A Shocking Problem

Coming from the sweaty South, we love the cool, dry summers in Prescott. But low humidity does have one effect you might not expect - static electricity. Watch today to discover how we deal with this potentially shocking issue.
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Blooming In Prescott

Bloom where you're planted is a great idea... for plants. But since you're human, there's an even better option. Watch this week to learn why it's so easy, fun, and rewarding to bloom right here in Prescott.
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Heat Emergency

Arizona's governor recently placed the entire state under a heat emergency. Watch this week to find out what that means and, more importantly, why this and other news items you might see, simply don't apply to Prescott.
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Yappy Hour

When we heard about Yappy Hour, we thought "oh, this will be cute!" But when we went to check it out, we never expected what we found. Watch this week to see why this event is way more exciting than it sounds.
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Newcomer Nervousness?

Moving to a new town can be nerve-racking, especially if you don't have any friends or family there to ease the transition. Watch this week to find out why starting a new chapter in Prescott is easier than almost anywhere else.
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Terrain Troubles

If you grew up in the flatlands of the South, as we did, you'll need to learn a few tricks to be able to competently handle the elevation changes you'll find in Prescott. Listen in and learn how Randal literally drives Diane crazy.
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Prescott Overpopulation

If you investigate Prescott via social media, you might have heard some folks saying it's getting overpopulated or overcrowded. But is it really?

We'll give you the scoop on the different opinions, and help you understand whether Prescott is the right retirement town for you.
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Whiskey River Tavern

It took us a while to get around to checking out this place out, but wow... an instant favorite! Watch now to see what makes Whiskey River Tavern so special.
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Bear Scare

Did you see the recent news story about a bear attack in Prescott?  Are bears foraging for salmon at Costco, or what?  Watch this episode to get the scoop on what really happened.
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Wags Pet Resort

We recently needed to board our new pups for a trip, but all of our usual places were full. What to do?! Turns out we found one of the best places in the Prescott area, wagging its tail right under our noses. Get the scoop in our latest video.
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Ciao Bella Restaurant

When is a Frankie Valli concert not just a Frankie Valli concert? When it's preceded by a fantastic dinner at an Italian restaurant! Join us this week to get the scoop on this new eatery in Prescott Valley.
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Road Construction Season

Road construction is always a pain, right?  Turns out, if it's kept up with, it's not so bad at all. In this quick clip we discuss Prescott's "road construction season," and why it's a breeze compared to other cities.
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Why California Comes to Prescott

It's no secret that Californians are bailing out of the state in droves, and a lot of them end up here in Prescott. In this episode, we explore what makes why Prescott so popular with these emigres.
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Why We Love Prescott Lakes

If you've been watching us any time at all, you know we love our town; but what about our country club? We didn't care much for country clubs back where we came from, but Prescott Lakes is an entirely different ball game. Come find out why we love it, and why you will too!
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Sky High Body Wash

Every time we visit California, we find another reason why people are wanting to leave.  On this trip, we found what may be the last straw for quite a few folks.  Find out how our most recent visit taught us the value of body wash...and living in a place where both crime and prices are low. 
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Top 4 Reasons to Avoid Prescott

We love our town; it has so many exceptional features and amenities! Still, it's not for everyone. This week we explore the possible drawbacks to living here, so that you can decide whether Prescott is your kind of town.
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Mosquitoes & Other Crawlies

In some parts of the country, every time you open a door or window, some kind of creepy-crawly thing flies, buzzes, or crawls inside. 

But what about in Prescott? In this episode we give you the lowdown on mosquitoes, termites, cockroaches, scorpions and more.
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Water Worries

Worried about water issues in Arizona?  Well, in this episode we discuss the communities that are having trouble and what that might mean for the city of Prescott.
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