hello peeps hello or he says hello peeps hello peeps di Rand bro Here I Am the pickle lady I’m the sidekick he’s the sidekick we are here to talk to you about some real estate things that we think might be helpful to you yep uh something we’ve learned and it’s very important um especially if you’re buying an older home yes so any home you know gosh earlier than the 90s I would highly recommend that you have with something something that’s called a sewer scope Sewer Scope it’s not sexy it’s not fun it is not sexy um it’s nothing to do with you personally they don’t they won’t scope you okay yeah you’re not getting scoped you you won’t get personally scoped so they basically they find uh uh they find the wash out for the sewer it connects your your home to the city sewer yes and they put a well they put a camera and a snake camera with a camera and they check the uh how well the pipes are doing um if they’re functioning they check to see a lot of these homes especially homes in the 40s and 50s are with galvanized pipes or pipes that have eroded because they’re very old old which uh a lot of people don’t know if you buy an older home and the pipes are corroded and filled with rust um they stop performing Y and then it can come back up into your house and then you call the city and say hey my pipes aren’t working you got to come fix this well guess what it’s on you nope um they do not come replace pipes in your front yard to the city sewer they don’t they’re just resp responsibity they’re responsible from the hookup on that’s right but you are responsible for getting your your to to their pipe so if your pipes aren’t working then they’re going to have to be fixed and it is very expensive it can be very expensive because they even have to do Street repair yeah you got to jack it all up sidewalks streets curve all that stuff has to be jacked up and then um and then replaced and then it can be very bad very very costly could be 30 to 40,000 so anytime we sell a home that’s exceptionally you before 1980 we always have a sewer scope go out because particularly if there’s a lot of mature Landscaping there’ll be a lot of trees and bushes well you also will get root intrusion and so those will go right through those Rusty pipes they’ll find a little opening and keep digging the way into there and then all of a sudden you’re clogged with rust and Roots yeah so nothing can pass out into the city sewer and then oh god that hurt something happened I had some root I think I had root intrusion myself root intrusion that was weird that was so weird one one thing I’ll point out we looked at some warranties that are available um home warranties home warranties that might cover that and there are some that are out there but usually they exclude rust and they exclude root Ro which are the two things that are going to kill you so if you buy an older home we always recommend um ask the seller uh go ahead and and mitigate these root intrusion and you can get it reamed out it’s not the end of the world yeah it’s just something that you should definitely investigate before you buy that home because you don’t want to find out five years down the line you’ve got a $40,000 pipe repair and maybe warranty will cover it maybe it won’t so I would always thing that’s bad about that to at least in this market is if a home is older generally it’s more uh less expensive so you might be paying $40,000 for a sewer repair uh a sewer pipe repair on a home that cost $400,000 yeah you know that’s that kind of hurts yeah and so you want to especially if you buy an older home have the Sewer Scope see what’s going on they could be perfectly fine they could indicate some root intrusion have it reamed out yeah and once you and remove those bushes remove those trees so it won’t happen again then your pipes will continue to perform so it’s not the end all like oh everything has to be replaced that’s not necessarily true it’s just things to mitigate that so your pipes continue to perform at top you know top top capacity one thing to know if you do have an older home uh you like once a month you can flush down what is it that’s right it’s called copper sulfate copper sulfate so if you’re in an older home right now it’s simple simple simple and you’ve got a lot of trees and maybe you don’t want to cut them down have the pipes ringed out and have those roots chopped out of there then every month after that to prevent further root intrusion uh you get a half a cup of copper sulfate and all you do is pour it in your potty pour it in your toilet only your toilet nothing else not your sink not the bathtub just the toilet flush flush flush that copper sulfate will get in there and dissolve any future Roots yeah the roots the the the trees don’t like it so yeah trees don’t like it so so you that it’s if you’re going to get if you get your pipes reamed you want to start doing that if you haven’t had your pipes reamed yet uh you might want to just start doing it because that’s cheap the reaming is not that expensive at the very least just start with the copper sulfate and uh you might prevent some problems yeah I do believe to have your pipes red out I think it’s like 175 175 an hour okay so if you’ve got extensive extend you know I mean you’ve got long pipes I mean that could be a little but it’s well worth it particularly if you’re buying a beautiful older home in the historic district or something like that it’s an easy fix yeah but it’s something you should be aware of most people don’t aren’t aware yeah yeah so yeah get your pipes reamed out yeah it doesn’t sound right but you know what I mean picol lady really knows her uh really knows her that’s our tip of the day if you like tips place to go is pickle 411.com that is our free information site whether you buy or sell or somewhere in between there’ll be something there waiting for you that will amaze us down educate inform and Mesmerize there you go and it’s all absolutely free that’s right and we’re happy to share our wealth of knowledge and every day and our Shenanigans and our Shenanigans mostly Shenanigans mostly shenan every day I learn something new sometimes I don’t want to learn but hey that’s life yeah living and learning and learning that’s what we say every day all right my friends hope this is helpful to you particularly if you’re looking at a Charming older Cottage we know the people to get your sewer scoped and we’re happy to recommend all right take care and have a beautiful beautiful day bye
The condition of the roof can be huge when negotiating the price of a home. Watch today’s episode to learn the options for buyers, sellers, and migratory creatures like Randal.
