We recently had to dispose of a number of cans of paint for a client, and discovered that you can't just throw it in the trash, or dump it down the drain - it has to be "hard" first. Today we're sharing the special ingredient to make that so.
hello hello hello this is Diane and Randall bro here coming to you this afternoon from Prescott Arizona Arizona we are your local husband and wife team here happy to help you whether you’re buying or selling and something very interesting that we just learned and we were kind of laughing about it we want to share with you I don’t know if anybody knows about it it’s called Paint Viagra it’s a it’s a very important thing that every person should know yes also called paint hardener I think that’s the brand name paint that’s our paint Viagra now that’s don’t go into Home Depot and ask for pain there really is no such thing it’s not even a blue it’s not even a blue pill you know this is like this powder no how do you know I know because I I did the paint no I’m talking about the blue pill the blue pill and the red pill I don’t know what the red pill there’s a red pill and The Matrix which is probably Viagra and the red pill so the page Viagra that we’re talking about every now and then this is something in Prescott I learned you can’t just take your paint your old paint and bring it over to the dump it has to be hardened in the can and you really can’t just throw it away no no you cannot they’ll come and find you and everything else so I’m like okay well how does one do that and the reason why we had to figure this out is a lot of times when we’re uh either with a listing agent selling agent we sell a home they have all this paint has been uh collected they’re like help us get rid of it yeah sometimes you’ve got colors that are three you know three colors uh out of date you know they take them off that beautiful moth Peach yeah Peach is another one nobody wants that they’re like but how do I throw it away and we’re like well we’ll take care of it for you so we go to take care of it then we realize yeah what do we do with that yeah we had a client we were representing the buyer and he said can you get rid of all that paint and uh the seller was always long gone and you know listing ages anyway didn’t take care of it so and I said sure we before we even really kind of knew how to do right and that’s when we found out the dog said no unless it’s it’s hardened anyway there’s such a product at Home Depot Lowe’s called painting partner and it’s a powder you go and you get it and you pour you dump this into your gallon of paint yeah give it a little mix and give it a little mix and it will literally Harden it and dry it out in no time flat it’s you know it’s it’s actually pretty amazing then you can just put the lid on and go dump it at the dump or in your garbage can as long as it’s solid and it’s no longer liquid then they’ll accept it so we were all excited about this product um we got rid of like 12 cans of paint everything on the paint hardener because I know you bought way more than we needed and we ended up bringing I think I don’t know but I I over bought it because I wanted to make sure I had enough and turned a lot of it it’s not that expensive yeah I think we ended up paying maybe 30. yeah it’s really not a bunch of I was like over a dozen cans it’s amazing yeah so if anybody out there is facing a similar situation Shin like oh my gosh my dump only accepts paint cans once a year and you don’t want to wait a year go get yourself some paint Viagra slash hardener it’s great and be careful what you dip in there I mean it’s really just for paint okay that’s all it’s for not to be used internally or any other way or any other way don’t dip anything in there yeah you’re not supposed to no it’s not for that not for that it is truly just for paint okay so this is not medical advice so I don’t know if anybody else out there knew that it was news to us and we thought wow this is great and we thought we’d share with all of our clients you know especially like some of our sellers are like I don’t know how to get rid of all this paint we give them this advice they Harden their paint they throw it out that made me laugh anyway Harden your paint yeah yeah um older paint yes the harder it is to make it hard you need to use more I have heard that I I have heard that yeah I have heard that that is a problem yeah just buy a double pack so anyway it is just for paint only so we’re going to put that little uh yeah so that’s your uh that’s your tip of the day if you’re into tips the place to go is pickle411.com that is our free information site whether you’re a buyer seller or somewhere in between there’s something waiting especially for you that will Amaze this down entertain and inform there you go and it’s all at a very reasonable price that’s right Free People free it’s free free so look us up if you’re coming acrylic we’d love to take you around and show you what it’s all about here all right friends have a great rest of your day bye
When serious buyers tour a dozen houses in one day, it's easy for them to forget which one is which. In this episode we share a secret about how they cope with this and how to use it to make your house stand out from the crowd.
Diane and Randall bro here your local Prescott area real estate agent wife combo uh so far so good we’re marginally French correct he’s Cajun French 100 I am not but that’s okay um so we’re here to talk to you about something that’s kind of fun we love it we do it all the time you can’t help but not do it when you see so many houses when you take buyers out it’s hard to remember each and every house so you start to nickname the houses yeah so you could say the Moosehead house yeah the house has a Moosehead a Moosehead house yeah or crazy paint color the greenhouse The Pink House the uh the many cats house yeah sometimes there’s a lot of cats in there there’s a lot of cats cat memorabilia that’s right and you have to do this because I you know particularly if somebody is as we say in the shoot like they they have to find a house and they want to find the house as soon as possible we’ll show our 12 homes we might show Ted homes in one day your eyes will be crossing my eyes start to Nicknaming Your Home cross and you really have difficulty remembering wait what house was that so if we nickname it it comes back yeah so something fun that we like to tell our listeners is think of something positive about your home that we can nickname your home so we should say oh my gosh I had the greatest Jewel ever yeah it’s just like a little Jewel a little a little jewelry box it’s a jewel you know and then you know try Positivity to do something like a jewelry box or something put something out uh positive mind you we don’t want to have the stinky house yes the kitty cat smell house yeah yeah we’re looking for a positive positive it was pretty bad so think of something cute you know or put a decorative item out that that other buyers coming in will instantly identify and remember and be like you know that house that had that cute um Standing Out puppy dog pillow great yeah I know exactly which one you’re talking about so uh think of something positive and fun that people will see and say and remember later because it’s very important it is you know believe it or not and sellers don’t realize buyers realize because they’re experiencing it sellers don’t think of their house you know they tend to think of their house in isolation not part of a buyer tour of 12 other homes that’s right so that’s what you’re competing with and uh usually the buyers who are on who are seeing the most homes those are the ones who are definitely going to buy yeah so this is important along those lines as Clever Marketing well a very clever marketing attack just a little something do something really cute really uh special that sets your house apart from the others that people will remember yes like if you have beautiful flowers have a lot of flowers throughout the house if you have a beautiful garden you don’t have things oh remember that flower house believe me it works and people will remember and you know people are people aren’t always clever Marketing Ideas um so don’t be afraid to be obvious so let’s say you decide you’re going to leave a plate of cookies from time to time we’ll have a plate of cookies very nice I love that and everybody remembers remember the cookies that house the cookie house the cookie house so if you’re if you’re gonna do that and I’m just using this as an example you’re going to do cookies uh leave a note it’s always nice when we walk in and a seller has left the note for buyers please have some cookies or some cookies or water and say welcome to the cookie house yeah and then people will call you the cookie house so tell them what to call your home yeah and make it something good positive and um and it’s something kind Conclusion of fun yeah absolutely something fun and positive because positive we don’t want to call you the stinky house like I said or the poop house or the beige house you know beige house yes we want to something special so think about that if you’re getting ready to list your home if you list with us well we’ll tell you the same thing we’ll make it happen so just something fun we wanted to share with you we thought it would be kind of interesting something different um so tonight when you’re going to sleep think of a cute game for your house what are you going to be what is your house going to be what are people going to call you what are people going to call your house that’s our tip of the day if you like tips the place to go is pickle411.com whether you are a buyer seller or somewhere in between there’s something there waiting especially for you that will Amaze Astound entertain and inform you and it’s only a hundred dollars no no absolutely free absolutely well hell I wish if you want to send us a hundred dollars you can no you don’t have to no Wind Down you don’t you don’t know it’s all free we’re happy to offer our our infinite amounts of wisdom wisdom and Shenanigans Shenanigans wisdom and shenanigans that’s it okay folks this is Diane Randall bro your local Prescott area real estate agents here to help you whether you’re buying or selling so look us up give us a call and let us make it happen for you bye bye
It’s been a strange month for real estate in our market. Prescott and Prescott Valley are playing opposites – with one doing well on price but not so much on volume, the other doing great on volume but not so much on price.
