Buying and selling real estate is stressful, even under the best of circumstances. So the last thing you need is a real estate agent using high-pressure tactics to move you forward when you're not really comfortable. It doesn't have to be that way. In this episode, we discuss how best to handle these people and these situations.
you stress me so much I lose my voice it’s what you do oh my gosh okay hello hello hello peeps it’s right in my ear yeah feeling good I see that I’m feeling good about the peeps that are here punch you in your throat don’t scream in my ear all right this is Diana Randall bro here coming to you live Arizona as live as it can get yeah they took the stakes out of our heart and brought us back to life that’s right we are live as you just heard we are quite live yeah here to talk about pressure selling oh yeah so real estate agents are notorious among you know used car sales people and you know and I hate to be like high pressure high pressure and a lot of people think because we are real estate agents that we we are high pressure people yeah we are not we are not and uh we come from the fashion School of uh what’s the word phrase school of thought school of living School of the philosophy of life I don’t know I don’t know having bought several homes ourselves don’t appreciate high pressure I feel like when you see a home you like when I’m representing the buyer it should hit on all cylinders if you have any doubt we the pickle team here will never pressure you yeah that’s not what it’s about well it’s it’s about counterproductive and here’s the thing I mean if we really came at you and did the high pressure thing and forced you into a transaction that wasn’t meant to be that’s right it doesn’t matter how fast you try to make it happen real estate transactions take weeks right so you’ll have second thoughts if you mean you’ll have second thoughts it’s honestly totally no point at it that’s right and it falls apart um at the end and so you end up you know buyer’s remorse you walk away no one’s happy the seller isn’t happy you’re unhappy um so the best thing you know that we believe is when you’re excited and you feel right we are there for you every step of the way we’re going to try to make it happen uh present the best offer we possibly can and keep our fingers crossed that the other agent will present the way we present you know and um absolutely and we do the same thing for our sellers absolutely uh you know sellers generally sell you know listing agreements listing contracts if you get a listing agent you’ve signed a contract and they really want to hold you to it which again we think is sort of silly uh but some will and they’ll force you to stay with them you know otherwise you can’t you can’t sell your house into your contracts up uh if someone is is pressuring you to sign a contract or buy something that you’re not sure about or just moving faster than you’re comfortable stop stop I did just don’t it shouldn’t be this high pressure there’s no huge rush we’ve been on many listing appointments and uh some of the fellow you know sellers are like I I just I felt so pressured yeah and I I didn’t like that I felt very uncomfortable but I had to sign that afternoon right after a 30 minute meeting yeah we don’t believe in that no we’re going to give it to you we’re going to give it to you straight we’re going to chat with you we’re going to be up front we’re going to be honest and we’re going to let you sit on that overnight a couple of days whatever it takes think about everything that’s been presented yeah this is the most important financial decision you will ever make yeah you shouldn’t be pressured to buy or list your home yeah under any circumstances it is not very comfortable you need to be a part of the process because the thing is right we are going to be in a little relationship whether we’re selling or whether we’re helping you buy and we will be working together closely hand in hand for up to six weeks if you don’t have a good vibe with your agent and you don’t feel comfortable or you don’t feel heard or you don’t feel um like you can chat with them about concerns they’re not responsive that’s a long time to be under contract with somebody um so you know we’re no pressure yeah we’re low pressure we just feel like you know what if we connect we connect we can assure you 100 if we decide to work with us you are going to get the best representation you can ever have we are available we answer the phone all weekend we answer the phones up to 10 o’clock at night if you’re worried you’re scared something hot happens you know catastrophic we’re here for you to walk you through it and that’s how we roll and I was what’s the point of Happiness yeah yeah that’s kind of the role that we play absolutely one thing I should point out too there’s a good reason why salespeople in general real estate agents specifically use eye pressure tactics they work sometimes at least sometimes they work the high pressure tactics high pressure tactics sure so here’s the thing it’s a little bullying to me it’s bullying don’t worry don’t reward the kind of behavior that you don’t want yes same thing with telemarketers you know if you don’t like any telemarketing calls don’t buy anything from a telemarketer right because as soon as you do the world will get out and more people will call you don’t reward the behavior that you’re looking to stop we want to work together as a team with you whether you’re listing or whether you’re buying we want to be a team we almost become a mini family uh many many of our dearest friends started out as clients yeah absolutely and we like to connect with you not just in a business level but you know let’s get to know each other let’s understand each other let’s understand how you operate under pressure and vice versa we try to keep everything calm cool and collected for you during a very stressful time there’s no doubt about it and we try to make it fun and we do so if you meet with us we are super uber Luber Luber low pressure low pressure low pressure low pressure we are never going to make a hard sell on you we’re never going to say oh my gosh you have to do this or it’s over never never if you make a con Justified decisions chances are you going to pick us absolutely we don’t you know we want you to be comfortable we want you to feel confident and you will get the 100 if not more from us so don’t put up with that stuff don’t don’t put up with that stuff high pressure down thumbs down throw them out throw them out we’re here to help you and yeah and maybe have a little fun along the way as well and get you to the finish line which is the most important part not only to the finish line but to the Finish Line in a happy relaxed confident that the job’s going to get done situation that’s right you you know lots of communication important real estate tip if you want more tips yes we have plenty of tips for you people all over the place all over the place real estate Prescott living in Prescott thanks for doing impressive good things to eat and press good the way to say Prescott I mean we’ve covered a lot of ground and it’s all waiting for you it is all absolutely free absolutely and it is outrageously entertaining and informative and all the wonderful things that I can say about ourselves low pressure low pressure uh but check us out you can find it at four that is our information site hope you have a nice relaxing evening and goodbye from Diana Randall here your Prescott pickle team bye
In real estate, the definition of a good photographer is someone who can make something look better than it is. Whether it's the agent's photo on a for-sale sign or the shag carpet in the bonus room, what you see may not be what you get.
And as a seller, if you think your home can compete these days without decent photography, guess again!
In this episode, we share our thoughts on the magic of real estate photography and the first impressions it makes in the marketplace.
hello hello hello hello hello peeps how’s it going out there here with pickle lady Diane bro realtor yep I’m psychic skunk Pig Randall you’re supporting her in any way that I can sometimes it depends on the day it depends on what she needs help with correct yeah true uh we are here today to talk about the magic of Photography magic or real estate photography real estate Photography in general I think all of us are familiar with filters lighting Etc what you see folks is not always what you get uh as you you know not that I’ve been on those dating websites but if you are sometimes you meet up and you’re like really yeah or my favorite is just look at a real realtor’s uh business cards yeah the business card they’re the sales signs yeah yeah those photographers magic they work their magic fading and switching total baby switch and the same thing when you are selling your home selling your home if you do not have a great photographer or great pictures it’s doing a huge disservice yes it’s not representing your home in its best light no pun intended uh so you have to be really careful you have to make sure you’ve got great photos of your home represented in its best all of the best features yes sunlight sunsets backyards drone shots yes you know uh aerial shots yes you really need to have somebody the pictures selling your house is a process and one of the very first steps is enticing someone into being interested in your home and that’s what the photography does if you have bad photography they’re going to fly right through it just cancel the listing and you know what else it’s not going to happen fellow agents who are house hunting for you will be like ah this one hasn’t looked so good and they’ll pass on it yeah um that is your first first impression both to yourself as well as to fellow Realtors who were looking for their buyers and stuff so always make sure uh let’s review the photos with your listing agent make sure to say can I see them first before uh make sure it’s up to your standards make sure it shows all of the best features of your home only you know what’s the best feature you live in it that’s right you know a photographer may come in and not know at four o’clock the sunset or five is amazing yeah um so make sure you fully communicate with the photographer so we can get the best shots possible and review say may I see them before you go live yes you should you should take a look look at them just make sure that if you were a buyer these pictures would make you want to would this draw you in would you be like wow that kitchen’s beautiful I’ve got to see that house yeah just just a a point that’s important I think it’s the photography in your MLS listing is not there to give you a tour of the home it doesn’t necessarily have to be comprehensive the function of the photos is to make people interested in the house and want to see it draw you in to draw you in that looks interest you’re looking for that that’s it you don’t have to have a picture of the toilet they know you have a toilet I I can’t say hi to MLS how many pictures of toilets and especially a toilet with the seat up oh my God yeah please now I have never seen a buyer see a picture of a toilet I gotta go see that one that is I’ve never made one of those crazy Japanese boys absolutely you have a standard even if it’s a high toilet you know those toilets that powder your bottom and everything else hell yeah I’m all about it [Music] so you know try to get someone who will represent your home and and it’s in its best light and for the buyer’s side you need to understand that a lot of times pictures are not what the home doesn’t look the way the pictures do yeah and that can be a positive thing or negative thing sometimes you see uh pictures they look wonderful hey kudos to the photographer right uh but you need to get somebody in there to see it in person and give you feedback so a lot of times absolutely the homes don’t come out uh are not as good as that you would think there are a couple of photographers who are Michael very good yeah they are amazing magic they’re Wizards and and vice versa so we’ve seen a lot of MLS listings where obviously the real estate agent just pulled out a phone and snapped a few yeah a few pictures that are not well lit they haven’t been photoshopped and make them nice and bright uh they just don’t look good yep and uh we’ll go see those too yeah and if we find a home that is really beautiful and the photography is not good on it guess what we tell our buyers move fast move fast coming low and let’s get this under contract before everyone else figures out sometimes it’s just not represented and that’s a boon to you so we love to go preview first and uh like I said so always be opened and don’t sometimes you see a house here like this is it I love everything about it I love the look of this house I love this and then we go see it you need to trust that we’re going to tell you the truth yeah those were amazing photos but you don’t want to be you don’t want to do it and we’ll do a walk through video too really hard to figure a walk through video yeah you do a walk-through video and you like what you see that you’re you’re basically seeing what you say as you walked in the hallway yeah some people are like no but I really really like it I’m like that’s fine let’s go through it you need to see it in person to get a better understanding perhaps since on a busy road perhaps it’s uh backs up to something you may not want to live or look and you don’t see it in the photos so keep your mind open don’t get your heart set on but that is the perfect house based on the pictures yeah it looks like hell and the pickle lady says no this is a good one yeah watch the walk-through video watch it you’re gonna love it so that’s our little tip for you people out there who are thinking about listing uh hopefully if you list with us we will share all the photos and let you see but always ask whoever you’re working with may I see first what’s happening and if you’re not happy demand better pictures that’s right because that can be how quick or how long your house takes to sell that’s right very important and if you’re a buyer know that some of these pictures it’s a lot of magic involved and I don’t want to don’t don’t set your heart on one home just based on the photos that’s right right all right so that is our topic of the day tip of the day you want more tips and place to go is that is our free information site whether you are a buyer seller is somewhere in between there’s something there that’s free and waiting for you and it will astound and rock your world perhaps perhaps if you have a boring life maybe yeah it’ll be at least one thing there really something that that you’ll be like it was helpful that would be something yes all right so we look forward to hearing from you take care and have an amazing day bye
Need to adjust to your new downsized lifestyle? Or maybe you've got some special items that just won't make the transition, and you'd like to see them find a good home. One great option is holding a moving sale. In this episode, we discuss how we can help you with that.
