Selecting a buyer agent is like dating for two reasons: (1) you want to make sure the fit is good, and (2) two-timing is a bad idea.
Today Diane and Randal discuss go deep into this important step in your home search journey.
hello hello hello folks peeps bour oh so
French this is Dian Randall bro coming
to you live from Prescot Arizona here to
talk to you about the most important
thing selecting an agent when you’re
traveling in from out of town yes so
this is the buyer side talking about
what buyers need to do in order to Def
find agents more in the news people
would use Buyer Agents without giving it
much thought uh now with the lawsuits
and everything people are starting to
think a little bit more about it and how
they should go about selecting their
agents it’s very important make sure you
have a good report with your agent we
act as a lawyer we act as a negotiator
we act as Bankers setting you up with
lenders Bridge loans Etc we act as
therapist we act as oh let me get your
house clean for you General Contractors
we wear many different hats we’re not
just opening a door and saying you like
it sign this one page no it’s a very
complicated thorough process yes and you
need to have somebody who you trust who
you have a good relationship with who
can help through help you through one of
the most difficult times ever this is a
very important financial decision you’re
making yes so you you need to have some
solid people backing you up and who will
fight for you and help you every step of
the way yeah two Dimensions yeah two
Dimensions really on that there’s the
there’s the hard side and the soft side
so on the soft side you know you’re
going to be going through a very
stressful time yep uh we know you’re not
going to be at your best because you’re
under a lot of stress and everything you
need someone who you can trust who you
feel comfortable with who you like kind
of have fun with you feel comfortable
with you need that on the hard side you
need someone who’s competent you need
someone who knows the numbers who can
tell you if a home is overpriced or
underpriced who can tell you all the
raro associated with this loan or that
loan the the Contracting process
negotiation Dynamics it’s there’s a lot
uh so make sure you get someone not just
someone that you like but someone that
you’re confident can actually do the job
well for you because you’re spending a
lot of money on a home you you want to
make sure you do it right 100%
absolutely so it’s all about building
the relationship between us and you yeah
and you’ve got to have a high level of
Competency a high level of confidence um
in the people you’re working with that
they will have your best interest at
heart and they’re going to help you
every step of the way which we 100% do
uh we’ve had many sleepless nights on a
lot of deals y um we get you through it
without burdening you with what’s
happening we try to problem solve behind
so you don’t have a complete nervous
breakdown let us have the nervous
breakdown for you which we do that’s
what we’re here for so when we get
together recently we had a lovely person
a lovely cou coup we got together they
hopped in the car and we asked them to
sign our our exclusive employment
agreement which will be whether you like
it or not you will have to sign July 1
that’s the new law so those contracts
have been around a while we’ve been
using them for a while now yes what is
new is that they are becoming mandatory
it will be mandatory you will not be
able to go into a house with an agent
without an agent unless you’ve signed uh
an employment agreement and all it does
is go over our compensation all of that
is negotiable it will be negotiable we
can figure that out who’s going to pay
what it’s don’t worry it’s not going to
be you know we’ll we’ll make it we do
get paid for doing this if you have a
problem with that then it probably won’t
work out but you know the Secret’s out
of the bag we are getting paid to do
this if you’re okay with that then
chances are you won’t have problem so
when you come so we had somebody come in
lovely couple that got in they’re like
well we’re not signing that employment
agreement agreement
because um we’re gonna try out another
agent tomorrow okay so let me be clear
on this we had a whole day scheduled
like she had uh she had to call up all
the in schedule all the homes we looked
at eight different homes we were in the
car like four hours more than that yeah
and uh and then in the end well we’re
going to do the same thing with another
agent tomorrow not great not cool not
cool you don’t do that you know it’s not
very ethical you should you just kind of
wasted our time either we’re going to
have a relationship or we’re not either
we’re going to go steady or we’re not um
it’s not a dat the tour you decide you
don’t like us that’s a different totally
but don’t come in town having scheduled
you know buyer tours with more than one
agent that’s just and we’ve had a couple
people they’ll they’ll work with four
different agents it it’s and nobody
knows nobody even knows they don’t tell
anybody that’s not coetic not ethical
