Month: April 2023
Fix & Sell
Rather than letting a "flipper" come in and make a quick buck, why not "flip" your own house, and get the most money possible for it? We'll give you the lowdown on which improvements will raise the price of your house the most, how to find the people to do the updates, and most importantly... how to pay for it all.Video Transcript
Blog post on how to buy now, sell later.
hello peeps fellow pickle peeps that’s right Rail and Diane bro here yeah she’s Diane she’s thickly I am the pickle lady as well my pickles have not come in yet I need to be in production yeah and there’s a delay on pickles I don’t know what uh what the run is on that but we’re trying anyway so yeah I’m still the pickle lady I still have plenty in the in storage but I need to make more so anybody has a pickle source for me uh actually give me a call yeah yeah yeah I’m looking for some we’ve been buying uh five gallon pails yeah and uh they’re running out so you’re running out what’s happening anybody’s got a good connection let me know let me get some pickles yeah but we’re here today besides all of that that’s in a size as we say in the business it is yeah I’m here today to talk about fixing cells all right so this is uh for our sellers here in Prescott also our buyers where you’re selling wherever you’re selling your home before you come here uh fix and sell is a great option for you um you know there are these people out here called flippers right so they buy homes and they do stuff and they make money because they sell for more money than they buy and a lot of what they do is fix and sell yep um so in essence fix and sell is about flipping your own house you know you figure out what what can you do to add value to the house that is a multiple of what it’s going to cost you uh so typically the things that really do well uh first of all is always paint oh yeah paint’s always a good one always paint yeah always paint freshen up freshen up if you’ve got scuffs if you’ve got dents if you’ve got a lot of nail holes you know just Spruce it up paint it it also smells good when you read it it makes the house feel new and fresh yes of course stay away from crazy colors stay away from dated colors if your house off dated colors crazy colors faux finishes anything like that yes sponges do yourself a favor paint it paint it uh we’ve told stories in in previous episodes there was a house beautiful home that yeah I thought it really wasn’t that crazy it was like a mint green yes but that did uh that they they did not paint uh up front in the end they discounted the house it probably cost him about 60 Grand they ended up having to paint the house anyway to get it sold so yeah your Aquas your moths your peaches get that out of there because what it screams is 80s and 90s you haven’t done anything to your house in a long time this house has dated yeah so keep that in mind that’s an easy way uh what’s our other thing countertops countertops floors is another good one the lighting there are a number of things that you can do or Landscaping is another really good ones yeah really good impression out front relatively small will end up adding immense value to your home and you’ll come out ahead when you do evaluation on your home generally they’ll give you a range you know you could get anywhere from you know let’s say 450 sometimes it’s 450 to 650 you know it’s a huge rain correct if that’s the case that means that your your home is in a neighborhood where prices vary a lot and that’s because they are in different stages of a Readiness to sell so the ones that really need a lot they’re going to trade on the lower end those that look like new and just been renovated they’re going to go on the high end so try to get it done yeah I mean it helps you in your pocket you know and so what’s a good way to do that yeah well one thing you should know is you may be overwhelmed with that yeah with it a couple things first of all if you don’t have the money to do it um you can get it paid for with a loan that you pay out of your proceeds when you close uh those deals are available they’re very straightforward uh generally they’re tied with people that they will hook you up with who can do the work if you hear in Prescott we can help you find people to do the work uh well worth doing uh you can combine that I think we did an episode on uh by now buy now sell later where you um you go ahead and buy your home and uh and then you sell the home you’re in later and uh it is really a a good thing to do we have another episode I’ll do a I’ll do a link down there uh below this video on that but you can combine the two you know you can vacate the home have the work done yes you know and then sell it all comes out of proceeds and generally you’ll come out ahead because you’ll get a much better price for your home and you will sell much faster that’s the other thing too yeah it will sell much better because we all know trying to be on the market can be torturous yeah at best even in uh really difficult seller times you know it’s a strong buyer’s market uh homes that are well staged and well prepared they still go