hello hello hello this is Diane and Randall bro Randall who said it best Diane and Randall bro you don’t know my name yet I said Randall it just came out weird about it I like the way that came out but anyway that’s right very sexy yeah my former life has come out I am reincarnated reincarnated that’s what the fortune teller said I believe it I don’t know why I just believe it there are days here to talk about moving sales today this is my new favorite thing we love doing this something as a full service concierge yes real estate team yes that we provide and we love doing it it’s a great time yeah when you sell your house it’s not just about selling your house obviously you go to a realtor to help you sell your house but selling your house is just part of a process they got a lot of stuff that has to happen yep all part of that and one of them besides crying as you’re packing up yeah all the packing and everything is you may have some things that you want to donate you may have some things you want to sell yes so a lot of our sellers they like to have a moving sale they like to see some of their favorite pieces go to people they know in the neighborhood or just just somebody nice so moving sales is something to make a little extra money you just make sure that some of those special things that you’re not going to have room for anymore go to someone I mean as you know when you move especially if you’ve been somewhere a while you are probably downsizing and you need to divest divest the best of your belongings what do you do what do you do so we as part of our service we like to help you uh set up a moving sale yes so we will come over we like to work on the porch or wherever your garage uh help you the day of the sale we will promote it on all of our websites we will promote it to you directly to Realtors we will uh put it on all the signage uh we will promote the hell out of it yeah we do we do and uh arrange for so we started doing this a while it’s just so so successful so much fun and uh our sellers really appreciated the neighbors really appreciate it yes yeah it’s just a very positive experience so it’s become just part of our stick now it is just a matter of course we ask people do you want a moving sale we’re help we we bring our own we have large conference tables yeah that we bring over we share with you we help you set it up uh when it’s all said and done we uh try to help if you’re ready to load it up and go donate it for anything you’re not taking with you that maybe hasn’t sold I mean we do it all we’ve even had to rent a U-Haul truck for some some yeah and uh load it up and take it over to Goodwill yeah we did some some things that we were left with we brought over a lot of people yeah so we listen people what basically what we’re saying is this is full service this is full service we don’t just put a sign in your yard and say see ya and we’ll let you know when you get a contract yeah there’s a lot we know we get that and we’re going to help you with everything we possibly and it’s really just speaking from our own experience when we moved from Texas oh my gosh we had so much stuff we didn’t even know where to start and what to do and how to handle it and so a lot of our what we offer to our clients is just from our own personal experience and so we find the moving sales very effective of course I always have my pickles that I hand out yep and you never know who might come to your moving sale right and a lot of people come from Vehicles well they do but you know I didn’t end up buying something so it’s that’s fine then they end up you know either buying your stuff or they’re like uh you know maybe they might even be interested in your house you never know another quid pro quo here is that the pick lady and I have first dibs on your stuff yes thank you we basically purchases we get some good swag some good stuff lovely lovely and we’re like yeah can we could I buy this instead sure so yeah it’s a lot of fun and you know we just kind of sit on the porch and you really get to become good friends with your sellers and we it’s just a good find something good bonding so anyway if you are looking about listing look thinking about listing or selling uh keep that in mind we’re happy to help you with everything sale or whatever help you may need I mean we are truly Hands-On so moving sales is a good tip well if you’re looking for other good tips place to go is our free information site uh in particular you might want to check out if you’re a seller you might want to check out our seller’s Corner which is all the stuff that we have that’s specifically for sellers so I hope to hear from you soon and uh always stop by our moving sale I’ll have pickles for you for you all right take care have a wonderful evening bye
We've just selected a new venue to serve as our new headquarters, and it could not be cooler. Check out our latest digs and get the backstory on the coolest conference room in town.
hello hello hello hello peeps bonjour hi hi hi what’s happening getting a little punchy you’re getting a little punchy diane bro randall bro we’re both career twisted realtors in uh prescott arizona correct coming at you our latest find them good morning good morning we are with exp realty which we’re really proud to be a part of yeah it’s a new and progressive fast-paced brokerage it is a national firm it’s not independently owned and as a result we do not have a brick and mortar building yeah yeah exp not yeah it does not invest in brick and mortar nope uh it’s all technology it’s all virtual it’s all very fast moving uh you know people are concerned the real estate market goes up and down guess what when you don’t own a whole lot of uh brick and mortar you don’t have mortgages you don’t have leases uh you can weather storms a lot better so it’s a great business model whether you’re doing well you’re not doing well but it does mean that we don’t have a conference room right which is okay because sometimes we couldn’t access conference rooms yeah we had access our old brokers we did have access to a conference when it was available and scheduling the conference room was always an ordeal so this is nice what we do now is either we meet you uh where you’re staying or our new favorite place and this is what we wanted to announce is we like to meet at the lobby of the hacienda inn yes which is a very historic older building built in the early 1900s very art deco very charming a lot of history it’s it’s it’s just a cool place it’s a really cool place right in the heart right in the heart of the city right by the square and they’ve got a great little coffee shop so we get a cup of coffee we sit down and we meet and we chat and it’s just lovely sometimes we even get our own little private room it just depends yeah yeah if we have to write up an offer with you or something like that that’s right we have private little nooks where you can close the door that’s right so if you call us to meet typically we’ll say hey we’ll meet you at the hussey and we’ll have a great time uh we love to go to dinner there as well they have a great crunch and a great bar too beautiful bar yeah they have uh live music it’s a great menu it’s a great venue it’s a great introduction you’ve never been a prescott before it’s a great introduction to the city so if you call us and we say hey we’re going to meet you at the hacienda inn that is why my friends that’s why that’s our new headquarters our new headquarters but we also had the time of our life there in fact we’re going to have a surprise birthday dinner there so i want to give a shout out to the hacienda because they’re just awesome yeah a beautiful place beautiful people who run it lovely lovely restaurant lovely bar great eating place and so if you hear from us this is why we go to the hacienda it’s our it’s our new little place our new spot we’d love to give you a little taste of the history there a little feel of being near the square and what that’s all about yeah and then we head out from there to go on our home tour so i shared a few uh shots of the lobby one of my favorite things is they have an old switchboard yeah and an old piano they get some great what was the deal somebody rode their horse all the way up the stairs yeah yeah there’s a there’s a legend there’s a lot of people ask about it riding a horse up the stairs correct and there’s some ghosts yeah some ghosts i haven’t seen any ghosts yet myself we as a matter of fact stayed at the hacienda inn the first time we came in when we were deciding to move here yeah great great place to stay as well a great courtyard too yeah so shout out to the hacienda inn and uh we can’t wait to meet you and have our own personal meeting at the hacienda bay inn that’s it else theater yeah yeah which is our second favorite place second favorite you go there for live music good stuff yeah lots of good stuff and you can find about all of it at our free information center that is whether you are a buyer seller somewhere between there’s information there for you and it’s all free and it’s all just really high quality just give us a call give us a call we’ll fill you in on even more all right hope to hear from you soon have a lovely evening take care bye
One of the most important and perplexing questions to answer in real estate is what to offer on a home that interests you. Wouldn't it be nice if there were a simple formula that works in every case? In this episode, we offer our thoughts on what that might be.
hello hello hello hello peeps i make a little dance move with yours preschool pickle lady here diane bro i am the sidekick scum pig randall why thank you i don’t know i like that it’s the happily skunk pizza anyway this is diana randall bro here in prescott arizona coming to you this afternoon to talk to you about with this changing market what to offer when you’re here and you’re ready to pull the trigger yeah you’re not you’re a buyer and you know there’s a house on the market how do you know what to offer how do you know what to offer so the i’m going to cut to the chase here and just tell you the bottom line is you need to have good real estate agents who know what to offer yes no we always always always run a cop first and then we really look at everything and decide hey you know this one was priced a little higher than it should be or this one’s priced just right uh you should have an agent that will always agree to write a copy instead of just diving into and writing an offer right off the bat that’s the first thing always do your homework and make sure your agent will do that due diligence for you and let you know so if you’re looking for some kind of formula oh you always offer five percent class you can’t go buy a formula in this market it’s not like in the 50s where mom and dad would say always go in 10 less sometimes that is the case sometimes that would be a dreadful dreadful mistake yeah so you need to look at uh first of all the home how long has it been on the market is this something that is your dream that you’ve connected to and it’s everything you ever wanted then you don’t want to low ball yeah if you lowball you probably won’t get it yeah if it’s something that makes your heart sing maybe go in a little less yeah um or go in and ask depending on market conditions the competitive situation if we’re anticipating the home may have a lot of um repairs inspection you don’t want to low ball because then they’re not going to be willing to negotiate with you on the repairs i mean they’ve got so many different factors absolutely and you really need to do we strategize with our buyers for every offer we look at all the different factors there are times when we tell people you’re going to have to go well over asked this is about where you know you need to go there are other times when we tell people this one’s been sitting a while they haven’t adjusted they’re asleep at the wheel we think you can not uh knock them for a bit and we come in lower their times i can think of at least a couple of transactions where you know this listing agent has underpriced this home and they don’t know it yet we need to get the offer do full and just go just move fast and everything in between it really depends on the situation and you really need to have some agents who can help you strategize that way it’s all about strategy it’s not formulaic you can’t say a plus b and we’ll get this no every house every property is different every house may be on market days on market maybe longer maybe shorter that all comes into play as well sometimes if it’s been on them for a while you might have some wiggle room and you can go in a little bit lower yeah you know it’s all just a strategy strategy strategy and the situation you got to know the situation you know oh there’s a building project right around the corner that may affect property values how does that play into what we offer you know you got to look at all that stuff and so you need to have agents who are educated they know what’s going on in your current market uh what’s going on uh with this particular neighborhood versus this neighborhood what can i expect so try to get an agent who’s willing to strategize with you let’s sit down over coffee let’s really look at this in depth and get you the offer that you will win that’s right especially if it’s the home of your dreams and why not just get the home to get the home at the best price right so we would like to think and we know that we are the team for you to help you strategize and get you the best deal and just a word of warning i wanted a warning we do a fair number of listings as well and if we have a buyer agent that comes in and we know that person’s not particularly savvy you’re gonna lose value i mean we’ll we we know how to adjust what we do for the seller for that so if whether we’re the selling agents and someone else is the selling agent if that selling agent knows what they’re doing and you have an agent that doesn’t that is a distinct disadvantage make no mistake yes so we hope that if you’re thinking about buying or selling give us a call we love to strategize sit down over a cup of coffee make it happen and lay out a really good plan of action that’s what it’s all about is getting you the best deal on either side and making it happen that’s right all right my friends if you need more information you can go to our website at whether you’re a buyer or seller or somewhere in between that is the place for you they have free information there that will rock you out it’s true i know why there are some times on my name yeah i go by and i watch videos of myself in a moment well i don’t do that i i don’t do that at all but the website is pretty healthy that’s pretty good it’s a lot there i’ve gone there sometimes i forget what it put on there yeah so anyway we hope to hear from you soon and we’d love to plan and strategize with you on your next steps take care and have a wonderful day bye
Over time, homes fill with clutter. If you have a home that has been cluttering up for a long time, getting the house ready to put on the market can be an overwhelming undertaking. In this episode, we discuss what you can do to cut through the clutter and command top dollar in the marketplace... all without losing your mind.
