Road construction is always a pain, right? Turns out, if it's kept up with, it's not so bad at all. In this quick clip we discuss Prescott's "road construction season," and why it's a breeze compared to other cities.Video Transcript
hi hi hello hello hello oops Rattle and Diane bro here in the pickles Arizona here in Prescott Arizona you’re correct um we are here to talk about something I absolutely love I’m so excited about because I’ve lived in places where I didn’t get to enjoy this road construction road construction so road construction is always a pain in the butt yeah you got the cones and the flags and you know but if you were born New Orleans Roads and raised in a city like New Orleans you will appreciate road construction New Orleans is pothole pothole pothole uh nothing is ever fixed it just gets bigger and bigger and bigger until finally whole cars are swallowed up and then maybe they might yeah when they start losing citizens in the potholes that’s when they go out and they throw some asphalt on it that’s right so what Prescott Comparison we have found here it’s fascinating is after winter you know with the contraction of ice and this and the other sometimes the roads get a little rough get some cracks and things like that with that fail come springtime road construction videos they already have had it planned out um the mayor and his team sit down and they decide okay let’s let’s do our budget let’s get this handled and sure Spring Road Repairs enough the cones are already up here we are in the end of April uh roads are already getting repaved and spiffied up yeah after the winter season you don’t see a lot of road construction here that last year round or four years you know Comparison to Los Angeles when we drive into La they’re doing uh work on the uh the freeway it’s been going on for years that’s right uh and it never ends and you’re there it brings traffic to a standstill and you don’t see anybody working you know all day long not here they come not here they come they knock it out they go to the next phase wherever they’re working um and it’s very nice it’s very uh no potholes here yeah it’s very unique for us we love it I’m like wow this is amazing they take care of business yeah so if you come here now like March April uh you will see our roads at their absolute worst if there’s a crack in the How Cracks Appear road what happens is water gets down in the crack and it freezes overnight and expands makes the crack bigger so Winter’s here tear up roads so they don’t do a whole lot of construction during the winter because it’s useless it’ll just tear it all up that’s right so starting in early spring they’ll jump on it and start and they do just a great job they do so it’s it’s just when I Progress is Good! think oh wow this road is really rough the next day without fail there they are there they are working on it so it’s very nice to be in a progressive town that looks ahead at what could be happening and what they’re going to have to address and actually expressive is kind of a loaded term and they actually do it they actually do it they make progress they make progress you made progress and I’m happy to be the recipient that’s exactly right having come from a town in New Orleans where it’s nothing but potholes now we’re the only crazy people who smile when we go through Road constructions but taking care of business if you live without it for a while you you’ll love it so that’s our little tip about road construction here don’t get thrown by it we just keep on top of things here and keep our little town running smooth like a top that’s exactly right that’s except for the day if Wind Down you’re looking for more tips the place to go is that is our free information site whether you are buy or seller somewhere in between there’s something there waiting for you that will Amaze Astound inform and Delight you there you go and it’s all absolutely free absolutely free donations you know we’ll take some donations I’m okay with that yeah no I’m kidding all right all right my friends that is all for today and we hope you have a wonderful rest of your day bye