really fast they still absolutely so you know so try to put your best foot forward show that house to the best of its uh the best that it can possibly be yeah absolutely it’s all about curb appeal and stepping in and people just feel oh I can see myself here I love it this house is lovely it’s cozy and I don’t have to do too much people love that people love that they want to unpack and move right in and start their next chapter yeah so yeah so if you’re interested in the number of uh non-traditional options for sellers if on the other hand you don’t particularly care you know it’s just gonna be more money my kids get when I die uh I don’t feel like being bothered I just want to get out of here we can we can get you a cash deal yes so you know and everywhere in between we can give you options so uh we’d love to talk to you about that so keep that in mind and give us a call if you’d like to be further educated on any of these products that we’re talking about absolutely we’re happy to be of assistance and guide you along with that absolutely all right so today if you’re into tips the place to go 411.com that is our free information site whether you’re a buyer seller somewhere between there’s something there waiting for you that will Astound entertain and put money in your pocket that’s right cases so make it happen Captain all right we look forward to hearing from you have a great rest of your day bye
Easter Buffets
Who doesn't love a good brunch buffet? Here in Prescott, Easter is one of the best times to find fabulous buffets featuring all your brunch favorites. We'll clue you in on the best ones to check out. Don't pass up this delicious opportunity, since it only comes once per year!Video Transcript
hello hello hello hello peeps he’s the Easter Bunny I’m doing rabbit ears rabbit ears Rattle and Diane bro here um happy to chat with you from the beautiful Prescott Lakes yeah city of Prescott’s pickle lady I’m her sidekick that’s right we are your local Realtors happy to find you your next dream home yeah and help you start your next chapter talking to you about Easter after Easter’s already done Easter’s not done yet where we are we we’re we’re coming at you from the past that’s right we’re recording but when you see this Easter will be done Easter will be done uh but we thought we’d talk about Eastern nonetheless it’s a beautiful time of year here first of all spring will have sprung and all the trees will be flowering and it’s like a true spring here which I’ve never experienced I love it um yeah where we’re from it goes from you know it goes from winter like right into the heat of the summer that’s right but here uh we we enjoy a nice fall and a nice spring spring is beautiful absolutely cool it’s uh we’re kind of getting into that now yeah it is the beginning of March and uh we just got finished with uh with some winter weather and it looks like for a while we’re going to be hitting uh close the 60s during the day beautiful beach yeah I already see some of the trees if you look closely starting to butt out so we’re very excited um but one thing we’re really excited about is all the amazing Easter buffets they have here in this town yes we love a good uh brunch I’m all about brunch and buffets in general yeah and I really I love buffets like being able to go and getting a little bit of everything absolutely you really are a lot of a lot of everything I would say a little you say a lot you get a lot of everything so this town has brunches up the Wazoo yes but in has a beautiful Easter brunch Murphy’s steakhouse has a good brunch uh all of the country clubs have an amazing brunch yes um our favorite we go to Prescott Lakes Country Club yes it’s the best of the best um they have an amazing Kelly comes out and she’s got an and Christine with amazing uh bloody mary cards oh yeah and they go from table to table and make these spectacular Bloody Mary’s um mimosas food carving stations yes omelette I mean it goes on yeah so every now and then they’ll do an exotic the Exotic this year is going to be lamb their big carving foreign [Music] Capital Canyon I’m sure we’ll do the same that’s another nice country club yeah um we’ve gone to their brunch good stuff yeah um oh yeah no it just it just goes on and on yeah it’s really really nice so if you are planning to be here visiting or if you’ve just moved here check out any of those places you will love it and get in there and have a great great Easter brunch yes Mother’s Day too it’s a popular Mother’s Day yeah Buffet Town brunch big brunch absolutely so we highly recommend it it’s lovely get a table with a bunch of friends and we just have a great time absolutely it’s another time to socialize and uh with good friends it makes you want to be happy happy have a happy Easter yeah there it is that’s what it’s all about okay thanks for listening and we hope to see you at one of these great places absolutely we’ll say hello or we’ll say hello hello hello whatever we’ll say it three times yeah we’ll share a blame there with you that’s right eat some money that’s right have a happy happy Easter and brunch cheers bye
Who Pays What?
