We've mentioned how great the Prescott music scene is, but today we'll introduce you to one of the reasons why - Stefnrock! Find out why this duo is so fantastic, and how you can check them out as well.
good morning and hello hello hello peeps I am Diane bro the local pickle lady ask a pickle lady Prescott pickle lady like it says in the cup just like it says in the cup yeah there it is this is uh my sidekick Randall bro we are local Realtors here in Prescott always happy to come chat with you about all multitudes of multitudes of things some interesting some boring I don’t know we like to cover things real estate we also like to cover things about just living in Prescott and the fun things they are hard to do and that’s what we’re here today to talk about we want to talk about one of the local bands and one of those love them one of our earlier videos we talked about the local or Regional bands that kind of develop a local following yep uh and today we wanted to talk about one of those so the name of the group is steppen Rock Stefan Rock Stefan Rock if you’re listening you can thank me later yeah yeah you’re welcome I’m doing a little place that’s right great great music they play all kinds from the 70s the 80s night I mean they go on and on they’re great uh everything this is a this is a couple yep and we’ve seen him two or three times now but we kept hearing that it’s Stefan Rock Stefan Rock so you need to go you need to go you need to go you need to go so I guess it was Memorial day we were over at haciampa the uh yeah which is in Hacienda uh and joining some friends there and uh they had a band so we’re sitting there eating and we’re listening to music and we’re thinking wow this is really good they are really good they are really good A lot of my favorite songs yeah and really well yeah yeah oh my God so at some point I said you know I need to go find out the name of this band that’s right so I walk across the courtyard and stuff and run Stefan Rock so were they the ones who started in Vegas and yes there’s so much competition yeah they were in Vegas and you know there’s a lot of things going on in Vegas and nobody is there all the time uh well I mean they have locals that live in Vegas but for the most part people who are going to the shows are not from the town so it’s hard to develop a local following there um so I guess they struggled eventually they ended up in Prescott and uh they started playing Regional I don’t know if they live in Prescott I don’t know but they got the following they got a following you everybody loves them and someone was talking uh talking to them and they were saying now that we live here our calendar is completely full they’re booked completely focused and we’re excited about them yeah they hear them they want to hear them again we have any number of musical venues that you can go see them so you can pretty much go see them every day if you wanted to once they’re playing almost everything they float around and they go from place to place they are amazing they are amazing so uh sometimes they’ll play at a venue they might play at the park and people will come and we we bring our our chairs our lawn chairs we can go sit out and listen to live music and so the other day we did that we went to see somebody and um anyway everybody brings their lawn chairs and we sit in a circle and we have a glass of wine this that and the other and Randall’s like we should bring extra chairs because more people came walking by throughout and they’re like oh we want to join you can we yeah if you’re going to an outdoor venue bring a few extra chairs because more more than not you’re gonna see some friends there who weren’t planning on this sitting down and listening to music but they want to join yeah and then in that fun you know so I sat on the grass for a little while to one of my or one of our friends coughed up an extra Chariot in his car and I was very happy so a little tip there if you remember when these uh outdoor venues bring some extra chairs because you’re going to run across somebody yes it might be me yeah yeah we might join you okay you never know never know so we love our music scene here love it love it love it great bands and Stefan rock is one of them one of the best so we hope to see you one day at a stuff and rock show Absolutely and we’ll have a good time yes okay that’s it for today bye bye
Early summer weather in Prescott is perfect for outdoor events. One of our favorites is the annual Brew Fest. Catch up on all the details of this newly revived celebration of beer, food, and fun.
Cheers Cheers hello folks and welcome to the Randall and Diane bro pickle lady show it’s a pickle lady hour pickle lady hour that’s not really an hour eight minutes eight minutes 30 eight minute show pickled eight minutes of the piccoloo show that’s us we’re Punchy because today we’re going to talk about something that was kind of fun a lot of fun a lot of fun a lot of yeah Brew Fest is back yeah so Brew Fest is Back we went to the Brew Fest uh they have a brew fest it’s in June in uh in Prescott they hold it at I guess it’s a middle school football field they hold it on yeah they used to do hot air balloons they didn’t have Hunter balloons but they did have a live band they had a Features live band and that was fun and they must have had at least 25 booths oh 28 probably double that more than that yeah and so you buy your tickets and you go it’s in the evening so the weather’s perfect oh it was beautiful it was so nice and you just go and you can go from Booth to booth and just try all these different local uh local boys pretty local we’re sort of regional oh yeah Regional yeah some of them are for like uh Southern California which isn’t that far away from us uh pretty much anyone in Arizona is going to be there some amazing beers we’ve got some amazing beers amazing wineries here too believe it or not the best of show in my humble Best of Show opinion was a and I put it I’ll have to I’ll have to look them up but uh they did a uh Bourbon Barrel Scottish ale they were from Lexington oh is that what you bought uh Kentucky yeah so we had a good time and then you bring your chair and you can sit down and listen to music yeah yeah so um anyway COVID Hiatus it’s been a great time thing uh we used to go to it and then covid you know put a kibosh on it I think this was the first one since covet no did they do it last year they might have done it live we didn’t do we didn’t go last year but it’s coming back it’s coming back stronger than ever great time so if you’re thinking about moving to Prescott or you’re new to Prescott are you looking always coming in June ask us about Brew Fest and uh we’ll hook Randal’s Chatty you up somebody’s chitter chattering today that’s very you’re very chatting when we’re talking about beer man we’re very adamant beer and dogs beer and dogs I won’t say another word yeah you carry trying to get a word in Edgewater hey you go ahead anyway so if you’re here mid-june always try to make it around the Brew Fest it’s a lovely time right yeah I think we had some clients that met us there no doesn’t it I remember we were supposed to I remember if they showed up or not I think they did they might have yeah we had a good time so it’s uh we always Prescott Events have lovely events here in town all the time and now that covet is lifted we’re opening back up again and just having all of our events are starting up again it’s it’s just great it is it’s great absolutely wonderful so we hope maybe next year in June we’ll see you at the bridge that’s right particularly our our Better than Southern AZ listeners in Southern Arizona yeah yeah it’s it’s already hot down there in June uh if you’re looking for an escape in June that’s a good time to come up it’s lovely evening evening weather here in summertime 70s it was perfect it was perfect perfect so anyway we hope next year maybe in June we’ll run across here yeah yeah yeah you see us come over and uh you know we’ll uh we’ll uh share a beer with you Wind Down absolutely so just wanted to share about Brew Fest and what a good time it is and how much we enjoy it every year yeah so hope to see you soon and uh we’ll have a beer like you yeah absolutely cheers cheers bye
St. Patrick's Day is one of those holidays that comes around without any obligations or other baggage to get in the way of having a good time... so it's obviously one of our favorites.