Here in sunny Prescott, solar energy might seem like a no-brainer. But if you're considering installing a solar rig on your home, you'll want to check out this video to make sure you understand all the pros and cons - especially how it can affect the sale of your home.
good afternoon good afternoon folks hi hi hello hello Bonjour you know all those things that’s right multilingual there you go she’s the pickle lady I am this is a pickle that’s right Diane and Randall bro here coming to you uh your local Friendly helpful Realtors here in Prescott Arizona and we are here to talk about sometimes it’s the bane of my existence it makes me take a deep breath yeah so we’re here to talk today about solar solar can be a four-letter word yeah in my world all right so first off solar is available here uh some of the newer construction homes come with solar uh for the most part when people come from Why So Little? other areas where there’s a lot of solid they’re surprised there isn’t more of it there isn’t more of it right they’re like how come most of the houses here don’t have them well here’s the thing um our utilities are quite inexpensive yeah uh our electric bills are not super high like in some other areas of the country and people are getting these Sky High you know 900 electric bills it just doesn’t happen here so the financial component of solar is not that compelling here the people they do solar It’s Green, But… they’re for the most part it’s to be green uh absolutely most people here who do it now Phoenix absolutely they meet solar they’re running that AC constantly we don’t have a three-digit temperatures so we don’t have to run our AC we’re not running at 105 like it is down in the valley yeah that’s right um it’s very temperate temperatures here especially during summer it’s just not that bad we might get in the 90s you know and then you know uh it cools down to the 70s so we’re not really hitting that AC so hard that solar would be a positive thing we have the sun form but it the energy that it produces is a war as much as that’s right energy produced in other areas and Owned vs. Not so now I love own sonar I will say that ohm solar if you want to put solar on and you really want to help the environment and I appreciate that and I honor that I think that’s a beautiful thing and you pay it off I love it even more but if you put solar on and you take a sixty thousand dollar loan to have uh solar installed uh you should know most people who buy your in the future who might want to buy your home are not interested in assuming that loan yes most people are like I don’t want to pay how much did you pay it down ten thousand yes I don’t want to buy a 50 000 solar system I don’t want to take over this lease and I don’t want to pay it off so you’ve had sellers in their 80s and they they take out you know a 30-year yeah you know lease on solar it’s like what do you thinking and that’s not yeah well somebody is somebody’s not you know yeah they’re doing a sell job yeah and so it’s very important and so it can be a real deterrent to potential When it’s a Deterrent buyers yeah so what’s your name yeah unless you can find a buyer first of all you to find a buyer is willing to do it you’ve cut your buyers at least in half yes uh because they’re going to have to take over the lease and a lot of them they worry about you know the roof Other Worries and was it installed properly that’s right you know is it going to be damaged if they remove it and so you’ve got it opens up a whole can of worms it does um particularly if it’s leased and they don’t want to take over the lease you have to remove it it it can be a real nightmare if it sleeps we have yet to work with a lease company that makes that process fast easy yeah it’s a pretty it’s a grueling process a grueling process so if you are thinking Pay it Off about doing solar at least here in Prescott yeah pay it off pay it off because yeah yeah you’re probably going to end up having to pay it off when you go to sell yes anyway just the buyers that’s true most of the buyers will say okay I’m interested but I don’t want to take this on they have to pay it off yeah so be prepared if you were thinking about putting solar on your house here in Prescott uh there’s a lot of pros and cons Pros and Cons so the pros are I mean if you get it and you pay it off then you have you know what 60 dollar bills or less way less that can be a great thing that’s it can be yeah it can be a very good thing now some of the buildings of Mandalay in particular I know they’re doing solar in a lot of their new homes and you know that’s part of the deal it’s part of the package and it’s owned you know you’re not you’re not uh leasing it separately so you’re not going to have that same the same number of issues but our advice When it’s a Benefit is if you’re thinking about doing solar make sure you pay it off and then enjoy all the perks and the Beautiful benefits of uh owning your own solar and then if you ever have to sell your home it’s a real positive for incoming buyers yes they don’t want to lease it though they don’t want to lose it but you’re going to get all your money back but that’s when we’ll go for a premium if it does have solar absolutely and we’re saying this is and it’s owed yeah and it’s on this is 2023 uh solar technology is improving all the time that’s right you know they may come up with something that changes the whole aspect the the costs and all this so this may change but as of now given the technology that’s in place if it’s a new home and Retrofitting they’re incorporating solar as part of the package that’s okay that that’s a pretty good deal but if you have a home and you’re thinking about retrofitting I would I would discourage that yeah just just looking at this from the point of view of a realtor right it makes your home harder and trying to resell yeah for sure for sure so that’s our little tit solar yeah not again solar I think solar is amazing yeah I think solar is great and by the Diane Beats Lease Companies way if if you do have a home that is leased it has lease on solar there is no one better on the planet than bulldogging the the lease companies to get them to do the thing in the pickle lady we just released her to you know release the dogs and uh let’s slip the dogs of war or whatever it is because she goes after him and she is Relentless yeah they hate me but uh it’s not a pleasant it’s not a pleasant uh yeah happening for anyone so no so keep that in mind solar can be a very positive thing if it’s owned otherwise I don’t know yeah so that’s our tip of Wind Down the day yes do you want more tips we have plenty for you and a place to go is pickle four one one.com there’s a free information site whether you’re a buyer seller or somewhere in between there is something waiting for you that will inform astound and entertain you and it’s all absolutely free that’s right she likes much feel so silly all right everyone out there hope you’re having a great day and we hope you uh this was informative for you about solar absolutely we’re here to serve take care bye
Have you ever walked into a house and thought "wow, it's so crowded and cramped in here!"? If you're trying to sell your home, this is definitely not an impression you want to give prospective buyers. In this video we tell you how to avoid this and help your home sell fast.
