Check out our latest technological leap forward, and see how it can be used to sell your home more effectively… and the chronic threat of Pickle Lady photo bombing.
are you ready
yeah anytime you’re ready i’m waiting
for you to start
hello hello hello this is randall and
diambro here
sitting underneath a beautiful tree in
the square
pretending like we’re young lovers ah
i had to sit down it made me tired we
had a hard time getting down here yeah
i’m hoping we can easily get up we’ll
see yeah they might have to bury me here
we’ll see
it’d be a beautiful place you know it’s
not a bad place if you have to go
my family can come visit me here that’s
right i’m right across from whiskey
right all the dogs are here
you can see all the pups you want yeah
wouldn’t be a bad place
anyway how do we get there i don’t know
that’s not what we scripted no not at
but anyway we are here to talk about
something fun that the pickle lady
brigade now does
uh randall bro here has bought some nice
yep this segment’s called attack of the
drones attack of the drones
we are armed with drones now we are
armed with drones
and we are ready to shoot uh all of your
beautiful homes that we have your
and we put it up on the website so
people can see
your home from up above we’ve done
drones for a while
yeah uh but we would hire it in yes
you know we’d have a professional come
and have the drone go around and
and uh i don’t know we were talking
about it and just kind of decided you
know what we
we are a lot a lot of our business has
to do
with video we have the wind downs and we
shoot houses and
yeah take pictures and all that it’s
like yeah well why don’t we why don’t we
do that and sometimes we want to
we’re so busy it’s like oh we got a slot
let’s go get a drone done right now
yeah i think that i think that’s what
did it it was the scheduling you know
you’re trying to get somebody to
schedule to come
and then they come and it’s too windy to
fly and
yeah and the pickle lady brigade
when we’re ready we’re ready today’s
drone day
let’s hit it let’s get this house done
so you know the thing about it is when
when you first get a tool you think it
it’s only good for one thing but then
once you have it you start seeing
applications for it everywhere
uh so that i could make a room i could
make a joke but i’m not
yeah she’s i can’t take her anywhere i
not in public anymore i could say
something really funny but i’m not
gonna hold it back i’m gonna i’m gonna
reign it in if you wanna know what the
joke is you have to call
but anyway so we love to do our own
drone work now
uh randall has become quite the
i don’t know you learned the basics and
it’s very funny to see him chase a drone
up a driveway
yeah driveways are
you gotta chase the drone up the driver
to keep it it’s not as easy as it looks
if it’s a street driver that’s one thing
if it’s a curvy driveway
or it’s on an incline it can be wacky
wacky it could be wacky wacky you can
find me dead out there
yeah you got a hustler yeah you got a
is one of our many services that we
provide when we have a listing
yeah um when you sign with us you get uh
beautiful photographs first first of all
stills of your home
yeah followed by a virtual home tour
where randall goes in with another piece
of equipment we have
and he films a 360 360. so people can
really get a sense of hey i’m walking
through this house like as if you were
in person yeah in a real open house yeah
if you
if you go through one of our virtual
house uh uh virtual open house
videos it’s like you’ve been through the
house you’ll know the house very very
well and that’s the intent
followed by randall narrating all the
pros and cons all the beautiful
description of the house and what the
house comes through
comes with comes through back to the
but what the house comes with and so
you’ll get it fully narrated
and then he also does the drone work
yeah so people get a good idea of what
your backyard is you’re outside of your
here’s the thing it’s really not about
the technology
i mean drones are a technology but
the drone is supposed to sell the house
it’s not supposed to
you know oh look how cool it is flying
around the sky
and taking pictures uh we just we have a
new listing
and one of the features of the new
listing is it’s within an easy walking
of the club yep so we talked about well
how we’re going to
show this like we want and i’m going to
just like
you know write it in in the description
we want to show it
well we did a drone and i actually laid
out some
hey dotted yeah you didn’t see it yet i
didn’t laid out a dotted yellow line
showing you where you would walk to go
from your house to the club
demonstrating just how close it is and
it is
really close so how else would you how
else would you visually
uh sell that feature you know well the
drone worked i mean it really worked
and a little yellow dotted little yellow
dotted lines so the point is that the
pickled lady brigade
works hard we really try to sell your
