When people start to get serious about finding a new home, generally the first place they look is online. This section offers links to customized home searches and tricks and tips to be more successful in finding what you want.
It's exciting when you put your house on the market and get an offer right away. But if it's not quite your asking price, should you take it...or wait for something better to come along? Join us to learn the best strategies for both buyers and sellers.
good morning morning peeps good morning good morning good morning good you musical theater there we go she’s pickle lady her sidekick skunk Pig we uh realtor here in Prescot Arizona and we’re coming at you live that’s right well that’s recording but we’re recorded it live yeah yeah alive now we’re not dead so not yet I would not make a good video yeah that could be interesting could be on one of those crime shows the case of the Miss Missing realtor so this is this is they get rid of you right away there you go they’d take me but they’d leave him yeah I think they would this is uh this is a video primarily for sellers primarily for sellers so uh you put your home on the market you price it kind of where you think it should be maybe a little higher than what you think it ought to be uh give you a wiggle room I’ve heard the the wiggle room a lot wiggle wiggle and then you get your first offer and the offer is not what you think it ought to be right most people think um we’re back in covid times when things were booming and then you’d get 10 offers and you were coming in way over price that’s over okay so you have to adjust your expectation yes we’re kind of back to the old-fashioned days again where maybe you might get one or two offers um but people are really not coming in over uh and some aren’t even coming ask if the house is brand new on the market uh they might come in and ask because they know you’ve barely been on the market and they want to wrap it up if it’s been on the market much longer than that um they might want to nip a little bit and then you as the seller will say well I don’t want a nip I want I want what happened in Co Let It Go yes let it go let it go that’s a song any I know that I know that so one of the uh one of the old adages of real estate and maybe you’ve heard this is that usually your first offer is your best offer yep which sounds counterintuitive uh and people have heard it but most people don’t believe it so we thought we’d talk about why that is yeah why first is probably going to be your best especially if your first offer is Cash yeah honestly Take the Money and Run yes do not quibble and go back and forth um you irritate you know the especially if you’re the buyer if you keep trying to go back and forth and renegotiate after a while the seller shuts down and says never mind so go in with your best and final the best that you can and if you want to nip them a little bit that’s fine but if it’s cash and you’re the seller you really should grab that yes seller I mean if you get an offer that’s all cash and maybe it isn’t coming in at 500,000 that you wanted but it’s coming in at 480 you’re quibbling at that point grab it um particularly now that now that our price points are getting higher and higher you know it’s it’s if you’re selling a home for $250,000 $20,000 is a lot if you’re selling a home for one and a half million $20,000 in the scheme of things is not so much let that go let that go and just especially cash is King as we all know you’ll have a faster close it’s not subject to appraisal um it it it just is a much simpler faster process so if you pass on that and say no you know uh I wanted 20,000 more you may sit in the market another four or five weeks of Hell of showing your house and keeping it clean till that next buyer comes along so if it’s within reason I would never say if they come in 100,000 less oh yeah no absolutely not I mean what’s fair is fair yes but you know yeah well the thing is too you think okay well if I turn this offer down they’re going to think about it a few days and they’re going to come back to me no they’re going to go look at other homes they will because they’ll be irritated and they’re like I gave you a great offer and it was all cash really or you know we have a good loan and we’re just we’re putting down a huge down payment this is a good offer um it kind of turns people off very rarely will they come back and circle back so our deal is if we think it’s a really fair and decent price and within reason and reasonable yes just take it and and I I mean I’ve sold many houses of my own it’s torture you know that it’s torture when you’re out there trying to sell a house and keep it clean and leave and and people know that yeah and people know that and so if you get a really reasonable good offer I I you know we always say think about this hard don’t just shoot it down and and here’s the other thing this is the reason why your first offer is usually your best first first of all particularly in presc first of all in Prescot now that CO’s over it is very rare for us to have a bidding war buyers for the most part are coming in from out of town they’re not they’re not here if you’re in a place like Phoenix and all the buyers are already in Phoenix they’re there they can fight with one another generally you know you deal with one buyer at a time as they come in town so the the bidding war thing has gotten very over so you know swallow that and digest that that’s an important piece of information the other is uh there are people out there they refuse to pay list price they’re going to nip you either a little bit or a lot they’re not going to be this just against their religion okay so think about these people for a minute if you have been on the market for one day how much are they going to nip you not much CU you just went on the market it’s a new home it’s still got a lot of showings and you’re not tired of selling yet you’ve been on the home you’ve been on the market for 90 days now they’re going to nip you harder they are that’s why the because they know you’re tired they know you’re tired they know you’re worn out that’s why y That’s why because the the chances are the buyers are not looking at the home as a seller they’re looking at as a buyer they don’t want to pay list they want to pay something less and the longer you’ve been on the market the more they’re going to nip you yeah so look long and hard at that first offer because there’s a lot of information there that is somebody who’s nipping you but the people in the future are probably going to nip you more even more even more because they know you’re you’re desperate not that you’re desperate but you might be I’ve got to move my I’m trying to buy this other house this one has to sell yes and it just creates so much more anxiety and uh fear and Desperation you don’t need all that you don’t need all that so now we’re not talking about lowball offers absolutely not that’s a different animal don’t even do that we don’t deal a lot with investors but typically when we do they they have a tendency the lowball which is really frustrating for everyone um we’re not really talking about that we’re talking about people who are making what they think is a a fair offer for home pretty close to Market yeah that might be coming in 10 or 15,000 and less it’s a respectable off respectable off um I think lowball people who deliberately lowball it’s a lack of respect and and I kind of steer away from that because it’s you know let’s not insult people I mean unless the home’s been on for a year oh yeah you know and it’s obviously there’s some issues okay that’s a different story but uh yeah the investors are you want to create goodwi and Good Karma with this future business transaction and if you come in rude and you lowball and you this and you that and you keep going back and forth and Dickering it shuts people down yeah so for buyers uh I’ll share with you my my U my um negotiating secret as buyer you want to look for the O screw it price okay that’s that’s going to be the best price you can get a home is the O screw it price yes so here’s here’s the way that works so um if you price a home respectively but kind of on the low side chances are the seller is going to counter if they counter they’re going to count counter pretty close to list price okay the best first offer you can make is what I call the O screw it price you give the seller the price not really happy with the price but it’s close enough is it really worth countering I don’t know I screw it I’ll just take it I’ll just take it that’s the the best possible price you can get we love that that little psychological we find try to find that sweet spot that people are like go a little lower than that they’re going to counter you end up paying more yeah so the best possible first offer is the O grw price that’s right so yeah that’s our yeah that’s a good tip whole bunch of tips buch we gave a whole bunch yeah if you like tips the place to go is pickle 411.com that’s our free information site whether you’re a buyer seller somewhere in between there something waiting for you that will Amaze Astound inform entertain and just overwhelm you with our generosity because it’s all free well and sometimes anger you yeah I love those angry emails angry emails angry emails yeah we get some of those it really starts my day off great people we tell it like it is if you’re not happy with that don’t shoot the messenger don’t shoot the messenger we’re just telling it as best we are truthsayers yeah truthsayers soothsayers yeah although I can say sooth soothsayers sooth I can say it but I’m not a soothsayer I’m a truthsayer or truthsayers truth truth soothsayers TR all right I give up okay hope to see you soon come visit us uh give us a call we’ll take you around we’ll have a grand old time have a great rest of your day bye bye
Today we're doing a braindump of everything you need to know about fireplaces in the Prescott market. Inside or outside, wood-burning or gas, we share how you can light a fire in the hearts of your buyers or sellers...even if a house has no fireplace at all.
