Here's a great new spot out in Prescott Valley you have to try. Although the exact name remains somewhat elusive, it's quickly becoming the new Prescott nexus for all things Asian and delicious. Check it out.
hello folks hello peeps this is diane and randall bro here you are the pick lady that’s right i am the pickle lady you are correct and uh we discovered thank you we discovered a great new place we’re so excited yes um sometimes in prescott it might be a little hard to find some good asian food correct lots of thai we need lots of people yeah we’re going to do an episode on thai food yeah uh smatterings of chinese yeah uh a couple of sushis but uh this is asian asian bistro and it it does all those it’s amazing it’s in prescott valley and it’s a combination of both so you can get amazing chinese food and amazing sushi sushi and it’s all contained under one roof you’ve got your your sake hot or cold whatever you want that’s right and it’s yummy it’s very yummy and it’s uh it’s not not just the asian bistro it’s like w z or ws or something whatever those letters are no one ever remembers that yeah that’s what everyone seems to be calling it oh the asian beast is red probably should have looked good lost before we started talking about it we’ll put it up we’ll we’ll uh we’ll have him edit in yeah you’ll see the official name of it it’s on 69. it can’t be beat though can’t be beat yeah the decor is really cool it’s super cool very charming yeah nice or not tiki but just sort of it’s kind of like authentic japanese yeah and they also have some japanese stuff in there too but you know you go in and it’s kind of set up like i don’t know what you call those houses and but anyway yeah a little yeah yeah with lots of plain wood right right it was super cool great experience great good time with jeannie weenie shout out to jean shout out to jeannie weeney our friend got the uh chinese and i think i got sushi you did yeah sushi was good times left over yeah tons left over but the chinese food was good very yeah it was very enjoyable so we wanted to pass that out to everybody out there if you’re looking for a new place to try asian bistro hit it it’s fantastic yeah good stuff lots of asian things happen yeah very good all right we hope maybe we’ll see you there one day absolutely if you need any help with any real estate needs listing or buying feel free to give us a call at 713-302-1964 or you can find us online at you’re buy or sell sellers somewhere in between lots of free and useful information absolutely we are here to help you on the next step absolutely all right friends have a wonderful day bye
Exotic pets can be all fun and games... unless you run afoul of the latest real estate laws on what's allowed and what's required of buyers, sellers, and their agents. In this episode the Pickle Lady reveals all the latest updates, so you can be sure to not step in that.
what’s up hello peeps this is diane and
randall bro here she used pickle lady
we’re in prescott arizona yes the lovely
brisket arizona talking about life and
real estate life in real estate and with
our little pickle mugs
that’s right coffee mug waiting for it
looks like a little monsoon might be
coming in
again which would be so nice
great monsoon season this year
so today we kind of went to talk about
something uh service animal
rules service animal rules yeah and this
is very interesting
there are service animals which you just
think would be a dog correct
um but you were wrong it’s dogs as well
as miniature that’s right miniature
horses miniature horses so when it’s
what constitutes a service animal does
it have to just give you emotional no no
no no those are two different things
okay there are service animals and those
are highly highly trained
animals uh it could be dogs or your
miniature pony if that’s what you have
uh which apparently they’re supposed to
be super super smart and they’re just as
trainable as a dog and they are house
they are everything but anyway a service
animal really serves its owner these are
people that it will help guide them it
can sense if a seizure is coming on it
can sense if um you’re about to faint
whatever and they will if you do fall
they will go and seek help
um they guide you they lead you uh
they’re they’re totally there to serve
their owner who whatever in whatever
capacity they may need see i don’t need
one of those
i keep you just in case you know i need
any help i i am i am the servant she is
so uh when it comes to
looking for homes uh and you bring your
if you have a service animal your animal
or your miniature horse has to be
allowed it has to be allowed it has to
be allowed 100 when you’re going into a
um that is permissible the difference
what you were talking about emotional
support animals that’s a little
um they are those are more varied it can
even be a ferret it can be a little pot
belly pig it can be a cat
some people have snakes i can’t imagine
that being emotionally supportive but
hey i’m no offense to you people who
love snakes and lizards and all that
good stuff
um but uh
those critters
those uh you have to have a certificate
that it’s an emotional support animal
and if you wanted to rent or rent a
place they have to allow those animals
into your into the rental into the
rental that’s you you know you’re
allowed to do that
um but it’s not mandated so
it’s just kind of interesting that
you know
they can let you bring them in
um you have to be very careful as long
as they are not a threat okay as long as
they’re not uh danger a danger to other
you know other people surrounding
like a snake
so it’s just kind of interesting yeah
service animals really just do more
performing for their so if you are a
and someone requests is showing yeah
your agent is obligated to let their
service animal through now can you ask
i assume you can ask for documentation
no uh service animals will have it on
there should have it on their collar and
everything emotional support no they’re
not gonna you don’t have to so you don’t
have to let an emotional support animal
in but you do have to let the service
out yes you have to you have to obey
so it’s just something kind of
interesting a little
differentiation um
but we all love our pets all of our pets
so uh just to be clear
if you are
a seller and your listing age you are
the listing agent
uh refuses to let the service
miniature pony
into your house um you could get sued
you could get in trouble for that
yeah get in trouble with license trouble
and stuff like that because it’s not an
option this is not an option that is
it’s not an option um for people who
want to rent though you do have to
accept your emotional support animals as
well as long as they’re not aggressive
threatening or anything else and uh
you’re not even required if you’re
renting and you have an emotional
support animal you will not have to pay
the extra pet deposit
oh yeah
so just make sure that’s deposited from
yeah service animal
or the emotional support both
both yeah so just be sure that your
emotional support animal is is sweet and
taming yeah
and you’ll be good to go
and so yeah if you want to anybody out
there who has a service dog or a service
pony we would love to help you
we would love it i’d love to see you get
your service pony into your show
absolutely yeah i don’t know if i have a
place to put a service pony in the van
but uh we’ll try we’ll try to figure it
out absolutely
so new rules times are changing
just wanted to share that with all of
you guys
so lots of information if you’re looking
for yeah they look for more information
a great place to look including i guess
service animals and the rules and
everything pickle is our online
connection to you whether you’re a buyer
seller somewhere in between or you can
call the pickle lady hotline at
you got it
give us a call we’ll be happy to help
you we take all pets that’s right all
service animals all emotional we’re here
for you the pickle lady also gives
emotional support during the buying and
selling process
yes that’s why she’s alive i could be
like your own personal sometimes
emotional support and i’m happy to do
absolutely i don’t even need a
certificate yeah i’m okay i’ll i’ll i’ll
try to fill that capacity in whatever
way i can
i’m getting one of those pigs oh
yeah i like a little pig too that’d be
i always wonder what but then you gotta
be careful because sometimes they’re not
so miniature they end up tricking you
yeah and then they get to be 400 pounds
and you’re like what has happened
yeah you could have a couch on uh
yeah yeah which is
suckling pig suckling pig
barbecued over a fire pit
it’s a louisiana thing folks
We've been getting lots of questions about homes in Prescott that are "Active with Contingency." It's a state of nature that can only be found within the confines of the Prescott-area MLS. In this episode, we explain this eerie twilight state and how it came to be.
good afternoon my little fellow pickle
peeps out there hello peeps cheers to
can you see my lady yeah we got our
green screen ready coffee mugs now yes
won’t bore holes into us anymore that’s
right although i’m wearing green stripes
i think you’ll be okay
we’ll see we’ll see we’ll see
today we wanted to talk about something
that we get a lot of phone calls about
and it is
i think this house is still available it
says active with contingency
with contingency it’s really kind of the
bane of our existence it really is all
right so so just to be clear there’s no
such thing
as active with a contingency that does
not exist that’s like saying
dead and breathing
that’s a contradiction of terms you
can’t have a contingency
unless there’s a contract right and if
there’s a contract it’s not active it’s
not active
um so in the olden days this used to
just be called plano pending
and everybody knew what that meant it’s
under contract and sometimes they put in
there uh we are taking backups but
essentially was a done deal yeah now
they’ve changed it you know we can still
use pending occasionally but it’s a cash
deal and they know it’s going forward
yeah so just to be clear what this is
about is a complete screw-up
uh on our uh a local association
they redesigned the menu pull down
i have been doing computer programming
since i was in eighth grade
and i have never seen menus so poorly
designed and create more confusion
than these it is confusing it’s um i
think they had the best of intentions
they did they did but it doesn’t
translate well yeah so let’s talk a
little bit about what the reality is
like what what are the different
of a contract in real estate so
it’s not complicated either it’s active
on the market right or for sale yeah for
or it’s pending which means there’s
contract yeah that’s right it’s either
active or compended or pending right and
that’s kind of it
uh so it used to be you had active you
had pending and you had pending taking
meaning we already have an offer but if
you want to put in a backup offer you
can do that yeah and everyone understood
that it was pretty simple it was pretty
uh there is another another shade of
this and that is uh
pending but there’s a buyer contingency
so if there’s a buyer contingency and
you have
say a cash offer or an offer without a
contingency that’s right uh you can
knock out that’s right the offer that’s
there you you can approach the seller
and the seller has the option of uh
telling the current buyer with the
contingency look you either either have
to get rid of the contingency or you’re
out and you can take your owner’s money
that’s correct so i guess what par was
trying to do
was to let people see if if there was a
contingency if there was any opening
yeah that you might wiggle in yeah and
so really all they had to do was add
pending with contingency yeah uh and
instead they created active with
contingency which as i said is a
contradiction in terms
and instead of just putting it all on
one drop down menu they’re two drop down
yes uh so you have to check the other
one i it’s it’s oh my god it’s um it’s
pretty bad
so active with contingency essentially
means pending yeah
and and actually it means it needs a
little more than that right now very few
people are taking contingencies so if
you if you see active with contingency
essentially that means pending with a
right you can’t you can’t take a backup
and you can’t set it in mls so if you
want to you’re the listing agent and you
want to accept backups you have to call
it active with contingency and there’s a
separate field i forgot what the
separate field is and it will say take
it back up so take them back up the only
way you can say pending and sometimes
thinking back up is using this crazy
active brand and sometimes it will
indicate uh buyer contingency which you
kind of gives you to go ahead like hey
if you guys have cash we might be able
to wiggle in here which is that’s kind
of nice to know yeah
so if you consider think about
active with contingency just translate
that in your mind it means
pending taking backup essentially and
you can check the other field to see if
there’s a contingency involved right now
they’re they’re basically they’re really
aren’t yeah
no one’s accepting contingencies
um especially buyers contingencies
absolutely not you know what i mean it’s
just it’s too hot of a market friends
there’s something something about
having something in print
on a website though
that people think it’s real yeah whether
it’s zillow or it’s this active with
with contingent well it says active with
contingency well let me explain with
that but it says i know so don’t get
confused although it is confusing it’s
very good um just take it to me it’s
pretty much pending and
that door is closed yeah
yeah well unless you want to put in a
backup offer yeah you can always do a
backup offer and of course if you are
cash and it has a uh it does have a
condition you know yeah then you might
be able to then you might be in there
but that happens very few and far
between yeah and when you see the you
know hundreds of
pending uh
contracts uh uh transactions
that all say active with contingency
what is going on in prescott yes what’s
going on is they have people in charge
of menu design that really just kind of
don’t know
and uh you know it’s everything here is
pretty much sold sold sold so yeah
so if you get in here and you want to
put an offer in make sure your house
number one is at the very least on the
market number two it’s even better if
you have a contract on it with a firm
close of escrow and number three the
best of the best would be if you’re
already sold and closed and you’re ready
to move forward then you get in here you
see something get that offer in toronto
yeah pronto because time is a wasting
something to be said for for backup
offers too although it’s gotten better
uh when the market really started
getting crazy we saw a lot of
transactions falling out
and the the number of transactions that
are falling out of uh out of escrow is
still higher than it normally was right
but it’s it’s it’s lowered quite a bit
but still you know backup offer might be
a good idea
so don’t let that throw you we will find
you one we will hunt down one that
doesn’t say active with contingency
that’s right that’s just plain old
active no active and ready to go and
we’ll make it happen for you as
hopefully as quick as we can
so uh anyway come on in come visit us
uh you can reach us at
at an 713-302-1964 we’ll spend a great
day going all around town looking at
some great properties and hopefully
we’ll write a contract for you on an
active property on an active property
you can also find information at
that’s right our website whether you buy
or seller somewhere in between all kinds
of free information
very useful yeah check out pickle411. cheers to that
okay everyone out there have a great
rest of your day
and uh i hope to see you soon bye
Prescott is smarter than your average small town, and true to form it boasts a most delightful bookstore right downtown. If you love books, you won't want to miss it. Hear all about it in this week's episode.
