Photo albums are great, but how often do you actually sit down to look at them? But your phone is something you look at every day. This episode will give you a whole new way to combine your photo memories with your phone that’ll have you smiling all day!
hello hello hello folks hello peeps this is Diana Randall bro coming to you from the beautiful Christmas Town of pres Arizona and uh we’re so happy to share all kinds of information with you whether it’s about our lovely town it’s uh lovely neighborhoods homes um and even just little random things random things so today we love to share Rand kind of kind of a random thing this is a random so during the holiday season you take a lot of pictures on your phone uh you put them on your phone they stay in your phone you never look at them again (00:38) every now and then you go back through oh remember this and then you never look at it again that’s right we have a trick for you we just found out we just found out we may behind the aall the rest of you may already know this may already know this if you do then you could laugh at us and move on now we have we have iPhones you know if you don’t have an iPhone there’s probably functionality very similar to this you just have to figure it out cuz I have an iPhone but here’s the thing on in your photos you can set up an album different albums (01:08) right and then whatever pictures you really like drop into that album and then you can set your uh phone so that your lock screen will randomly pick pictures from that album so I it just tickles me all day long I’ve got my lock screen set so the picture changes once an hour yep and uh all throughout the day it picks I put lots and lots of pictures and it it it pulls the pictures up and I just enjoy it all day long it’s so much fun and I mean we see a lot of uh uh pictures from trips we took with with friends it’s (01:47) like oh yeah I forgot about that how fun is that yeah just any picture that you think our kidos our daughter’s wedding our dogs you know just whatever it just kind of brightens our day we’re in the middle of a stressful work day yeah any picture that makes you happy just drop it in there right and uh it will unhappy pictures no put only things that make you feel happy that kind of person you know if you’re some people are yeah if you’re a masochist you know you could do that you so we got a get a big kick out (02:16) of it and sometimes we’re out and we’re stressed and something will pop up that makes us smile Good Times yeah we show one another remember that yeah you know yeah so anyway we were so excited by this uh obviously we’re way behind on technology we’re kind of shocking the how stupid we are with this but delighted to find this trick and just wanted to share it with you yeah yeah we also have uh electronic frames yes where you can load pictures uh upload pictures on from your phone and uh in the frame will randomly show those which is also (02:49) fun also a great way we we’ve we finally you know we take more pictures than ever before y cuz it’s so easy with but no more albums nobody does a photo album but you know you do Anum go you never sit down and look through albums you on your pH but you use your phone every day it’ll show you pictures it’ll give you a little smile the cool thing about this is you know we’ve moved many times I’m sure people who were thinking about moving here it’s kind of nice to see pictures from the past like oh that’s our old house or oh that’s our old (03:20) neighborhood it’s um it’s very nice and if you’re in a good mood you can reflect positively on that if you’re not you can just delete that photo just delete that photo and create the past that you want to remember create the past that you want or the new future that you want by coming here to Prescot there you go there you go that’s the Silver Lining um come get some new pictures and a new life here in Prescot see how I turn that I like that you just turn that back I I I looped it back in like a masterful Looper I am a master Looper Master (03:55) Looper she’s a master Looper I am a master Looper so but anyway we would uh love to have you come in and get some new pictures of your new home that you can float on your phone that’s exactly right and um we hope to see you soon we’d love to show you around and happy to share our little photo trick although I suspect most of you know it already yeah maybe but it was new to us and we were excited so that’s our tip of the day if you like tips we have plenty for you go to pickle 411. (04:25) com that’s our free information site whether you’re a buyer seller somewhere in between there’ll be something there waiting for you that will Amaze Astound entertain and inform did I say inform twice yes it doesn’t matter it’ll inform you so much you have to say it twice yeah it’s always good to be in form squared that’s right and it only costs $5 that’s not true not five absolutely free absolutely absolutely free you get this all all this talent for free this Talent is free yeah I know I don’t even have a sag card yeah I don’t know how those actors make (04:59) it when we’re doing sitting here doing this for free we’re I know it’s a lot of competition it’s a lot of competition yeah for those professionals that’s right anyway that means all right anyway we hope to see you soon um so we can be in some of your photos to go into your floating on your phone right yeah that’s all you need to have your two favorite Realtors yep on your phone but anyway hope to hear from you soon and that’s it that’s it did you already say the Med yeah you don’t remember I said informed twice oh yeah I (05:33) forgot I’ll say it again if it’ll make you feel better pardon me pardon me but anyway hope to hear from you soon and we hope you have a great rest of your day bye friends bye