good morning good morning hello hello hello hello peeps Diane and Randall bro here your local uh real estate team husband and wife team musical theater uh I if you come on a tour with me sometimes you’ll see as I get tired especially I start singing along delious I get Delirious so that’s all part of the treatment when you come on part of the experience part of the experience uh I’m not a good singer but it does make fun like hello let’s go to the next neighborhood and then I realize everyone’s looking at me what’s wrong with her but it keeps me going keeps the energy going so that’s song in your heart all right today we’re here to talk about fireplaces fireplaces all for them yes so first of all fireplace is a cool thing to have in presc yep uh particularly during the winter you know and during the it’s just so nice and cozy and everything else so uh people ask us a lot about fireplaces though we thought we’ just sort of unload everything we know about fireplac fireplaces so yeah one key thing is um a lot of times people opt not to put one in especially if they’re building because you know it saves some money and this that and the other but I will say for resale in particular in Prescot yes uh you really should it’s a good investment spend that money get that fireplace in creates a focal point for your grave room that’s right and I have had new numerous people come in they absolutely we’ve had many many houses some without a fireplace and they’re like we absolutely love everything about this house but no fireplace no fireplace so a couple of things about that number one it’s very easy to install a fireplace yes you do not have to cut through your roof and make a chimney and all that you can actually make them now you can vent them out through a wall onto your porch very simple very easy very safe so very safe and if we our fireplace does that both of them we have two we have one upstairs one downstairs they both vent out they do no big deal and so if you are to identify a home and you want one we’ve got some good folks that can come and install one for you and it goes anywhere from five maybe to 10,000 depending on your selections and what you pick and and the stone the ston work is the most expensive thing because it’s labor intensive the rest of it’s really no big deal yeah so some people here do beautiful stone just to The Mantel some people do it all the way up to the ceiling um they do river rock they do slay I mean they you name it they do it it’s beautiful um and now they have the new ones um everything here will be gas run to you will not find any wood burning fireplaces very inside very few homes will have it um it’s kind of become uh a fire thing a fire hazard things so people don’t like smoke in their homes so so it’s a you know there’s this ongoing evolution of fireplaces so it used to be if someone had a fireplace in the home and they Fire Hazards burned wood and and there’s something to be said for a wood fire but there’s something to be said against it Cinders and smoke in your home and everything so for the most part there are no fire places with wood inside uh they do have wood burning stoves pellet stoves things like very popular here and that will heat up your whole house they will it’s amazing mhm the first thing they did when there was the conversion over uh away from real wood into gas is you had these ceramic logs so ceramic logs were the first thing you had had to make it look like it was a real fire and and there was real wood and real Cinders and everything and there’s still a lot of those around uh but now it’s like people have kind of separated the idea of a fireplace and wood in their mind so a lot of the fireplaces we’re seeing now are are the modern type with the White Rock way more contemporary um and they’ll be instead of the big square with a fan to push the heat out they’ll be more rectangular narrow um some of them will have you know you’ve seen it the glass rock and different color rocks and you can change the color of the flame and so and uh some people here have kind of a dated fireplace they call the fireplace company and update that so that too is an option if you are not a fan of the heavy River Rock and you want to have something a little more contemporary the key of the fireplace I think in terms of the type of fireplace you want is it depends on the kind of home you want if you have a contemporary home you probably want to go for the newer contemporary fireplaces we just uh we just met with a a lady who’s selling a French provincial home mm and her fireplace is gas but it it looks like a traditional wood beautiful that goes well you know you put a contemporary fireplace in that that would look sort of goofy right so yeah you you want to kind of lean into whatever the overall style of the home is absolutely so if you’re coming here and your heart is set on a fireplace you find a house that I just love everything but it’s minus the fireplace don’t let that throw you we can that’s we can fix that we can fix that if there’s a fireplace That’s Heavy brass from s you know with the 1776 with the the eagle remember we all know what that is we all remember you know yeah again fireplace can come in and upgrade you in no time flat and make it more current so if you’re thinking also about building a house just add the fireplace add the fireplace if you are a seller particularly if you have one of those homes that doesn’t Scream by Me By Me by me put in a fireplace they’re not expensive you would be surprised at how important fireplace places are to our buyers here we hear in this town we hear it most of the buyers that they mention I want a fireplace it’s as important as backsplash uh uh marble tops three car G three car garages I mean it is a very important feature so if you don’t have one I would think seriously well either put it in or offer it as or offer as an option as an option say hey give fireplace allowance fireplace allowance and what we do is uh we’ll have a a fireplace virtually installed uh you know doing the Photoshop thing to give people an idea what it might look like and that’s a that actually works really well it does then they can see the vision then they can see the vision and and that’s good for them yeah so in terms of outdoor fireplaces in some areas they really don’t want you to use wood although some people do uh but even outside outside the uh um fireplaces and what do you call them little fire pits fire pits yeah a lot of those are gas as well and a lot of them are moving away from the wood look and more just rock just anything that will hold the Heat and radiate it uh just nice and clean easy to light easy to turn off no fuss no mus yep uh so that’s easy peasy easy peasy yeah and we love it yeah we love our fireplace uh I don’t even run the Heat or sometimes during the winter I just put my fireplace on I get cozy yeah and uh it’s it’s delightful especially when it starts to snow right yeah that’s right couple of tips um so if your fireplace so most people are familiar with the fireplace there’s like a little grade under it you open up the grade and that’s where you the the pilot light and all that stuff is that is p um that is the older the older versions uh now they have automatic sparkers yeah uh if you have a fireplace you you’re looking at a home or your building a home uh or you just bought a home and you can’t open the gr chances are it is an auto sparker um when you are lighting it for the first time it takes longer than you think to light like maybe up to a minute so uh so don’t think your fireplace is perfect it doesn’t work it doesn’t work yeah don’t so we have gone over to many a house three or four times I’ve my fireplace doesn’t work my fireplace doesn’t work and I go is like where’s the switch there it is and I turn it on and they’ll say see it doesn’t work and I say just wait just wait just wait yop so particularly if it hasn’t been used in a while so which is pretty cool to have an automatic igniter because in the olden days you’d have to get the fire stick you know and so it’s it’s all good stuff people it’s all good stuff yeah the fireplaces are improving just like everything else okay so that is our information on fireplaces that’s your tip of the day if you like tips place to go is pickle411.com that is our free information site whether you are a buyer seller or somewhere in between there is something waiting there for you that will Astound Delight inform and entertain you and it’s absolutely free it’s absolutely free so thought we’d do a little talk about fireplac the the cold weather’s coming cold weathers are coming all right hope you get to snuggle soon all right have a great day bye bye
The results of your property inspection can make or break the deal. Find out what separates the good inspectors from the bad ones, and how to make sure you have the right one on your team whether you're buying or selling.
