Prescott loves a good happy hour, but figuring out where to go when has not always been easy... until now! In this episode, we release the first edition of our exclusive Prescott Happy Hour Schedule. Happy Hour Schedule PDF Our episode on Superstition MeaderyVideo Transcript
good morning folks good morning folks this is randall and diane bro she’s the prescott pitbully here in prescott arizona we’re realtors and we talk about a lot of other stuff we’re coming at you come on that’s right my red shoe i have a really cute red shoes coming at you uh we are the uh husband and wife duo here in prescott arizona we are uh local realtors here happy to represent you as a buyer and as a buy as a seller and as it turns out as a drinker too and it’s a drinker yeah one of the things that’s really big impressive we wanted to well you probably knew this already we wanted to share is happy hours are big here happy hours are huge happy hours are big so huge cheeseburger and press get like to go to dinner early so the idea of starting to drink at three that’s like right in line sure you know it’s like why not most cities they have a drink at five why’s seven this is a retirement town yeah so i feel like you need five if you’re retired you should go enjoy happy hour and then have a lovely dinner yeah that’s what it’s all about but there’s reason they call it happy hour because you get you know your voice your voice correct it’s always changing i’m i’m constantly evolving i’m trying to stay one one step ahead is that right yeah that’s what i’m doing well good luck with that good luck yeah but we’ll try so uh think about happy hours since you get the same uh great great cocktails uh appetizers whatever they have but it’s you know they get a special deal sometimes you get things that you can’t get any other time and there’s nothing wrong with that yeah and there are a lot of restaurants here that do it the problem with uh happy hours is you decide kind of spur the moment we tend to be spurring a moment right i feel happy i want to go someplace that has to happen true where can i go where can we go where can i go i don’t know mr bro well we have just just the thing for you i have completely this is so obnoxious the seventh grade great seven can you read it seventh grade happy hours and prescott i think we’ve already hit happy hour personally that’s why we can’t so there we go so i will appear not i’ll put it i’ll put a link down below so what we’ve done is we compiled seven of what we thought were really good happy holidays some of the better yeah they’re amazing prescott prescott is jumping yeah with happy hours why why did i pick seven why do you think that i don’t i could only fit seven on the chart oh okay yeah so the constraints of the chart itself all right okay well i appreciate your effort yeah we’ve got some great ones so uh uh superstition metering augments merchants trees uh plastic brewing cold grill yes and county seat was this tell me [Music] yeah so you have a little a little calendar here it’ll tell you any day of the week you know the the hour of the day what which of these quite deeply uh which of these is is experiencing happy hour so at the last minute you decide you know what i should be happier than i am check the chart see who’s doing happy hour and you can go happier than i just wanted to just a little project we wanted to let you know about it and we just thought about we’re like wow you know we have so many clients that come in and we’re like hey you are trying this happy or this one or this one or this one and we thought hey you gotta put them all together got to put them all together and do a wine down about it so that you guys i bet you uh the meadery also has a happy hour that’s that’s just right superstition they’re number one my favorite i would have mentioned them oh yeah i did oh yeah you did oh okay sarcasm will not help you here yeah that’s right just try it yeah they have a great one they have uh half off beans and ciders yeah their meats are amazing right that’s on the side yeah yeah yeah yeah we had a great time did a flight of maids yeah fantastic great great place i have a friend back in louisiana b calvert shout out to you who still talks about the metering here in preston how wonderful it was so anyway uh we thought you know what let’s sit down and talk about our top seven happy hours so uh lest you ever think that uh price gets you some sleepy old little retirement town not so yeah we just we’re kicking we just start at two o’clock in the afternoon we’re kicking we do start a little earlier um because dinner time is 4 30 here but we’re done and then you have a great night after that you get you’re in bed by eight but you’ve had a great time and that’s what it’s all about she gets more traction out of our happy hours so this is our way of communicating to the world what’s happening when so we can coordinate better correct there you go so we thought we would share this wealth of information with you our fellow preschootonians and those who were thinking about becoming oppressive preschool yeah so download our uh our seven great happy hours in prescott arizona calendar chart and uh who knows maybe we’ll see you at one of these great we would love to see you so give us a call at 713-302-1964 our website always waiting for you our free information site that’s whether you’re a buyer seller or somewhere in between just looking for a happy hour or abelina or whatever you need you’ll find it there it’s free it’s wonderful it’s entertaining and vibrations yeah just making it worse that’s a good word that’s a good one i like it okay so we look forward to hearing from you and uh i hope you enjoy the happy hours here as we do okay have a great evening thank you for our morning what did i say was it morning we’ve been here for 12 hours it has been a long day but you know what i mean have a good day bye