well good morning and hello hello hello Randall and Diane bro here coming to you from our beautiful little mountain town of Prescott Arizona uh I’m the pickle lady uh this is the pickle team um team of two her idea of teamwork is she tells she tells me what to do when I do it there you go that’s how it works that’s how it works that’s how it works keep telling yourself that here today to talk about pinch points pinch points all right so this is yeah yeah not that kind of pinch um this is a subtle staging tip yes a lot of people get wrong and it’s very important and it’s easy to fix it’s so easy to fix so easy to fix a lot of people like for instance me and herit grandfather clocks inherit Grandma’s sideboard and her Grandma’s Furniture this that and the other and they incorporate it with their existing and then things get a little tight in the house and so you come into the foyer and you’ve got two chairs and a and a table and this on the other and people are kind of going in sideways because they can’t quite maneuver around all those clocks and this that when you’re getting ready to sell weed some of that stuff up go put it in storage take everything out make it look almost as bare as you can yeah because Randall’s so right about this when you walk in your first impression you’re going through a foyer and if it’s really tight in there with you know pinch points like you can barely get through because of all the furniture um people leave with the impression gee that house is small yeah I really didn’t have a lot of room in there and it could be the furthest thing from the truth yeah um it could be quite big square footage yeah we see this all the time if you show as many homes as we do you see it again and again and again and it’s easy so ideally you reduce the amount of furniture make things look kind of sparse but honestly even in homes that don’t have that much furniture that are plenty you have ample space for everything that’s in there they just put the chair too close to the couch or the coffee table too close to the chair and they create a space that people can’t walk through easily yes the worst possible place to do that is in your foyer and just the other day we walked in a foyer and they had a seating area in the foyer why would someone sit in the foyer I don’t know why someone would do that unless they’re a dog and your dog dog doesn’t need a chair so we walk through the door and immediately we all had to scoop to the side yes to pass it and the home other than that was fine in plenty of space but it’s still left an impression in the buyer even said something about well that’s kind of cramped in here it’s cramped Russian sticks with them and it’s easy to fix just move the chair over a little bit look for Pinch points even if you can’t remove everything you don’t want to put it in storage and everything avoid the pinch points if you’re not able to avoid pinch points you have too much Furniture you need to remove things that’s it that’s it that’s it shortens venge points look pinch points get rid of your or just move it over a little bit or correct a little bit over and over a little bit so you can get on the sofa easily yeah keep in mind that people are going to walk around your coffee table they’re going to take paths that you might not take and if there’s any path that’s tight they’re gonna say it’s cramped it’s true that’s what we hear it all the time we hear it all the time so just try to divest yourself put it in storage move things around just have a better flow through whatever the flow is so important it’s all about flowing in and flowing in and flowing if they flowing easily that there’s a lot more chance of buying them that’s right all right so that is our tip for the day when you’re staging your house to go on the market pinch points pinch points so we got a whole bunch of uh staging and seller tips on our Channel you can look for those uh the place to find them if you don’t know where to go is pickle411.com that as our free information site we’re a buyer seller or somewhere in between there’s something waiting for you that will Amaze the sound delight and entertain you and it’s all free that is correct cost you nothing we aim to please put your credit card away we try to help nothing to buy Here folks all right so cheers we hope to see see you soon and uh show you around some hopefully emptied homes without any pinch points not any pinch points all right hope to hear from you soon take care bye
We all have smells that we like and dislike. Trouble is, not everyone agrees on which scents are best. Watch this episode to find out how scent can sell your home -- or prevent it from selling.
hello hello peeps how are you today I hope you’re good we hope you’re good yeah here with the pickle lady my name is Randall I’m her sidekick and this is Diane bro we are coming to you live from Prescott Arizona in Arizona we are um I I have little real estate team here in our lovely town at least in the top three I hope we sure try let me try we sure drawing you today talk about smell smells p u p u y karumi p u is a is a very ancient term if you know that poo you know it’s one of the very first words I guess I’m gonna find out yeah yeah it’s like a very ancient word poo okay all right so the with regard to real estate that smells what we we show a lot of houses and sometimes you go in houses and things don’t smell right people may have a lot of pets I mean we’re guilty of this we have dogs so I understand dogs um pets maybe you have kids maybe you have you cook with a lot of heavy seasoning yeah garlic or Curry or even fish or yeah yeah we cook Cajun Styles so sometimes it’s a heavy smell in the house and after a while you stop smelling it like you’re used to that smell but you put your home on the market and people who don’t live there come in and guess what happens yeah they’re like they’re hit they walk into the smell and they’re like I don’t it sometimes it’s just a bad memory for them oh I hate Seafood I hate this I hate that this oh you know and it turns them off Forever on your house 100 um that along with paint color choices we go over that a million times yeah and it’s an easy thing to fix easy thing to fix now listen you may be thinking oh you know I have a dog have a daughter doesn’t snow that bad it does we would like well it could it does you shouldn’t yeah you should get an objective opinion have somebody come over and get tell me honestly can you smell the dog the thing is though if you have a smell that doesn’t hit you on top of the head it will still make a negative impression yes it may even just be subconscious to the buyer yeah there’s something about this house I just don’t I can’t put my finger on it so my favorite thing is I’m a huge sentaholic he knows he hates it I I’m a big fan of plug-ins I’ve got all kinds of candles I’ve got room diffusers I can’t get enough of it I got sprays no problem with any of those things what’s the thing what’s the thing I don’t like I don’t like when she puts the plug-ins up to the maximum set all right well we’re gonna have a fight I don’t put it on the maximum she doesn’t anymore she used to he had he think he’s just very he has sensitive olfactory yes I do it’s ridiculous it’s what it is listen don’t if you’re gonna get sense whether it’s a candle or Plug-In or whatever don’t crank it so high that that becomes the smell that turns people that’s true because then people think what are they trying to hide yeah people think is there mildew in here that they’re trying to disguise so my favorite sense that I put it in all houses that I get ready to list is lavender or vanilla yeah it’s simple it’s easy people have a good feeling with that it makes them feel good and it’s not too heavily scented any kind of florals is usually bad tomorrow’s bad we must start frankincense yes we love Patchouli oh Patchouli is good too but the thing about those is some people find like Patchouli has kind of a gamey thing and same thing with frankincense a little too much it might be a little a little off the beaten path for some people so pick something and just be mainstream two yeah you know two plug-ins yeah yeah but just just a few will be enough and put it you know in the middle or kind of on the low side over particularly if you’re not living in the home yes uh the smell will build over time so you can sail in there if someone’s not living and they’re not running the AC the air gets still so when people come in that’s a first impression does it smell nice and clean and a good you know vanilla lavender don’t do any heavy heavy florals roses roses yeah have sometimes a negative reaction to that but anyway that’s our small little tip um that’s my favorite sense um I put them all throughout the house yeah and it just um it’s also kind of lavender’s calming so you want your buyers coming in to be calm relaxed and enjoy the process so uh just a little tidbit be careful with the smells if you’re gonna have a showing the next day don’t cook liver and onions you know don’t cook cabbage don’t cook seafood if you know you’re gonna have like two back-to-back appointments the next day yeah yeah it won’t go over well that’s that’s the stuff I like I like to eat stinky things though yeah and that’s the stuff he builds I’m like oh my God it smells like a garbage can in here so a little a little pointer for you when you’re getting ready to go live get those air fresheners plug-ins ready to go get lavender vanilla whatever get something nice and calming a calm scent yeah and don’t do any heavy duty cooking the day before showing yeah it’ll help you believe me in the long run absolutely all right another seller tip there you go if you want more tips the place to get it is pickle411.com that is our free information site whether you are buy or seller somewhere in between there’s information that is there free Astound Amaze entertain and destroy you I don’t know I don’t know if I just worth it yeah it’s all free people yeah it’s all free yeah we don’t get anything for this we don’t get anything no I’m waiting to get picked up by HGTV that’s right we’re open yeah yeah we’re holding it yeah HGTV yeah right here yeah I think they need to even have our own green screen that’s right we’re ready we’re ready Hollywood yes it was gone all right that is all for today see you soon bye
Rather than letting a "flipper" come in and make a quick buck, why not "flip" your own house, and get the most money possible for it? We'll give you the lowdown on which improvements will raise the price of your house the most, how to find the people to do the updates, and most importantly... how to pay for it all.