hello hello hello hello peeps our fellow friends out there fellow friends fellow friends fellow pickle peeps no that’s us that’s this is that’s them yeah we are Diane and Randall bro that’s who we are that’s who we are we are local real estate agents here in the lovely mountain town of Prescot Arizona presc Arizona we love to do our little videos here we hope you enjoy them as much as we enjoy making them and giggling and getting our way through it um we wanted to talk about something that we come across a lot um we get phone calls from fellow agents what inspector are you using and I say the name who’s our great inspector yes we’ll say his name yeah Matt gormer Matt gormer property National National Property inspection National Property inp we just call him that we just call him that he’s great guy great friend great part of our great part of our team he works super super hard he will go in and really give you the honest truth yeah and we have run across we’ve used Inspectors That Gloss Over other inspectors that gloss over very important things yeah so does that help you you know close the house it does but you might have a big problem later so we would rather have a tough inspector who really catches some very bad things so our buyers aren’t caught with this later and have a big problem later on down the line so sometimes if you get a uh you know an inspector and he’s really he finds a lot of things sometimes you have to make the hard decision and say I have to walk away yeah and it’s well you should have that option if you didn’t know about the problems then you wouldn’t have that option we’ve had real estate agents uh tell us oh you know I I I heard about him he he uh um cancels a lot of transactions you know he he’s such a I’m glad because that’s what I want him to do exactly I I want the best for my buyers I want them to come out Buy A Home ahead and buy a home that they know is safe reliable that they aren’t going to have big expensive repairs later um we’re not in it just just for us to get our commission let’s just sell it oh I’m sorry is that broken just don’t say anything gloss it over it’s no big deal they can fix it later evidently a lot of do that we’ve had oh you need to find another inspector you know it’s no no we don’t because that’s what we want and I would go so far to say if your agent hasn’t canceled out uh you know transactions in the past because of due diligence then you need to find another agent due diligence needs to be real it’s very important our job is to represent you and make sure your home is in the best and most efficient operating um what condition condition very you conditional work yeah but you know we we don’t want you to buy move in and then find out oh wow the grinder pump isn’t working oh wow um there’s a the the slab is cracked oh wow there’s a leak in my roof and nobody noticed it nobody caught it you know we value you know our inspector you know we we really a AAR he does a great job if there’s something wrong he’s going to find it he’s going to find it and uh and and at the same time if it’s good it’s great he’s delighted he’s like this is an amazing house you’ve got a real gem on your hands um other times he can say you need to think about this you need you need to think about this he doesn’t say yes about no he doesn’t he will never say The YES or NO That Will Surprise You yes or no he will present his facts and then you know he says this is up to you but these are my findings you need to really carefully consider and go through this and decide what’s worth it to you in terms of later repairs yeah absolutely and so it’s important and it’s our job as as your representative to make sure you’re getting something that’s really in good working condition yeah I hate to get phone calls later this broke that broke and d and something wasn’t caught I had one house where the inspector actually said oh I don’t get on the roof I will never do that yes yes I won’t get on the roof and I’m like well okay and uh so what happened there was over a 100 crack tiles this is very important you know you need to have a full service inspect who doesn’t pick and choose oh I don’t want to go up in that attic I don’t want to go in the crawl space I don’t do the Not A Good Inspector roof that’s not a good inspector that’s not a good inspector you need somebody who gets in there and does every possible a lot of times the problems are found in the crannies you got to be willing to get in there yes so hats off to Matt yeah uh we’re so glad he’s part of our team yes he will also we use Matt 2 on on the cell side as well oh yeah important yeah there are sellers you know they’ll use an inspector as one of these gloss over types you they want to Gloss Over Types make the transaction go forward and they’ll hire them to do a pre-inspection when you’re the seller and you’re doing a pre-inspection you want to know everything the whole point is to get away from you know so you don’t have a surprise when you go you don’t want to have a surprise after you’re under contract so yeah we also do for our sellers we also recommend a pre- inspection especially if the home is older we never want to be under contract and about to end you know the inspection period and you find out there’s a crack SLB or the reef has a major leak or there’s mold we want to discover that stuff before you go on the market so you can address it and fix it because I can guarantee you if you have a good inspector they’re going to find it and it could queer the whole deal yeah people get scared they’re like well they these people didn’t take care of their house I don’t want to take this on yes so if so as as a buyer you need to use a real inspector a tough inspector as a seller you need to use a tough inspector that’s right that’s the bottom line inspection should be real it shouldn’t be ins should just a a you know rubber stamp something that’s right we’re looking for that’s not what we’re looking for you’re right so sometimes we’re disappointed sometimes our buyers are disappointed sometimes it can be a Heart Breaker heartbreaker but in the long run we will definitely find you something better uh where you don’t have to worry and have any angst at all about what you just did or what you just purchased yep so hang with us stay the course as I always say stay the course we will make it happen and we will find something for you even better so there you go don’t get thrown by you know get a good inspector so tip of the day good inspector good inspectors will save your hide that’s it okay if you like tips the place to go is pickle 411.com that is our free information site whether you are a buyer seller somewhere in between there’s something waiting for you that will Amaze astound and form andt Aston Vaporize Aston vaporize I I don’t know a lot of stuff a lot of stuff and the price is right it’s all absolutely friend that’s right absolutely we look forward to hearing from you put the credit cards away it’s all fre that’s right we’d love to help you in your next steps yeah and uh and introduce you to our great Wind Down inspector all right friends that is all for today have a fabulous fabulous rest of your day bye
If you're waiting for the days of 3% interest to return before you buy a house... we have some news for you. Tune in today to find out what you can expect, and how you can make the best decision possible.