When you're buying or selling a home, there are always any number of ancillary expenses (or "closing costs"), which can be substantial. If you are like a lot of people, you may be a bit fuzzy on who pays what. So in this episode, we cover exactly that: We lay out what are the various expenses associated with a transaction, and who is responsible for paying which items.Video Transcript
Buyer Estimate Example PDF
Seller Estimate Example PDF
good afternoon hello peeps hello hello
this is Diana Randall bro coming to you
here from Prescott Arizona
um we are excited to be here we got a
tip from a fellow uh Watcher slash
listener and I thought you know what
you’re right we should do a segment on
what is the seller’s cost and what are
the buyers costs who’s paying what who’s
paying what when it comes to closing and
escrows and all that who pays what and I
thought yeah brilliant idea yeah I mean
we take it for granted because we do it
all the time because we’re used to it
and of course different states uh do do
it differently than here in Arizona the
most important thing to remember when
you’re buying a home here in Arizona and
we get this a lot is that the seller the
the person listing their home they pay
both sides of the commission yeah so
they pay uh the listing agent side and
they pay the Buyer Agents most of the
time most most of the time the
government has been thinking about
changing that for a while future that
may be different but as of now in the
city of Prescott for the most part
sellers do pay the Realtors commission
correct which is not to say that it’s
free no the uh for the buyer for the
buyer yeah obviously the prices right in
the big checks the buyer’s right I mean
that would be reflected in the price
yeah the whole innocence the buyer is
paying for all that stuff so we’re not
allowed to say that real estate services
are free to the buyer because in effect
the buyers I mean obviously yeah but
your seller will have that reflected in
their price that being said it will not
be part of your settlement statement
yeah like sheets of paper and everything
here so that sheets yeah net sheets so
she’s got the seller’s net and I have
the home estimate for the buyer and we
thought we would compare so I’ll go over
quickly what a seller yeah what is
seller what are their fees yeah so uh
just just for uh to set the stage here
this is a uh imaginary transaction the
home is 500 000 which is a little less
than median here in Prescott these days
uh I have the buyer uh taking out a loan
and putting down twenty percent very
good so you know relatively standard so
of course if you are selling your home
you’re going to pay your own closing
costs you’re going to pay a portion of
um you’ll have your taxes will be
prorated yes and any HOA fees if you are
living in an HOA community that will
also be prorated yeah you do have to
bring money for that but in essence it’s
not really a closing expense because you
would have paid it anyway I mean these
things have to be paid uh but they will
do some prepayments for some of it
absolutely so if you are selling your
home you will pay uh title policy you
will pay escrow fee yeah so the title
policy is
22.57 and the buyer also pays uh part of
title policy it says here 1160. so some
of the expenses paid by uh by the seller
most of it’s paid by the seller and it
looks like about a third of it is paid
the title policy it’ll be a system of
checks and I mean it’ll be a system of
um credits and and debits and all that
stuff they’ll they’ll balance it all out
so each person will pay some of it some
of them will pay more than others uh
than the buyer yeah we also will have an
escrow fee yes so the escrow fee uh the
buyer and the seller both pay the same
amount and that’s on purpose so that the
you know the escrow company or the title
company and Escrow Company in Arizona do
both sides of the title and the escrow
so they split that so so everybody it’s
Even Stevens it’s between the buyer and
the seller septic inspection insectic
transfer fee if you buy a home with a
septic tank you uh the seller will have
to provide that fee and pay for for the
inspection yeah so the the transfer fees
50 bucks they are times when the buyer
might pay that but for the most part the
seller patients yeah and the seller will
have to arrange to have the tank
inspected in a timely fashion before you
close so but that’s only if you’re
buying a home with septic okay you also