In this episode, we discuss the many ways our town celebrates the honorable traditions of this Irish holiday.
you’ll understand why we said it that way in a minute you won’t understand why my Irish accent is so but true true that was my best attempt whisper it’s pretty good yeah worse yes but we’re excited to be here this is Diana Randall bro coming to you live from Prescott Arizona not record it depending on your well well it’s live right now it is recorded it’s not recorded from another important yeah yeah so we’ve got uh St Patrick’s Day coming up yep uh by the time you see this St Patrick’s Day will be over but as we’re recording it is actually before St Patrick’s Day so we thought we’d talk a little bit about St Patrick’s Day what goes on uh in town here and just our thoughts about it I would be in green however we shoot this shoot the front of a green screen that’s right so I would just appear that’s right so I can’t be in true Irish Spirits yeah the whole room is green you’re not seeing it because you know you can’t see it let’s imagine we have other stuff behind us St Patrick’s Day here is a great holiday um it’s celebrated we all have a wonderful time uh uh Murphy’s steakhouse has a huge event yeah and uh and the pub there’s an Irish Pub right on Sheldon yeah well it’s an Irish Irish pub and they go crazy for St Patrick’s Day huge huge all kinds of good food you know cabbage corned beef all the beer drink it goes on and on and on [Music] Irish Fair we’re going to uh St Patrick’s Day over at Prescott Lakes Country Club Yep they’re having a little uh Irish Buffet a little Irish music exactly we uh we got a table of ten yeah and so we’re all going to drink our green beer have a nice time so it’s a big town here to celebrate St Patrick’s yeah it’s a very social Town very social town I was looking for something to have fun yeah St Patrick’s Day is one of those holidays there’s no obligations you have to buy gifts and no it’s just about having fun camaraderie and what I love about it too uh at least where we’re from in New Orleans and here in Prescott want to say it may not be that way in other areas of the country other areas of the world but uh where we’re from on St Patrick’s Day everyone is Irish everyone everyone so everyone gets to participate and you are welcome and you’re welcome no matter what you are you’re welcome to come here so I’ve got I’ve got no Irish enemy but you’re what how much Irish yeah her dad’s family they’re a bunch of Boston it was a big Irish potato for sure yeah so yeah we’re all here so but it doesn’t matter you can still represent and celebrate that Irish Spirit yeah and our town does it well yeah and we have a good time yeah I do see more than my fair share of corned beef and cabbage yes and it is deadly later but yeah yeah it’s okay you gotta you gotta Embrace Life so to speak sometimes it flattens you out but there it is there it is oops there it is yeah so if you’re looking for a good place to spend St Patrick’s Day although you’ve already missed it uh you can look forward to it next year and all the other holidays that uh or just times to have fun move on into press get in Embrace uh what we offer for you on St Patrick’s Day you can wear green yeah you don’t have to worry about the green screen because you will be live and in the action that’s right and you’ll have fun that’s right so anyway we welcome you and I can’t wait to celebrate St Patrick’s next year with you yeah we’ll have a green beer with you in front of the green screen come join us ladies cheers
Some of the most happening social events around Prescott are the parties held on the terrace at the clubhouse in Prescott Lakes. Even if you don't live in this subdivision, you can still join in. In this episode, we explain how that works and why you don't want to miss out.
good afternoon my fellow pickle peeps hello hello hello Diana Randall bro here coming at you from Prescott Arizona happy to be here yeah we’re starting off our new year yeah we’re getting the gears going uh we’re excited to be back in the action started some action and we had a lot of fun uh New Year’s Eve New Year’s Eve great time and so we wanted to talk about we actually live in Prescott Lakes we wanted to talk about the amazing social amenities that Prescott Lakes has to offer all right so if you don’t know Prescott Lakes Prescott Lakes is the largest subdivision in city of Prescott and I believe it is the second largest in the Prescott area there’s one subdivision on PV it’s a bit bigger yes it’s a big place they have about 1500 Lots probably about and now I’m saying maybe 1300 1350 have been developed totally yeah just some idea how big that is so Under the Umbrella as I call it of Prescott Lakes are about 13 different neighborhoods yeah we all go to the one center of the of the whole development which is the club and uh so there they have a private restaurant it’s amazing they always have something fun going on always always always and now that covet is lifted we’re back back in action so we wanted to talk about this New Year’s Eve we actually went to the club it was open for New Year’s Eve they had a live band they had an amazing Buffet um and we had a good time The Time Of Our Lives it was a good time yeah just to be clear so if you live in Prescott Lakes you will belong to the club that those two go together it is uh it’s not optional you you pay monthly dues you belong to the club you belong to the athletic center uh and if you’re interested that we can give you more information so here’s a great idea if you’re looking here in Prescott you find a house that you absolutely adore and but you want the social amenities that Prescott Lakes has to offer but your home Falls outside of that jurisdiction so to speak you can get a social membership I think it’s 60 or 65 dollars a month and that enables you to come to the restaurant and enjoy all the social events that they have one being uh New Year’s Eve we were there you could get tickets to that and you could go the other being um party on the Terrace which is always fun right yeah so the party and the Terrace they do that two three times a month oh I don’t know that much but yeah well it depends on the month this month they’re doing I think they have three of them but uh it depends on the month but uh yeah they’ll have live bands uh there’s a nice Terrace outside the club and has a beautiful view uh the weather’s good they’ll do it outside there’s a fire pit people hang out by the fire pit they’ll have live music they’ll have a great buffet dinner yeah it’s really uh dancing drinking it’s lovely it’s lovely lovely the other good thing is uh there are clubs within the club here at Prescott Lakes and with the social membership you are allowed to join some of those not all but some if it doesn’t involve the athletic center you can still come do bridge club book club The Women’s Club uh there’s a variety of them that are open to you so if you’re new here you can still kind of enjoy some of the Prescott Lakes social amenities we have a lot of friends who do not live in Prescott Lakes proper but they belong and we go out we have a great time yeah and meet them for dinner meet them for lunch the club is always having amazing brunches they have a beautiful Easter brunch Mother’s Day Mother’s Day Father’s Day so if you’re always kind of Prescott legs they’re essentially two options if you’re a big golfer you may want to join the golf as a golf membership golf memberships are not uh limited to just people in Prescott lake so you get a golf membership for a little bit more you’ll get access to the Athletic Club and everything so right uh if you do that it what you pay is marginally more than what you would pay if you lived in Prescott if you’re not a golfer do the social membership 60 65 absolutely no-brainer have a good time yeah and we’ll see you there you know eat in the restaurant we’re always there and it is a tremendous way to meet people new to the area yeah lots of people are not from here and they become members and it’s great to meet people and make some new connections yeah absolutely we highly recommend it we love the club we love the social membership so don’t be sad like oh I love what it has to offer but I bought a house outside of Prescott Lakes not to worry yeah we can still make it happen and you can have fun and we’ll see you there absolutely okay another tip if you’re into tips check out our free information site you can reach it at pickle411.com lots of information about real estate about events things to eat places to go things to do it’s all there whether you’re a buyer seller somewhere in between there’s something waiting for you that will Astound an amazing maybe I hope so all right friends that’s it for today have an awesome rest of your day take care bye
There's a reason why Prescott is called "Arizona's Christmas City" - it's so friggin' quaint you'll want to overdose yourself on hot mulled cider - put yourself in a cozy little coma.
