North Rim

If you’re looking for a gorgeous weekend getaway that’s a quick drive from Prescott, look no further than the natural beauty of the Grand Canyon’s North Rim.  Join us this week as we give you the hottest tips on where to stay, where to eat, and where to enjoy some of earth’s most stunning sights. 

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Lake Swimming

This one is for all the water lovers out there! We have a list of the secret top best lakes to visit in Arizona for swimming, tubing, fishing, and more. Put your bathing suit on and tune into our newest episode to find your next water adventure. 


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Prescott Pilot Pleasures

We had the extraordinary opportunity to go up in a light aircraft, and learn a bit about Prescott’s regional airport – thanks to Bob Treadway, our new pilot friend.

It was a blast! Alas, it wasn’t until after we shot this video that we learned the lingo of hangars and tarmac, rather than garages and asphalt. 😅 But you’ll have to tune in to find out the most exciting part of the journey!

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Vacation Buddies & Splitter (Splittr)

One of the joys of retirement is travel, and there's no place you'll find more fun people to travel with than Prescott.  

In this episode, we share stories of the great trips we've recently made with our buddy groups... plus a cool app that makes paying bills for large groups a snap.
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Solstice Ridge

What's the name of the town that has an ancient sacred gathering place with petroglyphs and precise alignments for the summer and winter solstices?  Well, if you said "Prescott, AZ," then go to the head of the class, my friend - because inside the subdivision of Prescott Lakes there is a spot called Solstice Ridge you just have to see.

Our episode on Petroglyphs: Click Here


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Denver Adventure

It's easy to forget just how close places are to you when you've got local jet service right here in Prescott.  Hear about how easy it was for us to get away for a quick weekend jaunt to Colorado and the wonderful adventures we found there.
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LA is Alive Again

LA is finally back open, and taking advantage of the direct flight out of Prescott makes for an easy and fun trip.  In this episode we share our adventures among the recently unmasked and give high praise to Prescott's brand new airport terminal.

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Some Quick Day Trips

  •  Phoenix: Great shopping, eating, museums, concerts.
  •  Outlet Mall: Huge shopping venue in Anthem, AZ – about an hour away.
  • Jerome: Quaint old mining town perked on top the cliffs.  Try Haunted Burgers.  Lots of shops, bars, and live bands.  About an hour away.
  •  Lake Havasu: Boating mecca.  London Bridge.  About 3 hours away.
  •  Palm Springs: LA’s premiere resort town.  Day spas galore.  Four hours away.

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Haunted Road Trip

What better way to celebrate an anniversary than sharing a burger with some local ghosts? Well, during our latest road trip in the Pickle Van, there were indeed some spirits… but no apparitions. Join the fun as we visit one of our favorite haunts with some very good friends in the Asylum.

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Vegas Road Trip

One of the big features of living in Prescott is the abundance of easy and fun road trips available… including Vegas, Baby! See the Pickle Lady mix it up with all the animals there on our recent trips to celebrate Gran Bobbie’s big 8 – 0.

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Outside the Lines

Now that you’re free to go wild, it’s time to drive outside the lines!  Off-roading is big in Prescott, and in this episode the Pickle Lady interviews the guys at Summit Jeep Company – the premier off road vehicle service company in the area.  Find out just how easy and fun it is to kindle the rugged explorer inside you.

Summit Jeep:

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Rock Crazed

The Pickle Lady reveals a deep longing for all things rock, as we discuss Prescott’s dell formations and day trips to nearby Sedona.  Share the altered mental reality as we embark on a journey through the vortex to find inner peace… kind of.

Red rock, layered mountain formations, and crystal power.  Avoid weekends and Spring Break if you can.  About an hour away.

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Pickle Lady on the Zip Line… in Vegas

Pickle Lady screams for her life on the zip line… in Vegas, just a four-hour drive from Prescott.

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