Downsizing your life? Having seen the process time and time again, the Pickle Lady has some great tips for you – and a cool technology tool you should check out… and some wine.
Video Transcript hello hello hello this is diana randall bro here coming at you from the the terrace out at the raven cafe one of our red places around town yes really cool vibe very nice but we’re not here to talk about the favorite cafe no we’re not what do you want to talk about my love we’re here to talk about downsizing downsizing we have a lot of people coming here from all over and they want to downsize so here’s my advice to you if you’re coming from a home three to five thousand square feet which we see a lot of yep and you think you know what i’m getting rid of everything and i’m starting over i only want 1500 feet i’m here to tell you that’s a mistake it’s not gonna work out it’s not gonna work out you really need if you’re truly downsizing start at two thousand yeah because it’s hard at least eighteen hundred yeah it’s hard to divest yourself of divest yourself of your belongings especially if you’ve lived in a house about 40 years or so which we see a lot of yeah it’s really hard to comb through that stuff and move into a new home and make it your place because you miss some of your familiar belongings yeah so i don’t know what it is about hutches in particular people want hutches i gotta take my my china hutch gotta do the hutch but here’s the thing measuring a lot of space for hutches that’s right if you go too small 14 or 1500 square feet you’re going to be miserable and especially for you married couples that are retired that is too much togetherness and too much under footness yeah you might end up separated and or divorced yeah because it’s a little too close for comfort so just keep in mind do about 2 000 square feet you’ll be fine you’ll make a wonderful adjustment you’ll be able to keep some of your favorite pieces and still have the comfort and feel of your old home but in a much more manageable livable space yep that being said there you go that being said that’s my two cents that’s your two cents my two cents is if you’re going to downsize a lot of times what we hear is we want to downsize we want to downsize one’s someplace small so we show them a place that’s small the first thing they say is well i’m not going to be able to fit all my stuff in here that’s right you may have to get rid of some things yeah well here’s the idea if you’re downsizing you’re not going to bring all your stuff you’re going to bring a subset of your stuff correct i like that the smaller the subset the better uh one thing we will do is if you’re looking at a particular home we’ll go through and do a video i’ll i’ll intersperse an example so you see what we’re talking about where we actually uh put the dimensions like the length of a wall in the video so you can see the house and see how much space you have to see if your height is going to fit we’ll be glad to do that for you we do that all the time uh but my advice is if you want to downsize if you’re serious about it be open to losing the hutch don’t make it all about the hutch or whatever piece of furniture uh we’ll try to find you a space for it but you don’t want the house that you bought being driven by your old touch correct because there’s some great houses you’re missing out on just trying to fit your dining room table your dining room table or your hutch your life is going to change you significantly make the change yeah you got to jump in with it with both feet uh you don’t want to come here buy something and then have to sell it buy something else because it doesn’t get what you want to do exactly just don’t go too small but don’t bring everything with you it’s you gotta strike the dude though if you’re gonna make the move make the move embrace the change get rid of the old crap that’s right here oh hutch get rid of the old hatch i think hutch is a french word for crap yeah eat that much you don’t need that it’s all good the bureau come here yeah it’ll all be good and they’ll be good embrace the change yep where can they find you you can find me at or 713-302-1964 she’s the one and only press could pick a lady and she’ll be there wrecked or we sell basket yeah we’re looking to sell a home check out we sell press get done so cheers cheers to downsizing make it happen have a whole new life get rid of that old stuff that old history you don’t need smaller you have smaller lives smaller is good smaller is good all right cheers to that cheers to that oh you gotta hand me your glasses bye see you later have a great day bye