Lockboxes 101

Lockboxes aren’t sexy, but if you’re selling a house they’re a necessary evil. If you’re getting ready to sell, tune in today learn the importance of having the right lockbox, in the right place, at the right time (and why call-before-showing, or CBS, boxes are a terrible idea).

We’ve all heard the adage “location, location, location!” when it comes to real estate. But did you know the location of your lockbox can be almost as important as the location of your house? Tune in today to learn the best location, and a host of other tips to help you avoid losing a potential sale due to a bad lockbox.

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Is the First Offer the Best Offer?

It's exciting when you put your house on the market and get an offer right away. But if it's not quite your asking price, should you take it...or wait for something better to come along? Join us to learn the best strategies for both buyers and sellers.
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Dial In Your Light

How do you like your light? Bright white, or more of a warm, glowy feeling? This video will clue you in on how the latest innovations in lighting can help your home suit your needs now, and appeal to buyers later.
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Prescott Homelessness

Folks coming from places with tent cities or aggressive panhandlers often want to know: what's the situation here for the unhoused population? Today's discussion will enlighten you on the circumstances and services surrounding the issue of homelessness in Prescott.
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Fabulous Fireplaces

Today we're doing a braindump of everything you need to know about fireplaces in the Prescott market. Inside or outside, wood-burning or gas, we share how you can light a fire in the hearts of your buyers or sellers...even if a house has no fireplace at all.
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Horrifying Home Styles

If you're trying to sell a house, it's a good idea to know the factors that affect the desirability of your home. From carpeting around the toilet to dated faux finishes, there are some things buyers can't unsee. Tune in as we share the styling details you want to avoid...lest they send buyers running away in horror.
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Healthcare – Up Close & Personal

What do YOU consider the most important aspect of healthcare? Choice of providers? Variety of services? Nurse attractiveness? Randal and Diane discuss these and many other elements of the healthcare situation in Prescott, and share some *very* personal details along the way.
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Unsui Japanese Restaurant

If you've never tried authentic Japanese cuisine, you need to check out this week's video. We'll give you the lowdown on a fantastic new spot in town, and as a bonus, you get to hear Randal try to pronounce udon.
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Prescott by the Numbers – October 2023

Once again, the Prescott-area real estate market is doing pretty much what we’ve been saying it would do.  Life’s good!

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To get the Full Home Value Report,
the Latest Home Comps, and
Top 100 Subdivision Snapshots,
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A Shocking Problem

Coming from the sweaty South, we love the cool, dry summers in Prescott. But low humidity does have one effect you might not expect - static electricity. Watch today to discover how we deal with this potentially shocking issue.
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Blooming In Prescott

Bloom where you're planted is a great idea... for plants. But since you're human, there's an even better option. Watch this week to learn why it's so easy, fun, and rewarding to bloom right here in Prescott.
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