and it’s not ethical to sign an
agreement and then say oh well I think I
found something else with another agent
that can give me a better deal so I’m
going to cancel with you no we spent a
lot of time and effort so please keep
that in mind and just be happy with your
decision we promise you won’t go wrong
if you work with us yeah we will be
there with you to the very end recently
Randall was over there bringing our
Dolly and helping a another client
unload his truck yeah yeah so uh we are
a full service full service we give you
our all 100% so you want to make sure
you’re working with someone who’s going
to do that absolutely you know be be
fair be fair just be fair yeah like I
say you wouldn’t go to the doctor and he
gives you an opinion and then you’d say
you know what I’m going to go try
another doctor but I’m not going to pay
you I appreciate your time I appreciate
your education and all your expertise
but I’m going to go try somebody else
and then I’ll let you know if I’m going
to pay you we just don’t it’s not cool
because we are we really deliver our all
to you so please keep that in mind yeah
if you wanted to do an interview yeah if
you want to interview a few agents you
know over coffee for an hour or
something but don’t take us yeah that’s
fine don’t take us out six hours and
then and then tell you oh by the way
we’re going to try some I I’m working
with you yeah you um not cool so again
if we have this contract and you get
wigged out by and you’re all nervous
about it don’t sweat it um if something
terrible happens and we really don’t get
along and it’s all falling apart uh
we’re happy to get a divorce or an
annulment you know it’s not like we’re
going to hold your feet to the fire
because if we get to that point chances
are we don’t want to work with you
anymore either to be honest you know
what I mean so try to keep in mind and
be kind to us agents out there most of
us work super super hard for you we want
to bring our best to you and you want
those people would be successful
absolutely so so good tip good tip just
be careful when you’re selecting uh do
your research on Google first don’t
don’t take us all out on a date nobody
likes that
yeah if you like tips the place to go is
our free information site pickle
there is something there if you are a
buyer seller somewhere in between
that will Amaze Astound inform entertain
and demolish I I don’t that’s right and
it’s all free it’s all free and we’re
here for you and we want to deliver 100%
so uh don’t hurt my feelings yeah be
cool be cool and uh let us get you the
perfect home and in the perfect town of
Prescot we can’t wait to help you all
right take care thanks for listening bye
French this is Dian Randall bro coming
to you live from Prescot Arizona here to
talk to you about the most important
thing selecting an agent when you’re
traveling in from out of town yes so
this is the buyer side talking about
what buyers need to do in order to Def
find agents more in the news people
would use Buyer Agents without giving it
much thought uh now with the lawsuits
and everything people are starting to
think a little bit more about it and how
they should go about selecting their
agents it’s very important make sure you
have a good report with your agent we
act as a lawyer we act as a negotiator
we act as Bankers setting you up with
lenders Bridge loans Etc we act as
therapist we act as oh let me get your
house clean for you General Contractors
we wear many different hats we’re not
just opening a door and saying you like
it sign this one page no it’s a very
complicated thorough process yes and you
need to have somebody who you trust who
you have a good relationship with who
can help through help you through one of
the most difficult times ever this is a
very important financial decision you’re
making yes so you you need to have some
solid people backing you up and who will
fight for you and help you every step of
the way yeah two Dimensions yeah two
Dimensions really on that there’s the
there’s the hard side and the soft side
so on the soft side you know you’re
going to be going through a very
stressful time yep uh we know you’re not
going to be at your best because you’re
under a lot of stress and everything you
need someone who you can trust who you
feel comfortable with who you like kind
of have fun with you feel comfortable
with you need that on the hard side you
need someone who’s competent you need
someone who knows the numbers who can
tell you if a home is overpriced or
underpriced who can tell you all the
raro associated with this loan or that
loan the the Contracting process
negotiation Dynamics it’s there’s a lot
uh so make sure you get someone not just
someone that you like but someone that
you’re confident can actually do the job
well for you because you’re spending a
lot of money on a home you you want to
make sure you do it right 100%
absolutely so it’s all about building
the relationship between us and you yeah
and you’ve got to have a high level of
Competency a high level of confidence um
in the people you’re working with that
they will have your best interest at