will have an HOA transfer fee which I
talked about earlier if you’re in an HOA
development that really depends on the
HOA sometimes there are other fees the
seller has to pay with if there’s a
disclosure fee almost always a
disclosure fee seller has to pay that oh
most of the other fees are negotiable uh
but they tend to be paid more by the
buyer than the seller if you also buy a
property that has a well a seller will
have to pay the well transfer fee that’s
like thirty dollars yeah but these are
cost if you were a seller and you have
septic and you have an HOA and you have
a well those things are all absorbed by
this seller yeah okay now the buyer is
paying for if there is a well the buyer
pays for the wells well inspections uh
obviously there if you have a home
inspection the buyer pays for the home
inspection in other states that there
are pre-inspections uh those are
relatively unusual here most of the time
the buyer pays for their own inspection
and if there’s a well they pay for a
volume and quality test on the water
right and we always want to do that so
some other fees you have a recording fee
yeah I think we have one uh buyers have
the same recording fee 50 bucks a pop if
you decide to offer if you’re a seller
if you decide to offer a home warranty
that would be included in here yes if
home warranties go about 500 bucks yeah
it’s about five or six five to six
hundred recently very few people are
getting home warranties
sometimes the buyer will pay for their
own home warranty uh and over during the
the cobit thing it was hard to get
people to come out and do repairs so
home warranties really weren’t worth
very much but that seems to be changing
it’s changing again yeah also if you are
a seller and you agree to some repairs
and you say you know what I don’t want
to do it myself but I’ll give you money
in lieu of that money would be reflected
in this settlement sheets here so if you
decide hey I’m going to give you fifteen
hundred dollars to do the repairs you
found are needed during inspection I’m
just going to give you that cash and it
will go towards the buyer’s closing
that’s something you should know a lot
of people think oh well I’ll get a check
for fifteen hundred dollars no it will
simply be credited to your closing cost
yeah but so be aware of that yeah
particularly if you’re
yes buyers walking away with cash
correct so that’s how it’s handled so
you’ll get a credit if you were the
um there’s also the like we talked about
this earlier your the commission for the
buyer as well as the listing agent
and those rates uh can vary yeah uh the
commission can go anywhere from I’ve
seen one and a half all the way up to
three percent it just depends and it is
negotiable it is negotiable yeah and we
we are not allowed to talk very freely
about commission rates that’s right part
of the the government once people have
more conversations about commission
rates but we’re really not allowed to
talk about it much that’s right they’re
kind of across purpose but there it is
but there it is that is what you’re
saying you so your seller is looking at
closing costs title policy escrow fee uh
an inspection
transfer for septic HOA transfer fee
well transfer recording fee home
warranty if you do that repairs if you
do that and commission yeah so that’s a
lot to kind of remember but that’s
pretty much what the seller yeah and
I’ll put these two I’ll put these sheets
on the website as well so you can
download them and look at them that’s
right but in a nutshell so on the net
sheet the net at close is uh wait hold
on the total I’m looking for the total
all right so the total closing cost is
thirty six thousand dollars of that uh
in this example 30 of that is the real
estate fee so the vast majority of the
seller closing costs are the marketing
costs the real estate fees correct uh
the rest of it comes in at about six
right beyond that it’s not very much and
that’s just based on a house 460 000
somewhere up in that range 500 minus the
twenty oh
letters all right so on the buyer’s side
um this the the title fees escrow fees
mobile closing they have your
endorsements you don’t see many of those
that’s endorsement is
um something you add on to a title
policy to cover additional things we
don’t see those that often uh closing
protection letter we don’t see a lot of
that either
um all of those fees together come to
about two grand uh the buyer closing
