hi everyone hi clients friends and fellow preschootonians this is randall and diane bro here your spouses who sell houses as well as i am the people lady absolutely well this was made the fabric design was made by unknown i’m going to cover that yeah this that’s not cool but anyway this was made by kate sullivan kate sullivan yes did he get kate hey lisa toast to you fabric designer or just designer in general in new york city she was very kind to make this for me design the bathroom yes and then my wonderful managing broker at realty one group mountain desert sam dumas a woman of many many talents she loves to sew and she made this beautiful pickled wrap out of the fabric am i not lucky you are lucky here’s the sam thank you so much thank you sam also i would like to introduce these two appendages here in case you’re wondering we are having a wonderful week with our daughters who are here visiting um freaking frack welcome freaking fractions so glad you’re here hello it’s me rick i thought you were bragg no she’s freaking surprised [Music] so then for the weekend we figured what wind down would be complete without freaking fractures it would not be complete without freaking fret and they were anxious to be included so we said okay okay thanks for having us let’s do it for one anything for one these girls yeah they come in from california yes they’re coming from california cecily is a fellow los angeles hello she’s from the city of angels city of angels adeline is heading out that way she’s getting ready to graduate a whole year early cheers to you so proud thank you yes a year early your children too if they work hard enough can do that but it’s alright if you don’t but whatever we’re just saying i’m ready one very proud of her that was quite an accomplishment absolutely very proud of her anyway both girls are heading out to california as the young and foolish dude yeah that’s right all two of them yeah we will forgive them but uh we also want to say to you californians who were there and they’re saying hey you know what let me change your pace when you get out of big city yeah all 100 000 daily [Music] moving in the other direction right we’re tired of the taxes we’re tired of everything we here at prescott we welcome you we’re the ellis island yes california we are your port of harper’s destination destination port of harp part of i don’t know you’re weary yes you’re over-mortgaged over-taxed and under-appreciated everyone wanted to own a home i’m here to leave las vegas cheers we would love to help you relocate yeah we at realty one group there’s a whole bunch of us here waiting to help you you know as i say we came from texas i’m not a native chriskatonian but i got here as fast as i can and it’s a great town we’d love to have you love to help you in this very important process of your life yay that’s what we’re here for also i wanted to talk about some upcoming events this weekend i cannot wait we’re dancing for the stars it will be at the elks theater this saturday april 14th one o’clock because you guys can make a kite yeah thing i tried super hard but didn’t make the cut anyway it is a wonderful fundraiser there are several dancing teams competing and raising funds for the boys and girls club of central arizona what a great cause yeah that’s right so there are two shows saturday at elk theater one o’clock is the matinee where will be and then seven o’clock p.m is the second show call the elks theater and see if there are any tickets left it’s a worthy worthy cause for the boys and girls club of central arizona happy to have have them here and support that yeah call quick because they’ll probably sell it and also part two of beauty and the beast at the yavapai community center for the arts call them be our guest all right i got it in me okay you got it out you got out of your system good i’m good you’re good i’m good that was five years of uh voiceless killing it money very crap yeah yes very talented thanks for having me okay we will follow up with some open houses we’ll be hosting this weekend uh love to see you there text or whatever yes yeah they’ll put them in the text um anyway i hope that you guys will enjoy an upcoming weekend with your family and have a lot of fun hope yours is better behaved that i take offense we are we are we are moving right along we could not honestly we can’t ask for better daughters we are lucky lucky people so please do not hesitate to call randall and i we’re happy to help you out in your home search that’s what we’re here for call us at zero 928-496-001 seven five that’s right last time i called it worked my mind was like you nailed it she’s checking i’m like you got it like yeah is that right i don’t know my mind you know anyway a little too much wine anyway thanks for joining us and meeting our family and have a wonderful weekend with your family and enjoy some great happy times thanks for joining us until next week cheers to you cheers