good morning my fellow little pickle peeps how are you today we hope very well uh this is randall and diane bro he’s randall i’m diane usually yes she’s president arizona lady of prescott arizona we sell real estate but we’re not here to talk about real estate today and today we’re so excited actually this was a tip sent to us from someone who is a regular follower and watcher of our wine dance and so we want to give a shout out to richard ardis um thank you sir thank you he gave us a brilliant idea actually a couple of a couple of football he’s like you should we’re gonna do one today and we’re gonna we’re gonna do another one some other time and we thought wow richard thanks for reaching out to us and telling us you know and he’s so right about this little tip that we want to talk about uh we want to talk about uh one of the bookstores here in prescott yeah it is a very very special bookstore it really is really really cool in fact i was just there this weekend with a friend of mine who is an english major shout out to bee yeah and a librarian and a librarian yeah so she’s super into that and so i said let’s go check it out she’s like yeah i would love to so as soon as we walked in she was like i am so impressed that your little town of prescott has such a progressive uh super cool uh up-to-date uh up to current events yeah uh bookstore as peregrine books on cortez it’s uh yeah that’s quartet yeah it’s amazing if you go in it’s beautifully set up it’s uh honestly you could almost feel like you’re in a bookstore in new york city it’s that cool but the thing that really sets it apart i mean they have a lot of people besides the name i’m not sure i think you need to back up on that yeah i’ll have to look up what a peregrine is it’s cool it’s a bird they have the latest and greatest they have a kid’s hour they have a podium in the back and that’s what my friend was most impressed about was that uh they will have current authors who come and speak and read from their works they’ve got a cute little podium back there and a seating area um it’s really really pretty cool but the coolest thing is the curating and you know that’s kind of hard to find in bookstores i mean you have go in they have lots of books oh it has lots of books but as soon as you start looking at what’s on the shelf particularly in the kind of the entry area uh their uh their staff goes through and they just pull the most fascinating books they all line up i mean you can lose yourself for three hours just right inside the door because it’s just one after the other it’s like that is really fast so they will carry the most pedestrian and the and you know the best sellers but they also have a wide variety for all those intellectuals i mean a wide variety of topics that they cover and they have it all categorized neatly on the shelves and it’s just a beautiful book shop as well yeah you kind of forget you know because i’m i’m a technology person i was an early adapter for uh adopter for kindle and all that stuff and i get that stuff it’s that’s kind of cool and audible i like to listen to vlogs but you know slowly but surely over the years traditional bookstores have been kind of dying out libraries have kind of been changing [Music] and you just forget how nice a good book story is like to go into a bookstore that’s really well done and just the smell of the books that feel that new spell book it’s just you know it just brings you back every time you go there it’s lovely it’s a great experience and for a town this size to be able to support a local bookstore like this yes it just speaks to this is not your chain bookstore yeah it’s not a change this is a very unique experience yeah so for all you eggheads out there yeah richard talks about egg heads and you know i think that’s a really good point press gets a pretty smart town it’s a very smart time uh people here are educated they are cosmopolitan uh this isn’t some podum town you’re going to go and you know it’s not a little wild wild west yeah and every now and then they’ll have movies mostly you know jaws and gone with the wind yeah they’ve got some good yeah yeah this is a very progressive very savvy town intellectual intellectual town yeah peregrines yeah yeah so the egg the egghead thing that uh richard point i think is really appropriate i think a town is smarter than your average town correct so richard we want to cheers to you uh that is a great tip and i don’t know why i didn’t think of it before because i absolutely love paragraphs i love it we go there all the time so anyway if you’re here in town or you move here make sure to check it out it’s lovely you can sit and while away your saturday with a cup of coffee and just sit and read some books and like it was in the olden days like it was no amazon here no amazon here you can actually put your hands on a book and actually read it’s really cool so we just thought we’d share that tip and we thank richard for passing that along to us yes great idea so if you are local and looking to list your home please give us a call we’d be happy to list your home for you if you’re a buyer coming in town also give us a call we’d love to hunt down the perfect house and uh welcome you here to prescott yeah the pickley hotline is 713-302-1964. if you’re more of an online person you can hit us up at pickle your source of information all of it’s free and it’s astounding how much stuff is on there so if you have questions about prescott about real estate and just life in general it’s a good place to look it is all right see you at the bookstore bye 9:38 NOW PLAYING
Buyers desperate for a home often like to send the sellers a "love letter," explaining who they are and why they love the home. If you've ever received one, then you know how touching these letters can be. Unfortunately, the powers that be have put the kibosh on them, so they're going away. In this episode, we explain why.
hello my little friends out there my little pickle friends pickle peeps randall and diane bro that’s right and we are here today to chat with you uh kind of a new development something that the arizona department of real estate has brought up and honestly never thought of i never thought about but it makes good sense and it’s what we call love letters so a lot of buyers are looking to do love letters now as you may know bitty wars yeah we’ve got a lot of bidding wars it’s been really hard to find uh properties across the country we are having historic lows in inventory uh which makes it hard as fire right not just us all over the united states all over everybody’s running across the same thing so everyone’s trying to yeah so everyone’s trying to differentiate themselves so obviously if you just give a lot of cash then you are likely to win cash is king but nobody wants to flush money down the toilet so they try to differentiate themselves in other ways that’s right so they’ll say you know what can i just write a letter from my heart about how much this home means to me and what this neighborhood means to me what this town means to me and in the olden days i would say sure i love that i think that’s very touching uh sellers like to receive that go for it however the arizona department of real estate and i think nationally as well now the national association of realtors has decided that love letters are a no-go anymore and uh they really would rather realtors not encourage that practice because it can go against fair housing yeah it’s a fair housing and explain mr brown why it can go against well a very obvious sort of thing uh might be that let’s say you have a buyer who’s jewish and they write a love letter to the seller that says oh i love the location of the house it’s right around they don’t mention they’re jewish but they mentioned oh you’re it’s wonderful your house is right around the corner from the synagogue well let what happens if that person’s offer isn’t accepted now it may not be accepted because the price isn’t right or you know it could be not accepted for any any number of things but it opens up the possibility that the buyer will say oh you know they didn’t take my offer because obviously they knew i was jewish and that becomes anti-semitic and obviously subject to fair housing right so it’s it’s primarily a liability thing a potential lifestyle and i think for some people too like if they say hey i have a family i’m so excited to move here um and maybe this neighborhood doesn’t want kids and the owner you know they may say well you didn’t choose me because you don’t want kids in this neighborhood which by the way is protected children and families are protected correct if you are a seller and somebody comes with children you can’t deny them the right to buy the home because they’re a family absolutely part of fair housing there are a number of things under fair housing yes the jewish thing excuse me the jewish thing was maybe more a lot more common is my kids love the house right you know and and that kind of thing and so anything with religion families and handicapped races if you even make the slightest uh connection uh and and you try to write about that in your letter and the seller chooses someone else it opens the door for the people who were not chosen to say well was it because i had a family yeah was it because i practice a certain religion that you don’t like was it because and it opens up the door to a lot of possible uh lawsuits yeah and so by the way we really don’t see all we don’t really see that no it really doesn’t happen people are very accepting here people are super accepting and super it’s it’s a liability thing the brokers don’t want to spend their days reading all these love letters uh and to be honest the sellers have gotten very jaded and a lot of sellers are like you know what i’ve actually had this uh some of the listings we’ve had the sellers are like i really i don’t want to be swayed i don’t want to hear any of the stories please don’t give me any of these letters i need to just make this decision almost like a business decision they don’t want to attach emotion to it yeah so we thought we’d talk about this with you so you would understand what’s kind of going on with the national association of realtors and where they’re coming from on this ruling yeah and also to let you know some of the sellers perspective they’re like look business is business i don’t want to be swayed i don’t want to hear any sob stories about a widow or you know or anything like that yeah and um well the pickle has kind of an inside track on that so i will tell you our secret so when we send in your offer on the home uh the pickle lady does a cover letter to the agent and in that cover letter she will mention things that may sway them towards you i try i mean well being a veteran is an obvious one well and without being overly we have to be careful yeah you can’t be too soppy because as you know the if the sellers are getting seven love letters after a while they kind of we’ll try to mention a few little tidbits nothing nothing extreme um but when we explain to you when you come in and you’re like i want to win this bid because as we know there’s tons of uh bidding wars going on and we say to you i’m so sorry we can’t do a love letter please understand it’s not us it’s new rulings it’s uh kind of a changing tide so to speak a turning of the tide and uh that’s where it’s coming from it’s not an us thing yeah it’s just um i remember things are changing we were selling our home uh in texas and uh that’s where we we raised our family and when we sold it we got a love letter from a young family it’s very touchy but it’s very nice i it’s very hard for me it’s very hard for me because i love love letters yeah yeah i think they’re cool i think they help the seller connect with the buyer there’s a lot of memories and emotion attached with all homes and love letters help you make that connection i’m personally i’m all for it yeah i don’t make of the rules though no and another one was wonderful things about the past that people people will reminisce about because so don’t shoot the messenger if it were up to me i’d have you be you know writing a beautiful love letter a long long missive whatever it would be it’s amazing i think it’s gorgeous and i think it’s a wonderful way to connect uh however we are precluded now from doing that so we just wanted to share that with you and um i mean i love love letters i have all of my love letters that this one wrote to me i have all the love letters my parents had we were all trying to buy a house from her at some point no my parents i mean i’m i’m a big fan of the written note it’s always lovely to have and you keep it from unfortunately a real estate transaction so just want to share that with you and give you a little bit more understanding of where that’s coming from so that is our little tidbit of the day we hope that you learned something a little bit from that if you’re looking for more information about real estate and all the trends market forces and restaurants and places to eat and things about press kit and i can’t even think all the stuff that we have it’s a lot your search begins at yes our source of information to buyers sellers and everyone in between and if you want after the deal is done you can write us a love letter we always appreciate those we have a lot of very nice letters yeah um i love those letters i love them all all right guys so i hope you understand and we hope to hear from you soon have a great rest of your day bye
When you get close to the sun or out in the cold, sometimes the most important thing is what's up top. In this episode, we discuss Prescott's affinity toward hats and demonstrate how they work for some but not so much for others.