fees are mostly generated by a loan if
you’re not doing a loan obviously you
won’t have lender fees but the lender
fees come to like origination fees like
four thousand uh appraisals 500 that’s
more like 800
um it’s example they said five Brands
usually more like 800 right yeah
it just depends on it just depends uh so
so most of the most of the closing costs
that the buyer will pay are associated
with with the loan so once again we will
uh we’ll make these available so you can
see the exact breakdown yeah and it’s
something to kind of educate yourself
about so you know because some people
come in they’re like oh will I be paying
the seller their commission yeah no
that’s not on you you know um what is uh
do I have to pay who who pays for the
HOAs that have already been paid so it’s
important to understand there’s a lot of
checks and balances
um debits and credits everything and
you’ll get a full settlement sheet which
is clearly identical everything and we
do we do net sheets or or in the closing
cost sheets for our clients in advance
to give you estimates if that’s
something that you’re concerned right if
you’re unless what will I owe sure we’ll
figure it out for you and we’ll give you
an approximation of what you can look at
for your closing so it’s a lot to think
about it’s a lot of different parts and
and things to yeah it’s kind of
overwhelming but it’s okay I mean we
typically use a great we have a very
good relationship with a title company
here and they do an amazing job doing
the prorations and explaining and
understanding so we will help you every
step of the way so you’ll understand
what exactly each of these costs are
absolutely so don’t fret my friends
don’t fret come on in and buy your house
and be excited about living here
put this on the Wayside I mean it’s too
much to worry about you’ll have a good
time though when you get here all right
so we hope to hear from you soon please
check us out at
pickle411.com that is your information
site whether you’re a buyer seller
somewhere in between there’s something
there for you that will Amaze Astound
inform did I say that already I think so
I’m entertain whatever whatever it will
float your boat it will so you have a
boat it’ll start floating that’s right
after you go to pick before that’s right
call us and we’ll help you every step of
the way it’s all free okay have a good
day thank you bye
this is Diana Randall bro coming to you
here from Prescott Arizona
um we are excited to be here we got a
tip from a fellow uh Watcher slash
listener and I thought you know what
you’re right we should do a segment on
what is the seller’s cost and what are
the buyers costs who’s paying what who’s
paying what when it comes to closing and
escrows and all that who pays what and I
thought yeah brilliant idea yeah I mean
we take it for granted because we do it
all the time because we’re used to it
and of course different states uh do do
it differently than here in Arizona the
most important thing to remember when
you’re buying a home here in Arizona and
we get this a lot is that the seller the
the person listing their home they pay
both sides of the commission yeah so
they pay uh the listing agent side and
they pay the Buyer Agents most of the
time most most of the time the
government has been thinking about
changing that for a while future that
may be different but as of now in the
city of Prescott for the most part
sellers do pay the Realtors commission
correct which is not to say that it’s
free no the uh for the buyer for the
buyer yeah obviously the prices right in
the big checks the buyer’s right I mean
that would be reflected in the price
yeah the whole innocence the buyer is
paying for all that stuff so we’re not
allowed to say that real estate services
are free to the buyer because in effect
the buyers I mean obviously yeah but
your seller will have that reflected in
their price that being said it will not
be part of your settlement statement
yeah like sheets of paper and everything
here so that sheets yeah net sheets so
she’s got the seller’s net and I have
the home estimate for the buyer and we
thought we would compare so I’ll go over
quickly what a seller yeah what is
seller what are their fees yeah so uh
just just for uh to set the stage here
this is a uh imaginary transaction the
home is 500 000 which is a little less
than median here in Prescott these days
uh I have the buyer uh taking out a loan
and putting down twenty percent very