good morning good morning good morning and hello hello hello to all beeps peeps of that’s right to all of our fellow pickle peeps out there happy to join you this morning and talk about the interest rates it makes you sad it makes me sad um sure do miss the dates uh you know when we had lower interest rates one more time we have any two and a half to 3 and half% it was a beautiful thing was a beautiful an unusual thing um honestly it was like getting free money it’s really not the most sound thing for E economy yeah and so we all got very very spoiled by that and we loved it but it’s really not the norm yeah um we did get used to it and we were adjusted to it but if you recall from the 70s and ‘ 8s interest rates used to be like 13 14% so we just were blessed for a little while there but it’s really not the norm no not at all and and and some would argue not even healthy to have a not really healthy for the the in terms of predicting where uh interest rates are going people will talk about the fed or they’ll talk about the inflation these are all things that people you know spend a whole lot more time studying that and actually get paid to do it uh we don’t do that uh but you know all those things are um uncertain one thing that you can hang your hat on is demographics demographics are unchangeable so we had Baby Boomers and then we had the what was it Gen X and then Gen Y is essentially uh the Millennials yeah the so we’ll talk about those three baby boomers are huge you know we had a bunch of baby boomers Gen X was the baby bust yep and in Millennials they call the echoboom yes so here’s what you need to know uh when people reach a certain age they start investing you know they’re kind of past raising the kids and all that and they’re reaching the maximum of their income potential they start investing money that is the supply of money oh is it yeah that’s that’s where investment dollars come from it comes from people investing right never knew and you got to have money to do that and Baby Boomers during the time we had very they had lots of money cuz most of them had not retired yet M okay mhm the people who were using the money those are people who are doing things like buying homes starter homes cars raising children education those were the Gen xers or the baby Busters okay that’s me that’s you yeah she’s a baby buster I’m a baby bu yeah I’m the youngest I’m in the the cohort the youngest of the uh the Baby Bloomers yeah yeah so what we had was we had a bunch of people supplying money and very few people demanding money so interest rates went down yes it’s it’s just that simple I mean all the other you know factors and everything it came down to demographics y yeah so that’s why it was so it’s so unusual to get demographic shifts historically unless you have you know a plague or something uh well we kind of did yeah we kind of did we kind of did we didn’t that was not a plague plagues kill you know third a third of the population had nothing like that but anyway well not good was not good but it it did not affect the interest rate No it sure right all right so moving forward what we have is the Gen xers the baby Busters are now entering the phase where they can invest and the Millennials the the echo Boomers they’re going to start borrowing so what that means is you’re going to have very high demand and very low Supply meanwhile the Baby Boomers they’re all probably let a three4 of us have reached 65 now something like that so most the rest are dead dead or retired you know but for the purpose of this conversation they’re not investing money they they if they invest their money they put it in very safe stuff you know T bills or something like something very conservative because they have a nest preserve it MH so we’re going into a phase now where you can anticipate very low Supply and very very high demand of money and that my friends means interest rates are going to stay hot yeah which is kind of a bummer yeah it’s a bummer and you’re going to have some movement you know short-term things are going to move the rate around but I think the days of 2 and a half% mortgage rates I don’t it’s going to be a long time till it comes back yeah I just don’t see how that’s going to happen but historically even 7% is still a good rate a good rate uh you know as I said when you compared earlier we had aunts and uncles that had had 16% interest rates so and again even don’t let it scare you even at 7% because hopefully with time things the rates will drop you can always refinance it’s not like you were tied to this for the rest of your life with this huge Rock tied around your neck yes not really I’m sure with time things will adjust refinance at that point yeah if you have to borrow let’s just say the g rate now is about 7 and a half I think let’s say you borrow at 7 and a half uh one of three things is going to happen the interest rate is going to stay the same well you you got the going rate interest rates are going to go up thank God you got the rate interest rates are going to go down you refinance yep you know but uh the idea that in you know 3 months it’s going to go down to 3% no get past it get on with your life none of us are young anymore you need to move on some of us are young young at heart yeah be young at heart and move on with your life don’t don’t let the the interest rates drive your life cuz you could sit there waiting for I mean don’t play that game just just grab Life by the horns get out there and do it don’t let this all don’t try to play The Guessing Game I’ll wait a year or two it it it may be worse so now is the time be decisive just accept it move forward get there and start your new chapter yeah absolutely don’t play that waiting game you’ll drive yourself crazy I’m already crazy with you know um this one I don’t need to worry about the rest of that baby buster can you believe that she Buster I believe it that’s our tip of the day if you like tips the place to goes pickle 411.com that’s our free information site whether you are buyer seller somewhere in between there’s something there waiting especially for you that will Astound Amaze inform and entertain you silly and it’s all free it’s all free it’s all we don’t charge anything for charge anything we just share our wisdom yeah less than going to a pay toilet you know you go to our free information I’ve never gone to a pay toilet Remember You The Quarters oh you’re you’re a baby buster remember that yeah little quarter and you go in that’s I never heard of such a thing why is that any worse than a bathroom you just there’s a little quarter you put in that’s ridiculous used to do that used to have you used to have these metal things they called them coins [Laughter] and it was almost like a credit card oh yeah yeah I have a vague recollection anyway give us a call Diana Randle bro here your local Friendly competent smart hardworking agents we’d love to help you absolutely take care have a great day bye bye
Once upon a time it was unheard of to buy a house sight unseen. Covid changed all that. Watch this video to learn about the great process we use to make sure our buyers get the house they want and sellers can trust them to follow through.