hello hello hello hello beeps or bonjour bonjour this is diane and randall bro we are so french yes well sure we do we do have that was french enough yeah we do have a cajun last name and he is a hundred percent cat 100 is my friend yeah 100 yeah you can’t get any more cajun than this guy don’t get any more cajun he came right up on this wall out of the swamps like a virus yep can’t quite shed the virus keep trying she keeps getting the booster but i keep in fact you’re trying to get the booster yeah all right today we are here with prescott lady to talk about prepping your house to sell prepping to sell or if you do sell yeah uh something we also offer yeah um so if you’re getting ready to sell and you’re like geez i have my mom’s house i don’t know what to do uh we’re happy to help you set up a sale uh we will market it on our facebook page we will market it on facebook marketplace um we will set up signage we we don’t just do it we we show up people yeah and we will help you you know get be an extra set of hands yeah selling your house sale selling your house is just one one step and we get that you know uh real estate agents are here to help you sell your house but in order for you to sell your house there are lots of other pieces and parts that have to come together and we get that if you have been in your prescott home for a number of years if you have a parent who has been in a prescott home for a number of years and we’ve seen those homes we know uh you get 20 30 years of clutter it can be very daunting very daunting uh it’s a very daunting task particularly if you are maybe an older person and you may not have family nearby uh we have been known to rent a u-haul hey what are you not taking with you we will load it up right now go take it over to goodwill drop it off for donation or wherever they want yeah do you want to have a moving sale let’s do something else for you yeah we’ll we’re going to help you through the process we have we can help we can find other people that can help you uh to get your process going so if you don’t know where to start if you are dreading getting started don’t do what the prescott pickle ladies mom did and put it up for how many years did your mom put up 50 50 years yeah don’t do that don’t do that empty your addicts folks yeah um your children don’t want to be uh like i had to do we don’t want to be older and dean out the attic yeah it’s not so fun that’s so fun uh yeah so you know it’s just time to pair down get the help you need make it happen declutter declutter declutter declutter if you’re getting ready to go on the market it’s got to go folks all those national geographics you know what honestly can i be on it because my parents haven’t had one nobody wants that nobody wants there’s no value in that there’s no value in it unless you have a 12 year old who wants to see some naked and there are plenty of those out online i’m thinking yeah now even that top story even though it’s absolutely nobody they don’t even care about that they just you know anyway i digress but um yeah just get rid of it and um just let go of the attachment yeah let go if you’ve got four sets of pots and pans um and you’ve got the set from when you first were married yeah like my mom did yeah a generational effect here uh where people of a certain generation they don’t throw things away and uh i find the the the younger people are the more they kind of get that yeah but you know all of us like to collect stuff and that we don’t need and all of that needs to get out of the way and all the dust and everything else needs to get out of the way and if you are struggling with getting started call us now and we’ll help you through that process we’ll help you start with the uh first steps yeah the first steps we can connect you with people uh we can collect uh connect you with you know maybe um a dump service where you know you can kind of some of the things that are you can throw away yeah um yeah you know it’s a process yeah and we get that and um but here’s the thing it’s so liberating oh yeah once you start the process it’s a beautiful thing yes and you’ll feel so good and you’re moving on to your next chapter and you can get rid of all that stuff it’s very freeing and after all of the market appreciation we’ve seen in the last couple of years there’s a a very big financial reward yes waiting for you at the end of that that’s right if you clear all that stuff out and show your light and it’s best oh my god i hate when i get my words from anyway if you clear out all your debris your d and you declutter and you get rid of all your your collection of national geographics um your pots and pans and all that um you’re gonna end up getting more money much more money people people can’t see beyonce we’ve talked about this when it comes to paint colors and some other things people do not have that much as much as imagination as you think and uh well it’s more than that what they see is your stuff yeah they can’t start to envision their stuff your home doesn’t have enough space in this space to have their life there so yeah they’re like you know they see everything on your walls and they’re like well i don’t even know if there’s enough space for they can’t see beyond that where would i hang my painting yeah and that’s what you want you want them to start placing themselves as the new buyer of your home that’s that’s what the goal is absolutely it’s a big part of profit when it comes to flipping homes is taking care of that you know so your first your first your first thought might be well we’ll just sell it as is and we’ll just let the buyer deal with this you are leaving so much money on this yeah you’re leaving a lot of us so just uh as we call ourselves mom and dad listen to mom and dad listen you know i know you think that beautiful um uh gnome is just amazing and your collection of 2500 gnomes in the yard is so charming not so much to other people you could lose a lot of money yeah the longer it sits yeah just because you can’t bear to part with you know 200 adorable garden notes so let it go let it go let it go and make it clutter and go through the process and if it’s overwhelming then call the pickle lady we’ll help you get started and we’ll get you there all right that is our little tip of the day tip of the day so if you’re looking to find the press capitola the place to call is 713-302-1964 that is the prescott pickle lady hotline correct if you’re looking for information the place to go is whether you are a buyer or a seller or somewhere in between the information that you need and seek and desire and crave is right there it’s all free and it is waiting for you real estate information market tips restaurants things to do just anything you could think of yeah so look us up give us a call we’re happy to help you in whatever step you’re in on this next chapter okay take care and have just a no an awesome day can’t get my words out awesome day fantastic awesome day that is all that was good peace out peace out bye
Want to avoid overpaying for real estate in a competitive market? Want buyers to be aggressive in bidding for your home?
As controversial as it is effective for both buyers and sellers, this real estate power tool is the focus of what turned out to be an exceptionally vigorous lecture on just what you need.
hello hello hello hello yahoo i’m very energetic i am i got a lot of energy today feeling good about myself feeling not so good about me well i feel good about i’m just saying feeling i’m randall i’m the skunk pig so uh i’m with my remember the skunk pig yeah they’re the javelinas oh yeah no i’m just here with the preschool feeling good today lots of energy yes this is my handsome husband randall bro best smelling skunk pig you’ll ever see in your life we are here today to talk about something kind of technical yeah uh kind of controversial but if you if you want to invest in real estate uh or get a good price when you’re home uh you need to know about it and that is a escalation escalation clause now uh in the heyday when everything was going crazy we saw a lot more use of this yeah we are still seeing use of it but it might be dying out a little bit but an escalation clause is a really good thing to employ if you’re up for it correct so we’ve been doing escalation clauses for a while and then when the market went crazy with cobit and everything that everyone kind of discovered them it was kind of the thing to do right so just to be clear an escalation clause is a clause it’s a phrase on your offer your the contract that you are submitting to the seller that says let’s just say you know i might i offer 500 000 but i am willing to beat any competitive offer by x dollars and you know that what that x is we you know that’s part of the strategy does that have to be how high do you really want to how high do you want to go so typically you know i offer 500 000 and but i’ll offer 2 000 more than any competitive offer up to and including say 520 yes yeah that would be an escalation clause to 520. and uh kind of weird uh here’s the thing it kind of makes the situation work more like an auction so it allows the buyer to raise their bid if they’re in a competitive situation and obviously from a buyer’s standpoint that’s a good thing you don’t have to pay more than you need to that’s right in order to beat us so maybe you could beat a competitive offer at 512 instead of just flat 520 yeah right so just yeah so as an example let’s say you offered you know the 500 000 escalating to 520 uh let’s say there was a competitive offer at 5 12 well you would get it at 5 14. you would beat the 512 at 5 14. let’s say someone else escalated to 5 15 when you would get it to 5 17. but it’s still you know you’re going to max out at your limit of 520. but instead of paying 520 you might get it like you said 512. yeah which you know yeah would you know you’d like that yeah so uh buyers like the idea of escalation clauses um sellers maybe not so much we do have sellers uh listing agents who will put in mls oh no escalation no escalation just bring best and final yeah best and finally technically speaking if we send in an escalation clause they have to present they still have to present it they might not but they should and uh it is in our opinion it is a mistake for a seller to say no escalation costs and that is the reason why is that buyers will get much more aggressive if they’re allowed to do an escalation clause what they don’t want to do is to go thirty thousand dollars over list price when all they had to do was five thousand right so if you tell them no escalation clause they’re not going to go to 550. they’re going to go to 505 you know because they don’t want to leave money on the table so our opinion in seeing the dynamics of the situation seeing buyers facing very competitive situations our buyers will go much higher as part of an escalation clause than they would ever do just putting a single best and fun and the best thing about it is because people will say yeah but how will i really know there was a competitive offer and i want to say yeah well the other side has to present yeah they got to give the other offers so that you can see for sure yeah they did get an offer for 5 15 but i will win it for 517. yeah you have to have proof of that so it’s not just taking word taking someone’s word um so you do kind of have a little check and balance there so don’t worry about that yeah if you if your listing agent is pushing you back as a seller against escalation clauses um number one not in your best interest that’s our opinion and number two i’ve actually come across a number of listing agents who just kind of have trouble with the arithmetic honestly if you’ve got it i understand because if you’ve got a lot of offers and you’re trying to you know break them out yeah it’s a little extra you know it can be i’ve actually been in a situation where it kind of had to work yeah and it’s a lot of work it’s a lot of good through the calculation but making a mistake buyer or seller escalation clauses are a good thing that’s why they do auctions yep you know and the way it works real estate is set up there it’s not well you can do an auction there are systems where you can actually do an aux auction for real estate they do that for distressed uh real estate um you know repossessions and that sort of thing but typical real estate transactions they don’t an escalation clause is is a way to introduce an auction-like mechanism and it benefits both buyers and sellers that was a lot of words that was a lot that was a lot of words other than that i have let me help you catch you bro my god thank you oh lord i feel very passionate i think anyway it’s a useful tool that we’d like to share with you guys especially our buyers and give you a little education about it yeah don’t be afraid of them um they can be great be your best friend they can be your best friend you’re my best friend i would never put an escalation clause ahead of you yes you would of course you depends on the deal depends on the there you go there you go that’s the truth folks that’s the truth so anyway that’s our little lecture and escalation on escalation clauses yes if you are looking to buy or sell a home do not hesitate to reach out to us yeah the pic prescott pickle lady hotline is 713-302-1964 yes it’s a it’s a houston number we haven’t changed it like most people relocating the press it is a houston number that’s where you find her if you’re looking for free information the place to go people is pickle41199 or somewhere in between there is free and vigorous information waiting for you cigarettes yeah i don’t know whether whether you’re looking for real estate information events restaurants well i think the escalation clause lecture you just gave was quite vigorous yeah it was very vigorous yeah but other vigorous things that people 411. you’ll enjoy it yeah you’ll learn something all free it’s cool all free we don’t charge people we should charge [Music]
By now you've heard that real estate market is a crazy seller's market, with low inventory and houses flying off the shelves way above asking price.