home and show
all the positive features of it uh with
with film with stills with
i mean it’s top-notch stuff absolutely
and it’s personalized
it’s personalized and sometimes it’s
sometimes it’s fun sometimes she always
you always notice in my
my videos she’s always photobombing yeah
that’s the biggest problem we have in
the marriage
is that no matter where she stands
that’s where i want and what you’ll hear
across here you’re in the shot
you’re in the shot you’re in the shot
there you are
again so i’m i’m coming i’m watching i’m
shooting i’m shooting don’t get in the
and she’ll take a right when she’s
supposed to take a left i think she was
the youngest child i don’t think they
took enough pictures of her
i think she wants to get more pictures
of herself taken i don’t mean to but
without fail i hear that voice barking
at me
get out of my shot yeah yeah it’s uh
it’s a lot of fun
you know it’s a lot of fun one of the
perks but
also uh one of our funniest ones was we
thought we did it i wasn’t in any shots
i’m like you know
we i nailed it i really listened i
followed directions
i stayed out of all the shots there was
my complete silhouette and picture
in the mirror in the mirror it has
it’s just it was it’s like the universe
once around the shot yeah
you know i don’t know but anyway we do
have a lot of fun when we do it
well when he’s not being grumpy but when
he’s grumpy i’m just like i leave you to
but anyway the point is pick a lady
brigade it’s a full service
realty team we do it all for you we make
it happen captain
if you need information the place to get
it is
whether you’re a buyer seller lots of
free information nice place to start
your search
start your selling process uh
first step give us a call yeah pick a
lady for games and have fun with all
we should we’ll attack you with drones
yeah all right see you until next time
If good coffee is as important to you as it is to us, you’ll be glad to hear that the Prescott coffee scene is rich and full-bodied. Pour yourself a cup as we grind up one of our favorite topics.
hello hello hello hey peeps hello cheers my my lady my pickle lady it’s even worse that’s even worse anyway hello this is diane and randall bro yes we are here in prescott arizona at one of our new listings our new listings it’s a lovely house at 1710 gilmer right here in prescott uh as you can see of our shoulder amazing thumb view views yeah and we thought you know what let’s come and enjoy her lovely deck here she’s got an amazing deck nestled amongst the boulders here we sort of have a great house well we kind of didn’t tell her but i think i think she’d be cool we’re okay we’re sitting on the deck we’re sitting on the deck um frankie’s here pop in she insisted on coming sometimes she likes to be part of the shoot yeah she does she’s like i’d like to shoot today i like to shoot today so we sound good yeah so enjoying the views nice cool uh after fall is finally here we’re very excited uh so we figured well why not take advantage of the great view and the great deck this is an awesome house uh 3 500 almost 3 500 square feet uh right here like i said great views amazing views from the house a multi-generational living if you wanted i can’t say enough good things about this house it’s really cute i’ll put a link to the yeah i’ll put the link down below what’s our link our link is uh pickle so if you want to check it out in person and see both levels and see how lovely it’s decorated and how charming check it out pickle but we’re here to talk about coffee we’re here to talk about coffee we’re taking advantage of this lovely house we’re drinking coffee oddly enough it’s not steaming or anything it is but it’s a new blend it’s a new blend google it’s the new blend it’s coffee yeah so anyway we thought let’s take advantage of this great location yeah and this deck and come here to talk about coffee here in prescott been meaning to talk about coffee houses for a while uh coffee is very important to people and uh people ask us all the time you know is there starbucks there i can’t live without starving i think we’re really like a teeny tiny town yeah listen we are hustling with coffee you don’t portland seattle all those places have nothing on us they really don’t they don’t i mean prescott has it all uh we have the the fast food type of coffee like yeah starbucks and all that and then we have just independent independence we have changed independent coffee houses that are just awesome so just to be clear let’s start with starbucks yes we have like six yeah starbucks locations yes we have starbucks in most of our grocery stores uh we have a starbucks on each highway yes we have a starbucks right by our office i’m very familiar with them right i frequent them i frequent them frequently however i have to say one of my newer favorite ones is uh a new uh it’s a chain it’s a new no no but where are they in general in the united states they’re just starting to come here we know