well howdy howdy pardon hi hi hi hi this is dianna randall bro cheers she’s pickle lady we’re in prescott arizona that’s right and we’re here to talk to you about something i never thought i’d be doing um but it’s imperative if you move and live in prescott because we are a mile high we’re about fifty four hundred feet yeah we’re about the same elevator same elevation as denver yeah we’re closer to the sun closer to the site not used to that i come from the deep south where we’re actually below sea level um so when i moved here i was like gee whiz i get sunburned so fast like within 30 minutes it’s a thing well hello you’re close to the sun less less atmosphere did you know there are areas on the earth that are so far below sea level that you cannot get sunburned oh like the dead sea is one of those i would say well i would love that so when we moved to the opposite way we’re the opposite we’re nice and high closer to god closer to the sky to the sun and uh i didn’t realize until after i was here for a little while i’m like gee all these people are such nerds they’re all in hats they all look ridiculous i am not doing that um i feel stupid however after a couple of sunburns i was like i see the wisdom i understand so we would go walking with the dogs and she where did you buy these homes these panama jack but they’re uv protected they give you protection uh they cover the back of your neck there’s all these things you learn you gotta have coverage on the back of your neck the top of your little ears because if not you get skin damage and skin cancer yeah so when we take ourselves because yeah we were hats to give us some protection this was her first shot i didn’t know she was doing this she’s always after me about sun protection and sunscreen and all that stuff well uh she went out and she bought these hats she came home and i’m like oh my god i hate that hat she makes me wear them all the time i’ll tell them see you have this little strap so that when the wind won’t blow off your hat it’s a very practical this is a walking hat yeah this is what we call our walking hat exercise hat when we’re out and about in the sunshine and trying to get some good walking in we put this hat on it gives you all overall protection the problem i have is i just always look like an idiot wearing a hat yes she looks great she doesn’t have it i don’t know you have a terrible hat i will say all right so that’s awesome so i yeah so i i went out yes and i okay yeah i tried to spend a little more money get something a little nicer so i got this wait hold on if i i’m not marginally look a little better i don’t know so you look like it you look like this is sanctuary south of france look you look like uh princess uh kelly princess kelly who’s the one who died in her her uh convertible driving around that’s grace princess grace grace grace kelly grace keller is kel get your people straight but anyway this is my central pace it’s just our last name yeah i know you got her name that’s not it’s if her name’s grace kelly you got her penalty princess kelly well that’s her last name okay well she knows my princess grace grace keller but anyway this one i love it’s got a little bow in the back yeah this the one we lost and replaced this is the one i lost and replaced i was very lucky so i wear it with my big shades so i kind of have a european flare yeah i look like i’m clearing the buyers yes you do yes all right so this is my other summer hat which i like too this is just kind of a little short a little little boater a little boater hat isn’t i love it it’s a little short a little sassy there’s a great uh hat store right on whiskey road yes we think it’s called all about hats i think it’s called all about house it’s right right near the corner right by the bistro we took our kids there that our daughter and her boyfriend and everything they put on their heads looked great it did i must have found it we have the best time just just giggling at different hats at fascinators they have caps they have this is my multicolored look so it matches everything so yeah i’m gonna have to try again it’s still not working for me it isn’t where’s your let’s put it on our winter hat yeah so oh so that’s the other thing yeah besides you need to have the windscreen yes you also as you know you lose all your body heat through your head some people have less hair than others so you really lose it faster yeah if if you wear a hat you can be naked in the snow and you won’t even feel it look at this yeah i have this cute little this is my felt bowler boulder hat isn’t it cute this is the best i can do this is we call this my governor hat your governor got that here comes the governor you need some coal so he puts his governor hat on and he has to go shovel some snow over out in the chilly willy weather now when i first moved here was more of a thing because coming from louisiana texas i used to buzz my hair used to keep my hair really really short to try to stay cool and i realized that i don’t have to do that anymore so now i have more normal normal hair a little bit longer and it keeps my head uh warm unlike unlike a lot of my friends you know they don’t really have a whole lot of hair so they all have to wear hats but it’s kind of odd he’s holding on he’s holding options he’s got some yeah still there oh when i’m not wearing a hat and you know and i move my hit the steam just off my head because it’s holding so much heat so that is something we kind of just just for fun we just thought we’d have put on our hats when you move here you will you too will embrace the hat movement even if you never i never wore a hat in my entire life until i moved to prescott so i just saw a video on uh youtube it was about how men never wear hats anymore and one of the big reasons i never really put two and two together but one of the big reasons is automobiles as you’re not in the weather as much and also when you’re in you only a lot of a lot of cars don’t have enough clearance for you’re right that’s hot so so you would knock your hat knock your hat off it’s inconvenient but it’s very convenient here in preston yeah and uh we love that little hat shop right on the square i think it’s called all about hats right did we talk about that it’s a cool shop it’s right next to our donor restaurant it’s right next to the st michael’s uh bistro a couple of doors down if you go in the door and you don’t see a lot of hats you’re in the wrong place you’ll know it you’ll know and if you’re there it’s right there on the website something to keep under your hat when you come here be prepared you too will become a hat aficionado and you’ll be wearing those hats just like we do and you’ll embrace it and you’ll get over feeling silly but anyway more information you can hit us up at all things real estate all things prescott lots of things to eat lots of things to drink and lots of things to do all right there whether you’re buy or seller somewhere in between or you’re just looking for a nice hat that’s right we love our town love to help you find your next home or help you sell a home give us a call 713-302 that’s it folks i know i love this hat it’s cute it’s very comfortable too
Part of starting a new life in Arizona is making space for pieces of it in your home, and if you have the wall space for it, we know just the thing. Come check out our own ginormous new addition of Arizona spirit that just couldn't be more beautiful.
hello hello hello hello peeps all of our fellow pickle piece and there we hope you guys are having an amazing summer we sure are yeah uh this is diana randall bro here in prescott he’s randall she’s dying i’m diane we’re realtors here in prescott arizona that’s right when you come in and you visit us to go look for a home uh you’ll find out why i’m the pickle lady bring me some of my famous cajun pickles happy to do that i give them to all my friends family yeah folk out there but anyway hit or announce our how many years we’ve been married it’s unbelievable 35 years 35 years 35 years in june yeah a couple of weeks ago we keep saying it because it’s shocking i know you’re gonna wrap your mind around the number that big so we’re very lucky right thanks to all the people at our wedding who took bets on how long it will last i don’t know if any of you are still in the pot you lost i’m thinking all of you need to pay us yeah you should pay us you should pay us yeah because we made it so number 35 35 is a special number for me i don’t know so much for you it’s a special that’s how much you make i was number 35 on my high school football team my nickname was bromine turns out the number 35 on the periodical chart of the the periodical chart of elements number 35 is bromine and as you know our last name is bro last name is bro i had 35 stitches on my face when i was 5 years old 35 followed him a lot yeah 35 we have my parents [Music] 35th anniversary is a lucky number for you lucky number so you know usually we like to joke and say we take it day by day but so far so good we’ve made it this far so we decided to double down and invest yes and a beautiful beautiful work of art uh it’s it’s fits us we’ve been meaning to collect more arizona stuff as you know we’re both from new orleans so we’ve gotta still have a lot of new orleans stuff we have some houston stuff so i’m gonna start collecting some arizona stuff so we did let’s get with the program let’s embrace the area that we’re in and where we’re living so we decided to go to a local gallery here in wrestle gallery gallery right on whiskey row correct and we thought you know what i think i mentioned this before prescott actually has a huge art scene oh yeah huge art scene lots of galleries um you can find all kinds of beautiful pieces and sculptures and whatnot yeah but we decided let’s get a beautiful beautiful picture for our 35th a beautiful work of art and um in a while yeah so the the artist’s name is theresa rose theresa rose she’s sometimes go by tree tree rose which was a nickname that her dad gave her this is such a cute story they tell it to you every time you go to the couch i know but we love it it works it worked all night yeah absolutely so we’ve been eyeing her stuff for a while a long time beautiful high resolution photography uh she doesn’t photoshop the life out of it you know she waits until just the right light and then she captures it she captures the majesty that prescott has to offer yeah so she’ll go out sometimes at four o’clock in the morning if she does a night shoot so you can see the sky just lit up with stars it’s unbelievable it is unbelievable it almost looks fake yeah it almost looks like but it’s not the beautiful thing is that is the nature that surrounds us here in where we live yeah where we actually live yeah you know real uh country cowboy western folks so a lot of the arizona art uh you know that captures all of that horses and cowboys and lovely little circles and some people do we don’t uh so we wanted to get a picture that that talked about arizona with just nature just just the natural form yeah wrong and she does and so it’s just gorgeous as everyone knows i love the rocks i love love i love the rocks so you’ll see yeah we captured sedona yeah the picture that she got is just all the beautiful rocks of sedona which is my absolute favorite and the beautiful skies there’s nothing like a sunrise or a sunset here in arizona uh the skies are filled with lavenders pinks and purples it’s gorgeous yeah and she captures it just as a wonderful artist gets out there and captures it at its finest so we are very proud owners of this beautiful piece of pork right behind us and it’s uh it’s on metal uh yes it’s done on metal so it’s pretty much i mean i guess you could destroy it if you really tried but i mean it’s not we don’t delicate like a lot of art is you know it’s robust and it does come all of her work comes in different sizes yes we we just we got the big cup we got the biggest because we’ve got a big giant wall we have a big giant wall and it fits perfectly and so when i have a bad day and i’m upset about whatever’s going on i just sit and look at that sky view and and the the rocks of sedona and i feel somewhat namaste now if you’ve got the wall you just you know you got the wall space you’ve got the wall space got to go check it out you’re only married 35 years once yes and uh we just decided to go for broke a little trouble hanging it had some issues hanging it little marks on the wall we got cleaned up and so now it just looks beautiful it was a little scary yeah uh the people had to hang up you know how you know just stand on a ladder i was like i don’t want to watch it but i want to watch the wall is right beside the the stairs going down that road it was tricky getting a ladder to yeah but we got yeah but here’s the thing if you get it yeah we knew better than there was no way we could do it uh we might be divorced before we even hit a pudgy dead husband yeah or divorced you know but anyway we’re divorced that’s true yeah arguing everybody make it at 36. that’s correct and i know it is a day by day i get it up it should say it’s crackhead it’s crooked so yeah we knew we need to get professionals so we just wanted to share that with you if you come here there are amazing galleries there are amazing art western art photography as we’re talking about of all the nature here it’s very very unique yeah and we are very proud to be an owner of tree rose from ian some work for me and russell gallagher a lot of other really great artists oh beautiful things ian russell’s gallery there it’s uh you can’t really and cool sculptures cool sculptures yeah javelina sculptures they look real yes yeah i like those too yeah i like the uh the the bar stuff they’ve got stuff that’s really it’s kind of neat to go over your bar this is some really cool there’s that one artist that did the beatles crossing yeah um uh sheldon not sheldon uh gurley as the main guy whatever trying to impose that so we encourage you when you move here expand your horizons get rid of the old stuff that you had in your former home get in here and embrace the new and try some new art here at one of the many galleries here in prescott and uh you’ll be amazed at some of the unique artwork here absolutely all right happy anniversary to you hope you enjoy our picture we sure do uh we love it and uh give us a call if you would like to list or if you need help buying a home that’s what we’re here for the best source of information is whether you’re a buyer seller somewhere in between it all starts at sometimes i forget he gets it he gets annoyed but anyway there it is check us out we’d love to hear from you and we’d love to help you make your way here to prescott and discover the beautiful artwork that prescott has to offer bye have a good day
From the people we love at St. Michael's Bistro on the corner of Whiskey Row, comes a little offshoot window you might be likely to miss... Don't! They serve an obscure Turkish treat out of that little window you do not want to miss. Find out all about it in this episode.
hello my fellow pickle peeps this is diana randall bro here in my lovely town of prescott uh we are so excited to share with you some of uh some new places that have opened up here in prescott after coven has lifted uh we are psyched oh yeah really psyched it’s really lifted the only bad thing is everything’s reopened everybody’s at the restaurant now we have a little weight and i’m a little yeah other than that a lot of people who should be serving me my food are home still collecting checks it’s kind of hard the restaurants are struggling to get staff and but everybody’s come out but everybody’s going out of out of their uh isolation and they’re like we’re ready to socialize we can get out now and be safe yeah so uh other than you know having a little weight at some of our favorite restaurants we are super excited that some new places have opened yeah and some old places we’re still waiting yes so uh the barley hound has won they’ve done renovations yeah i know they’re going to open just like they’re doing major renovations a lot of our places are like you know what we’re going to use this time to revamp and uh redecorate re do some renovations and so some of them but they’re coming back they’re just in the middle of yeah once they open that’s it i mean i know they’re going to be flat out so i guess they know that so one place that randall while he was driving by you know we take our dog for a ride at least twice a day and we go around the square she loves to go for a ride that’s her thing so as we’re driving brandon’s like oh i see something and i’m like what and he’s like donors i’m like that means absolutely nothing to me but it means a lot to him means a lot to me yeah so this is this is an offshoot of the st michael’s bistro one of our favorite restaurants right on the corner of whiskey row and they have been shut down for kovitz i mean for over a year now and they are renovating they will open much like barley hound they’re common say michael’s bistro’s coming back so give me something like a little taste they opened up this little a little sliver on the side of the hotel and it’s you have to look twice to understand that’s actually part of the bistro yeah but it’s their kitchen so they’re just serving right out the window and they brought this sandwich called a dirner like he says i say derner but it was a sandwich way back in the day uh a friend of some high school friends of mine uh joined together in germany for a little trip and we were in berlin and that’s when i first met the durner so at that time there were a whole bunch of turkish people immigrants or something yeah and they brought their cuisine with them and one of them was this sandwich so it’s a dirner turner a donor amazing yeah it’s a they make it with a rotisserie that’s vertical and they shave it off and they put it in this delicious sort of pita like bread but softer yeah just very spicy season beautifully and all kinds of extras so as we were driving by he’s like i see dirners donors whatever you want to call it i have no idea what that means that means nothing to you well it means a lot to me yeah it’s like i said this is like 15 years ago i have never seen 15 years ago 15 years ago i first when i was in germany it’s been longer than that i think so i’m about 15. i was in like early 40s that’s all right all right if you say okay it was first high school reunion but anyway uh that was not my high school room so the trip to germany yes it was for your 25th uh yeah 25th yeah there you go yeah i think you can graduate a little bit longer i don’t know have you no i don’t know we’ll do the math but anyway so that’s when he went and that’s when he had these sandwiches and all throughout germany yeah in some places like new york city or very big metropolitan areas they probably have i’m sure uh but i haven’t seen one yeah european cuisine right so i immediately bought like six of them oh yes oh my god oh that’s so good he felt compelled to share this with everyone out there when you come here you need to have a dinner whatever you want to call it and also know that saint michael’s bistro which is right next door will be reopening and they’re bringing back my favorite thing on the menu which is the uh uh reuben burger reuben burger corned beef reuben burger yeah it is a monstrosity it is really really big every time i ordered one the whole restaurant would go silent as i was being certain you would finish the whole thing here’s the thing do you notice we talk a lot about food a lot of us we’re foodies i think you can tell by our we’re more eaties yeah we’re more eating we are eating yeah so hey we enjoy everything yeah we love our little town we love all that our little town has to offer amazing all kinds of stuff i mean they even have turner’s donors whatever you want to call them d-o-n-e-r-s with the two dots over here what does that mean walnuts what is it walnuts i think it makes a diphthong of the vowel dorn i mean it’s like i don’t know what that is it kind of makes one vowel to about two i don’t care it’s good that’s all i know so if you’re headed here to town we’ll tell you where to go to get a dirner or a donor um yeah at this point they are uh they don’t have full service so i think it was like thursday friday saturday right in the afternoon hopefully it will catch on with all the other town folk and it will still be here because i checked the lady who uh serves it and she said they are on fire they’re going gangbusters this town has a sophisticated talent they know good stuff when they see it it’s sophisticated palette means you know turkish peasant food sure man anything unique we love it prescott loves it and prescott embraces it okay so if you are looking to visit and have a donor of your own or if you’re looking to come visit and try to find some homes here or if you want to list please feel free to call randall and i you can contact us at yeah lots of information or you can call us at that’s 713-302-1964 i will answer and uh anyway we hope to see you there soon he see you here i should say and share darner with us that is all bye
The power of voting can be a lot greater than you think, especially when you do it with your feet. In this episode, we discuss the latest trend sweeping the nation: the Great Reshuffling - and why you might consider hopping aboard.