Well, guess what... Buyers are back, baby!
Things are changing quickly. In this episode, we bring you the very latest from the front lines of Prescott-area real estate and what you can expect in the weeks and months ahead.
hello hello hello my little fellow pickle peeps people pickle pickle peepers that’s right we’ve had some comments from some people and i you know so they said where’s the hello hello hello did she retire the hello i well i didn’t do it on purpose i didn’t even realize and they were like we kind of missed the hello hello bye popular demand so back by popular demand i’m here to say hello hello hello trademark hope everybody’s doing great out there today we are yeah we’re trying we’re doing our best we’re doing really good we’re excited cheers to you good day today um we kind of want to talk a little bit about our changing market changing market buyers are back my friends buyers are bad baby here you go so for that yeah for the for the longest time uh i guess kobet kind of kicked us off the middle of 2020 started a seller rampage show so a lot of people deciding they wanted to move you know change of change of life change of work time to retire i’m tired of this i’m checking out uh but a lot of sellers weren’t selling i guess they were afraid to put their home on the market for whatever reason we had very high demand but very low supply so now what we’re finding not so much anymore kind of like a stick of margarine starting to soften a little bit there you go when you start to yeah when you when you go to bake you bakers out there no you kind of want to soften them so anyway the market is softening up a little bit numbers indicate that we’re kind of close to a balanced market yeah uh in particular higher end homes uh we’re even seeing uh uh buyers markets even strong buyers markets at some of the higher end price points so buyers are back uh buyers are back baby yeah so instead of homes jumping off the market a little more time to consider uh if you’ve been waiting for the market to kind of soften a little bit before you’re really willing to jump in as a buyer now is a good time so you know what we’re finding it’s it’s actually a little refreshing because uh those of you who’ve been looking we’ve been in a frenzy like get your offer in and i don’t even know if you’re going to get it unless you’re at full ask or over and they’ll you’ll be up against 10 other offers very discouraging yeah uh very high pressure now it’s kind of nice uh prices are not dropping dramatically nothing like that prices are pretty stable pretty stable but yeah some some small adjustments uh the the market was the prices were appreciating so fast that when you first list a home we would uh appreciate we would price into the appreciation so if it’s going to be a month or two before you close you don’t want it to look like you understood the home correct so we were kind of pricing up and all the listing agents were starting to get that uh so when the market started uh kind of uh mellowing out a little bit uh we saw some price decreases but i think they were just basically taking off the the little extra added so folks don’t think we’re going to have to crash like that’s not going to happen first of all we still have a high demand people are looking for homes there’s high inventory back in the olden days when we had that terrible drop there was a glut of homes on the market plus a glut of people walking away from loans that they had no business having in the first place yeah so now you know that was the story of 2008 yeah correct so now the lenders are very strict so not so many people walking away yeah no go out of here no blood of homes new construction is still far out all those homes have been paid for there’s not going to be a huge bunch of homes are gonna be thrown on the market with no buyers right so we just kind of want to let you know instead of having this high pressure like we must get the offer in we’ll be one of 15. now you know give us a couple of days you can write the offer up it might be one of two or three offers so it’s a little bit more breathing room yeah uh which i like um and higher price points even even less so yeah yeah you will probably be the only mark particularly for existing homes have been around a little while uh yeah so we’re kind of excited and the main thing that we’re excited about is um our favorite favorite favorite thing to do is when we have a listing is to try to find one of our buyers that we can connect and uh you know introduce our buyer to our sellers listing it’s our favorite thing to do and um it just happened today so we’re super excited um nothing makes me happier than to see both sides of my clients uh reach a good decision reach a good um yeah you know the deal works so well for both of them yeah and you feel really good so today we had one of those just serendipitous days and everything fell into place yeah and uh so kudos to our listeners and kudos to our buyers uh lovely both sides great great people great people nothing makes our heart happier than to see two people come to uh you know a you know meeting of the minds the media of the body yeah yeah and everybody’s happy and that is my favorite thing we can really bring two parties together yeah we we were doing some of that i mean we always do uh but we were able to do less of it just because we tell our sellers look i mean you can wait for us to find you a buyer but the market is so crazy right now we really can’t recommend that you do that you really should go on mls you know and open up you’re going to have multiple offers and everything now buyers are a little more scarce yeah and uh you know we will always have buyers and so we’re able to make some more connections this is the i think the second we call this our secret agent deal by the way you will see that on our website um this is the second one in like a couple of months two weeks yeah two weeks yeah that’s right that’s right two weeks so yeah it just tickles us when we can connect two parties and make the deal happen and everybody’s thrilled and it’s easy peasy for our sellers and our buyers are just delighted um it’s kind of nice when you have the inside skinny and we’re like honestly i know the perfect house for you yeah and it’s just a beautiful thing yeah time to make those matches yeah time to take your buyer around and let them settle in on what they’re really looking for and uh this this transaction in particular really good pairing yes so you know we did our shopping we took them around and they kept circling back to uh our listing and so anyway it’s just a happy time when that happens and we thoroughly really that it’s a good fit so anyway we advertise a lot and so we bring a lot of buyers in from out of state and uh if i have a listing that i think might work for them we try to connect those two and it’s a beautiful thing beautiful thing a beautiful beautiful thing when it does happen so anyway uh we just wanted to share that i’m going to let you know if you’re feeling high pressure start to take a chill pill people it’s kind of getting things are getting back closer to more yeah more peace out more so yeah yeah so it’s uh it’s been nice yeah uh if you’re interested in market information i’ll put a link down below this video where you can check out our market analysis we do that every month and we update it for what’s going on so if you’re not uh up to speed on what’s going on in the prescott market that is a really good place to start it is so if you are looking uh to list your home or you’re looking to buy a home uh look up the pickle lady look up the pickle randall and diane bro here of prescott arizona we are your local husband and wife team we’d love to connect you with the perfect home for whatever you may need that’s right that’s right so give us a call 713-302-1964 or or you can go to there is our information site whether you are a buyer a seller or somewhere in between you can find what you’re looking for there always free always dynamic and personable and all the good things i can say about that uh but good stuff good stuff like that completely free lots of good information there whether you’re interested in real estate or the social scene or whatever market conditions we got a whole lot going on pick all four one put it out there to all the masses so those of you who said where’s hello hello hello i’m back baby hello hello hello now i’m going to say goodbye goodbye until our next one until our next one have a great day bye
Do you get hives at the thought of dealing with local government agencies in your area? Well, in Prescott you may find things are different... and better. And if you get close enough, you may smell a skunk pig.
