Under Pressure?

Buying and selling real estate is stressful, even under the best of circumstances.  So the last thing you need is a real estate agent using high-pressure tactics to move you forward when you're not really comfortable.  It doesn't have to be that way.  In this episode, we discuss how best to handle these people and these situations.
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Magic of Photography

In real estate, the definition of a good photographer is someone who can make something look better than it is.  Whether it's the agent's photo on a for-sale sign or the shag carpet in the bonus room, what you see may not be what you get.  

And as a seller, if you think your home can compete these days without decent photography, guess again!  

In this episode, we share our thoughts on the magic of real estate photography and the first impressions it makes in the marketplace.
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Moving Sales

Need to adjust to your new downsized lifestyle?  Or maybe you've got some special items that just won't make the transition, and you'd like to see them find a good home.  One great option is holding a moving sale.  In this episode, we discuss how we can help you with that.
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New Cool HQ

We've just selected a new venue to serve as our new headquarters, and it could not be cooler.  Check out our latest digs and get the backstory on the coolest conference room in town.
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What to Offer?

One of the most important and perplexing questions to answer in real estate is what to offer on a home that interests you.  Wouldn't it be nice if there were a simple formula that works in every case?  In this episode, we offer our thoughts on what that might be.
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Prepping to Sell

Over time, homes fill with clutter.  If you have a home that has been cluttering up for a long time, getting the house ready to put on the market can be an overwhelming undertaking.  In this episode, we discuss what you can do to cut through the clutter and command top dollar in the marketplace... all without losing your mind.
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Escalation Clauses

Want to avoid overpaying for real estate in a competitive market?  Want buyers to be aggressive in bidding for your home?

As controversial as it is effective for both buyers and sellers, this real estate power tool is the focus of what turned out to be an exceptionally vigorous lecture on just what you need.
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Buyers Are Back!

By now you've heard that real estate market is a crazy seller's market, with low inventory and houses flying off the shelves way above asking price.  

Well, guess what...  Buyers are back, baby!  

Things are changing quickly.  In this episode, we bring you the very latest from the front lines of Prescott-area real estate and what you can expect in the weeks and months ahead.
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Kudos to Yavapai County

Do you get hives at the thought of dealing with local government agencies in your area?  Well, in Prescott you may find things are different... and better.  And if you get close enough, you may smell a skunk pig.
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Fretting a Crash?

People worry that what goes up must come down, and nothing has gone up more than real estate in recent years.  Are we overdue a crash?

In this episode, we share our thoughts on the crash potential for Prescott-area real estate.
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New Paperwork Requirements

Real estate runs on paperwork, and if you've bought or sold any recently, you may have been struck by just how much there is.  Well, the Prescott real estate association (PAAR), keepers of the local MLS, have just come down with new rules that could lead to fines if some of that paperwork isn't completed quickly enough.  Find out about these latest gotchas and what we think about them in this episode.
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Picking the Right Lender

You may have heard that weirdness prevails in the real estate market these days, and nowhere is that more true than with lenders.  In short, lenders are struggling right now... big time.  In this episode, we discuss some of the major lender fumbles we've seen recently and how you can avoid the nightmare scenarios that have become all too commonplace in real estate transactions because of them.
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The Fast Cash Option

 Selling a home can be grueling, particularly when it requires significant cleanup and prep... or when you're facing very difficult circumstances. If the idea of bypassing all that with a quick cash offer in hand sounds attractive to you, then you need to check out Express Offers - a new seller program we introduce in this episode. 
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Coming Soon: Coming Soon

We've always been one tool short.  All over the country, sellers have used a "coming soon" status to let buyers know their homes are going up for sale.  But not in Prescott.  The local Realtor association has always deemed it a big no-no; that's changing.  In this episode, we talk about the policy change and what it will mean to buyers and sellers in the area. 
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Matchy Matchy

Need to match a color... exactly? Maybe you need to touch up a section of your house that's faded, or you want to integrate a color in your favorite throw pillow into your overall room design.  Well, we've found just the thing: our favorite new gadget from our favorite paint store in Prescott. 
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Big Personalities Beware

Charming, loving family homes are very personalized - and often very hard to sell.  In our continuing series on home staging, we explain why that is and what you should do about it to capture top value for your home.  Check it out!
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