The Prescott Lakes Experience

The largest subdivision in Prescott is Prescott Lakes, which is also one of the most popular.  In this episode, we cover the dozen or so neighborhoods that make up Prescott Lakes, and we discuss what makes it one of our town's go-to destinations for incoming homebuyers.  (Spoiler Alert: There's a lot to like!)
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Overcoming Adverse Markets

In this episode, we discuss how to get a decent deal even during adverse market conditions, celebrate leaving the craziness of 2021 behind... and hold on to our cautious optimism for what lies ahead in 2022.
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Antelope Hills

In this episode, we discuss one of Prescott's older subdivisions which is catching a lot of new attention lately.  It combines two great public golf courses, a relaxing clubhouse to meet friends, easy access to downtown, and a fascinating parade of private planes.  You too can live the life of John Travolta... maybe.  Come check it out!
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Hauled Water

Moving to a mountain town may bring to mind images of rugged outdoor living in remote forests... eating wild nuts and berries with the other animals. Well, dreams of getting away and off the grid are possible, but you'll need water. Here's how that works.
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Schedule Your Fun

Visiting Prescott is always a lot of fun, but it pays to plan in advance.  HOT TIP: Even if you aren't ready to buy... even if you're not sure this is the place for you... schedule some time with the Pickle Lady.  Here's why you'll be glad you did.

Click Here to Schedule Time on the Pickle Lady’s Calendar.

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Escalating Things

In this episode we discuss an approach to making competitive bid situations more fair and effective for everyone.  No, it's not an auction.  It's simpler and getting more and more popular in the Prescott real estate market.
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Animals at Your Service

Exotic pets can be all fun and games... unless you run afoul of the latest real estate laws on what's allowed and what's required of buyers, sellers, and their agents.  In this episode the Pickle Lady reveals all the latest updates, so you can be sure to not step in that.
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Real Estate Twilight Zone

We've been getting lots of questions about homes in Prescott that are "Active with Contingency."  It's a state of nature that can only be found within the confines of the Prescott-area MLS.  In this episode, we explain this eerie twilight state and how it came to be.
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Love Letters

Buyers desperate for a home often like to send the sellers a "love letter," explaining who they are and why they love the home.  If you've ever received one, then you know how touching these letters can be.  Unfortunately, the powers that be have put the kibosh on them, so they're going away.  In this episode, we explain why.
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Buyer Advisory

Buyers are often unaware that there are many things that sellers and their agents do not have to divulge to you… and questions you may have that even your own agent is not allowed to answer.

In this episode we reveal what these things are and where you can find the answers you need.

Download the Buyer’s Advisory at…

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Stupid Tax

A stupid tax is a tax you don’t have to pay if you’re smart enough to avoid it. Right now in real estate, across the country, people buying homes are pulling out their wallets to pay up – bidding up the price of homes well beyond what anyone thinks they’re really worth.

In this episode, we cover what we’re doing in the trenches to help our clients avoid paying the stupid tax.

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Stained Glass

Whether it’s those three little square windows over your master bed or a particular spot that gets too much sun during part of the day, if your home has any of those “weirdo windows” and you’re not sure what to do with them, we may have the perfect solution: stained glass.

Turn full sun exposure into an asset with a gorgeous custom creation from our good friend, a local glass artist… or re-purpose an antique window from one of the local shops.

Check out some beautiful examples in this week’s episode.

Pete Churchill – (805) 205-3202

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Grinder Pumps

If your house goes over a cliff, you’ll probably need a grinder pump. A grinder pump takes what you don’t want and moves it up to a higher level, so you can get rid of it more easily.

Confused? Don’t be… For all the dirty details, check out this week’s episode.

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Toilets and Tushies

The latest rage in home decor is sure to take some of your most private moments up to a whole new level, plus a new game-changing technology that is just a blast… right where you need it most.

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Solar Compass

Identifying where the sun rises and sets isn’t just for constructing megalithic structures in bronze age agricultural societies any more.

Sun exposure can greatly impact the living experience you have in your home and its value in the marketplace. Is there a precise way to track the sun’s path in the sky across the seasons of the year?

Well, ask a nerdy question, get a nerdy answer in this week’s episode. (Always be careful what you ask for.)

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