good afternoon good afternoon folks in brisket arizona that’s right this is diane and randall grove and i’m the randall he’s the randall we are here in the lovely town of prescott arizona loving life loving our little business here and loving to reach uh to you guys and chat with you about uh different topics different topics so today we’re going to talk about a new phenomenon that’s sweeping the country called voting with your feet yes it’s more than one way to vote yeah if you can’t get the result that you want you can always vote with your feet so that was a quote that actually i think it was lenin uh people asked you know did the people uh want the czar or the did the people want to end the war this is world war one you know when did the people vote uh when did the soldiers vote that they should end the war and he said they voted with their feet meaning that they had all retreated from the front and you know right just gave up the fight and uh that’s a term that’s kind of bandied about quite a bit the idea of voting with you voting with your fee and we see it all the time as agents here uh we represent a lot of buyers uh they’re coming from california washington oregon even some new jersey folks yeah and um they are voting with their feet uh they are not happy with things that are occurring in their home states and they are retired and they’re like you know what we have a luxury now and the ability to vote with our feet uh we don’t have to put up with it anymore we don’t uh and we want to move on yeah and so a lot of them are coming here to prescott yeah a lot of them are a lot of them are it’s you know it’s the last resort uh you know it’s in communist countries like cuba and east germany you know they’ll build a wall to keep people from voting with their feet because they know their people are unhappy and uh so far there’s no place in the united states that i know of that forces you to stay where you are although california tried they were trying to tax people who are leaving you know and i can’t imagine that that’s gonna stick but uh but at this point in time you can still vote with your feet and the thing about it about voting with your fee is you get instant results if you elect your candidate it’s gonna take a while before your candidates able to bring you the changes that you want but when you vote for your feet you go to some place where things are happening the way that you want them to it’s right instantaneously you get immediate satisfaction you get immediate results um depending on where you go of course yeah um and so we get a lot of people who are like i’m moving on i can’t change what’s occurring in my state i sure have tried i’ve tried to hang in there as long as i can and hoping that there might be a change and now that they’re retired they have the freedom and the wherewithal they’re not tied to a job or career or kids in school yeah and so we are seeing it more and more that people are voting with their feet and they’re going where they feel uh with like-minded people yeah and um so it’s been an interesting thing to watch uh unfold and develop yeah and so we say it a lot a lot uh and it’s a phenomenon that’s happening really all over the country uh there’s a lot of new flux uh people call it the the the great reselection the great reset i forget that i don’t know yeah but it’s like the covet thing and it’s like everyone is sort of rethinking what they want to do with their lives where they want to spend their lives covered has changed a lot of things yeah it’s changed the path for a lot of people reshuffling i’m sorry the great reshuffling i knew it would come to you yes it always does but it is interesting to see a lot of people um have the effects of cobit and they realize hey you know i was gonna retire in five years um but now i actually can live and work wherever i want yeah because people started working remotely yes so it’s enabled them to move up their plans to move to a different state yeah hopefully prescott and it’s changed their life plan and that’s all because of covet they were like we have to work at home we’re going to figure this out and once it was figured out people realized well hell i can keep doing this nothing nothing to stop why do i need to stay here i can move where i want to move ahead of retirement i don’t have to wait until i retire right which is kind of cool yeah and for those who are kind of on the other side of the the the work period you know their work careers and looking at retirement you know you reach a certain age you realize that the situation is not going to be fixed on your watch you’re just not going to live that long you know you don’t have 40 years ago that’s great yeah i mean when you’re in your 20s it’s easier to be optimistic you want to be part of the solution you want to affect change you make the world a better place you get to be an old man it’s like ah you know i just i’m tired of fighting yeah all i’m looking for is peace i want peace happiness peace and i want my money to last until i die [Laughter] that’s all you’re looking for when you retire like hey i’m done i just want to chill out and have some fun yeah definitely so anyway if you were thinking about voting with your feet particularly if you’re a vote for prescott yeah and you’re going to want to contact the people of you absolutely we would love to find you a great place here in town help you develop a new life help you develop a new life and make it happen for you so if you are thinking about coming in give us a call or look at us at uh four one one dot com there it is your information source your search begins your search begins all of it free all of it free it it astounds me somehow sometimes it’s amazing work just how much you’ve done great job on that so much well you know someone asks you a question yep and you just put it on the site and after a while pretty much all the questions are answered it starts to accumulate and we’ve got a good little source of information for you yeah yeah so anyway we hope to see you if you’re voting for your with your feet give us a call at 713-302-1964 we’ll do that as well we’ll do that too okay bye good to see you and have a great evening
In the episode we explore yet another great Prescott restaurant located atop one of the town's historic buildings. Great views, great atmosphere, and good eats. Come check it out.
good afternoon good afternoon folks this is diane and randall bro here in the heart of prescott arizona randall in the pickle lady all right back at you coming right back at you we’re ready to help you we’re still on the hunt for all of you people coming in looking for a great place and a new start we are the team to help you do that yeah one of the things we’d love to do is let you know all the great places to visit here in the city and so we have another one it’s it’s been open now i think for maybe a year or so maybe a year maybe a little less than a year yeah and it’s called the county seat county seat it’s really cool it’s right at the square it’s upstairs so you go up it’s a giant almost looks like a warehouse giant space upstairs very open um yeah so straight across from the courthouse the square there’s a kind of a i hate to call it a strip mall because it’s like 100 years old but it’s called bashford court yes and it is actually three or four stories high uh in this particular entrance there are a number of them on the block but there’s one in the there’s in the basement is superstition metering which i love which we’ve talked about before we were just love it just had a flight of mead which was delicious the flight of the flight and uh on the ground level is a gift store just really huge all kinds of cool kitchen and cooking yeah and then the loft there is is a kind of an art gallery and then finally i guess i don’t know if you’d call it the third floor the fourth floor you have an elevator there’s an elevator uh you go up to county seats county seat yeah it’s cool it’s all open space wide open it’s great place to go have organic they have a lot of organics yes organic sandwiches salads all natural plant-based yeah there is some meat if you want yeah no the carnivores have a selection of beers but uh good ones a slight number of good ones uh cocktails are are really good yes um and some some of their own home-grown kind of and it’s a great place to sit up there it’s a wall of windows so you can look out over the square beautiful view it’s really cool beautiful beautiful yeah we like to go there and just kind of sit and watch people and have some good lunch or a good dinner and so we highly recommend it yeah a lot of it is um sort of i don’t know lady food it’s a good holiday but i got a reuben and the reuben you know it’s always a manly meal and uh some of it as i said is plant-based yeah that’s really bread that women like it’s not like wildflower no no no it’s not that weird right panera bread it is it is all natural it is it is what is you go to the tree [Music] you know there’s no such thing as natural bread but anyway it is more or less yes so he goes right for the group and everybody else gets something healthy and kale related yeah which is a big hit right now as we know the whole kill the whole kale famous i’m kind of over the kill thing i’m like i don’t know but anyway lovely place uh to grab a bite to have lunch dinner and the architecture is really nice really high all the big open windows it’s light and airy very lightweight good for a large group if you have a group of like we went there we had like a dozen people yeah and no problem you know we’re able to sit down no problem so we thought we would mention it so if you are planning a visit soon make sure you check out county seat so if you are looking to list your home give us a call we would so be happy to list your home and make that happen for you if you were coming in town to look give us a call that’s our favorite we love to bring out buyers and connect you with the right place yep so you can check us out at yeah lots of information lots of information real estate about press kit all kinds of restaurants and things to do in town and events so much stuff um we love it it’s an all-inclusive oh all inclusive so if you come in we may end up taking you to luncheon county i don’t know it depends on how the day goes so we hope to hear from you soon and we hope to see you and if you’re here visiting check out county seat all right have a great rest of your day take care bye
LA is finally back open, and taking advantage of the direct flight out of Prescott makes for an easy and fun trip. In this episode we share our adventures among the recently unmasked and give high praise to Prescott's brand new airport terminal.
hello hello peeps that was very sharp very sharp that was a very crisp hello that’s a crisp pick it’s a crisp pick one of those crunchy pickles all right this is randall and diambro i am the pickle lady i’m happy to be here i’m always in production so when you come visit i’ll bring you some of my famous cajun pickles happy to do that happy to share with friends and family that’s right back from l.a back from l.a well wonderful trip yeah so beginning i’m sorry the middle of uh with june we were celebrating our uh wedding anniversary and also father’s day yes and both of our kids are in l.a so we arrived in l.a so they arranged an airbnb we had the time of our lives we went in and visited and wow california is now open yep it was crazy a lot of people by force of habit were still wearing masks yes and you’d walk in and they’d look at you kind of funny of course you know we don’t we’re kind of past the masses here and it happened for a while in uh yeah so we walk in like it’s nothing and they were like oh my god but the governor mayor dictator whatever had just declared that uh the masks were optional for people who had been vaccinated or i don’t know what the proclamation was but it was essential they were open for business uh everything was open again you could go to restaurants movies everything everything was open and it was very very exciting very busy very crowded lots of traffic it was a little insane yeah it was lots of bad service to all the restaurants were just getting started they were completely inundated with people who’ve been in quarantine now for a year yeah and they’re struggling to get staff and their systems aren’t completely up to speed yet so uh the restaurant situation was kind of wrong but uh food was good so it was good yeah the hour wait to get our receipt yeah get our ticket check to get our check i was a little over that i was like okay i want to go back home to prescott where all this is over and we’ve already worked out the kinks and we’re smooth sailing and we’ve moved forward um la is still a few steps behind great to see the kids the kids are up and about uh today is uh our youngest adeline she uh she’s been working remotely yeah this is our first day back in the back in the office back up so a lot of exciting things a lot of exciting things yeah we uh we flew out of prescott yes it’s like having your own private jet it is so sweet without all the expense yes so you know as you know they’ve uh prescott has added some more longer um runways and they just built a whole new terminal beautiful it’s gorgeous it’s gorgeous but here’s the beauty you come in you live in here in prescott you go park your car for free you walk right into the prescott regional airport they take you through security you hop on a security secure like you’re the only you know we’re making conversation with all the dsm oh yeah it’s really like socializing it’s a beautiful thing and so we sit down and we just walk out onto the tarmac and get on the little 50-seater jet by united and then zip zip right into lax yeah hour later you’re in lax you fly into terminal 7 which is i don’t know if there’s seven or eight terminals but it’s kind of on the end of the ring so you’re able to bypass a lot of the congestion with the uh the other airport so it’s easy which is really nice easy to get in and out your people can pick you up easily uh you park for free at prescott’s you know as i said so you don’t have to pay for that yeah your family or you know get on the uber right there not a lot of traffic and off you go to have fun in la or whatever if you want to call it yes and we did uh airbnb which was the first time we really did an airbnb it was cool and uh full kitchen we spent too much time but next time we’ll cook more and order in more we ordered more thai food than we could we could swallow i do love me thai and it was wonderful we had all the kids and their friends you know the place that we rented had a beautiful front yard yeah it will have kind of like a picnic so it’s great since the world is opening up again uh it’s not like la that’s alive denver’s alive so we have daily flights to denver word is they’re going to start having daily flights they’re going to try to maybe add a couple of other cities you can also fly down to phoenix and catch a flight there to your connecting flight so the word is out uh the world is alive again yeah the cities are opening up yeah so we’re planning a trip down to costa rica with some really great friends of ours in december yep out of preston are we oh yeah oh rested flying so you don’t even have to take the shuttle you can just take a quick little puddle jumper into phoenix no no we’re going over to l.a nevermind nevermind cool yeah yeah it’s just so nice uh if if possible if you’re living in prescott try to start your flight your trip trying to start it from prescott absolutely it may cost a little more a little more but boy is it worth this it’s so stress-free it’s delightful and then when you land you just hop right in your car and go home and your luggage is just waiting for you it’s already there so that is our little tip to you uh cities are opening up la is alive really all the big cities are alive again live and well you can fly to him right out of prescott right now and don’t have the time of your life maybe any help with your real estate you can contact us at 713-302-1964 that is the pickle lady hotline there it is if you’re more of an online person go to yep as our source of information for buyers sellers everyone in between lots of information about prescott living in prescott what it’s like to live in prescott where to eat what to do we cover it up we cover it all we love it here all free yeah pickle for warm duck okay hope to hear from you soon take care happy flying
Buyers are often unaware that there are many things that sellers and their agents do not have to divulge to you… and questions you may have that even your own agent is not allowed to answer.