Lights, music, and good cheer abound. In this episode, we cover what the Holiday Season is like in our little town (which extends well into January, by the way).
people eaters you yes understand what you were saying I got it I got it this is Diana Randall bro coming here to you this morning from the lovely Prescott Arizona she’s special lady I am the pickle lady when you come here to visit you’ll find that why I will give you a jar of my delicious Cajun pickles very good uh yeah the Beloved pickles yes anyway good time to come is the holiday season always always wow no bad time to come true uh if you if you’re thinking about spending time the holiday season taking a little trip risky might be a good choice yeah if you want to do something kind of different like you know what kind of in between Thanksgiving and Christmas head on up here and visit Prescott yeah we will have over a hundred thousand lights and all of the trees around our beautiful Courthouse Square lights in the Square uh it’s so ridiculously Charming as I tell everyone when I take them in and they come to visit we could be in a Hallmark movie or a Hallmark card whatever anything Hallmark related you know what I’m talking about when it’s sweet pretty yeah it’s pretty open it’s darling never just absolutely it’s like something out of the 50s it really a parade it’s so nice so it’s just a small town small town at its finest yeah and Prescott is so freaking Charming that it has even been labeled Arizona’s Christmas City yeah that’s the whole state it’s it’s in our little Hamburg ER three off you thought I was gonna say little town how about a hamlet Hamlet said Hamburg I did it’s a mac oh hamburgers edit that out what no it should be maybe it started off that way now and now I sound dumb that’s not where hamburgers come from but you can get a hamburger here for the holidays or otherwise that’s right but it’s very Charming lots of beautiful shopping to do around the square and all of our nice little individual stores and boutiques and yeah for uh acronite so I think we did another video on at night uh so just briefly it’s a very special night here that’s Christmas related uh this year it is December 9th I think it is it’s like a Friday they’ll light up the tree the Christmas tree and it becomes official all the stores around the square will stay open late it’s a great charity uh charitable event and you can travel from store to store and make a donation and they’ll have live music and it all benefits uh musicians and young students uh needing musical it’s a great idea yeah great event every year yeah and uh the lights and everything all the decorations stay up into January they have a long time yeah it stays up a while so if you can’t make it for the holidays proper uh because I still have some time in the early January mid-January uh something to see for New Year’s Eve we have uh our own answer to the ball drop yep we have the boot drop the boot drop it’s a big cowboy boot we don’t do the disco ball the little ball we do a boot we do and for the early birders which there are quite a few here uh they’ll drop the boot at 10 because it’s midnight on the East Coast so exciting with the ball and Time Square if you are one of the people like to stay up later they’ll drop it again at midnight and make it truly official you stand around and wait for the other shoe to drop how long have you waited for that joke that was a good one yeah well anyway we’d love to see you we’d love to share with the Christmas spirit the holiday spirit is all about in beautiful beautiful spirit a couple of weeks in January it doesn’t matter it’s a great time it doesn’t matter come see us we’ll have a good time yeah so and maybe we’ll see you around the square we’ll you know cheer cheers into the new 2023 amen God willing we’ll all be there a couple warned cider with you that’s right so don’t miss it and come see why Prescott is called Arizona’s Christmas City not to be me that’s to be missed uh so if you uh or want to learn more about holidays in Prescott mm-hmm uh along with other tips you can check out our free information site you can reach it at pickle411.com uh we have information there about acronite and the boot drop and all kinds of stuff stuff about real estate stuff about life all highly entertaining informative and infusions usually entertaining I can’t I can’t make you know all promises it depends on your sense of humor it depends on your sense yeah because informative nonetheless but you should really come see it what it’s all about it’s beautiful and so we hope to see you floating around and give us a call we’d love to take you on your own personal Christmas tour if you’d like Holiday Tour Holiday Tour we’re here absolutely there’s a little bite in the air Winter’s in the air great time to visit hope to see you soon take care bye
Prescott is a hot scene for good cover bands. Whatever your taste in music, there is a cover band waiting at one of our local theaters to delight and entertain you. With plenty of nearby dinner options, great music, small performance venues, and audiences that like to get up and dance - cover band nights in Prescott are do-not-miss events.