hello peeps fellow pickle peeps that’s right Rail and Diane bro here yeah she’s Diane she’s thickly I am the pickle lady as well my pickles have not come in yet I need to be in production yeah and there’s a delay on pickles I don’t know what uh what the run is on that but we’re trying anyway so yeah I’m still the pickle lady I still have plenty in the in storage but I need to make more so anybody has a pickle source for me uh actually give me a call yeah yeah yeah I’m looking for some we’ve been buying uh five gallon pails yeah and uh they’re running out so you’re running out what’s happening anybody’s got a good connection let me know let me get some pickles yeah but we’re here today besides all of that that’s in a size as we say in the business it is yeah I’m here today to talk about fixing cells all right so this is uh for our sellers here in Prescott also our buyers where you’re selling wherever you’re selling your home before you come here uh fix and sell is a great option for you um you know there are these people out here called flippers right so they buy homes and they do stuff and they make money because they sell for more money than they buy and a lot of what they do is fix and sell yep um so in essence fix and sell is about flipping your own house you know you figure out what what can you do to add value to the house that is a multiple of what it’s going to cost you uh so typically the things that really do well uh first of all is always paint oh yeah paint’s always a good one always paint yeah always paint freshen up freshen up if you’ve got scuffs if you’ve got dents if you’ve got a lot of nail holes you know just Spruce it up paint it it also smells good when you read it it makes the house feel new and fresh yes of course stay away from crazy colors stay away from dated colors if your house off dated colors crazy colors faux finishes anything like that yes sponges do yourself a favor paint it paint it uh we’ve told stories in in previous episodes there was a house beautiful home that yeah I thought it really wasn’t that crazy it was like a mint green yes but that did uh that they they did not paint uh up front in the end they discounted the house it probably cost him about 60 Grand they ended up having to paint the house anyway to get it sold so yeah your Aquas your moths your peaches get that out of there because what it screams is 80s and 90s you haven’t done anything to your house in a long time this house has dated yeah so keep that in mind that’s an easy way uh what’s our other thing countertops countertops floors is another good one the lighting there are a number of things that you can do or Landscaping is another really good ones yeah really good impression out front relatively small will end up adding immense value to your home and you’ll come out ahead when you do evaluation on your home generally they’ll give you a range you know you could get anywhere from you know let’s say 450 sometimes it’s 450 to 650 you know it’s a huge rain correct if that’s the case that means that your your home is in a neighborhood where prices vary a lot and that’s because they are in different stages of a Readiness to sell so the ones that really need a lot they’re going to trade on the lower end those that look like new and just been renovated they’re going to go on the high end so try to get it done yeah I mean it helps you in your pocket you know and so what’s a good way to do that yeah well one thing you should know is you may be overwhelmed with that yeah with it a couple things first of all if you don’t have the money to do it um you can get it paid for with a loan that you pay out of your proceeds when you close uh those deals are available they’re very straightforward uh generally they’re tied with people that they will hook you up with who can do the work if you hear in Prescott we can help you find people to do the work uh well worth doing uh you can combine that I think we did an episode on uh by now buy now sell later where you um you go ahead and buy your home and uh and then you sell the home you’re in later and uh it is really a a good thing to do we have another episode I’ll do a I’ll do a link down there uh below this video on that but you can combine the two you know you can vacate the home have the work done yes you know and then sell it all comes out of proceeds and generally you’ll come out ahead because you’ll get a much better price for your home and you will sell much faster that’s the other thing too yeah it will sell much better because we all know trying to be on the market can be torturous yeah at best even in uh really difficult seller times you know it’s a strong buyer’s market uh homes that are well staged and well prepared they still go really fast they still absolutely so you know so try to put your best foot forward show that house to the best of its uh the best that it can possibly be yeah absolutely it’s all about curb appeal and stepping in and people just feel oh I can see myself here I love it this house is lovely it’s cozy and I don’t have to do too much people love that people love that they want to unpack and move right in and start their next chapter yeah so yeah so if you’re interested in the number of uh non-traditional options for sellers if on the other hand you don’t particularly care you know it’s just gonna be more money my kids get when I die uh I don’t feel like being bothered I just want to get out of here we can we can get you a cash deal yes so you know and everywhere in between we can give you options so uh we’d love to talk to you about that so keep that in mind and give us a call if you’d like to be further educated on any of these products that we’re talking about absolutely we’re happy to be of assistance and guide you along with that absolutely all right so today if you’re into tips the place to go 411.com that is our free information site whether you’re a buyer seller somewhere between there’s something there waiting for you that will Astound entertain and put money in your pocket that’s right cases so make it happen Captain all right we look forward to hearing from you have a great rest of your day bye
When you're buying or selling a home, there are always any number of ancillary expenses (or "closing costs"), which can be substantial. If you are like a lot of people, you may be a bit fuzzy on who pays what.
So in this episode, we cover exactly that: We lay out what are the various expenses associated with a transaction, and who is responsible for paying which items.
good afternoon hello peeps hello hello hello this is Diana Randall bro coming to you here from Prescott Arizona um we are excited to be here we got a tip from a fellow uh Watcher slash listener and I thought you know what you’re right we should do a segment on what is the seller’s cost and what are the buyers costs who’s paying what who’s paying what when it comes to closing and escrows and all that who pays what and I thought yeah brilliant idea yeah I mean we take it for granted because we do it all the time because we’re used to it and of course different states uh do do it differently than here in Arizona the most important thing to remember when you’re buying a home here in Arizona and we get this a lot is that the seller the the person listing their home they pay both sides of the commission yeah so they pay uh the listing agent side and they pay the Buyer Agents most of the time most most of the time the government has been thinking about changing that for a while future that may be different but as of now in the city of Prescott for the most part sellers do pay the Realtors commission correct which is not to say that it’s free no the uh for the buyer for the buyer yeah obviously the prices right in the big checks the buyer’s right I mean that would be reflected in the price yeah the whole innocence the buyer is paying for all that stuff so we’re not allowed to say that real estate services are free to the buyer because in effect the buyers I mean obviously yeah but your seller will have that reflected in their price that being said it will not be part of your settlement statement yeah like sheets of paper and everything here so that sheets yeah net sheets so she’s got the seller’s net and I have the home estimate for the buyer and we thought we would compare so I’ll go over quickly what a seller yeah what is seller what are their fees yeah so uh just just for uh to set the stage here this is a uh imaginary transaction the home is 500 000 which is a little less than median here in Prescott these days uh I have the buyer uh taking out a loan and putting down twenty percent very good so you know relatively standard so of course if you are selling your home you’re going to pay your own closing costs you’re going to pay a portion of that um you’ll have your taxes will be prorated yes and any HOA fees if you are living in an HOA community that will also be prorated yeah you do have to bring money for that but in essence it’s not really a closing expense because you would have paid it anyway I mean these things have to be paid uh but they will do some prepayments for some of it absolutely so if you are selling your home you will pay uh title policy you will pay escrow fee yeah so the title policy is 22.57 and the buyer also pays uh part of the title policy it says here 1160. so some of the expenses paid by uh by the seller most of it’s paid by the seller and it looks like about a third of it is paid the title policy it’ll be a system of checks and I mean it’ll be a system of um credits and and debits and all that stuff they’ll they’ll balance it all out so each person will pay some of it some of them will pay more than others uh than the buyer yeah we also will have an escrow fee yes so the escrow fee uh the buyer and the seller both pay the same amount and that’s on purpose so that the you know the escrow company or the title company and Escrow Company in Arizona do both sides of the title and the escrow so they split that so so everybody it’s Even Stevens it’s between the buyer and the seller septic inspection insectic transfer fee if you buy a home with a septic tank you uh the seller will have to provide that fee and pay for for the inspection yeah so the the transfer fees 50 bucks they are times when the buyer might pay that but for the most part the seller patients yeah and the seller will have to arrange to have the tank inspected in a timely fashion before you close so but that’s only if you’re buying a home with septic okay you also will have an HOA transfer fee which I talked about earlier if you’re in an HOA development that really depends on the HOA sometimes there are other fees the seller has to pay with if there’s a disclosure fee almost always a disclosure fee seller has to pay that oh most of the other fees are negotiable uh but they tend to be paid more by the buyer than the seller if you also buy a property that has a well a seller will have to pay the well transfer fee that’s like thirty dollars yeah but these are cost if you were a seller and you have septic and you have an HOA and you have a well those things are all absorbed by this seller yeah okay now the buyer is paying for if there is a well the buyer pays for the wells well inspections uh obviously there if you have a home inspection the buyer pays for the home inspection in other states that there are pre-inspections uh those are relatively unusual here most of the time the buyer pays for their own inspection and if there’s a well they pay for a volume and quality test on the water right and we always want to do that so some other fees you have a recording fee yeah I think we have one uh buyers have the same recording fee 50 bucks a pop if you decide to offer if you’re a seller if you decide to offer a home warranty that would be included in here yes if home warranties go