Sewer Scope Inspection

Sewer scoping isn’t sexy, but if you watch today you’ll find out how it could save you from dealing with a lot of crap. Literally!

Video Transcript

Go Where You Are Treated Best

One of the foundational principles of the American nation is that if you are unhappy where you are, you can always “vote with your feet” and move someplace else. And if you’re going to move, go where you are treated best! Tune in today to find out why Prescott might be that exact place for you… and how we can help you with that transition.

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New Roof

The condition of the roof can be huge when negotiating the price of a home. Watch today’s episode to learn the options for buyers, sellers, and migratory creatures like Randal.

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Flip Your Own Home

What home flippers do isn’t complicated: buy a house, fix it up, and sell it for a profit… often lots of profit.

It’s so simple, in fact, that you’ve probably wondered why you can’t make all those profits for yourself.

Well, in the past it was because flipping is a royal pain in the butt… but not anymore! In today’s video we talk about how to flip your own home without all the hassle.

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