good morning to all of our fellow pickle peeps out there hope that uh you guys are making it through and survive the holiday season holiday season it’s uh well well underway yes it is so we’re still busy busy busy here it’s unbelievable um despite all the craziness that’s going on out there in the world uh things are still rolling here in Prescott so moving on So today we’re going to talk about this is one of the top things that we love about Prescott we have so much fun yeah um there’s a lot of bands that will come here and play at the Elks Theater sometimes you have a pie Community Center yes um all over yeah and uh they’re great yeah they are now we do get real bands we do most of those uh play at the Finley Center in Nebraska Valley is a big big arena uh but what’s nice about the cover bands is it’s a smaller venue uh so uh generally they’re in the Elks Theater uh audiences you know 400 people maybe yeah something like that uh beautiful historic building and the cover bands generally are good they’re very good I mean astonishingly good yeah we just went to go see a cover band for Janice Joplin yeah Janice Joplin amazing she was good it was good uh we saw the Eagles the Eagles cover band they don’t call themselves The Eagles then I would call it like we saw it like Carol King was tapestry yeah yeah yeah you know we also saw Carol King that was another good one she was amazing yeah I thought she and her group were amazing the Eagles were really really good really good though our oldest daughter was like really we’re gonna see Eagles he’s like no yeah adjust your aren’t one of those guys did he was all excited but excited after she saw the show she was equally as excited we had a good time Dancing Yeah up in the balcony yeah which we’re not supposed to yeah I was corrected after I was severely reprimanded you’re not allowed to dance in the in the upper balcony only the lower yeah unless you have a walker I guess I’m falling over the side I don’t know but we had a good time anyway they seem to be having a really good time yes so uh but anyway you can also dance on the bottom floor and they do and part of the part of the presentation part of the entertainment is the audience yep a few great dancers yeah some great dancers some Usual Suspects there’s a a couple that will go out they are obviously very well trained yeah and beautiful dancers oh yeah yeah uh there’s a guy who just kind of hangs on the edge of the uh that’s right the stage and just kind of stares he likes to have fun yeah that’s what he does I like to dance uh yeah you know especially after a lot of wine I think I’m the greatest dancer in the world after video footage I realize I’m not but in the moment I have a good time I hate that yeah anyway yeah we have fun yeah great tickets good time go out and have a nice dinner before at any of the restaurants really surround round in the square and then you can walk right over to the Elks and have some good live music and dancing really good so we have a great time we love it we love it we love it highly enough of the cover bands yeah we’ve got really good luck with that travel here to Prescott yeah so we hope to see you there maybe one day One Day concert there all right so that’s our tip for today if you want more tips whether it’s about living in Prescott or real estate or anything really anything to do with breastfeed life in general you want to chit chat you wanna just Chit Chat go to pickle411.com that is our free information site lots of good tips there uh very informative and entertaining and just astounding people from all over the world they just you know love our love our lovers all over the world all over the world I don’t know about that I don’t know there might be one or two I think so I don’t think we introduced ourselves in the beginning yeah we’re Randall and Diane she’s a pickle like that’s right in case we didn’t do that yes we didn’t do that this is Randall and Diane bro live here in Prescott yeah no editing Here I Am the pickle lady we are with exp Realty and we are excited to share our beautiful Hometown with you and possibly help you find your new home here all right go see a cover Batman or go see a cover band with you yeah either way just let us know we’re easy we’re fun we’re open cheers have a great day thanks for listening bye bye
One of our very favorite outings is Jazz Night at Prescott's historic Elks Theater. The series covers a different style or element of jazz each night. The music and the players are amazing, and the venue is always a delight. If you go, you'll probably see us there, because we try to make them all!
In this episode, we tell you all about it.
hello hello hello oh peeps that’s what I’m doing what’s that oh oh jazz hands jazz hands yeah you’re more like Mickey Mouse yeah yeah there you go so for those of you whose children were in theater it was hours work oh we’re a dance you’re very familiar with jazz hands oh yeah so I thought that would be a good intro a good opening to talk about jazz night jazz nights at the Elks Theater I was theater we love it so uh during the covid um they uh they couldn’t use the big theater because there were too many people you know I’d see too many people so they started using a smaller venue which is on the third floor and uh people kind of like the smaller venue too it’s more intimate and it’s kind of like a summer Club but yeah we don’t have supper but you do have wine and um and you can sit and listen to beautiful music yeah yeah so uh they had a jazz series yes uh which I I assume that they will continue again or they’ll have other types of music there uh we must have gone at least a half dozen times oh yeah and you go it’s it’s uh I’d say a couple hours a couple of hours and you can see live jazz performed I mean you are like within feet right there yeah of the of the musicians and just amazing and If These Guys these guys are just the real with the guys yeah what’s his first name Sama put you on the spot yeah uh it’s the vax band yeah he’s amazing oh my goodness Max is in the old IBM computer guys who have obviously been there and done that yes and been doing Jazz for a very very long time just amazing sometimes they will have every Jazz night with something different Mike bags good job I have the heart listen it’s the end of the day we’re a little tired so please forgive me forgive me yes forgive us like because we love him he’s amazing he always has music for sale as well which we love to buy and listen to we’re in our car yeah um but every he heads it up and every uh Jazz night is something different one might be South American Jazz one might be music from the movies Jazz uh one might be New Orleans style jazz I had no idea there were so many different flavors of jazz but I have been taught yeah and stone the latinum that was your favorite but all of them were good and they were just so good so we want everyone to know that Prescott has culture people absolutely we are a pretty you know educated people here who love music who love museums who love art uh we’ve got a pretty big artsy scene here in our little town you wouldn’t think so but we do and it’s lovely now if you’re if you’re looking to do dinner and then music after a couple of tips first of all you need to know if there’s going to be a show in the big theater if there’s a show at the same time in the big theater uh then restaurants right around the square because the Elks Theater is like a couple of blocks from the square uh restaurants that are really close to the Elks Theater are probably going to be kind of packed yes not not terribly but you might want to go a little bit further afield there are plenty of other restaurants to choose from uh but for jazz night the Jazz venue is so small that really we didn’t have trouble I think we did the Hacienda right across the street one night we just went right across the street eye around the corner a couple of nights and had no trouble getting a table Waltz right in it’s just a just a great time the music it’s kind of old-fashioned like in the olden days your folks used to go have dinner at a supper club and watch some entertainment yeah it’s very similar here wow that’s very nice better though yeah because uh you know the thing is uh Prescott draws on uh the Phoenix market so they have musicians that do very well Regional world-class musicians uh you know they make their way up from Phoenix for our little events and you would be astounded at how good the music is these are World Travelers uh well seasoned musicians that have been around the world performing so um it’s nice it’s not going to be like your nephew who’s just learning how to play the trumpet yeah not like a high school recital this is amazing yeah and just hearing the stories they tell about Jack oh yeah I mean we don’t really stop to think about how new jazz is it’s you know barely 100 years old and it has changed so much and going through so many different Evolutions uh and just hearing people who lived it tell you the story yes and about people that uh you know the the big names of jazz and how they played with them and the stories absolutely that’s fascinating very inspirational so if you’re into music uh if you’re into fine dining and then going to music Prescott is the town for you it’s kind of got it all people yeah it really does it’s really nice really really nice um so we just wanted to share with you I want to have a shout out to Mike vatz and we so appreciated all of the Jazz series that we attended it was just a great time and we look forward to him coming back yes absolutely yeah absolutely so that is all for now and we hope to see you watching some live music yep so we got a bunch of other tips in terms of things to do around Prescott you can find them on our information site you can reach that at pickle411.com we have information on real estate we have information on Prescott events things to do things you should know and just on and on and on all of it very informative some of it fun most of it is we try to keep it funny some of it’s a little nutty some of it some of it gotta make it a little fun we try I’m trying anyway so we thank you for listening and we hope to see you around the square at some point all right take care bye bye
For those of you still fighting this year's heat, turn down the thermostat, wrap yourself in a warm, comfy robe, and share our little kickoff celebration for fall in Prescott and all the fun rituals of Halloween in our little town.