hello hello hello hello peeps Diana Randall bro here that’s us we are your friendly husband and wife team helping you find your beautiful home here in Prescot Arizona that’s right today we wanted to talk about something we get this question a lot uh especially when we’re doing listings if you have a home that’s about 20 years old or older the couple of things we would recommend always have it pre-inspected especially if it’s an older home because there are a lot lot of things that may come up usually the roof is very important yeah usually roof’s one of those so if you have an original roof I would highly recommend that you have a roof inspector come out before you even go in the market he can tell you this roof is marginal you might have five to 10 years he could tell you it is shot time to you know call it um you always want to find out before because once you get under contract if something comes up during inspection you don’t want to queer the deal and people walk away like I don’t want to put a whole new roof on yeah yeah if that does happen um there are lots of ways to approach that you can either say hey let’s talk to the buyer and say hey we’ll get a a quote on this roof do you want to split it maybe you know when you negotiate on repairs we can split the cost of that would you be open to that yeah uh you can um yeah if the obviously if the roof is completely shot you’re best off just just put a roof on it move forward you will never sell your going to sell you’ll get offers they take it out of the price you’re going to end up in the same place anyway right if you’re let’s say your home is 15 years old and we’re talking about composite roof by the way for tile composition composition Ro yes tile roof no that’s entirely different yeah so let’s say the home is 15 years old and the roof is you know rated 20 25 years so the buyer looks at it well you know there’s some things that uh you know this the roof is looking bad I know if I stay here for 10 more years I’m going have to get a new roof you know and they’re kind of looking at the seller looking for money they don’t get a new it’s not a new home they don’t get a necessarily get a new roof uh unless the roof is completely shot completely shot typically what we’ll do is we will negotiate a deal where the the seller makes some sort of contribution usually it’s half if the roof is pretty bad you know has maybe another five years you might pay half maybe a little less if if the home’s a little younger uh but if you are on the buyer side uh don’t think you’re getting a brand new roof it usually just doesn’t work that way usually it ends up with the seller paying some of the cost of the roof and also at some point particularly if we’ve had like a terrible hail storm or this and that we can recommend call your insurance company to the seller and say hey can you get out here and see if we can make a claim yeah and then you can get a whole new roof um particular particularly in times of bad weather and things like that so there are a lot of ways to approach that um the worst thing is just to say you know uh I’m not going to even talk about the roof no it’s going to be called out it’s going to be called out it’s going to be called out uh so if you got a 25y old house with a 25y old roof before you even go on the market have it all inspected and decide what you’re going to do and what you’re going to negotiate on that because it is going to come up it’s going to be a sticking point roofs and tires are are the kinds of things you really they’re expensive it it hurts you to spend money on it because it’s not going to change your life at all yeah but if you are not aggressive about replacing them you will regret it yes uh you get a blow out in the highway you can lose a lot more than four tires that’s right you know and the same thing with your roof if if your roof leaks you can end up with a big problem problems like mold problems like walls that have to be torn yes and don’t think you’re going to pass it on to the next buyer it’s it’s really not it will be called out and it’s you can’t get around it you just can’t so accept it deal with it um try to take care of it so that your deal goes through seamlessly that’s the option yeah that’s you know we we that’s the ideal is just to have it you know I’ve already addressed it it’s good it’s cool don’t worry we know we’ve taken care of it buyers love that yeah yes when buyers are looking at a home that’s 20 years old they’re like do we have a new hot water heater this is what we get all the time new hot water heater do what about the HVAC is the heater and AC original is the roof original the RO if all of them are original most people will say I’m not interested move on to the next house yeah so these are not the fun things to pay for it’s not the cute sexy things to get uh you know where you’re like oh my house is so beautiful it’s not fun and we know we’ve been through it ourselves it’s just a fact of life most people don’t want to take on an older home with those kind of things so the only way you’re going to sell a home like that is at a deep discount correct a lot you’re going to lose a lot more than the cost of the roof absolutely absolutely uh in particular uh if a home has been uh inherited you know it’s an estate home yeah a lot of times there’s there are no funds available to do the RO we can help with that there are Financial vles uh that can that can help you with that and save you a lot of money in the long run um so if you for whatever reason there are no funds to do the updates that you need uh we can help you with that absolutely so just bite the bullet face facts take care of business so that you can sell and at a great price and move forward and be happy um just don’t fight it just accept it’s part of life it’s right just like have Circle life mom just like I have to accept him that’s right I’m still accept keep circling back I’m migratory she didn’t know that when she married me keep I keep trying to send him South but he keeps coming back keep coming back gets too hot you know I gotta come back so anyway just face facts my friends it’s it’s a painful thing but it’s part of life that’s right so anyway for more helpful tips please check us out at pickle 411.com and uh we give it all to you for free that’s it we don’t even charge not the free information we’re happy to help you yeah so we hope to hear from you soon if you’re planning to visit to presca give us a call we’re here call Diane and Randall bro the pickle lady we’re here for you take care W have a good day bye”
What home flippers do isn’t complicated: buy a house, fix it up, and sell it for a profit… often lots of profit.
It’s so simple, in fact, that you’ve probably wondered why you can’t make all those profits for yourself.
Well, in the past it was because flipping is a royal pain in the butt… but not anymore! In today’s video we talk about how to flip your own home without all the hassle.