In this episode we reveal what these things are and where you can find the answers you need.
good morning
good morning good morning
pickle peeps
diane and randall bro here um we are
here to really give you um
what do you call it dianne’s rendition
of mr rogers
well um that’s that that’s not mr rogers
it’s kind of like mr rogers
it’s just i sing a lot in the morning
she does she’s a morning singer
yeah easily identified
you don’t need one of those apps to tell
you you know what bird is that
no you’re pretty easy that’s right it’s
me don’t have a good
to sing it to the pugs don’t have a good
voice but i sure try
yeah she does i like to sing with a
happy heart happy heart
not always happy at least she’s that way
in the morning
i i try to start off in a position to
start off on a positive and positive
um today though we are talking about
something pretty important pretty
um that you should know when
you are coming in town every time we
meet people for the first time
we always have them uh sign off that
they have received
a buyer’s advisory guide because we
actually because we have to
yeah correct it’s a state thing and it
is put it’s a document that’s made by
the state
right and we have to give you a copy of
and we have to be able to demonstrate or
that all of our buyers have had it and
you received it
you know they’ll come inside we could be
on it mr and mrs jones show me where
they’ve signed up so one of your papers
when we meet is you
sign off saying yes thank you i did
receive the buyer’s advisory guide
and you may ask what is the buyer’s
advisory guide we give it to you you put
it in your folder
don’t ever lose that it is so important
it is a huge
wealth of information something you may
not know about realtors and people just
kind of take it for granted that you
should be able to tell us that
we are not necessary we are not allowed
to discuss uh politics or what the
politics of the town are
religion family whether this is a family
everything they got a lot of a lot of
you really kind of have to do your due
on your own because there are things
we can’t talk about right there are
regulations that you know keep us from
doing that
and we got to be really careful about
things like that because there are
people out there that will try to sue
purposely trap you and then turn around
and sue you
so it’s not all about just achieving
fair housing it’s about avoiding
right for people who are out there to
get you so it’s
well that’s a little heavy yeah it’s a
little bit i don’t think it’s that so
you know
no it’s not that prevalent but it does
happen we’re under obligation
uh we have to follow fair it is you have
no idea
fair housing practices yeah and we are
very very strict about that
so there are a lot of things too that uh
sellers are not
obligated to tell tell us tell you
either right
and one of these and you guys may not
believe it changes state by state that’s
another thing you should realize
real estate laws change state by state
in the state of arizona
we as agents and the seller we do not
have to disclose
if a murder happened in a home yeah or
someone died
if there was a suicide if um
you know someone was sick with hiv or
we do not have to nor does the seller
have to disclose that our state does not
make that a mandatory
disclosure sex offenders sex offenders
that’s up to you
right it’s very important for you as the
to take advantage of that buyer’s guide
and do your due diligence
yeah that is your time to do your
homework your 10
or 15 day inspection period is not about
just getting the home inspected it’s not
about just getting a termite inspection
it is very much about those things but
doing this extra homework looking up
crime rates
looking up if there’s a sex offender
looking up if you’re being
if your neighborhood is next door to a
super fund
site uh looking up all those important
things that’s also part of your due
and you have to do that during your
inspection period and you have the lace
inside the buyer
advisory that will send you to online
places where you can look those
absolutely it’s filled all kinds of
super easy you know you can find
whatever you need and look it up
and it will answer all of those
questions that you may be having
but that we sometimes are precluded from
discussing you know what i mean as as
agents so it’s very important uh
do your due diligence especially during
inspection period that’s what that time
is to be spent doing
right talking about your neighborhood
your neighborhood i’ve been meaning to
the latest copy of the buyer advisory to
the website so you can just download it
and i’ll do a link on this one as well
it has so much information there uh
anything that you have a question about
you can find it answered through that
buyer advisory guide
so anyway i want to share with you how
important that is don’t throw it away
it may come in handy one day and
a lot of that is part of your homework
during your due diligence period so take
advantage of it
so that is our tip for the day check out
your buyer’s advisory guide i actually
just checked mine out the other day i
had to look up something like hmm
it’s fascinating and i was like wow it’s
a surprise ending
and i could find it who done it who done
you name it if you have it’ll tell you
all kinds of info
info all kinds of info all kinds of
crazy crazy stuff
yes all right yeah and you can also find
lots of crazy stuff
at which is
where your information source or
search should start uh whether you’re
buy or sellers somewhere in between
lots of free useful and fun information
absolutely including buyer including the
buyer’s advisor
for the more heavier questions you may
have and we may not be able to provide
those answers
we want to give you the answers so we
will forward you to the buyer’s advisory
absolutely all right friends that’s our
tip for the day
pull out your buyer’s advisory guide
start your homework
all right have a good day bye
Hello fellow pickled peeps peep starts randall and diane bro here something we’re kind of excited to talk about well because we just found this out the other day and we almost flipped our lids yes and then we have our yes so excited so we thought let’s do something on facebook and i’ll tell you why uh lots of people come here and they think we’re just this little bitty old town and do you even have fast food i’ve had people ask do you have movie theaters do you have we have all of them we have all of that yes it’s nice small town living but we do have a lot of the infrastructure that you’re used to coming from a bigger city yeah so we’re here to talk about fast food fast food the ones that we think might be you know really important to you the ones that you just can’t live without hold on i’m so glad you got one of those people come here and they’re like so we did a top five we did our top five so just to let you know for only people coming in in town and like jeez do they have chipotle i love it chipotle yes number five there are two of them one from prescott valley yeah yeah and one in brisket yeah so not a problem if you’re a huge uh chipotle you like their rice bowl and yeah all that other stuff so we have tons of fast mexican food yes of course we have taco bell and taco bell is there and you know but nobody makes nobody makes a better honestly dr pepper than we’re talking about taco bell they’re found dr peppers to die she goes there for the doctor i do we also have uh filibertos there’s a lot of little local fast food mexican chains but yeah so that’s here so yeah chipotle we’ve got it we’ve got it people you gotta miss your chipotle you won’t have to because you’ve got one we got it the other thing we have papa john’s dominoes i also have a local restaurant bill’s pizza yeah bill’s pizza lots of pizza yeah we got a lot of great pizzas no worries i don’t know if you i mean if you want it delivered um you know i haven’t delivered all the time yeah so we it’s here people yeah papa john’s dominance i don’t want you to think oh what will i do without him little caesars we got a little caesar we do where’s little caesar it’s on iron springs it’s uh iron spring i’m positive not just you’re positive okay all right well we’ll have to take his word for it i’m not sure we haven’t we don’t order little seizures but if you do we got it we got it it’s across where the um uh the uh starbucks is on gail gardner it’s across the street in that area that little place with that okay yeah someone didn’t know that the other thing is burger joints burger joints everybody the two that people are very happy that we have [Music] i love that animal style animal style it’s really hard to be it’s good so all of our californians come in and they’re delighted they’re like oh my gosh i can still have a little taste of home yeah you can’t we have red robin we have panera [Music] yeah we’ve got all those little fast food yeah we’ve got you know the burger king and mcdonald’s oh yes there’s an orbeez all that’s outside oh that’s standard i don’t know i don’t know about wendy’s i don’t know but anyway yeah we haven’t done one these now yeah but you know that they’re fast food but the ones that are important we find are five guys although they’re not doing the peanut thing during cole bed well they might that might be coming back because that’s my favorite thing at five guys i like to crunch those peanuts the five guys in in and out is very very popular we got it we do the other thing we have which we were so excited coming from texas we were right around the corner from a chick-fil-a yeah oh my gosh so every morning you know when the kids are on the way to school if they have a big day going to some drama event we would go get chick-fil-a chick-fil-a breakfast we’re going to raise children without chickens oh my god it’s essential it is essential so we were absolutely delighted that presque valley brought a chick-fil-a into our town yes well worth a little trek from from prescott it’s not even that far maybe 15 minutes 10 minutes but um chick-fil-a’s here super long line super good food so if you’re a chick-fil-a fan we got it we got it not on sundays not on sundays i know and that’s what i always seem to crave at the moment i want to we call it a chisket isabel that’s a shout out to you and your family yeah they used to call their chicken biscuit so now we do but anyway and then our newest and latest greatest that we were so excited we found we just tried to drive by there last night because we were going to pick some up yeah but they’re not but they’re not open yet they’re still under construction very much under construction not even close but we’re coming from new orleans yeah popeye famous fried chicken is now coming here it’s also in prescott valley actually it’s across from chick-fil-a yeah very close uh we are super psyched uh i don’t know for all of those uh who who maybe don’t know but popeyes originated in new orleans al copeland developed all the spices that make it special and uh so popeyes started in new orleans the best part of uh popeye’s is not the chicken although the chicken’s good the chicken it’s the sides oh my god cajun rice and red beans and rice biscuits oh yeah the biscuits season fries the onion rings oh oh yeah it’s all good yeah good stuff good stuff we also have kentucky fried chicken you know your usuals but we are particularly being from new orleans excited to hear about love that chicken from papayas that’s how the song goes yeah i don’t know if it still goes that way but that was in the that was in the commercials what’s the other part of it i think that’s it spice geek delicious chicken they used to actually have pot pie on the couch yes they did it spicy yeah that’s i’m showing my age it’s been a while since how did he say spicy spicy delicious chicken or something i don’t know popeye accent popeyes came out when we were kids yeah right they’re teenagers yeah so it’s been a while we know all the old commercials that’s why you miss it you know you grow up with it it’s a it’s a little slice of home absolutely and i’m sure some of these other places are also kind of a slice of home for you yeah wherever you’re coming from so when you move to prescott or prescott valley you will still have that little sliver of home it’s here people we have it all we have it all right so anyway we were just so excited yesterday to see popeye’s tried to drive through the drive-through and realized that this man hadn’t been bored yet yeah it’s kind of already so it wasn’t going to happen of course but maybe in two months couple months yeah we’ll be uh hitting it hard some other good ones they have uh uh subway got lots of subway lots of subways um i don’t know i can’t think about anymore there’s a another sandwich shop i can’t mike subs oh no uh jersey mites jersey mike’s jersey mike’s not as good as scottish and the big chains as well yeah so if you’re looking to come here and you’re like wow is this going to be like living out in some rural you know little town no we have it here and you’ll be excited if you need that fix one night and you’re tired and you’re like you know i just want pizza i want popeyes chick-fil-a we have it it’s at your disposal absolutely all right so that is all we just want to share we’re so excited about popeye’s coming here yeah it it evolved into this whole wine down need more information the best place to find it is and whether you’re a buy seller somewhere in between lots of great information about real estate about restaurants about press kits life in general just lots of things we got useful information and we’re here so give us a call if you need any help finding finding a home or selling we’re happy to help you take care bye
A stupid tax is a tax you don’t have to pay if you’re smart enough to avoid it. Right now in real estate, across the country, people buying homes are pulling out their wallets to pay up – bidding up the price of homes well beyond what anyone thinks they’re really worth.