what up what up what up what’s going on folks randall and diane brew here located in the heart of prescott lakes the very heart the very heart you are the heart that’s really but i am glad to be here uh this evening to talk to you about the county county kudos yavapai county so yamaha is one of those words that people don’t know how to pronounce true so we should probably start there i agree yeah so the word is pronoun my understanding of the word is the way that it’s pronounced is yavapai as in do you have a pie yes do you have a pie you have a pie you have a pie sure do and the answer is javelina you will see a lot of them here in prescott they are an interesting little critter yeah but uh yeah that’s his favorite joke he loves to tell him it never lands you know well i should say it lands with a phone yeah yeah i enjoy the thud that’s why i keep going there do you know what happened is a skunk fig oh is that well i mean it does yeah what do you does it you say about clothes i’ve never been close enough to smell well i’ve yeah they they are not a pretty critter i’ll say that they’re not yeah i could see where that would that’s an accurate description pungent pigs uh did we introduce ourselves i don’t know doing i don’t know she’s pickling i am diane and this is randall bro i am the pickle lady located here in prescott arizona we’re a real estate agent correct and we talk about real estate and prescott a whole bunch of other stuff lots of stuff lots of stuff foolishness foolishness mostly but today we’re here tonight a lot of fun yamapai county so prescott is in yeah those of you in louisiana that’s what other people call back a parish correct so uh we had a client who did a project and somewhere along the lines somebody lost uh the paper trail with permits yep yep so they finished out their their uh construction project it expanded the square footage with that which they’ve been enjoying for over 10 years and they would sell their home and the county has the very old square footage way back when so yeah we kind of had to kind of had to straighten that before so when that happens it’s easy peasy you call the county and you just say hey we need to revisit this um but what we were super impressed with was they were like the next day hey we’re coming out to re-measure and update the county records and we’re like really already yeah absolutely yes now if you’re from an area of the world like i am where the performance of the local government agencies are less than stellar then you know what i’m thinking so there there could be a permit issue which is a function of prescott valley city city of prescott valley and that affects the square footage square footage comes on under under the domain of yavapai county county city so now you’re dealing with government employees from two different entities uh it could get dicey yeah i’m like oh this could get crazy this could be a six-month event yeah but what we found was no oh my god it was so simple they were amazing i explained it once and they got it right away he came the next day the very next day i called and i said um i explained the situation about square footage and he’s and i i i think it was a lady she says um well you’re in luck uh we are in the process now of going through the valuation the assessment evaluation process and so if you fill out the following two forms yeah she did it better than i could so uh she said the deadline is tomorrow get the forms done and get them into us tomorrow don’t mail them drop them off and she explained where yeah uh we can get somebody out right away because we’re in the middle of that process and i’m thinking sure sure right right the next day the gentleman came uh he called the name before he showed up the next day he was super nice of course i gave him a jar of pickles yeah yeah that always helps it always helps smooth pickles even everybody out it really is a magical event when you stand out jiggles that’s your gift to the world it is amazing how many people really love people but anyway maybe that was the secret and you know the pv people that are prescribing people uh completely understanding too everyone immediately got that there are two entities involved and we’re going to have to kind of do this together no problem i was just astounded at how well and and how competent they were how easily they understood what was a pretty weird situation and uh uh very polite and efficient and i’m like oh my god it’s like a well-oiled machine something we’re not used to from where we came from so we thoroughly appreciated it so i appreciate it to the county hats off to you you have a pie you have a pie we thank you uh for your prompt response your professionalism um your whatever your effectiveness effectiveness how expedient i mean how many other words can we say i don’t know i don’t know i need a thesaurus we need a thesaurus my my thesaurus is terrible and it is also terrible also a very old i think we gave a very old joke yes i think we gave some good words yeah you did better than i did so if you were in a similar situation we have contacts now and uh we’ll make it happen for you and get everything cleared up uh for you to go in the market without any worries or any hassles as you get under contract and rest are sure that you are supported by government agencies that are on the ball true true truth true true true yes so anyway uh if you two are in a similar situation have no fears yeah we can always figure it out we can always figure it out and make it well at a time correct we’ll swallow it so it’s gonna work we’ll make it happen for you okay so uh anyway if you are looking to buy or to list your property have no fears the pickle lady and her sidekick javelina javelina yeah skunk pig right here i’m your skunk i’m your side that’s not big don’t say that yeah i smell better [Music] marginally marginally marginally better but anyway we are here to help you uh on every step of the way so please feel free to call us at 713-302-1964 [Music] or go to our information site lots of free information whether you’re a buy or seller somewhere in between the information you need is probably sitting there waiting for you it’s right there folks smelling much better than us true true so anyway we look forward to hearing from you and we hope this little bit of info helped you absolutely so please take care and have a lovely evening bye you
Prescott Lakes – Astoria Neighborhood Some great stuff our sellers want to sell. Stop by to check it out… Saturday, May 14th 2022 – 9am to 4pm 2219 Calgary Drive
People worry that what goes up must come down, and nothing has gone up more than real estate in recent years. Are we overdue a crash?
In this episode, we share our thoughts on the crash potential for Prescott-area real estate.
hello hello hello hello peeps good afternoon and this is randall and diane bro here in the lovely town of prescott arizona prescott arizona with vic lady yes here’s my little pickle somebody uh suggested this to us of course i immediately went on and bought it i love it and also yodles i won’t hit that yodel this time yeah yeah i’ll just let you see my pickle yeah um but anyway uh we are here where we uh wanted to chat with you about fretting a crash yeah so we’ve been having a lot of people asking us about the ever increasing home prices not just here and prescript across the country and whether we are due some catastrophic crash as we had back in the late 2000s and the answer to that at least as far as prescott is concerned is we don’t see where that would come from so the the crash in 2008 depending on where you were maybe it was a different time a lot of that was driven by people who had financing that no one should have ever given them that’s right no money down for an eight hundred thousand dollars probably not a good idea yeah so people were buying extra homes on credit and flipping them there’s a lot of stuff that was going on the the short answer on that score is that is not happening it really you know a lot of our clients are retired yep and when you retire this market in particular yeah you know they have a lot of money but not necessarily a lot of income sometimes they struggle to qualify because of things like debt ratios or income ratios right you know the the the ratios and the finances are are not and you know what they don’t weigh that uh they gotta jump those hurdles uh clearly it’s a good loan but they follow the regulations getting financing even when the interest rates are really low you think they’re begging for business guess what if you can’t make the ratio you will not get a loan it ain’t gonna happen it ain’t gonna happen it ain’t gonna happen yeah so yeah we’re not worried about a crash per se and particularly in the press kit market yeah because most of our buyers are cash buyers yes they’re retired um they’re either paying cash or they’re putting substantial amounts down for a down payment and so you know the creeping interest rates it doesn’t bother them so much because they pretty much have a pretty low mortgage yes um so if we’re kind of a unique market here yeah you may have seen there was an article i believe it was in fortune one of those magazines they listed a number of cities around the country we were one of them prescott arizona makes it makes it into this magazine as as one of the towns that is destined uh destined for a price adjustment and the reason they give is that the i’m sorry sorry are you okay um can i help you out yeah give me a hundred real quick real quick let me get that given that uh the reason they give for that is the if you look at the price of homes and divide that by the average income in the town that number is extremely high which would indicate that people are not making enough money to afford the homes there and so that that affects a lot of towns here’s the thing in prescott a lot of people are retired correct they don’t show a lot of income they have a lot of money yes so when you look at that ratio it’s going to be yeah oh you know your your uh uh property value to income is off the chart yeah he’s got four million dollars in the bank right it’s not going anywhere so we say nay to that yeah because just because we are a very unique market yeah they they ran the numbers they picked the top 10 15 cities in the country that popped at the top and they wrote an article about it um obviously they’ve never been to prescott i can’t see why that’s an issue here i don’t know of anyone i can’t think of anyone offhand who’s even close to you know oh it’s going to be difficult for them to maintain the payment on their homes these guys came here to retire and they’re having a great time and they’re going to be here for a while they’re not worried about making their house note yeah because number one either they pay cash yeah or number two they’ve had such a huge down payment their house note is negligible yeah so for us i always keep in mind the prescott market is quite unique yeah um our median age here is 55 and older so these are people who are not moving here for the industry for the jobs to start a new career this is a career test yeah and all of our friends god bless you we hope we can join you one day everybody’s having the time of their lives that’s right uh they’re golfing they’re jeeping they’re you know uh hiking they’re having a fabulous time they’re not really worried about income so when you hear these stories um don’t fret so much about prescott in itself uh this is a huge retirement town i have people who call me and say i’m looking for a 55 plus neighborhood and i’m like can i be honest all of prescott is basically 55 plus yeah it’s it’s it’s essentially a retirement community yeah i mean you don’t need to be in a particular neighborhood um most of our neighbors are retired um we’re kind of one of the few that are not but um don’t fret the crash crash here in prescott yeah i feel like it’s gonna be okay yeah i you know i i struggled to see what would what would do it yeah uh what drives a lot of our home sales here and the home value prices are people coming from other states mostly along the west coast uh that relocate here because it’s more affordable uh it’s a nice place you don’t have to go someplace where it’s a skabillion degrees uh and in 157 humidity or you know mesquite we don’t have any of that right you know it’s a very nice place so people can come here um the cost of living is low we talk in some of our other videos we talk about the arbitrage where you can sell your home where you are now typically some place like california and you can buy a home equivalent and bank a fair amount of money if the prices in california go down they may go down here too as long as we have a a as long as we’re less than california it would still make sense uh to make that move and i i i just i don’t see how um i don’t see how we end up with a bubble i really don’t i i don’t think price prices can’t keep going up the way they have i understand that we all do i think things are going to flatten out i think things are going to moderate i just don’t see a bubble that there’s something artificial that’s been holding this up all along and it’s just gonna crash i think maybe we undervalued real estate after the crash in 2008 for too long and uh and we had a big you know upward correction and and kobe pushed to store that i don’t know i i was surprised to see the prices go up as fast as they did but uh i don’t see them i i don’t see what would is their bubble to pop i don’t know i don’t know at least you know prescott is a very unique market and um we’re kind of a special little bubble here so you can’t really compare us to the other national markets yeah you know that’s my opinion yeah um and we’re small too we’re not a big player it’s not like we need millions of people moving here to get this right i mean do we have a crystal ball no no but i do have a crystal ball but i but i can’t use it to predict the future i’ve tried i just can’t okay so anyway we just thought we’d share this little two-bit uh two cents of information and uh just our personal opinion of course it is an opinion it’s not fact that’s right it’s not scientific but we just thought we’d give our little two cents of info on how we think things are going we are a very special market here so anyway if you’re thinking about buying or selling give us a call or you can go to our information site that’s whether you’re a buyer seller somewhere in between there’s information that’s waiting for you absolutely we’re here toll free it’s all free it’s all free all free people you don’t have to pay anything it’s free no subscription yeah all right just a final note if you are on the verge of retirement and thinking of retirement don’t put off retirement too long don’t do that don’t do that don’t wait don’t wait until you’re too old we have met so many people here who were like wow i should have done this years ago i’m loving my life here and we love it through extension we’re not quite retired but we are having fun anyway so give us a call diane and randall bro with our famous pickle whatever it is [Music] oh [Music] a lot of people anyway
Real estate runs on paperwork, and if you've bought or sold any recently, you may have been struck by just how much there is. Well, the Prescott real estate association (PAAR), keepers of the local MLS, have just come down with new rules that could lead to fines if some of that paperwork isn't completed quickly enough. Find out about these latest gotchas and what we think about them in this episode.