good morning good morning H folks this is Diana Randall bro I’m Rand we I am Diane I am the pickle lady she is I am coming to you we are both coming to you I should say from Prescot Arizona we’re happy to be here this morning uh we’re excited to talk about our topic of today is flip your own home flip your own home so uh the term flipper people I’m not talking about the dolphin those of you old enough to remember the do yeah that’s right uh no a flipper is someone who buys a home and uh generally either stages it better or renovates it does some something to increase the value and then resells it for a profit that’s what a flipper does and uh a lot of times people will see that and see the money that flippers make and wonder you know why can’t I make the money uh why can’t I make that money I could do I could flip my own home and you can’t there are certain things that you can do to increase the value of your home and you can do that but uh we wanted to tell you about a new program that we have that makes flipping your own home very very simple yes it’s called exciting yeah it’s very exciting it’s really really cool it’s called Cash Plus Cash Plus so the way it works is f it starts with a cash offer so you get a cash offer now the cash offer is not going to be market value it’s going to be less than market value but it’s cash it will probably be enough that you can go off and uh buy your next home with it at least as a down payment uh so you’re off you you are out of the home and the the buyer takes over the home so far this is just a cash offer this is where it gets exciting they will now renovate the home you’re not even there okay they’re renovating the home you’re not even there and they will fix up the home and then put the home back on the market when that home sells which is going to be at market value you get more money you actually participate in some of the upside of the flip yes so that in the end you end up making pretty close to what you would have made if you had gone through the whole process yourself that’s exciting it’s very exciting because you don’t have all the pain and the heartache of oh my God we got to get over there and we got to meet the contractor or I have to do the work myself and I have to pay and I have to schlep and I have to do this and and you may not be that good at it I mean exactly right some of these flips I see I’m like just guys just put a lipstick on a pig here um you needed somebody really thorough to do a good job where the cabinets aren’t falling down and stuff like that yeah and so it’s great because you get your cash up front this company comes in fixes it all up and then if they sell it at a profit you still get a percentage of that after the fact so you get your cash up front but you don’t have to do any of the rest of it yeah you don’t have to be bothered with you know painting or working on the weekends or or or or you know uh meeting contractors and they don’t show up and all that stuff that goes through uh updating a home yeah um so it’s a really nice program and at the very least even if you don’t make um you break even you still got your cash ahead of time yeah yeah so you’re not sitting there twiddling your thumbs and having people showings and trying to keep the house clean coming in and saying I don’t like the color of this wall and I don’t like this and I don’t like that and you’re sitting there twiddling your thumbs this is you get your cash right up front off you go you might get a bonus after the fact when the when the work is done you may get an additional bonus what’s wrong with that I mean that’s a great deal yeah you know so here at exp we offer this to you and we’re able to help you with that we highly recommend it how we can do numbers for you to see what we think get if you went to the mark would be the best option for you yeah we kind of work it out with you to see but uh yeah as a it’s always good to have an additional option and this is this is brand new so we thought we’d share it absolutely can put it in your back pocket so if you want to try to sell it yourself first and maybe you’re not so successful and maybe you need to maybe you’re cash poor you don’t have the cash to update something this gives you an open an option okay I got to get out of here I’ve got to move on to my next step but I don’t have 50 000 to update hey take your money now get out of here and then let you know you might get a bonus after the fact when this company takes it over so I mean it’s a win-win yeah cool program it’s a win-win so anyway we wanted to share that with you and if you were in one of those dilemmas and you’re like I don’t know why I can’t sell this townhouse I don’t know why I can’t sell my little house and I don’t have 75,000 to update it this could be your way out yeah to move forward in your next chapter and have your cash without all the horrible you know angst and oh showings and all that good stuff so anyway I think it’s a great thing yep yep absolutely that’s our we proud yeah to exp right we’re cutting edge Cutting Edge always trying to stay there that was our tip of the day as I was saying before uh if you like tips the place to go is pickle 411.com that’s our free information site whether you’re a buyer seller somewhere in between there’s something there waiting for you that will amaze us Town educate informed did I say informed that’s right that’s right all those things do all those verbs to and we don’t even give you a test after yeah there’s no test it’s just for shits and giggles no test there’s a small feet no there there’s no there’s no feet it’s just for shits and giggles we just like to share our wealth of knowledge wealth of knowledge with you so anyway we hope if you’re coming to Prescot you’ll look up Dian and Randall bro the pickle lady yep we’re here to help you uh and uh show you all about our little town and what it’s all about absolutely all all right take care bye
good afternoon my friends hello peeps this is Diana Randall bro your friendly presc pickle pee person that’s us I am the pickle lady he’s the pickle man yes right yes yeah I guess I’m the pickle man a girin or whatever you want call there you go you’re not a girin you can’t know yeah here today to talk to you about squatters squatters yeah this is something that’s happening across the United States so we have to be very careful and um especially a lot of our buyers are coming in they’re buying a second home this should be a little something concerning but don’t worry in Arizona it’s not that uh big of an issue so what a squatter is is someone who for whatever however man they manage they get inside your home and they don’t leave so it could be a tenant you know that’s renting from you and then they stop paying rent and they just stay refuse to leave could be someone who broke into your home and just refuses to lead correct they become squatters and some states protect the rights of squatters it’s pretty scary so if you try to like turn off the electricity or the water to try to get them out force them out some you could go to jail that’s right yeah and so that the laws in these states protect the squatters and you need to know the laws in your area that’s right so it’s very costly too you have to hire attorneys you you know all all kinds of uh it can be a very prolonged legal process to evict people who technically have broken into and taken over your home that you’re paying taxes and a mortgage on but somehow they have all the rights so now that’s it’s state by state now the the state of uh New York has just gone back on this they had very comprehensive squatter rights legislation or whatever uh the governor has stopped that has said hey maybe this plan isn’t working so well yeah um these people are taking over illegally people’s properties that are owned by someone else New York does dumb things from time to time but usually they learn after a while and they fix it uh that’s what they did here I I I don’t know who thought it was a good idea to give rights to people who break into other people’s homes and take them over and take them over but they did uh and then they realize well this isn’t working because you’ve got you know honest people who are losing their homes and their their jobs and you know it destroys your life someone takes your home it can really yeah and this is mostly people who maybe it’s a vacant home or it’s a second home it’s a vacation home or a rental and I mean it can really recre Havoc with your whole life and your finances and everything else so one thing you should know because we have a lot of folks here who move to Prescot and they buy a second home here it will not be tolerated here we do not allow squatters it’s illegal here uh so don’t worry about that don’t fret uh your rights come first if you own it you’re paying taxes you’re paying mortgage uh people cannot illegally move in and take over your home here you you call we’re not going to do it you call the sheriff the sheriff that’s right will remove the people yeah it’s not going to be uh a Year’s prolonged process and