hello hello hello my fellow pickle peeps hello peeps we’re so excited why are we excited Randall we’re excited because Summer is dying yes it’s actually it’s gone to rest we’re actually in Fall happy fall y’all be fall y’all happy fall y’all my favorite phrase summers are not really that bad here no not not at all so much better than where we used to live but you know fall and winter I love so much more so yes every time it’s and this this summer was actually uh we had a great amazing season yeah I named the best August of my life it was nice and rainy and cool that’s a big comment the best August of your life well I’m August they’re probably the worst month of the year when you’re living in I think it was the best because that’s my birthday well yeah yeah it starts off the thing it goes downhill from that I checked but I’m not but anyway birthday treat there is that what we’re talking about I don’t know but yeah so now we’re at fall and we’re gonna pass that up completely we’re going to talk about fall so we just got back from La Quinta California yes we’ll have more to say about that in a future episode but yeah suffice to say like he took California right outside Palm Springs still super hot and we were kind of melting beautiful beautiful but can’t do the heat anymore people can’t do the heat we’re so glad to get back and fall was falling fall is falling we had a great time yeah and uh you know we’re very happy uh to be back we’ve decorated for our favorite holiday [Music] so although Halloween is not celebrated uh as it is in most of your neighborhoods probably where the kids come to your door yeah we don’t have trick-or-treating our neighborhoods here we do not uh Prescott is very unique they have everyone gather all the children in town uh go to Mount Vernon and they have special all the homes there the historical homes decorate for Halloween and all the kiddos the streets blocked off lit up the police are there they go from house to house there only on Mount Vernon it’s really interesting it’s really cool they’re very old tradition started back in the old west when they used to round the children up to sacrifice them on Mount Vernon but now they don’t now don’t even say that yeah so somebody out there is going to think that’s true yeah that is not true we are a retirement town so when you do see a child it is a little it’s a good luck yeah it’s good luck you need to try to catch them rub their head yeah rub they’re building something so you get some of that you can thank you they’ll tell you where their pot of gold is that’s right so it’s always special yeah Halloween is lovely yeah they do they uh they block off about three three blocks of Mount Vernon which is the old historical City yep kind of the centerpiece and all the old homes or at least most of them are decorated to the nines the fun people the fun people of which we have great friends yes shout out to Kathy and Harvey yep always have the best Halloween party ever the best Halloween decorations live music so if you are here for Halloween come down Mount Vernon we’ll be there at our friend’s house enjoying all the spectacular events that they hold on that day unclear what we’re going to it’s a good time that’ll be fun good times so and we hand out candy to everyone about 3 000 kids will dress straight up and down Mount Vernon not to be missed so also if you’re new to the area and maybe you don’t want to go out on Halloween itself because it all you know traffic and kids and this that and the other always just walk down there a week before it’s a beautiful walk it’s lovely and you can see all the decorations without all the crowds that’s right I’ll leave it up to you absolutely beautiful you will miss a good party and fun and music and you might see us waving at you thinking about coming to Prescott is a good time absolutely so always fall into Halloween here in Prescott not to be missed and very very unique absolutely and we thoroughly enjoy it every year another good tip if you like tips the place to go is pickle411.com there you’ll find our free information site yes all kinds of wonderful information where to get the best treats on Halloween and restaurants and just all kinds of stuff all right all free and good stuff for you all good stuff fun stuff fun stuff we try to bring it all to you people yes we do and share the wealth of knowledge that we have about life here in Prescott that’s right so we hope you appreciate it and uh if you’re here for Halloween come on by and wave pass by at our little party we’re not sure what our costumes will be at but we’ll be there having fun so cheers to you wherever you are and uh Happy fall wherever you are enjoy the Beautiful the beautiful weather that comes our way Come fall season come fall season that’s right camel can’t fall is falling can’t beat it and press it I’ll tell you that much it’s our favorite cheers and I hope to hear from you soon take care
After two long years, the historic Elks Theater - a Prescott treasure - opens its "big" doors once again with a rockin' cover band. If you want to feel the earth... move... under your feet, this is the place.
hello and good morning hello peeps this is randall and diambro your husband and wife team real estate team here in prescott arizona lovely prescott arizona i am also the pickle lady you can’t [Music] i know and you’re going to have a hole through oh okay i’m learning the green screen technology it’s very high tech you’d be surprised how high-tech green screen really is now i’m going to keep the yelling pickle myself it’s a lot of rules and regulations at any time it’s really hard for me because i’m more of a spontaneous performer oh you got that yodeling pickle nailed though yeah i do i’m a spontaneous performer and so it’s really hard for me to follow direction anyway speaking of performances is that a transition or what that’s a great transition yeah good job here to talk about the elks theater the alex is back baby we are having the time of our lives the elk theater is a lovely very old-fashioned theater historic historic beautiful right near the square of downtown prescott and for the past two years because of covet no shows nothing it’s been very very sad yeah um but recently they reopened to the mass crowd and we were so excited to be one of the first ones to attend uh cover band called tapestry uh that covers carol king and we had the time of our lives it was amazing and so the the old-fashioned theater opened up every city it was sold out folks sold out shows so that was so the elks theater has uh well i’ve been to two venues i think there might be others there’s a there’s what they call the crystal room which is on the third floor and that’s relatively small it’s like a small bank smaller more intimate more intimate yeah a more intimate music experience so they’ve they’ve been having uh performances there for a while uh it was completely shut down four times and they started doing the crystal room i guess you know there was a limit on the number of people like that i i don’t know uh but you know it became a regular thing the crystal room yeah um it wasn’t until tapestry yeah that they opened the big theater now the big theater is big it’s big uh they opened the whole thing and i think it was it was backed i mean people it was packed we were so excited to rejoin the the wonderful world that was oh yeah before covid and um what was really great was uh when you go to see a show at the elks they kind of have little mini dance floors so couples can get up and dance as the cover bands play and i don’t know who that couple was but you were amazing it just made my heart just so full um i was just so happy to see this couple i mean they were amazing they were good right they were part of the show i thought so too i mean i don’t know who they were but they were amazing they were just a regular couple here to see the show they’ve got to dance and be like moving dancing i mean who doesn’t love her okay i mean my kids grew up on listening to um yeah beautiful beautiful yeah cheers to that i listened to it it’s a great song by the way if anybody hasn’t heard that listen to beautiful if it’s been a while i know but it might