Why We Love Prescott Lakes

If you've been watching us any time at all, you know we love our town; but what about our country club? We didn't care much for country clubs back where we came from, but Prescott Lakes is an entirely different ball game. Come find out why we love it, and why you will too!
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A Stinky Subject

We all have smells that we like and dislike. Trouble is, not everyone agrees on which scents are best. Watch this episode to find out how scent can sell your home -- or prevent it from selling. 
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Sky High Body Wash

Every time we visit California, we find another reason why people are wanting to leave.  On this trip, we found what may be the last straw for quite a few folks.  Find out how our most recent visit taught us the value of body wash...and living in a place where both crime and prices are low. 
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Top 4 Reasons to Avoid Prescott

We love our town; it has so many exceptional features and amenities! Still, it's not for everyone. This week we explore the possible drawbacks to living here, so that you can decide whether Prescott is your kind of town.
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Mosquitoes & Other Crawlies

In some parts of the country, every time you open a door or window, some kind of creepy-crawly thing flies, buzzes, or crawls inside. 

But what about in Prescott? In this episode we give you the lowdown on mosquitoes, termites, cockroaches, scorpions and more.
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Fix & Sell

Rather than letting a "flipper" come in and make a quick buck, why not "flip" your own house, and get the most money possible for it? We'll give you the lowdown on which improvements will raise the price of your house the most, how to find the people to do the updates, and most importantly... how to pay for it all.

Blog post on how to buy now, sell later.
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Easter Buffets

Who doesn't love a good brunch buffet? Here in Prescott, Easter is one of the best times to find fabulous buffets featuring all your brunch favorites. We'll clue you in on the best ones to check out. Don't pass up this delicious opportunity, since it only comes once per year!
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Who Pays What?

When you're buying or selling a home, there are always any number of ancillary expenses (or "closing costs"), which can be substantial.  If you are like a lot of people, you may be a bit fuzzy on who pays what.

So in this episode, we cover exactly that: We lay out what are the various expenses associated with a transaction, and who is responsible for paying which items.

Buyer Estimate Example PDF
Seller Estimate Example PDF
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Water Worries

Worried about water issues in Arizona?  Well, in this episode we discuss the communities that are having trouble and what that might mean for the city of Prescott.
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St. Patty’s

St. Patrick's Day is one of those holidays that comes around without any obligations or other baggage to get in the way of having a good time... so it's obviously one of our favorites.  

In this episode, we discuss the many ways our town celebrates the honorable traditions of this Irish holiday.
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Doggie Redux

Having just made a couple of sweet additions to our little family, we thought we'd revisit one of our favorite topics: Pups!  In this episode, we introduce our two new puppies and talk about the joy of having dogs in our little town.

Having Fun With Your Dog in Prescott...

Tour of Prescott's Fabulous Dog Parks...
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One of the things that helps make Prescott special is we're all high here - that is, we are a mile above sea level.  Prospective buyers are often curious about the positive and negative effects this situation has on the people who live here, so we thought we'd explore that a bit in this latest episode.
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Post Possession

Sometimes the simplest solutions are not the best.  That's especially true when it comes to moving out of a home you just sold.  You'd think it would be no big deal to leave a few things in the home after you close - especially if the buyers don't mind.

In this episode we explain why that's not a good idea.
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Vacation Buddies & Splitter (Splittr)

One of the joys of retirement is travel, and there's no place you'll find more fun people to travel with than Prescott.  

In this episode, we share stories of the great trips we've recently made with our buddy groups... plus a cool app that makes paying bills for large groups a snap.
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Love is in the Air

Since Valentine's Day is upon us, we thought we would talk about what the world needs most right now: Love.  We discuss the kind of people you are likely to run into and the relationships you can look forward to once you move to our little town. 

All heartfelt.  In fact, tears may have been shed.
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Clever Low-Pressure Tactic

Buying and selling real estate can be one of the highest stress situations you'll ever face... or you can turn the tables and make it downright enjoyable.

In this episode, we reveal a little-known low-pressure trick that lowers your stress and gives you the edge in negotiating.
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