good so you know relatively standard so
of course if you are selling your home
you’re going to pay your own closing
costs you’re going to pay a portion of
um you’ll have your taxes will be
prorated yes and any HOA fees if you are
living in an HOA community that will
also be prorated yeah you do have to
bring money for that but in essence it’s
not really a closing expense because you
would have paid it anyway I mean these
things have to be paid uh but they will
do some prepayments for some of it
absolutely so if you are selling your
home you will pay uh title policy you
will pay escrow fee yeah so the title
policy is
22.57 and the buyer also pays uh part of
title policy it says here 1160. so some
of the expenses paid by uh by the seller
most of it’s paid by the seller and it
looks like about a third of it is paid
the title policy it’ll be a system of
checks and I mean it’ll be a system of
um credits and and debits and all that
stuff they’ll they’ll balance it all out
so each person will pay some of it some
of them will pay more than others uh
than the buyer yeah we also will have an
escrow fee yes so the escrow fee uh the
buyer and the seller both pay the same
amount and that’s on purpose so that the
you know the escrow company or the title
company and Escrow Company in Arizona do
both sides of the title and the escrow
so they split that so so everybody it’s
Even Stevens it’s between the buyer and
the seller septic inspection insectic
transfer fee if you buy a home with a
septic tank you uh the seller will have
to provide that fee and pay for for the
inspection yeah so the the transfer fees
50 bucks they are times when the buyer
might pay that but for the most part the
seller patients yeah and the seller will
have to arrange to have the tank
inspected in a timely fashion before you
close so but that’s only if you’re
buying a home with septic okay you also
will have an HOA transfer fee which I
talked about earlier if you’re in an HOA
development that really depends on the
HOA sometimes there are other fees the
seller has to pay with if there’s a
disclosure fee almost always a
disclosure fee seller has to pay that oh
most of the other fees are negotiable uh
but they tend to be paid more by the
buyer than the seller if you also buy a
property that has a well a seller will
have to pay the well transfer fee that’s
like thirty dollars yeah but these are
cost if you were a seller and you have
septic and you have an HOA and you have
a well those things are all absorbed by
this seller yeah okay now the buyer is
paying for if there is a well the buyer
pays for the wells well inspections uh
obviously there if you have a home
inspection the buyer pays for the home
inspection in other states that there
are pre-inspections uh those are
relatively unusual here most of the time
the buyer pays for their own inspection
and if there’s a well they pay for a
volume and quality test on the water
right and we always want to do that so
some other fees you have a recording fee
yeah I think we have one uh buyers have
the same recording fee 50 bucks a pop if
you decide to offer if you’re a seller
if you decide to offer a home warranty
that would be included in here yes if
home warranties go about 500 bucks yeah
it’s about five or six five to six
hundred recently very few people are
getting home warranties
sometimes the buyer will pay for their
own home warranty uh and over during the
the cobit thing it was hard to get
people to come out and do repairs so
home warranties really weren’t worth
very much but that seems to be changing
it’s changing again yeah also if you are
a seller and you agree to some repairs
and you say you know what I don’t want
to do it myself but I’ll give you money
in lieu of that money would be reflected
in this settlement sheets here so if you
decide hey I’m going to give you fifteen
hundred dollars to do the repairs you
found are needed during inspection I’m
just going to give you that cash and it
will go towards the buyer’s closing
that’s something you should know a lot
of people think oh well I’ll get a check
for fifteen hundred dollars no it will
simply be credited to your closing cost
yeah but so be aware of that yeah
particularly if you’re
yes buyers walking away with cash
correct so that’s how it’s handled so
you’ll get a credit if you were the
um there’s also the like we talked about
this earlier your the commission for the