heart and they’re going to help you
every step of the way which we 100% do
uh we’ve had many sleepless nights on a
lot of deals y um we get you through it
without burdening you with what’s
happening we try to problem solve behind
so you don’t have a complete nervous
breakdown let us have the nervous
breakdown for you which we do that’s
what we’re here for so when we get
together recently we had a lovely person
a lovely cou coup we got together they
hopped in the car and we asked them to
sign our our exclusive employment
agreement which will be whether you like
it or not you will have to sign July 1
that’s the new law so those contracts
have been around a while we’ve been
using them for a while now yes what is
new is that they are becoming mandatory
it will be mandatory you will not be
able to go into a house with an agent
without an agent unless you’ve signed uh
an employment agreement and all it does
is go over our compensation all of that
is negotiable it will be negotiable we
can figure that out who’s going to pay
what it’s don’t worry it’s not going to
be you know we’ll we’ll make it we do
get paid for doing this if you have a
problem with that then it probably won’t
work out but you know the Secret’s out
of the bag we are getting paid to do
this if you’re okay with that then
chances are you won’t have problem so
when you come so we had somebody come in
lovely couple that got in they’re like
well we’re not signing that employment
agreement agreement
because um we’re gonna try out another
agent tomorrow okay so let me be clear
on this we had a whole day scheduled
like she had uh she had to call up all
the in schedule all the homes we looked
at eight different homes we were in the
car like four hours more than that yeah
and uh and then in the end well we’re
going to do the same thing with another
agent tomorrow not great not cool not
cool you don’t do that you know it’s not
very ethical you should you just kind of
wasted our time either we’re going to
have a relationship or we’re not either
we’re going to go steady or we’re not um
it’s not a dat the tour you decide you
don’t like us that’s a different totally
but don’t come in town having scheduled
you know buyer tours with more than one
agent that’s just and we’ve had a couple
people they’ll they’ll work with four
different agents it it’s and nobody
knows nobody even knows they don’t tell
anybody that’s not coetic not ethical
and it’s not ethical to sign an
agreement and then say oh well I think I
found something else with another agent
that can give me a better deal so I’m
going to cancel with you no we spent a
lot of time and effort so please keep
that in mind and just be happy with your
decision we promise you won’t go wrong
if you work with us yeah we will be
there with you to the very end recently
Randall was over there bringing our
Dolly and helping a another client
unload his truck yeah yeah so uh we are
a full service full service we give you
our all 100% so you want to make sure
you’re working with someone who’s going
to do that absolutely you know be be
fair be fair just be fair yeah like I
say you wouldn’t go to the doctor and he
gives you an opinion and then you’d say
you know what I’m going to go try
another doctor but I’m not going to pay
you I appreciate your time I appreciate
your education and all your expertise
but I’m going to go try somebody else
and then I’ll let you know if I’m going
to pay you we just don’t it’s not cool
because we are we really deliver our all
to you so please keep that in mind yeah
if you wanted to do an interview yeah if
you want to interview a few agents you
know over coffee for an hour or
something but don’t take us yeah that’s
fine don’t take us out six hours and
then and then tell you oh by the way
we’re going to try some I I’m working
with you yeah you um not cool so again
if we have this contract and you get
wigged out by and you’re all nervous
about it don’t sweat it um if something
terrible happens and we really don’t get
along and it’s all falling apart uh
we’re happy to get a divorce or an
annulment you know it’s not like we’re
going to hold your feet to the fire
because if we get to that point chances
are we don’t want to work with you
anymore either to be honest you know
what I mean so try to keep in mind and
be kind to us agents out there most of
us work super super hard for you we want
to bring our best to you and you want
those people would be successful
absolutely so so good tip good tip just
be careful when you’re selecting uh do
your research on Google first don’t
don’t take us all out on a date nobody
likes that
yeah if you like tips the place to go is
our free information site pickle
there is something there if you are a
buyer seller somewhere in between
that will Amaze Astound inform entertain
and demolish I I don’t that’s right and
it’s all free it’s all free and we’re
here for you and we want to deliver 100%
so uh don’t hurt my feelings yeah be
cool be cool and uh let us get you the
perfect home and in the perfect town of
Prescot we can’t wait to help you all
right take care thanks for listening bye