hello top of the morning to you good morning folks this is diana randall bro here prescott lady and sidekick respectively that’s right we are your husband and wife duo here in prescott arizona happy to bring you here show you around hopefully you’ll stay we’ve made so many great friends from clients it’s just been um that’s part of the happy part of our time it’s a great time guys yeah and there’s a reason why people come here it’s a great time so today we wanted to talk about some new things that are coming up in real estate yeah lots of rule changes lots of little changes yeah this is actually this is something that should have been done a while ago so i was glad to see this come down uh so the new rule from the local association is that you cannot go live so you’re selling a home your home cannot go live on mls until you have uh if you need disclosures for an hoa or lead-based pain so lead-based pain is anything before 1978. that’s right home was built before 1978 you’re going to need a lead-based pain disclosure so you’ll know that right away uh if you’re in an hoa you will need an hoa disclosure this is paperwork uh in particular the hoa it could be a pain yeah someone more complicated yes some can be complicated uh it has to be done and posted as part of the mls record before your home goes live in mls let me tell you why that makes sense from a buyer perspective so we have buyers that that come in they like a home we know there’s an hoa and we want to make an offer part of that offer is who pays the hoa the transfer fees basically um if we don’t have a disclosure then we can’t really make the offer yeah yeah so what that does is yeah so essentially that’s the listing agent making the buyer agent call the hoa to find out what’s going on and that’s not the buyer agent’s job that’s the listing agent’s job yeah so uh buyer agents have gotten smart and what they do is they send an offer that anything that’s undisclosed you have to pay and sellers didn’t like that sellers aren’t happy with that they’re like wait a minute i so we’ve been why am i paying that things have been getting sort of better we’ve been seeing more compliance there well now if you go live and you do not have an hoa disclosure or a lead based disclosure if you need that uh the listing agent will be fined like just straight up so uh that’s good because listing it that’s part of the listing agent’s job it’s a little bit of homework it’s a little bit of homework part of the negotiation uh in particular in hoa areas where those fees can be substantial um so it’s something that needs to be done and now now you have to do it yeah it’s fair and you should not expect a buyer or the buyer’s agent to have to figure that out and sometimes the seller you know maybe they’ve lived there 20 years like jeez i don’t even remember do i have to pay a transfer fee yeah i think there is a transfer fee like if you live in prescott lakes there is a transfer stream um all sellers have to pay a disclosure fee regardless period end of sentence yeah we all know that but there’s some transfer fees if you’re in an hoa some don’t have it some do and you should also disclose what your ho your quarterly hoa is is it monthly is it annual is it quarterly and there’s always something to know that yeah that’s an important part of their yeah decision they’re like you know i have so much of a budget for my house note how much is my uh hoa going to be because if it’s too much i might have to reconsider and go to a different area all important stuff if you were out there and you’re the buyer and so anyway we’re kind of excited that our local listing service is putting that into effect yes um because sometimes my buyers are here for a short time they want to write that offer up and the hoa is not open until monday yeah if they’re here in a weekend so we can’t give them the answer yes some of the the transfer fees involved are negotiated how are you going to negotiate if you don’t know what they are exactly so uh it this is the was the right thing to do we supported 100 yes and we’re excited yeah we’re excited in our listings we’ve always done this because it’s the it’s the way to do it right if you’re working with buyers you know that uh and and we work with both so uh we’ve kind of always done that we’re glad to see it one thing i will point out if you are a seller this is yet one more thing that has to be done before your home can go live uh generally it’s it from the time you sell a listing agreement until your home is hitting on all cylinders it’s on mls and agents out there are seeing it one or two weeks uh you know the more that the listing agent has to do the longer that takes yep so uh that’s true understand now that uh this is yet one more thing that has to happen and it’s important so we wanted to explain why it’s important and and why uh the rule makes sense so uh yeah good job we’ll be a little more a little more patient as a seller because there are a bunch of things that have to happen absolutely so that is our little tidbit of the day we hope that this helps explain some of the process yeah right absolutely right thank you for listening and give us a call at 713-302-1964 if you need any kind of help or have questions we’re happy to try to answer and help you out we also have uh information site you can find that at whether you are a buyer seller somewhere in between lots of information about prescott the prescott real estate market local restaurants things to do uh things to do with your dog i mean [Music] we just have a lot of fun sharing our wealth of information every time we come across a nugget we put it on that’s right we actually make a list people let’s lose and uh over a month we might have eight topics and we will sit down and film all eight topics one nugget at a time yeah pop in our little brains like that’s something to talk about let’s do it our website is where you need to pan for gold it’s where all the nuggets are all those maybe most of them are gold maybe you might find some other nuggets there that’s right
You may have heard that weirdness prevails in the real estate market these days, and nowhere is that more true than with lenders. In short, lenders are struggling right now... big time. In this episode, we discuss some of the major lender fumbles we've seen recently and how you can avoid the nightmare scenarios that have become all too commonplace in real estate transactions because of them.
hello friends this is diana randall bro your local friendly husband and wife realtor team located in prescott arizona she’s depressed pickle lady that’s right i am her sidekick in arms that’s right sidekick have arms i’m not sure i’ll get some water i’ll get some more or at least some tools sidekick but yeah you probably do but tough topic too yeah a tough topic it’s something that um i try and try again some people listen and some people how shall i say i think they know better than mama and that is using an out of state lender so we’ve been having a lot of trouble with lenders um and that’s just i mean the lending process the lending process you know we’re going the whole covet thing and logistic problems and i i don’t know what but we’re finding it very hard to match our buyers with lenders who can close in a timely manner well yeah and this is my biggest pet peeve lately particularly if you use an out of state london oh i have a relationship with them i’ve been with wells fargo for 25 years it doesn’t mean a thing okay you are assuming that when you hand off this loan to somebody to start processing it that you’re going to have your particular banker every step of the way sadly my first month that’s not what happens they’ll have a separate team for that they have a separate team for that so the first person who sells you that loan they’re out of the picture they get their commission and they go off and go sell another loan yeah and then your loan is sold you know it’s passed on to another team and it goes into underwriting well every underwriter they pass on to another person to another person so when you run into a glitch and you call your original person they’re like oh that’s not me anymore now it’s joe and kathy and susie so then you may be hunting down these people who they’ve passed it on to somebody else you never get the same person so consequently um when we have a closing date which by the way is a contractual obligation you’re obligated to close on that date and lenders don’t seem to understand that it’s a contractual obligation and so this is what i tell some of these lenders hello it wasn’t a suggested closing date it’s like underground it’s like under contract this is a legal thing yeah if we’re supposed to close march first you’re supposed to have it all done march first so we’ll get a call from the we’ll get a call from the lender oh good news we got the appraisal scheduled for the fifth like okay we gotta close on the first we’re closing on the first that doesn’t help me yeah so a lot of times you know that’s very frustrating so from the get-go i call these out of state lenders and i say order your appraisal today don’t order it two weeks from now because we’re never going to close on time because a lot this is another thing you should you should know out-of-state lenders have to contact an appraisal uh company of their own in-house and then they that in-house appraisal company says let me get you an appraiser i don’t know who i don’t know anybody in that area but i’ll get one from phoenix what a nightmare because the phoenix appraiser comes up here he looks at it he doesn’t know the press get back i don’t know the market they don’t understand i understand the market to do a decent appraisal that’s correct and i’m sure the same is true you can’t get prescott appraisers and go down right really i mean you gotta know you need to have somebody familiar with it yeah you need to have somebody local who really understands the market understands that that side street is really not a major highway which we’ve gotten that’s not a major highway um so you don’t have to you know detract you know at deduct a hundred thousand dollars that’s not a major yeah we’ve had one it was uh oh well the the comp was uh it’s a good comp but the comp has a view of the golf course and the subject property doesn’t okay the subject property overlooks granite mountain it’s a much better view so you know we try to advise of course we can’t tell you i mean that’s absolutely one hundred percent yeah he should pick the land and you’re right that’s your right to do that but when we gently try to guide you try to find a local lender there’s a reason for that we want you to close on time we don’t want you to arrive in prescott and your house has enclosed and your stuff is in transit in a truck and you have no place to move in yeah and it has happened it has it has happened and then suddenly you’re in a hotel for two weeks while you’re waiting for it to get out of underwriting because they didn’t go into underwriting until five days before your closing date yeah nobody’s going to get you out of underwriting in five days and get the appraisal done in five days it’s just not happening you’ve got sellers that are selling in the seller’s market that may or may not be that’s right uh they may not appreciate your situation yeah they want to close because they’re moving on to their next chapter so when we gently suggest please try a local lender preferably a mortgage banker not a bank like wells fargo or you know one of those uh yeah don’t go with a mortgage broker go with a mortgage lender a mortgage banker they will hold your hand all the way to the end because they don’t get their commission until you close so they are invested they are committed because they would like to get their commission and so keep that in mind it’s not to mind your business or tell you what to do and you know i appreciate you know every person i know who thought they had a great relationship finds out maybe not so much yeah and just to be clear most of the clients that we deal with um they are of retirement age yes and uh they’ve region reached a certain level of success most of them do have personal bankers yes so we’re not oh you know i have a personal banker your other clients probably didn’t know they all have a personal thing and it’s not the personal banker’s fault yeah they’re it’s just their process when you’re with the national bank they set you up they do the initial paperwork and then their process is to pass it on to the other parties and it’s not that they’re bad people yeah or you know well they’re dealing with their process it’s a very it’s a very tough situation at this at this particular moment uh some areas like the california banks are really struggling the northeast banks are really struggling uh we had a we had a broker in the midwest so we figured oh that’s okay she sourced it to a bank in california that was a disaster it’s it’s uh it’s a bad situation right now we try to ride shotgun with the lenders for our transactions for our buyers we don’t know all the ins and outs we’re not lenders we’re not right now we don’t do that for a living i mean we try uh the local people we use here they know how to run rough shot they know how to do it they know how to get it done and it’s best to absolutely let them do that you know your bank may or may not respond to a stupid realtor from prescott arizona yeah i can call my local lender and say hey we gotta is there hold up can you tell me what’s going on what can we help to facilitate so we can close on time and i can get that person right away we can communicate clearly effectively and get the job done whereas if it’s an out of state lender they don’t know me from a hole in the ground and they’re like oh i don’t do that anymore it’s passed on to this person and they can’t really we don’t have that kind of relationship so keep that in mind it’s not to mind your business it’s not to tell you what to do it’s just if you have a particular date in mind that you want to close you want to close and uh local lenders are the way to do it they really try hard and they try to make it happen they know the right and they know the ropes and they also know local appraisers that they can get in and get it done so i’d all share this recently we just had one and we were supposed to close on a friday and they called the day before and said can’t close on friday because that is actually lincoln’s birthday not president’s day the 21st lincoln’s real birthday was february 18th so in california we celebrate uh lincoln’s birthday so we can’t send out any wires yes evidently they only figured this out the the day before the day before on the 17th uh i don’t know if that was really the story or not that declared the holidays so it’s weird things like that weird things out of state lenders will have weird rules i don’t know california’s rule about lincoln’s birthday but apparently on february 18th they don’t send out wires in the state of california and they’re allowed to do that so yeah every day i learned something new and another good example is uh ordering out the appraisals it is a matter of course that uh lenders will order out the appraisal kind of when it’s clear that the home’s gonna inspect yep you know that it’s gonna get get past the inspection period that’s when they’ll do it too late you can’t do that now you can you got to order it right away and if you if that means the lender is going to have to eat the appraisal fee yeah that’s just the cost of it but here’s the thing they don’t eat the appraisal fee they passed on to you they said oh we can’t get the appraiser out so i hope you don’t mind instead of paying six or seven hundred dollars for your appraisal you now have to pay the expedited fee yeah twelve hundred dollars fifteen [Music] they can get it done overnight yeah but you’re gonna pay extra for that so try to go local we have everything local in-house we can get it done it’s nice and smooth and you know typically we close on time about 98 of the time uh out of state um it’s been i can’t promise you it’s been rough lately it’s been rough that’s all we can do is just tell you our experiences with this in the end the your lender choice that you that’s your choice 100 it’s your choice whoever you choose we will do our best to make sure that you close on time uh but we just wanted to share some of our experiences with you some other considerations you may want to yeah just be aware you may not necessarily close on time if you’re going out of state we can do as much as we can try may not happen for you we sure will try i love to nag it’s my favorite thing to do i call every day hey it’s the pickle lady again heard anything yeah heard anything heard anything remember the closing date is not a suggested date yeah we want to close on this day we’ve been struggling with this for the last several months so yeah so we want to share and you should know too because you know we don’t always buy houses every other year sometimes it’s been 20 years and you kind of forget so this is our knowledge we want to share with you absolutely take take away from it whatever you wish but we hope you listen to us [Laughter] more information you can check us out at that is our information site whether you are buy or seller somewhere in between information about lenders and all that kind of stuff about real estate i also got best restaurants to go to and press get things done i’ll love it i’ll live all of it’s there all of it we love to talk about a whole bunch of stuff yeah not all of it’s complaining about linda no that’s right very strong very small just a small percentage all right my friends you guys have a great evening and thanks for listening hope we taught you something new take care bye
Selling a home can be grueling, particularly when it requires significant cleanup and prep... or when you're facing very difficult circumstances. If the idea of bypassing all that with a quick cash offer in hand sounds attractive to you, then you need to check out Express Offers - a new seller program we introduce in this episode.
