When serious buyers tour a dozen houses in one day, it's easy for them to forget which one is which. In this episode we share a secret about how they cope with this and how to use it to make your house stand out from the crowd.Video Transcript
Diane and Randall bro here your local Prescott area real estate agent wife combo uh so far so good we’re marginally French correct he’s Cajun French 100 I am not but that’s okay um so we’re here to talk to you about something that’s kind of fun we love it we do it all the time you can’t help but not do it when you see so many houses when you take buyers out it’s hard to remember each and every house so you start to nickname the houses yeah so you could say the Moosehead house yeah the house has a Moosehead a Moosehead house yeah or crazy paint color the greenhouse The Pink House the uh the many cats house yeah sometimes there’s a lot of cats in there there’s a lot of cats cat memorabilia that’s right and you have to do this because I you know particularly if somebody is as we say in the shoot like they they have to find a house and they want to find the house as soon as possible we’ll show our 12 homes we might show Ted homes in one day your eyes will be crossing my eyes start to Nicknaming Your Home cross and you really have difficulty remembering wait what house was that so if we nickname it it comes back yeah so something fun that we like to tell our listeners is think of something positive about your home that we can nickname your home so we should say oh my gosh I had the greatest Jewel ever yeah it’s just like a little Jewel a little a little jewelry box it’s a jewel you know and then you know try Positivity to do something like a jewelry box or something put something out uh positive mind you we don’t want to have the stinky house yes the kitty cat smell house yeah yeah we’re looking for a positive positive it was pretty bad so think of something cute you know or put a decorative item out that that other buyers coming in will instantly identify and remember and be like you know that house that had that cute um Standing Out puppy dog pillow great yeah I know exactly which one you’re talking about so uh think of something positive and fun that people will see and say and remember later because it’s very important it is you know believe it or not and sellers don’t realize buyers realize because they’re experiencing it sellers don’t think of their house you know they tend to think of their house in isolation not part of a buyer tour of 12 other homes that’s right so that’s what you’re competing with and uh usually the buyers who are on who are seeing the most homes those are the ones who are definitely going to buy yeah so this is important along those lines as Clever Marketing well a very clever marketing attack just a little something do something really cute really uh special that sets your house apart from the others that people will remember yes like if you have beautiful flowers have a lot of flowers throughout the house if you have a beautiful garden you don’t have things oh remember that flower house believe me it works and people will remember and you know people are people aren’t always clever Marketing Ideas um so don’t be afraid to be obvious so let’s say you decide you’re going to leave a plate of cookies from time to time we’ll have a plate of cookies very nice I love that and everybody remembers remember the cookies that house the cookie house the cookie house so if you’re if you’re gonna do that and I’m just using this as an example you’re going to do cookies uh leave a note it’s always nice when we walk in and a seller has left the note for buyers please have some cookies or some cookies or water and say welcome to the cookie house yeah and then people will call you the cookie house so tell them what to call your home yeah and make it something good positive and um and it’s something kind Conclusion of fun yeah absolutely something fun and positive because positive we don’t want to call you the stinky house like I said or the poop house or the beige house you know beige house yes we want to something special so think about that if you’re getting ready to list your home if you list with us well we’ll tell you the same thing we’ll make it happen so just something fun we wanted to share with you we thought it would be kind of interesting something different um so tonight when you’re going to sleep think of a cute game for your house what are you going to be what is your house going to be what are people going to call you what are people going to call your house that’s our tip of the day if you like tips the place to go is pickle411.com whether you are a buyer seller or somewhere in between there’s something there waiting especially for you that will Amaze Astound entertain and inform you and it’s only a hundred dollars no no absolutely free absolutely well hell I wish if you want to send us a hundred dollars you can no you don’t have to no Wind Down you don’t you don’t know it’s all free we’re happy to offer our our infinite amounts of wisdom wisdom and Shenanigans Shenanigans wisdom and shenanigans that’s it okay folks this is Diane Randall bro your local Prescott area real estate agents here to help you whether you’re buying or selling so look us up give us a call and let us make it happen for you bye bye