people are destroying your property um so anyway we just want to share that because we do have a lot of second home people who come here the people who have a second home uh a rental home that goes unrented for a while or just go on vacation for a couple months yes uh you know that’s when the squatter’s hit and savy they’re very Savvy uh they even have YouTubers out there teaching squatters exactly how to do it that’s right uh they like home towns where there are a lot of second homes yes uh so it’s if if you’re in that situation you could be at risk so you need to know the laws in your local area and you need to protect yourself absolutely Ely so you should know feel safe and secure Arizona we don’t fool around we’re not going to allow it to happen it’s uh we don’t we don’t uh give any rights to squatters um we give the rights to the people paying taxes and paying their mortgage as it should be really makes you wonder it makes me wonder yeah so anyway don’t worry about that if you’re thinking about coming here for a second home or you travel a lot and it’s your main home but you’re gone for a long time um you’ll you’ll be pretty much protected here so anyway we just thought we’d share that with you because we keep hearing about it more and more in other states and it’s it’s pretty scary so hopefully New York will Le you know New York’s example will lead the way other states will do the same that’s right uh but as at this point it’s it’s there’s really a lot of uh uproar going on because a lot of people have been affected by this absolutely so we just wanted to share that with you don’t worry and uh don’t fret in Arizona we got your back okay your tip of the day if you like tips place to go is pickle 411.com that is our free information site whether you’re a buyer seller somewhere in between there’s something there that’s waiting for you that will amaze us down educate and I don’t know illuminate illuminate illuminate illuminate illuminate illuminate is a good one yeah I have a good vocabul send us words and we’ll throw send us words and we’ll throw it in all for nothing too by the way we don’t charge anything we could and we’ve been asked to people call us all the time you should charge yeah the government comes and they try to collect sales tax and we say we don’t charge nope not doing it not doing it 8% is all right my friends we hope this helps you and gives you a little um sense of relief or or comfort knowing that um you’re protected here in the state of Arizona yeah which it might not be where you are now so be careful check it out check it out all right my friends take care and hope you have a wonderful rest of your day bye bye
good morning oh he didn’t sit down yet sit down fast when you’re in the room with her I know well I’m ready to go I’m ready I’m I’m chop chop chop loaded for bear I’m loaded for bear chop chop chop let’s go let’s hit it yeah it hello this is Diana and Randle bro coming to you from Prescot Arizona we are your local husband and wife team realtor team here to help you and uh today we want to talk about I’m going to say c word stats yeah there you go one in particular I wanted to to mention today I’m kind of the numbers guy in our little Duo here uh some of you might get my uh my monthly uh uh Market updates if you’re not getting those you need to get those um subscribe yeah it’s good stuff it’ll it’ll it’ll put you ahead of 99% of the people are watching the uh watching the stats here in presc but there’s one stat that just irks me so I had to talk about it uhoh yeah and that is the sales to list price ratio so the idea behind the stat is if you’ve got a good Agent they get you your list price and if they get less than list price that’s not so good so a good agent would be one that has 100% you know meaning they always get the list price for you or 105% you know they actually get over list price that’s not right well here’s the thing that doesn’t happen if you want to get I can get you uh I can guarantee that I will get you above list price on your home I’m going to price it at $100 I was thinken to myself what what are you talking about there is no law there’s there’s no formal mechanism to set the price on a home yes and a lot of times people screw it up either too high too low uh they really don’t know what they’re doing and the list price is it’s just a number that somebody made up whether it’s the seller or the agent there’s no reason to believe that it’s a good number necessarily now in practice most of them are reasonable we’ve been seeing a lot of very unreasonable selling uh uh list prices because I think sellers are still spoiled from covid they think the world hasn’t changed they’re just you know living in their own little virtual world uh but this is something you need to be careful about if you’re going to sell your home and you have an agent that comes in and says I always get over list probably pricing the homes too low red flag red flag red flag this is not a stat to hang a hat on now if you want to look at the stat like when we are we have a buyer that’s coming in and we want to place uh place an offer make an offer on a home in a certain neighborhood I might look to see if the homes are coming in around list or they’re discounting just to give us some sense of how low we could go in I mean there are times when you might use it but people are using it as The Benchmark to to judge agents by and uh the ones that are going to do the best are the ones that are going to under underprice your home so a stat you need to be aware of also overpricing uh and I know some sellers are quite adamant I must have this price period yeah and I think it’s worth us well I’m going to give you a little example just because you have a view doesn’t mean the house is worth a million dollars particularly if it’s only 1,800 square feet and well it depends on the neighborhood I guess there are homes that are 1,800 square feet that might be worth more than I don’t know but a view does not constitute there’s a lot that goes into pricing it goes by your square footage it goes by the condition of the home just because you have an astonishing View and you have a shack that’s only 200 square feet does not mean you can command a million dollars so you need to be aware come on you know you got to have yeah the house down the street might have gone for over a million but it was also 3,200 square feet and you’re only 1,800 square footage matters folks it’s not all the view okay A View does not just to close the loop on views um typically in Prescot if there’s the same home home A and home B they’re exactly the same except one has a magnificent View and the other one doesn’t let’s say B’s the one with the view be will probably go for about $75,000 more than 75 maybe to 100 that’s it maybe to 100 now views were really going for a premium during covid because people were stuck at home and they had nothing to do but look out the window so uh you know views that were commanding big premiums but I find they’re back 100 really less than 100,000 now yeah it’s not yeah so you you have to be very careful if you don’t have a view don’t be expecting oh I’m going to get 900,000 I’m going to get 800,000 and your backyard backs up to a wall now we’re talking presc if you’re living in California or someplace like that that’s something different we’re talking in our Market okay so be very careful um some people are like but I have a magnificent View and I think my house is worth over a million if it’s only 15600 1,800 square feet no it isn’t you’re not going to get it you can’t command it um just because of the view so keep that in mind I mean that’s another you know um stat yeah stat stat yeah we have some more of these I like these I like the I like calling out yeah I like saying Bull and you know we try to uh help our Sellers and just give it to them straight do you want to sell or do you want to sit in the market and go stale yeah you know it’s we just know we run cops we don’t just pull a number yeah out of the air yeah we really look at each particular neighborhood the right price is important correct we’re not doing doing a comp from Prescot Lakes compared to a comp and and and pulling in hampa we are doing our comps we do right you I mean we we comp Apples to Apples we’re not doing apples and oranges and pretending you could get more we give it to you straight and uh we help you sell in in a in a pretty good time so anyway keep that in mind when you have all these crazy stats floating around we’re going to try to guide you and give it to you correctly and we do the math numbers don’t lie don’t they don’t lie and and more than that our approach to numbers is not to be Dazzle you with our Wizardry we want you to understand the numbers yes if we’re telling you the price is too high we’ll show you why we think the price is time in a way that you’re going to you’re going to be able to see it you know just from the analysis so that’s our approach so yeah so we’re here to help you and guide you and we hope that you follow our advice so it’s a pleasant and easy process for you when you’re not doing lot of hand ringing if it sits on the market too long we’re here to make this process easy for you and it’s less you know at least stressfree right yep absolutely as possible that’s what it’s all about you know because it’s not a good time to sell your house everybody knows that it’s very stressful it’s not fun so um watch out for watch out for those stats that we mentioned those are our tip of the day that’s it uh if you like tips we got plenty for you just go to pickle 411.com that is our free information site whether you’re a buyer seller or somewhere in between there’s something there waiting for you that’s right that will Amaze Astound educate and Destroy uh just prevaricate I I don’t know prevaricate oh that’s a big word yeah I’m just making words I’m impressed absolutely free he’ll do all those things to you absolutely free absolutely free all right my friends thank you for listening and we appreciate you letting us uh get in our little Soap Box yeah there you go how about math no less yeah you know that k no not really not for me but anyway we appreciate it and we hope if you’re coming to presid soon you’ll look us up we’d love to take you around and show you what our beautiful town is all about absolutely hope to hear from you soon take care bye bye