they’re in prescott and chino valley we’re short i love scooter shout out to you scooter shout out to you good service speedy service speedy service and you know what i like the best they know who i am now yeah they’re like hey pickle lady how’s it going today yeah absolutely i need a big coffee because i’ve got a big day with some buyers they’re very very fast they’re very very good i’ve never had an order screwed up nope uh they do the payment through the app which is really cool yeah they get it right the first time and their business is primarily drive through which i know is absolutely essential for you it is essential for me yeah if you don’t have a drive-through the pickled ladies not buying no i don’t have because i don’t have time yeah but we also have dutch brothers which is huge as well yeah they are also my favorite super cheerful people super pop super up super lots of things lots of good music they have started down in phoenix i’m not sure we found out about it because our daughter was at asu very popular at asu drinking lots of coffee drinks and starting to have severe heart palpitations yeah so we kind of had to cut back on that for her we’re like hey maybe you’re hitting it a little too hard yeah they do uh energy drinks energy drinks with coffee yeah yeah she was over doing a little bit try the kokomo if you’ve never been at the dutch brothers try the kokomo it’s a coconut uh mocha coffee thing and uh really really good really really good so what else do we have oh a local one is cuppers covers is a local uh coffee shop yeah that’s locally owned and they are all so good let’s see what else but bosa is a new one both sides you can go in and get donuts and coffee and we haven’t been there yet but we need to try i have you have yeah yeah we headed into the office so i tried their donuts they’re done they’re always together it’s always weird if you like fluffy doughnuts if you will have another wine down about donuts i don’t think you’re looking for donuts to be fluffy but evidently some people are and they’re donuts are described as marvelously fluffy but i hear their coffee is also very good their uh cake donuts are very good so that’s bo sappos is new so i guess they’re bosa nova aha i like it yeah that’s funny let’s try the veal okay the other good thing is that they have a lot of independent coffee shops here that are very charming lots of people go there for little business meetings uh students go there to yeah work friends go there just to have a nice quiet little place yeah so you mentioned you mentioned cuppers so first one it’s locally owned locally they have a really nice place on montezuma that has like a little courtyard uh so good to bring the dog and just have the outdoors so uh wild iris is another wild iris very cute we brought it out that courtyard a lot yeah they have a courtyard in the front that’s outside the inside is also quite spacious we bring clients there quite often um some others are i’m reading off my list yeah we offer you a list here yeah i’m sorry if i’m not looking directly at the camera yeah firehouse coffee fire has coffee so they are right across the square and they’re in a shop in bashford court which is kind of like a little mini mall a little old-fashioned mini mall yeah and uh i hear their coffee is very good but i’ve never tried it myself the porch coffee porch coffee merchant coffee merchant coffee espresso barn we pass all the time yes and method comments method coffee is wi-fi fries i’ve heard some people speak very highly of method coffee also locally owned so that’s you know one two three four five six seven eight nine ten different choices other than starbucks and when you have half an oven half a dozen starbucks you don’t have to move to seattle or portland yeah you know to have the coffee scene we got the coffee scene going on here frankie loves it come on frank franklin because she gets yeah they give her popcorn everybody has a different variation yeah and she thoroughly appreciates very good popcorn they do they get a little bonus they give good popcorn they give good say that a lot that’s what frank says yes hi frankie yes absolutely but anyway so we just kind of wanted to share with you uh you know and enjoy this beautiful view and let you know about um my coffee here just some coffee here coffee’s important we know that it’s hip it’s happening uh it’s a great little place to meet with your friends and chit chat and uh we have it on yeah we have it all so you will enjoy it so that is all for now frank is frank is it’s okay uh so frank is barking at something she sees but anyway so we hope that you have a wonderful evening and you enjoy the beautiful views and come see 1710 gilmer we’d love to share it with you and you can reach us at alright have a good night bye bye
Moving generates lots of stuff you’ll need to dump, especially boxes. Here’s what to do with that in Prescott… and a delightful early Christmas present.