good after oops I jumped ahead sorry gotta move fast yeah I can’t I got a Sprint he has to Sprint yeah with the pickle lady good afternoon this is Diane and Randall bro coming to you from Prescott Arizona our favorite little mountain town that we retired to about seven years ago no we’re not retired by work well true we moved here we moved here yeah we retired from Paris I guess I think it’s just wishful thinking yeah I think you’re right we retired from Parenthood we didn’t do that we had been empty nested so we started a whole new chapter chapter and here we are here we are in Prescott Arizona and loving every minute of it that’s right now one of the things we wanted to talk about today is sight unseen yeah so this is when people put an offer on a home that they have not physically seen and this is uh controversial a lot of sellers don’t like it with good reason yes uh it’s not it’s not it’s not a rule that’s etched in stone though so that’s why we wanted to talk about it yeah so a lot of folks are out of state and they see a house they identify a house on MLS they’re like oh my gosh this house looks really interesting and they give us a call what are your thoughts and what we always do is we say you know what let us go preview it for you we will do a walk through video that makes you feel like you’re standing right next to me walking through the house just like if you had an appointment you were local then we send it to them we edit it we Randall sets it to music he he does a voice over and we send it to you at that point if you still are really interested then we suggest let’s put an offer in and you get down here as fast as you can so you can see it in person so most of the times people love the video they’re like wow I think only one time somebody said no I changed my mind most of the time we have sold many many houses site unseen in person um particularly if people have already been to Prescott and we coach people on oh actually yeah we know that if you haven’t been here you really don’t know the neighborhoods you want to make an offer based on a video we’re going to try to dissuade you yeah but if you know the neighborhood you’ve been here you’ve selected you know I want this neighborhood in Prescott Lakes I want to view you know I want to be in a gay I want to be a gay community you know and you’ve seen all these things before uh you know with our video it’s kind of like having been there absolutely um but a lot of I can’t say a lot because uh it used to be in during covid uh they would say if they haven’t physically been in the house we’re not going to take the offer and in part that was just because every home was getting like 30 offers so you’re trying to come up with any excuse at all to cut people out now it’s more of a buyer’s market and seller agents have learned well you know maybe we should we should think about this um once you go under contract with the house the first thing that happens is the inspection period inspection period is 10 days so all you as seller you’re on the hook for setting for 10 days the worst that can happen is you go 10 days and then they say no I really don’t want the house and then you don’t get the earnest money I guess during covet people were being very aggressive I heard a story someone had never been to Prescott before put an offer in a house site unseen and they went under contract the inspection period starts and then she finds out that it snows here yeah oh I yeah so I understand from the seller Sellers and seller seller agents listing agents point of view you know you have to be responsible about that and we are quite responsible we communicate very much everything all that Prescott what it’s about what the town is like with the weather is like we’re very communicative so if you get a sight unseen offer from us yeah it’s going to be a good one people are completely educated about what they’re getting into then they have 10 days they hurry up and get down here they look at it and then usually I mean I’ve never had I think I had one person back out usually we go to you know people like I do love it which is you know make it happen people who you know they they come they see the house they’re in the house they love the house they put the camp in their tent in the house and stay there for three days and then during the inspection period you know they still bail out it’s it happens there’s a certain percent for whatever reason whether it’s buyers cold feed or a loan issue or it doesn’t inspect out well there are any number of reasons why something could fall out that’s right uh our percentage of people who do sight unseen offers that fall out is about the same as our buyers who uh who have been in the homes and that’s just because we are very uh responsible what’s the word I’m looking forward we we understand we try really hard not to bring people’s bad offers that’s not good for that’s right you it’s not good for your seller it’s not good for us and in the end it’s not good for our powers that’s right so if you’re thinking I’m out of town how am I supposed to do this if I see a house I’m going to miss out on it we’ll help you through that process yes we will we will completely educate you we will video for you we’ll talk to you we’ll go through each stage of it and then you know we’ll try to write up a contract so you can get down here and it won’t be sold from underneath you so uh we work really hard to make that happen for you so don’t think how will I ever achieve this it’s doable it’s certainly doable uh one thing you can do if you’re on our website you can look around for property videos uh and you can kind of see the style of videos that we do and I mean we walk through the home with the camera it’s like walking through the camera slow yeah and you know people really feel like they they have seen them I agree yeah all right so that’s it so if you’re thinking how will I achieve this and I’m long distance well it could happen Captain we’ve done this before we know what we’re doing we know what we’re doing we know we know a few tricks of the trade we’re gonna make it happen and try to make it uh as stress-free as possible for you okay so that’s our deal with side unseen don’t be afraid of sight unseen yes whether you’re a buyer or your seller excited insane particularly if it comes from the pickle lady that’s right yeah we’re gonna try hard we will okay my friends that is our tip for the day and we sure hope you’re having a beautiful day out there take care bye
Here in sunny Prescott, solar energy might seem like a no-brainer. But if you're considering installing a solar rig on your home, you'll want to check out this video to make sure you understand all the pros and cons - especially how it can affect the sale of your home.
good afternoon good afternoon folks hi hi hello hello Bonjour you know all those things that’s right multilingual there you go she’s the pickle lady I am this is a pickle that’s right Diane and Randall bro here coming to you uh your local Friendly helpful Realtors here in Prescott Arizona and we are here to talk about sometimes it’s the bane of my existence it makes me take a deep breath yeah so we’re here to talk today about solar solar can be a four-letter word yeah in my world all right so first off solar is available here uh some of the newer construction homes come with solar uh for the most part when people come from Why So Little? other areas where there’s a lot of solid they’re surprised there isn’t more of it there isn’t more of it right they’re like how come most of the houses here don’t have them well here’s the thing um our utilities are quite inexpensive yeah uh our electric bills are not super high like in some other areas of the country and people are getting these Sky High you know 900 electric bills it just doesn’t happen here so the financial component of solar is not that compelling here the people they do solar It’s Green, But… they’re for the most part it’s to be green uh absolutely most people here who do it now Phoenix absolutely they meet solar they’re running that AC constantly we don’t have a three-digit temperatures so we don’t have to run our AC we’re not running at 105 like it is down in the valley yeah that’s right um it’s very temperate temperatures here especially during summer it’s just not that bad we might get in the 90s you know and then you know uh it cools down to the 70s so we’re not really hitting that AC so hard that solar would be a positive thing we have the sun form but it the energy that it produces is a war as much as that’s right energy produced in other areas and Owned vs. Not so now I love own sonar I will say that ohm solar if you want to put solar on and you really want to help the environment and I appreciate that and I honor that I think that’s a beautiful thing and you pay it off I love it even more but if you put solar on and you take a sixty thousand dollar loan to have uh solar installed uh you should know most people who buy your in the future who might want to buy your home are not interested in assuming that loan yes most people are like I don’t want to pay how much did you pay it down ten thousand yes I don’t want to buy a 50 000 solar system I don’t want to take over this lease and I don’t want to pay it off so you’ve had sellers in their 80s and they they take out you know a 30-year yeah you know lease on solar it’s like what do you thinking and that’s not yeah well somebody is somebody’s not you know yeah they’re doing a sell job yeah and so it’s very important and so it can be a real deterrent to potential When it’s a Deterrent buyers yeah so what’s your name yeah unless you can find a buyer first of all you to find a buyer is willing to do it you’ve cut your buyers at least in half yes uh because they’re going to have to take over the lease and a lot of them they worry about you know the roof Other Worries and was it installed properly that’s right you know is it going to be damaged if they remove it and so you’ve got it opens up a whole can of worms it does um particularly if it’s leased and they don’t want to take over the lease you have to remove it it it can be a real nightmare if it sleeps we have yet to work with a lease company that makes that process fast easy yeah it’s a pretty it’s a grueling process a grueling process so if you are thinking Pay it Off about doing solar at least here in Prescott yeah pay it off pay it off because yeah yeah you’re probably going to end up having to pay it off when you go to sell yes anyway just the buyers that’s true most of the buyers will say okay I’m interested but I don’t want to take this on they have to pay it off yeah so be prepared if you were thinking about putting solar on your house here in Prescott uh there’s a lot of pros and cons Pros and Cons so the pros are I mean if you get it and you pay it off then you have you know what 60 dollar bills or less way less that can be a great thing that’s it can be yeah it can be a very good thing now some of the buildings of Mandalay in particular I know they’re doing solar in a lot of their new homes and you know that’s part of the deal it’s part of the package and it’s owned you know you’re not you’re not uh leasing it separately so you’re not going to have that same the same number of issues but our advice When it’s a Benefit is if you’re thinking about doing solar make sure you pay it off and then enjoy all the perks and the Beautiful benefits of uh owning your own solar and then if you ever have to sell your home it’s a real positive for incoming buyers yes they don’t want to lease it though they don’t want to lose it but you’re going to get all your money back but that’s when we’ll go for a premium if it does have solar absolutely and we’re saying this is and it’s owed yeah and it’s on this is 2023 uh solar technology is improving all the time that’s right you know they may come up with something that changes the whole aspect the the costs and all this so this may change but as of now given the technology that’s in place if it’s a new home and Retrofitting they’re incorporating solar as part of the package that’s okay that that’s a pretty good deal but if you have a home and you’re thinking about retrofitting I would I would discourage that yeah just just looking at this from the point of view of a realtor right it makes your home harder and trying to resell yeah for sure for sure so that’s our little tit solar yeah not again solar I think solar is amazing yeah I think solar is great and by the Diane Beats Lease Companies way if if you do have a home that is leased it has lease on solar there is no one better on the planet than bulldogging the the lease companies to get them to do the thing in the pickle lady we just released her to you know release the dogs and uh let’s slip the dogs of war or whatever it is because she goes after him and she is Relentless yeah they hate me but uh it’s not a pleasant it’s not a pleasant uh yeah happening for anyone so no so keep that in mind solar can be a very positive thing if it’s owned otherwise I don’t know yeah so that’s our tip of Wind Down the day yes do you want more tips we have plenty for you and a place to go is pickle four one one.com there’s a free information site whether you’re a buyer seller or somewhere in between there is something waiting for you that will inform astound and entertain you and it’s all absolutely free that’s right she likes much feel so silly all right everyone out there hope you’re having a great day and we hope you uh this was informative for you about solar absolutely we’re here to serve take care bye
Worried about water issues in Arizona? Well, in this episode we discuss the communities that are having trouble and what that might mean for the city of Prescott.
