This week we devote a whole episode to nothing but having fun – and the fun that awaits you here in Prescott. See the special footage of the Pickle Lady having a ball with some wonderful friends. Come share it with us.
Category: Events
Spook Central… and the Prescott Holidays
We take a look at Prescott’s Spook Central for Halloween and look forward to the local Holiday Season.
Our Take on Halloween: On Halloween Night, all the kids in town assemble in a three-block section of Prescott’s old township area to trick-or-treat. Old charming homes all decked out and hundreds of kids and their families enjoying the night together.
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So Many Eggs
Sound Effects by
Video Transcript you ready i’m ready i was born ready weekly wind up cheers hello hi friends and fellow realtors fellow clients families yeah i think so well you know we want some nice people but some can you edit that’s okay i can edit whatever you want i don’t like where it’s coming out okay no i know i in the word team that’s what i’m trying to say yeah but there’s a mate there’s a mate there’s me there’s me there yeah correct yeah yeah there’s also tea welcome randall welcome to the team yes and the wine and the wine should always take time out for wine always it’s all you know or adult beverage of your or your choice or an herbal tea herbal tea the wine is the wine is really symbolic it’s really about taking taking time but but honestly the wine tastes a lot better when it’s nuts okay all right we learned some fabulous news today but not not anything new that we all know living here this is not news to us fellow preschootonians the fact is that prescott has been ranked ninth in the entire united states yeah that’s huge that’s huge for well-being if you want to move here for some well-being good life good living this is the time that’s right it’s number nine number nine for those of you thinking maybe phoenix i hate to break it to you he so press gets looking mighty good at number nine number nine and the reason why is everyone here is happy here loves the weather loves the attitude loves the general vibe yeah we have a great purpose social financial community and physical those are the top five things physical what is physical having good health and enough energy to get things done daily and this town every day yeah every day every day every day well okay i think this is somewhere else but anyway that’s some bad news some bad news some bad news is about airport airport our airport service has been canceled oh yes this is very sad news um great lakes is no longer no longer going to be flying to los angeles which is devastating to us yeah we have two daughters who will be flying back and forth well not anymore they’ll be driving so yeah apparently there was not enough demand there’s no pilots you’re right not enough pilots who would sign up to fly those one hour commuter flight so that’s very sad day yeah yeah if you’re a pilot and you’re looking for a job call great lakes yeah great lakes will gladly get up back on board but as of now that has been suspended yeah so kind of sad about that yeah so now we’re going to have to drive the six hours to l.a but that’s the way like this some of the other things some of the yucky news will kind of talk about a little bit interest rates are going up yeah uh they are expecting some quarterly um quarterly increases and they’re predicting maybe by 2019 we’re gonna be up to five percent now for some of those i know don’t worry about supposedly old enough to remember you know you know 15 16 it’s still a joke but you know something to keep in mind it is steadily creeping up we’re losing our perfect storm you know we’ve got low interest rates we’ve got low inventory of high demands right yeah this is a really good time to sell a home it’s not going to be a perfect storm but it’s going to be pretty strong for the foreseeable future absolutely absolutely the other thing we wanted to talk about this weekend fun events that are happening coming up weekend coming up easter weekend is the great prescott easter egg hunt how fun is that it’s on saturday from 11 to two at the mile high middle school we’re gonna make a joke there but i’m not mile high just beyond the whiskey road right just beyond whiskey road and they are having a gigantic easter egg hunt so for all of our young families out there with kiddos we miss those days do you well i i you know that they’re going to have 20 000 eggs at that point oh yeah 20 000 we could still go even though we don’t have kids anymore yeah you’re going to get some eggs at this point they can’t be hiding them too often so 20 000 easter eggs they’re going to have food vendors soft drinks carnival and fun yeah so are we going to go um yeah but that is saturday march 31st 11 a.m to 2 p.m good times so if you’re a young family or grandchildren are visiting are you just really like eggs or you really like eggs yeah they go 20 000 easter eggs somebody’s gonna get at least one i’m thinking somebody’s gonna find they’re gonna be throwing eggs at you absolutely all right the other thing that i think is super cool and super fun and i didn’t know is that the elks theater is now showing movies oh that’s cool yeah all movies like casablanca gone with the wind they have all kinds of different movies so back in the day when it was an event you would go to a beautiful theater like the elks theater everybody would get dressed up yeah and that was an event yeah you didn’t schlep in your jammies like you can do some of these places and sit in a lazy boardroom yeah lazy board chairs go and experience elk’s theater beautiful beautiful theater and see some of the old movies the way it was in the olden days right yeah call them elk’s theater they’ll tell you the latest movie that’s showing i think that’d be kind of hard kind of a different kind of a different experience okay the other good things we want to talk about is randall and i we will be at the dells uh with reserve homes we are we’ll be there tomorrow between 11 and four no friday friday okay friday i don’t know where i’m gonna be right no you’re gonna come tomorrow tomorrow friday between 11 and 4 will be at the dells come see what a gorgeous home george rothwest has built yeah it overlooks granite mountain stunning stunning stunning three bedrooms three baths it’s amazing spicy pickles too and also yeah we’ll get to that and then also they have peavine trail right behind it so you come see this glorious neighborhood you can buy today build tomorrow and back up to the peavine trail if you’re a big biker hiker whatever it’s awesome active every day excuse that outside noise that’s a truck coming in they’re building they’re building more houses they’re building houses as fast as they can we can’t keep them on the market you’re right cheers to that cheers to that yeah absolutely okay the other uh event we’d like to talk to you about is we are hosting another open house on saturday march 31st the one i was thinking that’s the one you were thinking about from 11 to 3 p.m at 608 grand valley point right outside of tuning ranch yeah is this house to die for it’s the device i’ll put the uh i’ll put the information uh below the video yeah we’ll put the information look for the video next and this is an awesome house it is it is the best of the best of the best it’s uh beautifully appointed perfect for empty nesters and uh very peaceful yeah stunning yeah it’s one of my favorite homes i love to go for it makes me feel kumbaya [Laughter] anyway we are thrilled to be a team here together in prescott absolutely we’re thrilled to represent you buyer or sell our side call us absolutely and don’t forget about pickles oh yes thank you for reminding me i am also the pickle lady but now i’m going to be known as the pickle lady as well as spouses who sell houses yeah that’s us spouses who sell houses but i’m also the pickle lady quickly when you come visit us at any of our open houses please ask me remind me to give you a jar of my famous new orleans style pickles hot spicy garlicky all at the same time i’ll have them there waiting for you you will love them uh being from new orleans originally it’s a secret recipe secret recipe although it’s a printer in the jar although yeah the ingredients aren’t jerky ingredients on the jar yeah you know anyway thank you so much for joining us on our very first friday wine down and cheers to you and please give us a call 928-496-0075 there it is yeah we’ll put that on there too anyway you guys have a great weekend have a blessed weekend enjoy some great family time and come see us at the open houses if you have time yeah and eat some eggs and eat some eggs have fun at the easter egg hunt take care bye