Gird your loins, start with a low number, and jump right in! You won’t be sorry. Prescott has tons of wonderful Thai restaurants, and if you are too chicken of the spice, you’re REALLY missing out.
In this episode we cover our favorite Thai places and reveal how their numbered spiciness system can make even the blandest of palates come alive.
If good coffee is as important to you as it is to us, you’ll be glad to hear that the Prescott coffee scene is rich and full-bodied. Pour yourself a cup as we grind up one of our favorite topics.
hello hello hello hey peeps hello cheers my my lady my pickle lady it’s even worse that’s even worse anyway hello this is diane and randall bro yes we are here in prescott arizona at one of our new listings our new listings it’s a lovely house at 1710 gilmer right here in prescott uh as you can see of our shoulder amazing thumb view views yeah and we thought you know what let’s come and enjoy her lovely deck here she’s got an amazing deck nestled amongst the boulders here we sort of have a great house well we kind of didn’t tell her but i think i think she’d be cool we’re okay we’re sitting on the deck we’re sitting on the deck um frankie’s here pop in she insisted on coming sometimes she likes to be part of the shoot yeah she does she’s like i’d like to shoot today i like to shoot today so we sound good yeah so enjoying the views nice cool uh after fall is finally here we’re very excited uh so we figured well why not take advantage of the great view and the great deck this is an awesome house uh 3 500 almost 3 500 square feet uh right here like i said great views amazing views from the house a multi-generational living if you wanted i can’t say enough good things about this house it’s really cute i’ll put a link to the yeah i’ll put the link down below what’s our link our link is uh pickle so if you want to check it out in person and see both levels and see how lovely it’s decorated and how charming check it out pickle but we’re here to talk about coffee we’re here to talk about coffee we’re taking advantage of this lovely house we’re drinking coffee oddly enough it’s not steaming or anything it is but it’s a new blend it’s a new blend google it’s the new blend it’s coffee yeah so anyway we thought let’s take advantage of this great location yeah and this deck and come here to talk about coffee here in prescott been meaning to talk about coffee houses for a while uh coffee is very important to people and uh people ask us all the time you know is there starbucks there i can’t live without starving i think we’re really like a teeny tiny town yeah listen we are hustling with coffee you don’t portland seattle all those places have nothing on us they really don’t they don’t i mean prescott has it all uh we have the the fast food type of coffee like yeah starbucks and all that and then we have just independent independence we have changed independent coffee houses that are just awesome so just to be clear let’s start with starbucks yes we have like six yeah starbucks locations yes we have starbucks in most of our grocery stores uh we have a starbucks on each highway yes we have a starbucks right by our office i’m very familiar with them right i frequent them i frequent them frequently however i have to say one of my newer favorite ones is uh a new uh it’s a chain it’s a new no no but where are they in general in the united states they’re just starting to come here we know they’re in prescott and chino valley we’re short i love scooter shout out to you scooter shout out to you good service speedy service speedy service and you know what i like the best they know who i am now yeah they’re like hey pickle lady how’s it going today yeah absolutely i need a big coffee because i’ve got a big day with some buyers they’re very very fast they’re very very good i’ve never had an order screwed up nope uh they do the payment through the app which is really cool yeah they get it right the first time and their business is primarily drive through which i know is absolutely essential for you it is essential for me yeah if you don’t have a drive-through the pickled ladies not buying no i don’t have because i don’t have time yeah but we also have dutch brothers which is huge as well yeah they are also my favorite super cheerful people super pop super up super lots of things lots of good music they have started down in phoenix i’m not sure we found out about it because our daughter was at asu very popular at asu drinking lots of coffee drinks and starting to have severe heart palpitations yeah so we kind of had to cut back on that for her we’re like hey maybe you’re hitting it a little too hard yeah they do uh energy drinks energy drinks with coffee yeah yeah she was over doing a little bit try the kokomo if you’ve never been at the dutch brothers try the kokomo it’s a coconut uh mocha coffee thing and uh really really good really really good so what else do we have oh a local one is cuppers covers is a local uh coffee shop yeah that’s locally owned and they are all so good let’s see what else but bosa is a new one both sides you can go in and get donuts and coffee and we haven’t been there yet but we need to try i have you have yeah yeah we headed into the office so i tried their donuts they’re done they’re always together it’s always weird if you like fluffy doughnuts if you will have another wine down about donuts i don’t think you’re looking for donuts to be fluffy but evidently some people are and they’re donuts are described as marvelously fluffy but i hear their coffee is also very good their uh cake donuts are very good so that’s bo sappos is new so i guess they’re bosa nova aha i like it yeah that’s funny let’s try the veal okay the other good thing is that they have a lot of independent coffee shops here that are very charming lots of people go there for little business meetings uh