In this episode, we cover what we’re doing in the trenches to help our clients avoid paying the stupid tax.
hello to all of our pickle peeps out
there diane and randall bro here
arizona prescott arizona baby yeah we
are the pickle lady brigade
and uh today’s topic that we’d like to
talk about is called what randall
stupid tax that he calls it the stupid
tax well stupid tax
is any tax that if you’re smart you
don’t have to pay it
so lottery tickets you know that’s a
stupid tax
yeah yeah but spend a lot of money on
lottery tickets
that’s you’re essentially paying
attention yeah that you don’t have to
pay it’s a stupid tax
so we wanted to talk about right now um
it’s it’s occurring
all over the united states uh everyone
there’s hardly any inventory homes are
flying off the shelf
that’s true across the nation most areas
they are running on average it’s about
the level of inventory uh the
usual inventory is about what’s
available now
right and that’s about where we are we
usually pretty crazy
yeah we usually have about 1200 homes
that are fascinating to pick from at any
one time and now we have
about 400 about 400 and 400 homes
all price points yeah all price points
so that’s
very very small yeah very few so it’s
making it hard
and so people have perhaps sold their
homes they’re desperate to get in
uh to a home and they’re willing to win
a bid at
any cost so what we’re seeing a lot of
is people are
waving appraisal contingencies uh people
are going in
way over ask which we never had before
areas like california right and that’s
new to us uh
crazy over list price uh probably
started happening uh you know maybe a
couple of months ago it just
sort of started we started
people started coming in uh at ask and
then it increased to five thousand over
ten thousand over twenty thousand
now we are seeing things going in over
fifty thousand yeah recently we lost a
uh someone came in over a hundred
over ask it’s kind of scary people
yeah especially if you’re waving
appraisal contingencies
um a lot of our clients if we get into
that point it’s like you know what it’s
time to stop
we don’t need to keep throwing money
just to win
yeah you have to be careful what you
might win right
you might get in a position where you
have grossly overpaid just to win
and you don’t always want to be a winner
in that kind of situation
well the first thing you need to
understand when when you’re getting into
one of these bidding wars
is what is the property really worth
the list price is not always the fair
market value
uh some agents intentionally price high
others intentionally price low some
don’t have any idea what the home’s
worth and they just kind of price it
maybe where the seller wants to price it
the first thing you need to understand
is where where is the list price
in comparison to what the home’s really
kind of worth
and if you understand that
then you know we’ll tell you what that
number is we’ll show you why we think
that is
and it’ll be up to you i mean if if we
think that you know you need to go at
least fifty thousand dollars
uh over this price to get this home and
we’ll tell you
how far above the market you know the
market value that
is uh we’ll tell you yeah that says you
can safely go there
yeah and still yeah retail value you
know here’s the list price
here’s where we think the market is you
might be able to get it to appraise a
little higher than that
you know but i mean if you’re competing
with someone who’s willing to pay a
stupid tax if you don’t pay the stupid
tax which is money that
the home’s basically not worth that if
it’s your dream home and you
absolutely have to have it you
absolutely have to have it now
that’s the price and it’ll be up to you
whether you want to pay it or not
but we will give you sound advice yeah
we’ll we’ll tell you okay
where you should go probably flushing
about 50 grand
you know and if it’s worth it to you to
get that house now
then you can go ahead and pay that but
just know that it’ll be
at least a year before the uh home
appreciates enough
catches up catches up with what you pay
we here at the pickle lady brigade try
to keep it real
try to keep it honest um we really will
guide you
not to go too far um if that is where
you want to go
and you’re willing to take that risk and
yeah that’s up to you if that’s up to
you of course
uh but i wouldn’t call that a stupid tax
i mean if you know what you got what’s
is when somebody comes in the home’s
already overpriced
and they just oh 100 you know they have
no idea what they’re doing
and then usually what happens is they go
under contract with this crazy offer
and then during the inspection period it
falls off because either they come to
their senses
or they write some numbers or they just
get cold feet
so right so just something to keep in
we don’t want to bid something up just
for you to win that you
may regret later like wow i could have
used that cash maybe to travel the world
yeah but now i’m kind of strapped in
this house
or buy a car or you know if that’s your
deal and you don’t care
we’re happy to do that too but we will
give you sound advice
and tell you where you should go and
where we think you should
land and uh if and if we don’t win
and we get outbid we’re going to keep
keep trying for you and uh we’ll make it
yeah a lot of uh people are saying oh
you you can’t find me at home
here’s the thing this woman is
particularly good at finding great homes
that are available
and tight markets like this it just
takes her longer
uh we might have to make more offers
before we get one for you right
but you know usually we could get
someone in a beautiful home at a good
price within
a week now it might take three or four
right we keep searching we keep our ears
we all work together uh sometimes we’re
uh find a house we want to get the offer
in right away
uh one of our we’ll be back home hey
start writing it up so we can meet some
of the other people
we try hard yeah we try hard we move
speed to lead or you know speed speed is
very important
uh to make sure that you get the best
possible deal absolutely
we’re like little commandos little
commander jumping on them
always ready to attack yeah yeah in a
nice way
yeah and win yeah we’re here to win the
war that’s right
we don’t want to lose the battle we will
win the war ultimately
it might take us a while but we’ll get
there especially in this market
so keep that in mind uh how much
victory yes we avoid the pirate i avoid
the pirate victory
yeah so cheers to that all right
have a wonderful day nice to see you
well i don’t see you but
nice for you to see us yeah well yeah
we hope it’s maybe i don’t know we hope
it’s nice it may be the bane of their
existence we don’t know they might be
like oh god
they are again skipped get them off
x out of that one yep i get it i
no hard feelings no hard feelings no
hard feelings we’re just here to share
share our wealth of information
that’s up to you if you want to hear it
Whether it’s those three little square windows over your master bed or a particular spot that gets too much sun during part of the day, if your home has any of those “weirdo windows” and you’re not sure what to do with them, we may have the perfect solution: stained glass.
Turn full sun exposure into an asset with a gorgeous custom creation from our good friend, a local glass artist… or re-purpose an antique window from one of the local shops.
Check out some beautiful examples in this week’s episode.
this is diane randall bro
diane is the pickle lady and i’m her
partner in crime partner in life we are
here to help you with
every aspect of your real estate
transaction whether it be buying or
selling we offer full service
full service full customer service seven
days a week very broadly defined
what our role is rain sleet or snow
sleet or snow even if we’re sick we try
we sure try hard and we do so today we
want to talk about something that i love
and uh we it’s one of my favorite things
stained glass stained glass
so in excuse me that’s my voice wow
in a lot of the homes here you’ll find
three little windows
yeah over your master bedroom little
little square randall will show it to
you yeah and people are like
what do i do with that uh i don’t want
the sun to come through
i don’t like this i don’t like that well
we have a solution
a fellow neighbor and good friend pete
churchill who makes
beautiful stained glass gorgeous from
yeah this is not a kit yeah this is his
own design
um his wife janice selects all the
beautiful pieces of color
glass it is like a work of art yeah
and so a lot of times they will fill
those little squares with a piece of
stained glass
so instead of buying a great option a
shade or something excuse me having
something custom made
yeah i have custom made yeah uh shutters
yes and those little square wings get
custom-made stained glass
and it’s like a piece of art you can put
it in they’re removable if you ever
if you ever move yeah uh you can put it
in another piece of glass and
it’s easily removable yeah so you could
take it with you
buy another house with three squares
exactly so we have one over we have a
over our front door that got a a lot of
direct sun a lot of heat
so he designed one we did it all with
butterflies and irises
beautiful beautiful so when you’re
looking at a house with kind of an
odd window particularly one with like a
time of day or maybe all day it has
sun oh that window’s got so much sun and
you turn the the liability into an asset
correct and think about a piece of
stained glass yeah instead of an ugly
old shade or because then when the sun
hits it it just gets
so bright and then then that the colors
come through
sometimes you get a pattern on the wall
it’s beautiful so
something we we kind of did in our own
home if you have a transom
if you have the three little square
windows some people have them in their
bathroom some people have in that master
or just a window that you need a
showpiece a centerpiece
uh my favorite uh that peeks down
honestly it becomes a different
work of art throughout the day depending
on where the sun is in the sky
wow um you know the sun begins to settle
beauty very nice good for you you’re
enjoying the beauty
you gotta suck the marrow out of life
you know what i’m saying
carpe diem carpet carpe diem
but so different little ideas for
odd windows if you’re looking at
different houses and you’re like i don’t
even know what to do with this
stained glass and if you want stained
we have the connection connection for
custom glass
also oh i should mention too that it’s
relatively easy to find antique uh
stained glass pieces that you can hang
um that’s what we have all throughout
our yeah we’ve got that windows
old windows from uh plantations down in
louisiana and you can find them
pretty cool uh antique shops here
yes uh from churches and whatnot and uh
really beautiful pieces very affordable
so it’s just kind of a little unusual
decorating tip
that we wanted to pass on to you so
we’ll show you some of our pictures
of our stained glass we have a window
from a church yeah i love it
i’ve got all kinds of windows it’s my
thing i love stained glass too
uh so if you were interested and you
want to reach out to us
you can find us at lots of
friends lots of free information and uh
we’ll give you pete’s information
if you want to have a customer i’ll put
a link on the i’ll put a link on there
as well yeah good idea i’m assuming he
has a
website if not then just contact
we’ll get you in touch so enjoy our
pieces of stained glass
and i hope we gave you some good tips
for some of those weirdo windows
in your new house if you are looking to
buy or sell give us a call
we are here ready willing and able to
make that happen for you captain
right make it happen make it happen
captain even though it’s been crazy
crazy uh hard yeah we are still making
it happen we’re still kicking so we’re
yeah absolutely and we welcome all of
you can’t wait for you to join us
here in prescott enjoy our town all
that is all and stay in glass sunglasses
you’ll love it
all right thanks for listening and have
a great rest of your day
If your house goes over a cliff, you’ll probably need a grinder pump. A grinder pump takes what you don’t want and moves it up to a higher level, so you can get rid of it more easily.
Confused? Don’t be… For all the dirty details, check out this week’s episode.
