Cash Discount

We all know cash is king, but in this day and age the cash discount on a home may be less than you were hoping for. Join us on this week’s episode for tips on how to manage cash discounts and use them to your benefit. 


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Sewer Scope Inspection

Sewer scoping isn’t sexy, but if you watch today you’ll find out how it could save you from dealing with a lot of crap. Literally!

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Post Possession

Sometimes the simplest solutions are not the best.  That's especially true when it comes to moving out of a home you just sold.  You'd think it would be no big deal to leave a few things in the home after you close - especially if the buyers don't mind.

In this episode we explain why that's not a good idea.
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Love is in the Air

Since Valentine's Day is upon us, we thought we would talk about what the world needs most right now: Love.  We discuss the kind of people you are likely to run into and the relationships you can look forward to once you move to our little town. 

All heartfelt.  In fact, tears may have been shed.
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Clever Low-Pressure Tactic

Buying and selling real estate can be one of the highest stress situations you'll ever face... or you can turn the tables and make it downright enjoyable.

In this episode, we reveal a little-known low-pressure trick that lowers your stress and gives you the edge in negotiating.
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Hotel Recommendations

Heading to Prescott to check out the city?  In this episode, we give our thoughts on the best places to stay... which may surprise you.
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Thoughts for 2023

Another difficult year is past, and all eyes turn forward to the new year before us.  In this episode, we make our predictions for what 2023 will hold and share some thoughts about what it could mean for you.
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Moving Sales

Need to adjust to your new downsized lifestyle?  Or maybe you've got some special items that just won't make the transition, and you'd like to see them find a good home.  One great option is holding a moving sale.  In this episode, we discuss how we can help you with that.
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Good Neighboring

If you're coming from a big city with all its big city ways, you may have developed some survival skills that won't serve you so well in a sweet little town like Prescott.  In this episode, we discuss what neighbors are like here and how you can best become a welcomed part of the community.
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Renting First

Moving to a new town for a new life is a big, bold move.  Lots of our clients consider renting first... kind of like putting a toe in the water before diving in.  In this episode, we explore this option and share lots of good tips and some pitfalls to avoid.
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Frozen in Fear?

With all the market uncertainty these days, lots of people are sitting on their hands - afraid to make a move.  In this episode, we share our thoughts on current market conditions, where things are likely to go, and what it all means to buyers thinking about retiring, downsizing, and moving to a place like Prescott.
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Picking the Right Lender

You may have heard that weirdness prevails in the real estate market these days, and nowhere is that more true than with lenders.  In short, lenders are struggling right now... big time.  In this episode, we discuss some of the major lender fumbles we've seen recently and how you can avoid the nightmare scenarios that have become all too commonplace in real estate transactions because of them.
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Big Personalities Beware

Charming, loving family homes are very personalized - and often very hard to sell.  In our continuing series on home staging, we explain why that is and what you should do about it to capture top value for your home.  Check it out!
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Schedule Your Fun

Visiting Prescott is always a lot of fun, but it pays to plan in advance.  HOT TIP: Even if you aren't ready to buy... even if you're not sure this is the place for you... schedule some time with the Pickle Lady.  Here's why you'll be glad you did.

Click Here to Schedule Time on the Pickle Lady’s Calendar.

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The Big Picture

Part of starting a new life in Arizona is making space for pieces of it in your home, and if you have the wall space for it, we know just the thing.  Come check out our own ginormous new addition of Arizona spirit that just couldn't be more beautiful. 
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Voting With Your Feet

The power of voting can be a lot greater than you think, especially when you do it with your feet.  In this episode, we discuss the latest trend sweeping the nation: the Great Reshuffling - and why you might consider hopping aboard.
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Selling Your Existing Home

Some Tips & Resources for Selling Your Existing Home

What’s Your Home’s Value?
We’d be glad to help you get an accurate assessment of what your current home is worth on the market today.  For areas we don’t know well, we can generate an extensive Seller’s Report for you.  This will give you a fair estimate and also provide much of the information a buyer will want to know about your property and the surrounding area.  This will provide a starting point for you and your listing agent in marketing your property.
If you are selling a home in Prescott, we can provide additional support and give you a more accurate estimate.

To request this service, click here: Home Valuation Report

Finding a Good Listing Agent
If you do not have a Realtor or would like help selecting one, we’d be glad to help you with that.  We have an extensive network of industry professionals, so we can find good agents in just about any area of the country.

To request this service, you can use the contact form here: Contact Us Form
In addition, we’d be glad to answer any questions you may have or assist in any way we can with your “outbound transaction.”

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You May Be Old

Moving from one place to another is fraught with challenges. Don’t be surprised if the ordeal takes a bigger toll on you than you anticipate, because none of us are getting any younger. That’s why it’s important to pick agents who have understanding, patience… and a willingness to coddle a bit when it’s needed. It’s likely you’ll need all three.

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