested interest at any particular price point yeah you know most people believe that real estate agents just want to price the things so low that it’s easy to sell so they can move on to the next sale maybe that’s true of some agents out there H it’s certainly not true of us it is not unusual at all for us to tell the seller your price expectations are too low we had a really good really good friend they they wanted to list the prices so how much you want to list it for and he says I don’t know 800 and we’re like 800 (06:13) he said yeah what’s wrong I said no we’re going to sell you a house for like a million dollars it’s based on the market you know it’s it’s is what it is and we want to tell you what it is we we don’t have any vested interest way we are truly looking out for your best interest trying to get you the most money in your pocket and we’ll try it your way if it doesn’t happen please listen to what we’re trying to suggest and adjust accordingly because nobody wants to be on the market this six months yeah this is like the second or (06:44) third time third time at least I can think of at least two other where so listen Toom and D instead of just lowering the price with us they fire us and go to another agent and then they price it where we told them they it’s like it’s nonsensical why did you do that you know it’s not logical it’s not logical and it’s very bad business for you you know um so we want to help you get a good price get a fair price get it sold get it done quickly and again this other home had just said we’ll go a little bit under a million they would (07:16) have been done by Thanksgiving yeah so now here we are in February and it’s still and we are not the kind of people that tell you I told you so told you so although you might think this video is yeah not it’s not I’m just saying this there is this Dynamic and you should just I’m calling it out because I think everyone who’s done this to us has done it without really thinking it through right you know it’s an irrational response and they’re doing it irrationally and not really thinking it and we totally get the stress you’re under the time (07:51) constraints it’s just not a pleasant process to sell your home it really isn’t um another thing you should also know the higher the price point these homes this is not a California Market where these homes will be snatched up in a day or two yeah we take the higher the price you know might take three or four months to get a really decent offer yeah so you have to be patient and buy your time and then we’ll get a good quality buyer ready to close and it’ll be a nice seamless transaction so take a deep breath trust in your agents don’t lose (08:27) time on the market by shopping around and now I’ll try this one oh wait now I’ll try this one no now I’ll try this one it’s really you’re going to be shooting yourself in the foot in the long run so that’s our little tips to you little tips of the day to our fellow uh listings to be that’s right and if you’re thinking about listing your home um just try to be calm cool and collected and uh let us guide you in the best way we can and get you to the Finish Line Okay so that’s our tip of the day this is Diane and Randall bro (09:02) coming to you from beautiful Prescot Arizona you can reach us at pickle 411.com that is our free information site whether you’re a buyer seller somewhere in between there’ll be something there waiting for you that will Amaze Astound entertain and inform and it’s all free it’s all free it’s all free okay friends take care and have a wonderful day bye bye