hello hello hello my friends hello peeps this is randall and diambro here in the lovely town of prescott arizona just good arizona with the prescott pickle that’s right we are very excited to share something new that has come through our brokerage and that is express offers express offers so a lot of there are companies out there that will uh pay you cash for your home you know we buy ugly homes i mean we’ve seen all these kinds of things uh we have a program like that we can offer you money for your home uh it functions as kind of a last resort if you will or our worst possible case or if you’ve got to get out fast something happens you’re like i really don’t have time to market this i need to sell quickly yeah so so these are investors that are investing in homes uh they are either looking to hold in rent or they’re looking to renovate and flip uh and so depending on the kind of situation you’re in you might want to consider something like this absolutely it’s an amazing program it’s a great program easy to use yeah easy to use you can always get uh get an offer and if it’s not to your liking then you can go the traditional route and use us though or anybody else for that matter the list journal in a more traditional way that’s right but if you’re looking for something quick and easy uh it’s pretty good the if your home is completely you know kind of up to date and ready to rent uh probably a little closer to market value than if it’s a flip situation uh if you are if you want to redo your own home and then sell it i mean essentially you’ve gone into the flipping business right professional flippers can do it cheaper and easier you may be surprised at how uh good offers the the quality offers that they can give you so there’s something to think about before you dive in and start your and in particular if you’re really kind of in a time crunch yeah because we understand life happens yeah things happen and um you’ve got to get a skedaddle out of town yeah or something dramatic has happened financially and you’re health-wise yeah health-wise uh if you are uh if your parents have been in the home for 40 000 years right gee you know we’re gonna have to sell mom’s home and i don’t know been there and done that yeah a lot a lot what are we gonna do with this yeah so yes you’re going to get less than market value because it is an investor and they are looking to make a profit by giving you more convenience but maybe less than you think and a whole lot easier because uh having done it uh it’s or you’ve done it more than me but um it’s it’s it’s not a good time people it is a lot it’s not a lot of fun yeah so you have to consider yeah yeah been there done that i wish maybe we would have had at that time access to express offers yeah that would have been so that would have been amazing certainly something to consider absolutely so i mean consider this among you know a whole battery of different options we’ll be glad to learn more about your particular situation and help you explore what options make the most sense for you but it is nice that we have you know an extra bullet in the chamber if you will another tool in the tool bag i like the first thing’s a little violent yeah i don’t know yeah i mean coming after that one thing yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we don’t want to talk about anything because that could possibly be in the chamber all the bullets in the chamber are the same tools i like the tool yes i like that better we’re just kind of in kind of crazy crazy times crazy time you never want to assume yeah that’s right that anything is is or is not in the chamber [Laughter] as we’ve been taught in gun gun safety yes every gun is loaded every gun yeah you should always just safety tip always safe always uh i’ll say that all guns and you know what express offers is also listed it’s also loaded it’s ready to never assume that your toolbox is full because if you take the toolbox uh chances are you won’t have the tool that you need that yeah yeah i guess i don’t know but anyway we just wanted to share that with you because we think it’s an exciting new program with our brokerage and we are happy to share it with you yeah we’ll be glad to run some nights absolutely and help you uh if you’re in a bind or just you know don’t even want to put it on the market and show it a ton of times this is something another option so give us a call or look us up yeah you can find more information at that is our information site whether you are buy or seller somewhere in between you will find something there that is informative and entertaining and worthy of an oscar absolutely worthy of an oscar we’re here to help people that’s what we’re all about customer service bar none that’s us that’s all i have to say that’s why i’m tired all the time have a great day thank you for listening take care bye
We've always been one tool short. All over the country, sellers have used a "coming soon" status to let buyers know their homes are going up for sale. But not in Prescott. The local Realtor association has always deemed it a big no-no; that's changing. In this episode, we talk about the policy change and what it will mean to buyers and sellers in the area.
hello hello hello hey peeps welcome back to the preschool pickle lady talk show yeah right we like to call it the wine gum or the wine down because you know we’re winding down we’re not drinking wine yeah [Music] just coffee it’s coffee strong coffee yeah but we are excited to be here today absolutely i am diane and this is randall bro she’s the prescott pickle lady we’re realtors here in prescott arizona that is correct and now we’re excited to be here today because something is changing with the prescott area real estate it’s changing now yep and we’re ver we are super excited something that needed to happen for a long time we are now allowed as realtors to start advertising a little bit ahead of time about coming soon coming soon homes that are about to come in the market yeah so i i don’t know why they’re changing now they were so anti coming soon for so long you can’t do it coming soon you can do coming soon we’ll beat you with a stick well i don’t think they were quite that dramatic but they work for me they knew i was gonna be the i was gonna be the one i don’t know i i i it was it was uh it was a strong position that they were taking uh in most areas of the country they do do come soon your house is about to go on the market in about a week you can start marketing and putting a sign out there that says coming soon and everything else but we were not allowed until march 1st march 1st 2022 march 1st we can start doing that so when you list a home it’s a process you know the seller says okay go and at that point things start happening so you’ve got to get a post in place you got to get your sign in place you got to get the mls uh form written up you got pictures taken before you do the pictures you got to stage the house or do any kind of cleanup and it’s a process and usually it takes a week sometimes two to kind you like to do a drone too yeah we do a drone yeah so we’ve got a lot of moving parts that need to come into play before it can actually hit mls and uh traditionally during that time we would be calling our buyers and telling them it’s coming but that’s really all we could do we couldn’t do any more than that that’s right but now we’re super exciting fast we do have a coming soon yeah we do we have a coming soon and it’s going to be a great house out in prescott valley valley yeah four bedrooms yeah two baths big yard no waitre all newly redone all new completely renovated completely renovated really really nice very conveniently located uh yeah you need to call us so uh we still can’t even do coming soon for this one because we don’t even have one picture uh no but we are in the process we may end up doing uh you know a week in advance coming soon or something like that uh the renovation still isn’t completely done uh but we’re excited about that that gives us an opportunity to have other agents uh beginning to think about the home before it actually hits the market people coming in town uh can plan around better you know that’s what i want to see uh so once we get the front of the home shot you know just the the basic exterior and uh you know we’ll we’ll put it coming soon up on that that’s right yeah and in the meantime you know don’t be afraid to just calm wah it’s a reference to uh when harry mentioned good job i was wondering if you would remember give me a call you know because it’s a great it’s a great family house for starting you know if you’re just starting out it’s going to be a great rental yeah um but i help a little bit with the very low inventories that we’ve been having for buyers uh you know they help out the buyers a little bit when they can kind of see some things that are coming so we’re excited about the new policy very excited aggressive about trying out some some new tactics using it so that’s right so we wanted to share that with you um some of my past clients and you know maybe future clients when we’re talking about a listing i would always be like i can’t put a sign up yet i just can’t yeah um and we never could understand it and we agree with you yeah um we didn’t understand either but now we can um effective march 1st and we are fully ready to take advantage oh yeah yeah absolutely very psyched so if you are interested in listing your home anytime in the near future and you’re excited about coming soon give us a call we’re happy to help you with your listing um we’re happy to get you started um look out for us in in this house in pv right oh yeah pv is what we call it here the locals from prescott valley um give us a call at 713-302-1964 we’ll give you more details yeah if you’re looking for good information a place to start is that is our informational site we call it the prescott relocation center in particular if you’re a buyer or seller lots of information for you if you’re buy or sellers somewhere in between lots of information about prescott what’s going on about real estate just life in general and life in general that’s what we’re gonna go for that’s what we’re all about life in general teaching you educating you specific things about life in general well sometimes yes sometimes it’s just malarkey yeah foolishness and malarkey yeah it just depends on how the mood hits us whatever i like we don’t like to be too serious no we want to do a good job for you but also at the same time keep it light easy and breezy breezy that’s right
Need to match a color... exactly? Maybe you need to touch up a section of your house that's faded, or you want to integrate a color in your favorite throw pillow into your overall room design. Well, we've found just the thing: our favorite new gadget from our favorite paint store in Prescott.