be a while listen to it it’s a great pick me up and set your day on the right track but anyway yeah okay okay don’t you’re on the back don’t don’t sing i’m just yeah don’t think don’t sing i’m not gonna sing okay anyway um so they had a a a really lovely couple who got up and they sang i mean they didn’t sing they danced and it was lovely and it was like oh my gosh now i remember what it was like yeah several years ago pre-coveted how uh the music scene was when you go to see a concert at the elks so we are like blacked out with performances for everything we’re like okay we are uh out there we’re going we’re going to an eagles cover band yeah we go to jazz night where they have different it’s just been great it’s been wonderful and a lot to look forward to got a pile of tickets over there all the things it’s amazing so it’s it’s good to know that in prescott the music scene here is amazing yeah it’s amazing it’s amazing and the theater scene as well yeah um for such a small town they have an amazing art scene yeah they really do and so for those of you who are thinking about moving here and you’re like well what do they have here we have a lot i mean we’re from new orleans and we’re used to jazz music you know in the french quarter and i have to say we have not been disappointed here in our little channel that’s right that’s really exciting too about the elks is before they just did the big room or at least i had only been in in the big theater area but people got used to going to the smaller venues so now they book events that are more appropriate for the smaller room they’ll book there and performances that are made for a bigger space downstairs so that they put a jazz series in and it’s been very well entered attended and oh my god it’s been so amazing amazing uh it’s just astounding yeah so it’s a wonderful close-up venue uh so we’ve been doing the jazz series it’s perfect for jazz uh really looking forward to the one next month they’re going to do um the latin the latin style so i’m really looking forward to that so i mean it just it really opened things up a lot so good so if you’re thinking about prescott and wondering what are we all about is this just a little bitty town no you’d be surprised we have some sophisticated entertainment here folks that’s right it’s not all about yielding pickles we don’t have a real problem you know we could play that for you all day long upstairs um but we’ve got some good here can i say that i’ll believe you you’ve been believed i can’t take her anywhere well you know there’s some coffee and you never know what she’s gonna say that’s right anyway we hope to see you at the elks theater get your season passes of all the entertainment that’s coming and uh have a lovely time if you want more information about what’s going on in prescott performances restaurants real estate pickles whatever the place for you is pickle 411.com that is our free information site whether you’re a buyer seller somewhere in between that is the place for you lots of free information that will astound and entertain you and your family for generations okay that’s a big that’s a big order but big promise big delivery you know what i’m saying we’ll try you gotta go on that’s a big uh that’s a big hole but we’ll try yeah anyway we hope to hear from you soon if you need to buy or sell a home give us a call we’re here on call ready to help you cheers take care bye
Golf has a lot going for it: beautiful grounds, the great outdoors, easy transportation... The golf itself can sometimes be the worst part of the whole experience. Well, as it turns out, you can enjoy all these things without actually swinging a club. Check out our recent golf course adventure.
that’s getting close getting close in he’s getting very close i’d like to get close to the leg as close as possible moving in sometimes it’s not well received moving in taking my opportunity to strike i need my space sometimes yeah it has been 35 years sometimes i’m like whoa and we haven’t filmed all of that no yeah there’s parts of it just parts of it yeah sometimes the girl needs her space trying to shake him it just won’t happen but anyway okay we forgot to introduce ourselves yeah you should do that this is diana randall bro she is the pickle lady you’re a brisket pickle lady here in prescott arizona you’re happy friendly helpful we are your happy friendly helpful realtors um we love nothing we love better than to bring people to our town and share with them the joy of what it is to live here it’s an amazing amazing town we’d love to show it off we’d like to talk about it we’d like to share we’ve been here five years we’d like to share our experiences and uh so that’s what we’re here well to some extent we can’t share experiences that you like to hear about now one in particular is golfing yeah i do not golf why why do you think they don’t want to hear that what why do you think they would not like to hear about golf they would oh they would but i can’t i can’t tell them much about the goal i mean i can tell them about the course we are not called but we’re not golfers not at all we thought we would we had an opportunity to participate in an event at the prescott lakes country club and uh and kind of get an inside view of what it’s like to be a golfer there is a golf cart parade there’s a golf cart parade and we’ve never been because we don’t golf we’ve never been able to see the whole you know all 18 holes so we thought hey let’s do this this would be fun so we decked out the the what do you call it golf cart thank you yeah we decked out the golf cart and of course green balloons and green streamers yeah because you know we’re sticking with the pickle thing yeah it’s very important to represent even on the golf golf course of course yeah yeah and it was uh it was a little windy so i think we lost super windy lots of balloon or two super windy but and a little chilly willy because that was fun but it was so we got on we hopped on our cart we drove around i mean we had the time of our lives we had a great time almost convinced us to become golfers yeah we just don’t have the time well about being on the golf course is everything except for the golf itself yeah you know it’s your outside gorgeous a beautiful day yeah we had great company we’re having fun with everyone around us and uh and it was obviously green because we’re on the greens and uh it was just a beautiful day to spend outside in nature and it was i tell you kudos to prescott lakes country club what a golf course what a golf course that’s quite expansive yeah i was like wow yeah it’s amazing to me yeah it took so long just to drive the cart around 18 holes 18 holes we had a good time without even stopping the putt or anything i mean we’re out there no no cutting simply driving simply driving but what was really cute was there a lot of homes that are built around the golf course and and they had their own parties and they were out on the deck and they were waving to the cards as they go you know and uh so it was quite the event yeah um and then we ended up back at the club and they had a lovely spread for us they absolutely did really get some kind of that bacon thing listen if anybody moves to prescott lakes yeah give us a call you gotta have their bacon and at their brunch yeah it’s like this thick cut oh my god it’s to die for and then they make um great um bloody mary’s yes and they stick that anyway stick the bacon in the blade we’re we’re heading off course here but it was good stuff it was awesome and so uh we had a lovely time and big tables and we all sat around with everybody who participated in the parade and it was just a nice way to to meet other people and chit-chat and have fun so i highly recommend it if you move to prescott lakes i’m not sure if uh capitol canyon does something similar which is another call of course yeah i don’t know if they do something yeah i don’t know maybe other clubs take their goals but prescott lakes can sure put on a good golf cart it was a lot of fun we had a lovely time so anyway if you move here and if you are a golfer you will be mightily impressed with the prescott lakes golf course that we don’t golf we thought