about 500 bucks yeah it’s about five or six five to six hundred recently very few people are getting home warranties sometimes the buyer will pay for their own home warranty uh and over during the the cobit thing it was hard to get people to come out and do repairs so home warranties really weren’t worth very much but that seems to be changing it’s changing again yeah also if you are a seller and you agree to some repairs and you say you know what I don’t want to do it myself but I’ll give you money in lieu of that money would be reflected in this settlement sheets here so if you decide hey I’m going to give you fifteen hundred dollars to do the repairs you found are needed during inspection I’m just going to give you that cash and it will go towards the buyer’s closing costs that’s something you should know a lot of people think oh well I’ll get a check for fifteen hundred dollars no it will simply be credited to your closing cost yeah but so be aware of that yeah particularly if you’re yes buyers walking away with cash correct so that’s how it’s handled so you’ll get a credit if you were the buyer um there’s also the like we talked about this earlier your the commission for the buyer as well as the listing agent and those rates uh can vary yeah uh the commission can go anywhere from I’ve seen one and a half all the way up to three percent it just depends and it is negotiable it is negotiable yeah and we we are not allowed to talk very freely about commission rates that’s right part of the the government once people have more conversations about commission rates but we’re really not allowed to talk about it much that’s right they’re kind of across purpose but there it is but there it is that is what you’re saying you so your seller is looking at closing costs title policy escrow fee uh an inspection transfer for septic HOA transfer fee well transfer recording fee home warranty if you do that repairs if you do that and commission yeah so that’s a lot to kind of remember but that’s pretty much what the seller yeah and I’ll put these two I’ll put these sheets on the website as well so you can download them and look at them that’s right but in a nutshell so on the net sheet the net at close is uh wait hold on the total I’m looking for the total all right so the total closing cost is thirty six thousand dollars of that uh in this example 30 of that is the real estate fee so the vast majority of the seller closing costs are the marketing costs the real estate fees correct uh the rest of it comes in at about six right beyond that it’s not very much and that’s just based on a house 460 000 somewhere up in that range 500 minus the twenty oh letters all right so on the buyer’s side um this the the title fees escrow fees mobile closing they have your endorsements you don’t see many of those that’s endorsement is um something you add on to a title policy to cover additional things we don’t see those that often uh closing protection letter we don’t see a lot of that either um all of those fees together come to about two grand uh the buyer closing fees are mostly generated by a loan if you’re not doing a loan obviously you won’t have lender fees but the lender fees come to like origination fees like four thousand uh appraisals 500 that’s more like 800 um it’s example they said five Brands usually more like 800 right yeah it just depends on it just depends uh so so most of the most of the closing costs that the buyer will pay are associated with with the loan so once again we will uh we’ll make these available so you can see the exact breakdown yeah and it’s something to kind of educate yourself about so you know because some people come in they’re like oh will I be paying the seller their commission yeah no that’s not on you you know um what is uh do I have to pay who who pays for the HOAs that have already been paid so it’s important to understand there’s a lot of checks and balances um debits and credits everything and you’ll get a full settlement sheet which is clearly identical everything and we do we do net sheets or or in the closing cost sheets for our clients in advance to give you estimates if that’s something that you’re concerned right if you’re unless what will I owe sure we’ll figure it out for you and we’ll give you an approximation of what you can look at for your closing so it’s a lot to think about it’s a lot of different parts and and things to yeah it’s kind of overwhelming but it’s okay I mean we typically use a great we have a very good relationship with a title company here and they do an amazing job doing the prorations and explaining and understanding so we will help you every step of the way so you’ll understand what exactly each of these costs are absolutely so don’t fret my friends don’t fret come on in and buy your house and be excited about living here put this on the Wayside I mean it’s too much to worry about you’ll have a good time though when you get here all right so we hope to hear from you soon please check us out at pickle411.com that is your information site whether you’re a buyer seller somewhere in between there’s something there for you that will Amaze Astound inform did I say that already I think so I’m entertain whatever whatever it will float your boat it will so you have a boat it’ll start floating that’s right after you go to pick before that’s right call us and we’ll help you every step of the way it’s all free okay have a good day thank you bye
Sometimes the simplest solutions are not the best. That's especially true when it comes to moving out of a home you just sold. You'd think it would be no big deal to leave a few things in the home after you close - especially if the buyers don't mind.
In this episode we explain why that's not a good idea.
good evening good evening people hello hello hello hello hello this is uh Randall and Diane bro here in the beautiful city of Prescott Arizona we are your number one top team in terms of service connections helping you find the right place uh and we would love if you’re coming to visit and you find a great place if you want to talk about something that could happen and you might think about and we’re going to tell you why it’s not always the best thing not always the best idea that is post possession post possession so post possession sounds like a technical term basically what that means is if you are selling your house and your house is closed it’s no longer your house right but you want to keep some of your stuff in the house after you’ve closed that is post possession and it’s kind of a it’s kind of a bad idea um just in terms of lawsuits so there are millions of homes that are bought and sold every year uh you know when you’ve got that much going on everything happens at some point and people have just found that in transactions where there was post-possession it could lead to some crazy lawsuits it can be pretty scary so a lot of people are like oh we really like the seller and the seller really likes the buyer it’s a great idea would you mind you know or sometimes the seller says I’d like to stay in the house for two months after you buy and some sellers even will say I won’t even charge you you know rent right yeah but I still want to stay here yes um and some people are fine with that I and my broker not a good idea it’s uh can work it it can be very very scary and even the Best Buy or seller relationship can go sour fast and then if that seller is still keeping all of their things in the house or you’re keeping your things in the house and you’re like I could have sworn I left that jewelry box yeah where is it now where is it now yeah you would be surprised or God forbid there’s uh Mother Nature comes along and the roof starts leaking and your beautiful artwork that you had left stored there gets damaged I mean it just opens a whole can of worms that can be really really bad and you know sometimes we try to explain this to clients they don’t want to hear it they’re like but they’re friendly we’re good we’re good we have a good working relationship yeah yeah you’d be surprised how fast that can go south yeah well if if you have a seller that let’s say we want to close and the seller wants to stay there a month or two months you can fix that right so that is essentially a short-term lease you can do an official lease it is a legal document and that it and they’re the only people who are in the house only their possessions are in the house uh and so and you’ve got a legal document that is a contract by the way you need to have some consideration not a good practice Yeah and the reason why is it’s not a valid contract if there’s no consideration so that’s just a technical even if you just put a hundred dollars not even a hundred dollars and you come to terms that’s fine there has to be some consideration for the contract to be valid uh you’ve got a contract in place uh there’s only one party in the house there’s only one party’s possessions in the house that’s workable yeah we can do that even if it’s just a week or a few days you can do a very short-term lease and you can make that work uh maybe not so good is the buyer moves in and you still have possessions of the seller there you can never go buy a handshake we’re good friends right this was a good transaction let’s just shake hands we would never as professionals uh and is one of the top Professionals in the city yeah not a good practice not a good practice you know I always have something illegal in place yeah you leave something you spill coffee on it or or you know um technically from a a legal standpoint anything that is left in the house after close becomes the virus you know if you don’t move it it’s theirs um so as a seller you should understand that um as a as a buyer you know they if they you have their possessions in your house and something happens to it uh you may see them in court you know you’d be surprised uh so you know when we kind of say hey I wouldn’t do that I am not comfortable with that I’ve never heard of a zero free rent back for two months it’s not that we don’t want to help you I mean we will we’ll make it happen but please take our advice we’ve seen things go really really bad and we’re trying to help you legally and you know that’s what you need to do you need to make it above board and you know shaking someone’s hand and saying I promise I’ll be good yeah uh can sometimes backfire yeah a lot of what we do for you is prevention you know just trying to keep bad things from happening and if they don’t that’s fine you know but precautions are always a good idea always we’re looking out for your best interest and we always want to protect you that’s that’s what our job is yeah so anyway when you’re thinking about post-possession we’ll try to get you a nice contract written up for a lease back where everything’s good and it’s all above board and you’re legal and you don’t have to worry God forbid if something bad should happen exactly so keep all that in mind when you’re looking and you want post possession and oh they said it’s okay listen to Mom and Dad Mom and Dad are here to help you we know we can go back we’ve done hundreds of transactions hundreds and hundreds believe me we know so that’s our little so for the day so if you want to talk about post-possession we’ll make it happen but do it in a way that protects you protects both parties that’s our tip of the day if you want more tips a place to go is pickle411.com that is our free information site whether you’re a buyer or seller or somewhere in between there’s something waiting for you that will amaze and Astound you and tickle your funny bone there you go all free all free take care great rest of your day bye
Buying and selling real estate can be one of the highest stress situations you'll ever face... or you can turn the tables and make it downright enjoyable.