good morning good morning this is diane bro i’m with my partner my domestic partner randall bro yeah i’m also her husband it’s a domestic part i mean we sound like a dog yeah you know it sounds cooler and hipper like yeah the millennium domesticated this is my domestic partner yeah that’s right she’s a big lady uh we’re realtors here in prescott arizona correct bringing good jobs to things that have to do with real estate and life in general in the thriving little town of prescott arizona that’s right our little lovely town so this is something new we discovered and we had so much fun we’re like oh my gosh where was this technology we love love love love this we were helping a client uh they had a few little stucco repairs that had to be done and of course the stucco had been on about five or six years so sometimes the paint color outside will fade over time and we were like how are we going to match this paint now yeah you know because it’s it’s faded and uh mr bro here found something really cool at the paint store so you know the thing about the house is the sun doesn’t hit the house evenly yeah so not only was the the color different than the color that was in the can in the garage because it had faded but it had faded differently in different spots of the home yes and so i had to match the color and you know so you get the color swatches and i actually did really well i i matched one part of the house very well he did not so much on the other side hard yeah i found this little uh this little device you can get it at the paint store which is the which one we went to sherwood shout out to sherlock mines yeah they give great customer service they really they really do they’ll help you to your dying breath they’re like yeah they’ve got a number of pain stores here in town uh but i found that they are really very they’re the best they’re very uh proactive and really real estate agents spend a lot of time we’re not just showing you how much you wouldn’t believe the other many caps that we have yeah we wear a lot of caps this is a color matcher so yeah so there is a gadget they call it uh smart scan i’ll have to look up the name of it or whatever but how much was it like ninety dollars no well not even that i think i paid maybe 60 70 bucks for this little gadget that i connects to your phone uh through bluetooth i believe and you you scan it and it will give you the number of the closest matching color that showroom williams um sells it’s like a miracle really it really is because we’re like i don’t even know they don’t even have the original paint to this house anymore what are we supposed to do how can we figure this out without having the house look polka dotted yeah with the wrong color paint and we discovered the guy said you you should try this it’s this little gadget and he was telling me about the gadget and i’m thinking yeah it’s going to be you know 500 or something it’s not it’s not it’s amazing it’s pretty easy to use if you’re not a high-tech person you can hit us up we’ll try to give you some guidance but it’s not wasn’t that hard to figure out yeah you know not only is it good for man that’s usually we’re matching pink that’s usually what the issue is there’s been a uh there’s been some sun uh but let’s say you are decorating yep and you have a pillow that you love and you would like to match one of the colors in your floral pillow and make a feature wall of that color you know you can pick out one little tiny spot on the pillow match that color into a feature wall yeah so from a design perspective is really interesting uh what you can do in matching colors so it’s an amazing little gadget and not that expensive and well worth it so for all of our people moving here if you’re like you know like what he said i want to change the color of this wall and match it to my new sofa or i want to do uh match the existing color but i just need to touch up a little area how do i find that this is the gadget for you and sure williams also has technology that allows you to get sort of a virtually paint a room to see what the room would look like painted yeah that’s cool too yeah i i played a little bit i know less about that i have seen it around but yeah they’re doing some really cool things with color so i’m sure so if you’re moving here give us a call and you want to do some painting and you’re like tell me about that thing again we’ll help you we’ll show you what it looks like how it works um it’s been very instrumental and really saved a lot of expense and buying gallons of paint that didn’t match and then you got to go start over again so uh something we learned and we wanted to share this uh tip i don’t know if it’s a design tip a listing tip but i’m not gonna it’s all of it but color matching can be a powerful thing color matching can be a beautiful powerful thing there’s no denying it having had to buy a 50 gallon of paint and it didn’t match good match i wish i had this little gadget it would have been amazing so anyway if you are looking to list or buy a house give randall and i call we are at we have all kinds of information about life here in prescott as well as our contact information we would love to help you and we’d love to help you get one of these color matching doodads yeah to get you started you might want to check out that is our free information center all things prescott all things real estate yep and uh insightful and mildly entertaining somewhat insightful yeah somewhat i don’t know if it’s more entertaining or more insightful i think it’s 50 50. somewhere in between all those things we try you’ll enjoy we try we can only do the best we can people all right nice to see you and we hope you have a good day and we hope to hear from you soon take care bye
Charming, loving family homes are very personalized - and often very hard to sell. In our continuing series on home staging, we explain why that is and what you should do about it to capture top value for your home. Check it out!
yeah we gotta make sure we’re recording these sometimes that happens folks yeah we just we do uh some of our best episodes one of our best episodes we’re not recorded and then he comes upstairs oh my god by the way uh we weren’t recording yeah hello hello you’re seeing a little behind the scenes behind the scenes stuff she’s the pickle lady that’s right i am her partner in crime and uh we are here in prescott arizona real estate agents uh extraordinaire correct yeah i am diane this is randall grove we are happy to uh help you guys out when you come visit if you’re looking for a home happy to help you list if you’re ready to do that yeah so we’re doing we’re we’re doing seller tips we have a series of seller tips and we wanted to focus on staging yeah uh and staging tips when you’re trying to sell your home as i’ve said before uh professional staging is not that big a deal here in prescott there’s not a lot of that going on there’s some yeah not a lot of that for the most part the sellers themselves or their agents are responsible for staging the home but just because no one’s paying money to have it professionally done does not mean it is not important it is vitally so it is and it’s necessary absolutely so this little staging tip is all about depersonalization depersonalization yes when people come in they don’t want to see i have pictures i know uh pictures of your family your children your daughters your wedding you and your wedding dress this that and the other i am so guilty of this yes i consider my daughters my own works of art yes so i’ve got beautiful portraits of them when they were four beautiful portraits of them when they were 18 it goes on and on and on i am the biggest one guilty of this but when i go to sell it’s all coming down when we go over to someone’s house uh just you know socially and their house isn’t personalized it’s kind of creepy yeah i don’t like you go in you don’t see any pictures of them or i think that’s with their children it’s like this person must be in witness protection yeah something i’m a little suspicious a little suspicious so we like homes that are warm and personalized and that the personal touch with all the pictures there’s nothing to say there’s anything wrong with decorating decorating your home in a personalized way it’s just when it comes time to sell that can get involved some of that needs to come down not all of it you keep a cute little picture tucked here and there yeah that still gives the warmth of hey this is a nice family home yeah we’ve had a good time here we’ve got good memories it gives good juju yeah but if it’s too too much of it yeah then people can’t see past my family moving in here this is where i could hang my portraits yes this is where i could hang my grandchildren’s pictures yes so if you’re covered with all of your stuff and it’s too much of it they can’t see past it and they can’t see themselves we want them to get an emotional connection to your home i’ve got to live here my family would be so happy here so a couple of points there first of all uh the reason why you do this is that uh the reason why stage in general is that people do not make rational decisions in buying a home they make emotional decisions they do and buying a home and you may say oh they can look past all my stuff where they could you know they could go home and photoshop it all out you know or they could you know do it in their own minds but what we’re telling you is they don’t in practice they don’t that’s not how they make decisions uh most people unlike investors most people most buyers will make an emotional gut decision in connecting with a home and if your personalized stuff doesn’t connect with them it’s going to get in the way of that process and they’re not going to connect with your home and they’re not going to want to move forward that’s true the other thing to kind of de-personalize is besides you know family photos or you know is anything that of religious nature that’s if you are overtly you know if you’ve got a lot of religious or even i hate to say it patriotic yes um which i don’t agree with but um yeah i mean we have religious stuff in our home we have oh you know that’s how we personalize our home right some people it could be that they are not religious correct it could be that they have a religion that is different than yours right and it’s not like they say oh you know i would say i’m jewish and all these crosses are around or vice versa and they say well you know i don’t i don’t like all these crosses i don’t like this house they won’t even be able to articulate it correct they just won’t connect with the house they won’t even be able to explain why there was something about the house that just didn’t feel right right you know and that’s what we’re trying to avoid absolutely i mean i have all of that i love it all i have buddhas i have catholic things i have dude jewish thing yeah i like to cover my bases i have it all i i want to make sure i got i have crystals you name it yeah i have a very eclectic home yeah i will say it’s very clever but that may not connect with a lot of people and it won’t they may be like what does she have some weird stuff weird stuff that was a weird house and i’ll be the first one to open it it is so i agree you know so when i do go to sell i will remove some of those items just because again we want it to be a clean slate yeah that people can see you know their special things coming in their special photos right uh portraits and things like that a quick rule of thumb when it comes to family pictures so if you go to a place like say michael’s and you buy picture frames most of the picture frames will have pictures in them yep you know showing you you know this is where you would put your family but they’re kind of sort of generic looking family photos if you don’t have a lot of family photos and it just looks like a family there’s nothing particularly different like it it could be the picture that they put in the frames at michael’s and sell the to sell the frame if that’s the case then it’s probably not so personalized that you need to get rid of it but if it’s you know like uh halloween costumes or something just kind of strange that you wouldn’t see at michael’s then you probably need to yeah yeah that is just keep it light keep it simple keep it not too crazy like my house and you’ll do just fine but the most important thing out of all of this is when your agent is nicely suggesting hey you know you might want to remove this you might don’t not argue but don’t get defensive don’t be insulted it’s not meant in that way at all it’s just having done this thousands of times and helping people find their place and the feedback we get back we know what your house will be tagged about it’ll be like oh gosh did you see that that was terrible and so just listen to us ahead of time and save yourself a lot of heartache yeah and it may not be fun to hear and it may be i’m not really comfortable i understand i mean i get tagged myself so it’s a it’s a pain but we’re telling you it will put money in your pocket it will put money in your pocket and it will save you uh you know have the house sold pretty quickly so it’s all in your best interest too personal absolutely in your best interest so depersonalize depersonalize depersonalize and when someone suggested like we suggested to you just take it with a good heart and say okay thanks all right good points here if you look for more good points you might want to go to yep that is our information center everything there is free highly entertaining and insightful yep it’s one awards no it hasn’t won awards not yet we’re waiting for an award i feel like it’s coming yeah the pickle i just have a pickle or something it’s coming yeah we feel it i think it’s coming i feel it yeah all right and if you’re watching this we want to wish you a happy new year happy new year to you because uh 2022 i think it’s just going to be amazing for everybody we’re going to turn this around turn this ship around and everybody’s going to be the ship chip oh i thought you said something else no okay no you could turn that other thing around too well yeah i’m done with that yeah it has been pretty good yeah so i would agree but we’re going to turn that ship around 2022 is going to be amazing yep i just feel it it’s going to be a good start for all of us so here’s to a happy healthy and prosperous 2022 and give us a call to sell your home and we’ll give you some more tips in person that’s right all right take care bye