well you waited for me such such uh discipline i’m trying to i’m trying to be in the moment in the moment i’m trying to trying to let me have time to sit down i know i’m working on it i’m working on it good afternoon to all of our pickle picks pickle stirrers peepsters this is diana randall bro and uh we are here today to do another little community service uh kind of picking up on where we all left off last time yeah we wanted to talk to you about grinder pumps this is something totally new to us when we moved here uh we are from louisiana and texas they come with terrain and we’re from areas of the country that are very flat super flat so this was something totally new to us uh so back home for especially in louisiana we’re below sea level so we don’t have we don’t have a need for such things that we’re about to talk about what we’re going to talk to you about and educate you about is something called grinder problems you will find them throughout prescott and all kinds of homes particularly in homes built out on stem walls yeah so we have a video on stemwall construction in the wine down so you can search for that on the website but very briefly a stemwall home is a type of construction specifically for homes that kind of hang over a cliff so the upstairs is the where the where you live and then you have space underneath which is where the where the cliff is the stem wall is the support structure that kind of keeps the cantilevered part of the home up in the air so it will be built out and a lot of them are closed and finished in yeah it’s not a basement per se because you’ll have bathrooms embedded yeah it’s closed high ceilings and it’s completely finished out um but the main level that’s level to the street we’ll have city sewer lines connected to it or even septic i mean that’s where are you accepted yes where it is is on the top of the cliff right and so for those bathrooms that are below the cliff level that the street level that’s where the grinder pump that’s where a grinder pump comes in had never heard of it don’t know what it means i’ll tell you what it means it is a very important uh piece of machinery whatever pump in your home on the bottom level so when your bathroom’s downstairs we’ll go to the grinder pump the grinder pump pretty much grinds it up grinds it up sucks it up and then pumps it up to the street pumps it up to the street level uh sewage so it connects into the city so of course the city can’t dig all these pipes below to hook up downstairs so that’s where the grinder pump comes into play the grinder pump does that job um kind of like a bank teller yeah you know when you put your taylor kind of thing they tell you hit that button yeah this is a different kind of deposit yeah very different kind of deposit still a paperwork involved yeah yeah pretty much but that’s what the grinder problem does it gets it all together shoots it up with a vacuum and connects to the city sewer upstairs so if you if you’ve ever seen one you go downstairs you open up a closet somewhere where they’ll have a grinder but it’s like oh my god i don’t understand what is this that’s what it is imposing yes you have heights and everything right you usually you you will have it maintained once a year have somebody come check it out because believe me when something happens and it doesn’t work you know yeah you’ve got a load of trouble yeah you know trouble and it’s they’re expensive to repair so you want to try to maintain them always maintain them but they they will last forever a long long time yeah and occasionally you have to replace the float in there or whatever [Music] no pun intended yeah yeah but um there you go i’ll move this one along but um she’s getting bad anyway grinder pumps are important you will find them in many many homes all throughout prescott so terrain something when you are moving here and you see it don’t be like i have no idea what this is now you know yeah so but if you if you build a home in an area that’s flat then you probably won’t have one right and then the other thing is if you get a home warranty make sure your home warranty covers the grinder pump yes now it doesn’t always cover replacement yeah or yeah it covers some repairs yeah so just but a lot of them the the basic one it’s not included at all yeah that’s because the warranties are offered all over the country areas where they don’t exactly exactly so if you want yours covered make sure you read the fine print make sure you read the fine print you have to upgrade a little bit make sure it’s covered so more than you ever wanted to know about grinder pumps so that’s what we’re here for to teach you education behind the scenes dirty jobs equipment that go unglorified right and it’s the pickle lady it is behind the scenes yeah behind behind the scenes okay i’m sure that grinder parts get their due that’s right so that’s a little uh education there we just had some people we took out and they were asking us about grinder problems and we might you know what this is something different growing problems we need to give the info on that if you need more info yes that’s where all of our free information begins if you are a buyer seller somewhere in between information on grinder pumps toilets tushies uh remodeling restaurants you name it we are it is truly a wealth we cover it all from a plethora to z free information free information very useful stuff yeah it’s all things you should know yeah okay it’s been a pleasure seeing you today and i hope you take something away from this don’t flush it away all right friends until next time bye
The latest rage in home decor is sure to take some of your most private moments up to a whole new level, plus a new game-changing technology that is just a blast… right where you need it most.
hello hello hello peeps
hello peeps our fellow pickle peepsters
dianne and i like peeps too diane and
randall bro
realtors in prescott arizona
something kind of crazy but funny we
want to talk about
um because well it’s something you gotta
do something new and something great
something new on the horizon everyone
has the courage to
jump in
something that really helps a little bit
on your resell of your house
is tall toilets tall toilets
and tall counters in your bathroom
that’s big people want tall counters
they don’t want those
low ones they’ve got to bend over while
you’re brushing your teeth yeah
love tall counters and love tall
toilets tall toilets yeah well i should
we do have clients that are
you know high challenged a little on the
short side
yeah they’re not a big fan but i will
tell you i’m not a big fan but
the world’s going against you my friends
my short friends look at your step stool
yeah we’ve got to get you a step stool
because the tall toilets more and more
but if you’re thinking about i’m gonna
upgrade my bathroom or whatever
what we’re hearing time and time and
time again is when we go look at new
construction when we go look at houses
oh they have a tall toilet i’m so
excited they have a tall toilet
this is how you know you’re actively in
middle age
also to all of our friends out there
yeah when you get
about the honey you’re excited about the
height of your toilet
and we’re we’re in that group yeah we
actually are in
we decided you know what let’s let’s
jump on this bandwagon
yeah let’s get a tall toilet yeah so we
we are ecstatic with our tall toilets
where it’s the same just higher
it just it just it’s much easier to get
up and down at night but you know when
your back is out your hips are out you
don’t feel good you’re
you know nobody hates that sudden and
fall when you think you think you’re
going to land a little higher up and you
go boom
and then sometimes you get you know as
my dad used to call it a little splash
it’s called
the kiss of death guess death don’t want
the kiss of death
but tall toilets are very helpful a good
resale value people love it i’m telling
you i can’t believe it i’ve actually had
i’m i want to just sit on this body and
just see if it’s uh
the right height configuration when we
go look at houses
i think it takes the pressure off of uh
men to
constantly put the toilet seat down too
because if we forget and the lady of the
home goes to use the toilet they don’t
fall into the bowl because well it’s a
tall toilet
the other thing people love people love
love love they’re talking about it
is tushies if you’re watching
you’ve feel free we’re giving you a free
shout out yeah like
it’s a bidet attachment easy to attach
to your tall
toilet yeah uh it’s the rage
all of our clients again are like oh i
like that bidet feature
i like that well the days were starting
all right we should you know
okay so you probably have to get in
first of all
a bidet like i used to think that a
bidet was essentially for women
no it’s for all parties not because it’s
the you know it’s the other side of
it’s for all areas it’s our all areas
one area in particular and it reduced
she always say it reduces the amount of
toilet paper that yeah
i assume so you kind of get the idea so
bidets were kind of starting to get
they’re very popular in europe all over
europe all over korea
japan yeah all a lot of the asian
um essentially think that we are the
dirtiest country
on earth we clean without water
so anyway yeah it’s a fun thing to jump
on that bandwagon
attach it to your tall toilet yeah
because the bidet like you get a real
that’s like having another toilet and so
you need and that can be expensive
yeah a little bit more expensive than
just buying the attachments yeah because
you need a place to put it
you know so you’re gonna have a toilet
end of the day and you need bigger
to take up more space so if you’re if
you are you know uh
redoing your bathroom yeah you know all
these things help
people love it when they go in your
house they’re looking for tall toilets
yeah tushy’s an extra bonus it’s going
to be the conversation
piece of of cocktail parties for some
time you know as my daughters say you
also have one yeah the whole family got
it’s life-changing life changing it’s
like it’s a game changer
game changer yeah it is
that’s i particularly like the tall
toilet yeah
only because after we have three tall
with the hot water attachment yes
so that’s we did we
it’s just funny every time we’re going
out this is something we keep hearing
a common theme a common theme tall
love it love it love it and tushy
whatever some of them are clea
clear clad up clean i forget clear rear
or something i don’t know
there’s a whole bunch of different
companies that like that’s oh clear yeah
clear rare yeah it’s hard to say the
names alone
make me laugh for hours and hours on end
i did see
in lowe’s uh when uh we were looking at
they have toilet seats now with a
day attachment now they were like 100
you know but that’s about what you pay
for tuition yeah um
so it’s all good it’s all it’s all good
possibility uh something we wanted to
share with you if you’re thinking about
remodeling go for the tall toilets
if you’re not quite up for the tushy
it’s okay it’s it’s a it’s something new
kind of you know but it is rapidly
becoming more and more popular here in
in the old good old u.s event so we
thought it was
important we thought it was
important that we share this with you
we are excited about our little upgrade
that we just did
and uh just wanted to pass that on to
you guys when you’re looking
at homes or looking at uh remodeling
something to think about yeah remodeling
if you’re interested in getting more of
that you can go to pickle which is our source
of information of all kinds all kinds
real estate
not just hotties sellers buyers
you know all kinds of stuff all kinds of
good stuff and not toilets
part of our offering to the world that’s
right and as you know i like a tall
toilet if i have a lot of wine
except don’t have too far to tonight to
fall as far
you don’t have to fall as far which is
important after
you know some wine a couple of
martinis doesn’t hurt it doesn’t hurt
People have been living in Prescott for a long, long time… and we have some very old rocks to prove it. Check out Prescott’s famous petroglyphs in our latest episode.
hello hello hello fellow pickle peeps
peeps this is diana randall bro here
we are on this lovely lovely day today
we are excited this fella over my
shoulder here
yeah she’s very uncomfortable with me
this close
correct it’s kind of invading my
personal space
she has sort of a rabbit instinct to
as you approach well not really flea it
is survival mode
well you’re flying that way anytime she
attacks yeah correct correct
anyway we are here today to talk about
something really cool about prescott
yes uh petroglyphs that’s glyphs
petroglyphs uh we used to have at one
a very large indian population yeah way
back in the day
uh especially in different sections of
you will find groupings of petroglyphs
what are petroglyphs mr brown uh
well the the petra means rock
and glyphs is writing so it’s uh stone
i knew he was writing on stone
oh very old yeah so yeah so not like a
new one like i know
the rage right now is for people to
paint their own rocks not quite the same
um a petroglyph is truly an authentic
uh rocks with with paintings on them
thousands of years ago some of them yeah
and it would be
a lot of times they would place them
with good indicators like you know
here’s a deer that you know deer running
through there yeah
yeah uh it was a way of marking along
the paths
yeah well obviously to some extent we
don’t really know what some of them mean
but uh some of the symbols uh
repeat again and again have certain
uh there’s a spiraling out circle
or square uh which is what does that
um they think it has something to do
with uh like a religious uh
kind of like go forth and multiply oh uh
in the bible so maybe like a positive
like the idea is you are here right now
god wants you to you know to expand
in all directions yeah is that your
interpretation no no no
i didn’t make it up i mean of course i
didn’t talk to send anyone who wrote one
because they’ve all been dead for
hundreds of years but but
that’s what they that’s why i think that
that particular and it gets a positive
positive methods basically go forth and
so you will find a lot of these
groupings of uh petroglyphs uh
sprinkled throughout yeah prescott out
in talking rock there’s a whole
section you can hike way out there and
their collection of petroglyphs which is
why talking rock got their name
it’s uh all of these rocks convey a
yeah so talky rock discovered it and
thought hmm there we go where can we go
with this
talking rock yeah uh prescott lakes also
uh several sections lots of sections um
even when you’re walking along the path
there’s a grouping they’ll be just right
i mean right yeah we’ve had a couple of
individual privately owned homes that
actually have petroglyphs
in their yard yeah they have big rocks
that uh
they built around to preserve them so
it’s pretty cool
i i would like to have a petroglyph yeah
you get a petroglyph well you can’t
you can’t take it we can get uh you know
what do you call them uh uh reenact
there’s one area on top of
mesa in prescott lakes called
solstice park or heritage park
solstice mesa but it’s called solstice
because the petroglyphs in that
particular area
are aligned with the summer and
winter solstice it’s pretty
sophisticated and so their street by it
is called solstice
that’s why i got the name the theme of
seoul but you can hike up there
right in the middle of prescott lakes
and see this uh
outcropping and how they’ve lined it up
pretty sophisticated for that time
to uh drive up with the yeah so that
they figured yeah that was the
same thing like stonehenge certain
things are yeah aligned with uh
occurrences um so it can’t be can’t be
we need to walk up there and see it once
yeah yeah we have yet to go up
we just kind of took some pictures for
this but yeah yeah we need to
see pretty cool yeah absolutely
absolutely cool so
uh big indian population here at one
point traveling throughout
the the acreages of the rolling lands
here in prescott
and um yeah yeah
and some of the people you know no
longer exist
their cultures have been lost right uh
that did because some of these
uh petroglyphs date back you know a
couple thousand
yeah i think the oldest are like three
or four thousand years old so it’s
fascinating completely fascinating
how you know prescott is just has this
the spirit and the soul of those that
proceeded before us
well which is a great team yeah diane’s
rock that doesn’t have any writing on it
well yeah if you come in and i take you
to prescott lakes you’ll see it
we won’t talk about it well yeah but
it’s very maybe a later one we’ll we’ll
kind of get into it
i’ll show a picture of it you’ll see it
all you’ll figure it out when you see
the picture
it’s a very specific uh interesting rock
formation um very hard they can’t remove
it they’ve tried
it won’t go down it won’t go it won’t
come together the hardest substance
known to man they cannot remove it
anyway it’s not really a petroglyph it’s
just an interesting rock formation and
it has a certain name
here in prescott lakes and uh we’ll let
your imagination
you’ll see a picture of it shortly but
no gloves on it
no glyphs they’ve tried nothing maybe
they tried yeah
yeah they couldn’t find it right carving
tools that were
we totally tried diamonds it wasn’t okay
all right anyway uh if you want to learn
the just fascinating history of prescott
and what it was like before
it became our little sprawling western
town in 1864.
uh come in here we also have a lot of
museums around that covers all of the
indians and
you can buy your own cocopelli coffee
mugs cocoa pellets but they’ll tell you
all about
what who was here before us and
uh the beautiful beautiful history that
they brought to
our town yeah absolutely all right so
petroglyphs are cool
uh the other rock formation is pretty
cool too that’s pretty cool
it’s pretty cool that it was uh
naturally made very imposing
you’ll see see what you think uh so we
wanted to share that with you
uh we have a pretty cool town yeah
absolutely very deep
deep and far rooted history here
if you need more information a place to
find it is
yes see about petroglyphs and hiking
trails and
all those kinds of things absolutely
give us a call we’d love to
show you in person some of these
petroglyphs uh
especially if we’re in prescott lakes uh
we’ll show you where it’s located
and we’d love to show you around our
lovely town in general it’s a great
great town
great town with lots to offer and we’d
also love to list your home
so give us a call if you’re thinking
about moving on or moving to a different
we’d love to help you on both sides uh
along that process
absolutely right that’s it anything else
to add absolutely nothing that is all
right that’s it for today um come
see us come check out the petroglyphs
love to see you
bye have a good day
When you’re selling something, it’s a good idea to make it as easy as possible for buyers to buy – especially for big-ticket items like real estate. You’d be astonished how often sellers’ agents violate this basic, commonsense rule, creating outrageous roadblocks for potential buyers for your home.
