Doggie Redux

Having just made a couple of sweet additions to our little family, we thought we'd revisit one of our favorite topics: Pups!  In this episode, we introduce our two new puppies and talk about the joy of having dogs in our little town.

Having Fun With Your Dog in Prescott...

Tour of Prescott's Fabulous Dog Parks...
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One of the things that helps make Prescott special is we're all high here - that is, we are a mile above sea level.  Prospective buyers are often curious about the positive and negative effects this situation has on the people who live here, so we thought we'd explore that a bit in this latest episode.
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Vacation Buddies & Splitter (Splittr)

One of the joys of retirement is travel, and there's no place you'll find more fun people to travel with than Prescott.  

In this episode, we share stories of the great trips we've recently made with our buddy groups... plus a cool app that makes paying bills for large groups a snap.
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Love is in the Air

Since Valentine's Day is upon us, we thought we would talk about what the world needs most right now: Love.  We discuss the kind of people you are likely to run into and the relationships you can look forward to once you move to our little town. 

All heartfelt.  In fact, tears may have been shed.
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Thoughts for 2023

Another difficult year is past, and all eyes turn forward to the new year before us.  In this episode, we make our predictions for what 2023 will hold and share some thoughts about what it could mean for you.
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Property Taxes

Are property taxes ever good news?  Well, they come pretty close in Prescott.  

If you tired of paying through the nose for services that never materialize, then this episode is for you.  We talk turkey about taxes here in Prescott and how they compare to those in other, less fortunate places.
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Falling into Halloween

For those of you still fighting this year's heat, turn down the thermostat, wrap yourself in a warm, comfy robe, and share our little kickoff celebration for fall in Prescott and all the fun rituals of Halloween in our little town.
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Good Neighboring

If you're coming from a big city with all its big city ways, you may have developed some survival skills that won't serve you so well in a sweet little town like Prescott.  In this episode, we discuss what neighbors are like here and how you can best become a welcomed part of the community.
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Dry Heat

Take it from two folks who grew up in the steamy South, Prescott's version of dry heat is the bomb!  In this episode, we contrast life here with life under water (in places like New Orleans and Texas) and life in a blast furnace (in places like Phoenix).  We also discuss some helpful tips for people making the transition to a life in which you are no longer constantly dripping with sweat.
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Cool Trees

Prescott is its own little ecosystem, so the plants and animals you see here can be quite different from what you're used to (especially if you've grew up in - say - the swamps of Louisiana).  In this episode we call out some of our very favorite trees, which we were delighted to discover when we moved here.
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Religious Groups

Religion in a city like Prescott is different from religion in Rug Rat communities focused primarily on raising children.  In this episode, we discuss the role of religious groups in the local community and the adult social scene.
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Kudos to Yavapai County

Do you get hives at the thought of dealing with local government agencies in your area?  Well, in Prescott you may find things are different... and better.  And if you get close enough, you may smell a skunk pig.
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Fretting a Crash?

People worry that what goes up must come down, and nothing has gone up more than real estate in recent years.  Are we overdue a crash?

In this episode, we share our thoughts on the crash potential for Prescott-area real estate.
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Fires & Fire Prevention

Been hearing about fires around Prescott?  In this episode, we cover current fires and firefighting in general... plus a yodeling pickle.  No kidding!

Here's a link to the Wine Down on Prescott's Various Terrains...
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Solstice Ridge

What's the name of the town that has an ancient sacred gathering place with petroglyphs and precise alignments for the summer and winter solstices?  Well, if you said "Prescott, AZ," then go to the head of the class, my friend - because inside the subdivision of Prescott Lakes there is a spot called Solstice Ridge you just have to see.

Our episode on Petroglyphs: Click Here


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Egghead’s Delight

Prescott is smarter than your average small town, and true to form it boasts a most delightful bookstore right downtown.  If you love books, you won't want to miss it.  Hear all about it in this week's episode. 
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Prescott Hats

When you get close to the sun or out in the cold, sometimes the most important thing is what's up top.  In this episode, we discuss Prescott's affinity toward hats and demonstrate how they work for some but not so much for others. 
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Stupid Tax

A stupid tax is a tax you don’t have to pay if you’re smart enough to avoid it. Right now in real estate, across the country, people buying homes are pulling out their wallets to pay up – bidding up the price of homes well beyond what anyone thinks they’re really worth.

In this episode, we cover what we’re doing in the trenches to help our clients avoid paying the stupid tax.

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People have been living in Prescott for a long, long time… and we have some very old rocks to prove it. Check out Prescott’s famous petroglyphs in our latest episode.

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