buyer as well as the listing agent
and those rates uh can vary yeah uh the
commission can go anywhere from I’ve
seen one and a half all the way up to
three percent it just depends and it is
negotiable it is negotiable yeah and we
we are not allowed to talk very freely
about commission rates that’s right part
of the the government once people have
more conversations about commission
rates but we’re really not allowed to
talk about it much that’s right they’re
kind of across purpose but there it is
but there it is that is what you’re
saying you so your seller is looking at
closing costs title policy escrow fee uh
an inspection
transfer for septic HOA transfer fee
well transfer recording fee home
warranty if you do that repairs if you
do that and commission yeah so that’s a
lot to kind of remember but that’s
pretty much what the seller yeah and
I’ll put these two I’ll put these sheets
on the website as well so you can
download them and look at them that’s
right but in a nutshell so on the net
sheet the net at close is uh wait hold
on the total I’m looking for the total
all right so the total closing cost is
thirty six thousand dollars of that uh
in this example 30 of that is the real
estate fee so the vast majority of the
seller closing costs are the marketing
costs the real estate fees correct uh
the rest of it comes in at about six
right beyond that it’s not very much and
that’s just based on a house 460 000
somewhere up in that range 500 minus the
twenty oh
letters all right so on the buyer’s side
um this the the title fees escrow fees
mobile closing they have your
endorsements you don’t see many of those
that’s endorsement is
um something you add on to a title
policy to cover additional things we
don’t see those that often uh closing
protection letter we don’t see a lot of
that either
um all of those fees together come to
about two grand uh the buyer closing
fees are mostly generated by a loan if
you’re not doing a loan obviously you
won’t have lender fees but the lender
fees come to like origination fees like
four thousand uh appraisals 500 that’s
more like 800
um it’s example they said five Brands
usually more like 800 right yeah
it just depends on it just depends uh so
so most of the most of the closing costs
that the buyer will pay are associated
with with the loan so once again we will
uh we’ll make these available so you can
see the exact breakdown yeah and it’s
something to kind of educate yourself
about so you know because some people
come in they’re like oh will I be paying
the seller their commission yeah no
that’s not on you you know um what is uh
do I have to pay who who pays for the
HOAs that have already been paid so it’s
important to understand there’s a lot of
checks and balances
um debits and credits everything and
you’ll get a full settlement sheet which
is clearly identical everything and we
do we do net sheets or or in the closing
cost sheets for our clients in advance
to give you estimates if that’s
something that you’re concerned right if
you’re unless what will I owe sure we’ll
figure it out for you and we’ll give you
an approximation of what you can look at
for your closing so it’s a lot to think
about it’s a lot of different parts and
and things to yeah it’s kind of
overwhelming but it’s okay I mean we
typically use a great we have a very
good relationship with a title company
here and they do an amazing job doing
the prorations and explaining and
understanding so we will help you every
step of the way so you’ll understand
what exactly each of these costs are
absolutely so don’t fret my friends
don’t fret come on in and buy your house
and be excited about living here
put this on the Wayside I mean it’s too
much to worry about you’ll have a good
time though when you get here all right
so we hope to hear from you soon please
check us out at
pickle411.com that is your information
site whether you’re a buyer seller
somewhere in between there’s something
there for you that will Amaze Astound
inform did I say that already I think so
I’m entertain whatever whatever it will
float your boat it will so you have a
boat it’ll start floating that’s right
after you go to pick before that’s right
call us and we’ll help you every step of
the way it’s all free okay have a good
day thank you bye
Prescott by the Numbers – March 2023
How can home prices be both up and down? Well, they are, and in our latest Report we explain how that is. (Hint: this is great news!)
