We all know cash is king, but in this day and age the cash discount on a home may be less than you were hoping for. Join us on this week’s episode for tips on how to manage cash discounts and use them to your benefit.
good afternoon hello peeps oh yes wow right in my ear hello peeps okay very good she’s pickle lady I am I’m her sidekick we’re here in presca Arizona that’s right she’s the presc pickle Lady this is our video and so now we all know where we are here we are here we are so we are happy to come to you today and talk about cash discounts cash discounts so if you pay cash you can expect a discount yep that’s most people know that already understand cash is King cash is King people always like cash cash deal will beat a similar deal that (00:37) doesn’t have cash that’s right uh so because of that sometimes you can get the house for a bit less uh you can certainly get it less uh than if you had to take a loan uh if you’re putting a lot down that’s kind of cash equivalent sort of the same thing uh but if you have a loan sort of minimum down well there’s a risk that the financing is not going to go through the will lose time on Market you know all that kind of stuff and you know the cash allows you to go faster you know so sellers like cash and because of that they might be (01:13) willing to lower uh but not as much as you might think that’s right you know people come through waving their cash you know sometimes literally no that’s not true open up a briefcase full of $750,000 I don’t think so but uh they do they do sort of wave their cash around and expect big discounts 50,000 100,000 it’s not going to happen that’s not going to happen not in this market not in prescot’s Market I should say let’s clarify other states that may be happening but in preset our values are pretty holding yeah pretty holding (01:49) pretty St stable most buyers who come through presc are pretty well qualified absolutely so I mean look at it from the point of view of the seller I like this cash offer because there’s no question there’s going to be they’re going to qualify the it’ll go faster because there’s no underwriting or any of that so it’ll be a quick appraisal no appraisal so I don’t have to risk whether the it’s going to appraise or not so there’s a lowering of risk there is a speed up of the process and there’s sort of security uh you know if you save a month (02:27) on Market the equivalent would be you know let’s say $4 $5,000 maybe if you’re talking about uh you know a million and a half home uh you know somebody might rent that for $4,000 $5,000 a month so if you push it up a a month you can think well there’s probably value for or $5,000 not $100,000 no not1 so you know typically what we find we just had a cash deal out in Prescot Valley I believe the home was listed for 650 cash deal so they came in at 6 40 they grabbed it and ran with it they’re not going to say oh I’ll get it for 625 or (03:05) 600 it’s just not going to happen now if the if the seller has had a sale fall through or maybe a couple of sales fall through instead of 10 you might be looking at 20 maybe if the wind’s blowing right to 30 maybe not very often you’re starting to push it even at home at a million dollars you’re starting to push the value of the cash offer that’s right so just we like to when people come in town we like to kind of set your expectations so if you’re coming in with a cash deal even though your state California Texas any of the other states (03:40) around oh well we’re coming in you know we get 30% it’s really not happening here I mean in other areas like Texas might be a good example where they have a lot of buyers who will not qualify you know the deal will fall out uh if it’s um you know if if they’re not qualified and there’s a good chance they won’t be qualified preset doesn’t have that most of the buyers are pretty firm right so yeah in a market where it’s very common for buyers to come in and not qualify cash looks really really good but it’s not as valuable here because we don’t (04:16) have that situation we have very qualified in fact overqualified buyers so um anyway so we we like to kind of share this with people to kind of set your expectation uh when you’re coming in especially if you’re getting ready to make an offer we will guide you in the best way possible uh we will not make you overpay but we just have to let you know you’re not going to come in here and and get you know 40% 30% off it’s just not it’s just not going to happen I’m sorry I wish I could but uh you you’ll have a rejected offer is what will (04:47) happen and we don’t want that to happen hopefully a counter yeah so or definitely a counter for sure so keep that in mind when you’re coming to this Market just see kind of know how we operate here and uh it’s important to know what you’re stepping into and what you can expect during the process y absolutely so we hope this is a a helpful little tip yep if you want more tips place to go pickle 411. (05:12) com that’s our free information site whether you’re a buyer seller somewhere in between there’ll be something there waiting for you that will Amaze Astound entertain and inform hopefully all for nothing all for nothing all for nothing all for nothing so we hope to hear from you soon and uh please enjoy a beautiful day bye bye