it was beautiful and we do ride the cart we yeah we have a good time and we decorate the car we give you green balloons yeah prescott lakes country club gives a good golf cart parade we rate it a 10 out of 10. yeah that cart parade that was pretty cool and that was our first time traveling our first time doing that so we almost convinced us to maybe pick up the the old uh you know the golfing the golf the links the links is that what they call it yeah okay i know i don’t even know the words yeah but we have a lot of friends we have a lot of friends who golf here they love it and it’s a great social thing for for ladies and gentlemen which we are neither so that’s one thing about golf they do have really cool words they do have words like mulligan yeah and slicing yeah yeah approaching and yeah chipping on shipping off yeah what do you call it when somebody’s bumping into you ahead of time right chipping in chipping in yeah you’re chipping on randall has a lot of issues with chipping in yeah i get chipped on he gets chipped on a lot and uh that turns him off yeah so anyway i just like to ride the cart that’s not like normal no one was hitting into us that’s all i want to do it was it was cool so we wanted to share that with you we’ll have some pictures behind us as well that you can giggle about and uh we had a good time i wore green to represent right because i am the pickled lady but anyway uh so if you are thinking about moving here please give us a call if you’re thinking about listing give us a call the pickle lady and this guy we are ready to help you uh in your next steps uh you can find more information about us at pickle411.com right lots of free information lots of free buyers somewhere in between all free all useful just fascinating just faster goods just amazing prospecting mind blown mind-blowing the stuff that we offer you people is unbelievable unbelievable we try really hard we try hard to come up with some good stuff but i think it is important all joking aside it is important uh we try to give you a real taste of what it’s like here so i hope you enjoy we have fun making them and we have fun seeing people as we’re filming watching us and interrupting us it’s always a good time so that is all for today and we hope to hear from you soon cheers cheers bye
Prescott is Holiday Central these days – with plenty of lights, charm, special events… and wonderful music. In this episode, the Pickle Lady covers Prescott’s 30+ year tradition of Acker Night, our historic Elk’s Theater, the Rat Pack Christmas, and Prescott’s very own musical treasure: Esteban, the world-famous Spanish-style classical guitarist. Plus, we wear exceptionally ugly sweaters.
hello hello hello hey peeps i don’t know if you can recognize us because right now we’re kind of christmas elves yeah but this is diane bro and my better half randall bro correct and part of the pickle lady brigade so cheers to that here’s that so we wanted you to see our new christmas sweater and all of its glory couldn’t be more thrilled he very happy you’re thrilled with this woman’s sweater that you bought you should wear it proudly say i even have pom-pom you have a pom-pom too i’m channeling my yeah but anyway or something so we are very excited we can take the hoods off because it’s getting a little hot but anyway we are very excited tonight or this evening to talk we’re in front of the old our own christmas tree fireplace and this is in the air yeah a little brown wine here he has brown wine i have real one but we are super excited to be here this evening to talk about what is it randall bro christmas and prescott christmas impressions particularly christmas music yes we should have someone in the background huh yeah but that’s all right just pretend that we’re humming something or snoopy’s charlie brown or something like that but anyway um as you know i think we’ve mentioned this before prescott is called arizona’s christmas city that’s right it is gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous guys come here plan a visit now the lights were just the whole town square lit up officially on december 7th that’s right all around the courthouse it’s like the first saturday of december yeah i do it i think and it’s over a hundred thousand likes i mean you’ll feel like you’re you know back and you know you’re in some hallmark movie yeah some christmas hallmark movie absolutely beautiful it’s beautiful absolutely but besides that christmas is a beautiful time to come here the elks theater um has a lot of special christmas shows yeah it’s a big time for music here in prescott what with the elks theater uh but before the else theater gets into christmas mode we have acronite so somebody had another first yeah so akronite was named after this guy james zacker he was a philanthropist had nothing to do with establishing acronym he was just such a nice guy they named it after him huge philanthropist yeah beautiful they’ve been doing action right now for over 30 years right and uh a lot of the businesses in the downtown area participate uh they will open shop at at night right and so they start like for instance this week it’ll be this friday they only do it one night and it’s a huge charitable fundraiser yeah and so actually it’s tonight because by the time they see this oh you’re right we’re gonna pretend yeah but pretend we’ll protect this uh tomorrow night though we will be there we’re very excited yeah we’re we’ll go and so all of the little shops around the immediate square and and the outskirts of it will stay open extra late normally they close a little earlier they stay open late they have some uh some of them have hors d’oeuvres and little you know some wine but they all have musicians local musicians that will come in and perform all kinds of stuff i mean any kind of music you can think of will be represented there and uh it’s it’s free but they do ask for donations right and the donations go to the musicians correct so i’m not sure what the it’s for the arts musicians need you know instruments and right music lessons and those sheets of paper with those squiggly symbols on them and those kinds of things so it’s a you know i do fundraiser for the owner for music yes and so it’s a great time to go enjoy the square and all of its beauty and all the lights and get to go to all these different little shops yep and um there’s a lot of art galleries along the square too and it’s all sort of like mint cider yeah all that kind of stuff it’s a big social event it’s a big event here in prescott and um it’s you this year it will be december 13th they hold it once a year it’s just a lot of fun it is it is and we enjoy it and it’s not trying to get up that’s the start of our weekend because after that we’re going to hit elk’s theater we are hitting hard this weekend we are partying partying pretty hard yes the holidays are started yeah first we had some lovely neighbors who had our little supper club and they had a little uh winter christmas dinner yeah yeah we just got fished a little christmas so that was fun that was the start of it so thank you to the churchill to the church yeah and then uh this friday night we’re going to akron as we said yeah and then uh saturday night we’re going to the elks to see the rat pack so it’s uh in person yeah yeah frank sinatra and dean martin and sammy davis and whoever the fourth guy is correct and they’re gonna be singing some of the oldie peter lawford you never get it right peter lawford no you said chris lawford and then i changed it and then i changed it as long as you got it right now i got it right it’s all that matters so now the the the impersonators do the right pack and then for christmas so it’d be kind of like a big they’re uh send off to uh their old vegas uh yeah christmas shows so we’re excited about that we’re going with some friends to that having a little bite to eat before yeah and going to the rat pack christmas at the outset yeah theater itself is gorgeous it’s a old historic landmark uh it’s really refurbished it’s just one of those old school small town theaters uh just just beautiful uh the iconic elk on top of it yeah gigantic very large gigantic elk on top of the