Visiting Prescott is always a lot of fun, but it pays to plan in advance. HOT TIP: Even if you aren't ready to buy... even if you're not sure this is the place for you... schedule some time with the Pickle Lady. Here's why you'll be glad you did.
Click Here to Schedule Time on the Pickle Lady’s Calendar.
here’s my new phrase i love to call everybody i call my daughters us chicken leg chicken leg chicken what’s up chicken legs what’s up chicken wing what’s up turkey leg and they’re like i don’t know i like that little draw you throw in there yeah yeah she’s the pickle lady diane bro i’m randall bro realtors and prescott and this is our informative video to help you buy sell or just have fun here in prescott arizona and in case you didn’t realize or you haven’t caught on yet um he’s the straight guy and i’m the he’s the wing man oh you think i’m yeah i’m the funny one i think you’re the one man you’re the chicken wing you’re the chicken wing man chicken leg i’m the leg i’m the chicken you’re the turkey leg anyway she’s trying to establish uh you know who’s who and his videos but anyway we are here to talk about something that actually makes me brings a tear to my eye makes me sad makes me cry and i really want to emphasize uh to those of you watching if you are planning a trip here and then you you arrive and you decide hey i think i want to see houses it’s very hard for any agent out there if you call five minutes before and say i’d like to go see i want to see this house and i’m right outside it right now x y and z and i listen most of the time i’ll throw my bra on i put my bra on my shoes i’m out that door and i’ll make it happen sometimes though i’m already booked with another client or we might have a plan we’re having a mammogram or something yeah you know i mean we do have lives unfortunately that’s a very weird thing yeah yesterday i was just thinking you you’re gonna call can you come show me well you know well not right now i’m being squished yeah and you ladies out there know what i’m talking about i’m being quick so we highly highly highly recommend if you are planning a trip give us a call i’ll put you on the calendar and then i’ll work around your schedule so your trip is not ruined and you can’t go see something or you have to wait a couple of days till we’re available yeah um nothing really bothers me more hurts my heart when it’s like i just i can’t i simply can’t i can’t make it um we appreciate that you are taking you know time uh uh money effort uh to get here right whether you’re flying or you’re driving and uh you know you’re spending money and you’re spending your time and want you to have a a good experience absolutely if you are not planning on buying anything that’s okay absolutely i mean we’re not expecting you to buy a house as soon as we see you we get the fact that you’re going to have to you’re going to want to see the town and make sure that this is where you’re going you’re going to want to settle right that’s fine as i always say what do i say i understand it’s a process it’s a process yeah we have absolutely no issue spending about five or six hours with you giving you a good tour of the town and previewing homes that fit your requirements and usually we end up with lunch somewhere yeah and we actually have a fun day yeah it’s a great time this isn’t oh i’m gonna take you to see three houses and i’m gonna kick you out of the car no we really go to great efforts and we want to give you that experience so if you kind of call within five minutes i can’t quite do that first of all also you need to know when we preview homes those are all scheduled appointments yes um you can’t just arrive and and the people will leave their house yeah it takes you know an hour or two to schedule all that up because in particular if the homes have uh sellers living in them right you know you gotta arrange all that that takes time to set that up and you gotta do all right this one’s gonna start at ten and end at eleven the next one’s gonna start geographically map it out know and we want to give you the of you ultimate experience we don’t want you to come in and well i can only show you this house because i can’t get you into any other homes right now so keep that in mind and the reason why i say this is some people say i just want to visit first and see what i think i can guarantee you’re going to love this time you’re going to love it yeah 100 and then you’re going to be here and you’re back damn i do kind of want to see more and some people say i’ll find the neighborhoods myself very difficult very hard to do when you’re not from this area and you don’t know the lay of the land and we know firsthand when we came to because we did it oh we’re online and we’re looking at homes and i thought we could do it you know when you find the ones that you think are nice and you drive over to see them and you find out oh i have no desire no i can’t live here yeah so we were you know we spent a day or so um looking around on our own before we were scheduled to meet with our real estate agents and uh what the next day they immediately took us to our neighborhoods like oh my god this is we didn’t even know this this is it this is what we’re looking for you’ve dialed in the frequency that i’m looking for exactly and we could do the same thing for you so and we want to do this for you and we want to have fun and of course you know i want to be prepared have my pickles ready everybody who goes out with us gets our famous pickles yeah and uh take a look at our date tours too we’ve got uh five or six different day tours lined up with an itineraries for you know if you’re a dog person these are the kinds of things that you can do with your dog if you’re a music person these are the music venues uh if you want to hit whiskey row you know there’s a day tour for that so we have a lot of preparation for you and we give you a huge binder that’s just loaded with all kinds of amazing information so i highly recommend book with us don’t just come in here cold we’ll be in advance we want to make it happen we want to give you a really really good taste of what it’s like to live here and present and have a good time and if you end up not moving here at least you’ll have a great little vacation and we’re fine with that if you’re not ready to buy how many people we have so many friends that came here three years ago and it took them three years to finally close yeah we don’t care it’s fine with us please don’t think and people will say i don’t want to waste your time it’s okay yeah that’s what we do that’s our job that’s our job we’re here to serve we’re here to take you and if it takes you three years it takes you four years it takes you whatever we’re okay with that so please don’t think you’re wasting our time we love doing it we enjoy doing it and it’s a lot of fun so when you’re thinking about visiting and you’re like maybe i don’t want to do that wrong answer just book the day and we’ll take you out for half a day and then you’re free to go do the rest of your visit however you want but we’ll really give you some good accurate and informative and uh info yeah informative information informative information action-packed action action-packed action and informative information and some chicken legs and some chicken chicken free free pickles no we don’t do free chicken but we do have our cars always always fully fully stocked with pickles and with snacks and with drinks for for you guys when we take this tour yeah it’s a good time it is a good time all right so that’s our little tidbit for the for the day if you’re thinking about visiting just book it with us in advance in advance and we’ll have a great day all right so cheers to you bye