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Water Worries
Worried about water issues in Arizona? Well, in this episode we discuss the communities that are having trouble and what that might mean for the city of Prescott.Video Transcript
that’s right okay he’s talking about javelinas yet again we do have some nice javelinas our regulars will remember the skunk pig that’s right yeah that’s right so we are here to talk about something that keeps popping up quite a bit lately yeah and we thought it was very important to bring up and discuss and address and that is the issue of water water uh is there going to be water shortages here in Prescott yes the short answer is no no no people come up here oh yeah I heard Prescott’s Running Out of Water absolutely yes we’re not running out of water I just I I don’t know where it comes from I know a lot of people have in other areas of Arizona make presumptions or assumptions whatever you want to talk about however you want to call it about Prescott they don’t live here they don’t really fully understand um it is not an issue here yeah um there are some towns in Prescott mostly down in the valley that are experiencing water shortages and issues kind of on the west side I think Buckeyes 101 yeah Buckeyes one of them correct so it is my tenuous understanding of their situation not our situation yeah so these communities were built and they did not provide for water at least one of them was taking uh now the I guess it’s the Ohio some Colorado River some river is being uh reallocated so uh Scottsdale cut them off yeah Scottsdale was kind enough to kind of share for a while and now times have changed so they’re worried it’s been getting a lot of press because uh these towns are pulling from aquifers I guess and if they pull too fast they will lose flow and lose their water supply so this is a big deal the only thing that would make it worse is if it were in any way our problem here in Prescott it is not uh so I don’t know how they’re going to solve their problem but we do not it is unfortunate it does happen as things develop and people spread out I understand um but here in Prescott we have to have a hundred year plan so any major development that comes in has to prove they have access to water in the aquifers for at least 100 years yeah yeah and that’s not pulling from the awkward yeah they have to come up with some other source most of the town is pulling from an aquifer so snow falls further north than us where all the mountains are like Flagstaff and all that and that water flows downhill we are about a quarter mile lower than Flagstaff so we we get flow at this point in time we are pulling from the aquifer all new construction we’ll have to have a 100 year plan that’s outside of the aquifer uh we are degrading our um our aquifer at point two percent a year 0.02 it’s a very small amount which means that the aquifer will dry up in about 450 years right they’re already on it and they’re already trying to address it to bring us to even so we’re not depleting anymore so uh we are managing it well we don’t have a problem and no one anticipates a problem over a very long time and we’re already intervening so yeah we’re wet we’re pretty Progressive we’re uh look ahead we plan ahead um so if you come to Prescott don’t have any fears about water restrictions or water shortages or running out of water the other thing to consider is we are pretty much a rock city we don’t have a lot of Lawns we don’t have any agriculture here where we’re watering lots of crops and tomatoes or almonds or whatever we don’t have any of that so there isn’t a lot of draw on the water everyone is pretty much very escaped here your front yard is Rock uh low you know plants that take low watering strip system I lived in Texas Force 17 years I had more water restrictions in Texas all the time I have water restrictions no running water between this time and this time I have yet to receive anything like that here like any notification to please you know not use as much water between five and not anything like that so um when you’re coming here I know it’s a big concern for a lot of people and it should be rightfully so but here in Prescott it is not an issue we are really working hard on keeping this to be a non-issue yeah yeah so so responsibly managed yes and uh yeah we don’t have a sprinkler system we have drip systems yeah and it literally drips yeah so you don’t have that yeah we don’t have any of that and this spraying water we just have little slow drips this little Chinese water yes that’s it so uh the people who are coming in they’re not they’re not really demanding a whole lot of water we do take showers we do drink water yes bathroom yeah that’s about it and there are golf courses but you know there are golf courses not enough since yeah so keep that in mind um if that is one of your concerns we just wanted to allay your fears that um really not water here is not a big issue and it’s not going to be an issue for the foreseeable future as well so I know there is some talk in other towns but keep in mind that’s in the valley yeah that’s down in the Phoenix area more the desert heavy desert oh they do have some places outside of Prescott um uh in Dewey Humboldt the Dewey Humboldt area the paulden area where there was uh mining where some of the water has been contaminated that’s not anywhere close to us correct us right so not not to worry here aquifer we don’t know no no no it’s all good it’s all good water is our tip for the day so if you’re getting the tips the place to go is pickle411.com our buyer a seller or somewhere in between there is something there waiting for you that will Amaze the sound and form and destabilize your whole life yeah you’ll get destabilized because you’ll be so excited about it coming here you’re ready to throw your life that you have into uh into a bin and start over that’s right have a big glass of water yeah there you go all right friends we hope to hear from you soon take care and have a wonderful day bye cheers cheers