students go there to yeah work friends go there just to have a nice quiet little place yeah so you mentioned you mentioned cuppers so first one it’s locally owned locally they have a really nice place on montezuma that has like a little courtyard uh so good to bring the dog and just have the outdoors so uh wild iris is another wild iris very cute we brought it out that courtyard a lot yeah they have a courtyard in the front that’s outside the inside is also quite spacious we bring clients there quite often um some others are i’m reading off my list yeah we offer you a list here yeah i’m sorry if i’m not looking directly at the camera yeah firehouse coffee fire has coffee so they are right across the square and they’re in a shop in bashford court which is kind of like a little mini mall a little old-fashioned mini mall yeah and uh i hear their coffee is very good but i’ve never tried it myself the porch coffee porch coffee merchant coffee merchant coffee espresso barn we pass all the time yes and method comments method coffee is wi-fi fries i’ve heard some people speak very highly of method coffee also locally owned so that’s you know one two three four five six seven eight nine ten different choices other than starbucks and when you have half an oven half a dozen starbucks you don’t have to move to seattle or portland yeah you know to have the coffee scene we got the coffee scene going on here frankie loves it come on frank franklin because she gets yeah they give her popcorn everybody has a different variation yeah and she thoroughly appreciates very good popcorn they do they get a little bonus they give good popcorn they give good say that a lot that’s what frank says yes hi frankie yes absolutely but anyway so we just kind of wanted to share with you uh you know and enjoy this beautiful view and let you know about um my coffee here just some coffee here coffee’s important we know that it’s hip it’s happening uh it’s a great little place to meet with your friends and chit chat and uh we have it on yeah we have it all so you will enjoy it so that is all for now frank is frank is it’s okay uh so frank is barking at something she sees but anyway so we hope that you have a wonderful evening and you enjoy the beautiful views and come see 1710 gilmer we’d love to share it with you and you can reach us at alright have a good night bye bye
If you’re a breakfast person, Prescott has lots of delicious options. In this episode, we rattle off a list of our favorites as we begin the long digestion process.
Check out one of our new favorite hangouts: LazyG’s Brewhouse. Classic ice house decor, delightful outside venue, delicious craft beer and other adult beverages… and pub grub to die for. Join us for a cold one!
Check out one of our favorite Prescott haunts, with a great selection of wine, beer, specialty coffees – and a cool, young vibe… and lamb burgers. Don’t forget the lamb burgers.
hello hello hello hey peeps this is diane and randall brown we are your press get pickled presents really getting to me yes yes yes yes it is a tongue twister it is we’re still impressed here we’re not in italy we are not italy looks like we are it looks like we are we’re not in one of our favorite restaurants here in prescott something that we recommend to a lot of our clients coming through one of our favorite places and it’s called limoncello the owner is mateo and he is so italian that we cannot pronounce his last name so mateo right is the owner here and he has uh he’s given us a couple drinks cheers cheers um it’s here in the they call it the old firehouse station right off the square but it’s divine divine divine very authentic italian authentic that’s what i was about to say we’ve gotten a responses back from uh people who know who have said this is very very authentic italian food right here at fresco exactly they’re actually a whole bunch of italian restaurants here and they’re all really good we’ve got some really really good ones but uh limoncello is one of our favorites just for like their pizzas are divine for their lemon juice oh yeah this is my favorite thing i am drinking a limoncello martini and mateo makes his own so his lemon drops are made with his limoncello liqueur and they’re a little girly looking because they’re pink but it is delicious they’re good i’ve had one they are really good so what are we talking about today i’m doing uh kind of the the clear thing here i’m not but it’s okay it’s all good it’s all good it’s all good in the hood as i like to say okay so what are we gonna talk about moving into a town that’s not stagnant yes yes okay that’s where we’re going here’s a little known fact that maybe you guys don’t know about us but we are originally from new orleans yes and in the 70s and maybe the early 80s new orleans kind of was a dying town it was it was stagnant yeah um it has since bounded back now we’re here so we’re here we haven’t lived there in quite some time but now they are heavy into filming and hollywood’s going to new orleans so that’s good but the weird thing growing up it was not that way it was not but everywhere you look people would tell you what used to be there like you’d see a building with the windows broken out and they would tell you oh that used to be this or it used to be that and uh it was it was not it was not good you know but we’re not here to talk about new orleans really we’re here um a lot of people are like oh you know so many people are moving here that’s outstanding for all of us yeah we never want a town to go stagnant and with all these new people coming in our little town is just it’s developing it’s it’s getting some a new vibe a new energy values are going up and up yeah how can you possibly object to that right because when people move in we all benefit from that that’s right we get more services we get more jobs and more restaurants restaurants like