good morning
this is still morning cheers
good morning hello whatever hello
um oh my god
i i don’t think the world wants us to do
this podcast
and the world is conspiring against this
wind down
we’re going to try it again we’re going
to try it again are we live yeah
yeah all right lady good morning good
hello peter i don’t know whatever time
you’re going to see this
um dogs and we got neighbors
that’s right a lot going on hey are you
doing your podcast i’m like well is that
really yeah
as a matter of fact we’re recording it
as we speak but it’s okay but that’s
it’s okay we have fun we have this is
diambro with my better half randall bruh
yeah that’s me she’s pickle lady
pickle lady brigade as you can see here
we are we’re represented
so we are here today to talk about team
stuff two stuff did i do a great job
segwaying then yeah it’s just right in
terms of stuff
team stuff yeah so talking about pickle
lady brigade
uh one of the reasons why i think we are
very successful
as a team um in performing and
everything is because
we have systems in place
so some systems well really randall
that’s his deal
and people laugh you know we got pickle
lady mugs we drive a pickle lady car
yeah yeah i think the band uh everything
is branded
everything is thought through there’s a
reason for that the world doesn’t start
off that way
we make it that way we work overtime to
improve well
let me clarify that um randall makes it
that way yeah
i’m more of a fly by the sea to your
pants kind of person
uh they are wearing me down and forcing
me to comply
into systems that’s right that’s right
yeah i’m clearly the systems person she
is my opposition
you know so we we uh we work well
together we support each other
we defend each other and we fight
against each other fight against each
other to the death
sometimes but one thing i have to agree
with on this is that
i am not a systems person i am like i
feel good i feel
let’s just do this right now in the
moment but the fact is to be a
successful team
and to perform at your top top peak
you really do have to have systems in
place you got them in place right now
prescott is going through a crazy real
estate period
uh we’re ten percent year over year uh
with very little inventory i mean things
are flying off super low inventory below
a lot we find a lot of agents uh
agencies that we’re working with in our
transactions they keep dropping the ball
yep and it’s because they do it on
purpose not that they do it on purpose
but they’re sharp in a lot of balls
it’s a lot yeah well i mean when you
when you go into escrow there’s like 80
different steps
yeah that you need to to assign
and do and run the ground and everything
and if you don’t have your systems in
then you’re going to drop some balls
right people are dropping balls
but i would like to think we we are
doing better because
we have systems we try no one’s perfect
yeah no one’s perfect occasionally we
drop the ball and then
mr bro comes down hard okay well listen
uh how we’re going to stop how we’re
going to avoid dropping that ball next
so we need to adjust our process we have
what we call pickle pow wows
and the team gets together and say you
know what that kind of fell through the
what could we have done better to make
this transaction
yeah um run a little bit more smooth so
one of our favorite things we’ve done
actually randall is not he is a good
logical analytical thinker
um he’s not a handy person though with
but right over my shoulder is something
i was super impressed i was like
um i’m getting a little warmed up just
thinking about
i didn’t know what a pegboard was until
i got to lowe’s and the guy explained it
to me
so i spent i don’t know like a couple
hundred thousand pegs and
boards and stuff and we just we we were
having trouble
finding the riders that we needed the
signs that we needed we’re running out
we gotta go hang up a sign oh where is
the sold sign
where is the pending where is the view
sign where’s
and we’re going through the garage and
yeah anyway
not anymore so this is one of our
systems we put into place so now it’s
handy dandy
super organized we know what we’re doing
yeah we can grab something
see it readily the other good system is
we have all kinds of um
checks and balances so when you go under
we we are always conferring every day we
pull up our board we look up what’s
going on what’s going on
we call it the board yeah or the matrix
or the matrix whatever you want you have
to move
whatever you feel the matrix is a little
sexy yeah a little sexier but whatever i
don’t care
i mean this is the pegboard oh the
pegboard yeah
it worked for me it worked for me too
you know what i’m saying
you can put it out there you’re gonna
have to add it
we’ll see i’m saying i may or may not oh
anyway but um
i can’t even get back on my train of
thought i’ll get back on your train
anyway we as a team what i’m trying to
say is not only do we have our
magical pegboard but we also have a lot
of systems in place behind the scenes
yeah where we are on top of everything
we contact our agents
i mean are not agents clients um and
keep on top of everything so that you
close on time
optimization avoid problems instead of
solving problems
that’s right our goal for us to provide
good customer service
is to have whether it’s the the seller
or the buyer we want you to close on
we don’t want to have all these licensed
snafu’s we forgot to do this or the
agent forgot to do this we’re on top of
it yeah and i think that really helps us
although it’s i’m so bored sitting
through some of these meetings
going through the board but i do that’s
a joke
i’m just bored of the board and you get
bored i get a little bored of the board
that’s yes just a little bit i do
see the merit of it and uh
now now we’re seeing the merida because
here’s the thing if you’re an agent and
prescott you’re
real busy right now you don’t have time
to do a peg board
no but don’t try to go out and do a
pegboard right now you have to hold on
you barely keep it
you barely tread in water you got to
wait till we hit the beach and you get
some free time
before you can do stuff like this yes so
we invested the time when we had the
time now that we don’t have the time
we are reaping the benefits we are but
you know who else reaps the benefits
more than anybody else
is our clients oh absolutely our clients
our clients our clients
um you know if they call us and
sometimes we get a phone call at nine
o’clock at night you know what i was
thinking about blah blah blah
all we have to do is pull up one of our
systems and be like you know what don’t
worry about that
handled yeah check yeah check the box
you’re handled you’re good it’s all good
in the hood i would like to
think that we have super powers but it’s
really systems it is systems
so that is super power yeah
the other thing about the pickles and i
wish i had a better superpower if
anybody knows a source where i can buy
the jars
apparently the jar makers are not going
to make them until 2021.
