Tired of seeing your next door neighbor’s bathroom through your window? We have the solution for you in this week’s episode. We give you tips for maintaining your privacy while keeping that natural light shining through your window.
hello hello hello hello peeps good morning to you this is r and Dian bro coming to you from presca Arizona she’s presca picol I am and we are some friendly helpful realtor team here in town that are happy to help you and pass on all kinds of advice and words of wisdom that’s right so the wisdom today is about window film window film now this is something we just did um our home is pretty close to another home and when I stand at the kitchen sink I’m so tired of looking at my neighbor’s roof and the side of his house it’s just not (00:43) a great view um same thing in the dining area so we’ve talked about it we’ve talked about it what can we do I’ve hung huge pieces of window um stain glass and that’s fine but it’s still not quite blocking that boring view so then we thought well let’s just replace the windows and then I got the price because I thought I’ll replace the windows with privacy glass and then I was like no that’s a lot of money so then how much was that that was like $2,000 to replace two windows yeah so then somebody said why don’t you get window film now I’m (01:20) not a fan of tinting windows some people are it’s not for me because it makes the house too dark in my opinion um yes it does protect your carpeting your rugs your furniture from getting Su damage but I don’t care about that I just don’t like my house to be dark I like bright sunshine in there well these two windows in particular don’t have direct sun shine right through either so so but the other solution is besides tinting is to do window film window film and film this film comes in all kinds of styles and (01:51) and um just design frosting oh yeah I mean rain glass and it it provides great great privacy but still allows a lot of sunshine to come through um but then it also blocks any gross views so I don’t see the roof anymore I just see kind of the cool pattern on my window I think I did rain I think I did rain and um it’s just enough it’s real popular and it was much cheaper I think it was $500 to do two giant Windows window so 1/4 the price and really you can’t tell you cannot tell at all can’t tell if it’s glass or it’s film but it’s really nice (02:33) so when people come in they don’t say oh my God your neighbor’s right there I see his roof it’s nice so um we just wanted to pass this tip on because I think it’s very helpful if you’re kind of close to other neighbors and you want some privacy but still want sunshine and uh investigate window film window film there’s all kinds of companies out there they don’t just do cars they’ll come and do your home yes and uh so instead of replacing glass or replacing windows which is way more expensive you can just get the film yeah and if you decide you (03:05) know later on you don’t like the rain glass anymore that’s right and you want to do frost or whatever you can remove the film and have new film put up there you go yeah so we love it and we were so excited and we just had it done and we can’t say enough good things about it that’s right so that we share with you yeah if you’re looking for some privacy don’t want to see your neighbors but don’t want to cover up your windows that’s the thing to do investigate window fil window film all kinds of designs that you can put up y (03:34) absolutely so highly recommend it it’s a very uh inexpensive way uh so really gives it a very upscale upscale feeling so if I ever go to sell my home in somebody comes in there chances are they will not notice that roof line right away yes um they’ll just say it’s good at blocking and if you look at the if you look at how much you have to invest versus the perceived value of a buyer one of the best investments you can make absolutely cheers to that there you go so we’re enjoying our window film our window film that is our tip of the day (04:09) if you like tips you go to pickle 411.com that’s our free information site whether you’re a buyer seller somewhere in between there’ll be something there waiting for you that will Amaze Astound educate and inform entertain and inform entertain there you go all those things Dem kicking lots and lots of good things can’t remember my four words there you go and it’s it’s only $20 no it’s not it’s free it’s free it’s from our heart to yours our heart to yours happy to share happy to share okay bye have a good day”