hello hello hello folks peeps bour oh so French this is Dian Randall bro coming to you live from Prescot Arizona here to talk to you about the most important thing selecting an agent when you’re traveling in from out of town yes so this is the buyer side talking about what buyers need to do in order to Def find agents more in the news people would use Buyer Agents without giving it much thought uh now with the lawsuits and everything people are starting to think a little bit more about it and how they should go about selecting their agents it’s very important make sure you have a good report with your agent we act as a lawyer we act as a negotiator we act as Bankers setting you up with lenders Bridge loans Etc we act as therapist we act as oh let me get your house clean for you General Contractors we wear many different hats we’re not just opening a door and saying you like it sign this one page no it’s a very complicated thorough process yes and you need to have somebody who you trust who you have a good relationship with who can help through help you through one of the most difficult times ever this is a very important financial decision you’re making yes so you you need to have some solid people backing you up and who will fight for you and help you every step of the way yeah two Dimensions yeah two Dimensions really on that there’s the there’s the hard side and the soft side so on the soft side you know you’re going to be going through a very stressful time yep uh we know you’re not going to be at your best because you’re under a lot of stress and everything you need someone who you can trust who you feel comfortable with who you like kind of have fun with you feel comfortable with you need that on the hard side you need someone who’s competent you need someone who knows the numbers who can tell you if a home is overpriced or underpriced who can tell you all the raro associated with this loan or that loan the the Contracting process negotiation Dynamics it’s there’s a lot uh so make sure you get someone not just someone that you like but someone that you’re confident can actually do the job well for you because you’re spending a lot of money on a home you you want to make sure you do it right 100% absolutely so it’s all about building the relationship between us and you yeah and you’ve got to have a high level of Competency a high level of confidence um in the people you’re working with that they will have your best interest at heart and they’re going to help you every step of the way which we 100% do uh we’ve had many sleepless nights on a lot of deals y um we get you through it without burdening you with what’s happening we try to problem solve behind so you don’t have a complete nervous breakdown let us have the nervous breakdown for you which we do that’s what we’re here for so when we get together recently we had a lovely person a lovely cou coup we got together they hopped in the car and we asked them to sign our our exclusive employment agreement which will be whether you like it or not you will have to sign July 1 that’s the new law so those contracts have been around a while we’ve been using them for a while now yes what is new is that they are becoming mandatory it will be mandatory you will not be able to go into a house with an agent without an agent unless you’ve signed uh an employment agreement and all it does is go over our compensation all of that is negotiable it will be negotiable we can figure that out who’s going to pay what it’s don’t worry it’s not going to be you know we’ll we’ll make it we do get paid for doing this if you have a problem with that then it probably won’t work out but you know the Secret’s out of the bag we are getting paid to do this if you’re okay with that then chances are you won’t have problem so when you come so we had somebody come in lovely couple that got in they’re like well we’re not signing that employment agreement agreement because um we’re gonna try out another agent tomorrow okay so let me be clear on this we had a whole day scheduled like she had uh she had to call up all the in schedule all the homes we looked at eight different homes we were in the car like four hours more than that yeah and uh and then in the end well we’re going to do the same thing with another agent tomorrow not great not cool not cool you don’t do that you know it’s not very ethical you should you just kind of wasted our time either we’re going to have a relationship or we’re not either we’re going to go steady or we’re not um it’s not a dat the tour you decide you don’t like us that’s a different totally but don’t come in town having scheduled you know buyer tours with more than one agent that’s just and we’ve had a couple people they’ll they’ll work with four different agents it it’s and nobody knows nobody even knows they don’t tell anybody that’s not coetic not ethical and it’s not ethical to sign an agreement and then say oh well I think I found something else with another agent that can give me a better deal so I’m going to cancel with you no we spent a lot of time and effort so please keep that in mind and just be happy with your decision we promise you won’t go wrong if you work with us yeah we will be there with you to the very end recently Randall was over there bringing our Dolly and helping a another client unload his truck yeah yeah so uh we are a full service full service we give you our all 100% so you want to make sure you’re working with someone who’s going to do that absolutely you know be be fair be fair just be fair yeah like I say you wouldn’t go to the doctor and he gives you an opinion and then you’d say you know what I’m going to go try another doctor but I’m not going to pay you I appreciate your time I appreciate your education and all your expertise but I’m going to go try somebody else and then I’ll let you know if I’m going to pay you we just don’t it’s not cool because we are we really deliver our all to you so please keep that in mind yeah if you wanted to do an interview yeah if you want to interview a few agents you know over coffee for an hour or something but don’t take us yeah that’s fine don’t take us out six hours and then and then tell you oh by the way we’re going to try some I I’m working with you yeah you um not cool so again if we have this contract and you get wigged out by and you’re all nervous about it don’t sweat it um if something terrible happens and we really don’t get along and it’s all falling apart uh we’re happy to get a divorce or an annulment you know it’s not like we’re going to hold your feet to the fire because if we get to that point chances are we don’t want to work with you anymore either to be honest you know what I mean so try to keep in mind and be kind to us agents out there most of us work super super hard for you we want to bring our best to you and you want those people would be successful absolutely so so good tip good tip just be careful when you’re selecting uh do your research on Google first don’t don’t take us all out on a date nobody likes that yeah if you like tips the place to go is our free information site pickle 411.com there is something there if you are a buyer seller somewhere in between that will Amaze Astound inform entertain and demolish I I don’t that’s right and it’s all free it’s all free and we’re here for you and we want to deliver 100% so uh don’t hurt my feelings yeah be cool be cool and uh let us get you the perfect home and in the perfect town of Prescot we can’t wait to help you all right take care thanks for listening bye bye
One of our clients tipped us off to a great program for movers with smaller quantities of stuff – U-Box! Tune in today to find out why it might be better than a traditional mover and whether it’s right for you.