yeah crazy the strangers you can’t order
and all my pickles are weeping weeping
to be jarred and handed out they’re
weeping they’re sad
they’re sad i’m sad because they’re like
please please we just want to go
in somebody’s tummy but anyway
i’m tired put me in your tummy
put me in your tummy anyway got a
request today somebody said hey i’m not
ready to buy a house yet but hey can i
get ready for those pickles
and i said you know what i’d love to
hand out pickles to all my friends
yeah and i consider anybody who reaches
out to me a friend
a friend so anyway that’s it for today i
hope we weren’t too
preachy about systems or this that and
the other
they are valuable they are valuable to
our team and
that goes out to you the benefit goes
out to any
clients present and future so
we have our systems in place to help you
make it nice and easy
and and have as less of a stressful time
selling buying because we know it’s hard
it’s hard it’s hard
it’s a lot to it it’s a lot to it a lot
to it
but anyway so is that all would you like
to add anything else mr brown that’s it
okay that’s it all right we have an
information system
if you need information go to
there are websites there where you can
find all kinds of information if you’re
a buyer seller
just follow the bouncing ball and it’ll
take you to where you think
uh to what you need to know yeah
there you go there you go all right
cheers we didn’t have any other
neighbors drive by
yeah it was cute yeah somebody’s backing
up somebody’s backing up
i think that’s a golf cart yeah golf
cart backing up golf cart but anyway
that’s what that is the world did not
want us to make this video but we tried
i think we did good though all right for
all of you guys out there please give us
a call
we’d love to help you list we’d love to
help you find a home
our team is working hard systems in
place to make it a go
next time adios amigos goodbye
Talking Rock is one of the most popular high-end subdivisions of Prescott, and in this episode we get some inside peeks at one of our listings out there.
If you are really serious about buying or selling a home, it’s time to move beyond using Zillow and similar syndicated real estate websites. In the episode, the Pickle Lady explains why… and what you should use instead.
One of the lesser known delights of Prescott is rainbows. Crazy amazing rainbows! Prescott area is Rainbow Central during Spring and late Summer. We’re not sure what brings them here… whether it’s the natural conditions or just the positive attitude of the place… but they are gorgeous!
If you’re a breakfast person, Prescott has lots of delicious options. In this episode, we rattle off a list of our favorites as we begin the long digestion process.
Prescott has a thriving cultural scene – with artists and musicians and all the things that make a city vibrant and fun. This week we join our good friend, “Jeannie-Weannie,” who gives us a quick tour of Prescott’s Mountain Artists Guild facility and shows us some of her own works displayed there in her gallery.
hello hello hello pickle peeps i am so excited to be here today with my good friend jeannie jeannie russo our fellow artist here she was a former client but now she’s just become a friend and we really enjoy spending time with her anyway we are here at the art guild right this is the mountain artist guild in prescott arizona and in this building we have the art gallery several rooms two rooms in the main room we have jewelry paintings sculptures lots of artistic things also housed in this uh building is the avapai symphony office so we’re we have lots of culture here we have private studios along one wall and a big workspace down below for uh for workshops so it’s it’s it’s just fabulous that even in a little small town like this they have an amazing uh culture here for art music and jeannie has been able to exhibit all of her work here which is absolutely gorgeous so we came down today we get a chance to see all the artwork here and see genies as well so it’s really great here if you are of an artistic bent if you love music if you love painting ceramics whatever we actually have a niche here for you people can come here and share their art and and and develop their skills right yes definitely and right now we’re open um tuesday through friday only from 10 in the morning until four closed on the weekends and the art walk is not happening because of copenh but one of these days we’ll get back into full swing and we’ll be open every day of the week that’s right there’s an art walk here uh on the first friday of every month uh in the past all the galleries were open and it’s a beautiful little walking tour throughout downtown prescott and you can see all kinds of different galleries right now we’re on lockdown right hence the mask my face shield and my genie also complies but she wants you to be able to hear her so anyway uh if you’re making a trip to prescott make sure you check it out and see what our little small town has to offer you in terms of the arts right so if you need any help looking for a home or buying a home selling call us we’re the ones to contact you and we’ll hook you up with all these cool places to check out here in town okay thanks bye
What better way to celebrate an anniversary than sharing a burger with some local ghosts? Well, during our latest road trip in the Pickle Van, there were indeed some spirits… but no apparitions. Join the fun as we visit one of our favorite haunts with some very good friends in the Asylum.