Here are some easy tips to keep your agent from doing this to you.
hello hello hello peeps
this is all of our little fellow pickle
peeps out there um we hope that you are
having an amazing day
we sure are we’re having a good day i
think we’re having a pretty good yeah
we’re having a very good season
off to a very good start randall bro
realtors in
prescott arizona and so something we
talking about listings we want to talk
um this is kind of out there for our
people who are considering selling
and are starting to think about well i
think i might want to go on the market
something to think about that we’re
running across right now in this crazy
intense on fire uh
market is uh because i handle a lot of
this is something to keep in mind when
you’re getting ready to list
try to make your home make the showings
as easy as possible
um encourage your agent we always do
this go
on you know make sure your agent is
registered on showing time
so they can easily make appointments
yeah it’s easy
um don’t do crazy times don’t you know
uh or three hours in advance right don’t
do three hours in advance
invite the bullet here’s the thing yes
it is difficult to bring
people in to see homes into prescott yes
most of the buyers are coming from out
of town people like us have to reach out
find them convince them to come and
visit this town right
and before we even have a chance to sell
your home
so by the time we are scheduling a
showing of your home
we’ve already like done a lot of heavy
lifting for you right
so the last thing you want to do is to
make it hard for people like us to bring
our buyers because you can undermine
you know if you’re trying to get a uh
you know a good price for your home
you’re trying
what you need is a lot of showings and
the easiest way to get a lot of showings
is to make showings easy correct just
bite the bullet because what’s gonna
happen is the market’s moving so fast
just accept i’m gonna have two maybe
three days of hell
yeah of constant showings but for
instance i’ve had several clients come
in ready to go and i’m like oh this is a
great listing let’s go look at it and
they’re like
we won’t start any showings until i’ll
just make up a date
until thursday well it’s monday and then
you don’t find that out until you call
right so you go to call and it’s like i
want to start on a certain day that’s
fine put it in mls put it well in
advance so everyone knows
right don’t wait until someone’s calling
you with the buyer to schedule the
oh we’re not going to show until
thursday we decided we’re going to wait
until thursday and then we’re going to
have it
or you know some of the uh some of the
some of them are like it’s uh
uh we’re gonna have one day of showing
and we are only gonna have appointments
ten and two okay well my people are
going to be here that day
they’re gonna be the next day and
there’s no way to get back in
so as you as a potential seller
think about making your home easily
easy for the buyer’s agent to make an
appointment for you
just be welcoming let it go fast this
market’s so
fast moving yeah your house is going to
sell in one or two years
it will and but if you make the showings
difficult you get
fewer showings you’re gonna have fewer
options you’re gonna end up with less
one key too is to make sure your listing
agent understands at least the basics
of real estate technology um so diane
mentioned before there’s showing time
yes which is an online app that agents
use to schedule showings for your home
and if you know how to set it up right
it kind of takes care of everything for
it’s great it’s great for all parties
involved it’s great for the agents
involved it’s great for
the the seller so they know they can
even be contacted when you’ve left so
they know when to come home
yeah it’s an amazing thing so make sure
you tell your i want showing time
i want to be i’m showing you if you
don’t do showing time then you need to
figure out how to do showing time
because it’s going to make a difference
in selling
your own it absolutely is so you know
and you shouldn’t have to email to make
an appointment you shouldn’t have to
call and then you call them
you have to call one and they say oh you
know what actually this is the wrong
number to call you need to call this
and then listen
this market we don’t have time for that
i don’t have time for that make it
simple make it easy make it yeah as
worry-free as possible for all parties
yeah if it were a slow moving market
everyone would have time to work out all
these kinks for the one showing that
you’re getting
when you’re getting lots of showings
it’s going to run like a well-oiled
machine or it’s going to crash
now the pickle lady brigade as your
listing agent we have all those things
in place absolutely
we’ve got it simple we’ve got it fast
you won’t have to worry about that
but i just wanted to kind of pass this
tip on to those of you who are thinking
call us we’d love to help you list we
will have
all of these things in effect and and
ready to go
uh so when you’re ready to go on the
market your appointments will be super
yeah and it’ll be handled you know
stress-free worry-free as best as we
possibly can
so these are just some little tips when
you’re thinking say hey
i want to be on showing time and only
showing time yeah
you know i want to i want to get this
thing done and
limit your uh your showings to specific
target days
and just bite the bullet on those things
get up early stay out late
and that’s you know fill the day with
jones and get it over with
and we appreciate that it is it really
is we really made every effort to show
up on time
um but you know it’s easier than you
yes to get people and you have buyers
that show up late and
you know if we could if we only brought
buyers out that are
punctual and you know all these things
we would have maybe one buyer a year
buyers it’s difficult sometimes things
people are driving in flat tire that
throws off the pace of all the other
they’re not familiar with the city and
which is why
you know you should have showing time in
effect because
then if something should happen the
agent can quickly get on and say
i either need to cancel or reschedule
when we’re driving
it’s hard to i gotta look up that phone
number i gotta
so these are things to keep in mind of
course i would call uh we would love to
help you list
again you won’t have these issues but if
you’re looking at other agents or
thinking about it these are things that
you should
educate yourself about so you are ready
and uh willing able to show that home
in a timely and easy fashion absolutely
so that is all we just wanted to share
that with you it’s just one of the
things we’re sharing that’s one of the
things we’re sharing we share a lot
if you want more you can find it at
and it’ll take you whether you’re buy or
sell or somewhere in between lots of
free tips
uh tools information ratings
about the city about the real estate
market you name it
just about anything you can we try to
cover a lot we try to cover a lot
so if you’re thinking about listing your
home give us a call
we’ve got everything systematized we’re
ready to go
get your home sold for you in this hot
hot market
okay that is our tip for the day have a
fabulous day
and uh we look forward to hearing from
you that is all folks
good morning folks good morning
this is randall and diane bro here your
friendly uh part of your friendly
pickle lady brigade and we’re here on
this beautiful
monday morning you’ll see this probably
on a tuesday but
we’re filming on a monday morning it’s a
gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous spring day so
i decided to put it on my mom
very springy scarf yeah yeah and
um talk about it so probably
little bits of her might disappear is it
that i i think it’s good
i think it’s pretty much greens yeah i’m
not allowed to wear anything green
because i fade into the green screen
green screen yeah well you can’t see the
green screen you won’t see that but
i’ll show them the green screen i can
show you the green screen
it’s hard to find something not i know i
don’t know it’s very hard i don’t want
to be in black
that’s depressing that’s depressing i
like to be colorful
particularly in springtime particularly
in the springtime
which we want to talk about yeah uh
there is nothing like springtime in
prescott yes
it is
well the first thing is there is a
spring where
from there is no spring current goes
directly from winter
into the thick of of summer and it’s you
know 90 degrees the next day
right you never see spring again that’s
right uh spring’s not like that here
not here in fact you will have these you
know it kind of lulls you into this
false sense of oh the sun is out and i’m
gonna get my shorts
i’m gonna get my shorts out and then our
very white legs come out which is
highly alarming yeah that’s kind of
scary and you and you’re starting to
kind of let your guard down but
spring here kind of will zap you will
have a couple more days of winter
in the middle of nowhere in the middle
of nowhere um and then you’re like oops
gotta go get my sweater again
yeah they said don’t plant until the
middle of may yeah we never plant
anything until after mother’s day
no baby plants because every now and
then we get a little surprise
light light snowfall and you’re like
what is this yeah it’s just
it’s the reverse of of autumn right so
that’s right and autumn you have a
little bit some days where oh it’s a
little cooler it’s a little cooler and
then it’s warm again
it’s the same way here we were over at a
friend’s house last night
and a shout out to bob and karen and
happy birthday bob
happy birthday bob and uh we had a fire
pit you know
been sitting out on a fire pit and we’re
hearing down in phoenix you know it’s
almost touching the three digits and uh
texas and louisiana oh it’s in the 90s
already we have a fire pit going not
here we’re still
and it was not we had a little nip in
the air it was very nice
so not only was there a nip in the air
but we had some nips as well
and we took a little nap we took a few
naps we took a few naps around
the fire pit which was very nice but
what i really wanted to talk about was
how stunningly beautiful um
spring is here not only are is the
delightful but all of the trees all of a
sudden and it really seems like
it starts blooming and blossoming so um
the bradford pears are to die for
gorgeous red bud which is my
all-time favorite um red buds just don’t
grow that well in the south but here
they are
stunning vibrant vibrant i hope you got
some pictures oh absolutely i got
some pictures of the bradford pears
repairs red buds
pears are the ones with all the white
white blossoms
and uh i may have some i haven’t had a
chance to shoot them yet but uh you also
paint blossoms these are the uh red leaf
that’s his favorite very favorite i mean
the pink blossoms are beautiful and then
once the blossoms are gone the
leaves themselves are like this leathery
kind of deep red purple
it’s gorgeous that’s something to know
here too a lot of people don’t know
um fruit trees are abundant here
and they grow very very well so a lot of
people with cherry trees
apricots plum lemons not so much
interesting the citrus don’t do so well
but all the others do amazingly well and
then you get to have
springs bountiful gift
well yeah harvest but you know their
gift in this
in spring all these blossoms start
coming in
and it’s just gorgeous and a lot of
people will trim their trees so it
actually looks like little snowballs
they don’t come snowballs here probably
snow cones
for all of you others not from louisiana
in louisiana we call them snowballs
every part of the country calls it
something different snow cone for use
for you people forget for use i know
where are you from i don’t know what’s
happening here
this is something we’ve discussed at
length you know but it just makes sense
yeah absolutely anyway not so much use
well we might get some comments yeah
let me tell you why she’s wrong
but anyway so spring is absolutely
stunning here you can’t miss it so if
you move here
remember always remember if you want to
plant some fruit trees they will do very
well here
then you will get to enjoy all the
blossoms in the springtime
number two roses grow very well
roses while we’re talking about spring
and flowers and blooming and
you know plant where your bloom moon
where you plant
bloom we’ve had this discussion this
discussion i know i still don’t have it
so i think our earlier
seat iec earlier wind down where i
talked about that phrase still don’t
have it where you’re playing bloom where
you’re planning
after i looked it up i still don’t have
that’s bad the mind is a terrible thing
to waste sometimes
it just goes mine is sometimes a
terrible thing anyway
yeah the anyway roses are beautiful here
as well
they’re very hardy um they love the
climate here
and beautiful stunning roses such as
bloom bloom bloom
all summer long so if you are a rose
aficionado if you are fruit tree
this is the place for you um if you just
like great weather
yes and you’ve never really experienced
the joy of spring
yes um i’m talking mostly from people
from the south springs
underrated yeah well rightly so in the
south i i get it in the north
you know winter’s finally over and
people get excited about spring but
uh in the south people dread the spring
because it means
i mean you go from 60 which is winter
to 90. like overnight and then it just
trudges along until november
so this has been a new experience for us
uh we thoroughly love our spring here
and we wanted to share that with you and
we hope you love all the pictures of uh
the trees that we’ve taken around here
absolutely it’s good stuff people
if you need information about real
estate the best place to find it
is we have all kinds of
information for both buyers sellers
or and everyone in between if you’re
thinking about
prescott lots of information about what
goes on here what you can do here what
you can eat here
um a wealth of information
we live to serve yeah we do sometimes
it depends if i get really tired then i
have to crash yeah i can’t
it’s hard it’s hard hard to keep that
energy going
but uh we do have fun and we’d love to
help you
in your next steps in buying or selling
absolutely so check us out
and have a wonderful beautiful spring
day bye