With so many recent fires and natural disasters it’s normal to feel anxious. We’re here for you! We’re not only sharing tips for fire preparedness, but also telling you about a sanctuary that’ll make you feel safer than ever. Want a hint? The sanctuary starts with a “P.” Tune in and find out the details!
hello hello hello hello peeps uh happy to say hello to all of our fellow pickle peeps out there this is Diana Randall bro she’s pickle lady I am and I’m coming to you live from our beautiful little mountain BG yeah isn’t that a cute name ber yeah also town here in the mountains of Prescot Arizona say studio for our studio well we also are studio in the bur we also are in our special studio in the bur it’s a Burg Studio we have our own Green Room in our house that where we shoot all this great stuff for you guys that’s right so uh something we (00:38) wanted to talk to you about quite serious is fire preparedness fire preparedness um obviously this is a topic that’s very important uh and to a lot of folks out there especially those poor uh Souls out in California who have been subjected to the terrible tragedy of all the fires out there yeah absolutely now now we’ve talked about fire before fire preparedness prevention uh the firefighters we we’ve talked about fire a lot we get a lot of questions about fire I guess for obvious reasons (01:10) but we thought important it’s important we thought we just reiterate just because now fire is kind of top of mine so we thought we just uh recap some of the stuff that we’ve set before definitely so one good thing about our little town is uh we are very uh Progressive in treatment of potential fire risk and things like that proactive we are extremely proactive Progressive has come to mean a whole lot of things so well true well you know everything has come to mean a whole lot of other things you (01:40) know what I mean we are we are in other words we’re on the ball we’re proactive uh we don’t fool around our budget is there uh it’s never cut no um we stick to the budget we our mayor’s great about making sure the the policies are in place and follow through more importantly um so we have never we’ve lived here what eight and a half years yeah never ever have we even come close nor have we been required to evacuate uh because of the preparedness that our town has in the preset is sort of firefighting Central it it really is so the a lot of the uh well most of the firefighting (02:26) capability comes out of preset so the the airport here is where they launch all the firefighting uh Aviation uh you’ll see when there’s a fire going on somewhere they planes taken off constantly they fight everything all the way up into Flagstaff all the way down into the valley close to Phoenix and everything in between uh so the firefighters this is where most of them live because this is where where they’re coming out of and so a lot of pride in fire firefighting fire prevention here very (03:00) much honor our firemen and appreciate all that they do so a lot of folks who move here and brand new will be especially in the spring sometimes in the fall they’ll say oh there’s a fire there’s a fire it is just uh control burns control burns thank you you took the words right out of my mouth control burns it’s just control burns which is believe control burns here now in some areas uh you know people don’t like control burns or raking the undergrowth or whatever uh because they want to be natural what you need to understand is nature has a way of removing the undergrowth (03:35) it’s called fire right uh it’s very natural for fires to occur uh very natural for Forest to burn it’s been going on for thousands millions of years uh you know the the homes that burn in California from Nature’s point of view that’s just undergrowth right it’s just but that’s what nature does so if you don’t want homes to burn um you can’t go 100% now natural you you have to manage the forest and so we are very good about managing all of that um and so we will have these prescribed Burns do not panic every now and then if you see some black clouds and smoke it is our (04:14) fire department doing their job and protecting our little town um also we have two reservoirs here Watson Lake and Willow Lake and they are never run dry no uh they’re always pretty full and that is where a lot of our water is pull cold during during the firefighting so you’ll see like the big Chinook helicopters hovering over Willow Lake sucking water up it’s kind of cool it’s kind of cool watch it’s actually kind of cool to watch uh the process in place so you never have to worry very rarely uh unless we just don’t have a lot of rain or snowfall does it really get super low (04:50) um it’s pretty uh pumped up and active you know so it’s it’s all good we have good water source to fight fires yeah the other good thing here is our fire department ments are always open ready willing able give them a call they’ll come to your home and tell you how to protect your own home and how to be in the best firewise position so they’ll come out and tell you this tree has to go too close to the house they’ll give you the parameters they’ll walk you through it free of charge so it’s (05:22) a great program and everyone should utilize it especially if you’re living closer to some of the trees and things like that they’re happy to do it it’s part of their job willing to do it and everyone should really take advantage of it the other thing you should be aware of is so far so good we have not had a lot of um cancellations for fire Insurance here we are not required to have separate fire insurance as in other areas um yet so so far so good you don’t have to carry a separate fire Insurance uh there might be especially after what’s happening California (06:01) maybe some changes in rates but so far so good for people living here I mean nothing has changed here so yes and the fire insurance if you want it it is available right um most of the fires that our guys are putting out here in Prescot or in the forests in the mountains and stuff like that it you know basically never gets close to the city proper no and when there are fires within the city itself they are on it and immediately immediately so uh living here eight and a half years never had to (06:34) be evacuated never even came close thank goodness so uh just wanted to share that with you guys if you’re very concerned about the safety of our little town here and fires you pretty much are are are going to be okay um so nothing to number a number of people displaced looking for a place to go uh other people are kind of opting out and looking for a place to go we know you don’t want to go from fires to fires absolutely so just want to make it clear that you won’t have those kind of problems we don’t have those issues here and uh we’re on it we’re on it people um any of the fires (07:13) that you have heard about in Arizona usually from our town are about an hour out yeah there really are in desolate desolate areas far away and maybe it’s from a lightning strike or spark or something like that um but they’re right on it and take care of of it have never had major issues in the town proper so if you are concerned about that and wondering where can I land next where should I go we just wanted to let everyone out there know give you peace of mind if you come here you’re going (07:46) to be okay we’re we’re we’re on it and so to all of our folks out in California our hearts go out to you uh we wish you nothing but the best as you try to rebuild and we hope the best for all of you and uh anyway we just wanted to give you a big virtual hug wherever you are and uh we hope that uh you land on your feet soon so this is Rand and Dian bro coming to you here from Prescot Arizona if you need anything you can refer to our website yeah best place to go is pickle 411.com that is (08:20) our free information site whether you are a buyer seller or somewhere in between there’s something there that’s waiting for you that will Amaze Astound entertain and in form there you go so come see us come see what we’re all about take care and have a great rest of your day bye bye