that’s right okay he’s talking about javelinas yet again we do have some nice javelinas our regulars will remember the skunk pig that’s right yeah that’s right so we are here to talk about something that keeps popping up quite a bit lately yeah and we thought it was very important to bring up and discuss and address and that is the issue of water water uh is there going to be water shortages here in Prescott yes the short answer is no no no people come up here oh yeah I heard Prescott’s Running Out of Water absolutely yes we’re not running out of water I just I I don’t know where it comes from I know a lot of people have in other areas of Arizona make presumptions or assumptions whatever you want to talk about however you want to call it about Prescott they don’t live here they don’t really fully understand um it is not an issue here yeah um there are some towns in Prescott mostly down in the valley that are experiencing water shortages and issues kind of on the west side I think Buckeyes 101 yeah Buckeyes one of them correct so it is my tenuous understanding of their situation not our situation yeah so these communities were built and they did not provide for water at least one of them was taking uh now the I guess it’s the Ohio some Colorado River some river is being uh reallocated so uh Scottsdale cut them off yeah Scottsdale was kind enough to kind of share for a while and now times have changed so they’re worried it’s been getting a lot of press because uh these towns are pulling from aquifers I guess and if they pull too fast they will lose flow and lose their water supply so this is a big deal the only thing that would make it worse is if it were in any way our problem here in Prescott it is not uh so I don’t know how they’re going to solve their problem but we do not it is unfortunate it does happen as things develop and people spread out I understand um but here in Prescott we have to have a hundred year plan so any major development that comes in has to prove they have access to water in the aquifers for at least 100 years yeah yeah and that’s not pulling from the awkward yeah they have to come up with some other source most of the town is pulling from an aquifer so snow falls further north than us where all the mountains are like Flagstaff and all that and that water flows downhill we are about a quarter mile lower than Flagstaff so we we get flow at this point in time we are pulling from the aquifer all new construction we’ll have to have a 100 year plan that’s outside of the aquifer uh we are degrading our um our aquifer at point two percent a year 0.02 it’s a very small amount which means that the aquifer will dry up in about 450 years right they’re already on it and they’re already trying to address it to bring us to even so we’re not depleting anymore so uh we are managing it well we don’t have a problem and no one anticipates a problem over a very long time and we’re already intervening so yeah we’re wet we’re pretty Progressive we’re uh look ahead we plan ahead um so if you come to Prescott don’t have any fears about water restrictions or water shortages or running out of water the other thing to consider is we are pretty much a rock city we don’t have a lot of Lawns we don’t have any agriculture here where we’re watering lots of crops and tomatoes or almonds or whatever we don’t have any of that so there isn’t a lot of draw on the water everyone is pretty much very escaped here your front yard is Rock uh low you know plants that take low watering strip system I lived in Texas Force 17 years I had more water restrictions in Texas all the time I have water restrictions no running water between this time and this time I have yet to receive anything like that here like any notification to please you know not use as much water between five and not anything like that so um when you’re coming here I know it’s a big concern for a lot of people and it should be rightfully so but here in Prescott it is not an issue we are really working hard on keeping this to be a non-issue yeah yeah so so responsibly managed yes and uh yeah we don’t have a sprinkler system we have drip systems yeah and it literally drips yeah so you don’t have that yeah we don’t have any of that and this spraying water we just have little slow drips this little Chinese water yes that’s it so uh the people who are coming in they’re not they’re not really demanding a whole lot of water we do take showers we do drink water yes bathroom yeah that’s about it and there are golf courses but you know there are golf courses not enough since yeah so keep that in mind um if that is one of your concerns we just wanted to allay your fears that um really not water here is not a big issue and it’s not going to be an issue for the foreseeable future as well so I know there is some talk in other towns but keep in mind that’s in the valley yeah that’s down in the Phoenix area more the desert heavy desert oh they do have some places outside of Prescott um uh in Dewey Humboldt the Dewey Humboldt area the paulden area where there was uh mining where some of the water has been contaminated that’s not anywhere close to us correct us right so not not to worry here aquifer we don’t know no no no it’s all good it’s all good water is our tip for the day so if you’re getting the tips the place to go is pickle411.com our buyer a seller or somewhere in between there is something there waiting for you that will Amaze the sound and form and destabilize your whole life yeah you’ll get destabilized because you’ll be so excited about it coming here you’re ready to throw your life that you have into uh into a bin and start over that’s right have a big glass of water yeah there you go all right friends we hope to hear from you soon take care and have a wonderful day bye cheers cheers
Buying and selling real estate can be one of the highest stress situations you'll ever face... or you can turn the tables and make it downright enjoyable.