limoncellos exactly so we get a new buy we get a new energy everyone’s property values go up can’t complain with that can’t complain so coming to prescott we’re not a stagnant place we are growing and we are excited yeah glad to be part of something that people want to be a part of absolutely so anyway that’s preschool that’s personal and limoncellos with your limoncello martini which i think is just wonderful yeah somewhere they can find you my door you can find me you can call me at 713-302-1964 or come over here come visit us at prescott we’d like to show you what our new town is all about we’ll share some some we’ll we’ll share some limoncello with you come feel the new energy the new vibe our little town is just it’s just lovely you’ll love it we’ll have a good time and you’ll see this is not a stagnant place this is a cool place good good place to be a part of great place to be a part of all right cheers to you next time next time have a wonderful day bye
hello hello hello hey it’s diane and randall your friendly preschool pickle lady i am only i i am the only lady present yeah yeah that was the clue cheers cheers welcome to another session of our wine down we are very proud and excited to be here at the palace bar on whiskey road yup and we’re drinking this is palestine i’m not sure which one is just having a nice vlog yeah but this is a super super cool place i think you can kind of see the bar behind us behind us here yeah and the hostesses and the waiters all dressed up as western and western where it’s kind of fun because uh well first of all let’s just say we just came back from l.a with all the local hipsters and all the cool people who are walking their dogs that they don’t curb or pick up nobody no not so much but that’s a bad thing but anyway it feels so good to be back in prescott yep everybody curbs their horses everybody yeah and uh back in the clean fresh air and so we thought you know what let’s go someplace super cool and press skips yeah let’s come here it feels like a warm cozy blanket after coming away from those weirdo hipsters out in l.a yeah and this is uh i mean we love you but you know actually this bar was opened originally in 1877. and the bar is original the bar back here is original so it doesn’t get any more authentic than this this is as western as bar can get that’s right yeah and so it’s just part of the charm of prescott and why we love it so much so uh and the a1 thing too so if you if you come here everything says either the palace or it says a1 that’s right and a1 is the brewery the the their brand of beer yeah so sometimes it’s referred to as a1 palace sometimes just a1 sometimes just palace a lot of names but it’s a cool place it’s a cool place it’s right here on whiskey row it is one of the top 10 most historic historic bars in the entire united states it started in 1877 yeah and uh it burned almost burned down in 1900 and then in 1996 some people bought it and restored it back to its former original yeah and uh so a lot of in a lot of pictures over here i mean there’s like a lot of memorabilia and i’ll i’ll splice in some you know separate heads over here that’s roots and everything and so it was a kind of a central meeting place back in the day for people to come for jobs when president was just getting started and so um it’s just a great place good food and a lot of fun right in the center of great place for like grandchildren too go around and see all the the western stuff is really coming and uh just a good time like you know after you come back from urban l.a or kind of urban health so to speak yeah we had a sunday oh my god sunday so it’s monday today yesterday we drove we went to a restaurant we went to lowe’s pick up some plants and just kind of around i was like i can’t wait to get out of here yeah bumping everybody was an entire day just to run one yeah so we were so excited to come back to prescott yeah it’s like oh my gosh i can get a hundred things done here in one day all my errands are closed by no traffic yeah uh and we flew back we didn’t drive a six-hour drive we flew back and uh on the lax side you’re in terminal seven which is the best terminal it’s it’s not very very crowded right and uh flying in the press get easy shot after you get here it was really nice to get back not it’s good i mean that’s what i love about prescott is that you know you can live a clean simple peaceful life but we’re still close enough to go in when we need to get a fix and go do something really cool and be edgy and uh go see our daughters in l.a not really okay you’re edgier than i am well i would like to think i am this his preschool lady is pretty pretty i try to keep my finger on current events yeah try to keep current i should say that’s right i should keep your finger on the edge i try to keep current yeah but anyway so it was it was good to come back though and have a good lunch here at the palace we highly recommend it to anybody to come and also i think um here’s my paul newman there was a movie filmed here oh my god steve mcqueen people get those confused because they both have blue eyes and they’re both dead that wasn’t cool at all sorry steve mcqueen sorry guys sorry but anyway it’s just a very charming place here just another thing of uh that we love about preschool so we thought we’d share it with you so anyway that is all for today thank you wine down here’s to a good start of this year and um if you need to find us you can find us at or what’s your number [Music] nine six 713-302-1964 we’re happy to help you out absolutely all right come to prescott come see western town we’ll see you soon
Shooting our Weekly Wine Down at one of our favorite Prescott haunts, some new drinking buddies jumped into the mix. Learn about the historical significance of the building, the upcoming holiday celebrations, and what everyone’s drinking. Come watch the fun.