In this episode, we reveal a little-known low-pressure trick that lowers your stress and gives you the edge in negotiating.
hello this is Diana Randall bro here coming to you live from Prescott Arizona we’re happy to talk to you about if you’re thinking about moving and you’re like wow I gotta sell first I don’t know what a drag I can’t get my time frame to line up so we wanted to talk to you about buy first then sell yeah it’s a new program it’s designed to help you out one of the things we observed is that when we have buyer we have buyers that are um full of cash a lot of times what they’ll do is they’ll just buy a house right they’ll buy a house they’ll move their stuff in and then they sell it really reduces the uh the pressure associated with the whole deal uh it doesn’t force them into a house really quick so they have the time to find exactly what they want and when they’re negotiating on the buy side they’re not under time pressure they usually negotiate better deals and on the sell side same thing they’re not in a hurry and so they can negotiate a better deal uh not a lot of people fall in that category and unfortunately they can’t um enjoy those benefits but now there’s a new program that’ll do that and it’s called buy then sell so buy themselves yeah it’s great so we have a number of contacts that we can connect you with where you can get a bridge loan but it’s not the bridge loans of yesteryear this is a really great product uh you can identify a home here in Prescott that you absolutely love you don’t have to worry about losing out because you’re under a contingency and perhaps your home didn’t sell in time so you can identify it put the offer in if you qualify if you qualify depending on your credit of course if you’ve got great credit you get cash up front from the company they give you the cash up front for you to buy the home that you’ve identified here in Prescott you then can negotiate better right because you quote have a cash deal yeah from the from the seller’s point of view your offer is a cash offer it’s considered a cash offer which always gets priority always a cash is King cash will win out on any kind of bidding war that you may be in so you will win that you’ll get the home you’ll get to move in you’ll you’ll get to slowly but surely move in without all the pressure of oh my gosh I’ve got to sell my house and now I got to get the house packed up and I got to get out of here this lets you have some Breathing Room it lets you identify the home you love you won’t lose it you can buy it you know it’s there it’s safe it’s sound it’s waiting for you you can slowly start to move in yeah then you can stage your existing home that you want to sell and and not have to worry about being there and Fielding calls for showings and all that you pack up you move here to Prescott you let it sit there yeah you let it sit there while it’s selling and it’s a lot less pressure it’s a lot less trouble yeah uh you don’t have to keep your house picked up and cleaned while you’re waiting for the next showing you don’t have to sit there and be like I have 10 days to get this sold otherwise I’m going to lose my house in Prescott yes all that foolishness goes out of the window yes the good thing is there are fees associated with getting the buy then sell program but here’s the thing the amount of money that you pay is offset by the extra money you’ll get by being able to negotiate better deals on your buy side and your sales side that’s true and honestly we’ve done this a couple of times and it’s almost a wash I mean it really ends up being very cost effective yeah and when you just think about the the reduction in pressure dealing with the movers the moving right and the state the logistics the logistics yeah it’s just kind of a no-brainer kind of a no-brainer the other good thing is I think a lot of people think oh if I get a bridge loan I’m then paying two mortgages I’m paying the mortgage on my existing home and I’m paying the mortgage on no you have up to a year to get your existing homes sold yes you do not have to pay any not even interest during that time frame now the interest is accrue yeah it’s a crew but it’s not like you will have an additional house payment or interest payment to make during that year process it won’t take you a year to sell you might accrue a little interest for two or three months yeah that’s it then you sell you pay off the bridge loan yeah boom comes out of your comes out of yourself it’s a beautiful thing if you have amazing credit uh and you qualify we highly suggest it because sometimes we get people who come in they absolutely fall in love with a house and they’re heartbroken because they know I don’t even have my house on the market yet right there’s no way I can get this together I can get this sold to purchase this one right and it’s very upsetting you know to leave a home you love that you’ve you really want so we think it’s a great product we’ve had enough friends uh it’s a great idea use it and I love it if you think about it you the pressure is okay so let’s say you sell your home first well now you got to find a home really quick and you don’t want to that’s a lot of pressure you gotta hustle down here and yeah I gotta find it got it and you’re gonna settle for something maybe that’s not on the market right because maybe that perfect one isn’t quite there it isn’t there so you’ll be like well this one is okay I mean you’ll you end up settling we hate when our clients we want you to be happy we don’t want you to settle we want you to be happy and excited or you find the perfect home and you put an offer in it’ll it’ll have to be a contingency yeah so you’re going to have to pay top dollar yep and then you’re going to have to Discount your home wherever you live now to get it to move as fast as possible hustle it’s just it’s you’re behind the eight ball this gets you out from behind me so if you are fortunate enough to be in a position that you could qualify for this bridge loan product hey it’s something to really consider if you really had enough and you want to get out of Dodge where you are yeah there’s other options available to you yes that will help you get that done faster and quicker now we have no vested interest in this at all oh absolutely no actually we’re not allowed to have any vested interest in the lenders that we we recommend to you just to be clear yes and if you want to do it the hard way you know we’ll help you that’s what we do absolutely do it well uh but this is another option for you so something we just thought we’d throw that out there to you folks out there and um who are still thinking of the bridge loan as the olden days when you had to pay all this extra payments every month just wanted to give you a little heads up the product has changed it’s very effective it’s easy and it’s well worth it if you are ready to really make the change and you don’t want to wait another six months absolutely so that’s our tip of the day tip of the day if you’re in the tips the place to go is pickle411.com that is our free information site whether you’re a buyer seller or somewhere in between there is something waiting for you there will Amaze astound and entertain you and tickle your funny bone heavily hopefully all free all three all right thank you for listening we appreciate your time and have a great day bye
One of the most discouraging things that can happen when selling your house is when something unexpected shows up during your buyer's due diligence. There's a quick and easy way of avoiding that, which we explore in this episode.