In this episode, we reveal a little-known low-pressure trick that lowers your stress and gives you the edge in negotiating.
hello this is Diana Randall bro here coming to you live from Prescott Arizona we’re happy to talk to you about if you’re thinking about moving and you’re like wow I gotta sell first I don’t know what a drag I can’t get my time frame to line up so we wanted to talk to you about buy first then sell yeah it’s a new program it’s designed to help you out one of the things we observed is that when we have buyer we have buyers that are um full of cash a lot of times what they’ll do is they’ll just buy a house right they’ll buy a house they’ll move their stuff in and then they sell it really reduces the uh the pressure associated with the whole deal uh it doesn’t force them into a house really quick so they have the time to find exactly what they want and when they’re negotiating on the buy side they’re not under time pressure they usually negotiate better deals and on the sell side same thing they’re not in a hurry and so they can negotiate a better deal uh not a lot of people fall in that category and unfortunately they can’t um enjoy those benefits but now there’s a new program that’ll do that and it’s called buy then sell so buy themselves yeah it’s great so we have a number of contacts that we can connect you with where you can get a bridge loan but it’s not the bridge loans of yesteryear this is a really great product uh you can identify a home here in Prescott that you absolutely love you don’t have to worry about losing out because you’re under a contingency and perhaps your home didn’t sell in time so you can identify it put the offer in if you qualify if you qualify depending on your credit of course if you’ve got great credit you get cash up front from the company they give you the cash up front for you to buy the home that you’ve identified here in Prescott you then can negotiate better right because you quote have a cash deal yeah from the from the seller’s point of view your offer is a cash offer it’s considered a cash offer which always gets priority always a cash is King cash will win out on any kind of bidding war that you may be in so you will win that you’ll get the home you’ll get to move in you’ll you’ll get to slowly but surely move in without all the pressure of oh my gosh I’ve got to sell my house and now I got to get the house packed up and I got to get out of here this lets you have some Breathing Room it lets you identify the home you love you won’t lose it you can buy it you know it’s there it’s safe it’s sound it’s waiting for you you can slowly start to move in yeah then you can stage your existing home that you want to sell and and not have to worry about being there and Fielding calls for showings and all that you pack up you move here to Prescott you let it sit there yeah you let it sit there while it’s selling and it’s a lot less pressure it’s a lot less trouble yeah uh you don’t have to keep your house picked up and cleaned while you’re waiting for the next showing you don’t have to sit there and be like I have 10 days to get this sold otherwise I’m going to lose my house in Prescott yes all that foolishness goes out of the window yes the good thing is there are fees associated with getting the buy then sell program but here’s the thing the amount of money that you pay is offset by the extra money you’ll get by being able to negotiate better deals on your buy side and your sales side that’s true and honestly we’ve done this a couple of times and it’s almost a wash I mean it really ends up being very cost effective yeah and when you just think about the the reduction in pressure dealing with the movers the moving right and the state the logistics the logistics yeah it’s just kind of a no-brainer kind of a no-brainer the other good thing is I think a lot of people think oh if I get a bridge loan I’m then paying two mortgages I’m paying the mortgage on my existing home and I’m paying the mortgage on no you have up to a year to get your existing homes sold yes you do not have to pay any not even interest during that time frame now the interest is accrue yeah it’s a crew but it’s not like you will have an additional house payment or interest payment to make during that year process it won’t take you a year to sell you might accrue a little interest for two or three months yeah that’s it then you sell you pay off the bridge loan yeah boom comes out of your comes out of yourself it’s a beautiful thing if you have amazing credit uh and you qualify we highly suggest it because sometimes we get people who come in they absolutely fall in love with a house and they’re heartbroken because they know I don’t even have my house on the market yet right there’s no way I can get this together I can get this sold to purchase this one right and it’s very upsetting you know to leave a home you love that you’ve you really want so we think it’s a great product we’ve had enough friends uh it’s a great idea use it and I love it if you think about it you the pressure is okay so let’s say you sell your home first well now you got to find a home really quick and you don’t want to that’s a lot of pressure you gotta hustle down here and yeah I gotta find it got it and you’re gonna settle for something maybe that’s not on the market right because maybe that perfect one isn’t quite there it isn’t there so you’ll be like well this one is okay I mean you’ll you end up settling we hate when our clients we want you to be happy we don’t want you to settle we want you to be happy and excited or you find the perfect home and you put an offer in it’ll it’ll have to be a contingency yeah so you’re going to have to pay top dollar yep and then you’re going to have to Discount your home wherever you live now to get it to move as fast as possible hustle it’s just it’s you’re behind the eight ball this gets you out from behind me so if you are fortunate enough to be in a position that you could qualify for this bridge loan product hey it’s something to really consider if you really had enough and you want to get out of Dodge where you are yeah there’s other options available to you yes that will help you get that done faster and quicker now we have no vested interest in this at all oh absolutely no actually we’re not allowed to have any vested interest in the lenders that we we recommend to you just to be clear yes and if you want to do it the hard way you know we’ll help you that’s what we do absolutely do it well uh but this is another option for you so something we just thought we’d throw that out there to you folks out there and um who are still thinking of the bridge loan as the olden days when you had to pay all this extra payments every month just wanted to give you a little heads up the product has changed it’s very effective it’s easy and it’s well worth it if you are ready to really make the change and you don’t want to wait another six months absolutely so that’s our tip of the day tip of the day if you’re in the tips the place to go is pickle411.com that is our free information site whether you’re a buyer seller or somewhere in between there is something waiting for you there will Amaze astound and entertain you and tickle your funny bone heavily hopefully all free all three all right thank you for listening we appreciate your time and have a great day bye
Some of the most happening social events around Prescott are the parties held on the terrace at the clubhouse in Prescott Lakes. Even if you don't live in this subdivision, you can still join in. In this episode, we explain how that works and why you don't want to miss out.