hello hello hell peeps Diane and Randall bro here we are the presc pickle team that’s us she’s pickle lady I am the pickle lady here in Prescot Arizona enjoying beautiful straight myself out straighten yourself up straighten up and fly right that’s what I’m trying to do as we used to tell the kids straighten up and fly right good tip for today good tip for today one of our sellers a recent seller and I did not know of this and I’m very excited to share with all of you who were thinking about moving hopefully you’re moving here to Prescot um but it’s called U boox and it’s uh a new thing with U-Haul yeah U-Haul and a lot of people are familiar with the pods that you can come have the pods put in your driveway and you can load them up for your move and this that and the other uh U-Haul is doing a similar program um but they have smaller pods and you can come and three or order three or four of them fill it up with your stuff they will come pick it up they will load it up in their truck in U-Haul and drive it to wherever you’re going and even store it the key is it’s much more reasonable yeah so for instance I think he said each U box with $600 to rent and then they just so you get the box the box is empty and you can fill it with whatever you can fit in the Box correct and then they will did that include the storage for 30 days but they’re up to 30 days I think that includes the storage doesn’t include I don’t think that does include the transport but they paid I think they did four or five boxes maybe six boxes no I don’t think that many but it was four or five and it went across the country and it was like $5,000 $5,000 so it’s a considerable savings so if you’re one of those really Savvy people that knows how to pack and pack well and take care of their belongings I mean some people it’s very difficult to pack a whole house but if you’re a real go-getter and you’re able to pack your yourself and you’re able to physically um it’s a much more reasonable way to go than hiring a mover and yeah you know like our move from Texas to here was 15,000 15,000 and and they come in with this huge truck right you know and you know the truck time is money you know so you got to rush rush sh to get everything in you can have the UB boxes delivered and take you know days or weeks right they’ll go put it in storage and then when you arrive whenever you’re ready they’ll come and get them you don’t have across the whole United States in two days to meet the movers so anyway just something we thought we’d share because we thought wow that’s a really cool program we dig it it’s a lot more reasonable yeah and the pods may have something similar we haven’t used either but our our clients did have personal experience with the ubox right and it was a very positive one yeah we only want to talk about stuff we’ve actually heard yeah that’s right so uh pods that uh maybe offer a similar program I don’t know I can only speak on you you box and the positive experience my clients had with that absolutely so if you’re looking to save money and you’re not going to be moving uh everything on Earth and you just need a smaller more reasonable move look at U-Haul and ubox it could really work well for you y so anyway that’s our tip for the day yeah that’s our tip of the day if you like tips the place to go for tips is pickle 411.com that is our free information site where you can find all kinds of information whether you’re a buyer seller somewhere in between it will Amaze Astound inform entertain and surprise tantalize tantalize oh free all free so yeah we hope that uh you’ll call you hul and move over here yeah that’s right give us a call we’ll help you get into a great place all right please take care and have a wonderful rest of your day bye bye
Arizona laws regarding the disclosure of deaths or other unpleasant past events in a home’s history can differ from those of other states. Check out today’s video for a rundown of what’s required, what’s not, and how to handle it as either a buyer or a seller.