hello hello hello today yeah I don’t know I hope everybody’s having a beautiful day and life is treating you well we’re having a beautiful day I’m here to share it with you that’s right yeah we are so excited this is Diana Randall bro here with exp Realty pickle lady I’m a psychic that’s right we are very excited here to talk to you today about something I think it’s important for all people getting ready to list particularly if you have an older home yes uh I in fact if you have an older home I would say it’s almost imperative yes big word imperative narrative I like that word it’s imperative meaning you must you must do this if you uh have a home even if it’s maybe fairly new um and you want to make sure you’re ready to sell you’ve got to get this concluded and move on have your home pre-inspected free inspection free inspect it don’t rely on the buyer to do it yeah you do it we have a great inspector that we use uh he’s part of our team he’s amazing he will come out and pre-inspect and uh from top to bottom roof uh HVAC a dishwall everything and he will write up a 60 70 page report his name is Matt gormer yep with national inspection I just calling that Matt call Matt we’ll look into that we’ll look into that National inspection yeah National inspection and he’s he’s just grateful he’s great uh very very knowledgeable so he’ll come out and depending on the square footage it’s probably anywhere from 325 to 375. yeah well worth the money yeah right just to clear up any confusion you guys might have if if you’re not from Arizona we are uh this advice is for sellers in Arizona and other states like California some of the other states it is customary for the seller to do a pre-inspection that’s just sort of the the normal procedure and then uh so they offer those inspection reports to would-be buyers Arizona doesn’t do that correct Arizona the buyer will do their own inspection and get their own inspection report what we are suggesting is that even though it’s not customary sellers particularly uh people with older homes or a home that let’s say a home any home that has been built uh 10 years or more ago or has not been renovated for more than 10 years right you probably want to do a pre-inspection because nothing is worse than getting under inspection I mean getting under contract pardon me getting under contract and everybody’s excited we’ve opened escrow we’re moving along and then we find a slew of problems yeah so as the seller you don’t want to be hit with these surprises yeah oh my gosh I had no idea really that’s wrong that’s wrong that’s wrong and then guess what sometimes can happen the buyer can walk and say you know what it’s too much yeah I don’t want to do it I don’t want to touch this with a 10-foot pole even if it’s little things yeah I’ve got a lot of little things right goes through a buyer’s mind is well what else is wrong with this house correct finding uh when you when you show them an inspection report and everything’s been addressed yep or they do their own inspection and it comes back really clean makes them really confident right they feel good they’re excited yeah and what sellers need to understand too now is that the market has changed and now sellers are competing for buyers yep and so if you have a buyer and they’re considering your house which is say a little older or a brand new home they might go with a brand new home just to avoid all so to make yourself competitive a pre-inspection is a good investment and you know take care of some of the problems that are on there before you even go on the market before you go on so then your house is just you know you have a confidence that you know what if I go under contract this is not going to fall out um I’ve taken care of everything they should be very happy with the home they’re about too high and so it’s something we kind of advise and and we’re so happy when some of our clients will take us up on that yeah and then you’re going to be surprises and you’re more likely to get an offer there too we’ve had any number of buyers they just look at the home and just say there is no way this thing it’s going to inspect out right you know we’re going to do an inspection I know they’re going to be issues right for whatever reason they don’t think the the seller is going to be amenable to repairs or whatever they don’t even bother making the offer yeah they’re like yeah it’s too much oh my God inspection report in their hot little hands that shows yeah we’ve addressed all these things and it shows pride of ownership right it makes them feel good these people cared for their home these people really invested their time and money in the home so I’m buying a good product I feel now good about making an offer on this home yes and like I said we don’t want to be under contract and it’s like oh really yeah I had no idea the heater didn’t work yeah not a good thing you don’t want to go back and say be surprised you know what I mean yeah you’re going under contract you’re calling movers you’re you’re moving on with your life oh guess what you know right so we are big Believers in having your home pre-inspected even if if it’s a fairly new house five years old it’s still good you know there might be some things you’re not even aware of yeah we just recently had a brand new home which was more than what was reported in the county turns out we were right yes uh so yeah even even that’s a little thing lots of little things yes uh it’s it’s a it’s a good insurance policy absolutely we cannot speak highly enough and for those of our clients who believe us and like to take our advice we thank you cheers to you for agreeing to the pre-inspection it gives you uh you know when you put your head on the pillow no worries you’re free no fretting because you know you’ve done everything you possibly can to get your house ready to be in good shape to sell that’s right so that’s our little tip of the day to our fellow sellers to be that’s right you want more tips the place to get it is pickle411.com that is our free information site whether you’re a buyer seller or somewhere in between there’s plenty of information for you about real estate about press get things to do things to eat places to go all kinds of stuff all kinds of not just real estate not just real estate fun stuff fun stuff too yeah that’s what we’re also that’s fun too it can be a lot of fun enough for pre-inspections it’s fun for math it’s fun for Matt okay so thank you for listening to this handy tidbit of the day we appreciate that and we hope that you have a wonderful evening all right take care bye
We recently discovered one of the best and most cost-effective ways to help transform your outdoor space into a comfortable retreat you can enjoy all year long.
Why didn't we do this years ago?
Another difficult year is past, and all eyes turn forward to the new year before us. In this episode, we make our predictions for what 2023 will hold and share some thoughts about what it could mean for you.
hello hello hello I am Diane this is my better half Randall yes we are correct uh we are fellow Realtors together and fighting in the trenches for you and all of our fellow buyers fellow sellers um we are with exp Realty and we are delighted to be here to help you guys and uh as you’re thinking about next chapters new chapters new chapters which brings us to 2023 New Year they’re getting better every year so probably the one of the worst was 20 20 was tough yeah yeah true this past year was not as bad not as bad it’s getting back crazy a lot of the uncertainty it’s things are starting to settle down I know people are concerned about interest rates and you know end of times and this that and the other and honestly the end of times thing is kind of people are past the end of times they understand the elections are behind us I think we’re going to start getting more on a smoother path now um we just can’t dwell on all of that we just have to keep moving forward and being happy and the wherever we are in whatever chapter you are don’t think about all this stuff we don’t honestly this is my opinion don’t have a lot of control over it yeah I can’t change uh politics I can’t change interest rates I can’t change uh what’s going to come this year I can’t change covet yeah um all I can do is the best every single day and put one foot in front of the other that’s right that’s how you that’s all any of us can do my friends right cheers I really that’s great cinnamon I I really believe that this is my prediction for 2023 I think wait who was it uh so I believe it was Calvin Kelvin Coolidge who termed the uh the word normalcy oh yeah right actually the actual word is normality but uh people say normalcy now he’s the one who that’s like strategy thanks George W injury so uh yeah and that was his strategy so normalcy so you know he’s after World War one and it’s like our return to normalcy yes and I think that is what 2023 is going to be for us I sure am hoping I think things are gonna chill out things are gonna get more and more normal and people interest rates are already starting to change again they had gotten so high but now as you can see they’re starting to drop again that’s of course could change again but I think what everyone the great fears that people had yeah I think it’s going to be okay folks yeah the whole Logistics and Supply thing is starting to iron itself out uh you know supply chain is getting normal again just things are just getting normal every day that goes by people seem to relax just a little bit more and so I I think that’s what 2023 is going to mean for us it’s it’s going to be a normal year and in the in the uh since the the couple of years that we just had that’s going to be a wonderful thing I I think I look forward to it and it’s a long waited we all deserve yeah absolutely some nice back to normalcy back to not worrying about everything and just having uh but it’s back to normal again but I think the most important thing I’d like to share with a lot of people is um there’s a lot of fear people are like well uh I I really hate where I live I hear I can’t tell you kind of makes me sad it kind of pulls up my heartstrings I’m really miserable where I live I hate everything about it I hate the taxes I hate the traffic I hate the increasing cost of living this is my point if you’re not happy where you are it’s not going to change it’s not going to get better it’s not like you reach a certain age you know the world was you were young and the world was struggling and you were part of the fight and you were going to help and you had time time was on your side that ship is salesman I mean most of our clients time is no longer on your side now is the time you need to read the reward that you’ve worked so hard your whole life 100 and if you sit around and you wait for the world or the the people out there to make the world better for you it’s not going to happen so don’t be afraid to make the move if you’re in your 60s 70s we’ve even had people in their 80s absolutely I’ve had enough of this and I want to go somewhere where I am happy yeah and I it’s scary is it scary to walk away and start over a hundred percent we did it all of our friends have done it have any of them had regrets not one person not one person has regretted making that big step and making a change so keep that in mind for new for 2023. yeah absolutely come over here for a new beginning let all that go if you’re busy the best time to make it happen is yesterday yep right it would have been easier 10 years ago when you’re that absolutely younger it will be that much harder 10 years from now oh yeah and and then the other thing to point out is we are a cheaper alternative you know we’re telling you you can have a great life here it would be different if we were trying to talk you into moving someplace that’s more expensive than where you are right this is not a lateral move this is not a lateral it’s gonna be cheaper here your property taxes will be cheaper your cost of living gasoline cost of housing is still cheaper than other places I mean all of the groceries utilities you name it you’re going to be like living a new life when is a good time to reduce your cost of living the answer is there is no best time it’s always good if the if you think the economy is going to the toilet oh okay well maybe it is maybe it isn’t but uh if it does would you be better off where you are now or someplace cheaper I mean I just that’s the million dollar question you know so my goal for you for 2023 is think positive think I’m going to make a change make a change I’m not going to live in fear of what may or may not happen yes if you’re really not happy where you are it’s time to change yeah it’s hard it’s scary but so worth it and we love it we’re so happy we did it so anyway 2023 of the year make it your your your time to shine your time to make pie be brave be brave all right so that’s our little New Year’s wishing for 2023. make it happen Captain you’ll be delighted with all your extra savings if you move here that’s it and we would love to help you and show you around our beautiful town and everything that living in Prescott has to offer you so we hope to hear from you soon you can reach us at pickle411.com that’s our free information site whether you’re a buyer seller or somewhere in between yep there’s something there waiting for you that you will adore oh that’s a pretty big promise but we hope we hope we can deliver on that absolutely all right so everyone have a beautiful day and thank you for listening and happy 2023. bye
Older homes can have dangerous stuff in them... things like asbestos. In this episode, we discuss common places where asbestos can lurk and what to do if you find it.