hello hello hello oops this is randall and i am bro here driving through our lovely prescott and our pickle van in our pickle van yahoo hope for the pickle van starting to get some waves now from people who recognize the pickle van which comes by and we try that’s right boy these people are so friendly what’s up yeah and then i realized they just like the pickle so i wave hello so we took the pickle van out to jerome uh we did this past weekend with some wonderful friends of ours who are celebrating their anniversary was it 40 40 55 years 45 so we decided hey let’s take a ride up to jerome which is only 45 minutes away from our lovely town of prescott it’s um an old mining town yeah and a beautiful little ride gorgeous scenery so we all pile into the pickle time there a great time back yes there’s some great restaurants up there of course they’re no longer actively mining it is kind of um an abandoned mining town but it’s filled with cute little shops it’s filled with cute little galleries art galleries a lot of artists go up there and also uh great restaurants yeah they have uh historic things they’re you know like uh over from the mining days and you can kind of check it’s really kind of cool um i have to say i’d rather go i would recommend that you go in the fall or winter a tad hot it’s a little warm it’s a little warm but going in the fall is stunning um all the leaves are changing and you get to see that as you’re winding through uh the mountains and all that but great great food there uh haunted hamburgers is a big popular tourist destination yeah that’s kind of where we were planning on going but wanted burgers is kind of right in the thick of things right it was uh we were there on a sunday yes a lot of people there and i think the weight was like an hour and a half or something so we went instead to what was the old asylum they actually had an asylum apparently when you’re a minor you pretty much go nuts pretty quickly kind of like real estate yeah kind of like real estate no that’s it most real estate agents at one time used to be minors that’s your mother but anyway so they have uh uh an old place there that used to be the asylum where people would go and they’d be committed and spend spend some time so they come back to reality and anyway now it’s a great hotel and uh also a restaurant supposed to be haunted as well if you stay at the hotel supposedly you’ll see some miners the whole town’s supposed to be yeah you’re right i haven’t seen anything yet what’s nice about the asylum is it’s a little more off the beaten path yeah so you you kind of drive your car down this little alley kind of thing right and up this hill and you get out there and then you kind of beat the crowd don’t make the mistake that we did don’t walk over the hill yeah you might not want to walk that uh it is pretty high altitude and in the heat yeah we almost died but we enjoyed that first beer i’ll take the first beer when we finally made it up there it was awesome yeah so but anyway i might have seen some ghosts because i think i was slightly passing out hallucinating and that the hike up yeah but anyway uh great place it’s just fun it’s just a great place to go and it’s only 45 minutes from prescott yeah and there’s a nice little drive through the mountain yeah so if you want a nice little getaway a quick getaway and see some great art galleries uh have some good grub it’s just a very charming little place to visit and we were very lucky to go with our friends bob and karen you’ll see their pictures shortly they’re cute as a button and married 45 years so happy anniversary to you friends and um that is all that is helpful we just wanted to share with you our pictures from jerome and tell you about what a cute little day trip you could have yeah absolutely once you live here in corsica yep all right that’s all that’s all until next time have a good day bye
Property appreciation is a powerful force in Prescott that people sometimes forget about… until it starts working against them. Join us in this episode for a better appreciation of appreciation, as we explore some of the dynamics of home values you may have missed.