good midday to you good midday M Lady it’s the middle of the day yes it is well sometimes I get I get a little Punchy so good midday to all of my friends out there I hope pickle peeps pickle peeps we’re happy to be here today this is Diana Randle bro coming to you live from Prescot Arizona yes it is mile high city mile high city woohoo here to talk to you about dead bodies yeah nothing nothing more fun to talk about dead bodies should have wait for Halloween I guess yeah that would have been a better time not the best timing but dead bodies are there’s always stuff happening so uh you know people die and uh sometimes they die in houses and um so that’s a thing so uh different states have different rules absolutely different laws different laws in Arizona if someone dies in a home correct you do not have to divulge that we do not so also you should know suicides um murders uh violent crimes um we are not um by law we are not required to divulge that now if we are told that and a buyer asks asks us at that point we can say I did hear a b and c yes uh but right off the bat it’s not written in a document I know the state of California does require yes that all buyers be told if there was a suicide a murder or a death uh Arizona is not that way we don’t have to say right off the bat uh as a seller you don’t have to write it in a document and divulge anything if you share that with us and we have a buyer and they ask us at that point we are allowed to yeah we should tell them yeah we should tell you uh you don’t have to tell us as a seller you do not have to tell us and you do not have to put it in the seller’s disclosure that is not a disclosable item because it has nothing to do with the home absolutely so you should know every state has different laws yes you know if you were wondering if there was a murder or anything there are websites that you can that we can guide you to uh if you wanted to check crime rates if you wanted to check anything um but we uh there’s a lot of things that we as Realtors are required uh to not share upfront yeah um you have your own ways we can say we can guide you and say hey go check out the crime rate here here’s a great website for you to do that yes so I think some people get annoyed they come in like what do you mean you can’t it’s not me I don’t make of the rules yeah we don’t make of the rules uh but we can you know there can be serious violations yeah and uh if you are a buyer and the idea of buying a home in which someone died is U something you don’t want to look at uh you may have you know there are religious tabos on that I know absolutely Native American certain Native American tribes I’m not sure that’s all of them but uh that’s and I think certain Christian and Jewish sex um the same thing they they they that that’s not allowed it’s unclean or whatever it is so if you fall into one of those categories and that’s important to you make sure you tell us uh because the sellers will not have to divulge that we have to research that for correct and we’re happy to do that um and a lot of times we are not told so we truly do not have the answer for you yeah um and we don’t want you to think we’re trying to hide anything we just don’t know um and so we’re not allowed to ask and you know and they are not required to divulge unless they want to yeah yeah so keep all of that in mind it’s not us being difficult or not trying to share or trying to hide something we’re not it’s just what we have by the rules by the rules and we could be heavily fined and found in violation if we do otherwise yeah so uh Realtors are kind of held to a different uh code of ethics we have certain rules and regulations that we have to follow it’s not just us saying yeah most of them are intuitive uh this is one where you may not think that’s intuitive right and uh you may just come from a place where that’s divulged that’s not here a lot of yeah a lot of our californ like well that’s what we do in California and I know that but not in Arizona so anyway we just wanted to share that with you um we’re happy to get somebody to come Sage your house we’ve done that yeah we have done that yeah we’re full service people we are full service so if something has occurred and you have discovered it and you want to have we have people to come help sage and make it a a all good energy again absolutely so uh don’t be afraid of that um but please understand if sometimes we truly don’t know the answer that’s right uh and uh sometimes we’re not even allowed to offer that to you unless directly asked that’s right so that’s our tip of the day if you want more tips Place ghost pickle 411.com that is our free information site there is something there waiting for you that will amaze us down entertain and check check check check check all those things all those things absolutely free and we’d love to show you a house even with or without a dead body happy to do that Charing for this I just it’s just amazing to me it’s well just step right over the body and pretend that’s right I don’t see this a dead body I don’t see do you see that did you feel a ghost somebody rolled up a rug here I’m not sure what that’s about we we’re just gonna keep moving forward for as we have been told to do so have a fabulous day and uh hopefully we can show you a a lovely light and Airy Bri you know good spirit good vibe home so don’t worry we’ll help you guide guide you through it all okay sounds good to you sounds good to me all right see you guys later and hope to see you soon bye bye
Scammers are getting more and more clever – it’s no longer enough to ignore emails from Nigerian princes. Folks in the process of buying or selling a home are particularly susceptible to some of the latest scams. Tune in today to learn our best tips on how to avoid becoming a victim!
good morning good morning good morning to you Diana Randall bro here your I am the pickle lady we are your Prescot um realtor team that’s righty hope hopefully we’d love to be yeah love to represent you help you in your next chapter and something important we want to talk about yes we’re seeing it more and more especially for instance my uh my mother-in-law’s a little bit older and it’s really sick what goes on out there there are people who are very very wise very intelligent and they scam and they look up people of a certain age bracket and go after them and they are so so so convincing it’s scary yes um they should all be nominated for Oscars yes and how well they can convince and really real people in yeah used to be You’ get an email from was what was it the prince and what was the Haiti yeah in Haiti or no it was uh somewhere in Africa I forget anyway some people even fell for that yeah they fell for that now or you get on the yeah you get on the call and they’ll have like an Indian accent or a weird foreign accent uh scams have gotten professional they they really good they uh know how like what title company you’re working with they will learn the names of employees at the title company they will get your phone number and call you and really pretend to be those people and you and they are really good at what they do and chances are you have seen uh attempts at at scams I’ll name a couple of them you’ll probably recognize them okay so you get a text oh hey Susie are we still having lunch tomorrow yeah we’ll get I get those texts all the time that’s a scam hey that’s a scam don’t even answer don’t answer don’t answer because once you do they once you do proc they’re trying to they’re trying to uh sucker you in and get you conversing with them that’s a scam and I get this all the time I get emails from Geek Squad yeah and it looks like a real invoice a real bill I mean it is down to the color of the bill everything and uh I don’t do the technology Mr bro does yeah so I’ll be like did we do this this is like a $600 bill is this something I I didn’t know about because you do the technology and he’s like scam scam scam scam scam scam and so you have to be in this day and age so very very careful yes uh when we tell you wait till you hear from title do not accept instructions from an email uh chances are someone has even if it’s encrypted will still try to break in and misrepresent themselves yes yes and say now you need to wire the money the change there’s been changes in your wire yes there’s never changes in a wire especially to a title company yes so when in doubt this is all we can emphasize over and over and over when in doubt whether whether it’s a phone call whether it’s a text even if it’s an email whatever if you’re in doubt about anything hang up call Randall and I if we’re helping you or call your title company if they’re helping you during the sale and say I just got a phone call I’m I hung up I’m calling back just to make sure this is legit yes once you get and they will always they will try to get you not to talk to anyone else uh if they tell you not to talk to anyone