hello hello hello hello peeps this is Randall and Diane bro here coming to you live from our little town of Prescott Arizona we are here to kind of talk about some things cut them Charlie Brown yeah you know poor Charlie Brown but anyway we are here to talk about something that you know eor-ish Charlie brownish related asbestos asbestos kind of the thing about asbestos is every year there’s less and less to talk about right asbestos has been identified as a problem since I guess the early 80s yep and uh for the most part it’s been eradicated in most homes certainly all new homes yeah uh but from time to time you have a home that dates back to the 80s no not even really it’s like 1974 earlier and maybe even I think 74 to 80 is you know because they were still using asbestos yeah some of the materials yeah yeah even though they said no more asbestos they grandfathered in existing materials so yeah so the the uh yeah so there’s no hard cut off like in lead-based pain correct our cutoff is 78 anything 70 and later you’re fine yeah that’s right and it’s a big No-No there’s no hard cut off in asbestos yeah but basically the most common uh things for asbestos sometimes they would do duct insulation uh we have yet to see that the one that is most common here and probably most common around right around the country is the dreaded popcorn ceilings yeah popcorn ceilings are notorious especially if they were put in in 1974 1975. although you were sitting in high cotton when you put up those popcorn ceilings everybody thought you were you know put the glitter in there I mean the glitter was even more that was an added step but you were pretty fancy if you were doing it along with your sunken living rooms the prince Acoustics but that’s right it does it is pretty cool but however is it fine if it just stays in place sure but boy if you try to remove that you’ve got to have that abated immediately super fine particles just floating you can’t even see it yeah if you if you are if you have a home you’re trying to sell and it has popcorn okay chances are it’s gotten asbestos nobody is going to want a popcorn ceiling nobody nobody you’re going to want to pull it down yeah even you know the people talk about oh Grandma’s gonna sell her home oh my God even grandma doesn’t want popcorn nobody wants popcorn anymore I really don’t think it’s all that bad I really don’t I mean it doesn’t really offend me but I’ve seen people accept really pretty gross stuff but popcorn ceilings for whatever reason the whole body wants popcorn so if they’re gonna buy your house they’re going to want to remove it if they’re going to remove it that’s a problem if there’s asbestos so you’re gonna have to Abate it you’re gonna have to Abate it and there are companies we can help you with every step of the way uh they will come out and take three core samples from three different locations in the home it is shipped down to Phoenix it is tested and then they give you the percentage um and they will then refer you to abatement companies of which we know you know several of them here I’m sure you ask for for popcorn sealants make sure you ask them to measure the square footage oh yes of the popcorn typically to Abate that to you know have it all scraped down if you do do have asbestos it’s about 450 a square foot a square foot yeah so keep that in mind it’s it’s not a cheap Endeavor to repair that and get it all cleared and then after it’s all scratched up that is good I should say that it is as of November 2022. that’s correct yeah that price written in stone remember Stone but yeah as a a and to make the math easy you might want to do five dollars a square sure the other thing is to once it’s uh abated you’re gonna have to do air tests that’s to demonstrate that there’s no asbestos in the air still uh still correct and that’s probably going to run you another 12 1200 1500 and there’s a separate company that yeah that will come out and test the air quality yeah generally all very important steps yeah generally they’re two two types of companies there is the inspection company inspection and they’re not the same because you don’t want one right you’re a baby we swear it’s all clear now no you need to have somebody that’s why they do it that way right so we have uh all of those people in place if you fall in love with something there’s some great great you know Brady Bunch houses here in Prescott yeah built in the 70s I love them they’re darling no we we’ve actually we’ve gone through an abatement uh you know we uh we were representing the buyer uh we had the popcorn inspected sure enough there was asbestos uh we asked for the repair the seller agreed to do that and the abatement company came in they wear their little booties and a little you know they take care of business and they you know they do all these plastic tunnels you know the the with the plastic that they put up yeah everything it’s hardcore and uh yeah but I mean they come in they do the job yeah they get out that’s done and it’s done well it’s done well and we tested everything was fine yep so it’s not a deal killer but in general I think for most people you’re probably looking at about 10 right uh to Abate that and so you are a seller uh we would advise you if you’ve got popcorn test it if it’s you know chances are it’s going to be bad well even if it’s all right so if you’re gonna if you’re gonna take down the popcorn test it first don’t just take down the pop never take down the popcorn ruin your health okay absolutely you first have to have it tested and uh and if it’s um if it there’s no asbestos you could think about leaving it up and you would have the documentation and demonstrate that there’s no asbestos right uh but for the most part you want to take down popcorn take down take down the pop before you before I love to eat popcorn I think it’s delicious do I want it in my ceiling not really not really but so that is our tip of the day for asbestos it doesn’t necessarily mean end of times end of the world I have to walk away from this house there’s some fantastic homes with beautiful bones they just need to you know get a little you know up with the time so don’t necessarily rule it out but you should be aware of the cost you should be aware that it can be fixed but always test test test test it’s very important very important so that is our tip of the tip of the day we’ve got lots of tips for you lots of tips yeah our free tips you can find at pickle411.com whether you are a buyer seller or somewhere in between there is information there waiting for you that will Delight astound and inform you that’s that’s a lot to deliver but we sure try I’m cocky and it’s good yeah you’re feeling strong today I’m feeling strong he still had a big bill of goods here yeah but reach out to us we’d love to see you we’d love to take you around give you a tour of our lovely town and see some awesome homes absolutely I hope to hear from you soon take care bye