good afternoon my fellow pickle peeps hello hello hello Diana Randall bro here coming at you from Prescott Arizona happy to be here yeah we’re starting off our new year yeah we’re getting the gears going uh we’re excited to be back in the action started some action and we had a lot of fun uh New Year’s Eve New Year’s Eve great time and so we wanted to talk about we actually live in Prescott Lakes we wanted to talk about the amazing social amenities that Prescott Lakes has to offer all right so if you don’t know Prescott Lakes Prescott Lakes is the largest subdivision in city of Prescott and I believe it is the second largest in the Prescott area there’s one subdivision on PV it’s a bit bigger yes it’s a big place they have about 1500 Lots probably about and now I’m saying maybe 1300 1350 have been developed totally yeah just some idea how big that is so Under the Umbrella as I call it of Prescott Lakes are about 13 different neighborhoods yeah we all go to the one center of the of the whole development which is the club and uh so there they have a private restaurant it’s amazing they always have something fun going on always always always and now that covet is lifted we’re back back in action so we wanted to talk about this New Year’s Eve we actually went to the club it was open for New Year’s Eve they had a live band they had an amazing Buffet um and we had a good time The Time Of Our Lives it was a good time yeah just to be clear so if you live in Prescott Lakes you will belong to the club that those two go together it is uh it’s not optional you you pay monthly dues you belong to the club you belong to the athletic center uh and if you’re interested that we can give you more information so here’s a great idea if you’re looking here in Prescott you find a house that you absolutely adore and but you want the social amenities that Prescott Lakes has to offer but your home Falls outside of that jurisdiction so to speak you can get a social membership I think it’s 60 or 65 dollars a month and that enables you to come to the restaurant and enjoy all the social events that they have one being uh New Year’s Eve we were there you could get tickets to that and you could go the other being um party on the Terrace which is always fun right yeah so the party and the Terrace they do that two three times a month oh I don’t know that much but yeah well it depends on the month this month they’re doing I think they have three of them but uh it depends on the month but uh yeah they’ll have live bands uh there’s a nice Terrace outside the club and has a beautiful view uh the weather’s good they’ll do it outside there’s a fire pit people hang out by the fire pit they’ll have live music they’ll have a great buffet dinner yeah it’s really uh dancing drinking it’s lovely it’s lovely lovely the other good thing is uh there are clubs within the club here at Prescott Lakes and with the social membership you are allowed to join some of those not all but some if it doesn’t involve the athletic center you can still come do bridge club book club The Women’s Club uh there’s a variety of them that are open to you so if you’re new here you can still kind of enjoy some of the Prescott Lakes social amenities we have a lot of friends who do not live in Prescott Lakes proper but they belong and we go out we have a great time yeah and meet them for dinner meet them for lunch the club is always having amazing brunches they have a beautiful Easter brunch Mother’s Day Mother’s Day Father’s Day so if you’re always kind of Prescott legs they’re essentially two options if you’re a big golfer you may want to join the golf as a golf membership golf memberships are not uh limited to just people in Prescott lake so you get a golf membership for a little bit more you’ll get access to the Athletic Club and everything so right uh if you do that it what you pay is marginally more than what you would pay if you lived in Prescott if you’re not a golfer do the social membership 60 65 absolutely no-brainer have a good time yeah and we’ll see you there you know eat in the restaurant we’re always there and it is a tremendous way to meet people new to the area yeah lots of people are not from here and they become members and it’s great to meet people and make some new connections yeah absolutely we highly recommend it we love the club we love the social membership so don’t be sad like oh I love what it has to offer but I bought a house outside of Prescott Lakes not to worry yeah we can still make it happen and you can have fun and we’ll see you there absolutely okay another tip if you’re into tips check out our free information site you can reach it at pickle411.com lots of information about real estate about events things to eat places to go things to do it’s all there whether you’re a buyer seller somewhere in between there’s something waiting for you that will Astound an amazing maybe I hope so all right friends that’s it for today have an awesome rest of your day take care bye
hello hello hello this is Diana Randall bro here coming live to you from Prescott Arizona and uh we’re launching into a happy 2023. woohoo absolutely can’t wait so we were already into the first week of January and we are pleasantly surprised tons of calls right tons of calls tons of calls things are picking up it’s heating up again so it’s been a great first week of January lots of people coming in for the first time to visit and the number one question is where should we stay where should you stay where should you stay when you come here well we kind of are of the penguin of the we are of the opinion we are of the opinion I’m struggling with my words today that’s why I’m here that’s right Mr sidekick’s gonna fill in for me when I can when I can’t get it out but anyway um instead of trying like an Airbnb or something like that we kind of think just go with the old tried and true you’re going to be busy we’re going to be looking at houses yeah uh stay around the square then when you’re done you can easily walk to some nice restaurants see some of the nightlife on Whiskey Row and uh so our top three yeah would be Spring Hill Suites Spring Hill Suite so Spring Hill Suites is a couple of blocks from the main Square here obviously it’s a chain hotel so you know exactly what you’re getting right if this is your first visit to Prescott I wouldn’t go too far off the beaten path in terms of your hotel Choice there are some old sort of I don’t know one-off hotels you know they’re not chains and you may like that kind of thing but if you get into some place the room is small or the bathroom is weird or you run out of hot water don’t be so Charming yeah it’s going to color your whole visit to Prescott so I first trip in just driving through chains yeah and Spring Hills is a is a great choice it’s comfortable they have breakfast there and it’s close to the square another good one is the Hilton Garden which is a relatively new hotel a little more upscale about the same distance from the action uh that one is on Montezuma at the end of Sheldon Spring Hill is on uh Sheldon Sheldon yeah right now uh Spring Hill is super close too you go a couple of blocks to my favorite one of my favorite restaurants papa is Italian all within walking distance My Thai Cottage oh yeah exactly and the same thing with the Hilton yeah Hilton Garden there’s a great restaurant called Triple Creek in Hilton Garden a number of places within a block there’s a great pizza place there’s Farm Provisions lots of good stuff so all within walkable distance and you know you can feel safe you don’t have to worry it’s all great neighborhoods honestly there really isn’t anything unsafe around Prescott yeah negotiate across in the street absolutely easy walking easy walking the other one we also like to recommend is the haciampa Inn yes so this is a old school yeah Lovely Hotel beautiful great Lobby great bar there come on all Art Deco the rooms have been recently renovated we can’t really say well we haven’t seen them so we can’t really say yay your name on the runes themselves but if you absolutely have to do a non-traditional Hotel a non-chain Hacienda and it’s probably your best bet so charm 1927 1927 it is a block from the square super location yeah they have amazing restaurant there a great bar with music sometimes and and it’s just extremely Char I mean completely Art Deco yeah it’s lovely don’t blame us if you don’t like the room yeah I can’t vouch for the room but we have heard that they’ve recently renovated and um we hear it’s nice it’s where we always like to meet our clients too yeah yeah we always meet in the lobby we chit chat before we head out for the day and all of these are also good places to stay when you finally pull the trigger you get your house here sometimes there’s a lapse when you’re waiting for the moving van to come all of these offer long-term renting so if you have a week where you’re waiting to get in your house yeah they have some sweet hotels further afield actually when we moved here we stayed in the Spring Hill Swim sure did uh they allowed pets which yes we had three of them at the time yeah so uh yeah that that it it and it was very comfortable and very nice yeah so for all of my fellow pickle peeps out there who were thinking about uh upcoming visits uh those are the top three that we would recommend for your initial visit then as you come here and you get your feet wet and you learn more the lay the land you might discover something else you might want to try but I think just for the first time these are great ones to stay in terms of being close to the square and we’ve had a lot of friends who’ve done who’ve stayed there and then they said wow it was good for us to stay there because then we discovered restaurants and we really learned more about Prescott yeah so that’s our Spiel for the day tip of the day so if you are looking to come to Prescott anytime soon check out those three hotels book your appointment call us up we’ll have a good day we’ll go take you on a nice tour of the city as well as look at some great houses absolutely we got plenty more tips for you if you’re into that if you want to check them out you can go to pickle411.com that is our free information site whether you are a buyer seller or somewhere in between there is something there that will Astound you that’s right so you should check it out all completely free free yeah Free People free absolutely we don’t charge anything yeah real estate and we’re here to serve you we are full service it’s full service full service all right that’s it for today have a lovely lovely rest of your day and uh here’s to a beautiful start to 2023. Cheers