hello hello hello hey it’s randall and diane bro again hello hey how are you i i’m doing all right we’re here at the uh jersey lilies we’re upstairs and the nice patio that’s a secret patio it looks like uh you would get here from the restaurant below but you don’t no you don’t you gotta look for the jersey lily neon i got a little history here yeah this building is 140 years old it used to be the palace hotel uh there were some ladies of the night action back in the day but not actually here they had kind of listen they still have a few girls i think they’re left over from the old days maybe after a few drinks here on friday night you never know but anyway uh so we are lucky enough to be here today on a beautiful day and we can get overlooked yeah overlooked square you can kind of see those some decorations we’re ready for christmas okay so jersey lilies is a great bar here on whiskey road it’s about 20 years old they have wonderful wonderful music here it’s been jersey lily’s for 20 years yeah but it dates back the building is 140 years old 140. i don’t want to repeat myself but okay yes it was the palace hotel before yes i got the palace hotel i just didn’t get the year yeah it’s okay yeah i am drinking you know so we’re here with some friends yes very nice very nice people they are being very nice and ready usually usually it’s all near duels but these people seem very nice they seem to be very nice yeah are you guys from prescott or we are you are preschools are you prescott nevada thinking about moving here maybe maybe that’s what we’re all about yeah we get a lot of people we’re here to tell you how great it is to live here we’re from texas and new orleans originally would love it we are transplanted preschoolers we love it that’s right uh we try to encourage everyone to make the move here you’ll love it it’s it’s just awesome neighborhoods awesome people awesome nightlife great place for the christmas season beautiful christmas season come see why we’re called arizona’s christmas city that’s right and behind this is where all the lights are are or at least they will be and a big truck and the cement trucks and a big truck and a big truck one day we’re going to get some sophisticated cameras where you won’t hear that not today cement’s important cement is important infrastructure because why it’s booming here it’s booming here there’s a little building boom yeah lots of people moving here yes yeah anyway behind us and a little bit uh when the sun goes down you’re gonna see over a hundred thousand lights it’s gonna be lit up will be lit maybe i don’t know you’re already live we’re lit up [Laughter] this has been fun we need to have more people on this yeah that’s right absolutely we need to have some more people guest stars here yeah some well and that’s why it’s called the weekly wine day that’s it that’s a weekly one call it our weekly wineries and we talk about bloody mary oh bloody mary bloody mary’s bloody mary’s some wine i have some brown wine it’s all all good but anyway so we just wanted to show you one of the uh one of the traditional stops here in prescott jersey lily’s big big hit great place to just kind of hang out in the afternoon where there’s nobody here why don’t you swear we met some great people we’re having a good time and uh in a little bit we’ll show you when the sun goes down and we’ll show you the square look so you can see what christmas is like absolutely all right it’s awesome it’s awesome show our friends again friends again hello friends we got friends on both sides here whoa [Laughter] all right cheers to everyone happy holidays happy holidays happy holidays come see what christmas is like here in prescott that’s it you’ll love it bye this is randall and diane breaux on our weekly wine gown you can find us at that’s right i am i am the pickle lady i think you’re lady i think that’s pretty much getting established now yeah pretty much it’s embarrassing but it’s cool just to respond to pickles now the kids are loving it that’s fine yeah and you can reach us at 713-302-1964 and come see what we’re about this holiday season is that good bye sirens then we gotta go stop we gotta go you