else you know it’s a scam that’s a tip absolutely so um one thing you need to understand is we are all of a certain age yep and we get older every day and we become more vulnerable every day which is sad There are some evil we have some friends who are older than us yes uh very sharp and yet they have become victims of scams uh part of that is just the scammers are very good and part of it I think is that you know we get to a certain age we get more vulnerable we get more uh credulous you know I don’t know but especially a lot of them will bring in grandchildren or children and say your daughter was in an accident uh we need money and da D and occasionally you know people go to the bank to get cashier checks to they’ll go to uh Walmart to get a cashier’s check and thank goodness the employees are usually like H I don’t know and they’ll maybe flag it which is good there are still good people who try to help people who are being taken advantage of yes but every now and then it seems legit and everybody seems legit you just go through yeah they they are very good and it is rampant we are hearing it more and more I’m seeing it myself more and more uh why this is not a priority for our government just astounds me hon yeah they need to be in prison for the rest of their lives yeah yeah it’s I mean it it can really uh affect people’s retirement oh absolutely destroy lives absolutely horrible anyway please be careful and when we tell you if you’re in doubt of anything call us call your title call whoever you need to call to triple double quadruple check and don’t don’t share it with somebody share it with somebody share it with somebody call your daughter yeah it’s a lot harder to fool two people so even if you’re embarrassed and be like you know son this seems really true uh but I don’t want to look like I’m stupid and falling for it yeah always present it to another an objective second party third party and they’ll be like no yeah you know it’s okay it’s okay to run it by people and and say am I being stupid or is this legit oh and one other tip I do it all the time with rain I’m like is this us is this not us is yeah it looks that legitimate looks like a bill you know either they want you to pay it which case they have your money or they want you to call to talk about it which case they have something else going but it’s uh if you have a landline that’s now a scam line that’s that’s the landline means you’re of a certain generation they know you’re older and you’re more suceptible so get that’s another tip get rid of your land land it doesn’t help you just owning a landline informs people that you could be a mark U so get rid of your landline get rid of your landline yeah so anyway that’s our little tip of the day uh we’re hearing more about it and we’re worried about our people out there and we want you to be safe and not sorry yes so um anyway call your kids if you’re worried call your representative whatever it anybody and just say help me out is this I’m worried am I okay and uh it’s always good to run it by yeah absolutely when and doubt question question question that’s right so anyway that’s our little tip and we hope that you take it to heart uh I know randle’s my source I’m always like is this true and he’s like nope and I’m like I almost fell for it so anyway uh we want to make sure everybody’s okay yeah absolutely we want to take care of you absolutely so that is our tip for the day and don’t fall for it my friends don’t fall for it so take care have a great rest of your day and we sure hope that you call us if you come in town we’d love to take you around show you all around our lovely town and see some great houses absolutely so take care and have a wonderful rest of your day take care bye bye
We’ve talked about depersonalizing your home when getting ready to sell. Today we tackle one of the most – ahem – personal types of art, and what to do with it when getting your home ready for buyers to tour.
good afternoon pza Diana Randle bro here your presca pickle lady team located in the beautiful beautiful town of Prescot Arizona we are proud residents here seven and a half years seven and a half years seven and a half years love it love it love it um love life here one of my favorite things I especially love is sometimes going into I can’t even not say it without laughing it’s hard hard to yeah we’ve been into some homes so take a deep breath yeah there was I guess this is still going on uh young couples getting married or maybe not so young couples getting married these were not so young these were uh fabulous glamour shot phot Glam shot photos budo Style budoir Style and you know what I’m talking about oh yeah so these on the wall I’m trying to show a house naked lady on the wall these are some be you know nice shots from the 80s and 90s we all remember the glamour shots if you recall well imagine those scantily clad yes and uh hanging big hair big hair yeah I I could make not we’re not going there you know where I was going to go but I’m not no I’m going to back that up back that up but use your imagination but anyway yeah anyway so needless to say if you’re trying to sell your house and you have budoir photos in your even if it’s in your master bedroom or on the ceiling over your master clet even if it’s in your bathroom we’ve seen them in bathrooms that plus beautiful um statuary yes in various yeah positions connections and nudity and these are things let’s take down and put away yes take down and put away yeah I know art is in the eye of behold Eye of the Beholder but you know I know pornography when I see it as the Supreme Court said Supreme Court I know pornographer was say so yeah always not a very good selling point you people focused on you know the chair rails and stuff like that you don’t want the husband still standing in the bathroom and it’s like no no no no move onve you see how great this closet is yeah it kind of throws their mind off on the buying process yes um so uh you know always you know anything that you so you you might want to put that on the top of your list of things to depersonalize would be to take naked pictures of yourself and that’s the first thing I did when we went on the market I took down all of my phos pictures there there are none because that wouldn’t help sell the house anyway that would just be a good comedy show for people depends on the buyer I guess yeah I know so anyway uh so just you know when in doubt when in doubt I’m not sure take it down now if we come through your house and we’re going to help you list it we’ll tell you right away yeah oh yeah Gotta Go Gotta Go Gotta Go but every now and then we take buyers through and it’s not our listing I’m like oh Lord also too while we’re on this topic uh just a just a tip you may have a stash of items for your personal pleasure chances are my God you have squirrel them away somewhere a typical place is on the top shelf of the master closet if you have it up there and you move out of your house don’t forget to take it with you my sister-in-law moved into a home and evidently it was a western theme found a whole St including the gun and Holster was uh was up there so yeah if you’ve got a little St double check everything always go back through when you’re moving out check all the top shelves check stuff you might have H way and you forgot check it all because your next buyer and especially if you’re still living in the same town yeah and you certainly don’t want you know you don’t want buyers to stumble on your stash so and then they see you in the grocery store and you’re like I know way more about you than you ever thought I did ta there Cowboy this was a good one this one makes me laugh so anyway take your naughties down take your naughties down take your naughties down just take nobody wants to see nipples nobody wants to see you know statues going at it I mean I’m just being honest I’m being frank and honest it’s distracting dist although you know it does give us a good chuckle when we’re in the house at the moment but anyway so keep that in mind anything of personal nature take it down yeah put it away and then when you move out take it with you take it with you so that is our your listing agent to find that there you go yeah so that is our tip of the day that’s our tip of the day you want more tip yeah tip of the day tip want more tips the place to find that is pickle 411.com that’s our information site there you will find information that will Amaze astound and surprise you even if you’re it doesn’t matter if you’re a buyer seller somewhere in between we could charge money for it but we don’t it’s absolutely free pick that’s correct 411 pickle 411.com okay hope to see you there but dressed and then not scantly clad you know photos or anything we hope to meet you in person fully clothed absolutely so all right my friends take care and I hope you enjoyed this public service announcement see you soon bye