yeah yeah it’s on top of the building what do you think that is what do you think it’s made out of something adorable it’s not made of elk no it’s not it’s not taxidermied yeah no yeah it’s like some kind of bronze bronze that’s what it is i think it’s one of those metals but yeah one of those hardcore that can survive for many years yeah who knows i don’t know it’s pretty cool yeah and then on sunday so this is what i’m saying the bros are having fun i’m telling you we’re out here we’re gonna wear our christmas sweaters we’re out here enjoying what this great city has to offer during during the christmas month during the holidays and it’s all about music this weekend yes music so sunday we’re going to see esteban classical guitarist spanish style classical guitarist he’s amazing uh studied under segovia and he is he is a treasure and we have him he lives here in president he lives here in prescott yeah it’s super super cool a treasure yeah so he did a great concert uh for mother’s day and now he’s doing a christmas concert so so we are super psyched about that we’re going to enjoy that yeah absolutely so we’re kicking off our holidays in good form we’ve been working hard super hard this week this year it’s been crazy lots of people are still coming in yeah hey we’ll work with you we’ll show you whatever you need to see yeah whatever you need to say we’ll bring you mult cider and we’ll sing a christmas tune correct take you to go see houses no problem we’re working whether it’s been nice and crisp really fun it’s been beautiful yeah if you haven’t it’s good oh real really cheers life is good life is good if you haven’t decided on prescott yet you’re still considering all those other god forsaken places that people retire to besides our little town that will never rate us we’re never going to rape but we’re partial come during the holiday season and this town will win your heart yes absolutely absolutely wonderful what’s sad what’s that right now we’re out of the spirit of christmases don’t grab your boobs wow i’m not sure which one of these is my group one of them is my navel i think i don’t know but yeah if this town at christmas doesn’t capture your heart and make you you’re a grinch yeah you’re a great you are officially a grinch no doubt about it you’re missing out on having a great life here in prescott just for the christmas season alone or the holiday season just the right pack that’s it’s not too late to come in for a little holiday visit not too late yes well cheers cheers and happy holidays to you happy holidays to you you look very handsome and you’re yeah this is me at my best this is okay if you guys need anything if you’re coming in town and you’re like hey you know we came in for your holiday visit on your suggestion but maybe we want to see a couple of houses hey give us a call we’ll be happy to take you out have a fun day um so call me at you’ll find 713-302-1964 links to our relocation center if you’re looking to relocate that’s a good place to go and get lots of good information correct we sell prescott we sell presskit which is our site for sellers so if you’re correct thinking about selling your home and need some help we’d be glad to help you you can find more information at we sell press kit.com yes or go to prescott picklelady.com you’ll find a link all of it all of it’s there it’s a huge wealth of information it’s a it’s all mixed in it’s all interconnected that we like part of the big plan correct that we like to share with you there you go there you go all right so that is all all right we’re here to help you all right thanks bye hey frankie you said you would do yours you sweet girl
When it comes to fun and over-the-top charm, few places do Halloween like Prescott. In this episode the Pickle Lady explains how Halloween works in our little town and shares some of the decorations on Prescott’s signature street – which becomes Spook Central during the Halloween season.
hello hello hello hey babes i am so psyched are you she’s also i’m psyched but i’m also you’re the pickle lady i i don’t know it’s nice to be you with the pic lady i know this is why we’re psyched i am diane bro this is randall bro we’re super psyched super excited because we are here out today on mount vernon a couple of days before this is spook central central prescott arizona halloweentown halloweentown prescott is amazing at halloween mainly because you come to this main drag on mount vernon which is filled with lovely lovely lovely um older homes some of the oldest homes uh since prescott was born yeah absolutely gorgeous a lot of them on the historic district um right this ghost is coming again oh my gosh but anyway um so what’s lovely here a great tradition the town has is all of the kids in prescott will collect here on mount vernon the police lock down the street they have it all lit up and they have all kinds of everyone who participates on the street will have great halloween decorations and about two thousand three thousand kids will just walk up and down both sides yeah it’s a lot of kids most of the uh most most of the neighborhoods don’t have enough kids to really do a real trick or treat right uh so they close down this old old-timey street and this is where all the kids come so the demographics are not do not bode well for a lot of little children so we collect them all that’s right and then maybe at the end some of the older people sacrifice them no we don’t i don’t remember children ever being sacrificed that’s a very dark chapter yeah a very dark turn i just made yeah forget i just said that that was for the old days i don’t think they do that anymore they don’t do that anymore they have gotten more current yeah with the time so we no longer sacrifice the young children to turn along you know the older generation’s life that’s a joke that’s totally a gym halloween joke no but because we do have a smaller demographic of kids they do come here it’s so lovely it’s so charming the street is just gorgeous filled with old trees i mean honestly it’s like mayberry it is it is it’s so nice and so a lot of the homes here will have big parties and all their friends will come and they have live music playing and yeah it’s just um something really nice it’s a pretty cool tradition it is and most of the uh the homeowners here go through a lot of trouble to decorate their homes uh for halloween and i’ll intersperse some of the so you’ll be seeing some of the scenes yeah what they do it’s so it’s just incredible it’s really really last night we came and we walked it and we filmed it at nighttime too so today you can see all the beautiful homes in the daytime and see how pretty there they are decorated and then you’ll see some nighttime shows yeah some night time shots too so something to keep in mind if you come here uh have the grandkids come for halloween especially if it’s on the weekend yeah and then you can take your grandkids or just come by yourself you don’t have to be a particular age no age requirement it’s just for anybody who thoroughly loves fall and loves the gorgeous halloween here that mount vernon has to offer it’s from here and you get some candy and sometimes some alcoholic fruits yeah sometimes sometimes those are the cool houses that’s right but anyway it’s a great time and it’s something you should experience it just reminds me of old times small town that’s right absolutely so anyway uh reach us if you need anything or if you want to know where mount vernon is it’s off of germany and uh maybe we’ll see you here but maybe so so if you need to reach me you can call me at 713-302-1964 you’ll see a link there to our prescient relocation center lots of great information about the community things you need to know if you’re thinking about or have already decided to come and join or if you’re interested in listing your home we sell prescott dot com or prescottpickleny.com you’ll see a link there to our seller uh our listing site so whether you’re buying or selling uh you can reach out to us please do that’s what we’re all about absolutely right yeah are you scared a little don’t be scared if i’m mostly scared of you protect you i will protect you all right calm yourself