she wants them she wants to drink something out of the pickle cup hello hello hello peeps hello beeps we are here enjoying this great day on our deck up here with our pups with our young pup yes this is violet it’s frankie frankie’s making a shot it’s frankie might not make it but anyway we’re here enjoying the lovely day in the after in the afternoon here on our porch upstairs deck and we were thinking to ourselves wow you know we got this house at a great price right when things were changing and uh the appreciation here has been phenomenal yeah it’s been amazing uh i’m not even sure i could get it now yeah yeah that’s how much it’s gone up since we moved here yeah we’re in prescott prescott lakes presa lakes subdivision is by far the largest in the area and it gets appreciation pretty consistent consistencies consistently since i like 2012 something like that uh between uh eight and ten percent uh appreciation a year a year each year which is one year which is phenomenal yeah so if you’re looking to buy a home and and say will this be a good investment now’s the time because the price is just they’re going up it is really appreciating people yeah it is you know people will come in and they’ll take a look at a house that’s selling for let’s say that you know 700 000 dollars and they’ll say well wait a minute you know the the the seller paid 500 yes only four years ago welcome to 10 appreciation it’s real folks you know i just do the arithmetic if you take 10 or 500 that’s 50 000 a year times four yeah 700 yeah my math teacher would kill me because that’s really not the way you calculate interest if you’re not a geek if you you know you have social skills you can calculate it that way but uh you know just very roughly uh you look at the numbers that way and they’ll give you give you an idea and people are surprised they’re glad to get the appreciation when they own the home uh but they forget you know appreciation works for the other side too so don’t wait too long because you might outprice yourself yeah absolutely on certain homes that you may fall in love with so if you’re thinking i’ll wait a year or two and see what’s going to happen you might you might lose out you might lose out you might lose that particular yeah our buyers from california need to be really careful too because a big part of the reason that uh california is in in large part driving the prescott market and we call it the california arbitrage so you sell your home in california and you come to prescott you buy a home that’s as good or better and you bank like 50 of the cost of the home well if you’re in areas of california and there are still many where the homes are appreciation appreciating very rapidly well that’s fine your home’s appreciating and so are the homes here but some of the areas of california the appreciation is begin to slow down yep if that’s the case you’re going to lose your arbitration you know you’re going to use that extra bank that extra bank that you wanted to put into savings or for your retirement yeah so don’t wait too long don’t wait too long it’s a good time a good time to move we still have some great deals great deals yeah great deals and people for the most part coming in from places like california are amazed at what their money can buy oh yeah still a good investment still a good investment still gonna see some appreciation yeah so anyway we just want to kind of talk about that yeah we’re kind of excited about where we live now we really have never lived any place right great violet yeah yes violet says yes violence yeah where we had some nice appreciation yeah we appreciate appreciation we appreciate you appreciative thing yeah it hasn’t happened to us too often yeah that’s right in other areas where we live texas louisiana so for this we totally embrace it we are psyched yeah we are psyched and so was fighting yeah a beautiful home like this could also be a good investment that’s wonderful it’s a it’s a very nice win-win yeah absolutely so anyway if you’re thinking about it don’t think too long yeah now is the time to strike good time to act very low uh interest rates yes you can lock those in this is a really really good time to make your play don’t be afraid you’ll be okay that’s right all right so if you need any more information violet yeah she’s a little uncomfortable yeah go to for more information whether you’re a buyer or seller got lots of good stuff there uh relocation center oh my word storm’s a brewing anyway give us a call check us out again at we also have a prescott relocation center and for those of you who are thinking about listing call the pickle lady brigade oh yeah we are ready to list we’ll get the job done yeah if you’re seeing our videos that we send out to buyers then you know we’re bringing buyers in all the time oh yeah we can find buyers for it let’s replace the list all right well that is all for today say bye bye all right guys i hope to hear from you soon take care and have a great rest of your day bye
Check out one of our new favorite hangouts: LazyG’s Brewhouse. Classic ice house decor, delightful outside venue, delicious craft beer and other adult beverages… and pub grub to die for. Join us for a cold one!
Arizona is known for Summer fires, and some of our viewers have expressed concern about Prescott. Short Answer: Although a lot of the fire fighting efforts come out of Prescott, we don’t get a lot of fires here – largely because Prescott manages fires… HARD! Hear all about it in this episode.
Check out the latest music festival held on Prescott’s Town Square. Everything you love about small-town life comes out in full bloom… especially the Food Trucks.
Prescott is a city of patriotism, and its residents honor those that serve. In this episode, we celebrate independence, discuss Prescott’s culture of patriotism, chat with some local law enforcement folks… and pet some dogs.
Moving from one place to another is fraught with challenges. Don’t be surprised if the ordeal takes a bigger toll on you than you anticipate, because none of us are getting any younger. That’s why it’s important to pick agents who have understanding, patience… and a willingness to coddle a bit when it’s needed. It’s likely you’ll need all three.